HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-03-18, Page 4E0FFTF0rV,- -4411 DANIEL MQDAN I9 URVUSJPD FAIR PLAY BY DANIEL AI'QILLICUDDY. 1 AND THE NEWS -RECORD 18 APPEALED } TO TO GIVE A JUST GRIEVANCE 7 - We set the Pace. 0Uli'BIDNT Tomos. To the Btlitor of The lit4r011, Signal. that Clinton regniresasystem ofwate'r'- that the When a division was expected on the (+. Our Riding School tutu caught on its success Its asr•ured; open to Remedial Bill in the Dominion oust your tender feelings so much. If I had and the public who desire to learu to the member for West Huron wear not provincial timber lilltit4 fit. a cont- ride on Wednesday, Friday and ' at his post of duty. He has been lu friend Peter Ryan's and Dr. Dewar's Monday afternoons. Thursday Goderich, during the past week. Pr day ? Peter's thud voice and hlHt- afternoon will be - - -- - of yuurs, Daniel, didn't work. Your Ladies Day The Remedial Hill debate is still oil I to, Mr. Howitt, at election t inter, there tens settlement skeleton. The logic of it skeleton I aL Ottawa. A division was expected would be warped and halted at the Set apart, fill LADil,S' ONLY. last Friday night, the vote was de- r• Arrallgeloollts call be made for lessons of dusil'e41, I feried, but ulay take place to -day, shuts" would do duly instead of fail' private Wednesday. The most thorough and sitto Remember practical deliverance nil the school teulpted to bruwbettt me in yout• sanc- Money Lid for insU union will is } pi p question wA.) delivered last Friday by lion, taco. E. Foster. Finance Minister, wAys winding up with the dPclHriL- the ".SVIVO •st Illy on purchase should you buy a t speech that will certainly thank till�w�h(eel writing and actions as the self-conceit- froill� ulIs. IILLIr•U valuhtbl.; pages of ('alladiltn his- th �� VAA V"QnN9�' I,, tory. Y/ ''y Stiles �n Dregs Are continually changink, and no one knows it better than Lill- la(lies. There is it great deed of dressrrlak- ir,g dune at, hoiden in those dayb, of economy, hett.e the sale of Butteilick's Delineator Dress Patterns Are steadily on the increase. We etre agents in Clinton for these prat - terns, also for the best of Fashion Journals The-----� Delineator . L e which at $1 per year or 15c. per copy is tint -quelled. The April Number is now in And also are the April Fashion Sheets and ane free to all our U.Ttourers. BIC UC103 Are more popular than ever, but they are ;tot as yet sold at $1 per pound, (and they never will be is our prodiction)-they are, however, sold accurding to their value and merit rind just as you can get a cheap watch or it good watch so 1 you can get a Bicycle at $10, $50, / $00, $65, $75, $9') and $100. If you are in doubt its to where and what to buy -ctrl] and consult wit}l its. Sample wheels now in `•+tock. ��� We C r&C III CLINTON. Tum Nr;th'ti Rtvc•01ILD is indebted to Mr. J. T. L,larrow, M, Y. Y. for West Il urocl, for- a number of parliamentary t,apers, Iainong thew "Alt act to redEuce the number of county couucillurs," "Au net respecting the revision of voters' lists," "Ail act respecting bake shops," and -All act to provide fur the nppulutouent of siuking fund cominis- bhoners. ' These various Bills were in- troduced by Messrs. Hardy, Meacham, Dryden and (orruan, and will he desalt With in these culuWlus as tittle Itud Space pern)iw, In Another coluulu it correspondent suggests waterworks as a suitable Ili - Vestment for the Stavely estate money. We du not know that tile Government would allow the $10,W0 to go for this purpos(-, but if so the matter should be seriously considered. The period is coming when Ulinton just grmpl)le with tile, waterworksquestion and obis is certainly run opportunity to discuss the Matter•. Another correspondent advocates ggra iolithiewalksas A benefit to tile public,,and a public work. This would also be It lasting benefit to the town And is worthy of