HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-04-22, Page 7Y '#
7iteree$LA01a Advance
1t`i 61pA,''1'. A.PRIL 22n4. 1890.
!111.e Story for Boys and Girls.
LIE ---N tri V ER,,
T01elong ago, on board an English
eammer, four days. out from Liverpool;
5lIltiII boy was found hid away be-
il.the amp, Hee had neither father
rr, I other, brother'not' sister, friend
peete.etor, among either passengers
, row: • Woo was he? Where did
t come. froin ? Where going? Only
Ole years Old, the poor little stranger,
tit ragged clothes, hut a beautiful
tt; ,f u 1 of innocence and truth! Of
u1.,rte he was carried before the first
ate, '
':1"$ow-came you to steal a passage on
garcd this ship?" asked the mate
""My step -father put me in," answer-
fi?:.'ed the boy. He said he could not
Ord to keep me or pay my fare to
4lifax, where my auut lives. I want
',,to go to my aunt."
The mate dtd not believe the story.
:)ie had often enough been deceived by
stowaways. Almost every ship bound
to this country finds one or two days
.out to sea, men or boys concealed
'.'„among th o, trying to get a pass -
t age across ;water without payiug
for it. And this is often troublesome,
as well as expensive. The mate sus-
pected some of the sailors had a hand
'':an the little boy's ,escapade, and he
treated him pretty • roughly. Day
after day he was questioned about his
coming, and it was always the same
,..story -nothing less, nothing more. At
;Mast the mate got out of patience, as
;;mates will, and seizing him by the
'collar, told him unless he confessed the
•'`t nth, in ten minutes he world hang
``flim, on the yard -arm. A frightful
'f threat indeed 1
atk: - Poor child, with not a friend to stand
*4:'"`,by him! Around were the passengers
and sailors of the mid-day watch, and
before him the stern first officer, with
-his watch in his hand, counting the
tick, tick, tick of the minutes as they
'swiftly went. There he stood, pale
'.and sorrowful, leis head erect, °tears in
'his eyes; but afraid ?-no, not a bit ! .
Eight minutes were already gone.
"Only two minutes more to live," cried
the mate. "Seak the truth and save
; your life, boy."
"May I pray?" asked the child, look-
ing up into the hard man's face,
The officer nodded his head; but said
(nothing. The brave boy then knelt
down on the deck, with clasped hands
and eyes raised to heaven, repeated
L theLord's Prayer, and then prayed the
°dear Lord Jesus to take him home to
;heaven. He could die: but lie -never!
All eyes were turned toward him, and
sobs broke from stern hearts.
The mate could hold out no longer.
He 'his-arPms, sprang
:hto is-ae rms,-kissed told him he
believed his story, every word of it. A
nobler sight never took place on a ship's
i.• . deck tort his -a poor, unfriended child
willing" face death for truth's sake.
He co d die; hut lie -never 1 God
bless' hi ! Yes, God stands by those
who stand by Him. And the rest of
the voyage, you may well think, he
had friends enough. Nobody owned
him before ; everybody now was ready
to do him a kindness. And everybody
Who reads this will be strengthened to
do right, come what will, by the con-
duct of this dear child.-Sel.
-Would give us perfect health. Be-
cause men and women are not perfect-
ly wise, they must take medicines to
keep themselves perfectly healthy.
rex Pure, rich blood is the basis of good
. health. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the One
True Blood Purifier. It gives good
F�u,health because it builds upon the true
foundation -pure blood.
GOOD s PILLS are purely vegetable,
. perfectly harmless, always reliable and
Y beneficial.'
.The Bicycle as an Asthma Cure.
•!.' London Daily News.
Of all means of training the respira-
tion, Dr`, Fortescue Fox thinks cycling
is the hest. When a person flrst takes
to cycling he is troubled with short -
mess of . breath, his heart beats uncom
.ffer, bly and his Legs gets tired, but
of ome training these discomforts
,41i ear. Why should not people lia-
ble to attacks of asthma also train
,-their respiration b such a kind of ex•
.• sp y
'`•r(a?ereise---of course on condition of the
u `heart and lungs being in perfect
fi..��healtb 1' Cycling exercise first of all
•-frncreases the depth of breathing, and
r:that without fatigue, as the respiratory
! "Jmovements are automatic. At the
'^ �'-saline time it will accustom the rider in-
stitictively to take in at each respira-
tion the volume of air required to aer-
ate the blood and to eliminate a fixed
uz;broportion of carbonic acid, leaving in
i;the circulation the precise amount
'; cotnpatible with health.
