HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-04-01, Page 5,, • .... , .. .. , ixTANTED. —Trust worth y men and women 1'i to advocate a popular cause at, hom6. 7 , I $40:00 to $60,00 monthly to suitable persons. �,,,,,, • . ,?°� _ _ . Goderich .Tonwship. r-;.r°✓s ��. '' f ,' ` WEDDING. -A plersant event took 1. r prate on Wednesday evening 25th March, at the -, l ," + I ,� ° r )' i t n', M4'"; r wi , r, F.y, ..1., k !_:'a i= ai , �1 (.. t .. .,, k e ,, 0.,� } oi' +v i. 1 Ic �:4 i 1, and the bride by Miss Louisa Johnston. 1 I -"T 7 S +{ ,, . Y / 1', t l f 1 ( , •:. f { -. held by friends. After the ceremony ' ; the company partook 6f a supper, tgcti in ext(gilent order. _... .__..-. o .. . . '. ., 6 �„ ,- ry 1- ' '., Feeling ., ,"�, tI 1. ,:,, . -. . 0 seculitu . . . ,'", in your business transactions will �,' a man comes only from eonfideuc (i'4 in that mau. It is that confident which we strive to bet and tha feeling of security which the strive to give when we advertise to re 1� fund your money in every case � where goods are not as recommend ed by us. Our advertising won is true and you know it. There fore when we say that we CA fit you with spectacles that will give 11 you thorough satisfaction you fee perfectly Rafe in coming to us fo you kuort- that we will either d it or give you your money back, V _v =�---_ _fie T�est --_ b yesight at anytime and moderate pharges only for glasses We" knot •Jtpw, r . DRUGGISTS Allen & Misoni OPTICIANS. THEY -SATISFY -ALWAYS. J. B. Rumball, The Leading Jeweler. �fYji Our Goods are the Best in the A, i1` Market and our Prices aa'' all@ Lowest. Alf;.'' I•. ';.. It I. lil -44 Central Telephone Dxch�nF,U , ".: .. Single Fare . . For the round trip on all Co I P. P. Trains, during EASTER HODIDAYS. Special inducements to MANITOBA SETTLERS, and the lowest ex. cursion rates to all points in the NORTH WEST. Routes are via Toronto or Chicago. A, T. Cooper, Ticket, Telegraph and Steam- ship Agent., —CLINTON, ONT.— Am MAIL CONTRACT. SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, 24th April, 18911, for the conveyance of Her Majesty's Malls, un prnposed contracts fur four years from the let July next. 1. Between Bayfield an•I Seaforih, 6 three par week each way. 2. Between Seaforth and Railway Station, 24 times per week each way. Printed notions containhlg further information es to conditions of nroposed o vltraets may be seen and blank forma of Tender may be oblolnod at the Post I 061ees along the reepeotive routes and nt this office. Poet Offloe Inspector's Ofaaa, t It G. ITOPK1rtX' Stratford, 12th March, 1896. f PostOtlice Inspector. 907.9t, - 6�Z?11`11 ?:�- .' "C'r. STRATFORD, ONT. "f�-!,': One of the beat Commercial Schools in Canada— !`;.;. sono better In Canada. Enter now and be 11 ita x rattly for the situations In th4 fall. Catalognes free. '.f�j't'3 s "; SHAW & ELLIOTT. Principals. `.a,,�, _1', Clinton Young Mens Conservative k'k� Association. k`e>1G, PROGRAMME. y11 . , ,.,,, if'''l At the weekly meetings in the Dnn,r, iTALI„ hsim over Twitcholl's store, the following Interesting "t?' ' Programme will be presented on the dates '.-J, . named :- i�f.?t�t'.i AdARCa 31 -Debate-Roanlved that. it fs to the iia`. , K, ,. beat interests of all concerned that the LJorking r;;?'�,�;- day be 8 hours Instead of 10. To be Introdnced 4 , by two of the members. 1, I1. APRIL 7—Address—"Free Trade as it Is in l,;rn'•. ; England." --John Rransford. c APRIL 14—Address--W. q Phillips. t•�11' ` APRIL 21—Addross tend open Parliament - "The best methods of electioneering."- A. W. *�``"';;. Patterson. ;`" ;,. At each meeting there will be, musical and ;,"14;, At literary solertlona in addition to the above sub- '14jecta. All Conservatives are invited 6 r . ..., •' .,:n.4 :-"A'{: . "1 r.V.:: f.41 4 rte, T. - �; yit,� i,. ; ;•.11; Editor 11'etaer Record. ".." ""�" ., •Pk p),cllnlylS 1 tVOiefArru'�pRr'nt4i iq IdROM TIIk� AI7G 4iXb�$RI)tiCiS QV fice " SIR, -Permit are to m,w a few,refor, th" Country bale bepq itAilitrg aft the an-UUMAT110u, ones on that celebrated dhicustiiou, Ott wa Gover ,,lent fleemose of its lie= And the proper use of It is the root of health and happiness. Rev. Priest West, of Goderich, vs, .4 Utedial Bill grauti'ng certain School' THE oAeli of E. P, ROBDINS OF wEI. A single fact in an advertisement is ti Orth sure the wencher of the Society for the prtlrnw pprtvfteges to the lEiOlpan Catholics of LAND -A I UBWBRER FOR SEVENTEEN g n a colualn of gldtterlil� tion of the true Catholic doctrine, Manitoba. But while the organs land YUARs—lila VASE RESIOTED THE eneralities. Chuto.n. Grit politicians are ringiagtile changes TRUATMICNT OF THE BEST HOSPITALS It is a fact that THE ECLIPSE BIpXCLES are strong --they stand the¢.�s� r p We thank both gentlemen for their on the wickeduesss o thhe Tories at AND kIE H4D BlrConfE 4 PHYSICAL for beauty and durtahility cornbned with easy rstrOg qualities, it is the psrr V information on ecclesiastical Ottawa rile Local Legislature at To WRECK—HIS WONDERFi7L RELEASE. excellence of the advanced high grade wheels of to dory, hiabory, yet to be candid we do not Toe is left to its own sweet will. -�- We Also sell TUE CAPITAL, TIIE UP-TO-DATE- and THE GRjjgFIVfnj>I approve of their parting valedictory. Te Minister of Education has intro- b;rom the Welland Telegraph. , ol�ftced an Act revising' and consohdat- � The world to -da LEADER. Prices, in our, wheels, are from $60 to $100. , The subject diae.ussed was of the i g the laws respecting the Education 1 and seient; eallis inclined towards most vital Importance for time and for Y fl Call and inspect our full and new line of BICYCLE SUPPLIES. eternity, and its there is no diver enoe Department. Section 4, of the Ant system, and news like evcrythin else . g confers on the Department power (sub. is gathered systematically, Every We are headquarters for REPAIRS of all kinds. Wheels re -enameled b the of opinion by those who call them- y sec. 9) for Setting apart is Separate newspaperp , , solvede Christi;tns that or divinJe us a teacher let School in any city or county its n obsevefind collect the news of its par- BAKING Baked PROCESS. the only Repair Shop in the County where Enati l sent a hu God and the f, was a t of all Model School for the training Of t.icular locality or district. For some the types and prophecies for ages he- teachers for Separate Schools, rtncl in time past a reporter of the Welland The Onward Bicycle 1 fore Hisscoming., dp And hes foraving be.ppoint- such case appointing it cumpc+tont Pet*- Telegraph has been watching the de- y Clinton.gen possessing the qua11ificationS pre- vela anent of a treatment for a serious ✓ �O. 1 C e ed Ai>ostles, commissioned theta to P - },reach the gospel to all nations with sen )ed by the Public School Act, to case of rhertunti8m on one of the er- e the pioinise that He would be with beametnberof the County Board of plcgqCos of that institution. About MARKET HEPUR'I'a. L Examiners of such city ur c0uuty ill ei rhteen tars aro, thecal even epthe end a the d soli, and y 6 Mr. N:. P. Robbins, (corrected every Tuee+tar afternoon.] R►Pjald�-�Iado addition to the uuwber now author. w�iile RL work in the Telegraph pl•int- after His departure He wuutd Send the ized." Holy Ghost to guide thele' into the Ing office, was suddenly seized with CLINTON. way of all truth. Saying unto them, "This," as the Bruce Herald pointy sharp pains all over the body, accom- Fall Wheat ................... 0 75 to 0 76 (!l�}{i "hie that heareth you heareth me and out, "is legislation of the most vicious Panied by extreme swellings. He Barley ........................ .. 0 30 to 0 40 clothing ping he that despise you dyspiseth hila that kind. Most of our readers have some reached home, but a short distance ' Uats........................... U 22 to 0 24 d sent me" and several other restless to idea of the object and work of a Model from the ofllee, with difficulty, and on P J ' Peas .............................. 