HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-05-06, Page 4ri
ems,. 4
]kl'raoiaania ta' noue too good to
111Q ottr, repairing, therefore we have
epgaiged the services of
Mr, Clay Manville, .
of London, who has had five years
experience and who is capable of
making or repairing any part of a
•All work guaranteed and prices tight.
Are it little hard 01004;4 now
can't wake theta fitstenough. The
Toronto factory ie only turning
out 50 wheels a day and they want
quite go round. If you want to
ride a Cleveland Chia summer you
had better order now.
The Emerson, at *60
will stand the test of time and Is a
good serviceable mount.
See us berme buying.
Are You
Going to
Paper ?
That's the question. If yon are ,lun'i
fail to look over our Mammoth
Stock before you buy.
'Although we bought over 20,000 tells
we had to buy more ; but now
, our Stock is again complete.
We have the line,
We have the prices,
We have the Best
That money will buy, and last but
not least, we are the people to buy
of because we have all the New
Styles and we trim your paper
without extra charge. Others
have been satisfied ; why not you
How a Bicycle is
There is more in the making of a Bicy-
cle than you think unless you have
studied the subject. AN ILLUSTRATED
BOOKLET FREE, if you call, describes
the greatest Bicycle Factories in the
world and showsthe care taken in mak-
ing. The Standard Bicycles we sell :-
COLUMBlAB -$110 to all alike.
most popular Canadian made
wheel, $85 Cash.
A few second hand wheels -$25, $45,
Tow Advertileraento,
.Alwa.)s-L W. Chirtley.
The S •Nt . cles A I' -t & Wilson.
Clothe-; to weal•-Jac,.son B,•09.
The ;t,,0 of r.lay-Harlaod B, os.
We fh et -Rev. T. S. Lost tax.
EeL, este--.George C assn i
" of,
Coli t Feet isi Writ ,
Vr Grate
Otte ,,o . ersisernents-Hodgens Bros.
A thing of Beauty -Ogle Cooper &
The Huron News-Reeora
1 95 a Year -01.00 In Advance.
That the Canadian farmer has a
more profitable market than ,his Am-
erican neighbor there can he no doubt.
From the Toronto Globe and Buffalo
Express of last Thursday we find
this evidence aeitinst the policy of the
Reform party :-
Wheat in Toronto 78 to 80 cents.
For similar grades In Buffalo 66 and 89
Rye in Toronto 494 cents; in Buffalo
42 cents.
Oats 29 cents in Toronto and 25 cents
in Buffalo.
Hay 817 a ton in Toronto and 817 a
ton in Buffalo.
Straw, baled, $13 in Toronto and $9
in Buffalo,
Butter 14 cents in. Toronto and 11
rents for the same grade in Buffalo.
Potatoes 25 cents a bushel in Toronto
and 17 cents in Buffalo.
A study of these figures will con -
vice the Canadian farmer that if the
N. P. Isnot makinghim rich it is mak-
' ing him a good deal better off than he
would be if the it P. did not exist.
The "Glvbe'cstill, has 'Tu 'Tupper on the
bran. •It .is astonishing the way in
virtiI'oli Sir r
' Ckatlee' en ry Into public
lite has demot{allzed the Liberal party.
A convention of the Reformers for
West Huron has been called for Fri-
day of this week at Dungannon to
select a candidate to contest the com-
ing election on June 23rd. The fact is
admitted that the Party has become
tired of M. C. Cameron, the present
member. Orr several occasions the
Reformers have been compelled to sub-
scribe to the party fund to meet ex-
penses and they are becoming weary
in going down in their own pockets
for the hard cash. When the indivi-
dual members of the West Huron Re-
form Party raised one thousand dol-
lars to protest the return of Hon, J. C.
Patterson, and the protest was atter-
ward dropped, their good money was
transferred to meet %Vest Hurter Grit
election expenses, and their desire wars
not carried out. Mr. Cameron, it is
said, was quite willing to sac. ifice his
irit•nds and their money if the Conser•-
va;ive Party would give hien the Sen-
ior Judgeship of Huron, hart iii this he
did nut secure what lie was rafter.
