HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-04-01, Page 21 74 t 7, Ir`. , • Mr y.. ,Y 'w L v 'w-.. a - •, Yt. iS I Y Ir °V '..,r ,, .. • „ i T'd 1- .I. ,: .. :r.. - . t 111. I,. .. .,,. .., ... :., .. ,., ,.. ,., � .. mss' „! •.,1% I , I �S`I'l IMA. + r ,, 4? #, t liar t {firms r . .. ., ,.. r , .. "I" ,.: ., ... .. . 1. .. �!.. 1. „ ,.:�. "_IIsi! li i x �1 _ , . , + ,. ., :. , , , , ,. y Mkt, :� Fl"+I+� 9i 3► 3 l�.,s , �t,+ltrl<lt ap . +� >�?! +tn, t$rt 1N11,'M ` ?S�`. 1, I,4n fr �r 11 hi. hl f1„ , a 44 Ie e e t: r a: .1 ...�ti t l lx r .h► �l a:,,,. s 1.Qtr h dd eat 4 0 .• A4LAp , ..>l a C rl . p 13 b flw. •..! ki , , lit 1i.. ,,., _.. 1 , ,. �i1" , y . .. fila. 1? g G dV . P tl4 "l, a.1. �Nt .� r,, � '. + 44t,., .p „- I AR ,p , ;a. 4 1 A di" . �. -u� a. u e x..11:r I, 'i p . t111.1#.: la>x lot'.` �1 y�x lll� ern p�{,�/� 11. ♦ , � .: ,. r. p.. , '^ o , " 'lzt*o, A :Ills : . ; : f ,4 l�iF �M�4 A.7M! � r� .. �!: r',. 14A'4 .4 'r414A:,p64Ail1 11��'!t A(6r,�t;a}ae �g a;f fl tt' .. kh . !t; ��.. ,, �i 1, � '� .e., . t actcattk to ?lx .. 4.X,a,..�. 1®," w• . r � z, ,e 4.., tip ifktl • las: b I s t ' - _ a a fu .0 '�r !, -h . t - w • I !'' 4 n , -ja • r. . , ray fi _ .. p , 1'p,5p, eell:ly. MIS: yr !. 11.E 11 i 1�,.#1'4 o ia�. � Wl dl"f ' 1.�estexr Il a prlvk tteativt;, to xark, bpd ept��'' Wt Aq "r pperrIt, 34h9t and hire, Xp to ++'�: he AlIlI1 erp• '-' ? Alt x'S g f3& l8 'i t' r I� tlgod {14a11); well know. Nowt 7fhetl "li#yy pfd It 1. d cy, . Pk kkA ver 1tnA. :, I..; A1U1 T w�h0re wore YaN that attgruoon?"" e+tl(`lta4i PtCq#ell 1 :f4+i4, T��•-*,1n0ir 131��en And JapeAs arc llAaquPil@d in quality sad prices; Qa wild' Gas ��,�,, t`'I ;vee^ �: ,, . T 1. r .t d d 9 alt 1!7} Hitt i tl I� dc4�'liut ili+ork ' I hav'olt•t t'he least idea. I hive l5es i49, .t `nte:1'et 4 Balt o parr✓liti es of 10c. pout},J If you buy frogp me IAptea Qf Tea Pe dlera; °ornpsfq g4,41jty illi lllita x I It was while T'wrls vicar of tat been racking my brains the pest pelt 17tt4vto Sot ll t4a0Qyakst4(#t, SII(3AflS,- We are bead setters we buy direct from Montreal Refineries, tee be . u + 1, 1oGh q to eat but fact(, Chad's, Mapohester; that the most of the night, but all to no purpose *r And q4; . tor galgd @tit 11q ser heart, It any q y Nothing to wear brit clatihes, epiggde pit my life Fells was greatly dlsappointed, You Lot'sd9Uu harAti ita;ihun, ohn, and mak@ attd sell at close rices. P 8t tcllty r trying and pglnful P i + 4 y:, To.keep one from being nude. occurred, and there ase times even now must find out." -ire said, "much de- a� etralg► t egh11at,,. NEW FRUITS and PEELS, -We have already disposed during Holiday season of -�pver + !f` ., when I shudder to• think of the an- pends on it. Mrs. Adamson and my- 1$ez I, �'My yo u¢ trlltufl, Wllllaw, sir, Ser four tune and still have large stook on hand, di creat brands soiling cheap as to gttalipy. i ", I Nothing to breathe but air, guish my dear dead mite and myself self have searched your diary and eat- , words is ;clu , a4nQ tun Aa hf4rbttrasbutt" gg4d'• >ro�' them whoa@ CROCKERY, CHINA, gLAS8lvAliE AND LAMPS. -We bane saot to mage room fpr gtir.,11 I Quick as a flash tis gone, were called upon to undergo, gagement book, but there are only A�ft� la not agketpl, . Imported Goods and wa have reduced our prices on Dinner Sets, Tea Setp, Toilet Satsr''+ Nowhena tfY fall but One One morning a shabby young fellow, two entries that week, However, !t Rut /adia;llbeueltal,to Mltcippoe) we'u o' this Berry Sets, Water Seta, Bread and Butter Plates, Cups and Saucers and Lamgs, all ltittde i? ` Ngwhem to stand but on. who looked a typical tte'er do well, will come to you lat¢r, I hope." called on me to beg. I had great difll- It was a trying ordeal to stand in Arid toxrihlinrlhdirbltreglyttl" and -I w@nt Call and see Goode and Prices; no trouble to sh{o�w goods. {ti y �'. Nothing to slag; but songs, culty In recognizing him as Ronald the dock and see 1n the crowded court Then CGP With aoeits, we7lald 'm down; we '"'Terra S CaSil Or Trade Ah, well l Alas ! Aleck 1 i, Pimmerton, t'he oily son of a wealthy many that I knew. Some of them We peached each Other that day, till we a Nowhere to a but out, r--- g corn factor who had been one of my nodded kindly to me as I entered, but could pouch no more; Nowhere to come. I?t{t back. church wardens at Weymouth. On when they had heard the evidence, I Then we agree$ to harbitrate, he, William, 'Irti1 questioning him I found that he had saw trouble and perplexity on their and me, John; k Nothing to read but words, squandered his wealth by the most faces. I did not wonder at or resent But a thief had cum and stole our coats, - !i� +, „, Nothing to cast hat votes, riotous living, and for the last two their changed expresslon-the evidence and -Marianne was gone! +}+++ + +++++ + ++++++++ + +++ + ++ +}}}♦ ++ t ryas. Nothing to hear but sonds, -London Spectator. r *.t; gf Years had been earning s precarious w'as certainly strong. "Poor, dear + ,,�� Nothlug to sail but boats, living as hanger-on at race courses and - - . + I g g gentleman," said most of them; "trou- ,y professional tipster, and, I fear, at ble must have unhinged his brain, or The Ld•lens „r Nature. g�jglg o� pjj '' Absolutely « ^' ) o Nothing to comb, but hair, other employments more shad still. I he couldn't have done It." There were Of this fair volume wLlch we World dp + I' " I Nowhere Go sleep but in bed, did all I could for him, for his father's a Yew, however, who PasslontelY de- ua,ne Bicycles, ithe Best. + " ` If we the sheets and leaves could turn 4 V' Noth.ng to weep but fasts, sake -found him reapectAble lodgings dared their complete belief in m In- + + !' " Y with care, l Nothing to bur but dead. n` ,io g y and got a bualness ,friend of mine to nocence• Of Hint u•hb It corrects, and did It frame, (i.+ + 'J « �,,, take him into his office. But, as I Have any of the notes been trac- f �'u clear might read the art and wisdom l± �0�" .' �O�' -,ki n," Nothing to see but sights, feared, my friend had to dlsmlas him ed ?" asked the stipendiary. !4 rare ' ,z Nothing to quench but thirst, In less than a month, and I lost eight "No, sir," said the prosecuting solid- Find out Ws power which wl dept powers I•i&l+t eiSi=� and 1 I superior materfall ti < y � 5 n� Nothing to have but what we've got of him, What his gratitude was like tor, "though we hope to do so, I aim doth tame, _� "' ' } w !,,, i Thus through life we're cursed I was to know a few weeks later. instructed to ask for a remand, when 131s providence, extending everywhere, *� Rigidity. Everyll'ma- and5dientifi4sWork- � t" further evidence will be forthcomin Ells ati dee which proud rebels doth not + �} st Ivy,@t I was sitting In my study one Tues- g`" spare, , I'a �1 NuGhin ct strike but a gait, da morn! the first week in becem- ' 'n l„ , : 8 y "I do not Oppose that," said Fells, In every age, no Iierlod of the snore. tP EveryGiting moves th+tt grows, her, r "but, of course, You will ant ball, P +� chin®fullytviuralated , 02msh . preparing ng a lecture I was to de- -- i wk,, Nothing At till but common sense liver to our little society, when I was Your worshl ? My client Ss Innocent But "Illy we, t1Le foolish children, rest + +`� 11 + 4 , Can ever withstand these woes, handed the card of a visitor who wish- and h1 sell a`\51gYtYii.of the fraud." Wei 1) with color'd vellum, !cares ¢ �++11. 