HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-04-08, Page 7s#(eQor 10/4 n dvitees 0$1 , QF ' E''iStLl. Nvg'S HUMOR - a,• C)Il8i.Y SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES. SC•boel Lemon. " 1724. Ile billets &can Proctor and the e make o +;4ssyle-AlewteiVe Claim and y t rwindow, pouting' gla opini°41st horoor►-Whitt Ile Would ilg on tutr'pane. Have 30"..,tte, I TY..- u "too bad,' she said to ;sit sewing 'The earth Is that Itody in • h e solar !t,Iai r volt WOK1:ninsl tme, While 1 isb LI,1is,' Lmma1 wlIo,IIoo ed tared.. said you alyv'ays wanted r'iuy. Sundiay-school lesson 94,40,7, and now I want to, and ,t lettme, and Ida will wonder es ' .uotti' c„oioe over.. ]lot's all , ., lay ng' with her blocks. I th,'ih. +kon vould want me to go io4?�y tad Ida will be so disap- tihtPhlien 1,said 1 would come. tbooi Mary, go,' said mother tyltld`]r>lpeft to her work with - Nay looked at her elle relly"'meant it; for she ardly .,•believe she had made ; Seer the thing as she saw it. owns not quite sure ehe had, running by the, window, she 4.1r14t1r1141t had dropped her work ItaIsen Dot, who was fretting. is., %put, she ran down the jg�ayly trill d by Ilia's house, e•Went ups i- path . The door , and a bri i' eyed little girl 4. -there -smiling; clad in a long - led apron: pq$lrou, May,' she said glancing at . uarterly May held:• 'l ' am so to disappoint you, but mama 'mamma':me tolean the silver this after. w /* Maria, is away. Just look at nds! I knew you would he dis- ' cited, too, but I thought you d understand why I wanted to ' maiaima; you have such a dear Wof your own. So we will have to nit ill next week. And mamtna iit:she would help me herself to- g '''"and that will be pay enough. I t1(a u.not stay any longer now. Come ontyou? it i declined, and as the door closed I„Idea's bright face she walked slowly ard::home, rolling her lesson quer- -And thinking very hard. As she e,( 'into the yard she heard Dot w and going work s rrk window on stillhe floors, `the baby in her aims. k again so soon?' said mamma. ti ay.enterled. Dot stopped crying 1ok• at her. s,' she faltered, putting off her !Ida couldn't study just now.' her?' asked mamma. useshe w,as---helping-her-mam- borst out May, and running to iniother,'she burled her head on her tilder,.;while the sobs came fast. h, i"st -,that it ?' said mother, com- ing'ly, stroking the yellow hair. ,.aMay, you can do that as well as Here is Dot, who still wants sis- ;. a0�nlpy-and-by, when the sewing ptieE,and Dot is asleep, you and I study lesson together.' .4"raised her ad. let's .just w going to • faot`a good way when Ida is too ;study with you ? `mina,' said May, coloring, 'I mean to be so selfish ! You 'd rather you would belp me illygone else. And perhaps it was b1;yganted to see Ida more than tithe lesson.' nirt wonder you wanted to see a fcriililie Ida, ',said mamma, with i,I�tn glad you did.' -Helen T. ii¢tTew York 'Observer.' t Ida and her mam- ,' she said, curpris- lness makes one look pre - old, so a full head of hair 1ii,finature life the appearance of 1'sI'o•secure this and prevent the ;;' yej s Hair Vigor is confident- oi;#1}mended. Both ladies and tprefer it to any other dress- , i ,.,' ugtional bill has been intro- ha„;:lmperial Parliament pro - r the Support of voluntary E MACDONALD' S OLD `'%TSTITUEN'CY . 11dpi:bre, M. P. FOR KINO- !1p1' TEE SPLENDID CURA- AR T R OF DR. AGNEW'S n'tsi;'OWDER. o small amount of talk in the- country of the class of rerproclaiming the remark- Os,,,sccompliehed by Dr. Ag ,liftltialal Powder, for loading t)1t parts of the Dominion Atnong others who tell pIfve nature of this medi- ttjrCh, haj+fever, or cold in 1'r. 'T.13. Metcalf, -the popu- tp K'ngston, the conetituenoy Yui Eoi- so many years by the A:.Macdonald. Beyond "'this remedy is a marvel, ..Itifef'Ceots, it is at the same )0,, and agreeable to take, ii:tIbt be said of most catarrh tl,aifittle and blower Bent by S. obi-, 44 Church et , Toronto, sof two three•oont stampe.