consideration if the money can he applied to such a work, VOICE CF THE PRESS. The Two Daniels. Soaforth Sun. Mr. Daniel Moran brought Mr. Dan- iel McGillicuddy, the editor of the Signal, to task for his unjustifiable attack on Rev. Father Lacombe's let- ter to the Lineral leader. Mr. Dan Mc- Gillicuddy used every means to dis- trade Mr. Dan Moran front publishing his remarks in the Signal. Dan pub- lished Dans letter with reluctance, and in absence of argument raked Dan editorailly. Dan called upon the other Dan, in his den, and requested Editor Dan's liberty to allow him, Dan (the fetvorably known veteran reporter) to defend himself in the Sig null where he wits Abused. The irate Dan roared like rL mad bovine and sprang' frons h_s eiti- tor•ial seat -the other Dan jadle the Vickest time on record out of Dan's . Dan gave Dan one dose -it was till over dose -rind Dan couldn't stand another dose from Dan. Dan's pungent remarks cut Dan's hardened conclence. Dan will pay his compli- ments to Dan ere long. Granolithic Walks. Editor Xemi-Record. DEAR SIR, -I would like to see gran- olithic walks in Clinton. I hope the Committee in charge of the St wely estate money will consider a scheme for laying such it walk in this town. Such An improvement would he a Misting henefit to the ratepayers. The late Mr. Stavely was fond of A good walk and Always took hie ,,;Lily exercise in this way. Perpetuate his memory and provide A lasting bene- fit Lo the town. Dlar•c•h 10, The s'rice, of Larld. Editor .V fri-X,orel. Sill, The New Era in its Inst issue has under rho heading "News Notes" the following pill•a,„ raph :-- According to the titrutfurd ifcr•a1rL;c rarni In i'erth rousts (�'hlrh brought ffi1fi,rHN)uh'cen ),ars ago, Ila, ju..t bion sold for ti11,3•MI, assuredly the N, 11. k milking the farniv" of Canada rich! This is it sAutple of the information the Grit press grv(�5 its reAdcr's. elvIYUt`1'i1$1"t11C!!15, Is it to or wondered ;it that the _ ordinary tint, who reads nothing but The OTriad Ilicycl- Co. papers of ill(, New Era, Huron Sl�fnal Spring ILus .T,u'ksuu I;ru.type, is ill trlfornn•d. The editor of the Farsighli•d Alb•n 8: Wilson. Nrw E -n knows, orouggllt.to know, that About tors-ts •Hodge•rl4 Bros. land Inas depreciated tine past 10 years Styles in 10),Dr-.s Win. Cooper & ri, 1h- world over. :l part, fl'ont the qul-s- RYLdy-noldP Clothing A. J. Iloilo- t.iou of Protection or Free Trade the way. cultivation of grain has lat•gely ill - Spring Stlitings PluulstePl R: Gih• c•rensvd, find in it proportion farreAt- bings. er than t.heden)and. Tho mttnrai Con - Uncle Sain's ToNtevo ('lira Allen lit se(Itlenr" of this inrrPhse in "ll f)ly, has WIIsot1. been a decrease in Val Iws. AI) in pro - We are going to have our say The,ic)rtion as the products of the Lind W. 1). Fair Co. �I;tee dec•reitsed in vlLhl-s so the land itself in All r rival distriet4 lois As F. rule decrenspo also. For instance, the New Fra cites this woeful cast• of it farul in Thc- Huron News-Reeora 1'Prt.h county selling for$1(1,lNN). 11 years agn,now only fetching $11,:3'>a). "'ell, in 1 25 a Year -81.0n In Advance. the first, placl-, these tigurrs 11.0 luerely - --Herald, cnpied finis thPStratford H all]. Tut WFI)Nt•;Hnnv. I�IArtr•II 14th, 18M. tvc, twill assume for Hr},ruments saki' I hey nro torr -rt• lint the lT-rAld - - - --_ faiN to inform us if the8, 10,0110 av;as not UI//c;lils.l'•ti'rolf[SU 110,118. n fancy pricv. Very p',s.ilily the value of his $10,iNNt fartl) vl-v-n vent's Art i)t.t,AV,t ror'rfP Ipot)dvnl, I-PlatPR tlip ago wit"; riot one Pont ot•-r $Ia,l)(NI. I know of ,just -rich it c;wr near ( Tinton tollowing important, news which was A nl:u) Psprria,tty lr,urt-d n. farm nrrl.r given to the Nou.,w last: ThursdnY : to his own and Ilii l $10,(NN) for n farm A PLAT co crILADICTION, Chat nobody else would have thought of Mr. Belley, the ineinher for Chiron_ paying over $7,."99) fir. Thi4 is most. tirni, made it statement in the Hou4c> ,)robahly A similar cane. Them, too, the selling pr•irr to-riny at $11,301 i� t,o-night of c•onsiderHhle ilnportnner. not, said to hen for-ced sideorothe•rwis-. solve ti,ni, Ago two Liberal papers in The difference between 1114.41' condi- Quebec reportedr. Lauri -r its having tions of pdrehA4e and sale as staled by thianked God til t, ih-rP wrre no Or- tilt'. Ar•- sufficient alone to n( count in atngenien A'lno the i,iber al,. To. whole fur• the difference in viLl(IeR. Rot fhP R l mm�t, teas r- )Prated 1) leave this lin- of argurrumt„ and sop- 'night t Y )lisp )tll•<'11iLRP x11,) hnb4P( In`Ylt RH.Il- Mr, faylur, wh-n it was r hH IPnRPd byy T I 1 Mr. DHvios, who drr}ared that, his lead- show an nrttutl lo.s Irl v;lluev of 1$1,(ltit), er bnd denied having ti4ed the expres- that equals say Zit . or it fall. And t. tie sign. His denial, said Dr, Ferguson, New Hra tries Io llotke its rvad•>rs was As evasive As his etches. Dr. Mr. Iwlieve this i4 owing to the N. 1). Donald rolled on Mr.�ritylor. to retract, Well, i have a. lin-vtiun to ask Mr. but Mr. Belley rose and declared that Hnlmes, and i hope he will answ•-r it he was present at the meeting, and The values of I- Rs -d land in Great heart] Mr. LAurier make the statement Britain in 1448 aggregnted £(f:3,.W,(NN). in question. The Liberal leAder wits in 094 the figure was redneed to £•i0, - not in the house at the time, but Mr. or A loss In va.lue4 of i1'/y�- Thi+ Belley will, it is understood, take, an• iR over the who)P Aren of Great r9rltwin other occasion to repeat his declare- Ta.keisolabed Pxan ()lee like thoNew Ern tion. has, And cases of de reciation can lit instanced whetre the fall in land value, I,; considerably higher than 20%. Wil Nobody ever suspected that Bir Rich Mr. 1lnlmes tell its if Free Trade has and Cartwright was an artist in black caused this large shrinkage in lane and white, but the Globe so represents valves in this Free Trade country, ant: the knight in its cartoon last Fridayy. And if not, what has? We thought the fact was generally Yours, etc., conceded that. Sir Richard was ex- JOHN RANyFORD, elusively an artist in blue. Stapleton, March 13, IFM. ` jl''c>• t a , 777777 snow About 11 Atter N o1 s , -- - DANIEL MQDAN I9 URVUSJPD FAIR PLAY BY DANIEL AI'QILLICUDDY. 1 AND THE NEWS -RECORD 18 APPEALED } TO TO GIVE A JUST GRIEVANCE 7 - DA-41KL M0RAN Oode>r•icil, Starch Ill. Mistaken Tactics. Halifax flem1d. It looks very Much like history Ir'- p-hting Itself. In 144,7, when the fate of Itiel was hiLnging in Ihe hniance, Mr. Ifl;tke tusk refuge flrstin England and nfterwards within Ihe lines of i'nrrPs Vedrils. After Itu•1's f;1te was rl-rid-d Mr. slake• mini out in orong cunden;nttion of the Government. for, permittingthelaw to tnk- its course: and hl- raid his suppor•tors innle nn ch of (he fart that though it Protestant. rind An Ontario man, Mr. Blake was not afr•nid t4) j ,in hitnds with tho howl- ing Rielitfiq nl' Q,4vlioc The fact wa4 that. hr, had rhosen his posiLion solely With t.hP idea that. he could (hereby c,tptur•- Que•her withnnt.losing Ont,nt•io, slut. whin in 1447 th- rnnntr•y wits (vill- ied on for its vercdiet., Dir. Blake foini d to his conslrrnation that. he had lost. Ontario wid railed to va-ptore Quebec. Dir• f,aurier is intilking the saniP MIR- tnk- now. Ne htip-4 to hold Quebee and by ,sing As an anti.Catholic ('tntreh c tampion to c•Aptnre Onhirio. Ilot: when the billot.R are coi nle•d he will find that hr lvl.,z loot Quebec and railed to captit e Ontario. Ile will find that the vote to capture which he ,R willing to throw the Roman Cat.ho- lics of ManitohA to the wolves, is not. by Any rnealls As large aR he Rnppos-s, and lit. most hr will only get A portion of K. Sir Oliver Mowar,, it murk more sit ar'ous party lemler than Laurier, hit.4 always, of Het. purpose