44�., BItN KING. ed to see me. The name was "Mr. L. "I can of at,,,p�e9ent, Mr. Fells," said Fair Qnagltng rlbbands, leaving wbut Is + _ ik 4+' '----,--- Prldson," and for a momeut I could the man ,i,SWite, curtly. "I remand best. + -' - - } : _""'01.., PROPPED UP BY PILLOWS FOR not recall any such person to my the accused until next Tuesday." On the great writer's "nae, neer taking + , , i r-cs^r- - - EIGHTEEN MONTHS. mind. But when he was shown in I When I was again before the magas- hold ' l + a 1 t instantly recognized him as the cashier trate, the first witness was a hotel Or, If by chance we stay our minds on + - + , ; �., `: A TZRRIBLE E%)?ERIENCE wlTfi HEART of the Manchester city bank. He was clerk from Liverpool. He recollected aught, r+ 5 Styles �• t',c DISEASE, YET CURED BY DR. AG- a portly and rather pompous man, a clergyman staying at the hotel on It le some picture on the margin wrought. f+ '``"3 i' but now he looked decided! n rvoua November 4, and the manager cash d-Rllllam Drummond. C+!, + "'I. " ": NEa S CURE FOR TRF HEART. e e tA��t' "Good morning, Mr. Prids n," I said. him a $100 note, which Mr. Pridson + t � '' k M ' CREDITORS SURPRISED. } Nlghest Honors 4t the Worlds Columblao Uposition. + ' '� �;. Do .not our largest sympathies well , A wretched morning, is it not? Take swore was one of those he had paid '"a1�`` out to those who suffer frorn heart a seat, please." me. The• clerk rofessed to identify It Was the Unex ectad That Happened+ + 1�t1'J:, p P } } 'h''� .% disease ? It cornea so suddenly, ttnd He eat down, but made no response ' me and said I told him I was going + Seed ttwarow stamp tot our 24•page Catalogue -A work of A&L } ,, This Tlnte. ' I��� its symptoms are usually so distressing to my greeting, and I waited for him to Ireland. The pollee, through the + + . �tAt-%,, A man who had been a "toucher" + + ,,4�,; that the direct agony is experienced b to speak. prosecuting solicitor, were again ap- died at a South Side hospital a few + Monarch Cycle Company, + I ,,k,, the patient. The case of Mr, L. W. "Mr. Adamson," he said, "I have Plying for a remand to trace my alleg- + } iK!, called u ed movements in Live days ago. His acquaintances were Lako and Halsted Sts., CHICAGO, ILL ,e„ U. the ti Toronto Junction, Ont., who pan van unpleasant business. Liverpool, when a + Retail Salesroom, a8o Wabash Ave. , , . + y a; was unable to lie down in bed for It will be a great relief to us all 1P woman caused a disturbance by try- shocked and Pained to hear of his death, + + ?'4 r' eighteen months owµig to smothering You can clear yourself, air." Ing to Push into the court. "Let me although more than one remarked that ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + ?.. ;"'' , he would like to have what was due y spells and palpitation, 1a by no means "Clear myself. Why, Mr. Prldson, go, Yo' tool ." she said to the Aolice- Ik, exceptional. Who would have thought what do you mean ?" ma.n At the door, "I'm a witness, I him from the deceased borrower. .. - �„� - ? the case could be cured, and yet one '"On the afternoon of November 3, tell yo'. I know a lot." The man had been well liked, and his " Crottle of Dr. A new'" Cure for the Mr. Adamson, you came to the bank She got in at leaf, a stout, dirty failure to pay what he owed was char- 4 4 E� m "r "` t; '`5j;jjjZf `gl�%7 , C0,14 _:3(8Ajjii;iR0 ��`" Heart removed trouble in this case. It and requested us to Cash a check for panting wo¢nan, with a shawl around stably ascribed to his carelessness in r ,kms . tb41. r's:, gives such speedy relief, that even £750, drawn in your favor and sign- her head, followed by a stunted old buainesa matters rather than any intent C / "'' by SiI 13r James Garel. This morula woman who looked rather scared.IN where the svtnptome are less dartger- g the to defraud, nus, it ought At once be taken as a Check was returned by Sir James