HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-05-13, Page 3s. . • , , S 3.I, . 1 r.11 .. .. ., .: ... i. . �. ...v: ..i ..,:r ,. 11 , . . fA#.I #� + . a, I tl►G :i 1!ll . R _icefi .iN': a..., r ,,. . .r f.r .�.. ,.�... -rTl, J 'g, .yy. v. a... .. .. - x. "t 7 r'dt. . #1? tl l Fi"tills'» xk 1 . }� 111 �r ,, b ..; p,, all1� r� r . - a ,. ' lP,�;l , ., ,...fit ;, .., w-�- ., . ., .. , ,' . � tltsi lilh9kt0l-:il�Ht���?(S�. .'�� � $�+ ties "+1►bi VA it. .:� °r r> ,,,, . , i „ , . ; , I i'... , gip, i'l.>?a •tttairt►1 dl,4t,.., y+"p5 ...nr.a.. - :9.. ..AI ®:, ... . t ' j�t0, ,FAt1 fI' ill,i�'rd5fi'p Gf,1lt i , 1 ;. q. J�1.l l q • P� ., r, :v a D, o u>ltlegi 1'atnl l ,,., o f r�i ` ` i 0 . Wig aR1n fkz7 . �lk>x" dAill t,, k111tF1c N, .j ,, r, 'I '.•:..:... -. f. r" , • � P 4 00' 7Y,f. +.d b:.`f., Art .?-' ,, i ��. ;' rGiElkt9 . ih tits„.Y. .l;, 0 , t K . K d gal lxldarob�lule rkv'�nt, It k+alon t► °r+ ;4 :.ta [ �,.,.. ,, i. T a ave •Asal�l�t It ltl(rlt , You are weak, run', lu�ax : �;.. "..... a '00 ehleld. r wt til ._ .. ,pt' Ilttlotly to the fttr-away future. i 1( �t� c un o u`bub bht► ldraM'pIt"l3xnolt, t ; " iS” ,Monday .qt t1YY1y �v4f 1 • , r� ^� ht Attu tti1R t �.; anbtln t Snit 6110. 9#IRII+!r I atquufb t fI n ch her, All+ liter ou4i That ended ttxa palttici:ln a courtahlp I hes d 1S fTa>�1' .�'engtlx gll?# , r "' ahleid iter, m iter 1# t �f Airs. Oaeood, and gradually the of 4 sl s:: ' ' ,: block, YlO ttrt brothren,:ltiw4ye ji'won 910"Ps ("t 00 oA ip, ak tlisg AtftM Doct ors' call our case a>l?l- ? ', , P .pada weitwfno• yet to lfwi ,leg' 0(111 fend et l,,1'.t. Order. fee.tion which he haft olwayg chiprish- I �; . ' ORN Vv.ld. iiyrpatipromplygtended to Sow my, begrt shrlyk9 with fear. ed for the mother seamed to be with- �@I7iia—there i9 a�- 1A,t,l1r �x �tgb9t icatllamep0 t8bb. AR. J. d. FREER NI tl to leave thee d ar i11 �, # , %ti ...— P. CAIVTF,LON, JR. Ego. J. P, S8P1'PAitD, D. k y 1 4• a and porn wjtlt p drawn from her ahrina and fleFoalte$ r 4 N, ■ Is Vttst�loome of woe and sin; µt the feet ai the son. x.aralu Osgood ire 1� your �Qp Scott's �A', X8,000,000 HARNESS )EDIFORIUAt. DLYTIiIs UAIT Our w�altb 9f love and bites , """ �•"e . „ a tvas possessed of his mothers ardent f t T, z61,87fI,000 A tz ld� fine hoaventy-perfect is; imulsi0l�l of COd-liver Ol�r yLINTON edge, Na. 84, A, F. A. M. soots (food -night, my little noel disposition, untampered by her reserve, I N a, ICE. Glod keep thee, darlingl Itnd he returned the proffered intend- wit ophosphltes, i.s the b1� Op9a - .� XONTR�EAL. C every Friday., on or actor the moon. YtplE -James Thotaleon. 1 ingbretttrouaordlallvrnviEad ship in good measure, The boy's lelh best food -means o£ getting . J H', R,,dd01!.SON President. A. J. HOLLOWAY, W. M. J, B, RUMBALL, S.a. birthday and tour succeeding ones �� �� �j QV�i` same and went, making great red -let- your strength back --your a,4p', 4 , It WOLFIIRs'1`Al7 f HOMAS,General flan& or. Clinton, Dec. 6. 1895. Thorn befog some misunderstanding u with ra• f 1 7I 1 rR K .-- gard to wreckage, let It be distinctly understood ' ter days In Joseph Lawrence's Galen- AL1A ��. t;, that i! any person takes possession o! any kind doctor will tell you that. l 1tti0tetl dlsaounted (7oileotloAs made, Drafts �� �, T. ��, of wreckage and tilts to report to mo I shall of der. When the Younger man was 20 e ' 388Aet#, 13tarliu$ sand American ex- _ r once take proceedings. Remember this is the After the fifth Year of Mrs. Osgood's some of the native acuteness whish He knows a1S0 that when {&° 11 ,',al'' change bought and sold at last warning [shall gglvo. pAPT. Wld. BARB. widowhood had passed away everybody Lawrence had partially repressed since L i+`' {r Kearns Tent No. 60, Xulghte of the Maccabees of Reaelvor of Wrea"a Godorloh, In Lebanon commenced to say 1t was a the digestion 15 Weak it 1S {}', r. . lowest ourreut rates. the World. 