HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-03-25, Page 7-j' 3 , .,l ..1.
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" ;, tA; ,, , .n,gkJe*4 walpt , Iia talo. 4 :AA* hR Z liay Qnd l throb i1t tit eaft'40 e f fe A
= r;- A.g'y" i6,R.s;iti ,I MAGG OONFIQ ,EN' T THAT takes anything he can lay his hands that is tit take America for i�Qd, 7ktostl�it,. h od q each pr tete of and n the Ohl l .
" q1 divine protection, axrcl 1n the right'
W. -M OA 15 FOR GOD. on. na , Rosanna . wave all the pale} "p,pi td of '40 -ch cute tate gleaming, twin-
Plenty of statistics to tell haw much brailcitea l At Isis flet, Rut (laved your Bilged sword qL ilia Infinite Splrltt Hun-
""- �" , money, le, spent In t'ttie; vou>atry for sliver aitd Your �olri, as In heaveis deeds of thousands of prlvuxQ soldiers
,` o ,I e!ii,,tyit9ve-0..phut This Continent .'was � rum al�i�� how many ,tlrun'lta.}'da die ! Yotf will cad before Iiim coronets. fbr Christ, inixrobing under the one
+ " e'hpid kn fn 1i,,vgi�t�og5_•wr♦c1.'kiyo- But vuha will give uai tare tiGa.UistfO9 of With such a leader dv you not think starred, fllood striped flag of Emanuel[.
a R-,ntll.O ,W4wing • 1'ictnre or Our Iru- how' many hearts Are cru9lied under , we can do It '? Say, do you think we TiEy are marching on! Episcopaey,
the heel of this worst demon aC the can ? Why, many rarlaparts ¢aye Itl- U-Itb the sublhxie 'roll' of Its liturgies;
3 ; ;"Q 7"Pesibiilties assn Proapeuta' centuries 7 How many hopes blasted ready been t&ken. where 18 Ainerlcan
1 .3 NNlRthodistn, with, ity battery of "The
t� ,+•, Shln'. l9, MaTch 16. -This dis- Haw many children turned out on the slavery 2t ',Gone, and the south, as
2 . a p world, accused with stigma, of a de- I heartily as the north prays, "Peace to sword�oL the Lord add John WesleY;"
V , f` W.1'0 PT ¢Ante a sublime theme and the. Baptist a ureb, ,with Its glorious
f a $KtO pittoVal importance, and coming bauated ancestry ? Until the worm of I iia ashes." h`hene Is bestial polygamy? navy sailing up our Oregorss and $ac -
,°L MP the ca.ital oP the nation must the distillery bacomes the wVrm that (lone by the flat of the United State.
a e ramentos and gisstssippie, and. Presby -
jt F 'A*7,O .p„0$trriri effect throughout the never lies, and the smoke of the heat- (lovernment, urged on, by Christlan
^ 't rill +, ' K ed wine vats becomes the smoke, of I sentiment, and Mormonism, having ro- tertanlsm, moving on with the battte-
;��td,i. Talmage chose Pur his text the torment that asaend•eth up forever treated In 1830 from Fayette, N.Y. to cry of "The sword of the Lord and
��i, 9.V,01,,�.ffoUs a1fl.• 11, And 1 beheld an- John Knox," and then atter awhile will
d`'=. � p?; beast corning up out of the and ever ! Alcoholism, swearing -not Kirkland, O., and in 1838 retreated to come the great tides of revival, sw e
a �, with and L1pllPted [award heaven, Missouri, and in 1846 retreated [cabal[ P-
`�attir, and he had two burnt like a Ing over the land, the 500,000 conver-
��V., for Prom 'that direction it can get no Lake City, now divorced from Its
cfltl+-trbe..ijhf� he apake as a dragon." I stens In 1867 eclipsed by the salvation
` # ' '. , Alrterlca mentioned in the Bible? help, but with right hand stretched superfluity of wives. wtll soon retreat
Its it ti down toward the perdition Prem whlrh into the Yaclftc and no ba lir smaller of millions 1n a day, and the four Am-
��t 4 t42Re13 $nQ consecrated men vv ho' it came up�wcarhtg that it will n'rt than an ocean could wash out Its pol- erican armies of the Lord's host march -
v4; i,
elite; studied the Inspired books rP I in toward each other' the eastern army
�y,,,,,,:ttXtiel still Revelation more ,than 1 cease as long as there are any home lutlons. 1'liiteracy going down under, g
•aA o-' steads to despoil, any magnificent the ivin-k of Slater and Peabody fuirda marching west, the western army
z,y` r;?th' , . a saying that athe leopardmen-Wren and women to destroy, any lm- and Sabbath schools or all the marching east, the northern army.