with "Yo' wasshup!" she began. When he earned money it seemed to i?'3F � • means of driving the terrible disease the intimation that it was a forgery, "What do you want, woman ?" ask- get away from him immediately, so X ) V"'�` from tho system. Sold by Watt$ $ Co, On minutely examining the signature ed the magistrate, severely. that he was compelled to borrow right (� i ," ________.._- - this morning, we found that, though "I'm a witness, yo' wasshup. Let and left, usually in small sums, but �� } ;,. a clever Smitatfon,S,lr James was right, me git 1n the witness b'ox there and with alarming frequency. His borrow �i lq;. The bill for the supervision of bake- You will admit that this 1s a serious 111 fell yo'. It's none him," pointing in had extended over a period of years ,;.rap . rihops received almost unanimous sup- „ P g g p 2c, .1 k, port in the Ont,aria Le islature Thura_ bualness, sir. to me. It couldna be him. But I'll and none of those whom he owed had01 AZ day on its second reading. "Vetzs serious," I said, "but does St tell Yo'." kept any account pf the Prams. They (ry 1�;, concern me? I simply know nothing Atter a little demur the woman wcs did not beltPve St within the range of c(,ij ti.. about the check," sworn. Whig she was I could net at post3ibilities that he wCuld ever et The rat lilt with which ciao level- „ n' together enough money to enable him p Y P Mr, Adal,lgoh. he exclaimed with that morcnetit CC,nceive. O" i:1.": 4lpa evils far instant treatment and Severity, "MY name's Sarah Edmunds, and to settle up. a .;: ,.i yet few households are prepared lot.its I'm a wldder. 23 Little Em'1 t�`w "Mr. Prldson." I said, a little heated. y- Therefore, when he died in th,e hosV" . - visits. An admirable remedy for this He shook his head impatiently. "Mr, street," she began, "That day, Novem- pital it was Considered that the books �% 1, '` disease is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It ber 3, my man had a fit, and the doc- 9 t.,t Adamson, about 3.45 on the afternoon were balanced. - ,`.� ,, has saved hundreds of lives and should for said he'd dee before the day were IT p (; tf,"'' he in ever home where there are of November 3 you came to the bank Ima,gi'ne their surprise to learn that '\ Y oven, He wanted bail to see a pas• + I °` muffled up, on account of the fog, and y their Impecunious friend had kept the 0 }- - yctung'-children. son and I humored him and went to '1>r"• _ young Slidell attended you. You pro- most minute account of all of his bar. ---.-- fetch Mr. Adamson theer and he came a... ,, duced this check, which you had in- tOwtngs, had managed to keep up thei O © tJ At a convention c,f the Liberal -Con- at once. It were about two o'clock, a 4 O a a D Q 4 'k';.; dorsed, and asked him to cash it. Sid- payments on his life Insurance policy, J- xervativeR of Lincf�ln and Niagara at nasty, misty day, too, I remember, Vis.' g dell brought the check to me, and I and while on his death bed had given r; $t. Catharines, Mr. J. C. R ter ex M. Well, he went with me, and rare and ]r Y t, came and spoke to you. 'A large' am- to, his sister the most explicit derec- You remember the bo who was asked after church about the 1. .' I'., was. made the unanimous choice as, nlec� he were to Jacob. He set by him Y Cunt, Mr, Adannson,' I said. 