- Watts & Co. • ;piled States Secretary of War the House of Representatives rt.. of the survey for a canal ii Lake Superior with the 1` river. The cost of such a uid range from seven to thirty t llars. If Suffering from Lost Manhood A21.1 Nervou'a Debility Leak of Vigor l0-day+e treatment sent free to anyone esti, tit Poliqtage stamps. BTA.NDAaa MEDICAL 00., 940 Bt. lames Street,Montreel Atm', aged about '23 years, cid half a'lnlle from Hol - f` t1 her way home about 10 lddday night. and. Thomas McLaughlin tented to three years and one peettvely in penitentiary at ><•,r o nterfeiting. system which most un'say rear ere r03 reales upon: and whish some of the I -egret tc1 say, ;modestly defilre to exvy and control, forgetting that the eart is the Lord's, ,and the fullness thereo Some Men do nat care who owns th • earth so long as they get the fullness The earth 1s 600,000,000 years of age according to Prof. Proctor, but sh doesn't look it to me. The Duke o Argyll maintains that she Is 10,000,00 years old last August, but what doe an ordinary duke know about the things ? So far as I am ooncerned will put Proctor's memory agains that of any low-priced duke that have ever seen. Newton claimed that the eart would gradually dry up up and becom porous, and that water would at las become a curiosity. Many believe thi and are rapidly preparing their sys teras, by a rigid course of treatment so that they oan live for years with- out the .use of water internally or ex- ternally. Other scientists who have set up nights to monkey with the solar sys- tem, and thereby shattered their nerv- ous systems, claim that the earth is getting top-heavy at the north pole, and that one of these days while we are thinking of something else, the great weight of accumulated lee, snow and the vast accumulation of second- hand arctic relief expeditions, wlll jerk the earth out of its present position with so much eponta.niety, and in such an extremely forthwith manner, that many people will be permanently stra- bismussed and much bric-a-brac will he for sale at a great sacrifice. This may or may not be true. I have not been up In the arctic regions to in- vestigate its truth or falsity, though there seems to be a growing senti- ment throughout the country in favor of my going. A great many people during the past year have written me and given me their consent. If I'could take about twenty good, picked men and go up there for the summer instead of bringing back twenty picked men I wouldn't mind th the trip, and I feel at we really ought to have a larger colony on toe in that region than we now have. The earth Is composed of land and water. Some of the water has large chunks of Ice In it. The earth re- volves around its ow•naxle once. in twenty-four hours,though it seems -to revolve faster than that and to wob- ble a good deal during the holidays. Nothing tickles the earth more than to confuse a man when he is coming home late at night, and then to rise up suddenly and hit him In the back with a town lot. ,People who think.: there is no fun or relaxation amen the heavenly bodies certainly have not studied their habits. Even the moon is a humorist. A friend of mine who was returning late at night from a regular meeting of the Society for the Amelioration of the Hot Scotch said that the earth rose up suddenly in front of him and hit him with a right of way, and as he was about to rise up again he was stunned by a terrific blow. between the shoulder blades with an old land grant that he thought had lapsed years ago. When he staggered to his feet he found that the moon, in order to add to his confusion had gone down in front of him and risen again behind him, with her thumb to her nose. So I say, without fear of successful oontradlctlon,that if you do not think that planets and orbs and one thing and another have fun on the cin] t you are grossly ignorant, of theirhabits'. The earth is about half way between Mercury and Saturn in the matter of density. Mercury is of about the apect- fic gravity of Iron, While that of Sa- turn corresponds with that of cork in the matter of density and specific gravity. The earth, of course, does not compare with Mercury in the mat- ter of solidity, yet it is amply firm for all practical purposes. A negro who fell out of the tower of a twelve -storey building while trying to clean the up- 1 per window by drinking a quart 'of alcohol and then breathing hard on the glass, says that he regards the earth as perfectly solid and safe to do business on for years to come. He claims that tbose who maintain that the earth's crust is only 2500 miles In thickness have not thoroughly tested the matter by a system of practical experiments. The poles of the earth are merely imaginary. I hate to print this state- ment In a large paper In such a way as to injure the reputation of great writers on this subject who still cling to the theory that the earth