k"t mortal souls to damn, any ore na- , churohee of all deno,minutio' s ! 1?ugl- marching south, the southern army
Id' ° + Jk ltltled ih the'Blble meant Gracia, and tions to balk, any more civlltzations j firm now made un`laviful by t.ongres- marching north, shoulder to shoulder!
, Jt,toe: hear meant Medo-Persia, and the Tram p,
T�,;ks ; 'l tris mint Babylon, and the beast of to exn there renal ena•cdment, the brutal custom p, tramp, tram until they meet
1, c�rrg; @ to - Cpminl up out of the earth Then there la what in Antertca we knocked out 1n the first round :'Cor_ mldcotltinent, having taken America
t call socialism, in France communism, I rul.al'on al the ballet box, by law o: for God
$1,, ,kith two horns like a lamb and the the. thunder of the 'bombardment is
: and 1n Russia nihilism the three I regi: tra•tion and other saPeguarda,
u� ,k " 1, q oP a dragon means our country, names for one and the mme thing- made almost Impossible ! 6hurcne� already in the air, and when the last
�',t _q,, ttt'I'll[tiiuse among other reasons St seem- and having but two doctrines in Its twice as Large as the old ones, the -en- bridge of opposition is taken, and the
r � "ed to Rome up out of the earth when
ra Ni,!,' Csolumbus' discovered St, and It has creed : First, there Is no God; second, larged supply to meet the enlarged de- last portcullis of Satan 1S lifted, and
< _ , there shall be no rights of property. matnd! Nihil ' •gettint; a stunntris the last gun spiked, and, the last tower
P P been Lor the mos. part at peace, like a One of their chief journals printed stroke by the' s•urnmary execution. a1 dismantled, and the last cha3.rge of !ni-
y,P %,$auto, unless assaulted by foreign foe, this sentiment, "Dynamite can be Its exponents after they had murdered nutty ,shall have been hurled bank
„ h, * Iw.which case !t has had two horns
made out of the dead bodies of capita- the policemen ,tin Chicago, received its upon Its haunches, what a time of re-
}\ -strong and sharp, and the voice of a ]lets as well as out of hags," One of dee hblaw from the recant trevvty Jr -icing' We will sen it, not with these
s, k} ,dragoxr loud nouglt to make all na-
, the leaders of communism left Inscrib- which sends back to Russia the bla- eyes, which, before that, will be closed
u{y i [lona hes roar of Its indlgnaUon• ed on his prison wall, where 1>e had , tont criminals wile had been regut in blessed glee but with etYon and
"d4lrt# ,&g It 'caro., le to Suppose that God pt. 5.