61,06, 59,000 and $%NO Policies, Mem- Uodarich, Sept. W1891. his retirement from politics again 1 shame that she didn't marry again. upped out, and he decided that it better to break up cod-liver Issstuer AhwWlip ON parontTa bership over 100,000. Asaeeemout prineiplo-has - There had been a time half a year be- - a,ir:, Hover e:oeeded 12 aseesafsontd in •year. Uhea eat a®� w Lc was time to make a dextrous stroke. H, --^• and asto4lu exlstenoe. Meate in orango llalt, bila- 1- SALE. core' when It seemed as though there He took young Osgood into his confl. O11 Out o the body than t0 Kiri ;%¢%,. �.A-�M&�Ita. ton, arat&bdthirdFriday of every month. • was a possibility of her doing such a 11'; Ilonay &dYanaod to farmers on their own notes _ thing, and then the vacillating public donee• burden your tired digestion ;' `' with one or more endorser... No mortgage re• The property at resent occupied by the un- "Lorain," he said, one night, looking t ri�Q�,s �'ri0��, had thrown up its hands in horror and with lt. SCOt�t s Emulsion ", yllitedassecurity. H C. BREWER, dareigdad as a raeipdenoa on the Huron Road, at the young man sadly, "I've made a ` in the Town of aoderioh, consisting of ane half of had declared that to so desecrate ,the good many mistakes in my life, but tha does that. : k Mang ,�>,. FEED STORrE an &ore of land, good frame house -story and a memory of a loved one in such a short greatest of all was my neglecting to ` x p4aembor, 1895. O f half -seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and I time was sacrilege pure and simple, Scorn & Bowua, Bcilevil Oat .- .�* marry in my early days.. There's Holt- e. Sec- Clinton, soft water, good stone odllar, stable, wood and and that no right-minded woman would Ing so conducive to happiness and pros - 'r, Irle 1'�cTaggart carriage houses, Thera are also some goad fruit think of bestowing herself as a help- V ilii���Si f trees. Thia roperty is beautifully situated and mate upon another before the lamented pertly as an early marriage. Thluk V NE tom` BRAN and SHORTS in Large or i ht t t1 retired- over it, my boy, and if you find a face r .i' BNN^6Ri Small nantlt169. Q!4. very suitable oranypersonwa ng o ver Pot further particulate a ply to Osgood was cold In his grave. Four years and a half was hardly sufficient and character that please you and that of making you happy. u eoiantifie ears id ; p; e' Remedies, f lly prepared etue[u/ly prepared Remedies, used for yearn In ,, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. "I�o I may take that s.rtswer sa final, mixed in it; add the e a to the �} ; ppoto?” he suggested, meekly. the ,OAMP10N, 641-tt Barrie to r.0oderloh. time for a person to attain a state of give promise don't mock fate by throti�ing your private practice and for over thirty years by the Every single spedno ♦, OIL CAKE, LINSEED MEALS ter, and to -da I am a sonnd roan, ow- 1-,.-. -_ .,.- ,. Y -- I- ,.r &hl- .,...,, -,I- 1• - 'W :. frigidity, reckoning by Lebanon stand- chance to the Pour winds. You wouldn't people with entire euceesa. Bushel C „ J. 0. STEVENSON# arda. But when her cousin, who had been for time, went mind marrying by the time you are .of a special cure for the disease named .t arscitrto Iron Farc=e d OPN9R.AL BAATXI 0 BUSINESS 10 lbs, Choice Oatmeal for one visiting her a short age would you, Lorain?" 1 -Fevers, Congeatious, Inflammations., .25 TRA NSAOTED. N to israunted . Dra(ta Issued. Oats �y j VO01�, CLIVTON. Furnl�ture Dealer, &li. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND back east and the severely censured widow very clearly demonstrated that her Intentions had been entirely mis- understood, Lebanon, collectively and Lorain laughed. "No," he returned, "I guess not. Find me some one to love, and I will do the rest I hall believe you are right, hi r.1. 