antagonized the vote that Laurier is RAcraficing t-verything to c;apt.nre. An,l before Dir. Laurier is Another year older he will he. convinced of the folly of PR- tranging those thilt, might trust hire in at.ternpts t.o cajole t ode who will never trust him. Nir•. isnnr Ca tmer, postmaster of Milton West, Ontario, died at his home on Saturday. a Advanced Weals to strength and pure blood neces- r-v to resist the effects of cold seasons e given by hood's Sarsaparilla. " I have for the last 25 years of my life be complaining of a weakness of the ngs and colds in the head, especially in e w inter. laat fall I was again attacked. Iisading of Hood's Sarsaparilla I was led try it. I am now taking the fifth hot- s with good results. I can positively say at I have not spent a winter as free from ughs or pains and difficult breathing eIla for the last 25 years as was last win - r. I can lie down and sleep all night ithout any anuoyanoe from cough or in in the lunge or asthmatic difficulty." M. CHAMBICas, J. P., Cornhill, N. B. Hood's farsalparilla Is the Only `Prue Blood Pmri>Fier omineutly In the public eyo today, pd)CI'f3 Pills cure babItual const1pa- tloy, Yrice "per box. Erratic Men. The Hamilton Spectator says :--- "Nobody will be. surprised at E. E. hepppard's announcement that hence - vi IIP. can be considered a follower M r. Laurier. Mr. Sheppard has been or thing by starts and nothing ng " To which the Lindsay Warder per- lently replies: - 'Ability. conation sense and judg- ent are rarely combined in one man to marked degree. The editor of Satur- Ly Night and the Toronto Evening Ire• is in many respects it very able -iter. His pen is fluent and caustic. pped with it dash of cow -ho or wild- est recklessness and slang Mr. ,Sh�p- nrd's sentences are at times interest - g reading. "Those who know him best, admire e kind heart And keen intellect, but Bret the nnbalaneed judgment, the clous and revengeful temper and the clination to bully by thrents rather an to lead by argument and reason. "Mr. Sheppard might make a mark r good in Canada were he to recog- ze that all who do not choose to see he does on rill subjects are not tuated by improper motives; rind at all who do not act after his model e not traitors to good citizenship and Ultnada. If he would but review his wn record and note how townsy of s former fads, in which he wits (le>ep- concerned, and against whose np- onents he wits very Bitter And severe, e would now condemn, it shonld prove healthqq object lesson to Mr. E. E, heppar•(1, "No nian, not even Lhe writer, could •"fit luore than the talented editor of he Toronto fitar and Saturdhy Night y observing the precept of Bobbie trend' fatuous Imes : `-Wad sotne power the gift i- gi- its To see oursel s as idler i see us." 0 IF YOU would see a big ator•e with a big Stook of bright Goody, "Visit Ilere." Ili' YOU are looking for the very love- litet soft bleudiug Checks in popular 1Y�;st 8tuffd'•Visit Here." IF YOU are wondering what the very latest Catton Wash Goids ale this ties. son "Visit Here," IF YOU are out to pick up while Stocks are full tae latest fast Prints and Stylish SuiL Duoks "Visit Ilero." IF YOU pulposo soon buying Now Dress Materials for yourself and family by all meaus "Visit hero." 1F YO1' want 12jo. Phots 33 in. wide Fast Colored fur 8e., 20c. Towels for Hie., 7c. heavy Grey Cotton for Sc., 8troufi Dutch Indigo Prints worth 18c. for 121, ,Visit Here." 1F YOU wish to wear the only perfect Corset ask here for those with Ore per- fection fastening, GILROY & WISEMA,�V. PLUMSTEEL & GIBBINGS SPRING SUITINGS, Gentlemen,—We aro showing a Sloek of Spring Suitingd consisting of everything that is New and Nobby. In prices we have no competition. \Ve guarantee to save you at least 15;'. Spring Suits to order from $10 up. READY-MADE CLOTHING, Selling Rapidly.. -- .Men's Pante, all wool, well made, $1.00 pair. Men's