1.,, ld_leave'-.Out Irom the prophecies bio justly incarct rated, these words : ( glisten an our American shore. better vipfon, wkte•n the Lord once in
t« Sl book this whole western hemis- "When once You are dead, there la an ,Tb' very things that have been awhile: gives t1S •a vacation among the
ti 3 r, o end of everything, Therefore. ye quoted as per}1d to this nation ase go- doxologies, to porne. down: and see the
t;., W. .ptsere,. No, no. "I beheld another grab whatever you oar:,
,r A scoundrels, Ing to help its salvation. Great elites, dear old land, whloh I pray may alway
+r , beast' coming up out of the earth, and
411,fV`' he had two 'horns like a lamb and he' only don't I,"t yourselves be grabbed. so otten mentioned as great obatacl•es I be the lamb of the text, mild and
'i> Amen !" There are in this courary -the centre of crime and the reser-
,L '' epake ar3 a dragon." peacefyl,'inotLenelve, blit in case foreign
,` Germany for 'scholarship, England hundreds of thousands of these lazy Voirs of all' -of
to lead In nations assail St, having two horns or
��scoundrels. Honest men deplore it the work of gospelization. Who gyve army and navy strong enough to hook
i°, for manufactories, France for man- y
when they canon[ et work, but those most to 'home missions, to ail stylest:" , ners, Egypt for antiquities, Italy for g them back ltnd hook them' down, and
t , pictures, but America for God. of whom I speak will not do work of humaniturfain and Christian in- a voice louder than a dragon-yea,
tr' when they Can get It. I tried to em- stltuttons ? The cities. From whaut louder than 10,000 thunders -saying
uy^rl 1 I start with the cheering thought
o ploy one who asked for money. I places did the most rellef go at tate to the billows of Asiatic superstition
that the most popular book on earth
Q said : "Dawn In my cellar I have some time of the Johilstow•n flood, arra and European arrogance„ "Thtis far
['',, : ' to -day is the Bible, the most popular p
^w:;``4,,,: .institution on earth to -day is the wood to saw, and I will p$y you for I Michigan fires, and Charleston earth- shalt thou go, and no farther, and here
'�f?x1 ,. ft." For a little while I heard the saw quake, and Ohio freshets ? From 'the !••
q, , church, and the most popular name on I shall thy proud waves be staid
e *' going, and then I heard It no more. cities. From wthatt place did Christ
eahh to -day is Jesus+, Right from this
1 went downstairs and found the send out his 12 apostles to gospeLlze
• .r;; audience hundred's of men and women TWO CLASSES.
: a" wood, but the workman had dlsap- the world ? From a oity. What place
would, it need be, march out and die
v ' , } for him. peered, taking for company bath buck will do more than any other place, Ay An Appreciative Characterization of This
. ,rl,., i . and saw. its contribution of Christlan men and Country's Newspapers. '
'���•f�,� . Am I too confident in saying : "Am- I y' p para.
\ Socialism, communism and nihillsm women and means, do this work of papers, and there are
" ; r erlei for Gpd ?" If the .Lord will help There are nevus
" lr'e, I will show the strength and ex- mean "too wicked to acknowledge [lost { taking a merles for Gad ? New York newspapers. In the one class is found
kc -At of the long line of fortresses to and too lazy to earn a living," and I city. The way Parts goes, goes France. the blanket -sheeted, nsadtonal, high-
,, i '9 •'be taken and give You my reasons for among the mightiest obstacles to be The way Berlin goes, goes Germanys
overcome are those organized elements The way Edinburgh goes goes Scat- pressure publications, .constantly per -
t3+, [laying It can be done and will be done. g spiring like a' foaming boner --and
E7 '' ;Le us decide in this battle for God of domestic, social and political ruin. land. The way London goes, goes
t every one just as much afraid o1 it.
r�!'' ,"'whether we are at Bull Run or at There also are the fastnesses of In- , England. The way New York and a
8 'il' fidelity, and atheism, and fraud, and couple of other cities o, goes Am- This class o[ paper recognizes no in-
;�!i.y' Gettysburg. There is a Fourth of g
�t'',h' litical corruption, and multiform, erica. May the eternal God wake us ferlors and acknowledges no superlorso
+d;:v, Jruntr way of bragging about this Po y , It Is filled, with charity ? k y,; country, and the most tired and pluck- hydra headed, million armed abomina- up to the stupendous issue . Y to none -but
s ed bird that ever flew through the tions all over the land. While the Another thing quoted pessimistically itself; and malice to all that do not '•
" mightiest agencies of righteousness on bow to its imperious will, It some-
,, Is the American eagle, so g It the vast and overtopping Portun2a
"'° earth are good and healthful news- times seems to
� much so that Mr. Gladstone said to in this oourvtry, and they say it means prosper. and 1s not in -
! me facetiously at Hawarden, "I hear papers and good and halthful books, concentrated wealth, and luxurious- frequently wound up by the sheriff.