2 -Worms, Worm Fever, worm cone,,. .25 . g-Teetkingt Colla Crying, wakefulness .24 4-Diarrhea,ofChildren orAdults ...... .25 'i -Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis .............. .25 . ;.., Interest Allowed on Deposita. Clinton, June 8th, 1891 858y VC.S ifal. DR. W. GU N N, '" L. R. 10. P. and L, R. C. S., (Edinburgh. Office - fi� Ontario .Greet Clinton. Night calla at front door of Y residence on RAtoubary street, oppoa�te Presbytor- tau church. DR. TUIRNBUL4.. !:a• --- �•!. J. L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; ' I M.,viatorla Uaiv- M. C. P. & S. Out, ; 6 Ilow of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late "i ' London, Eng., and Ediuhurgh hospitals Ot➢ce: �, Dr.. Dowsley's stand, Ratteul,ury Stn Night calls answered at Office. �* -- DR. SHAW. Office in H.)d3en'a Blonk, B tttenbury St., Clinton, int. Night calls at same place, �'as. S. Freeborn, I TD, L. K. & Q. 0. P., I., M. C P. & S. Or, &a„ &ar Graduate of King's & Queon'a College of Physicians, � Dublin, freland, Lioenti,vte of the General Medical Council, aeaat Rritnin. Member of College Of "rhydieia^.a acd Surgeons, Ontario. Formerly real- deuto Lae Rotunda Iiospttal (Lying-in and Gynm- :ological), Dublin. Special attention to diseases of women and children. office and residence, Rattenbury St., next door to Ontario St. Methodist pareonago. 839-1 y :. — — pfutiotrm. Dr. Bruce, Surg_enn Dentist. --.-. -- . -OFFICE-Over Taylor's Shoe Store, intOn, Ont, Special attention to pre- ation of natural teeth. B. -Will viaft Blyth every Monday, and 'Ba old every Thuraday afternoon during the au mor. Ra Agnew, L. D. S., DO D. S. . DENTIST. Graduate of Royal Coll agge of Dental Sar- 6eous, of Ontario. Honor J situate of Trinity University, Toronto. BtA Local Anaesthetic for painless extraction. Office opposite Town Rall, over Swallow's Storz. Night Bell at swered. Will visit Hensall ec ,l••v Monday, and Zurich the 2nd Thursday cf well month %foal, MG. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, - Conveyancer, &o, office -coiner Hamilton and 8t. Andrews -ate., opposite Colborne Hotel, Goderich, 886-tf RC. HAYS, Barrister, Solicitor, mc. Office, cornet . North Street and Square, !near Registry 70faee Goderieh, Out. 7. SW Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. J. SCOTT, J Barri8ter, circ., :1 ELLIOTT's BLOCK, - CLINTON 14 Money to Loan. ! . ----- - .---------- -. -- -" E. CAMPION, Q • C, ,. _� BARRISTER, - - - SOLICITOR. NOTARY, 4e., GoderleU, - Out ; olfloe-Over Davis' Drug Store. Money to loan. 752-11 -.-- FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Individually, began to lean toward the 8-•Nea de,ebe, T ick Hea ch en Vertigo.. .25 other side of the fence, and It wasn't Lawrence. Early marriages are tin- 0-Dysu a star sick Hess, Con• vertiOn. ,25 HILL'S FEED STORE, ---- doubtanoedly to s commended." 10--Dyapepsla, orPBiliouannf Po iods... .25 Opposite Town Flail, Clinton, Out long till it had jumped clear over and Lebanon was beside itself with curl- II -Suppressed orPaiuful Periods... .iL5 was equally loud In Its renunciations aoity when Joseph Lawrence's ,Aster- 12 -Whites, Too Profuse Periods........... .25 CSO TO THE of a woman who was selfishly with- 13 -Croup, Laryngitis. Hoarseness...... .25 11URON STREET, CLINTON. holding the light of her comely counts- !n -law and her daughter came down to 14 -Salt Rheum, Erysipelas.Eruptfons.. ,25 5 1 Union Shaving Parlor nance from some poor wayfarer whose the old place from the city to keep 15 -mala ts, Ch , R.hever an Paine...... .25 path might need illumining' by her house for hem. There had long been a 18-,Matarla, Imus, Fever dna Ague lathe a . .25 The Boat Earl Secd Potatoes and all presence. rumor current that Lawrence was not 19 -Catarrh, Iaauenztt,ColdlnthaHend. .25 Y For first-class Hair -Cutting as generously disposed toward hls rel- 20 -Whooping Cough ...................... .25 and Shaving. Perhaps the one person in all Leban- atives as his circumstances would .Per- 2'Y -Kidney Diseases ..................... .25 kinds of first-class Clovor, Timothy, Field on who was most sincerely grieved by 28 -Nervous