HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-04-01, Page 7C r. •. I. - .r., r )i. k 11 I.1 I 1 ' ,i kt1 ,'+ '.0 , I 11 . , i p;J t1, I ,. .... r n y V ► __ - I . 4R .lx ,' �iF Q. L. No. "1 Ct"I' WON;; 'IS - 111TV 0Meets elloolln Monday of .v , 'i ,l I4pa. blorrell. ViHajsit! � br flair Mo i' block.' Visit n brethren alw 4099. 104 by Act of Parllament 1866. . ad welcome. - DR. 4. S. FREE80RN, W. M ,- ' 'A P. OANTELON,14, Doo. J. P. BSEPPAR . D. r'R _ ti'�I ,� $1,876 OOOOO,OUO 0001r, /`iLINTO$ lodge, Nei 84, A. F. h A. M, me ,P aSS . "#,1�I> 4%-- Qi.�00, . MONT$BAL. lJ avow Fr snui,pp, on or attar .Ehe moon. VI e s s. 1$, h, MOLeON PresldenE, Inti brethren cordially invited ' , ° . , W,Qi',Il0ASTAN lkHOMAS, Gonoral Mona or, A. J. HOLLOWAY, W. M. J. B. RUMDALL, 8 1 -T. Clinton, Dec. 6, 1898. Aititee dil3aountsd, Collections made, Drafts g. 0. T. M. l;l F'' issued, Sterling and American ex- change bought and sold at ° 1 lowest current rates, Hearne Tent No, 88, Knights or the Maccabees 1`r the World. Sl.000,83,0o0 an $8,000 Polioree. Mat +,5,,),r,±, Ia'rlrRsaT ALLowin oa Daroalre. berehip oval 100,000. Asdoesmont priuoiple-h � ,V t,:' ._ never exeee led 18 assessments In a year, Sheape 1rY and Sate t in eadstenen. Meets in Orange Hall, Cll } e+ 3r_A,RZQB]1%B_ ro Eon, first and third Friday of every month. 1 R Hooey advanced to tarns.. on inner own notes aA pith on. or merP endoraere. No mortgage re• ­_ -- - .."I t `gglred fie security. H. 0. BREWER, A. O, lie We 11 i' 'I,, Manger, The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, meetain Biddlacembe -i?,,;,:'.. Voloember, 1095. CmN1va. Hall, opposite the market, the let and 3rd Fridays I r,., „;fir, each month. Visitors cordially invited. R. BToa s. , r, nwhtt M. W.; J. Ba”, Recorder. ,�, G�. 'D. NoTaggart 5�,. 11, ' ' BANKER COOK'S FLOUR tit m 41", ALBERT 'STREET, CLINTON. & FEED STORE h ,1.,;� 1'�4; 1 i , f C1faltton. yrs ' (rR1vMIrAl BANKING BvsrNEss BRAN and SHORTS -* Large o ',t'" , TRANSA CTED. S t 1g,' Small Quantities, 'R, . mots, D, o ted. . Dra/lA Issued. I;.: OIL CAKE, LINSEED \4EALS °1 t Allowed an Depnsds. "' lbs, Choice Oatmeal for One Buehe t th:,; Clinton,CUntovJuneAth, 1801 85Ay h �^.. �� ,;,;;' pp U a is 0: - = D. COOK. CLINTON. f,I,=r. Dir?. W. GUNN, 7L2.tr l��L. R. 10. P. and L. R. C. S,, ,Edinburgh. Oaloe - -- 1 --- -- —�- llf,r - Ontario street tteabn. Night malls attrentdoor of r- HILLS FEED STORE LI61j' iasLieuoe on Rattaabury street, opposite Presbyter- I k' .' inn ohureh. I ' HURON STRN ET UL1N � j'"` DR. TURNBULL. �' __ %_"o.. J. L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ. ; 11. D ; ,,, Vlctorla Univ. M. C. P. d: S. Ont, ; Fellow .6' of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late of ' ,, `t" ,, London, En(;., and Edinburgh hospitals OfHce:- ;,�tll ' Dr. Dowsley a stand, Rattenbury it. Night calls anpwered At OfSce. Fy!, — rt�"�'"' DR. SHAW. \�is ll}• „ f�,,n .IC , Offioe in $aspen's P.luok, R-tttenbury St., Clinton, f%� 7 ;int. Ntgtlt calls at same plasc. ' Jas. S. Freeborn, X -D , I :,. , �r y L. H, & Q. C. P., I., M- C P, & S. 0., &o., &o. r,I'll ;,»` Oraduate of Klux's & Queen's College of Physicians, I - 11 Dublin, Ireland, Licentiate of the General, Medical L�.:4 Council, Great Britain. Membar if College of �8;;,.' rhyeiolasa and Surgeons, Ontario. Formerly yeal- kr aento Lhe Rotunda Hospital (Lying-in and Gynw- ni;,•,W, ;ological), Dabliu, Special attention .to dlsaases of I women and children. Office and residence, Rattenbury Lp ., St,,next door to Ontario St. Methodist parsonage. pi,I" 8a9-ly . +"< 7 h - N, . @Cattotrly. ti.I W� T. G BRUCE L. D. Say ,V; ,� ; Surgeon Dentist, Member of R. C. D. S., of Ont. 0�`,,ti Leath .xtracted without pain by the use of a harm - y =�' .lees auk 4Ieasant local anacethatic. No unconscious - sees, nor ill-ettecte accompany the use of r 4 l this re , and many in and around Clinton can ''I .'testlty a genuineness. Special attention given ai, to the ppre vatlon of the natural teeth. Office, 0.