Suits, Goode that will wear, $4.00 suit. Boy's Clothing at prices that will please you. SHOES and RUBBERS. We are headquartera for these Goods. Having closed out our "Old Goods" before moving to our New Store, we now offer new and up -to - data Goods, for lose money than you will pay elsewhere for last year's ;node. LADIES' RUBBERS, the best quality, now goods, 39c. pair. LADIES' HOUSE SLIPPERS, very comfortable, 20c, pair, Our Millinery Department is Now Open, 0 PLUIUSTEEL & GIBBINGS, - Wort st,f 0118 �4 cation he had to conte to Goderich and bion. Myr. Foster's Speech. during' the r• -cent election insult many of those front whorl he receives his lIa know spectator. brelut and hatter?" It will thus he All stenCaman knows that Non:. George E, Foster can intake it gond speech ; ILiI seen that Petit• will receive A warts Canadit knows that hr is dw best, de - though not kindly reception should he bater• in the house of c•oulrnons, tint it return to Nest Huron, but safely en- goes without shying' that his speech of sconce( in his Registrar's chair he can, yesteril ay' (Fl iday) in defense of Lhe ,till] we itre sure does;, simile ;it the pea- govt 1 nul-nl's course on t.hc bliu)itob;t ple he has so often befouled. School e;o-stion, was capiLal. It was more than that: it wn4 the speech of the ses don, and }probably the speech of g '> %Tr Foster's )uliticlll life It wits a Peter 1i:y.an Called Down, rission Itin vould snow About 11 Atter N o1 s , -- - DANIEL MQDAN I9 URVUSJPD FAIR PLAY BY DANIEL AI'QILLICUDDY. 1 AND THE NEWS -RECORD 18 APPEALED } TO TO GIVE A JUST GRIEVANCE Who has riot, of le whilom iron -lunged Provincial tine- PUBLICITY. defense of the governrnent's pro. To the Btlitor of The lit4r011, Signal. that Clinton regniresasystem ofwate'r'- that the DEAR SIR,- I am sorry illy defence of the Rev. Fathra• Lacombe ruffled t e greatest effect. The speech will go your tender feelings so much. If I had t)ort.unP time to move in thatdirec:',ion. assented to your suggestion to oulit Fr., provincial timber lilltit4 fit. a cont- Lac•ombe's letter -anti your esteemed rPiid)- fnrilIVII of N] r. Foster by the peo- friend Peter Ryan's and Dr. Dewar's for waterworks, because such tier inv-st- front Lily letter, there would have been Pr day ? Peter's thud voice and hlHt- only its skeleton left, This suggestiou clear-headed [Iran, possessed of won. of yuurs, Daniel, didn't work. Your of the conditions on which the $111,0'9) effort would be, it it did, to demolish a to, Mr. Howitt, at election t inter, there tens settlement skeleton. The logic of it skeleton veiny much greater work than nny- would be warped and halted at the ;L public we ialrrady signal's sweet will -by Vulgar per- r• sourtlnties and billingsgate, •'Soap erld-('onservative party ought to }tie, shuts" would do duly instead of fail' TI play. In order- to supress lily letter• Veavored sitto your, paper,, you rn and at- . « . AT r. Foster f`IORPR teulpted to bruwbettt me in yout• sanc- ar tint. I atu old enough to ]lldge tot' wAys winding up with the dPclHriL- the ".SVIVO •st myself and ail as responsible for lily b writing and actions as the self-conceit- In Ott 'Signal editor-, and have lit) occasion th to apply to the etylnolog'ieal prodigy Policy, And heli) it through this diffi- who runs the Signal for the uherulirng house seem to rue to he the• only feasible of "nuso})hlaticuted•" 1 have heard to critninal lawyers bullying witnesses, tl but ulv n•tinebake Danie? takes the th cake to bully a correspondent in his Intimidation co Utfice'. anil boisterous ill- lip tel rogations will notsilouce the writer. to When the faith of myself, illy neigh- w bur, illy pastor, illy church, or my God pa is At brake, 1 will be heard whether• E. Daniel MvGrillicuddy id willing of not. ousP and scrub the flools of the de. Solne then fear your pois000tls And caustic pen And ton lie, but I do