."1 was troubled with blind itching
?piles for 20 years; was unable to work
.1.101d tore my flesh in agony. United
,,States and Canadian doctors failed to
ifrtelieve. Chase's Ointment was a God-
rsend. I am a Netter man than in 20
,1� "ears, ani am able to work every day."
`';Phillip Wallace, blacksmith, Iroquois,
)nt. Chase's Ointment cures piles,
1eC2ema, and irritant diseases. Ali
druggists; 60c. per box.
let!, Alai. Thomas Keys, sr,, of near
Shi ka, died on April lat. Deceased
:ilia been ailing for about two weeks.
She was 77 years of age. Her husband
wd`d four years ago.
'Wiakaero all in danger of losing Jesus
:A}otltao our ife. We can do it only by
drriftitag,a ay from him. If we go
into ain• We shall certainly lose him.
'Wo'liu y do it, too, by carelessness, by
neglect). . He will never leave ue, but
u wo ,'iiia
Olen him. it we have lost
',)Pity one right thing to do
Where we missed him
1 until we find him.
d - tb remain lost to us.
d *then we leave him.
ifiiieriag from Lost Manhood
i3i tens Debility Lack of Vigor
st;teent trent tree to anyone
a 6f flfj r6tti i "woo.
246 St. lames Street ,Montreal
fie Was a port of Hiueoriat, 13ut the
Pollee Were on to We Jokes.
There Is a ea.looft-keeper In Ten-
nessee who is eornething of e, humorist.
His entire family was do court the
other day, and cue of his daughters
was a witness against her father. She
told phis mildly interesting frtory
"Pa was sitting in his saloon, feeling
lonely. Ile went to the barn, and,
putting a halter ou hie horse, brought
him Into the heuse, saying he wanted
the antmal to eat supper with him.
Pa made me set a plate for the horse.
Then he took hold of the hurse's front
lege and lifted theta up on the table.
Vire all sat duwn to supper and the
horse began to eat. Pa picked up a
mug of beer and began to laugh and
throw both hands in the air. The rnug
hit the horse on the nose. The beast
pulled his feet dawn, dragging the
tablecloth aril upsetting the table. The
horse backed up and sat squarely on a
red-hot stove. This burned its tall so
the animal kicked the stove over and
ran out of the door, I screamed, and
Pa threw a lamp at me. The house
came near catching tire, and a police-
man came in. Pa has been arrested
108 times." -Atlanta Constltotion.
The Successful Teacher.
There are really only two things the
successful teacher needs to have -
knowledge of his subjeet-matter and
knowledge of his pupils. The first of
these can be gained only by experience.
The man who has never been a real
child himself cannot effectively teach
children; and he who does not know
by experience the warmhearted, ex-
uberant gaiety of school and college
boys cannot successi`ully teach them.
Furthermore, the teacher who spends
more time on the method of teaching
literature than on literature itself Is
sure to come to grief. Greatest of all
forces 1s the personality of the in-
structor; nothing In teaching Is so ef-
fective as, this; nothing is so instantly
recognized and responded to by pupils;
and nothing Is more neglected by those
Who insist that teaching is a science
rather than an art. After hearing a
convention of very serious pedagogues
discuss educational methods, in which
they use all sorts of technical phraseo-
logy, one feels like applying Gladstone'■
cablegram : "Only common sense re-
quired." -Century.
Friendship and the Imltatlon.
Without spirituality there can be no
friendship. Tete exchange of social
favors is not friendship, though it is
mistaken for it; it is trade, I will call
upon you if you oall upon me. I will
invite you if you Invite me. The
greater part of the social round is
upon a strictly oommercial basis. This
Is not friendship. Friendship asks no
return. It is hurt when, by an osten-
tatious promise or proffer of a return
of favors, it is put upon theplatform
of the mart. Spirituality is the scource
of true friendship. Without it every
man and woman Is potentially, and at
all times partially, every other man's
and woman's opponent, rival, an-
tagonist, enemy. Rare as pure friend-
ship may be among Christiana, there
is none of it wlhatever anywhere else. -
Detroit Free Press°
Rules for Dining Out.
The man who would dine out often
and attend to his business, too, must
lay down four rules for himself and
obey them :
He must eat very little, and only of
the solids that are placed before him.
He must drink very little.
He must smoke ,very little,
He must never, never eat a late sup-
Happy the man who does obey them!
He learns the beet thoughts of the
best people In the free conversation
before dinner, In conversation during
dinner and In that most delightful con-
versation after dinner. He learns
public sentiment, he puts himself in
touch with p:yblic thought. At a din-
ner with agreeable and clever people
around the board, a man learns more
than he would by a month of study. -
Chauncey M. Depew.