0 48 tc 0 50 Wo have added to our stock aline at the same effect. School. After students) 'attain to a the doctor being called be pronounced potatoes er bush........., 0 15 to 0 20 it inflanimtator rheumatism, For , p ]result -to -wear Clothing. New Gopds. N We find in obedience to their Mas- certain literary Standing in our High Y Butter .......................... 0 14 to 0 15 Good hoods, wen n s,410 well triumed, ter's command the Apostles lanted Schools, should they desire to becoule �- -y and of the latest styles. �r Eggs per doz.................. 0 1 1 to 0 11 churches in Home, Corinth, alalia, teachers, they art-, required to attend - Since we have been in business we Levo 1 one of these schools for a short course day -..,.i ••••••••.•..•••.•........ 9 00 to13 00 ropeatedly been asked for whatisGom- churche, Philippi, established e etc; ]hese Cordwood ............... 3 00 to 3 50 men sy termed A HACK-ABOUB r churches were established before St. in professional training. This in brief, I S[lt1`, and in order to be able to eu Paul wrote to them, his Epistiles, and consists of getting instruction it) j Beef ...................... ...... 3 75 to 5 00 pply 0 overything a man wants in the line of before the New' Testament existed. the educational and psycologicul laws Wool .............................. 0 18 to U 18 I. R ens wvo thought it advisable to��trrtt I. Ready-madce, se we can a e vrlLh And we find from the most authenti- which underlie the acquisition of know- TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET. every man in the price of clothing. cated histhry, Protestant historians, ledge and the application of these laws A load of feed baric sollin • at 33. c (Dean Milner,) "that the Missionaries to the particular subjects-arithuletic, Y 3 We have tnon's suite from six to ten of the cross were near] in all land, grammar, geography, writing, r, etc - wag the only grain offered on the local dollars (it is folly to buy anything cheap. ) tont are taught in Public Schools. Do >r street market. Hay was to good de- or than sax), when you want t4 ga abotma and nations and that those who have b nand and 25 fonds sold aefrom $17 to ten we will make to Youro,tier. w,r 0 been converted from Prtgnn'sIn of our readers realize the effect of this $18. Hogs were received in liberal have Boyd Sults from two dollars up. Judaism were converted to the Catho- new provision that Mr. Russ has put quantities. Butchers' hogs sold at $5 , 'rho Ordered Clothing Dept. is quite lid faith. into the act. The Government takes / - - and heavyand mixed farmers' loads busy for this time of the year, but you ower to establish Separate Model �� had bettor come it, and select yourSpztW How isAb possible that divine provi- ��� sold around $170. About ti dozen live Suit before the rush in the spring, Ghouls in each city andcounty. And,if /// r dente should permit all those nations spring lambs were in and from $5 50 tq We have a SPECIAL I,INE of a ria to he deceived for such a length of the power is given, the parties in 6 was asked for them. r- gg$ad 6 whose interest the change is made will $ fall Overcoats, to order, Por $14;00-, there (10 L No church al England, Wheat, white.,.. cheaper and better onostoo' then, no Lutherans, no Calvanists, nv see that. it is exercised. Is the mental • • . •$ 81 to $ 00 r equipment of a Roman Catholic differ- seven weeks he laid in bed under the do red ................ 78 to W Methodists, no Presbyterians, no Bap- I Hats, Caps, alid Gents ur tilts, no Salvationists, etc., as vet ent from that of a Piotestant? Are the care of the best physician, and at the du goose • • • • , • • • • • • • • • 61 to 00 laws b which knowledge is t c uired end of that tine he was again able to Peas.. • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • 58 to OU nishin rS• being neither heard of or born. Y g ) q g, different according to the religious per- resume his duties. Daring the next Buckwheat ........ . . ... 39 to 00 q T HOLLOW And, Ohl most unaccountable in the suasion of the pupil.' Is it the language few years he was subject to frequent Barley ........... . . .... 33j to 00 A. .1 , ,r1OLLOW A -N ways of providence that he should or the mathmencal faculty that re- alight attacks, and finally thought a Oats • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • -• 27 to 00 , have permitted all this by the instrtk- quires the different treatment? What change of location ,,light be benefi- Rye • • • • • • • • . • . , . , • .. • 49j to 00 CLINTON. mentality of wicked men. Nay, they iathere in the texcbingofreadin spell- Ctni, With this idea Mr. Robbins vis- Hay bundle.............1700 to18 00 were holy, just and pure renowned in ing, the multiplication tables, physical ited the different American cities, Straw, bundle .......... 13 00 to00 00 ANTED. -YOUNG OR MIDDLE AGED their generations for unsullied sarictlty or political geography, h Lite sometimes in (rod health and again do louse ..............10 00 toll 00 W MEN of chat -actor. Hundreds fore est p r, g p y, prtory or g' E s new laid.......... 13 to 00 in Canada, started with us, About 14.10 a of life and according to unbiased lits- of grammar, the facts of history or unable to get out of bed, until in 1888 qq� • g tory they had the pewee of workinghe Shall, Chickens ............... 40 to f10 week to bogain with. THE BRADLEY-GAE- science, the art of writing or drawing y settled in New York. Here, RETSON CO., LTD., Toronto, Out. miracles. or any other department of knowledge for ikbout two years, Ire followed his Butter, lb. rolls......... 17 to 21 Hear what Mr. Wesley says in his taught in the Public or Separate occupation with comparatively little Tubs, dairy........... 13 to 17 book called "Popery calmly conside Schools that would make the approved sickness, when he suffered a severe at- Ducks .................. 50 to 70 Seed Grain For Sale. ed": "Several of them (the Papists) hal methods in one school different from tack which left him, until it few months Turkeys ............ . ... 8 to 11 All kinds of seed grain for sale. OATS ,whits attained to as high a itch of sancitity as those in another? Who asked for the ago, a martyr to that kaleidoscopic Geese .................. 5 to % and black tartars. BARLEY, Common 1'EAs- P disease. Mr. Robbins recovered some- Potatoes ....... ... ... . 'L5 to 30 blue and Potter's. CORN. Also all kinds of banns nature is capable of arriving Change in the law and what is the ob. Cipver and Timothy shod, Sell for cash erarz- at." ject they had in view? what after weeks of idleneab and went Dressed hugs........... 4 70 to 5 00 t change for any kind of grain; in some cases Hear again : "The Church of Rome," .t hack to the types, but again and again Reef, hidquarters...... 5 00 to 7 00 give 3 to 6 months' time, if desired. Driwe We have seen something of Model he was laid a working only about six do forequarters...... 250 to 3 75 right to warehouse, opposite station. W.iG. says Hooker (the eloquent protestant School work and believe there is Its p' g Y Veal 550 to 750 PERRIN, Clinton._ Hooker) "is no doubt to be considered daysainonth. Graduallyhegrewwor•se _ much need tot a Roman Catnolic Mod- and almost discouraged entered the Lamb............ .. 550 to 6 W Good Stable for Sale, as a pitrt of the house of God and we el School in this or any other county Sisters hospital. After spending many TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKET. gladly acknowledge them (the Cat ho- or city as there is for it flfth wheel to a weary months within itg walls he was Frame Stable, asgood asnow,18x30, with%im- lics) to be. part of the family of Christ." coach. The best educationists of the wearyr o with the awful verdict was Milch cows, each......$20 00 to $38 00 bersilis,formic cheap, to be movedofrpremims, Yet, forsooth, we Protestants are told country advocate reducting the curable' More from a sense of duty Butchers' choice cattht,ewt 3 75 to 4 00 Apply at TBE NEWs•RECORD office, Clinton. by our modern divines that the Catho- number of such schools and lengthen- Y Butchers cora. cattle, cwt 2 50 to 275 9WAr R than with hope he tried other hospitals Bulls, per cwt. . 