^.osteo' Bioc , over Taylor's shoe store. WL 0, Agnew, L. D. Se, D. Dr Se "`�, DENTIST Graduate of Ro • al Colla�gge of Dental Sur- �' sono of Ontario. yHonor C3raduate ofTrinit ..�, g y 'I'll University, Toronto. Best Local Anaesthetic ;." � for sinless extraction. Office opposite Town '4,vl,•: Hall, over Swallows Store. , eL" r ', , Night Bell answered. ;' '' 1.„�.. Will visit Hensall every Monday, and �',tl . Zurich the 2nd Thursday of each month i, .,,;. , - - it, -- Ar j,�, ' vagal„ ' 1 G. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, r?,J "v . Conveyancer, Ata. Of ce-coiner Hamilton and "l3,p l Ddeewe-sta., opposite Colborne Hotel, Goderich. ' y 888-tf Nf' p'.. . fa, Ir . C. SAYS, Barrister, Solicitor, ac. Office, corner Edli j+ it Stit1h Street and Square, -near Registry 0111 , kt4'jM' ..t3*d"`ldh. Out. 87. ' Lam' Money to lend at lowest rates of Interest. 1q,.': _ M1;�,Pi !” J. SCOTT, r�,;. . Barrister, ,fc.. ', xi; LLIOTT'S BLOCS, - - CLINTON. i`3,h' f, i - 'Money to Loan. I hi -------------- "la'' E. CAMPION Q • 0, Jew. � i aiR I3TER, - - SOLICITOR., ' {�" NOTARY, eyc., h R) ,f iy, hlroderic3h, - Ont. yf. y; :Office -Over Davis' Drug Store. Money to loan. alt . c r M. 0. JOHNSTON, r3,."_ BARRISTER, - - SOLICITOR, hrt � ,fW ; COMMISISIONER, ETC., ,- S Grod0ricll, . - - Ont. i' l`4"l�'iDMce--�C1or. Hamilton and St. Andrew'a Ste. ` <' `' .I ( ',a, :" W. BRYDONE., �, �13ARRISTER . • - SOLIOITOR, „.;- ,,, . NOTARY I't$BLIC, ¢d I tlS13F'IUE BEAVER BLOd1C • t 'CLiNTON. ,1 F�17•tf J s� ,' al�� to auA. ONky tb7bhg in large or Small sums or, good titot aghb or pereona1 security at the Wivest .dig, yji AAI HALE, Hugon et. 011ntera. .fir`` Money, - Atll)iby to iand on good security *A L'i and 6 per lit. A»plytoO. BIDOVT, AlbettSt.,URnton. Wm. Moore Has Reinoved —ro--� CORE'B BLOCK. HURON STREET, CLINTON. I And better than evb'r')ifepsred to supply the pub. to with the Latest Impftfied in i "CoMt plied for all m.kes ab. alliin ' t e14 rated Leader Churn sill ro fair'Id§'VY ,1 send Wringers The WM. MOORE, of CouiVftal ifbtel, Heront Street, Oltiken esri�ltf k The Best Early Sued Potatoes, and all kinds of first-class Cluvur, Timothy, Field and Garden Soedsi Flcur and Feed of all kinds. Closest living prices for cash. SALT in stock and for sale. TEAS of the choicest varieties and blends. Excellent value. J W. HILL, Huron St., Clinton Central Butcher Shop. COUCH & WILSON Rnbacribers desire to notify thn public that they have booght out the butoheriug business lately con- ducted by Mr. Jas. A. Ford, and will continue the same under their personal supervision. Orders will have prompt. end careful attention. Fresh meats of all kinds will be korrt in season, Sold at reasonable rates and delivered eros nn where in town. y w ). ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS N. WILSON. __ CLINTON. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHO P FORD & MURPHY, (Successors to J. W. Ltngford.) Having bought nut the above business, we intend to conduct It on the cash principle, .nd will supply our customers with the beat meats at tLe lowest pay. ug prices. FORD & MURPHY. New Butcher Shop. The undersiIgued desiraty to intimate to the people of Clinton and viciDity that he has openea- a bntcher shop in the store of W. Core, Huron Street, Hehas had many years experience, and feels that he can give the best satisfaction. He will sell strictly for Cash, and at the lowest possible prices. ORDERS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. M. W. WRIGHT, - Clinton. LIVE HOGS WANTED. Highest Market Price Paid. D. CANTELON, Clinton. 