HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-09-04, Page 4ndam Abbal A. G. SMITH, Editor and Prop. Lucknow Word Was rectieVed in town last week or the death Of MrS. McClelland, a former vell knoWn resident of thiS town, Her husband Who predsceased her a few years ago was a buiLding contractor and had carried on his trade for years at the Soo, coming here a few years ago, he bought it house intending to spend his remaining years herectney were not many however ho 'passed away- shortly after. Mrs. MsClelland then returned to •the Soo, as she had several daughters Haim; there, (one of whom visited here may two weeks She wAS 83 year of age. The ;144:was brought here and the' funerat took plaee trona the home of h• e- daughter Mrs. J. E. Agnew, Monday afternoon to! Greenhill cemetery.' Lucknow's ball team is kept. busy lately, PALlheAurrounding towns. wanting to take a fall ota of them, but few have succeeded •in. doing thiss but last week was apparent-. wn pttsveek as they lost two. The first was a: reinro game with Goderich which left them hanging in the small end Of a (3 te 2 spore, The other gaints, wa,s just a 'btineh•nt scrubs pic)ed, up on short notice -to play ;Lochalsh at a U. F. 0, picnic at • t't:re lake 'and. after flaying the game :Wons,Aerterstia muffed an easy one and • lat:ln three 'runs which made the wore Another ntitand highly respected resi- '4ene.of thes'e Parts passedaway last week an tha•person 'of Thomas Murray at his home on the 2nd. con, of Kinloss. The late Mr. Murray was a native of Dumfrie- shire, Scotland and •came to Canada in .,1855 and apent a year near Galt coining in •• 1856 into the bush where hisfather settled • nn Lot 20, Colt. 2, Kinloss' which ever . since has been the Murray. home. In MD he married Ann Elizabeth Tiffin and - to th,ein were born for. daughter% and , thiee,sonaaflofwhom . are living except :••the ehlest daughter who. died 13 years 'aga; 'Flat threeratnainjng daughters are in the west, Two sons George and • Joseph are on the homeplace while Jobe has tor Years conduateti trgeneral store at `..2.Lalig4cle, MrMurray wits 'vary web known dironghout ;this,' district. having' served the Township.ol Kinloss in differ- • ••ent offices for the past 47 years, the last „ seven pf which he was clerkand treasurer. ^ Hes„strongly' exhibited those traits of character Which listae ;pal Seetchinen in the front ranks in eve.rY walk of life in ''..every•celotty ili the''-Brsir Empire and ....elgewhere.•., Be •had le an eminent degree , ,.t, 'Scotch Integrity7avhich is marked i;y itIiLu1ie M. a trust strict honesty, and a deep reverence for everything worth while. Like -most of MS county men too he •W•ag a ioy1 Presbyterian and a strong • liberal often going miles in disagreeable Weather t attead meeting le -the inter- est of Liberalism. „The' funeral to Tiffins , • ceMetery on Thursday afteritnon was very largely attended. He Was in his 31st , , year. Mr. A. E. Millson whO has for years beenaptsman here, has spld out to Peter Carter who lately returned front overseas • Mr. Harry McCreath has sold his bar- bering business to Geo Huston and is moving to Toronto. . . Case McAllister who sold his house to ;t Wm. Webb has bought the property of the late Robt Cranston •Mrs F. MCIntyre has said his property -0. on the gravel. to Joe England. . • Russell Robertson has bought the front • lot of John Button's property ani intends to bttild a residence on it. • :• 'Harold Durnin net with what might Irave been A serious accident on Friday while •driving along the road between • 1- Lucknow'and St. Helens, he somehew lost • contraot the car with the 'result that he lattded in the ditch smashing afront wheel and bruisieg and cutting his leg pretty badly, • , At the recent musidal examinations the following pupils of Mrs. .Geo Smith were successful. Final piano-rtuth Sr. 2nd Piano -Ruby Garbutt, Vera Craw 'ford; Sr. 1st Piano -Isabel Nixon, Dora ' Mitchell, Phetnia Irving; Jun. tat Piano - Edna Boyle Violet Twamiey, Gladys Hod gins, Jean Durnin; Sr, R udiments-Norma Nicholson. Ruby Garbutt, Verna Metaull- LEMON JUICE IS FRECKLE REMOVER Girls! Make this.cheap beauty lotion to clear ami whiten your skin 4904.0. 