Repairing Women.
There are few things about the hu-
man frame that a Viennese surgeon
does not know. If man had not been
created as he has been, he dvould have
been eventually made by a Viennese
doctor. The faculty in the Austrian
capital think nothing of doing him
over, or, one should say, of doing her
over. It seems that women in Vienna
can go and be done up fresh, and es-
pecially retrimmed to look better than
before. Several physicians made a
specialty of women -culture. One of
them, a doctor, Robert Fischer, says
that his day is not long enough for
this praotice. Continues this frank
speaker : "Numbers of mothers put
their daughters through a whole course
of beautification. when they are in the
marriage market. That's the time
when the most elaborate preparations
of the human form are ordered and
undertaken. I have a great deal more
to do 111 the spring and fall than for
the most fashionable halls of the year."
The Wonders of Transposition.
The word "time' admits of a very
peculiar arrangement of its letters.
The four letters of the word trans-
posed and read baokwards and for-
wards and up and clown give us tour
perfect English and Latin words. It
is said to be the only word In our
language that will admit of so many
tran•spositona and arrangements. Note
the oddity in the square below':
: TIME :
: ITEM :
: METI :
: EMIT :
The above words, in English, as well
es in Latin are all complete, and the
curious part of et Is that reading them
backwards and forwards and up and
down gives the same result that trans-
posing the letters In the original word
does. The signtflcance as Latin words
Is as follows : Time, fear thou; Item,
likewise; matt, to be measured; emit,
he bvya--St. Louts Repwblie.
Nye's Favorite Story.
B411 NT✓s pet story was the one as
to how he was oharged $4 for a sand-
wich in a village 1n New Jersey. He
told the man who sold It that It was
a high Pelee for a sandwich, and said
that he had frequently gotten a ten
*worse dinner wilth toe Pita Making a fobur kinds
rani, iltiaily
elated the Matt tyhy he' 'Charged *4' or a
barn rendrart+oh.
"'OP4si1, 1"11 tell yes.' il8ild She liand-
wich Then, "the faet la, by pet 1 d
the menet'." , , . -.
Fatmerfi Home tstarket Z4if ted b ; tile* rcI
The beneficial effect otthe rotection +horded to, the farmers of Canada by,
the National Policy Tariff is Shown In the marked Attannee by comparing cer-
tain classes of imports entered for consumption In 18'78 and 1896.
Bacon and Ilam
Swine products,other
Quantity, Lbs
• 10,248,020
Quantity, Lbs
$ 116,922 34,935 $1488
610,608 3,203,023 208,809
220,945 826,882 85,871
213,f )3 100,921 14,756
4,774 3,936 244
17,717,028 $1,198,940 4,259,61)7 $311,168
It will be seen that the imports of hogs and hog products for consumption in
1895 were 13,457,931 lbs. less than in 1878, which means that in the year Can-
adian instead of for eign farmers supplied Canadian consumers with that addi-
tional quantity, the value at the average prices of the year being $089,158. Ard
this does not take into account the increase of consumption in the eighteen
years, the supply of which was also preserved to our farmers by, the National
Policy Tariff.
Indian Corn
Peas and Beans
Other Grain
Flour, Wheat & Rye
Other Meals
Quantity, Lbs
Quantity, Lbs
1,519,703 8 1,755,682 499,722 $ 326,412
26,204 11,008 10,539 3,475
2,071,513 624,099 220,059 69,152
110,228 58,106 1,170 561
3,400„32 1,627,469 1,485,980 751,233
9,447 18,428 17,881 23,899
703 587 222 145
1,132,860 618,492 116,010 63,320
15,02,5 22,669 4,700 2,977
1,567,945 1,849,221 210,720 120,331
8,075 4,904 - 1,120 1,115
9,132,205 $6,591,565 2,574,123 $1,362,620
Thus the imports for consumption of grains, flour and meal were 7,288,142
bushels less in 1895 than in 1878; that is, during the year Canadian instead of
foreign farmers supplied Canadian consumers with that additional quantity,
the value at the average prices of the year being $3,858,342. This, as in the
case of hog products, does not take into account the increase of consumption
during eighteen years, also supplied by the farmers of Canada.
If instead of cotnparing the years 1878 and 1894, we take the whole importa-
tion in periods of six years, the first of them immediately before the National
Policy was adopted, the results are as follows :-
Imports of Grains. Flour and Meal. rotal Bushels. Average Bushels.