1198-tf. B. THOMLINSION, VETERINERY SURGEON, Honorary Oraduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col. loge, Toronto. Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on th meet modern and Scientific Principles. Day and Night Calle PromptlyAnewered. Real den co-Ratten bury Street, Wost, 011ton Ont J. E BLACSALL, Veterinary Surgeon, honorary graduate of to Ontario Veterinary College, Create dlsaases of all domestic animate on Vipmost modem and scientific PPrinciples. AO'Calle attonded to etght or day. OfIIce on leans street, next New lira oftloe Residence -Albert street. Clinton. Teacher of Piano Diss Hallie E. Combo, Toronto Conservatot-y of Made, ser ;iflcatee In Mann, Hltlmony Itnd Intro- ductory Theopy, dLIN T311W , ONZ'. Goo. Trowu' 1, BorMhoer and General b14A, Smith, klbert' Street, North, o hnton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork Ironed and first c1aUS mater;.) and work guaranteed ; farm ImpletnfAte and machines •ebutlt and repaired. Card of Thanks. rO MV 1VIANk 'PATRONS : I 4"ire to tenger my sincere thanks tot Thb 'Very Ili bgral patronage accord. sd'thb 7ti 2the -past and to inform the pbhilib that iI am still in the Carpet Wedbing 'Bneineas on East Street, ( oaabtl'cb, %ext the Bicycle Factory. Pilreondl Aind mail orders will an.. usual robaide'prdm'pt attention. All fitaeeed Of wbi9t''a specialty, at the lowest poo'- dibbe tp'rices, and eatisfagtion guaran- teed. Int/. IA. Ross, East Street, AODERICH. 1. ,�11MARM tlit SE 1 ; , � /�j!""�/. � rf�y/jay ; , Y .. O!!S! �I • 2 A pooyrousaift A" 10, ai�►le" V� rAu lain ae8 ` g ,, ir: .. " "mif 1 � i 4 tl; *44-�#1...AA in'Ajvoltoo. cry ARN�RWN�s,lftf wF7i)VSB?11�X. I�PRIL Is(r jlS(i, Al I menpifeoEyte Hoge )1 t the diel or 13To s e sAW . . It You Don't Nstnt To Be ea°`0etar[I'm Galland QO prig ran by mail prowplyabFeided to IluppY QXxxv •1r1itL,4�a Move three titnes a year. Throw up HARNESS EMPORIUM, ULYT111, ONT your job w4enever It becoules the leant bit disagreeable. Run into debt to everybody that will N OTICE. trust you. , Take ai drink whenever you can get it. There being some mlaundorstanding with re• gard to wreckage, let it be 4t stinctly. understood Make up your mind that the world that it any person takes possession of any kind of wreckage and fel le to report to ma I anal 1 at Po Owes qn Y a living, and must provide for our f t ' ill a 1 and y y educate your child. once take proceedings. Remember this is the P g veruing lehall peva. oAPT. wM. BABB, of Receiver n• Rncolvar of K'reeke, Ooderlah; ren after you are gone; and that your Woes are all due to the oppression of es Goderioh, Sept. 7th 1891. your neighbor. ac ° But if you really desire to be happy, FOR SALE as the Poet Carleton says: Hang the golden rule in every hall The property at present 000upled by the un. deralgned fie a residence the Huron Road, of the temple of your heart, rind through its influence, on a is the Towner Goderich, consisting of one half of got cotnmunica- tion with the divine harmonies of the n an core of land, good frame house—story and a a- half—seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and unseen World. " soft water, good atone collar, stable, wood and carriage houses. There are also some good fruit study the body thoroughly and see that every organ is given opportunity trees. This property to beautifully situated and to Work free and .untranituelled, as verysultableforany'personMiabingtollveretired• nature intended. For further partioulars apply to IC. OAMPION, Keep close watch on your finances, 1 649-tf `Barrister,Goderloh. and hold the expenses away inside the income, however small. r J. C. STEVENSON, Read as much as you can each dray from the best roasters of language and Furniture thought, studying thoroughly its you Dealer. &c. go. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND Take a genuine interest in your oc-� . cupation, and give it your bestAeffort, FUNERAL DIRECTOR: no'natte'r how Mumble or temporary it may be. Opposite Town Hall, Clinton, Out Keep good-natured, and cherish your GO TO THE family, your More worthy relationsand conKenial friends more closely Union Shaving Parlor than a unser would his gold. Help all who need help to to fullest extent of your ability. For first-class Hair -Cutting Be sure that you carry protection in and Shaving. the Knights of the Maccabees to the Smith's block, opposite PostOtlice, Clinton amount of one, two, or three thousand dollars, and thereby relieve your mind J, EMERTON, Proprietor. of any fear that dour family will he WATTS CO., left a you in a condition of and want. This will help bring Ipoverty ng you you nearer to earthly happiness, s, CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS --- G rest North western Telegraph office, AN OTTAWA MECHANIC Albert iStreer, - Clinton. PROPERTY FOR SALE OF ere "The MAKES A SWORN STATEMENT RENT. -Advertisers will find THAT HE HAS (SAI VED ;?7 11 News -Record" one of the beet medium in the County of Huron. Advertise In POUNDS'. 'The News -Record" -Tho Double Circulation Talka to Thousands. Ratesa lowasary. And This, Too, Affer Having Been Con- fined to Bed for two Months With PUMPS pII�pS, Rheumatism -Wet Weather Effects Knocked Out by "Kootenay Cure." II you want a first Blas-, "11 -made pump, one that will give you satisfaction, send your order to the (i011nt�' of Carleton, to Witlt undoreigned. He will dig and clean wells and do it at the .1....t prices. He also handles a first-class I, Martin Watson, of the Cit of Ot- y FORCE PUMP. tawa, in the County of Carleton, do JAMI;SF>♦7RGL'SCN Solernnlydeclare thratIliveat112Cath- cart -street, In the sty of Ottawa, that Opposit Queen'a Hotel - High Street Clinton. I am 30 years of age and a tinsmith by 809-tt trade. I was severely afflicted with Rheumatism and so bad was my case F. We r" A X O 1H B that I wras confined to my baa for two Irronths. In June, 1805, I began it U takin "Ryckman's (MEMBER OF ASSN OF P. L. S.) Kootenay Cure." I use$ two bottles and run now entirely cured Provincial Land Surveyor and free froni rheumatism. I have and Civil En nee . n "ince been exposed to wet weather which has had no bad effect on rue. I LONDON, ONT, OFFICE G. J. Stewart's Grocery Store, Oil.- consider "Kootenay" a great cure for Rheuutatism. I have .also 27 -At ton. 781-lyamo" grained pounds in weight. aft It tea grand tonic and ra wonderful Cantelon Bros blood purifier. I attribute my cure solely to the tme of "Kootenay Cure," and make this solemn declaration con- GENERAI, GROCERS & PROVIS- scientiously believing it to be true and knowing it is of the seine force and ef- ION MERCHANTS, feet m if made tinder oath and by vir- .Grockery, Glass& Cliinavwre ture of the Canadian Evidence Act. (Signed) MARTIN WATSON. ALBER'r ST. CLINTON, ONT. Taken and acknowledged before me Highest Cash Price fol` Butter and Eggs at the City of Ottawa, in the Coaloty of Carleton, this 18th day of Feb., 1898. +52.1y (Signed) DANIEL O'CONNOR, BIL_T, HEADS, NOTA A Commissioner He..da, Letter Heade, Tage, Statements, Circulars, Business -� Business andl:nnibling. Cards, Envelopes, Programmes, etc., etc.,printei In a workman. like manner and at low ratoe,st -- You go upon the Board of Trade THa Nawe•RsooaDotAoe. Where margin merchants tneet, Mrs. Whitt, Teaoher of Musio, And take sorne little options On January wheat; Yun Pdpil of 3h.. Charles W. Landon, of Philadelphia. Watch the little tickYr, The Mason Method need exclusively. It Is considered