revolves upon large poles and that the aurora borealis is but the reflection from a hot box at the north pole, but I am here to tell the truth, and if my read- ers think it disagreeable to read the truth, what must my anguish be to have to tell It ? The mean diameter of the earth is 7916 English statute miles, but the actual diameter from pole to pole .Is a still meaner diameter, being 7899 miles, while the Equatorial dlame- tar Is 7925 1-2 miles. The long and patient struggle of our earnest and tireless geographers and savants in past years in order to Ob- tain these figures and have them ex- act few can realize. The long and thankless job of measuring the diame- ter of the earth, no matter what the weather might be, away from home and friends, foot -sore and weary, still plodding on, fatigued but determined to know the mean diameter of the earth, even Lf it took a leg, mea- suring on for thousands of weary miles and getting farther and farther away from home and then forgetting, perhaps, how many thousand miles they had gone, and being oompelled to go back and measure It over again while their noses got red and their fingers were benumbed. These, fellow - citizens, are a few of the sacrifices that science has made on our behalf In order that we may not grow up In Ignorance. These are a few of the blessed privileges, which, along with life, liberty, and bite pursuit of happi- ness are ours --ours to anticipate, ours to participate, ours to precipitate. BiLL NYE. w m, n f.h e e 0 s se I I h e 8 The wintry breeze name gayly around the corner of the postofnce building. '"Tal tat" said the hat. "I'm Oft" . Iik.FORu TAKING. AFTER TA ICING. HUNKINSON'S MAIL. The Postmistress of . Beau/WHO, labor Vlsits'Chicaao On Business. Assistant' 'Postmaster Hubbard w sitting in his private,• office when gaunt, woman of uncertain age wa shown in. says the Chicago Recon "I come to see about it,” she said, she took a seat. "Yes, madam; about what ?"' "That letter." "I guess I don't quite understan you,” the postmaster observed, look ing about uneasily to see If there wa any chance of the visitor having bomb about -her person. "That letter of Bill Huakinson's, y know. Bill Huskinson, of Beautifu Shore, Neb.". "You will, have to bemore explleit madame," said the official, with ill voice still laden with care and appre henslon. "Oh, I thought you'd remember that sure. I'm Mrs. Marthy Walters, th Postmistress of Beautiful Shore, an I've come clear in here to see 1f 1 was wrong, I don't want to do nothin wrong, an' I don't feelquite easy You see, Bill Hunklnson was sent t the penitentiary for ruetlin' four 'flytn W' cattle oft the G. I. C. range. The talked of hangin' him, but tai Wasn't any tree in the country." "Yes 2". 'Weil, Grothers, the• 'feller on the next claim to mine, had been worryin me half to death wantln' me to marry m. hiUset to come around and sing just outside my sod house where I had :the post -office on the Beautiful Shore road. Sung fearful, too. Uset to •glt drunk on reservation whisky an' swear he'd kill himself if I wouldn't have him. Acted .scandalous, and bean', a worthless man, I could.n't abide him. But that didn't make him any the easier In his conduct. Made him worse. Well, after Hunkinson went down to Lincoln to stay inside, this here letter Dame. It came from Chi- cago. You remember it ?" "No, I don't, I assure you." "Last April ?" "I cannot recall it." "Well, mehbe you have more than we do at Beautiful Shore. At any rate, when it come Grathers was at his drunkest and affectionatest. I hat- ed to see the letter to go to waste so I called him in an' give It to him. Told .him it was his'n. I knew he couldn't read, an' he made me read it for hlin. I told him It said his lost grandfather had just died in Chicago an' left him $4,000,000 an' wanted him to come right on east an' prove it. He riz up an' de- clared in haughty pride that he was now done with me forever an' was glad he hadn't married under his sta- tion. Sold out his claim an' critters and next day left for Chicago. What has bothered me all this time Is, was It all right ? The letter oouldn't done Hunkinson no good anyway, for it was only an advertisement for a new kind of overalls made by some Chi- cago feller. Was I justified, or is a Goverment man corrin' out there to make trouble? It worried me till I al- lowed I'd come in here an' ask you." "I thlnk it will be all right," Mr. Hubbard replied. "Much obliged. I