'Yes,' you f o m for the paying of aid his old debts minister's sermon. He said he didn't, quit remember the " the canditate of the art At the corn and read the Bible and prayed for him > P, Y replied ; 'it re resents Sir James' very nicely, Jacob towd him what a1. from his life insurance money, the �+{•`' i Dominion elections. Mr. R kert P p :Es�ed for a couple of weeks to consider princely generosity to our restoration balance to go to her, tax but the idea was this : "11d1B A6 HAS, G l " Y bad lot he'd been, but 1t ilius make G, ITS.' ;, and poor funds. I will take the £750 in any difference. Passon @beer rayed Por She carried out the directions. One L,;. the matter. £50 or £100 notes and the odd £50 In p man who needed money received the This might be the text or pretext for quite a MERCHANT'S SER- ,' him same as if he'd been gentry. And t;; gold.' Of course• under the circum- he stopped ,with him till he deed at welcome lump sum of $100. The others -,,; pP MON. After a11, it is the tuna who does the ADVERTISING ` They Will Amuse the Children. stances, I never questioned the genu- ten ornate" past six, and be gave me received more than they believed was 4nerrees of the check nor your represen- due them. Then all the harsh thin WHO SELLS THE GOODS. Po biro that heath shall he given" ,,:t,; five shillin's toward the burying. ge +,. , HANDSOME DOLLS WITH CHANGE OF talons. In the ordinary course of Betsy, here, who lives next door, that ever were said of him were re- is as true of ADVERTISING as of anything else. f*11;; business the check came before Sir tracted .. James DRESSES, bought a newspaper and lent 1t to me, I • James yesterday, and this morning it and last night I read about this buss- It appears that very often, especially The great mistake which MERCHANTS COntlilllally make in this `` ness, and I says: 'Law, x.x' ' We have secured a new and very was, returned to us, as I have said.Betsy, It's after his health became broken, he had Al taking novelty known as the "Dia- There la no doubt St is a forgery." the parson a coom to Jacob !' And I borrowed !n order to keep his life connection is shown by their oft -repeated explanation why �_ " rumd Dye Doll." These dolls are I saw that there had been roguery read a bit farther and seed the rob- insurance paid up. --Chicago Record, they do not • 1;. clothed in bright and handsome dress- somewhere and that I was In an un- bery was done on the very same day g��, es and will prove a great attraction for pleasant position, but my conscience a with Jacob, So, I knowed It An Ancient Family. 111.1 he were AaVBPt1S8 OP nS8 PrintePS' Ink In some foPm- ,,s,: couldna be him, and I thowt what a The Mikado Is the rel)glous head of .. the little ane". was quite clear. "Mr. Prtdson," I the r. A set of Six Dolls with Six Extra said, "you are under a delusion, I fool he were not to tell yo' where he Japanese as well as their ruler. q'I=, were and so I come to tell yo' myself. His Place Is hereditary, and it has been ' V,, Dresses will be mailed to an address never had a check of Sir James f8arel's, F "IV, on receipt of four cents in stamps, and I never brought It to the bank t° Yo' can let him go, yo' wasshup. ,lhd by members of his family for They "Haven't use enough for it." � Thousands are going to all parts of the cash St. I have never seen such a Yo've got the wrong horse this time." more than 2600 years. His Is tncompar- ",,, Dominion, givinguntversalsatiefaction cheek from first to last." No sooner had the woman begun ably the most ancient lineage known. In other words, they wait until by luck or good fortune their pre - 'i.t ,' to all who receive them. He took the documents from his speaking than the whole incident came The Mikado is the 122d of the line. The sent stock is outgrown, and then they Advertise, L' back to me- If I 'had only remember- founder of it, whose hope of g 5 „'.; posterity a . Users of Diamond Dyes will please packs and held 1t between his ed it at first what trouble I might In his wildcat dreams could not have :'rs, . ;i':; ,Hear in mind that it will be to their fingers. It pained me to see that he have been spared. How much more enterprising it is to puph your business, rather rt' equaled