by the leading Musical Artistes that Till the hands swing round and ring, Then find little no method develops the technic so rapidly as Dr. Mason's "Tach and Techaie." you your boodle Has gone a-glinlmering. Piano, Organ and Teohnicon for use of papilet That's Business. Apartments in Beaver Block, over W. Bees ley'a,Albert street, Clinton. Yougo into it faro prank And buy a stack of chips, NOTICE TO NEWS -RECORD READERS. And watch the Cards Come from the Thep r would esteem it a favor rens' , would, whenhen m making their purchases .len et box Which the dealer deftly s, y fli p they eau• the morohaut's dvertieet.ont in 'fart When your hexad is dull and aching, NEwS-Rao.,Ru. At the Breaking of the day, The McKillop Mutual Fire You see that fickle fortune Has gone the other way. Insurance Company, That's Gambling, --Columbus Bohemian. Farm and Isolated Town Proper- NO EQUAL iN THE WORLD. -- ty only Insured. RFV- W. H. WITHROW, D. D., NOW TOUR- s ING11117R0PF, WITH ACANADIAN PARTY, ' OYYtO�AaA, 18 ONF OF MANY TO TALK FAVORABLY ft8dfgd Ivatt, President, Harlock P. O.; .lames OF DR. AONEW'S CATARRHAL POW- DERS. ' liroatlfoot, Vice -Press Seafotth P. O.; W, J. Shan• non, Seoy. Trans., go, orth P. 0.; Michael Murdle, Inapeotor of loasea) gentotth P. 0. Hisacroae, '--=-�-" Thei-o at -e fpw Morebted travellers than W, lf. 0ithrow B1 Jalhes 6kiiit'oot, Senforth; Mhhael MUP'dlr+, sea• forth; G'dr*t bbale, 8eafortb' George Watt, t arlook; the Iter. 1). D editor Cif thb Onnadian Methodist Ma - Ttiomkb�l, Ir.ys,80.forth; Alex Gardinor,LeAdburyi gazine And of other publicationtt of the ' �Vl+ethodist chttyvh of this T 6('"nI arbutt, Clinton; John McLean, KWen. AORNTS. $real, count. . y P ill it Wide tni.veller, and ienjo q the ' 3i"homas Noilare Harlock; Robert MCMillan,8a.. 'forth O�pOrtnnitie" that travel gives of judg- and James &mmingr,Egmondville. 9W'gbroadly of the gy1e'ritsofany article. Parties desirous to effect insurance or trang. act other business will be promptly -attend. e. has expressed t1re written opinion that Dr. Agnew'H Y)rt,'tarrhal Powder is i ad to on application to any of the above o®cera ad- dressed to their respective post ofneeR, a most excellentt'Omedv for cold in the head and vrariotas catrtrrhal troubles. THE TRIUMPH of 1.0' j One short puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew'" ('atarrhal Powder, dif- • fuses the powder over the surface of 1 A FrulHal the nasal passages. Painless and de - lightful 4Q to Ilse, it relieves instantly, Catarrh, and permanently cures Hay ; f .•���pY� f Fever, Colds, He+IlachP, HoreThroat, !9Y Tonsilitis and Deafness. 00 cents. 11 , Sample hottle and Blower sent on 111-, ' EFQQ who RY-MANwou- ceipt,of two three -cent stamps. S. G. DPtchon, 44 h Cflurch street, Toronto.- , II KNOW the GRAND `Aol•ail by Watts &Co- ° �4 7 RUTII i; the Plain ` , ,Vacts;'the Old Secreta 'and 'tens "— __ At a meeting of representative elti- , of Toronto a 1 N the New Discover- series of resolutions' I f fes of Medical Science 'were Ila applied to Married 'terms adopted pointing out, in foreiltile' the botinden duty of Great Sri't- ,.� ...1 ;1 Life, should write for sin and the United States to ba*ffiettd our wonderful little the perseruted Armenians. 1. book, called "PER - �l"" M'�' . FEc MANHOOD." It may save you time and rrrorrPy to To'.q,,A-ew.rrrq man we will trail one coo he informed that, when ycm need a Eirtr.2ly Pree, in plain sealed covet; A, A, hlood-purifier, Ayer's 9arrinllrarilla is i the kind in favor t•tJi..-.t0(rurn tho quacks." Addt'osa moat with the. niedi- I Cal profession, It is the standard and, i F,., &� BDA BO BuffaloNw its "uch, t.hP only blocs-prrrifler admit - t' "' "` ., t- . tett at. the (Weago WorkIN Voir. h 1 ;'nu ii'' r . q: 4:',� .�' * r i;