F�y"" that the fish in Your American lakes and our oblef dependence for Irteillg- ness, and display and moral ruin, It The other• class does not consider It
y,�'t ate so large that wben one of them, epee and , Christian achievement Is is my obeervaftlan that it is people necessary to find a fresh sensation to
"!.t" Is taken out the entire lake Is per- upon' them, what word among the Who have but limited resouroes who publish each week, but gives what
'1' r4ptibly lowered," and at a dinner more than 100,000 words !n our voca- make the most splurge, and I ask legitimate news there is in good shape,
''" binary can describe the work of that
}:,: given In Farts an American offered for you, Who are encLowtng colleges and carefully sifting the Poeta In order to
lxltept_!•llrtvvt;,_"Dere is to the United archangel of mischief, a corrupt litera- tbeolotrical seminaries ? Did You ever be able to'vouch for what It says. If
` States --bounded on the north by the ture ? What man, attempting any- hear of Peter Cooper, and James news is scarce thin week, ti. moves on
�: aurora borealis, on the south by the thing for God and humanity, as es- Lenox, amd sainted William E. D,odge,
"' pt'oeesslun of the equinoxes, on the caped a stroke of Its filthy wing? and the Le.weences, Amos and Ab- !n its course, knowing that news, like
What good cause has escaped any other luaxtiole
ua subject to supply and
11, .P, by primeval chaos and on the g p d its hln- butt, while I refrain from mentlotn4ng demand, fluctuates, and that next
V,' I w'es: the day of judgment." The derment ? What other obstacle !n all living benefactors who, quite as gen-
,` week is likely to be better filled. The
' ,effect such grandiloquence 1s to dis- the land so appalling But I cannot Brous and Christian, are In this as-
Ia,. ertdlt a real facts, which are so tre- name more than one-half the battle- sernbly' at 'this moment planning what paper contains not a line that the manly
t boy might not read to his mother and
mendous they need no garnishing. The menta, the bastions, the Lrtrenchmenta, they can do to these days, and !n the11C
^,r tivorst thing to do In any campaign, the redoubts, the fortiflcattons, to be Last will and testament In this cam- sisters In the purest home. It has
military or religious, 1s to underestl- stormed and overcome If this country no business secrets; Is respected b Its
2; is ever taken' for God. The statistics for G that proposes taking mit America though sometimes called an
mate an enemy, and I will have no for God The widow's mite, honored neighbors,
1 part in such attempt at belittlement. are so awful that 1'f we had nothing of the Lord, is to have its part in this old woman by the other class; and
This land to be taken for God, ac- but the multiplication table and the I continental capture;•but, we Taunt have dwells constantly on the sunny side or
s` cording to Hassel, the statistician, arithmetic, the attempt to evangelize more than that, and more right awacr. conscientious well -doing. - Thorold
has 14,219,067 square miles, a width Americas would be an absurdity higher Many of the men that expect to get Post.
lA,,r.'•.. and a length that none but the Omnis- than the tower of Babel before It
j. the blensln,g for bcstowi'ng th•e widow's
dent can appreciate. Four Europes dropped on the plain of Shinar. Where mite, will not get the blessing. In the A Newspaper's Clever Adverttaetnent.
put together, and capable of holding are the drilled troops to march against first place, they are not widows, and The Los Angeles Times has hit upon
and feeding, as it will hold and feed, those fortlftcatk na as long as the eon- In the next ptac'e, they have ' no a new scheme for sAvertising itself.