the result, was enntemporary `�1�. advantage to examine eAch package of we<uld not trust it Into my hands. The opposing solicitor was suspict- with Nebuchadnezzar; 660 11. C. than let it. slowly outgrow itself. This is a true way to be .,;,; 4,ye that they buy, as worthless imita- "Here is the check, and," turning It oua. ,ty tions are now being sold. See that the over, "Ss not that your signature ?" "How do you remember it was the Learn t,r sox, successful. Don't make the failure which so many mer- &� ., :"qty - name Diamond" is on each package. I scrutinized It closely. "It certain- same day, Mrs. Edmunds ?" he asked, Lord Wolseley, addressing the Brl- chants make of waiting till the stock drives you to the put - y':,.:; Wells &Richardson Co., 200 Mountain 1y looks like It, but it's a forgery, 1 "Why," she said, "don't you' think xi„, guide of Guards, strongly recommended chase of advertising space, Let the advertising drive the e Street, Montreal• know nothing about that check, I I know the day when Jacob deed ? It eve � g p a; every soldier to Learn how to box. There aE+' tell you once Again.” was the 3rd of November, at ten mdnu- xas nothing, he Bald, that required Goods. Think it over I The bill providing for the reduction "Mr. Adamson," be said, solemnly, les peat six. And here's Betsy Sn411, more pluck, and nothing so likely to fir: -df the number of County Councillors ""I make one last appeal to you, With who seed parson theer, to speak, and bring out the tine qualities of an ath- �1, "' and a new system of nomination and Y my own hands I handed the money I could bring two or three mare." lets O O O O P election of members of the County There was a good deal oP muttered 'C O O O r . over to you. For your own sake con- O O O O ';> Council was subjected to at severA criti fess that p conversation bete sen the magistrate, The fiuu,o,'a HoraPs. I� , dant last week in the Ontario Lc isles- You were tempted and tell. �' Sir James will be merciful, and I can Fells and his opponent, and at last I I tore. The Sultan has about 2000 horses In ,f+x. Gnawer for our directors. In fact, I am was remanded again t nominal ball, his stables, and among these <re spec!- The News -Record, +' n'i 18'RENCIi PiLLf$ Rafe .4 empowered to say so."' "Considering all the exit ordinary fes- mens of nearly every breed In the a Ili r; ap��s 19 R CI in it0 L 9S. Sa. The "Mr. Prldson, you mean to be kind, tures of the case the woman's story world. His finest horses are of Ara- '', only female regulator h, the wuole I am sure,' I said, apt (Ing steadily, ought to be strictly Inveatlgated," the bias blood, and his Pavorlte mount to '11 a' ' mage of medloines. By bfafl, Price 93 00. though my limbs trembled, "but your stipendiary said. S' a beautiful Arabian bay. I?' aTAYVDARD MEDICAL Co„ appeal 1s an Insult." But three days later all doubts were ---- � �f - 240 St. James 9treet,hloutreal• "You know what 1t will mean- set at rest by a letter received by the Albert Street Clinton Ont11 ,4, •` , - prosecution. Think again of your po- Ti,e QnlcknP.y or vlainn. ! • � s The Citizens' Committee of Montreal chief constable from Phl]adelphla. sitlon, your wife." Scientists who have mad(. a study of I 11 ass; has,. it is understood, decided tit report I have told you the truth," I replied, The writer confessed to having, whit p the eye say that a flash of Ilght last- '1' 'EG r, in favour of the proposal t0 hold an in- and he left, truly sorry for me, 1 be- the aid of an accomplice, forged the 21 a" teriaation+tl 3xposition i❑ that city next Neve. check, which the accomplice, dlaguis- int: 40-1,000,000,000ths of a ec'cond is ear quite sufficient for distinct vlAlon. i . y I called my wife In and" gently as ed as myself, had cashed. "It was s iii ----- very elimple and easy fob," the scoun- I could told her the whole business. I ^�— f Q 11 Vl" knew what a terrible bhing It was for diel airily remarked. "No doubt You The fire at Colon destroyed 90 houses. 