2 75 to 300 ----_.: _ lie Church has run into error and :tpos- to the term as a means of restrictin Stockers per cwt....... , , .2 2 i to 250 Ing g in the city but with the same result, may the supply and tinpcoving the article. and resigned to hisfatehe left for hisold ACknowled went. We might also give numerous ex. Under the.proposed law the number of g Feeders, per cwt......... ,.2 75 to 3 75 g home, where he arrived in February, Shee per cwt............2 75 to 300 To TRE b'IREMEN AND CITiZENa os Cr.*� tracts from the Primitive Fathers' out Model Schools may be doubled. Sure- 1893, a cripple resemblance of his form- P GENTLEMEN, -We be to sincerely thank. of the Catholic Church there are no 1 there is no lack in the sat I of PP Lambs, per cwt........... 4 00 to 500 g Y pP Y er self, and was passed unreco nizad h psolicit for your prompt appearance at the9ie Salvation Saints, Ignatius, Clement, teachers in the county. In other p g Y Calves, per head.......... 4 00 to B00 in ouretorolast Wednesda g Y• litre former friends. Here in the house Choice Bacon hos Y evening. The Jerome, Reanus, Ter,ullion, Origin, branches of business when the output of his father, James W. Robbins, he hogs, cwG3 70 to 375 Mille, alon effective Wonttroto at from omth iovvae, L urian Ambrose Cyril, due. exceeds the re. uirements the factordea Stove segs, cwt.. , ....... . 350 to 3 55g plenty Yj Y q was bed -ridden •until the summer, and fire engine, checked and quenched what threst- Looki back upon the h5stor of shut down. But here s a proposal Heltfvy fat hogs, cwt. , ..... 3 •15 to 3 50 ened a serious and extensive conflagration ,ta=d 9g p y then during the warm days was able to Light hogs, per cwt....... 3 40 to 350 wo take this means of thanking the Cbristian Churches, even from it~ that, in the face of a glutted market, walk about with the aid Of a f gone indaall7fer Sows -per cwt ............ .. R QU to 3 20 saving so nnieh of our stock and buildings infancy it appears to be it battfefi(im of the capacity ofthe factory be doubledx 'ked cane for a few minutes at a time. Stag, per cwt ............. 1 73 to 200 1 HARLAND Baos. opposite tenderness and schools, every and the output Increased. When the cold weather at) - inch is disputed, every doctrine is call- .,The second pal t of the section is P g coached, however, he was again MONTREAL MARKETS. --- ed in question. I❑ lire sixteenth ten- scarcely less objectionable thauthefir,t. I conGrain-Local millers sold 10,000 bush- We Must Have Hel.fined to the house. Pink Pills p tory the contest was between Roman It recognizes the vicious principle of t'i'ns frequently recommended to Mr. els No. I hard Manitoba wheat in Fort We pay men and women $10 to 018 per week rer Catholicism and Protestantism, In appointmept to office on the ground of Robbins, and in December last, he start- William at 64c and 10.00 bushels No, 3 easy home work. No books or peddling. Steadyem- the nineteenth centnr•y the question is religion. In fact the nim of the legis- ed to take them, The first box wit.., un- hard in Fort William at 59c. AoP car- Ployment guaranteed. Bend etamp for wc,k ens Christiania or Infidelity. Scepticism noticable but the second produced a load of oats sold at 29c. Wheat, SoParuth street. HladelpNN k SEYMUIIB. sfD Y Y• P ]sties is to destroy unity vn our esu- P south sixth street, Philadelphia, rat is well nigh omnipresent in the think- ciational syystern and to perpetuate might shange for the better. More No. 1 hard, nominal; wheat, No. `L R98 8m ing world,nothing is taken for granted; reli ions riifferences in educational were then taken and the improvement hard, nominal; corn, duty paid, no -in must he au erred b was daily hailed with 'o b his friends. incl; peas, per 60 Ihs, in store, 58c to PP Y affairs that must, militate against all Y joy Y House for Rent adequate proof. Opposition to the efforts to develop it national spirit The rheumatism slowly but surely lefi. 59c; oats, Ontnrio, No. 2, in store, G9c ' For rent, a flve room frame cottege, on Albers truth is deaf to aliv at•gument. Deism arsongg our people. The next move .tnd hits not since returned. in March to 29}c• rve, No. 2, nominal; harley, street, north, tell] to rented on moderate terms. in England, Atheism in Fr,anc•e, Ra- will be for Separate High School,. last Mr. Robins was once more at work feed, 36c to 38c; barley, 51c to 53c; Apply to Ogle Cooper 4c Co„ the Cash Grocery, Ctra- tionalism in Germany, Agnosticism in There i6 as much cull for the one its and has not lost it day since; the enne buckwheat, per bush, 39c to 40c. ten' 897•tt. America represent the various degrees for the other. Each of these changes has long since been discarded and "Ed" Cheese -In the absence of business - uf modern apostasy from the orthodox imposes additional hurdens on the is one of the happiest, jolliest employ- reliable quotations cannot be given. Easter creeds. ees in the office Mr. Robbins is well 1 municipalities and e people should tives known in the count and indeed Butter -Trade is quiet but sb 18c to at Christianity has thus passed through take notice of those representatives Y 21c to 23c for creamery and 18c tel 19c TD -IT, stages of its earl life and has that vote to increase the cost of educe- throughout the whole district, and g Y for townships dairy and 14c to 15c for hard y reached the period of full than-. tion by needless expense and by the although, as he sa�pvps, he has not but western. Holidays. 17 /� �T c. • • hood In Christ Jesus through centuries worse than w;elesa subdivision of the strength Of llercllles yet, Plllk •E,dx ys 0 of persecutions and heretical corruption schools and effort." Pills have given him for a trifling cost Eggs ---The market is easier on ir- and shock of in fidelity, the ravages of the relief he spent hundrd(Is of dollars count of heavy receipts, fresh laid sell- --x— in vain trying to secure. He considers ing at 14c to 14je. Round Tri) Tickets at Single Fare will revolution and schisms without num- �-- '~— -' Y• g [ her. And yet it lives in greater Porter's 11111. the disease completely Out of his sys- News Notes. be issued to all Stations good to strength, controlling the progress of tem and can eat and sleep well, two go April 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and return civilization and destinies of the world, NOTES. --Hiss Efi1e Gardner Sunday- essential pnints to good health. Mr. The report is confirmed in Washing- tt up to Tuesday, April 7th. marching over the ruins of human ed ,it Clinton last week Mr. Curry, Robbins strongly recommends this tun of the death of President Hippolyte wisdom rind folly, spreading its heaven- of SPaforth, was Yisitin at William wonderful niedic'ine to other suffer- of ]Hayti. Tickets for Students and Teachers at ly blessings from generation to genera- Sterling's on the sixth last week. -The ens• Mr. ,John A. Orchard, One of the old- Fare and One -Third are good to tion and from country to country, to brethren are very quiet since the Sen. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills strike at the est and moat respected residents of return up to April 13th. the most remote parts of the earth. It ate at Holmesvillo passed the Remed- root of the disease, driving it from the Welland county, crier] at Drummond- For particulars apply to can never (lie, can never see the de- ial Bill last week. -As then spring is systern and restoring the patient to ville, Ont., on Wednesday nignt, aged crepitude of old age, but,like its divine opening William Elliott, Jr., will be health and strength. in cases of para- Pighty-one. TOWN founder, it will live in unfaeling fresh- starting gardening, Rnd the fish will lysis. spinal troubles, locomotor ataxia, A terrible explosion of flrP-damp has �� JACKSON Hess and unbroken vigor of manhood soon start to run. -Mr. TI?ornton, of sciatica, rheumatism, erysipelas, sero- taken place at Brunnerton, N. Z. Five r i AGENT, to the end of tirne, and shall rise from Seaforth, has moved up into the 11'[c. tilutis, troubles etc., these are superior persons were kil)Pd outright, and sixty her state of humiliation to the RtAte of Nealy house on the 4th con. -Hall Rut- to all other treatulent.. '['hey ikre also more are entombed with no hope of G. T. R. exaltation and glory,wherecreeds, sects ledge has rented the McAuley f'trrn a specific for the tt•oulles which make their being rescued. and denominations are unknown, and for a term of four years. -Hugh Thur- the lives of so many women a burdPr, The correspondence between the Do - where only the pure in heart shall see low, of Colborne, was down on it visit and speedily restore the rich glow of minion aesp ndenc b Governments ----- BIRTHS. ` God, and there enjoy the eternal Sao- to his brother's at Porter's Hill last health to sallow cheeks. Men broken bath of holiness and peace for ever and week. -We are glad to hear of Geor,;P down by overwork, worry or excess, preceding the appointment of the corn- iIAMHovn. in Blyth. on March 22nd, the ever. May it be all our ha will find in Pink Pills a certain care, '1114Sion was laid on the table of the wife of Mr. M. H. Hammond, of anon. Y happy lot is Cox's horse getting better; he wars ort- Dominion House of Commons Friday. Off-UNPrE. -in wingham, on the25tliMarc% the sincere wish of your humble ser- tended to by J. E. Blarkall. They Sold h7 all dealers or sent by mail, the wife of Mr. ('harloe Gillespie, of adaughter. vnnt. don't be long sick when Dock co1nPR FOS' paid, at 50 cents a box, or six There is a renewal of 04, murder of MARSHA1,L. in Portage )a I'rnirie, Man., on ,JACO)l McGEE, out, as he either, kills nr corres.-There ltnxes for $2,6f), by addressing the Dr. Chr igt,iariRon the island of CrPt,e, and it the 17th otMyrrh, the wife ori Mr..Tames Mnr- I•.gmondyille, MRrch 27. wag a very enjoyable time at Thomas Williams Medicine Company, Brock- 19 believed that the Turkish troops are shall, (daughter of Mr. s. N'tiill, Wingham.) of Battles lust week ; a mat bee in the ville, Ont., or Schenectiuly, N. y, wards fur the Christians to retaliate- adaughter, Bayfleld. afternoon of the youngladiesof this vl- Beware of imitations and substitutes when they will seize the occasion tor) be, KLEIN,CHanT. in F,thol, on March 23rd, the gin a general massacre of Christians ans wife of Mr. Ram Kloinschrot, of a Son. Bu1EFrs. --John Ronrltt and ,John ,,]nits. Then the gents carnelatP in the alleged to be "jest as good.' T.IVTNnsTONE. -In Orcy, on March 23rd, the Krug, two of sur old and well known Peening and the dance wns started. Mr. O. A. Howland, M.P.P., of To- wlfnofMr. 1). K.I,ivingst.one,ofawon, residents, are very ill at present. We Thomas McDonald furnished the music. ronto, appeared before the Senate Com- MCCLA(nERTY. It, Fullarton, on the 22nd wish them a speed recovery. --141 r. -Itewis Proctor is preparing to build a Dttnr;annOn• mittee in Ottawa, nncl explained the March, Mrs. David McClarherty,ofadaughtor. new barn this summer. Lew isithustr DOTS.- I3 the appearance or the scheme for celebrating the four horn- Will -born). and Mrs. A. McLPoc , of Ripley, who ler.. John Cox bought a very flne weather we are going tc, have an earl • dredth anniversary of the discovery of IACKAON. in Fullarton, Marrh 1.5, the wife of have been visiting here, returned horns g g y Robert.fackson, of a daughter. last week, -John Whiddon is the horse liLSt. He has now a matched s ring, which will be. appreciated by North America. by (jabot. owner of a heifer with peculiar tusks, team and is going to flu them for the the farmers in general.- Robins have The Hon. .Joseph George Ward, the - � - fR]1 fairs. Thomas Elliott had better maile their appearance once more. -A Treasurer of New Zealand, speaking at MARRIAGES, It has the habit er chewing dry goods, look out for Reeve COX. -It is rumored number of young people from this vill- Winton, said that a large incrense o£ PgTTFH WATsoN. At the restdenoe of the and has can several occasions visited that John Bln'r to cin to build a new age drove over to Goderich lust Friday the debt, of the colony nnrat he looked bride's father, Blyth, A Marrh 26th, by gar_ cloths, lines and eaten white shirts, g g g Y T. F. itlglev, Mr.Oonrge Pot.trr, of East Wa hal,, and a house this summer. What evenin and spent, ver enjoyable time for, as New Zealand could not expect wanosh, to v, M .floo, eldestdaughter of Mr. sheets, whits gloves, etc.-Ashorttime g P' J Great Britain always to protect her, ago a deputation waited on Rev. Mr. does this all mean. Jona, porter is, at, the ome of Mr. an Mrs. Strong.- Y P and Mrs. Edward Watson. Oaten, and presented him with a com- nevertheless, a very fine drink. -Mies Mr. Alex. Pentland, Miss Edith Camp- and the time would shortly arrive "-IIELL­ KENNEH.-At t.hn residence of talo plimentary address, expressing the Lindsay is recovering from congestion hell and Miss Lo❑ Hrmghtctn spent Sun- when it would he necessary to obtain brldn's parents Atafra, on March 18, by Hew. of the lun s. -Robert Elliott, of Gode- day with friendsat Lucknow.-Mr..J, C, millions of pounds to provide theirown .Ino. Kenner, Lilly� youngest dao appreciation of his services in the con ghter of Rev. rich, is movie hack onto his farm McMath, of Clinton, pa's a flying visit fleet' ino. Kenner, to tVm. Bell, Cromarty. grP�a.tion. The address was accom- !f . panied by about $25.-H, Kemp had a again. His neighbors will be glad to to our village last week. -Mrs. S. J. The'Presse, the leadinFrench pa - visit from his father, of Clinton, on see Rob back again.-ThO Betbel Choir Pentland is visiting friends in Goderich. per of the Province of �uebec, last DEATHS Wednesday. -Rev. W. Graham and is in a flourishing state at present.- -Mr. John Bn of Lucknow, was week contained a leading article in MILL19.- inTurnhorrp, on March I9th, T. � Rev. F. J. Oaten exchanged pulpits ori Miss Ami Cox, of Goderich, was home down hPrc on Friday last (for a load of which it openly charged the Dominion MUiS, aged 68 years and I month. Sunday week. -Mr, Charles Dewar is on a visa last Sunday,--Messts. Gra- willow logs which he intends to manu- Governament with had faith on the IiMELTzER.--In Fast Wawanosh, on March advertising an auction sale of his farm, ham and Oaten, of Bayfield, changed facture into wooden limbs. -Mr, T. W. schnolque,t'on. It advised the Oppoai I nth, Abel Smoltzor, aged 68 years and 9months. pulpits last Sunday. -William Perdue Little has been makingsome Improve- tion to cease obstruction and thus place MACDONArD.-In Hullett on March 24th 'Mre- tn the Sauhle line, farm implements, has done a ver heavy wintet's saw- menta on his shoe storin the wa. of u on the Government the res onsihil- I Margaret Macdonald, aged 82 years and 4 stock and household effects on ThuPb- Y Y P p monilia. Jay, April 9th, at 1 o'clock, �Mr. Dewar ing tbis year. He Is hustler. -Avery i,intlnF and fixing up, which •adds ity of a failure of the measure. ort, for mapv years been g tpaident of Pleasant gathering took place at Johnatl to theapp earance.-Rev. J. W. TAMAN.-In East Wawanoah, on March loth.Weeds' last wee .-Lan , Beatt ofolmes, of Cl{nton, will The report of the commissioners ap- nna Mary, daughter of Mr, and Mrs Her,lg Bayfleld and vicinity, and, its his TB Y Y. preach an poised to aseertalr the data upon Taman, aged 2 years afid 8 montha. , 'noval, Bayfield will Lose agoodritizen. Varnit, was in the village fast week.- educational sermon in the Methodist which the boundary between Canada Hortorxs.-In Cleveland, Ohfo,onMarch24tt, A. M. Polly, the horse buyer, went church Isere nekt Sunday. -Rev. Mr. and Alaska may be delimited was laid Mr.1 y earns] Hodgins, formerly of Blyth, 'argyr[i -" through the Village last week. and Mrs. Armstrongleft on Frida to 61 years• on the table of Parliament. Prof. Bro�ger, of Chrfst]ania, and _ .,. attend his father-infuneral at ennxxox.