';' "might." It is decidedly novel. It has construc-
.v$l;i„ according to Atkinson, the statistician, ttnent ? Where are the batteries that
LLLLLis if the world continues do existence can be unlimbered against these walls? The time is coming -hasten It, Lord- ed for Its business office a counter built
I ighd does not run afoul aP some other Where are the guns of large enough and I think you and I will sea tt, when, of a great variety of woods, brought
'1'.4t; world or get consumed by the fires caliber to storm these gates ? Well, let ;rs Joseph, the wealthy Arimathaean,
", already' burning In the cellars of the us look around and see, the first of tram a great many sources. For iq-
r' lanet-capable, I say, of holding and all, who is our leader and will be our sole f r the affluent
nt m a costly omen stance, the counter conaria a piece of
;' I p„ soleum ,the afliuert men and women wood from Admiral Farragut's flag -
'r°; feeding mote than 1,OG'v,000,000 inhabl- leader until the work is done.
'si' c: this country -111' r!se In their ship Hartford; from the Confederate
-�,r y e Garibaldi, with 1000 Ttallans, could Etrength and build for our King,
9>tiri.,, tants. For you must remember it mu t one
1"v be held for God as well as taken for do more than another commander with privateer Shenandoah; from the steam-
•'r 10,000 Ttallans. General Sherman, on Jesus, the throne of this American ship Senator and other famous vas
Mut?' God, and the last 500,000,000 inhabit- continent.
r- one side, and Stonew•ell JacUEon on the cels; a piece of wood from butter's
;;,;'.ants must not be allowed to snamp fort; woods from the Cit
a., At,the religion of the first 500,000,000. Not other, each with 10,000 troops, could Another thing quoted for enc�ura@ra- y of Mexico,
''e ment, Is foreign immigration -now that from the English
s^::,;much u9e in taking the fortress if we do more than some othergcnerals with g h frigate Somerset,
,'.j''7: dannot hold St. It must be held until 20,000 troops. The rough boat In which from Castle r shin we turn hack hY from the battlefield of Droop Moun-
`V,Iki the archangel's trumpet bids living Washington crossed the ley Delaware
the first Pcer ship the foreign vaga Iain, from the bedstead on which
tl, p bondism-we are getting people the vast
`;F+'„and dead 'arise from this fouadering with a few half frozen troops was r.�ajority of whom come to make an Abraham Lincoln died, from the first
'P r,re: mightier than the ship of war that, honest living, among them some of the blockhouse built 'in the United States,
'”. , D durin the American Revolution, came
g1fi�` You must remember It is only about g from the Douglas room in Sterling
'.� ? o'clock !n the morning of our na- through the Narrows, a gun at each bravest and the best. If you should
4?s'?. I turn back from this land to Europe the Castle; pieces of the historic elm at
," ' #Ion's life. Great cities are to flash porthole, and bank In�Hell Gate, Our Boston common; olive wood from the
t!'t , foreign ministers of the gospel, and the
t-, .end roar among what are called the leaner, like most great leaders, was Garden of Gethsemane; and from
foreign attorneys, and the foreign mer-
'.[ Lands," of the Dakotas and the born 1n an obscure place, and It was "Bethlemen, f Judea"; also from
a humble home, about five miles from I chants, and the foreign phllanthroplata, 9
, 1 `grf It 11 olumbla Plains" of •Washing- what a robbery of our pulpits, our many of the famous old California
:tort state, and that on which we put Jerusalem. Those who were out of
q>, . courtrooms, our storehouses and our missions. The workmanship is very
,! Y t)urhoolboy fingers an the map and doors that night Said that there was
> u91v:-,00. out ars the "Great American stellar commotion -and music that I beneficent Institutions, and what a put-
ut- unique and handsome, and the his-
""'trJ =dt,so t," !s, though systematic and esme out of the clouds, as though the ting back of every monetary, merciful, toric counter of the Times office is one
,, ^r :ooifsumrLating irrigation, to bloom like front door of heaven had been set moral and rellgloua lntereat of the land! of the sights of the city oP Los Ange-
.-Irn,?,,_, This commingling here of all nationall- lea,
``-,,?,A };.gip ducttvehthankthose regions made
open, and that the camels heard his ties under the blessing of God will '-
first infantile cry. Then he came to Faster This Year on April a.