That he will be the candidate i, nut
certain, and the only inducement will
be his possible appointment to the
Registrarship of Huron. In fact it 1)
,been rumored for ten days that if he
can secure and will accept the wankel. -
tion he will afterward receive this
appoint.nent from the Government of
Sir Oliver Mowat, no matter whether
he meets with success or defeat. There
are, it i" said, other aspirants
for the nomination, Ieohert Holmes,
Mayor of Clinton, W. Proud -
foot, Philip Holt and Daniel
McGillicuddy, of Goderich, and
pr•obehly others. i,1r, Holmes (11
Mr. 111cG111icuddy would not prove
more pat tisan than M. (`amet•on,
and would just as well obey
the behests of their party. In fact
both carry politics to the extreme in
municipal and provincial government
and might reasonably be expected to
prove equally as partisan in liornini r)
politics. Any one of the five gentlemen
mentioned would be acceptable to the
Censer.*n fives as opponents. .Although
THE NEWS -RECORD would oppose any
one of theta, we would give tne choice
to Me. Holmes over Cameron and Mc-
Gillicuddy. The selection does not
particularly concern the Conservative
Party, but rather our onpouents. .A4
choice of Any one of the live rneution-
ed would have a chance to win, but the
chance we frankly adroit is not en-
conreging for the Party of so many
Settlers' Effects. -Total imports and
exports to and from the United States
and total imports and exports to and
from all countries during the under-
mentioned yrs: -
1 ;oried Exported lrupnrtcd Exported
from to from niI to all
U. 5. U.S. Corn, ries CotwLICH
1875 881',3"0 01.513 1,358,926 No returns.
1876 727,055 8'3,822 432,623 No : eta, ns.
1877 718,105 777,40) 846,834 No t•erur.ls,
18:3 076,145 (40,008 803,581 No return,.
1.i. l,'i2
From the above it will be seen that
the settlei;s' effects exported to the
United States last year amounted to
hut very little more than they did in
1876 or 1848, while the imports
of settlers' effects from the United
States have grown to nearly four
titnes wheat it was then.
W. H. Mitchell, of I/urley-In•
Wharfdale, near Bradford, a good ex-
ponent of fiscal federation, stays, in a
pamphlet on that subject ; -
"If we t: Le the statistics of !, rade be-
tween Great Britain on 1 he one side,
and the three coup!, les fl on] which we
dia.w 0111 chief frust n se' plica of food
and r, w 111Ptet 'aim the United S; Ates,
France end Possis --on the other, rie
find that these coe'nteier, do not Lai e
half as rod<h from rs :'s we do Iron
then', oi in other words that they
spend lege than ten shillings with 08
for every ',over eikn we spend wirer
there. But if we (o,,tna, e with this.
the Matte between ourselves aura 01'-
colon:es ane possessions, we find thee
they lake (,rine us nee. lv A.. much ?s
we Lake from them; in face for ever e
twenty shillings we e rend with there
they spend nineteen s linin' -9 with ,,s.
i need scarcely ask whic.r of these
trades gives the mos., ell) ploy eient t0
oorpeople. Again, if we take the Val -
Ile to 1-s ee a dstolners, of aor fellow-
euh;eces in the colonies, and romntr e
it w:th the .aloe of foreigners, me
for mare me find th'rt one Oanamee
takes omit of our irodtict:olls tlr ti
three, one South .A tic; n more than
ten, and one Australian more than fif-
teen citizens of the United 8t' ;es,
France or Germany,
We notice by the Globe that thet
eminent would-be statesman, Robe, e;
C. Newman, has been nominated as
an independent candidate for West
Peterborough. It is to he sincerely -
hoped that he will conduct a truthful
and clean campaign in his new field of
labor and prove that he has turned over
Wly deceived the honest he so nellectoratand e of
est Huron,. Far off pastures often
present agolden glitter to the adventur
er,and many of this class are by far more
dishonest and unworthy than those
they denounde.