Debility .... ............... ..1,00 l mit, and his sudden relenting was a 30 -Urinary Weakness .................. ,25 and Garden Seeds, Flcur and Food of all Smith's block, opposite Post Office Clinton Mrs- Oagood's oft -repeated and evident- 34 -Sore Throat, Quincy, UlceratedThroat.25 ' ly meant assertion that she had no matter for much surmising. But all .J. EIYIERTON, 1 ropriotor, guessing invariably ended In Lebanon et n DR. HUMPHREYS' r1 C kinds. Closest living prices for cash. SALT , desire to renounce her widowhood was ]] SPECIFIC FOR GRiP 25 . rr7�r��� Q (�1(l. Joseph Lawrence. Lawrence was a re- acqui i congratulating itself upon the, f in stock and for sale. TEAS of the choicest ' `/1/ l (i(� `J `J acquisition of a valuable addition to its Put up :aemall bottles vest pleasant pellets, lust St tired politician, who for some twenty ranks in the person of Joseph Law- your vest pocket varieties and blends. Excellent value. odd years had served his country in sold by Dra.1me a, . sent prep.ld of rscelrc .r pricer CHEMISTS &DRUGGISTS fence's niece, who was a remarkably Da.nnrea¢�va'MBaast.(Eal•rgad do [t.vi.a4,l u�n-en vasa. one capacity and another, but who nugrunars'nkD.to., Ill& 11awuil-st., SICIVIolm J W. HILL, HUI.Ori St., Clinton pretty girl, and who, St was hinted, _ _ Great Northwestern Telegraph office, had at last grown tired of originating would inherit the maJor portion of the SPECIFICS. and executing schemes for the party's politica.11y-acquired property. Mrs. Os- Central Butcher Shop • Albert Street, - Clinton. aggrandizement, and had settled down on the proceeds realized, which, though good was the only one who viewed the COUCII & WILSON 1 I T7ROPEIiTY FOR SALE OA large, were not commensurate with the new comers with alarm. She had never P RENT.-Advertleerswill find `•The 1'odigious amount of work which he objected to the strong attachment ex - H News -Record" one of the best medium p Isting between her son and the rejected Sabycribers desire to notify the public that they . in the County of Huron. APvertise, to had conscientiously performed. He had suitor, but when It dawned upon her have bought ont. the butchering bu4ns86 lately con- 'The Nows•Record"-Tho Double Circulation Talks ),ng looked with covetous eyes on Mrs. ducted by Mr, Jac. A. Ford, and will continue the to Thousands. Ratesa lowasanr. Osgood, and even when the report that that the affection was becoming aPAV R �} (Mgyp sante ander their personal enpervision. Orders will family affair in which the niece was re-TURADEMARNShave prompt and careful attention. Fresh meats of - she had pronounced her ultimatum in ceiving all the homage naturally dueall kinds will be kept in season, sold at reasonable PUMPS!PUMPS! regard to second marriages was ttrip- PYRIGHTS. rate%and delivered anywhere in town. ..— ping from tongue to tongue, the nat- her from an earnest, romantic young' CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For a ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS N-. WILSON. It you want A first class, well•mado pump, one that man, her fond mother's heart ached swer unit an honest opinion, write to y ural bouyancy of his nature prevailed, with an indefinable dread and she trem- MINN9f i) N it, Co., who have bad near)yy fifty years' CLINTON. will give you sati%faetion, send your cider to the and he bolstered up his spirits with the experience In the patent businesa, Communlca- undersigned. He will dig and clean wells and do list bled at the thought of another woman =nee confidentled. A Ilandbook of in - C E N T R A L BUTCHER SHOP the closest prices. He also handles a first-class hope that the widow had wisely de- reigning supreme in her boy's life. formation conoorntng patents and bow to ob FORCE Pump. clined to set up the true secret of her Just after Lorain was 21 the decisive twin them sent, free. Also a catalogue of mechau- heart to be Pecked at by social dawn, teal and scientific books Bent free. FORD &MURPHY, JAMESFERGL'BON blow came. Lorain himself was the one Patents iallno•ceIn through Munn it Co. receive Hope did not allay suspense, however, apemalnoucetnthe f3dtuntlIle Amerlcnn,and Opposlt Queou'aHotel High Street Ulinton. and In order to relieve the troubled t0 strike 1t. thus are brought widely before the publicwith- (Suocesaora to J. W. Langford.) 