��. dent upon uncertain and spasmodic the fairest boyhrod that mother was produce 1n 75 or 100 years the most mag-
°�.�,,°ii'`;t,unfa+ll. All those regions as well as ever proud of, and from 12 to 30 years niflcent style of man and woman the Easter Sunday this year falls on
'r`�a4,„those 4el;lons already cultivated to of age was off In India, if traditions world ever saw. They will have the April 6, and Shrove Tuesday, the close
',�'. ,be. Inhabited I I`lrat was a sublime there are accurate, and then returned wit of one race, the eloquence of an- of the carnival season in France and
� t, ,,
`` ,',;Ji1171g said by Henry Clay while cross- to his native land, and for three years other race, the kindness of another, the in the Latin countries, falls on Feb, 18.
}'ly;,ipg, the Allegbany mountains and he had his pathway surrounded by blind generosity of another, the aesthetic The establishment of the Christian
q;V,Yka6 waling for the $tape horses to eyes that he Illumined, and epileptic taste of another, and when that man festival of Easter, typical of the re
' "f'i, be rested, as he stood on a rock, arms patients to whom he gave rubicund and woman step forth, their brain and aurrectfon of the Lord, was a matter
f�,?k'lolded, looking off into the valley, and health, and tongues that he loosed nerve and muscle an Intertwining of of much controversy In the church for
;j,,'�OoxiaeOne Said to him, "MF. Clfly, "what from silence into song, and those the fihres of all nationnittiea, nothing centuries, but was finally established
„1?:areyou thinking about?” He replied, "I whose funerals he stopped that he but the new electric photographic ap- by the Georgian calendar adapted by
'�r'`r 4m listening to the oncoming tramp might give back to bereaved mothers paratus, that can see clear through the the Raman Church 1n 1752, and Easter
r(r1,',pf the future generation of Amerla." their only boys, and those whose fever- l,t dy, mind and soul, c. -.n take of them is always the first Sunday after the
err 'E i41ge YOU laid OUT home missonary ed pulse's he had restored Into rhyth- an adequate picture. But the foreign full moon which happens upon or next
`�,Z�ioe$eme on such an Infinitude of scale? mlc throb, and whose paralytic limbs population of America, is less than one- after March 21, which date Is the be-
i xf Eire work of bringing one soul to he had warmed into healthful circula- eleventh of all our population, and why ginning of the ecclesiastical year.
d, o'd is Sb great, ca.n 1,000,000,000 be ton -pastor at Capernaum, but flam- all tills fuss about foreign Immigration? Therefore the earnest date upon
;:n,:.-bootured ? In this country already Ing evangelist everywhere, hushing Elghty-nine Americans to 11 fbreignersl which Easter may occur is March 22.
'iter,,, tett and t'� be overcome, paganism crying tempests and turning rollir ; If 89 of us New Jerseymen, o: 89 of
?it IS the full moon should fall on March
.k ! ,;fir"'built its altar to Brahma, and the seas Into solid- sapphire, and for the us New Yorkers, or 89 of us Ohioans, or 21, Easter is the following Sunday.
�";thlAese are already burning incense rescue of a race submitted to court- 99 of us Georgians, or 89 of us ankeea
i;,lil, their temples, and Mohaanmedanism, room filled with howling miscreants, � � The latest date upon which the Perth
are not equal to 11 foreigners, then we vol may fall to April 26. In 1761 aad
+;t t11%k in other days with the red wine ,and to a martyrdom at the sight of are a starving, lllllpvtisn group of hu-
O,Ifiltftaltr blood at Lucknow and Cawn- which the sun fainted and fell back m loculi that ought to be wiped out 1818 Easter fell on March 22, but that
�� ^liYr and now fresh Prorti the dlabollsm 1n the heavens, and then treading the of existence. will not occur again In this or the
i�4a-+' n 1ryt?cettia, is trying to get a foot- clouds homeward, like Snowy moun- next century. In 1888 It fell on April
tkty(il tiara, and from the minarets of talo peaks, till heaven took him back But now what are the weapons by 25, amd will do so again !n 1913.