-In Clinton, on March.3o, WI1Haea Baron Toll, o_g 8t. Petersburg, believe - Chatham. -Mr. Jae. Smith has return- - Shannon, aged 47 years and 10 months, •hat Dr. Nansen has discovered the The JapaaeeeCvunailforCanada,real. Anetion Sale Register. votth Pole, and is retut•nin h the dent at Vaneogver, B. C., has written ed home after an extended visit with -- g Y the Winnie Board of Trade that he in- friends at Black I#orse,=Mr. Stephen ' Parties having, their rale bills rinted at Tam Ladies clean your kid gloves with lvay of the New Siberian islands and Winnipeg p Ie will Ii}tejy reach Norway in the nut• tends visiting Wintlip6g shortly, and Deves, of the village, had a wood bee Nswa-Riaoan oMae will receive jrre nodes similar Jo,e hive Glove'Oleaner for sale only Inn. S onld be not return b then, would like to meet the members of the last week, quite a number of cords ale- to the fonowtng sorts date of sale:- by Hodgen, Bats.; Role-agents,for the 'here would still be time to send an ex- board, and discuss the matter of trade ing cut. -Ar. Newton Campbell has SATURDAY, APRIL 4th. -Horse, Harnem, bur;- Perrin, Frarers and Alexandria Kid ,"' 'ition in search of him. between Canada and Japan. commenced to move out to bis farm in gy, w g Elie Ma irnitet u aro Gluten o clock Gloves in all the most desirable shades. East Wawanosh. wrung, Auettoncer. dressed and undressed, laceland button r q, /� ".. " 4 c r z t 11 ,s; 111. f ..4a vel. ' �.r ,- '.,,- `s 6 ,1, t "�; .r.1.. ,iGrt.., n i 1 .y,.i, ) 2t 1'; 11` . k 1; t 1 V.. '1011., ,, 11,,�1,141s ..,r 1 ^Y,, ) i . pp tl } ytj' Yp{� , j �,° �....t,..,.,x 2.. ,.4, w r.,... .:.,1 .4..., ..! -K+. .,,1.. ,:41.u.. .S e; v� , ...,,..:L ,, 'k," Jp, • ,:. . 1, !.7 ,J t '; ixTANTED. —Trust worth y men and women 1'i to advocate a popular cause at, hom6. 7 , I $40:00 to $60,00 monthly to suitable persons. �,,,,,, Address, Drawer 2'I, Brantford, Ont. ,,,-'P , 4 ,?°� _ _ . Goderich .Tonwship. r-;.r°✓s ��. '' f ,' ` WEDDING. -A plersant event took `a prate on Wednesday evening 25th March, at the -, l ," + I ,� ° r )' residence of Mr. John Marshall, Goderich totvnshi , when Mr. Wm. Johnston Mise Charlotte and Marshall were united in matrimonial t� lY ` s;111hnde. The ceremony was performed ' , a ; , r by .Rev. Wm. Stout, in presence of alidttt twenty 4t , rf of the immediate friends . of the c(rntracting parties. The groom 1" was suppopted by- John Marshall, jr., and the bride by Miss Louisa Johnston. 1 I : An 4rr�:y of suitable presents testified ' ;, the g'steem in which the parties are ' held by friends. After the ceremony ' ; the company partook 6f a supper, tgcti in ext(gilent order. a f K4! ,:: `,, . '. ., �,.. . 6 r . ..., •' .,:n.4 :-"A'{: . "1 r.V.:: f.41 4 rte, T. - �; yit,� i,. ; ;•.11; Editor 11'etaer Record. ".." ""�" ., •Pk p),cllnlylS 1 tVOiefArru'�pRr'nt4i iq IdROM TIIk� AI7G 4iXb�$RI)tiCiS QV fice " SIR, -Permit are to m,w a few,refor, th" Country bale bepq itAilitrg aft the an-UUMAT110u, ones on that celebrated dhicustiiou, Ott wa Gover ,,lent fleemose of its lie= And the proper use of It is the root of health and happiness. Rev. Priest West, of Goderich, vs, .4 Utedial Bill grauti'ng certain School' THE oAeli of E. P, ROBDINS OF wEI. A single fact in an advertisement is ti Orth sure the wencher of the Society for the prtlrnw pprtvfteges to the lEiOlpan Catholics of LAND -A I UBWBRER FOR SEVENTEEN g n a colualn of gldtterlil� tion of the true Catholic doctrine, Manitoba. But while the organs land YUARs—lila VASE RESIOTED THE eneralities. Chuto.n. Grit politicians are ringiagtile changes TRUATMICNT OF THE BEST HOSPITALS It is a fact that THE ECLIPSE BIpXCLES are strong --they stand the¢.�s� r p We thank both gentlemen for their on the wickeduesss o thhe Tories at AND kIE H4D BlrConfE 4 PHYSICAL for beauty and durtahility cornbned with easy rstrOg qualities, it is the psrr V information on ecclesiastical Ottawa rile Local Legislature at To WRECK—HIS WONDERFi7L RELEASE. excellence of the advanced high grade wheels of to dory, hiabory, yet to be candid we do not Toe is left to its own sweet will. -�- We Also sell TUE CAPITAL, TIIE UP-TO-DATE- and THE GRjjgFIVfnj>I approve of their parting valedictory. Te Minister of Education has intro- b;rom the Welland Telegraph. , ol�ftced an Act revising' and consohdat- � The world to -da LEADER. Prices, in our, wheels, are from $60 to $100. , The subject diae.ussed was of the i g the laws respecting the Education 1 and seient; eallis inclined towards most vital Importance for time and for Y fl Call and inspect our full and new line of BICYCLE SUPPLIES. eternity, and its there is no diver enoe Department. Section 4, of the Ant system, and news like evcrythin else . g confers on the Department power (sub. is gathered systematically, Every We are headquarters for REPAIRS of all kinds. Wheels re -enameled b the of opinion by those who call them- y sec. 9) for Setting apart is Separate newspaperp , , solvede Christi;tns that or divinJe us a teacher let School in any city or county its n obsevefind collect the news of its par- BAKING Baked PROCESS. the only Repair Shop in the County where Enati l sent a hu God and the f, was a t of all Model School for the training Of t.icular locality or district. For some the types and prophecies for ages he- teachers for Separate Schools, rtncl in time past a reporter of the Welland The Onward Bicycle 1 fore Hisscoming., dp And hes foraving be.ppoint- such case appointing it cumpc+tont Pet*- Telegraph has been watching the de- y Clinton.gen possessing the qua11ificationS pre- vela anent of a treatment for a serious ✓ �O. 1 C e ed Ai>ostles, commissioned theta to P - },reach the gospel to all nations with sen )ed by the Public School Act, to case of rhertunti8m on one of the er- e the pioinise that He would be with beametnberof the County Board of plcgqCos of that institution. About MARKET HEPUR'I'a. L Examiners of such city ur c0uuty ill ei rhteen tars aro, thecal even epthe end a the d soli, and y 6 Mr. N:. P. Robbins, (corrected every Tuee+tar afternoon.] R►Pjald�-�Iado addition to the uuwber now author. w�iile RL work in the Telegraph pl•int- after His departure He wuutd Send the ized." Holy Ghost to guide thele' into the Ing office, was suddenly seized with CLINTON. way of all truth. Saying unto them, "This," as the Bruce Herald pointy sharp pains all over the body, accom- Fall Wheat ................... 0 75 to 0 76 (!l�}{i "hie that heareth you heareth me and out, "is legislation of the most vicious Panied by extreme swellings. He Barley ........................ .. 0 30 to 0 40 clothing ping he that despise you dyspiseth hila that kind. Most of our readers have some reached home, but a short distance ' Uats........................... U 22 to 0 24 d sent me" and several other restless to idea of the object and work of a Model from the ofllee, with difficulty, and on P J ' Peas .............................. 0 48 tc 0 50 Wo have added to our stock aline at the same effect. School. After students) 'attain to a the doctor being called be pronounced potatoes er bush........., 0 15 to 0 20 it inflanimtator rheumatism, For , p ]result -to -wear Clothing. New Gopds. N We find in obedience to their Mas- certain literary Standing in our High Y Butter .......................... 0 14 to 0 15 Good hoods, wen n s,410 well triumed, ter's command the Apostles lanted Schools, should they desire to becoule �- -y and of the latest styles. �r Eggs per doz.................. 0 1 1 to 0 11 churches in Home, Corinth, alalia, teachers, they art-, required to attend - Since we have been in business we Levo 1 one of these schools for a short course day -..,.i ••••••••.•..•••.•........ 9 00 to13 00 ropeatedly been asked for whatisGom- churche, Philippi, established e etc; ]hese Cordwood ............... 3 00 to 3 50 men sy termed A HACK-ABOUB r churches were established before St. in professional training. This in brief, I S[lt1`, and in order to be able to eu Paul wrote to them, his Epistiles, and consists of getting instruction it) j Beef ...................... ...... 3 75 to 5 00 pply 0 overything a man wants in the line of before the New' Testament existed. the educational and psycologicul laws Wool .............................. 