0094 Squeeze the jtiice of two lemons into a bottle containing three Minces of or - hard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best •freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the tetanus and rely drug store or toilet counter will supply . three ounces of orchard white for a few eents. 'Massage the sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin becomes, Yes It is harmless. GRAND TRUNK IIML9Z8TEM THE DOUBLE 'PACK ROUTE Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service Sleeping cars on Night Trains and Parlor 'Cars on principal Day Trains. Full informatirm from any Grand Trnnk Ticket Agent or C. l Herat District Passenger Assent, Titronto Ont. W F. Surgman, Agent, Wiligham. Phone &O, 1 74" 3r. MO Is Real Value. *t0easseaisat's-asa" Yon eatt buy a Your Cylinder 5 Passenger Motor Car a tidos than the Dort. You eaunot afford a car less good than the Dort. You di) not want service loss complete. „ 'Measure the serriee and satiafartion it gives you Judge the power and quietness of jig -motor, the size and eomfort of its body, the so inches eanteleaver springs mean easy riding. Its eqttip- ment and the years of service you get front it. All these things the Dort gives you abundanaly. As well as genuine serviee from the man yon hay as is Oa SO With some other so callea pedlars who will promise you ever) thing end give your nothing. A full Jine Of parts for Dort Cars always kept in stock in ease yea tin need anything. Buy it Itort and eliminate your trotthles: 1 ilWer 'MERKLEY & SON, Agents. Phone 84' WINGIIAM, ONT. Box 62 %igoestmostmemeasweiravmutzwegateemeternmaftemeek ST.la.lotli.IGHED 1, • e „ :1-1"eAD °FRCS: HAMILTON 11.1S and the years to -folio w, will be years of reconstreetton, new voiteprises and . opportunities There will be opportenity tor you it you are able to take -advantage or it, 'What you eau do now depends upon Mira yen hare saved in the past, What you van do in the future will depend upon a hat you are saving now F AMILION WfNGHAM BRANCH C. F: Smith, Manager' 494.0400044.4449,9449..............49*•4440440..01 -SCUM940.09944404949-990, an, Vera Crawford Isabel McLeod; First Year Ilarieoey-:-Ada MeKs.); Sedond Yeae Harmony-MO(41e Athol First Written Harmouy- Ada McKay, Mildred • Treleaven; Doneltia McIntosh; Alma Mc- kaY I3 ist or) i Id red Treleaven Donal da Mclutpsh, Miss Clara McQaffilia will teach at the .2nd school house this year Mr. John Newton left on Saturday to accept a position as assistant principal of public school in Gait, • Miss'Ada Webster is goin; to teach in • Toronto, Rev F.- A McLennan of Toronto preached morning and evening in South Kinloss Presbyterian church and was greeted by large cangregations. rbugwamcom ttgagiaNkliffift MUM eis gesesimiame -•--- NEXT WEEK We plan to have for sale a few bulk Groceries. a THE PURITY RESTA.UR ANT ITAKE NOTE -Will close every Friday evening. one half hour before sundown, until Saturday, one-quarter hour after sundown. Time this week: . Friday, 7 00 p. m. to. Saturday, 7 30 p. m. Meals will be served to regular boarders during this time, . CI 1 I THE PURITY RESTAURANT I PAUL E. VAN NESS, Proprietor. Special Discount To Regular Boarders. teastataxasteiss isnalesamsaistat ems amananam agrampammai tsegaasitaxamat Prof Look for the name: All In sealed packages. 