not. When Daniel McGillicuddy dares to be a Daniel and beard the lion to his den, •ent to his reward. Iif- didn't (141), lIR lift• by Ally Irl-Alls, hilt t1n cll.V flf0jr fork 4nh- then Greek meets Greek and the tug- - of-war corned. Now for the two Dans. Uh, its safe to be a Daniel ividPd And vat chair d registrar, one of the most richly up- When tho people aro Agreed Pr That, Lilo very, thing you arguo for Is the %'Cly thil)I{ ULI heed. You illyy Baro to iw a Daniel r thought: that no sneer would b- 13 fl • I When tf10 people aro so kind That thoy' wouldn't hurt a Daniel Should ho leant to spook his whid. - Protestant merchants, gentlemen of Goderich, express wbhorronce ret the Signrtl's un just and guttersnipe attacks on respected gentlemen through "es- teeruet correspondents" and its own S utterances. When I reply in decent, " f") language. why attack lily lack of schoAlastic attainments' This has of nothing to do with my defence of Fr. ev Io Lacombe, and I ain not an office -seeker either. McGillicuddy,theeruclitepeda- goge and juggler, was not even in the tit woods in my youth to teach me or any one else syntax or the meaning of "un- m sophisticated." Hence I remain un- a cultured, but not ill-bred like my de- dI graded naulesabe ! If I had been it St pupil of Daniel McGillicuddy the people w would be juttified in saying God help the Ti self-appointed defenders of the w clergy, Mayors And editors like Todd, Mitchell and others I alight• name, n But some of these at least are well able to take care,. of thein- th selves. I ail not it specal defender re of the Faith, but I aveluid like to say to vi Daniel McGilfic•nddy, the annexation- ist, that Queen Victoria is. Of course to til he don't care very much for HerMa'es- ty. Wben I wrote abcut Fr. Trt- fo comhe's letter to the Signal, McGilli- cuddy knows perfectly well there was ni not one word about Faith in his letter as to Laurier, but Daniel refutes to stick as ` til to the point and fails when he endeav ors to turn Moran's opinions into rldi- ar cute. Scrcasru, sneers, irony and ridi- to cule rive not Argument, and I again re o peat that Fr. Lacojhe's letter is uu- hi ly assailable. The Signal found this out and Judas -like at•tac'ked the writer. It is, in his eyes, reprehensible to style it political blundeeer "notorious," hilt all A S right, to style a respected and honored gentle midi—rL clergynian—' unsophis- t e ated !" Daniel i5 'willing" thin Sig• pr nal I-vadens should read the dictionary. t Whitt it great privil-ge i'' I find that. h (1) "Unsophisticated" nutans free from B adulteration, germine•, pure; (2) fr•r•e from artificialty; (:i) showing iuexper•i- eneP, verdant• "ver•drult." green, its it verdant youth. "Notorious„ is ton outrageous ill) epithet for it Political tmunp who Misr -presents ministers, �wiests arld hie hops its Peter R An has een doing. i30t DaniPl McGillicuddy dov4 not hesitate to style Fr. Lavolnhe It an "ignoramus•" Your renders must (•t judge whether he or McGillicuddy is c•1 worthy of the title. When the Signa} (.i sHys my writings arca "polite" i rim c) sorry I cannot return the compliment, II for i-ar•ning in the )uouth of n foul is p like iL Ral'nl'd In till- hAndt4of it 111;ldlrlall, Ill OV like a shot. gun within the control of r) A lalpoi11L; like these, McGillicuddy is A preparml with his poisoned arrow to 0 Any all opposed to hint. Failing by filir means, uohlir Inethnds will he adopted i by 10111, f( DA-41KL M0RAN Oode>r•icil, Starch Ill. Mistaken Tactics. Halifax flem1d. It looks very Much like history Ir'- p-hting Itself. In 144,7, when the fate of Itiel was hiLnging in Ihe hniance, Mr. Ifl;tke tusk refuge flrstin England and nfterwards within Ihe lines of i'nrrPs Vedrils. After Itu•1's f;1te was rl-rid-d Mr. slake• mini out in orong cunden;nttion of the Government. for, permittingthelaw to tnk- its course: and hl- raid his