.1 �1
` '#he nemOeuutt 4A001.l 40 ppas>3ed
at the recent cession of the Ontario
Legislature ia. nett yet well under-
etood by the people. Huron will, 'e
laid down by the Act, he comprised of
eight or nine divisions, with two
members to a division, so that this
county will have at least sixteen mem-
bers and not more than eighteen. As
stated in last week's NEWs•RDCORn,
the division of the county into these
eight or nine ridings will be made by
two commissioners, both judges. The
qualification for a county councillor
will be the same as a town councillor,
$000 freehold in excess of all encum-
brances, and Leasehold of $1,413. No
person can be a member of the Munici-
pal and County Council at the same
time. Under the new rule the first
county council for Huron will be elect-
ed next January. That the new Act
and order of things will prove popular
THE NEWS -RECORD has doubts. Every
candidate must go to a great deal of
unnecessary labor and expense to
cover the vastly increased territory,
while the remuneration is not nearly as
liberal as members of the Ontario
Legislature receive, a body which does
not give as gond value ;o the masses as
does the County Council. There are
m:)oy valid reasons why aitch a sweep-
ing change should not be made, but
time only- can positively reveal the
good or had result. The Seefot•th Ex-
positor hast week presented a slate of
):rclioys for Herron which TFIE NEwS-
1 1 coxb roptoduces fm the benefit of
our• readers; at the saute time our
columns evil! be open to all who desire
to improve on it or who dragnet• with
lyre divisions. The Eh;posito,' divides
Hu. oo into eight.divi.r,ioos, Oving three
menicilrllities to seven division', rind
fiery to one div ibiun, e rot population
n n(1 equalized e, lite of each, re, follows ;
S,epheu 4,`271 $1,9-14,033
F: (ler 1,809 3'36,950
L1el)orne 2,528 2,014,21)
8,tel8 4,295,tc 0
Hay 4.244 1,8f13,305
2,470 1,8?i,8110
595 80,380
7,u?9 3,808,075
Goderich Township 3,814 2,050,959
Clinton 2.63,5 341,830
Hallett 3.281 2,146,190
9,730 4,744,979
2,867 1,92,0,603
2,641 512,900
3,080 2,032,729
8,604 4,475,235
Ashfield . 4,010 1,018,921
Go,lerich Town3,839 875,800
Colborne 2,2`:5 1,344,979
10,074 4,219,'?^0
West Watwanosh , . 2,3`:7
East Wawauosh2,078
W inghaut 2,167
Blyth 927
7,5J 1
Brussels . 1,•1.14
Grey 4,11'x2
T, • r d berry
Goods that are
Catarrh in the Head
Is a dangerous disease because it it
liable to result in loss of hearing oi
smell, or develop into consumption
Bead the following;
" My wife has been a sufferer iron
catarrh for the peat four yeare and thi
disease had gone so far that her eyeaigh,
was affected so that for nearly a yea
she was unable to read for more than Av.
minutes at a time. She suffered sever
pains in the head and at times was stns
distracted. About Christmas, she cora
mended taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, an
since that time has steadily improves
She has taken six bottles of Hood's Sar
eaparilla and is on the road to a complel
cure. I cannot speak too highly of Hood
Sarsaparilla, and I cheerfully recommen
it." W. H. Fons11cn, Newmarket, Ontarl
Flood's Sarsaparill
Is the Only
TrueBlood Purifle
Prominently in the public eye today.
Hood's Pills cure habitual constip
tion, Price iso. per bo
The P. P. A's meet in convention
Carlow on Saturday afternoon to no
Mate a candidate for West Huron.
The name of Major Joseph,Bec'k
been frequentlymentioned as a li
candidate in est Huron.
Sir Oliver Mowat has consent
go in with Laurier in the preser
minion contest, and in the event,
Grit party succeeding declares t
prefers an appointment to the
a chamber he has opposed
pounced for years.
Three of a Kind.
Chicago Canadlan-Arnoric
Canada's triple alliance is
of Laurier, Greenway and
The Dangerous M
Montreal Witness.
The Liberal party ha,
1,469,805 dangerous men than M
1,294,871 hanging to its skirts, and
054,703 is so openly had, so inner
138,840 one might say -for he
peered to know the diffe
3,2•.x8,230 right and wrong -that
(lined to condoue his
J,770,7.5 deeds.
L947, 710
8,479 3,9e2,oJ6
2,15,tj: )
Combines are said to be illegal, but
many who denounce such wilt he found
in any combination on the 23rd of June
that will elect their particular candi-
This is how the Grit Hamilton Times
tuns declares the Dominion Gbit pol-
icy, a policy that will not ince, fere
with the tariff, the farmer or wauufac-
trtrer :-
"We would not wait two days to see
what other countries were going to do
with their tariffs. We would abolibh
the Canadian tariff for the benefit of
the Grenadier) people, manufacturers
and their
workmen included. nc rade
1 t, an
d we
would find a way to obtain necessary
revenue by direct taxation."