0 lsllllllMllll(IlliN1111i1111111iiiiliiiili i111111111111l11111111111111111111111111i111111111 •=.2 TS Helos appetite and digestion. Three flavours. not enough to make WR1GLEYS good, we must KEEP it good until YOU get it. Hence the sealed Package impurito-proof -guarding* Preserving the delicious con- tents -the beneficia! goods!, The Flavour Lasts -MAIM SEALED TIGHT •nt KEPT BIGHT CAtIAM 4.04040 .949.94. 1.•••••• •44909 1404•90. Z9.9r914.9' anommonsmommilinummoollimactl sr7.77 - 'hilt WI N GRAM Rey, 11*, tretunet of t'olourg preached in Lucknalea Oresbyterian Church, next Staitlay .t6 r sur, .1k e v. Mr, McCallum will preach. Mr Vin. Connell spent the past tveek in Toronto. Mr. Hayden, of the Bank of liatuiltoa is visiting at his home in Toronto W. W. Rill and Kathleen spent a few days at tile exhibition, Mrs. J. H. Clark of Southampton is els. iting at her parents home here. Miss McCloskey is spending, h hill- deys in London and ether places. Miss Rivers of God:pet:1i hi ibiting Mr. and Mrs. R. MeCitarles. Miss Iona Paterson of Termite is visit • ing at het, home here, Ewart .Cameron of Walkerton spent the holiday at Ms home here, - glair Aguew et Detroit, is at his harne here for it few days. Mrs, Stevenson of London la visaing Mr. and Mrs. David Sheriff, Jack Smith of Reina bi vssiting his mother antisisters in town The brass hatat picnic to Point Clark was called off on account or wet weather. The pipe hand supplied musk at White- church oft Menday. A number from here took in the Charlie Chaplin show in Wingletm the other night. it must have been it tong show jedging by ,the tin* they got home. A coople of loads of young people !torn town held -a corn roast it Purvis Lake on Thinsday night, a dance also ;aided to, the enjoyment. Mr. John Conneli of Florida is visiting his brother, Wm. Connell, Mr. Harry Campbell has it souflowee in his garden that has 118 flowers and 1 buds on it. Mrs Adam Thompson of Winnipeg, is visiting her son Robt, and other friends here, Fred Carruth of Wingham, spent a few day"; bere-prior to leaving •foe Ford City, Bluevale Mrs. Gannett, Sr. and Mr. James Gan, nett are at present visiting relatives at "Toronto Mr. Bari Aitcheson haa- returned to work with the G. T. R, at, Stoney Creek Mx. and Mrs Albert Jackson spent a few days with friends at Allenford Anniversary services in Methodist church here next Sunday Sept 7t1i. Rey. Clysdsdale of Fordwiehi will preach at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Mr, D Gregory of Chicago is at present visiting with his sister, Mrs. Wm. Thornicin. „ Miss Olive Masters and Mre Jas Hig- gins of Detroit spent the week end at the borne of W. J. Masters. Quite a number from here are taking in the Toronto fair this week. Mr. Robt. G. Casemore of Manistique: Mich. is calling on old frierids a'sround here at present. Rev. F. Burgess is at present holiday- ing at Union and Detroit, Rev. D, Rodgers of St. Thomas•spent a few days last week with Mr. Robt. Mus- grove and called on old friends in' the vil- lage. He looks hale and hearty. Mrs, Henry Mathers has gone to Fergus Hospital May she return in better health. Nurse 1Ticely4'returned to Fergus on Saturday aner being in attendance at the bedside of Henry Mathers who has betn serious1j ill with Pneumonia but is now improving, Pte. John. Nicholson returned to Ms home last week looking hale and hearty after his trip across the ocean. Pte. George Patterson returned on Sat- urday to the Military Hospttal, Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Smidt of Molesworth, spent Sundarat the home of Wm. Nich- olson. , • Mr and Mrs Wm. Thuell of Blyth spent the week -end at the home of Joseph Breekenridge. Mrs McFarland of Stratford has been visiting her cougin, Mrs. Robt. Black. , Misses* Mary and Jean Black