809 -ti "Mother,' he cried, and he drew the out cost to the inventor. Tale splendid paper, . state of his mind he decided to content Mucciweekl,elegantlyillustrated,hasbyfartho trim figure up close beside him, "I've largest circulation of m scientific work in the Having bought out the above business, we intend himself no longer with second-hand news for you-glo[•ious news, I'm to world, 53 ayear, Sample-eo essent free. to conduct it on the cash principle, and will sappy F. lis �1 ('� (l O decisions, but t0 apply directly t0 the BgRdtns Edition monthly, Ser c year. Single eau- .... our customers with the batt moats at the lowest pay r YY 1' n u be married, mother, soon." -copies 25,ceute. 'iCvery number contains beau - lo be court of justice as administered by the She did not cry out, She even ceased tlful plates; fu colors, and pphotograpphs of now FORD & MURPHY. (MEMBER OF ASSN OF P. L. 8.) widow, for a verdict, housed, with pinna, enabling b�ttiters to drew the to tremble, but she did not answer, luteal arsi,rne and secure contldets. Address 1� cL Provincial Land Surveyor Mr, Lawrence's experience as a poll- "Why don't you say something, MUNN & Cu. Naw Yonit, 361 BROADWAY. New Butcher Shop. tician had bred in him an air of ex- mother?" he laughed, raising her pale, �_ and Civil Engineer, treme urbanity when In the presence drawn face and kissing her, "ArLn't A PERFECT TEA The undersigued desires to intimate to of women and children take as a col- you glad?" Off LONDON , (aNT, lective part of a voter's possessions, but The joy that quivered in every line the people oi' Clinton and vicinity that he has OFFrca-At G. J. Stewart's Grocery Store, Clin- dealing with one of the opposite sex opened a butcher shop in the store of W. ton 761-iy 6mo` of his boyish face touched her heart, Core, Huron Street. He has had many years gtt at close range, and as a distiIndl- rely a ayed and far his sake she tried to conceal experience, and fools that he can give the {� yt vldual, was something rarely essayed the pain. . .0 best satisfaction. He will sell, strictly for Cantelon Bros by the erstwhile wily manager, and the "I had hoped I should not hear that TEA Cash, and at the lowest possible prices. morning when he called on Mrs. Osgood news for many a year," she whispered, to learn whether or no there were ••but your happiness has always been THE 011DEits RriPECTFULLY SOLICITED. GENE RAI, GROCERS & PROVIS- good grounds for the rumors then mine, you know." viNEaT TEA �7• ION MERCHANTS. afloat, his manner gave evidence of -a "Dear mother," he murmured, fond- IN THE Won LD ` M, YY • WRIGHT, - Clinton. trepidation such a8 he couldflour not re- lv "of course you know whom she is- FROM THE TEA P1 ANT TO THE TEA CVP her ever to have floundered in LIVE HOGS WANTEDt 1 Highest Markel Price Paid. ' D. CANTELON, Clinton. 1793 -Lf. B. THOMLINSON, VETERINERY SURGEON, Honorary Graduate of tas Ontario Veterinary Col. tege, Toronto. Treats all disesseA of Domestic Animals on th ,postmodern and Scientific Principles. Day and Night, Calle Promptly Answered. Residenoe-Rattenbary Street, West, Cliton Ont J, E. BLACKALL, Veterinary Surgeon, honorary graduate of SO Ontario Veterinary College, treats diseases of nil domestic animals on the most modern and actenti fie principles. SarCalls attended to alght or day. Office on Isaac street, next New Fraoffice Reeldence-Albartstreet. Clinton. -- - ---- --- ---._. __._.