i, 11*er m6$gfled will yet mumble her blas- again, more a favorite than h•e had which, under our omnipotent leader,
;Isui�'Ao3�llt* .[raying, "God to great, and ever been; but, coming again, he is the real obstacles In the way of our The Oornfed Philosopher.
k'1i 6441'i vftd is his prophet." Then there on earth now, ani the nations are i country's evangelization, the 10,000 mile "Thrift," said the youth with the
Sevastopols, are to be leveled? The
i +Ftp:" #ile vaster multitudes with no re- gathering to his standard. downy lip, who thought himself an
first eolumbiad, with range enough to aphorist, "Is contagious by example."
,r 10 01M itt 9:11. They worship no G'o'd, Following him were the Scotch cove- D
'rite Ilvo with no consolation, and nanters, the Theban legion, the vto- sweep from eternity to eternity, IS the "Even so," saf'd the oornfed phlloso-
e lie 'die with no hope. No star of time of the London Haymarket, the B1ble, millions of its copies going out, pher. "Turn loose two or three right
,l t millions on millions -this the monarch thrifty
,.V p' t OInts flown to the manger to Pledmonteae sufferers, the pilgrim ty pdrsOna in a community,
I 11�ellittli;t)ieY are' born, and no prayer fathers, the Huguenots and uncounted ( f tacks, that has made all the differ- pretty soon the others hAve to be
•I! 'utter6d dyer the grave Into which multitudes of'the past, joined by about I ence between China and the Urrlted t� nifty' to kee'o trom starving." -In-
( , ,,, gt�tten there is alcoholism, its 400,000,000 of the present, and Witt!. the States, between Africa and America; a dfa hial>01IS Joukrial,
yf l: I d" ff 1It16na and beer barrels certainty that all pailOns shall huzza book declaring in every style of phraa-
}orf fletty death of bard- at hid chariot wheel, he does forth, ealagy that all nations are to be soft- The pt* 8wnai.
p j ,)ig 9ti' the AUeghames the mann unaler his fent ancY hhe stare v_erted, and does not that Include our Luke PIe,Wftnt-f read a htory In the
y',r Itiibkl4'�i'�4idr1 �letla Newadas, pour- cf heavers for r s tiara -lite mighty nation? If the Apocalyptic angel. is paper the other day about a woman
til 'oi,tlt"4*4 44 nfCht their artrmuni- leader, he of DrothOIOg, and BothWell to fly aeroes the continents, will he not tont had the largest hand ever known
:,f tri d "-- tdh�n>*d and& woe. W'h6n, Ttrldgb, and I3onnt 01tbtir^n,,aod the one fly across this continent? The worst in New York -
Y jay+y(%yfg to take a drink, he who whelmed Spafifeh aernnada, ''Com- Insult I could otter you would
be to l�tradllt-Hoa mutt' ties the pot T-
•,tY4l0*.'� e, lGirii(M 'ati Englishman Ing up from ladoig, with dyed gar- `ddubt your veracity, Arid shall we dbubi 1 New 'Yow, wood. .
,�1 .
"V'S, .. L,
�,i, ,
J' . '}
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h§ I 1 v r
Y a,', Li, 7
,�:. -,,� H 1st';. �..n r , r, t a
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°'" 1.r t a ' y .' r s t
- . The did 801
03 To4tar6 X£itpelri,o1l 16
to the treatment ,pf00 'Throat stir[ It anti
TwoO s. Catarrh', Asthma, bropo�ch llh6
UsIvous, Chronic end speciat Die; - .,
yge�R.�,,s4eof men and women.