have re- turned to their home at Blyth after spend- ing their holidays under the old home roof, Mrs Geo. Brandon of'Beigrave is visit- ing her cousia. Miss Owens of Listowel. Mr. and Mra. Geo Thornton end three girle •also Mt. and Mrs John Fells and son Fletcher, visited on Saturday at. Miss Owene Listowel, travelling by Auto. Remember the school Fair September Ilth. Come out, come lan, and enjoy a good day itt OTHER TABLETS NOT ASPIRIN AT ALL •44.900.49044 Only Tablets with 'Bayer Cross" are Genuine Aspirin If you don't see the "Bayer Cross" on the tablets, you are not getting Aspii in - Remember this! Genuine -"Bayer Tabieta of Aspirin" are now made in Canada by a Canadian Cont. patty. No German interest .whatever, 'all riglas being purehased from the United SI at es Government During the waracid imitations WON sold as Aspirin, in pill boxes and various other rontamms. '.1elte "Bever Cross" is your only way or knowing that you um getting genuine Aspirin, proved Info by. Millions for Headache, Neuralgia, 'Colds. Rheumatism. 'Lumbago, Nettlitia and' for Pain generally. [Tandy tin boxes of 12 tablets -also lar ger sized ' Thtsupr" parkaasee cart 1* fatd 1' at dung Mores . aspirin is the trade mark fregiatereti in - Canada) of Beyer Martufactiste of Motion- ceticeekleater of Salicylicatid. AU N ANOR moms PHYstei 03TOWATHY 8,09t, 4 *P. A. PARKEit Osteopathic', Physician. oali qttfltieU c,steopeth in North linroir. Adju%treeot, of the spine is More ton* IY siteured and with fewer treatments tha,fl lir any Otter method. Blood prossure and other extuninallotati matte, All diseases treated, OFFICE OVER cuarsisms STaz ; • 1 Corner Dendas and Rtohmond Streets. Up-to-date coursee. Day and night chime, J. Morritt, Palacio*, N. Stone:. house, Vice-prineipa1. Phone 7380, 944109•499******4 „ SMISMEN WAN TEI1. To represest The °id Reliablje Fonthiff Nurseries, The greatest demand for Nursery Stock in. years. British and European Markets agail* open for Canadian Fault. Canada, list of Fruit and Ornamental( Stock, Seed Potatoes, etc, grown in Macs 'Write for particulars , Stone 44 Welli710011 -Established 1837 TORONTO ONTARIO deateereigreffeueememememesweelenumeammeareesemek. trogreedeeell LIFT OFF CORNS! !Apply few droPS then lift sore;, touchy corns oft.with fingers Doesn't hurt it bit! Drop a littlesPree zone on an achiqg corn; instantly that prn stops hurting, then you lift it right out. Yes, magic! A tiny bottle of •Freezone costs but a few cents at any drug store, but is sufficia eut to remove every hard corn, aoft corn or corn between the toes, and the calla - es, without soreness or irration. • Freezone is the sensational discovery On a Cincinnati genius, It is wonderful • • RAILWAY TIME TABLE 90.9040•999999 Daylight Saving Time GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM • TRAINS LEAVE FOR London . 7.30 a. m. 3.20 p. m. Toronto and East 6.40 a. m, 3.10 p. m Kincardine • 12.20 p, m. 9,30pan ARRIVE Prim Kincardine 6.15 a In. 3.10 p. m. London 12.05 p. tn. .1.45 p. Toronto and East 12.20 p. In. 9.30 p. m. W. P. Burgrnan, station agent, Wingharn I. B. Elliott, Town Agent, Wingham 'CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TRAINS LEAVE FOR Toronto and East 6.40 a. m. 3.00 p. M. Teeswater 1 04 .p. tn. 10.32 p. tn. ARRIVE FROM Teeswater. - 6.40 a. m. a.00 Toronto and East 1.04 p. m. 10.20 p. m J. a Deemer, Agent, Wingham. j, W. McKibbon, Town Ticket Agent. DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN CHIROPRACTIC Chiropractic Drugless Healing accur. Moly locates and removes the cause of diseaseallowlog nature to restore health, J. A. FOX D.., D.O. Osteopathy -Electricity Member Druless Physicians Associa- tion of Canada -Phone 101- A RARE CHANCE For immediate s al e, a complete small farm, near