-__. -- Teacher of Piano Mise Hallie E. Combe, Toronto Conservatory of Music, cer tificates in Piano, Harmony and Intro- ductory Theory. CLIN'SON, ONT- Geot Trowill, Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert Street, North, - Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and first class material and work guaranteed; farm Implements and machines rebuilt and repaired. --` - Card of Thanks. TO MY MANY PATRONS: I desire to tender my sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage nocord. ed me in the past and to inform the public that I am still in the Carpet Weaving Business on East Street, Goderich, next the Bicycle Factory. Personal and mail orders will lie nfrcal receive prompt attention. All classes of work a specialty, at the lowest pos- sible prices, and satisfaction guaran- teed. W. A. Ross, East Street, We Moat Have Help, We pay men and rvomeo 0100 818 per week for easy home wdrk, o books or podd in , steady em- ployment gnaranfeod. Send stamp For work and M • 0 • JOHNSTON, BARRISTER,, - - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, ETC., (�oderioh, . - Ont. office -Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew's ate. W. BRYDONE,, BARRISTER - - SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, c -c., OFFICE BEAVER BLOCK - - CLINTON. 817-tf 011ty to Pared. HMONEY to lend In large or -mall sums or good mortgagas or personal security at the lowest torrent -rates. H. HALE, Huron at. Clinton. Money. Money to lend on good seenrlt)' at 5 and 6 per dent, Anply to C. RIDOUT, Albert St.,l linton. 852-tf, Win. Moore Has Removed ----To-•r- OOttE's BLOOK, HURON STREET, CLINTON. I am better tfian ever prepared to supply the pub - .e with the Latest Improved singer sewing Machiines• i3iebdlo8 in stock and parts as plied for alt melees Of ftttithingd. A'gout for the Goldbrated Leader Churn aril tbo most rdlfable WA«hsto and Wringers. The .,most orittoal rnepoetioA invited. WiN, >MIOORE, Crockery, Class c� Chinati a.re mem, Irene Lawrence. Her people are more before. The candid greeting which his than delighted with the match. The old IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. ALBERT ST. CLINTON, Ol\T. hostess always extended to callers, in- man is especially elated. The Pact is, ('Monsoon" Tcais put up by the Indian Tea ]ighest Cash Price for Butter and Eggs stead of putting him at his ease, only mother, I think he has been the prime Fgowr rasa, sample of the best quaktica of Indian served to bewilder him the more, and mover In assisting me to win her," Tea*. Therefore they nae the greatest care in the 52-1y with a bluntness which would have selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why tbey T NOTE filled his diplomatic soul with horror Mr. Osgood's memory took a sudden put it up themselves and sell It only in the ori mol BILA HEADS, leap backward. ppackages, thereby securing its purity and excell _We. tle.+ds, Letter Heads, Tags, in a politica-1 move, he went at the "Ah, yes," she sighed, reflectively, "I Put up to SS lb„ r ib, and s M package., and ntvev Statements, Circulars, Budinese subject that was responsible for his sold in bulk. Cards, Envelopes, Programmes, visit shouldn't wonder." etc., ete.,printei in a workman. They were married In the early sum- ALL 0000 GROCERS KEEP rr. like manner and at loo rates, at "Mrs. Osgood," he said, between asth- fner''and went away for a short tour If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write to TaE NEws-RscoRDofllce. matic catches of his breath, "I hear through the west. The Sunday after it said throughout the village that you a' STEEL, HAYTER & 00. c Mrs. Whitt, Teacher of Musio, the wtedding Joseph Lawrence, elf - never intend to marry again. My neigh- ih and 18 Front 8troet East Toronto: bors-your neighbors --our neighbors- tested by a double -plate armor of self - of Sr-. Charles W. Landon, of Philadelphia. g g assurance, made his second call o(f Mrs. '� - . '�--. -'--- - -- I--`—" The Mason Method used excluBSvely. consider this not only folly but a peal- Osgood%. He found her sitting near the It Is considered bytheleadingMuslcalArtistes that tive wrong on your part. I see, more same window against whose light her OIdOr 6ordons0emedy.for�fen no method develops the teehnic Be rapidly as Dr. clearly, perhaps, than any other, the • Jason's "Tudharid Technic," fallacy of your conclusions and beseech wholesome beauty had..been sllhouatted Piano, Organ and Technieou for nee of Pupils on the occasion of his first proposal. 