0 18 to U 18 I. R ens wvo thought it advisable to��trrtt I. Ready-madce, se we can a e vrlLh And we find from the most authenti- which underlie the acquisition of know- TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET. every man in the price of clothing. cated histhry, Protestant historians, ledge and the application of these laws A load of feed baric sollin • at 33. c (Dean Milner,) "that the Missionaries to the particular subjects-arithuletic, Y 3 We have tnon's suite from six to ten of the cross were near] in all land, grammar, geography, writing, r, etc - wag the only grain offered on the local dollars (it is folly to buy anything cheap. ) tont are taught in Public Schools. Do >r street market. Hay was to good de- or than sax), when you want t4 ga abotma and nations and that those who have b nand and 25 fonds sold aefrom $17 to ten we will make to Youro,tier. w,r 0 been converted from Prtgnn'sIn of our readers realize the effect of this $18. Hogs were received in liberal have Boyd Sults from two dollars up. Judaism were converted to the Catho- new provision that Mr. Russ has put quantities. Butchers' hogs sold at $5 , 'rho Ordered Clothing Dept. is quite lid faith. into the act. The Government takes / - - and heavyand mixed farmers' loads busy for this time of the year, but you ower to establish Separate Model �� had bettor come it, and select yourSpztW How isAb possible that divine provi- ��� sold around $170. About ti dozen live Suit before the rush in the spring, Ghouls in each city andcounty. And,if /// r dente should permit all those nations spring lambs were in and from $5 50 tq We have a SPECIAL I,INE of a ria to he deceived for such a length of the power is given, the parties in 6 was asked for them. r- gg$ad 6 whose interest the change is made will $ fall Overcoats, to order, Por $14;00-, there (10 L No church al England, Wheat, white.,.. cheaper and better onostoo' then, no Lutherans, no Calvanists, nv see that. it is exercised. Is the mental • • . •$ 81 to $ 00 r equipment of a Roman Catholic differ- seven weeks he laid in bed under the do red ................ 78 to W Methodists, no Presbyterians, no Bap- I Hats, Caps, alid Gents ur tilts, no Salvationists, etc., as vet ent from that of a Piotestant? Are the care of the best physician, and at the du goose • • • • , • • • • • • • • • 61 to 00 laws b which knowledge is t c uired end of that tine he was again able to Peas.. • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • 58 to OU nishin rS• being neither heard of or born. Y g ) q g, different according to the religious per- resume his duties. Daring the next Buckwheat ........ . . ... 39 to 00 q T HOLLOW And, Ohl most unaccountable in the suasion of the pupil.' Is it the language few years he was subject to frequent Barley ........... . . .... 33j to 00 A. .1 , ,r1OLLOW A -N ways of providence that he should or the mathmencal faculty that re- alight attacks, and finally thought a Oats • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • -• 27 to 00 , have permitted all this by the instrtk- quires the different treatment? What change of location ,,light be benefi- Rye • • • • • • • • . • . , . , • .. • 49j to 00 CLINTON. mentality of wicked men. Nay, they iathere in the texcbingofreadin spell- Ctni, With this idea Mr. Robbins vis- Hay bundle.............1700 to18 00 were holy, just and pure renowned in ing, the multiplication tables, physical ited the different American cities, Straw, bundle .......... 13 00 to00 00 ANTED. -YOUNG OR MIDDLE AGED their generations for unsullied sarictlty or political geography, h Lite sometimes in (rod health and again do louse ..............10 00 toll 00 W MEN of chat -actor. Hundreds fore est p r, g p y, prtory or g' E s new laid.......... 13 to 00 in Canada, started with us, About 14.10 a of life and according to unbiased lits- of grammar, the facts of history or unable to get out of bed, until in 1888 qq� • g tory they had the pewee of workinghe Shall, Chickens ............... 40 to f10 week to bogain with. THE BRADLEY-GAE- science, the art of writing or drawing y settled in New York. Here, RETSON CO., LTD., Toronto, Out. miracles. or any other department of knowledge for ikbout two years, Ire followed his Butter, lb. rolls......... 17 to 21 Hear what Mr. Wesley says in his taught in the Public or Separate occupation with comparatively little Tubs, dairy........... 13 to 17 book called "Popery calmly conside Schools that would make the approved sickness, when he suffered a severe at- Ducks .................. 50 to 70 Seed Grain For Sale. ed": "Several of them (the Papists) hal methods in one school different from tack which left him, until it few months Turkeys ............ . ... 8 to 11 All kinds of seed grain for sale. OATS ,whits attained to as high a itch of sancitity as those in another? Who asked for the ago, a martyr to that kaleidoscopic Geese .................. 5 to % and black tartars. BARLEY, Common 1'EAs- P disease. Mr. Robbins recovered some- Potatoes ....... ... ... . 'L5 to 30 blue and Potter's. CORN. Also all kinds of banns nature is capable of arriving Change in the law and what is the ob. Cipver and Timothy shod, Sell for cash erarz- at." ject they had in view? what after weeks of idleneab and went Dressed hugs........... 4 70 to 5 00 t change for any kind of grain; in some cases Hear again : "The Church of Rome," .t hack to the types, but again and again Reef, hidquarters...... 5 00 to 7 00 give 3 to 6 months' time, if desired. Driwe We have seen something of Model he was laid a working only about six do forequarters...... 250 to 3 75 right to warehouse, opposite station. W.iG. says Hooker (the eloquent protestant School work and believe there is Its p' g Y Veal 550 to 750 PERRIN, Clinton._ Hooker) "is no doubt to be considered daysainonth. Graduallyhegrewwor•se _ much need tot a Roman Catnolic Mod- and almost discouraged entered the Lamb............ .. 550 to 6 W Good Stable for Sale, as a pitrt of the house of God and we el School in this or any other county Sisters hospital. After spending many TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKET. gladly acknowledge them (the Cat ho- or city as there is for it flfth wheel to a weary months within itg walls he was Frame Stable, asgood asnow,18x30, with%im- lics) to be. part of the family of Christ." coach. The best educationists of the wearyr o with the awful verdict was Milch cows, each......$20 00 to $38 00 bersilis,formic cheap, to be movedofrpremims, Yet, forsooth, we Protestants are told country advocate reducting the curable' More from a sense of duty Butchers' choice cattht,ewt 3 75 to 4 00 Apply at TBE NEWs•RECORD office, Clinton. by our modern divines that the Catho- number of such schools and lengthen- Y Butchers cora. cattle, cwt 2 50 to 275 9WAr R than with hope he tried other hospitals Bulls, per cwt. . 2 75 to 300 ----_.: _ lie Church has run into error and :tpos- to the term as a means of restrictin Stockers per cwt....... , , .2 2 i to 250 Ing g in the city but with the same result, may the supply and tinpcoving the article. and resigned to hisfatehe left for hisold ACknowled went. We might also give numerous ex. Under the.proposed law the number of g Feeders, per cwt......... ,.2 75 to 3 75 g home, where he arrived in February, Shee per cwt............2 75 to 300 To TRE b'IREMEN AND CITiZENa os Cr.*� tracts from the Primitive Fathers' out Model Schools may be doubled. Sure- 1893, a cripple resemblance of his form- P GENTLEMEN, -We be to sincerely thank. of the Catholic Church there are no 1 there is no lack in the sat I of PP Lambs, per cwt........... 4 00 to 500 g Y pP Y er self, and was passed unreco nizad h psolicit for your prompt appearance at the9ie Salvation Saints, Ignatius, Clement, teachers in the county. In other p g Y Calves, per head.......... 4 00 to B00 in ouretorolast Wednesda g Y• litre former friends. Here in the house Choice Bacon hos Y evening. The Jerome, Reanus, Ter,ullion, Origin, branches of business when the output of his father, James W. Robbins, he hogs, cwG3 70 to 375 Mille, alon effective Wonttroto at from omth iovvae, L urian Ambrose Cyril, due. exceeds the re. uirements the factordea Stove segs, cwt.. , ....... . 