Wingliam. Good buildings, well watered, rural mail, telephone and a fine grow- ing crop. Will be sold either with or without the crop. Best of reasons for selling. Easy terms. Apply to ABNER COSENS Iniutrattee and Rent til.unie Succes-or to Ritchie & Cnyens. Wingham, • Ornerio Howick Quincy .9.0000*49944 Council ttlet in the Township Ha% Pnr- suant to adjournment, All members pre- sent. The Reeve in the chair minutes of last meeting were read and on motion of Inglis and Armstrong were adopted IVIoved.by Lynn and Inglis that Freder- ick A. Edgar be appointed inspecteepf the day municipal drainage work -Carried, Moved by Inglis and Williamson that the Reeve and Deputy Reeve be a Com- mittee to seleet from the different crests to be forwarded for their inspection The crest to be placed on the Soldier's monu- ment -Carried The Committee rep resenting the Sold- ier's waited on the council asking for grant of $1200.00 to make provision for gifts and Picnic for the Soldiers, -Carried. Moved by Williamson and Armstrong that the council grant one thousand dol- lars -Carried. Moved by Inglis and Lynn that By-law No. 6 for the year 1916 to lay a rate on the dollar be read the third time and pas- sed -Carried: Moved by Williamson and Armstrong that By-law No. 0 for the year 1019 pre- sented to the council by the trustee? of the Police village of Fordwich for the pur- chased a lot for a public park, be read the third time and passed -Carried, 1Vloved by Inglis and Lynn that the fol- lowing accounts be -paid. Wm. Foster, gravel 7,00; Wm, Weir, gravel 4.804 Henry Merkley, gravel 10.70; Bert Longley, gravel 12 40; R. r, Edgar, gravel 14.70; Alex St Marie, gravel 4.40; John McCreary, gravel 3,00; S. Webber, • gravel 1.30; Wesley Underwood, shovell- ing gravel 4.00; John Becker, sheep killed by dogs • 158,00; Walter Savage, gravel 4,00; IViathew Willie, gravel 1 60; Thos Bradnock,„gravel 6.00; D. W. Rea, gravel 2.20; Charles Wolfe, gravel 270;' John P Reddon, gr, 280; 'T Bennett, gr. 5.50 Stewart gravel 7.80; Doig, gravel •4.00;. Geo Rdbertson, gravel 2.40; Frank Green, gravel 30cts ; Nigh Douglas, bal, of contract 1.00; C. Maxwell, rep culvert 3.25; John Hyadman, tile 58,70; Samuel Stinson, painting outside of tp, Hall 75.00 Win. Plant, ctilvert on Howick and prey bdy. 16.00;• Geo Reidt, gravel 13,50; A. Gallaher, shovelling gravel 4.00; Nicholas Brantigan, ditching hill and fill on How - ick and Minto bdy, 76.50;also rep. culvert lot 30, con. 14, 15, 1 GO; Geo McKnight gravel 6.20; Joseph Lawrence, putting in culvert 17.50; Edgar Henry, rep bridge lot 30, con. 12 and 13, 4.50; -Fred A, Ed- gar, Douglas and Leonard Awards, 61.00 John Zeigler, filling washout on hij1 How. ick and Minto bdy. 10,00; A. G. Smith, Wingharn Advance advertising 1.25; J •W. Ratz, nails for bridge 70cts,'Val Schin- hein, gravel 2.50; John Patterson, gravel and shovelling 21.50; C. E, Walker, pre- paring By-law and work on drains 6.00. Jas, Downey, gravel 11.50. Moved by Armstrong and Williamson that this council adjourn to meet in Ford- wich on the third Wednesday in Septem- ber, when *collectors and assessor will • be appointed -Carried, . C E. Wit,mchnt Clerk Wroxeter Mrs, Jas., Flemmiog of London, is at present visiting her mother, Mrs. Thos, Firggins , _Quite a number from here are attending the Toronto Exhibition. , Mr. and Mrs, Burnside of Markdale vis ited last week With Mr; and Mrs, cilaarge Leckie. -- -... • Our town was very quiet La'bor Day, so many taking irt the sports at Harriston Rev. MeSinclair of Belmote, preached in the PresbyteriOn church Sunday even- ing and his sermon was much enjoyed. He will be welcomed back at any' future date, There will be no service in the Metho- dist church next Sunday evening on ac- count of the Harvest Herne