'a \ j A E1`IA 1CABLE CASE. ran clear yourself," he went on, "but Y '� .1' R i2 her, but, thank God, she has ever Mr. Robert Anderson, a well-known >."Y: -as•• ► `j1 shown the noblest courage and subil- I thought It just as well to write. as 0'�E"°—�� cA iWist of Montreal, is dead. i.; meat faith in the worst extremities. Perhaps I might get You Into trouble." P i,, , . The letter was signed "Ronald Em- Alexander Reid, it, deaf mute, wasI. Rheurrratl tri 01 20 era's standing ` Wba,t shall you do, my dear T" she 4 Y Q merton "-Tit-Bits. killed by a train at Belleville. °. radically cured by Soott's asked. Sarna arllla- "In all probability I shall be arrest- Mr. Gear a Hodgkins, of Danville, is The Great .English Remed iI Now You Roe It, Natio You Don't.'Hamilton's lloVUy'J FnoC�noatllV `'�' ,�' �"-;: fit, ed shortly. I am going to see Fella the latest 11 v stint o linos - I 11`at once." Fish City, which belongs to the Skate mous footpads. Is the result of over 86 years faceting thotu+aad. of rases with e11 known i of Michigan, Is a peculiar place, with f,,,, Mrs. Sarah Browning, an estimable "God help you, ,my dear," she said The os9cial corp report for India drugs, until at last we have discovered the ta,m comedy and treatment -e 6' resident of the Ambitious City, was for simply as I kissed her. a watery flavor; has no existence in shows that the export surplus is prac- combination that will effecta prompt and permanent cure In all stages of A j' ", Minty years a sufferer from acute rheu- Mr. Fells was one of the best sumimer, but Ise A busy place fn winter; tically wiped out. Sexual Debgiey, Above or Bzeetr i, Nervow Weakness, Esrissiow, Meatal f; matism, and her restoration to health is known solicitors 1n Manchester, and a is not built on land, and yet has Worry, Erc.:sirr Use of Opium, Tobacco, or Alcoholic Stiarutasts, all of ; 1'; sorem� kable that we present the case man I ws proud to call a personal nothing to do with boats. The ice of ry which soon lead to Insanity, Consumption and an earlygrave. Wood's �' y Saginaw bay Is used as a foundation •io Ci©NSWMPrt'iVES. ReloIts - r1 cap successfully y f' for the eneflt of our readers, man Of friend. I found him In his office and Pb hodlnebasbeeaueedsuccee.tu b hundreds of caserlthltegerrtpd t, 1? whom kre ,doubtless sufferers from this told him the whole story. for the city every winter, and the almost h less--aseethat had been treated the most Wanted The anderst ed having been restored En health � 9 town to occupied by men and their p" a r $i painfuicafnitlaintwhicharisesfrom blood He looked at me keenly when I had by simple means. Brier suffering tar several years oWls-caseethat wereontararetgeotdespair and Insanity-cbseathatwbfe families, who catch, clean and pack with s corers lura afreatlon, end that dread dlaoleo ig over the grave -.but with the continued and penebvering ace of i ,, poison. Mrs. Broviiijhg says; " I used done, then said ; "It may be an insult, s 1 white flab and lake trout for fire mar- Cosanlmption, fa anzf.,us co make known to his fellow ^ ` only. one bottle of Scott's Sarsaparilla and Adamson, but I ask you as a legal ad- Wood's •Phos odlne, these oases that had been Y ,`,i 'a. It !e built 4n the came cape every suffererm the mehns of Bare. To those Who desire It, ph gi+en up to die, were $,, received, sud'h WrightWrightf that I continued wiser, do You know anything about he will chearfally Bond (free of charge) a copy of the restored W martly vigor and health -Reader you n not despair -no mat. f < 7' tilittin