Six years --July, 1873, to J1rne, 1879
Six years -July, 1879, to J une, 1885
Six years -July, 1885, to June, 1891
Fouryears-July, 1891, to June, 1895
55,084,175 9,180,696
26,409,22 4,401,537
24,904,000 4,150,667
9,765,866 2,441,466
It appears that'the National Policy Tariff immediately took effect, reducing
the average importations to little more than half of what they had been pre-
viously, and this decrease was maintained tor the third six-year period. For
the last four years the importations again decreased enormously, which was
largely due to the raising of the duty on wheat flour from 50 cents to 75 cents a
barrel in the Customs Tariff Act of 1890. This,secured to our *heat growing
farmers the home market in the Maritime Povinces, which had previously
been supplied by the millers and farmers of the United States, as was also par-
tially the case with the Province of Quebec.
In the sixteen years under the National Policy these importations amounted
to 61,079,088 bushels, being 96,717,152 bushels less than they would have been if
the average of 1878 had been maintained, and consequently that quantity was
added to the hone market of our farmers ; the value, even calculated at the
average prices of 1895, when breadstu(s all over the world were low, being
over 850,000,000.
Other articles of farm produce were similarly affected, but these two classes
hogroducts and hreadstuffs, are salient examples of the benefit derived by
our farmers from the N.P. In the one year 1895, Canadian farmers had an
additional home market of 13,457,931 lbs. of hog products Ind 7,288,142 bushels
of grain, flour and meal, the value being close on $5,000,000 for the year, and
this was directly due to our present tariff.
The ever slaving farmer's wife, her
delicate sister in the city, suffer more
than they care to tell. The dark rings
round the eyes, headaches, dizziness,
palpitation or rheumatic twinges, be-
token a run-down system. The blood
is poor, and is a bar to enjoyment of
life. Scott's Sarsaparilla purifies the
blood, strengthens and vitalizes the
system, and speedily restores the
bloom of health to the cheeks. 1t
cures when all others fail.
An interesting note of the new
method of reckoning time introduced
only a few years ago, and which it can-
not he said has come as yet into very
common use, i9 contained in the fol-
lowing notice taken from a Winnipeg
paper : "Two trains will arrive from
the east this evening, the first one at
18.25 o'clock with nothing but excur-
sionists, and the second at 20.50 o'clock
with ordinary passengers and a num-
her of excursionists,"
The undersigned having been restored to health
by simple means, after suffering for several years
with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease
Conatemption, is anxious to make known to his fellow
sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire it,
he will cheerfully send (free of charge) a copy of the
prescription used, whiob they will find a surecure for
Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Brownchitie and
all throat and Lang Maladita. Be hopes
all sufferers will try his remedy, as It is Invala-
nhle. Those desiring the prescription, whichwill ooet
them nothing, and may prove a .ilesaing, will please
Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, New
The Bruce Herald truthfully re-
marks :-A"newspaper inay put to its
hest licks for its town, may chenipion
the cause of its merchants, may call at-
tention to abuses and have them correct-
ed, hut let 1 tones (xpressan opinion with
which one or more of its patrons may
disagree, and all its past benefits and
support have been forgotten. Patrons
of newspapers seam to forget also that
if a paper expresses opinions with which
they do not agree its columns are al-
ways open to those who differ from it.
We sometimes think it would be bet-
ter for a newspaper never to have an
opinion, never to take up anybody's
fight, never to call attention to any
abuses, never to make a suggestion or
offer a criticism. Of course such a pa-
per would he simplya nonentity, hut it
would have no enemies. The enemies
of a paper will always do more against
than its friends will ever do for it.
Blowing Out !stamps,
I have blown out at one blast, white
oak stumps 4 feet across. It takes
about 10 lbs., 40 per cent, N.G. Put In
under the cenher In one pile. Make
the hole large enough. Rip open the
cartridges, or better, take It out of
the paper, 11 there is no water. Tramp
solid In one mase. When it "goes off"
you will hear from it, and if placed
right the stump will be out. Better
to use more than 10 lbs• than less, for
such customers, and It requires experi-
ence to handle them. A green hand
Must get instruction from old hands,
and eemmence on small stumps. --Ohio
Many ladies are deceived when they
go to purchase Diamond Dyes, They
ask for the "Diamond," but many
dealers, greedy for gain and extra
profit, wrap up some worthless make
of dye that proves ruinous to the
materials that arc to be dyed.