"Mr. Laulrierspeak well, speak long,
but, my God, he say nothing." This
remark was made by a French Cana-
dian, and the applicability of it is
quite apparent to any per•sol, who has
taken the time and trouble to read Mr.
Laurier's speeches. At one time a
Protectionist, then for Commercial
Union; again for Unrestricted Reci-
procity, to he followed by Free Trade;
then for Revenue Tariff, again for
Free Trace as they have it in England.
Anything and everything to catch a
vote, but no settled poli'y.
The Mitchell Recorder asks Tire
Maws -Rieman if Sir Charles Tupper
is "impregnable." Our answer is Yes,
most decidedly, if we are to judge of
the false poisoned arrows shot et hien
by the Globe and whole Grit press of
Canada, and which have been so suc-
cessfully withstood and honestly com-
batted. Sir Charles Tupper is bullet-
nroof as far as Gritism 18 concerned.
We question very much if Laurier's
Saskatchewan musket could even take
effect on the "old war horse."
A pecniter featu-e of the recent hye-
election in West Huron was the tactics
of some of the Grit independent elec-
tors. In one case we have learned on
what we consider reliable authority
where a Grit independent paired with
Twti;:NT'-TARrn independent Conserv-
atives and thus succeeded in rolling up
M. C. Cameron's majority. The game
worked..well, but we trust in the com-
ing election Conservatives will be on
their guard and not be led into such
dee aid traps. Several such cases
have come to light, but this is the
most Riming one we have heard 6f.
Be on your guard.
A Liberal PI
La P.' rid, A
Yesterday a rneetin
e ilhige of St. Terni, i
the candidature of
county of L:-1111;',.
Monet declared hila
friendly seLt.leoleot
tion, and pledged li
remedial lace- 111 1•
of Menit(rha clr.es e
ority ..f elate, 1»
more a(1vent agie
in the farmer, leer
The Conservativ
Mr. Laurier
be sorry to fear•
Sun has reluc try
opir ion that S -Ch,'
succeed in getel8 , a
cient to confl?L o,n
commenting tion t
Montreal Getz -to ver
•--"The Sun (
for anti -Con
side of Cana
When it ore
are likP1ytt
party in Ca°adaa ca
0 -
n Mc -
bad, US
ever ap-
le are hi-
1 1/15 -
held at the
interest.', of
onet, in tele
ierville. M.
favor of a',
sghool ques-
f to vote fur a
e to the min-
e justice and
were flexor dee:
'11 of last ses-
cc Is
It i
or I4
Iy adm
A Patchw
W nod ste
A party to gove
united 80 98 to mat
per, and herr is ,
Grits should not
governing of the c
Laurier --All thi
Tarte -
Charlton --Cor
Lister -Protect
Hyman -Free t
Gibson --Prole
Fraser -Free
Campbell -Du
Cartwright --
The P
The most de
continuous ses
curred when, 1
tive tactics, a
Charlton, reso
menting upon
relevant to tr-
ent purpose o
That the e
ed with'deris
reverence of
cause of the
strain and In
ton's purpos
The honor
the house
pion of 8
whatever r
this act.
The Cana
neither ill
cerning ho
sincerity Is
i11 Succeed.
Movers will
e New Ivor
pictised tihc
Tupper wi'I
purity stall
power. 1 n
ttemeut the
)perly says :
tirnent out -
t of foreign
Li beralism.
t its friends
hopes of the
very high."
ada must he
)untr•y pros -
son why the
ted with the
11 men.
cal oil.
goods free.
incident in the
that which oc-
nce of obstruc-
1 member, Mr,
eading and cow -
re chapters ir-
for the oppor-
should be greet -
lie not to lack of
y Book, but be.
r, the prolonged
ion of Mr. Chart -
her, who poses in
a$fointed chatn-
eying, has lost
he possessed by
se of commons is
irreverent con.
But it demander
ming sense of flt-
Carpets both in Tapestry and Brussels, Unions, all wools, Hernia. See
Curtains aro right in line thee° days, our stook was never Larger or both*
selected, prices from 35o per pair to $8.
Wiadow blinds, winduw poles, carpet sweepers, stair rode and orni-
Floor Linoleume front 36 inches to 4 yde. wide. Flour oil cloths all
widths and patterns.
Opened today new lot men's and boy's tweed cape from 25o to 750.
New stiff hate in
browns and blacks, the latest shapes.