don't see how It could hurt anybody If you're satisfied, Grothers was a dreadful dlspieaeln' man." 0 as a s d. as d 8 a ou 1' s t 0 Y ere Hunting Experlencoa. "Yes," said the meek -looking man, "I've no doubt you've had some great hunting experiences in your travels abroad." "I have, indeed." "Buffalo hunting-" "Yes." "And bear hunting-" "Of course." "Well, you just come round, and let my wife take you house -hunting and bargain-hunttag with her. Then you'll begin to know what real excitement is'." -Tit -Bits. A Geographical Goat. t3wlpeey O'Rooke-Dere Chlmmy is der most ourioueest freak o' nature wet was ever saw. Date Atlas, my geography goat, his port side tarries der map o2 de Eastern and Western hemispheres, his starboard side is covered wit de may op Ireland, while We tail le a ltvirtil homage of de nett pole. g410 7x Ntk!' AN QUICKLY .GND PERMANENTLY H4N;sgEp UY Dat, ;,,Sdit+NA1V'8 CORP; FOR „PIS, .. ,s^ untie. ,Oitttd4e net need .to wait, if,wiee, until heart diereses bus developed to that degree tltat'olifj iiarclty1 kppwe fr nl ,toours when be o Hrtebaha rod that a littleexpitement brings on, followed by smothering spel;Ie that seem as tbougb they • �tRfatt�d` l pVoio fatal, are simply guide posts pointing to the grave, if .ready • and 'reliable measures to atom the fliseRse,ate•not taken. Aeafe. reme• dy isglwriye found io Dr. Agnew'sCure for the heart. It gives relief immedi- etttly;,' and 'eVen, without much of the medicine being taken, it com- pletely removes dieeaee. It is a heart appoifiol really wonderful in its results, but it euros heart dieease only, -.-Sold by Watts & Co. Genesee river contiuued to rise all last week. Railway traffic is impeded, and residences on the west side of the river are flooded. DISHONEST MEN. They Often Recommend Worthless Goods to Buyers. Thera are many diehoneet men in busineea. Their first and last thoughts are'iu the direction of big profits. These dishonest dealers, regardless of the interests of their customers, seize every opportunity to substitute poor goods' when etandard and well•kuown brands are asked for. To a very large extent, these dishon- est dealers try to foist adulterated and worthless dyes on the public when the celebrated Diamond Dyes are asked for. Watch such dealers closely, and when you discover any attempt to de- ceive, by recommending poor, lmita- tation dyes, leave hie store, and go to some other, The Diamond Dyes are retailed at the eame price ae the wortklese dyes - ten cents per package. The Diamond will give you complete aatiefication, but the worthless, obeap dyes will ruin your work and spoil your temper. if your dealer does not keep the Diamond Dyes, send.your order to us, and we will mail the dyes to you. Wells & Richardson Co., Montreal. The Public will please Take Notice Ryckman's Kootenay Cure that HAS BEEN REDUCED TO ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. For salt by druggists. Merchants will bo allowed rebate on old prioes for what they have in stock. TheS .8 Rickman Medicine Co. HAMILTON, ONT. SMALLPDX KILLS SO DOES TOBACCO Read the strong endorsement given -Tolmcco Coro. In the interest of the manes, for whom these re- port(' are complied, the UNITED STATUS HEALTH 58- roarS have examined and Investigated many prepara- tions having for their object the cnre of the tobacco habit, but among them all we have no hesitancy In giving the editorial and official endorsement of these REPORTS to the remedy known as "UNCLE SAM'S TOBACCO CURE," manufactured by the Keystone Remedy Company, at 218 Le Salle street, Chicago. We have demonstrated by personal teats that thla antidote poettively destroys the taste and desire for tobacco to ten day°, leaving the eyetem In a perfectly healthy condition, and the person using the same forever free from the habit. In the light et our examinationa and teats of "UNCLE SAM'S TOBACCO ()TIRE," we are but performing a duty we owe the public when we en- dorse the same, and etamp it ae the crowning achieve- ment of the nineteoth century, In the way of destroy. Ing a habit as disgusting as It le common (POR ONLY $1.00); bene° we earnestly advise yen to write them for full particulars. Sold only by ALLEN & WILSON, CLINTON. NAIL CONTRAreT. aBALTKH Tf',NDER8, addressed to the Postmaster 0 General; will be received at Ottawa until noon on Friday, 24th April, 1808, for the conveyance of Her Majesty's Melia, en proposed contracts for tour years from the lot Jnly next. 1. Between Bayfield and Seaforih, 8 tame,' per week eseh way. 2. Between Seaforth and Railway Station, 24 time, por week oaoh way. Printed notice(' oontalnlug further Intdrthation as to eonditiona of proposed rontraote may be amen and blank forma of Tender may be obtained at the Post Onkel' along the reepective rontea and at thio office. Post Ovine inepactor's OMoe, ( H. G. AOPKIRK, Stratford, 18th Month, 1898, j Petit Office Inapestor. 