We strongly advise the ladies to
beware of the merchants who are
mean enough to substitute inferior
goods. If your merchant sells only
common and big profit dyes, send your
order direct to ns, and we will send
the Diamond Dyes by mail to your ad-
dress, The Diamond Dyes are only
ten cents per package (same price as
the worthless dyes) and are always
warranted perfect, Wells & Richard-
son Co„ Montreal,
Westminster Teacher : One fre-
quent good result from trouble is that it
sends people to Christ. It is probable
that this paralytic would never have
gone to Christ with his sins, and there-
fore would never have received salva-
tion if it had not been for his bodily
illness. His puralysis made him think
of his sins and want to he healed.
Many a soul is saved through a suffer-
ing body. A man who had been all his
lite very busy, with no time for religious
thoughts, was stricken down and lay
helpless for _years. He said once to a
friend that he had never learned to
live until he was unable for activity.
He had looked at his life and had turn-
ed to Christ while sitting powerless in
his chair.
The "New Woman" Not In It.
With all her freaks and fads the
"New woman" does not commence to
enjoy the same comfort with her man-
nish clothing that a man does. For she
will almost always sacrifice comfort
for style and effect, while with a pian
comfort comes first. Men's suite and
overcoats admit of such few changes
In style that the main question is to
get a becoming color and, for severe
weather, to make them warm enough
without too much bulk or weight.
And here men take advantage of the
many feminineappropriatlons of their
styles and borrow the invaluable•Fibre
Chamois on which such extensive
sleeves are safely built, using it in
winter coats and vests for the sake
of the healthful warmth it gives, a
comforting warmth which neither
wind nor rain will. penetrate.
sure. Aot In 86 to 48 hours. The
only female regulator In the whole
range of 'titedleines. By Mil, Price'$8 00.
246 8t. James Street, Montreal
The Old Reliable Specialiste.
83 Year Experience
in the treatment Qf the Throat and Lung
Troubles, Cytarrb, Asthma, Tironchitia,
Nervous, ChronloandSpecial Dla.
yQ..elases Of men and women.
Lust llanhnn restored -Kidney and Bled-
der troubles prmanenti
cured -Gleet, Gonorrhoea, Varicoceleand
stricture cured without pain. No cutting.
Syphilis and all Blood Diseases cured
without mercury.
Youngmnn Suffering from the effects of
WM youthful follies or indiscretions,
or any troubled with Weakness, Nervous
Debility, Loss of Memory, Despondency,
Aversion to Society, Kidney Troubles, or
any disoaae of the Genital -Urinary Or-
gana, can here find safe and speedy cure.
Charges reasonable, especially to the
la1dd18-Ago �6Il-There are many troubled
tions of the bladder. often b ru with too frequent evacu-
weakening of the system Ina manner he patienthcan of ccountor bfor. There are sensation,
men who die of this difficulty, igiaorantof the cause. The doctor will guarantee a pr.
feet euro in all such cases, and healthy restoration of the genito- urinary organa.
sultation free. Those unable to call, can write fall particulars of their case and have
medicine sent by express, with full instructions for use. Mention this paper when
writing. Office hours: From 9 a. in. to 8 p. m, Sundays, 9 to 11 a. m.
DR. SPINNEY & CiiEn°awe No is O. (SideElizabeth St)
eavy Overcoats
Going on this week at
T.Jaeks on's, - Huron Street
After the Fire
We have settled on a satisfactory beets with the insurance companies,
moved our Stock to the adjoining store, and the building is being re-
paired as rapidly as possible. In the meantime we will do all in our
power to attend to the wants of the public end sell Goods at Bargain
Prices, but the Great Slaughter will take place about the middle of
April when the Stock is moved back. WATCH FOR THE DATE.
General Builder and Contractor.
This factory has been under the personal supervision and one owner for eigh
years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plans and give
estimates for and build all classes of buildings on abort notice and on the closest
prices. All work is supervised in a mechanical way and satisfaction
guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material.
Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doops, Blinds Eta.
Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured
at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates belcre placing your orders,
••••••••IN THE SPRING••••••••
A young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of lovo. But with the House -keeper it is d Miran
her thoughts are all about House Cleaning and naturally turn to the well-known fact that
---= S OAP_
Telephone 23.
it le put up in three pound Bars and sold only by us.
Offers Values unsurpassed in Teas, Medium and High Grades JAPAN, PURE
importations; try a sample order and be convinced of saving from 5o. to
10c. per ib. instead of buying from tea peddlers.
BUS" Brand finest goods put np in California (sole agent here,)
In Crockery, DINNER, TEA and TOILET SETS, at cost.
Remember the Old Stand. Albert Street,
Leslie's Carriage Factory.
manship and material. "All the latest styles and most modern improve -
manta All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended
. to. Prices to suit the times.
lb61"FACTORY-oorner Huron and Orange Stre Clinton. 657