350 to 3 55g plenty Yj Y q was bed -ridden •until the summer, and fire engine, checked and quenched what threst- Looki back upon the h5stor of shut down. But here s a proposal Heltfvy fat hogs, cwt. , ..... 3 •15 to 3 50 ened a serious and extensive conflagration ,ta=d 9g p y then during the warm days was able to Light hogs, per cwt....... 3 40 to 350 wo take this means of thanking the Cbristian Churches, even from it~ that, in the face of a glutted market, walk about with the aid Of a f gone indaall7fer Sows -per cwt ............ .. R QU to 3 20 saving so nnieh of our stock and buildings infancy it appears to be it battfefi(im of the capacity ofthe factory be doubledx 'ked cane for a few minutes at a time. Stag, per cwt ............. 1 73 to 200 1 HARLAND Baos. opposite tenderness and schools, every and the output Increased. When the cold weather at) - inch is disputed, every doctrine is call- .,The second pal t of the section is P g coached, however, he was again MONTREAL MARKETS. --- ed in question. I❑ lire sixteenth ten- scarcely less objectionable thauthefir,t. I conGrain-Local millers sold 10,000 bush- We Must Have Hel.fined to the house. Pink Pills p tory the contest was between Roman It recognizes the vicious principle of t'i'ns frequently recommended to Mr. els No. I hard Manitoba wheat in Fort We pay men and women $10 to 018 per week rer Catholicism and Protestantism, In appointmept to office on the ground of Robbins, and in December last, he start- William at 64c and 10.00 bushels No, 3 easy home work. No books or peddling. Steadyem- the nineteenth centnr•y the question is religion. In fact the nim of the legis- ed to take them, The first box wit.., un- hard in Fort William at 59c. AoP car- Ployment guaranteed. Bend etamp for wc,k ens Christiania or Infidelity. Scepticism noticable but the second produced a load of oats sold at 29c. Wheat, SoParuth street. HladelpNN k SEYMUIIB. sfD Y Y• P ]sties is to destroy unity vn our esu- P south sixth street, Philadelphia, rat is well nigh omnipresent in the think- ciational syystern and to perpetuate might shange for the better. More No. 1 hard, nominal; wheat, No. `L R98 8m ing world,nothing is taken for granted; reli ions riifferences in educational were then taken and the improvement hard, nominal; corn, duty paid, no -in must he au erred b was daily hailed with 'o b his friends. incl; peas, per 60 Ihs, in store, 58c to PP Y affairs that must, militate against all Y joy Y House for Rent adequate proof. Opposition to the efforts to develop it national spirit The rheumatism slowly but surely lefi. 59c; oats, Ontnrio, No. 2, in store, G9c ' For rent, a flve room frame cottege, on Albers truth is deaf to aliv at•gument. Deism arsongg our people. The next move .tnd hits not since returned. in March to 29}c• rve, No. 2, nominal; harley, street, north, tell] to rented on moderate terms. in England, Atheism in Fr,anc•e, Ra- will be for Separate High School,. last Mr. Robins was once more at work feed, 36c to 38c; barley, 51c to 53c; Apply to Ogle Cooper 4c Co„ the Cash Grocery, Ctra- tionalism in Germany, Agnosticism in There i6 as much cull for the one its and has not lost it day since; the enne buckwheat, per bush, 39c to 40c. ten' 897•tt. America represent the various degrees for the other. Each of these changes has long since been discarded and "Ed" Cheese -In the absence of business - uf modern apostasy from the orthodox imposes additional hurdens on the is one of the happiest, jolliest employ- reliable quotations cannot be given. Easter creeds. ees in the office Mr. Robbins is well 1 municipalities and e people should tives known in the count and indeed Butter -Trade is quiet but sb 18c to at Christianity has thus passed through take notice of those representatives Y 21c to 23c for creamery and 18c tel 19c TD -IT, stages of its earl life and has that vote to increase the cost of educe- throughout the whole district, and g Y for townships dairy and 14c to 15c for hard y reached the period of full than-. tion by needless expense and by the although, as he sa�pvps, he has not but western. Holidays. 17 /� �T c. • • hood In Christ Jesus through centuries worse than w;elesa subdivision of the strength Of llercllles yet, Plllk •E,dx ys 0 of persecutions and heretical corruption schools and effort." Pills have given him for a trifling cost Eggs ---The market is easier on ir- and shock of in fidelity, the ravages of the relief he spent hundrd(Is of dollars count of heavy receipts, fresh laid sell- --x— in vain trying to secure. He considers ing at 14c to 14je. Round Tri) Tickets at Single Fare will revolution and schisms without num- �-- '~— -' Y• g [ her. And yet it lives in greater Porter's 11111. the disease completely Out of his sys- News Notes. be issued to all Stations good to strength, controlling the progress of tem and can eat and sleep well, two go April 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and return civilization and destinies of the world, NOTES. --Hiss Efi1e Gardner Sunday- essential pnints to good health. Mr. The report is confirmed in Washing- tt up to Tuesday, April 7th. marching over the ruins of human ed ,it Clinton last week Mr. Curry, Robbins strongly recommends this tun of the death of President Hippolyte wisdom rind folly, spreading its heaven- of SPaforth, was Yisitin at William wonderful niedic'ine to other suffer- of ]Hayti. Tickets for Students and Teachers at ly blessings from generation to genera- Sterling's on the sixth last week. -The ens• Mr. ,John A. Orchard, One of the old- Fare and One -Third are good to tion and from country to country, to brethren are very quiet since the Sen. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills strike at the est and moat respected residents of return up to April 13th. the most remote parts of the earth. It ate at Holmesvillo passed the Remed- root of the disease, driving it from the Welland county, crier] at Drummond- For particulars apply to can never (lie, can never see the de- ial Bill last week. -As then spring is systern and restoring the patient to ville, Ont., on Wednesday nignt, aged crepitude of old age, but,like its divine opening William Elliott, Jr., will be health and strength. in cases of para- Pighty-one. TOWN founder, it will live in unfaeling fresh- starting gardening, Rnd the fish will lysis. spinal troubles, locomotor ataxia, A terrible explosion of flrP-damp has �� JACKSON Hess and unbroken vigor of manhood soon start to run. -Mr. TI?ornton, of sciatica, rheumatism, erysipelas, sero- taken place at Brunnerton, N. Z. Five r i AGENT, to the end of tirne, and shall rise from Seaforth, has moved up into the 11'[c. tilutis, troubles etc., these are superior persons were kil)Pd outright, and sixty her state of humiliation to the RtAte of Nealy house on the 4th con. -Hall Rut- to all other treatulent.. '['hey ikre also more are entombed with no hope of G. T. R. exaltation and glory,wherecreeds, sects ledge has rented the McAuley f'trrn a specific for the tt•oulles which make their being rescued. and denominations are unknown, and for a term of four years. -Hugh Thur- the lives of so many women a burdPr, The correspondence between the Do - where only the pure in heart shall see low, of Colborne, was down on it visit and speedily restore the rich glow of minion aesp ndenc b Governments ----- BIRTHS. ` God, and there enjoy the eternal Sao- to his brother's at Porter's Hill last health to sallow cheeks. Men broken bath of holiness and peace for ever and week. -We are glad to hear of Geor,;P down by overwork, worry or excess, preceding the appointment of the corn- iIAMHovn. in Blyth. on March 22nd, the ever. May it be all our ha will find in Pink Pills a certain care, '1114Sion was laid on the table of the wife of Mr. M. H. Hammond, of anon. Y happy lot is Cox's horse getting better; he wars ort- Dominion House of Commons Friday. Off-UNPrE. -in wingham, on the25tliMarc% the sincere wish of your humble ser- tended to by J. E. Blarkall. They Sold h7 all dealers or sent by mail, the wife of Mr. ('harloe Gillespie, of adaughter. vnnt. don't be long sick when Dock co1nPR FOS' paid, at 50 cents a box, or six There is a renewal of 04, murder of MARSHA1,L. in Portage )a I'rnirie, Man., on ,JACO)l McGEE, out, as he either, kills nr corres.