services being held at the Salem appointment morning and evening. <D.. .4 Beigrave Anionethose who are attending the Toronto Exhibition are; Messrs. R, E. McKenzie, Harry Heriper, Mr. and Mrs, Joe Miller. Mr. and Mrs. A Hader. And daughter, .of Derchester, Mr. R. Wray and Miss Mowat.,Liandott spent the labor holiday with Mr. and Mrs. J.. A. Brandon and other Mends, Rev. A, M. and Mrs. Boyle arcoms panted by Mrs. J, Geddes 'motored to Goderieh this week. The entertainment given on Monday evening, Auguqt 25th under the auspices' of the Ladies Aid in Knox Church was a decided success The speaker of the evening, Major j. Tolmie of Windsor delighted the audience with his aplendid address, The opening number by the choir, the duet by Rev. and Mrs David son, and the solos by Miss Margaret Gar-. 0155, Bluevale, and Mr. Jas Taylor were much appreciated as was also the scads ings lw Miss, Mabel McDonald, Wingliam. PrOCeOdS amounted to $U 50. GIRLS. WANTED Clean,airy, sunlit workrooms. Short hours -a. 47 -hour week, &;turday hatf4ioliday. Vtivabh traiiiiniy, in agrec,ahlo, 10..k foe tho A. 1:77t1;VAlge et; ‘,,LiAl 1 . ;111.11;a1.1 With proficiency. \Wt.; MEJC'JRY MILLS LITIrPrn rniltdri - Ontario ISARD'S Arrivals of, New N - • N L.[AML GOODS.. We have just passed into stock a shipment af1c I.adies' Fall and Winter Coats, X Our range comprises coats Tor Ladies, Misses and children in all the popular and fashionable ma- X terials and correct styles moderately priced. We . invite your, inspection, nairicoats-That are satisfactory in quality, style X and price'. We have the "Duktex Brand made of X pretty tweed effect patterns, guaranteed water- -74 proof and will give excellent service. 7,1 Sweaters -Our fall range comprises an assort- ev, ment of smart new styles in Pullovers and Sweat- er Coats. All the newest shades and color corn- binations are, here at popular prices. • Top skirts-Anpthei7 shipment of silk poplin 1 skirts to hand.. See our special skirt a $5.00. ,tior. tot, 74 Pro rt, What about your new fall suit or overcoat. X kge Shipments of Men's and Boys' Clothing are 1470 now coming in. Take a look at pur and BACHELOR SUITS. • Our new style in fancy X . English worsted effects will interest you. Men's Store eerreeeekseeetemeigereeememeeelea E. Isar grik CO 19): XXXXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxx emescormenesereeme NY '..XV.11XXXXXXX' XXXXIVXXX.1.171.147,41,4tt \ 1 'A n - Exceptional Offerl-,1 .... 6. . ., . i 7,.. I - eamemeeadelieimame e Any person Purchasing a Piano eri ...:•Volin i • outfit 74 . - 0 . 9 • . . . within one month from this date receives - 04 One Term of Lessons Free • Instruction -will be given in our store . by Mr. Geo. Fryfogle:. r4. • , *e have special prices. Our pianos are Unequalled yr. *A and our violins are of the finest, being. made by At. Brare & Son, the old gnglish firm whichhas a con- , tmental reputation second to none. 9,14: 44 Come in and see them. Ydu are not obliged to buy. g ..V. X A good line of phonographs always on hand. il X V, x New music and new records arriving almost. daily. il M • .. , VO r4 ; • Hills ' •Music Store xxxxxxxxxxxx oivariwiirmacraraiirivirc, eemeeemewomereeesereseempereirw i S StOgandherRetar .1 f !Jim 1 cs . -5) r a,) 0??tiRe , '-s)a il tonight Y.,, ill 117700 lie taa 11,71d/1i/13s red" -11(,, • osk as(Se' AWATCH to be of value must be properly adjusted. We are ex- perts in watch mechanism and if your time piece doesn't tally with the official chronometer you should have us take a look at it, If your clocks are mis- behaving we will send a time adjuster to your home. We will test your eyes and expertly advise you, If you are not in need of glasses we will tell you e.o. • R. M. McKAY JONI:1CP ind Optician *Ingham se*. "ha • A AIL