List 91a1!llQe}��, reatored—Kidney end Hlad.
der troubles permanon:lir
cc�"tt��'ood-..Gleet, pp grrhgept Varicocclrantl
atrlctuto tEtirc without pain. No cutting.
tiyphilia •acrd all blood Diseases Fured
i ' _•'. • w u4t -or.cury. t
•. 1- iQQp� �d jj� suSfeily from the effects of
el� Youthful foliins or indiscretions,
or any troubled wilh tVoukneas, Nervous
Debility, Loaa o€ Mem�opry, Desppndency,
�� ,ftverstoA to Society, t�{dnev't'rouhles, or
(.\ I \ _ #ny disease of the bhnital-UrinaryOr-
\\ ggens, can here tied safe and sl,rrd- cure.
Charyea reasonable, caper':, ly to the
l �\\ _ �j tt Thorearemanytroubled
\,\\ 11iddliq-aged Nen rtrith fe4 frequent ovucu-
tions of the bladder, piton aocompanted by a slight smarting or burning sensation, and
woakeniner. of the system Ina manner the patient cannot account for. Thereare many
men who die of this di ,aulty, (ggnnorurtof the cause. The doctor will guarantee a er.
feetrare in ali anrh rases, and hoatthv restoration of the �•enito-urinary organs. fPon-
su)tottlgv free. Those une
able to call, ran write full particulars of their case and have
medicine sent by express, with full Instructions for use. Mention this paper when
wdtlug. Oliice hours; From 9 a. m, to 8 p. m. Sundava, 9 to 11 a. m.
SPINNpi v Q/ (� 290 WOOD`r►ARD AVENUE.
EY IJP LNNE A to l/ . (gide Entranoe No. 12 2C, Elisabeth St.)
r�C 1s
r 0
1 i. Tx "'�'' -
Heavy Overcoats
, .
Going on this peek at
T. Jackson's, - Huron Street.
We don't Blow, but we do say that we can show you good values in
NEW TEAS, (direct importations.) 1 NEW FIGS.
11 Select Valencia Raisins. I " Orange Peel.
" Fine off Stnik. . i " Lemon Peel.
.4Filliatra Currant:', ( 11 Citron Peel.
'• Ambrigia Currants.Walnuts, Filberts.
.1 Prunes. 11Almonds.
Our Fruit is the finest we can purchase in the market. We have It nice lot
of Christmas Goods for presents. Will be pleased to show goods.
* o
General Builder and Contractor.
,'his factory bas been under the personal Supervision and one 'owner for sigh
years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plans and give
estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on the closest
prices. All work is supo-tvised in a mechanical way and satisfaction
guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material.
Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds Etc.
Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured
at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates belcre placing your orders,
If you wish to be insured against worry and annoyances in selecting a
call at-- ,
We carry the finest line of DINNER and TEA HET`] in town.
Why does Trade Grow with us?
Our Stock is just a bit out of the common run. Jest enough to snake the Goods
a bit more desirable. The lip -to -date Grocery is
Telephone 23. OGLE COOPER & CO.
Offers Values nesurpaesed in Teas, .'tedium and HiRh Grades JAPAN, PURE
importatione; try a sample order and be convinced of Saving from bo, to
100, per lb, instead of buying from tea peddlers.
BUS" Brand finest goods put up in California (sole agent here.)
In Crockery, DINNER, TEA and TOILET SETS, at cost.
RemAmber'the Old Stand. Albert Street,
Leslie's Carriage FactoA�dr .
BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS -all of the beat work.,
manship and material. IWAII the latest styles and most modern improwt-
ments. All wont Warranted. Repairing and repaint,ltig promptiy e,ttended
• tri. Prices to snit the times.
gQ1 FACTORY -corner Huron and Orange 5tre Cltaton. 657--
t o
, ,..11 `Glen *M1.' _ .; La .,Ah.
. "I.11
, 1, ,, i„, , I� � � � �, :�, � "I' L,i� ';". , .