-There ltnxes for $2,6f), by addressing the Dr. Chr igt,iariRon the island of CrPt,e, and it the 17th otMyrrh, the wife ori Mr..Tames Mnr- I•.gmondyille, MRrch 27. wag a very enjoyable time at Thomas Williams Medicine Company, Brock- 19 believed that the Turkish troops are shall, (daughter of Mr. s. N'tiill, Wingham.) of Battles lust week ; a mat bee in the ville, Ont., or Schenectiuly, N. y, wards fur the Christians to retaliate- adaughter, Bayfleld. afternoon of the youngladiesof this vl- Beware of imitations and substitutes when they will seize the occasion tor) be, KLEIN,CHanT. in F,thol, on March 23rd, the gin a general massacre of Christians ans wife of Mr. Ram Kloinschrot, of a Son. Bu1EFrs. --John Ronrltt and ,John ,,]nits. Then the gents carnelatP in the alleged to be "jest as good.' T.IVTNnsTONE. -In Orcy, on March 23rd, the Krug, two of sur old and well known Peening and the dance wns started. Mr. O. A. Howland, M.P.P., of To- wlfnofMr. 1). K.I,ivingst.one,ofawon, residents, are very ill at present. We Thomas McDonald furnished the music. ronto, appeared before the Senate Com- MCCLA(nERTY. It, Fullarton, on the 22nd wish them a speed recovery. --141 r. -Itewis Proctor is preparing to build a Dttnr;annOn• mittee in Ottawa, nncl explained the March, Mrs. David McClarherty,ofadaughtor. new barn this summer. Lew isithustr DOTS.- I3 the appearance or the scheme for celebrating the four horn- Will -born). and Mrs. A. McLPoc , of Ripley, who ler.. John Cox bought a very flne weather we are going tc, have an earl • dredth anniversary of the discovery of IACKAON. in Fullarton, Marrh 1.5, the wife of have been visiting here, returned horns g g y Robert.fackson, of a daughter. last week, -John Whiddon is the horse liLSt. He has now a matched s ring, which will be. appreciated by North America. by (jabot. owner of a heifer with peculiar tusks, team and is going to flu them for the the farmers in general.- Robins have The Hon. .Joseph George Ward, the - � - fR]1 fairs. Thomas Elliott had better maile their appearance once more. -A Treasurer of New Zealand, speaking at MARRIAGES, It has the habit er chewing dry goods, look out for Reeve COX. -It is rumored number of young people from this vill- Winton, said that a large incrense o£ PgTTFH WATsoN. At the restdenoe of the and has can several occasions visited that John Bln'r to cin to build a new age drove over to Goderich lust Friday the debt, of the colony nnrat he looked bride's father, Blyth, A Marrh 26th, by gar_ cloths, lines and eaten white shirts, g g g Y T. F. itlglev, Mr.Oonrge Pot.trr, of East Wa hal,, and a house this summer. What evenin and spent, ver enjoyable time for, as New Zealand could not expect wanosh, to v, M .floo, eldestdaughter of Mr. sheets, whits gloves, etc.-Ashorttime g P' J Great Britain always to protect her, ago a deputation waited on Rev. Mr. does this all mean. Jona, porter is, at, the ome of Mr. an Mrs. Strong.- Y P and Mrs. Edward Watson. Oaten, and presented him with a com- nevertheless, a very fine drink. -Mies Mr. Alex. Pentland, Miss Edith Camp- and the time would shortly arrive "-IIELL­ KENNEH.-At t.hn residence of talo plimentary address, expressing the Lindsay is recovering from congestion hell and Miss Lo❑ Hrmghtctn spent Sun- when it would he necessary to obtain brldn's parents Atafra, on March 18, by Hew. of the lun s. -Robert Elliott, of Gode- day with friendsat Lucknow.-Mr..J, C, millions of pounds to provide theirown .Ino. Kenner, Lilly� youngest dao appreciation of his services in the con ghter of Rev. rich, is movie hack onto his farm McMath, of Clinton, pa's a flying visit fleet' ino. Kenner, to tVm. Bell, Cromarty. grP�a.tion. The address was accom- !f . panied by about $25.-H, Kemp had a again. His neighbors will be glad to to our village last week. -Mrs. S. J. The'Presse, the leadinFrench pa - visit from his father, of Clinton, on see Rob back again.-ThO Betbel Choir Pentland is visiting friends in Goderich. per of the Province of �uebec, last DEATHS Wednesday. -Rev. W. Graham and is in a flourishing state at present.- -Mr. John Bn of Lucknow, was week contained a leading article in MILL19.- inTurnhorrp, on March I9th, T. � Rev. F. J. Oaten exchanged pulpits ori Miss Ami Cox, of Goderich, was home down hPrc on Friday last (for a load of which it openly charged the Dominion MUiS, aged 68 years and I month. Sunday week. -Mr, Charles Dewar is on a visa last Sunday,--Messts. Gra- willow logs which he intends to manu- Governament with had faith on the IiMELTzER.--In Fast Wawanosh, on March advertising an auction sale of his farm, ham and Oaten, of Bayfield, changed facture into wooden limbs. -Mr, T. W. schnolque,t'on. It advised the Oppoai I nth, Abel Smoltzor, aged 68 years and 9months. pulpits last Sunday. -William Perdue Little has been makingsome Improve- tion to cease obstruction and thus place MACDONArD.-In Hullett on March 24th 'Mre- tn the Sauhle line, farm implements, has done a ver heavy wintet's saw- menta on his shoe storin the wa. of u on the Government the res onsihil- I Margaret Macdonald, aged 82 years and 4 stock and household effects on ThuPb- Y Y P p monilia. Jay, April 9th, at 1 o'clock, �Mr. Dewar ing tbis year. He Is hustler. -Avery i,intlnF and fixing up, which •adds ity of a failure of the measure. ort, for mapv years been g tpaident of Pleasant gathering took place at Johnatl to theapp earance.-Rev. J. W. TAMAN.-In East Wawanoah, on March loth.Weeds' last wee .-Lan , Beatt ofolmes, of Cl{nton, will The report of the commissioners ap- nna Mary, daughter of Mr, and Mrs Her,lg Bayfleld and vicinity, and, its his TB Y Y. preach an poised to aseertalr the data upon Taman, aged 2 years afid 8 montha. , 'noval, Bayfield will Lose agoodritizen. Varnit, was in the village fast week.- educational sermon in the Methodist which the boundary between Canada Hortorxs.-In Cleveland, Ohfo,onMarch24tt, A. M. Polly, the horse buyer, went church Isere nekt Sunday. -Rev. Mr. and Alaska may be delimited was laid Mr.1 y earns] Hodgins, formerly of Blyth, 'argyr[i -" through the Village last week. and Mrs. Armstrongleft on Frida to 61 years• on the table of Parliament. Prof. Bro�ger, of Chrfst]ania, and _ .,. attend his father-infuneral at ennxxox.-In Clinton, on March.3o, WI1Haea Baron Toll, o_g 8t. Petersburg, believe - Chatham. -Mr. Jae. Smith has return- - Shannon, aged 47 years and 10 months, •hat Dr. Nansen has discovered the The JapaaeeeCvunailforCanada,real. Anetion Sale Register. votth Pole, and is retut•nin h the dent at Vaneogver, B. C., has written ed home after an extended visit with -- g Y the Winnie Board of Trade that he in- friends at Black I#orse,=Mr. Stephen ' Parties having, their rale bills rinted at Tam Ladies clean your kid gloves with lvay of the New Siberian islands and Winnipeg p Ie will Ii}tejy reach Norway in the nut• tends visiting Wintlip6g shortly, and Deves, of the village, had a wood bee Nswa-Riaoan oMae will receive jrre nodes similar Jo,e hive Glove'Oleaner for sale only Inn. S onld be not return b then, would like to meet the members of the last week, quite a number of cords ale- to the fonowtng sorts date of sale:- by Hodgen, Bats.; Role-agents,for the 'here would still be time to send an ex- board, and discuss the matter of trade ing cut. -Ar. Newton Campbell has SATURDAY, APRIL 4th. -Horse, Harnem, bur;- Perrin, Frarers and Alexandria Kid ,"' 'ition in search of him. between Canada and Japan. commenced to move out to bis farm in gy, w g Elie Ma irnitet u aro Gluten o clock Gloves in all the most desirable shades. East Wawanosh. wrung, Auettoncer. dressed and undressed, laceland button r q, /� ".. " 4 c r z t 11 ,s; 111. f ..4a vel. ' �.r ,- '.,,- `s 6 ,1, t "�; .r.1.. ,iGrt.., n i 1 .y,.i, ) 2t 1'; 11` . k 1; t 1 V.. '1011., ,, 11,,�1,141s ..,r 1 ^Y,, ) i . pp tl } ytj' Yp{� , j �,° �....t,..,.,x 2.. ,.4, w r.,... .:.,1 .4..., ..! -K+. .,,1.. ,:41.u.. .S e; v� , ...,,..:L ,, 'k," Jp, • ,:. . 1, !.7