pial' • at Intel ills for two MonfhS. this check ?" winter, the houses being constructed resort' Etnn teed. whish they will itna a eurednre for g y Y P p tar who hLt gluon you up as leoursble-thd 74�ifueQq !e Aow within Som :< TBdt is 4v(ti ,month'd ago, and the paid "Nothing." I said. of rough pine boards. It had a popu- eComumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Brownchit{s and a "\ fi L lation of nearly 8000 to the winter of Mill throgt bait Lung MdWia. Ho hopes �h+ by Ctause you can be restored to a Cafe of usefulness and happCneaa ` Ass not rtf iirne , I hit 5penf a for uric "ThedfC You. Then, of course, it fa eofferors will try his remod , as It I. Inrsln- At in vari6iis 11 it!'ettftrfe"tltb" a d wag told b a double forgery -your name and Sir 1893-94, netirly twice that number last able. • Those desfrin the resort tion whichwill dost °q O1°e p6°�' glt e�paQ�gee' �` byAtaillreeotpgata$e ` y Q b p Ore re111 Jlmot, tlz9wrosteod to curs. Pamphlet fees to spy ii jdr6m winter, and this eeafion the poPula� them nothing, ane may Prove a alae ng, viii please , p • • , ', '+ site mt:dtCa� tri11 that .a. cure was 1m• James-' Cyon hoe taken sr►ather jam forward. addrdie, Tho/11/4017 Com ah r- passibt ,' ' T d su6Ee;fodso long." But Pridoon Persists it was I he t? y, Wlfntlsor, Ont. Cwnw.lw Rev. EDWAnD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, Now SCO A• d l>; � ,totes by making yaw." York. Wooil a Photphodlns wa sold b M s 1" �+ i Watchfulness ne aired. y responsible wholasale cad retail dip to 1patiarllga.ikllea„ f1. '; sail kee�iln Chi 1' oflptt�e. It increases "Or a coun'terfelt of you. Depend n � " flesh 7 drgtstltig fie4h-fdrming foods. upon it, it was not the work of a fool. Lack out for insects on all house Itlis th most; successful medicine in the We must find him, and you must plants this month. Loosen the sot; Mr. H. Corby, M. P. sailed from r_, 0 -1 r.w+d,-�� , . k . Wood today, for dyspepsia, nevous prove where you were at that hour. often with an old three -tined steel Liverpool for C1 nn&. f•te is reported --� 11T 'bits, rheumatism, Sciatica, syp VIiic Come, I'll walk home with you." for1L As you cut bac„ plants to keep great y improved in health by h s trip. The Rev. Father Maloney, parish On the motion of Prrtnier Greenway I icti+ins, pimples and all diseases We were a few yards from my own them Sn good shape put the slips to a The CaAnxliari and American cam- Priest of Durham, Ont., died very cud- the Manitbba Legislature ad Darned ginating in a foul condition of the door when a cab drove up and two plate of sand, and it set n the stem ppanferl hblddutz the charters far the denIf Thursday at Glehelg of pneu- Thu da till 3 Wild 170tfe froth attic half t0 one tea- vlaln clothes constables got out and shine and kept wet, many of them bridge over the St. Lawrence at Brock• Inca tt, aged 20, y, a til 16th, In order that nlloonful. arrested me. Fells accompanied me will root, and make flnc plantIJ fur ville ve amalgamated under the - -- the Provihet4l GFaverntnent map tAke r name of th+s $rOrkvllle & St. T.atarence A course of $ods Sarelaparilla this art in the conference with fisc Danrin- to the pollee station and then left me bedding out it the 4 rang. p Brad' a Company. . spring may be the Means of keeping ion Govel'ltament on the school ques. °'r . t, r i g >� Y Soft well and hearty airsulnttlter. I tion. .,. ,., 1.-, y.. 11 , .. 1 1 4.-0. �,�lt � 1 �t *4, fi r 1... , tl', '� �. : .s t` X 0 t M1 ,t 'lt d... -. r ,., ., . , .,. i.. ,. -. t.,�, .. �, 4 ,,. a ,.:,, � :.,t ,. � 1� ,. .,.. .. ... .. ." -r. .., :' 1... ,. ,.. ..; .,, z 1. .. .,..t ,. ., , -�L.P -. ` , jjj� ���1��� -,...�'S' :', .1wL•)�li �Y+er,s�lt :u1._'.:a�✓Y1eY.,{d'.�: -- L, ....err 'A .1111111111