1 Apartments in Beaver Block, over W. Beeeley's,Albert you to reconsider, if gossip has re- His heart was less flurried than on the ..1011�1127 street, Clinton. ported you correctly. Mrs. Osgood, do flrst day, but his method of treating Ib5 Vji . NOTICE TO NEWS -RECORD READERS. you mean never to marry again?" the errand on w'llch he had come was �•' The lady's face was tinged with a hardly less abrupt, Y• The publisher would esteem it a favor If read 1 slight flush, and she hesitated a mo- � ; "Mrs, Osgood," he said, "do You re - would, when making their purchases uention At ment before answering.U ' �� Choy saw the merchant's dvertletn.ent in'nae "Really, Mr. Lawrence," she replied, member a little conversation s had Nawe-RxaAaD• at length, "your question Is a very In this self -same place six years ago?" 0E61NNING FtR57MOMTM SjLON9MONTN Great sobs lodged in her throat andr 1611 The McKillop Mutual Fire pointed one, and I was trying to de she coughed a reply, His own memory yl code whether or not you have a right CURE N to expect an answer. But as It is a was very active then, and her words: POSITIVELY R "Which time, please heaven, wil never Insurance Company. matter on which I have no reason to .,Ome while I live," thundered in his Lost Power, Nervous Debility, maintain any particular secrecy, 1 Falling Manhood, Secret Di - don't mind telling you that I am de- ears and pronounced him guilty of stases, caused by the errors cldedly prejudiced against second mer- wrecking a mother's happiness. They andezce, raiddics of youth. Farm and Isolated Town Proper- had taunted him a good many times In Young, middle-aged or ofd TMfitO MON.++ ty only Insured. .leges. Such a course might �r. Dar the last few months, but never so loud'- m follicreringexce efrointxcesses, donable In some Cases, but ltt this In- of follies an< exceB es, restorcd to health, muu- stance, never." Lawrence's/ counts ly as then. But the poltilClan hurl hood and vigor. ontc.ae. nance was elongated to a ¢idieul( ground his ax all but the flnlshing price Sf.00, 6 bones for 55.00. Sent by malt, touches, and he didn't intend to let the securely sealed. write for our book, ",Starrtin,Q' George Watt, President, Harlock P, 0.; James degree. Fads," for hien only, tells you how to get well Broadfoot, Vloo•Prda., Seaforth P. O.; W. ,1. Shan- grindstone teat at that late day. end stay well. "Since you have posltivel stated that non, Secy. Treas., Seaforth P. 0.: Michael Murdle, "Perhaps you'll recollect," he con- tnspector of louses, Seaforth P. O, much," he hazarded, "Per laps you will tinned, cautiously, "that at that time Address, QUEEN MEDICINC CO., Box 947. ntnlscTons, tell me what le your res n." James Broad toot, Senforth;Michael Mordle,So%- She turned In her chi}. r illi her gaze you told me I Could broach a certain IIB OrfTf?cgL forth; George Dole, Seaforth; George Watt, Harlock rested on the figure of a boy, who waa subject again after your Eon married. � - , _.