Lenge supply men's and boy's, latest styles in new straw hate, all new,
last year's goods all cleared out,
A Bargain in Hosiery
500 pair of Misses and Children's
Hose, colors ' and black at per
pair 5c.
A Bargain in Print.
10 pieces of Print, fest colors,
nice patterns, at per yard 5c.
A Bargain in Flannelette .
5 pieces of good heavy Flannel-
ette, light or dark colors, at per
yard 5c,
A Bargain
for Men.
30 men's Shaker Flannel Top
Shirts at 25e.
A Bargain
in Shoes
25 pair of Ladies Oxford Ties, a
very stylish shoe, usual price,
$1.25, for this week 90c.
A Bargain in
Ladies slippers
2 doz. pairs of Ladies Cloth house
slippers, comfortable and easy
fitting, per pair 20c.
A Bargain in 1'arasolSo-
We are sidling Parasols that are
warrented not to fade, with very
stylish haxldlea at 50e.
Our stock of
Millinery and Dress Goods
are mervele of beauty and excel-
Political Sayings.
The Grits have been wandering in
the. desert (led by Israel Tarte) for 18
years, so they have still 22 years before
they can reach the promised land or
treasury benches,
The secretary of the McCarthyite or-
ganization has been unsuccessful in his
attempts to induce Messrs. Wallace,
McNeill and Sproule to take the field
as out-and-out McCarthyites in opposi-
tion to the government. These three
men are still staunch Conservatives.
The utter hypocrisy of the Grit par-
the that
it is aux fi for armer t s
made manifest at the .,lose of the par•_
liamentry sessieu, when Sir Richard
Car twright so strongly objected to the
iters of 800,0:)0 to introduce the chilled
,meat business.
Clarke Wallace is all right. "We,
who take a strong stand against the
rtment on the coercion of Mani-
toba," he said at Mon t-re:,1, "w;ii he
hack ie great force, and we rive not free
1 traders or tariff reformers. The N Tonal Policy will come out all right in
the elections ; the Liberals will not get
into power." On the National Poll(
the Conservative party is still undivid-
ed. That is the bund of union.
Says the Montreal Gazette :-The
Albert ),
that :11r. Latn•it•r• has itiated that he
will accept the Liberal nomination for
l Saskatchewan. If there are any of
Reil's followers left amcng the elec-
tors of the western cnnstituencyy they
will, no doubt, vote for the Liberal
chief for the sake of the musket he
would have liked to have carried in
their racks when they were shooting
at Canadian militiamen.
ar'd Ca rtwvright ray
d reveal to er ethe
real trade policy of the Liberal party,
viz., out-and-out free trade and destruc-
tion to Canadian »gr•iculttrral and in-
dustrial interests.
At�at meeting of the independent, and
P. 1 P. A. electors of West Peterboro,
it was decided to place Robert C. New-
man of Toronto in the field against the
` old parties. It is anderst000 he runs
under the McCarthy ticket. Ile has
chosen a field as fair from West Huron as
In commenting upon Mr. Laurier's
assertion that, the industries and ag-
riculture of Canada are almost ruined,
the Peterborough Review says : "He
'night have consulted with Mr. Pater-
son, who would have told him- -to use
his own words here a few days ago -
that he `hard been driver) through the
thriving town' of Peterborough and
had been 'pleased with its industries.'
Peterborough's manufactories are not
ruined yet, but if Mr. Lai/Pier with 1 ''y
free trade 'Unrestricted - reciprocity Ili•
tariff -tinkering policy ever got into
power at Ottawa they soon would he,"
"Nothing Like Leather.
Especially when made into comfortable, shapely and durable footwear, such
as is to be had only from JACKSON & JACKSON, We have just received
from the Mau ufacturer a complete line (if the
Patent ventilated Hygienio Boot.
EXPLANATION :-The air enters two eyelets at the back of the hoot
three inches above the heel and passes down a small tube and enters a leather
channel formed between the inner and outer sole which is perforated directly
under the foot. The weight of the body going from one foot to the other causes
a suction keeping the feet dry and cool. The boot will wear longer owing
to the perspiration xOT rotting the leather. It makes no change in the shape
or style of the shoes with very little extra. cost.
Guaranteed better value than arty other boot et the same price without
ventilation. Permanent relief from damp feet, stinging creels or aching bun -
W. jaokson. Fred T. Jackson.
The New Boot and Shoe Firm, Clinzon.