007-8E. q i t NNEY & CO. �f Reliable Specialiste. 88 Years Exper$, r pe in the treatment of the Throat end Long ? Troubles,. catarrh, hstlitna, Bronchltia, • Nervrus.Gbroote and Spectat»is'; eOats of men and women. 11) tQ$t restored—gidney and Bled- MflA1h40tt der troublesermanentl ti+ cured•-rOleet, Gonorrhoea VSrhhoccloand r i+i t stricture cured without pain. No cutting; thin, i Syphilis and alt Blood Mavens tuned Without mercury. gg { Young Alen Suffering from the effects of youthful -ionic pr indiscretions, or an troubled with Wdakness, Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory, Despondency, Aversion to Society, Kidney Troubles, or any disease of the Genital -Urinary Or- gg�a�ns, can here find safe and speedy cure. ,barges reasonable, especially to the poor. CURES GUARANTEED. Middle -Aged Mt►n wThere are many troubled with too frequent evacu- tidtl5 of ah burley, often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation, and weakenin of the systab in a manner the patient cannot account for. There are many moo who die of this difficulty, Ignorant of the cause. The doctor will guarantee a r- fect•eure loan such cases, and healthy restoration of the gealto-urinary organs. Con - imitation tree, those unable to call, earn write full particulars of their case and have medicine sent by express, with full instructions for use. Mention this paper when Writing. 'Office hours: From 9 e. in. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 9 to 11 a. m. • DR. SPINNEY & CO. (S 1d Entrance No. DWARD 1E. Elizabeth St.) DETROIT, MICH. BIG SALE OF- eavy• Overcoats —AND— sEsuE SUITS Going on this week at T. Jackson's, - Huron Street. HUB GROCERY.- -'--0 — We don't Blow, but we do say that we can show you good values in NEW TEAS, (direct imggrtations.) Select Valencia Raisins. Fine off Stalk. Filliatra Currants. Ambrisia Currants. IS ,t Prunes. 1 NEW FIGS. At .1 Orange Peel. Lemon Pee). Citron Peel. " Walnuts, Filberts. Almonds. 4! Our Fruit is the finest we can purchase in the market. We have a nice ion 0;1 4;hristmas Goods for presents. Will be pleased to show goods. GEORGE SWALLOW, Clinton. CLINTON SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY 0 S. S. COOPER, - - PROPRIETOR General Builder and Contractor. This factory has been under the personal supervision and one owner for eiigl!t years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plane and give estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on the closed prices. All work is supervised in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material. Lumbers Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOCL DESK, manufactured . at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates bcicro playing your orderer, ••••••••IN THE SPR ING•••••••• A young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love. But with the House -keeper it la ditlbrcn her thoughts aro all about House Cleaning. and naturally turn to the well-known fact that GLI rTON'S IIOPL IS ' Telephone 23. SOAP It is put up In three pound Bars and sold only by us. THE CASH GROCERY. OG -LE COOPER & Cts. N. ROBSON Offers Values uasurpassod in Teas, Medium and High Grades JAPAN, PUBS CHINA BLACKS and INDIAN and CEYLON BLENDS, my own importations; try a sample order and be convinced of saving from'bo. to 100. per Ib. instead of buying from tea peddlers. Evaporated Fruite-APPLES, APRICOTS, SILVER PRUNES, PITTED PLUMS, PEACHES, CALIFORNIA CANNED GOODS, "COLUM- BUS" Brand finest goods put up in California (sole agent here.) In Crockery, DINNER, TEA and TOILET SETS, at oost. A Quantity of CHOICE RED CLOVER, ALSIITE and TIMOTHY SEED on • hand, FRESH GARDEN and FLOWER SEEDS Remember the Old Stand. Albert Street, CLINTON. Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS -all of the beet work., manabip and material. ed All the latest styles and most modern improve- mente. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. se "FACTORY-oorner Huron and Orange Stre Clinton. 857- r ,..C1 et