___ Thomas E,Haya,Seaforth;Alex Gardiner,Leodbury training vines in the garden beyond Lorain has, gone" -she looked out Thomas Garbutt, Clinton; John McLean, Klppen. toward the garden where her boy had The Fait of Mrs. Langtry recover the the wide driveway. worked that summer day six years be- li Union Bank of London to recover the A' s' "My life belongs to him," she said Thomas Nellars, Harlock; Robert McMillan, sea- softly, and the testa welled up to her fore, and her tears fell fast. "Mrs. Os- vltlur of jPmels belonging t<1 her', an forth and James Cammingy,Egmondvllle. good," and his voice was very gentle obtained from I,he bank on an order pretty eyes and trembled on her long Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans- and tender then, "are you still averse ttlleg2•d Co hove been forged, was se act other business will be promptly attend- lashes. "He is my only child, and so , f P P y to a second tnarrlage." tied riot c. t•onrt, the bank pnyiug ten ed to on application to any of the above onlecra ad- long aA I can keep hfin with me I shall She looked around on the empty house thousand pounds. dressed to their respective post offices, have no desire 'dor another companion. Wtien he matrties, Which time, please and the empty garden and then her -�_ �� eyes rested on Joseph Lawrence. heaven, ZVlil 'rimier come while I live, "No," she said, "I don't believe Y PROSTRATED FOR WANT Off' then I may consider the advisability BREATH G of choosing gtb6ther, husband.' ass•"- Chicago News. ALLAGES Sighed. In his calculations Corea for a Cold. EXTREME CARE OF 14HART DISEASE of prbepeotl've haj Plness the widow's Sit so that the back is near the fire CURET) WY DR. AONEW'R CURE. FOR may be cured. We eon had neVOr be'efi considered an un- and stay there until it is thoroughly THE HF, ART. knoWn 411FLntityt, nd he knew to a de- - --- - treat all sexual ditor warmed. gree of, f btr:i ', le exactness the age Soak the feet in mustard water as There is comfort in the thought that dere of men. Four out of the y8ung ful in question, He Dr. A n ew's Cure for the heart, is sel- hot as can be endured. B . of five who suffer nerv- wouldn't be I ` tll the following De- Drink a glass of hot water and doin unsuccessful. One of many illus - ',i ' trsnegg,mental worry, oenaber. "r'Ii�,,,' lisped was not very Scotch whisky, then jump into bed and tratious is found in the case of James I encotfri.tkift ' der the laws of the Allen o f fit. Stp hen, N. B., who says: attacks of "the blares," have blankets heaped upon You. P y state ib„u(t,.h�ghly Improbable that he "In 1$11t I watt troubled ver much are but paying the pen- dhf t a tteTcb iiihto himself a wife before If the Cold begins with a chill start �' lmmec'rately to drink hot lemonade. with sevore palpitation of theheart,and altyof early, excesses. he tStSrl'dt, fli`Id, viewing the matter even with pain in my side. My breath was 61- Tlto dread alarm of from ttttit extraordinary favorable Sggr•-COarent Fashion. very shnrt and tvith the least extra ax- ( Impotency,theexhaus- ettlnd}1o�1dt, fie old man's heart grew Take two or three large onions, al)ce ertion I became fully prostrated for don of S rrheea henvy tffitjll,j8 pprehension as he thought them very thin and frY till a nice, wtint of brenth. i was attended by.a pe�� , pf the':i g that must necesstartly ,, cpm Have ready a half dozers Its. physician for a long tirne. When in i 1 ' I. 11 , � �i , may be CURED r. elap, bef'a a he could hope for a fret- boiled eggs out to a]tcea, and a cup2ul considerable dlKtress I visited the local , ' In wriet con i'dener 9,t tfon `of Hlb plans. of nice soup stock with a little flour drug, store, and sly attention was Is16mA1PllCtlil'1 - nwdrrate rx, ftwt. "I�o I may take that s.rtswer sa final, mixed in it; add the e a to the �} ; ppoto?” he suggested, meekly. the drawn to Dr. Agnew'% cnr0 for rho heart. I obtained a bottle and before I Send for our rte scaled beak ,r PERFECT } ' onions, then pour In gravy and Hite nodded ; stir all till the gravy has thickened. took half of it I felt ever so much bet- 1i It:AX1100D.11 ''And when our son marrfea, then, j Y Serve very hot ter, and to -da I am a sonnd roan, ow- 1-,.-. -_ .,.- ,. Y -- I- ,.r &hl- .,...,, -,I- 1• - 'W :. partli Sixth at once. HERMAN A sEYMUIJR, eta ERIE MEDICAL CQt, Buffalo, N.Y. `tlbst of Commorofefl H tel, Hgront street, Clinton South sixth street, Philadelphia, Pa. 885-t 898-9m ' '',' fi ' 4, 1 k. 1 9 t .1 ' 1 i (: + at�- f t 4 J!, flim_, r .& ) '� „ r��-� �j tl2."{ t