suppor•tors innle nn ch of (he fart that though it Protestant. rind An Ontario man, Mr. Blake was not afr•nid t4) j ,in hitnds with tho howl- ing Rielitfiq nl' Q,4vlioc The fact wa4 that. hr, had rhosen his posiLion solely With t.hP idea that. he could (hereby c,tptur•- Que•her withnnt.losing Ont,nt•io, slut. whin in 1447 th- rnnntr•y wits (vill- ied on for its vercdiet., Dir. Blake foini d to his conslrrnation that. he had lost. Ontario wid railed to va-ptore Quebec. Dir• f,aurier is intilking the saniP MIR- tnk- now. Ne htip-4 to hold Quebee and by ,sing As an anti.Catholic ('tntreh c tampion to c•Aptnre Onhirio. Ilot: when the billot.R are coi nle•d he will find that hr lvl.,z loot Quebec and railed to captit e Ontario. Ile will find that the vote to capture which he ,R willing to throw the Roman Cat.ho- lics of ManitohA to the wolves, is not. by Any rnealls As large aR he Rnppos-s, and lit. most hr will only get A portion of K. Sir Oliver Mowar,, it murk more sit ar'ous party lemler than Laurier, hit.4 always, of Het. purpose antagonized the vote that Laurier is RAcraficing t-verything to c;apt.nre. An,l before Dir. Laurier is Another year older he will he. convinced of the folly of PR- tranging those thilt, might trust hire in at.ternpts t.o cajole t ode who will never trust him. Nir•. isnnr Ca tmer, postmaster of Milton West, Ontario, died at his home on Saturday. a Advanced Weals to strength and pure blood neces- r-v to resist the effects of cold seasons e given by hood's Sarsaparilla. " I have for the last 25 years of my life be complaining of a weakness of the ngs and colds in the head, especially in e w inter. laat fall I was again attacked. Iisading of Hood's Sarsaparilla I was led try it. I am now taking the fifth hot- s with good results. I can positively say at I have not spent a winter as free from ughs or pains and difficult breathing eIla for the last 25 years as was last win - r. I can lie down and sleep all night ithout any anuoyanoe from cough or in in the lunge or asthmatic difficulty." M. CHAMBICas, J. P., Cornhill, N. B. Hood's farsalparilla Is the Only `Prue Blood Pmri>Fier omineutly In the public eyo today, pd)CI'f3 Pills cure babItual const1pa- tloy, Yrice "per box. Erratic Men. The Hamilton Spectator says :--- "Nobody will be. surprised at E. E. hepppard's announcement that hence - vi IIP. can be considered a follower M r. Laurier. Mr. Sheppard has been or thing by starts and nothing ng " To which the Lindsay Warder per- lently replies: - 'Ability. conation sense and judg- ent are rarely combined in one man to marked degree. The editor of Satur- Ly Night and the Toronto Evening Ire• is in many respects it very able -iter. His pen is fluent and caustic. pped with it dash of cow -ho or wild- est recklessness and slang Mr. ,Sh�p- nrd's sentences are at times interest - g reading. "Those who know him best, admire e kind heart And keen intellect, but Bret the nnbalaneed judgment, the clous and revengeful temper and the clination to bully by thrents rather an to lead by argument and reason. "Mr. Sheppard might make a mark r good in Canada were he to recog- ze that all who do not choose to see he does on rill subjects are not tuated by improper motives; rind at all who do not act after his model e not traitors to good citizenship and Ultnada. If he would but review his wn record and note how townsy of s former fads, in which he wits (le>ep- concerned, and against whose np- onents he wits very Bitter And severe, e would now condemn, it shonld prove healthqq object lesson to Mr. E. E, heppar•(1, "No nian, not even Lhe writer, could •"fit luore than the talented editor of he Toronto fitar and Saturdhy Night y observing the precept of Bobbie trend' fatuous Imes : `-Wad sotne power the gift i- gi- its To see oursel s as idler i see us." 0 IF YOU would see a big ator•e with a big Stook of bright Goody, "Visit Ilere." Ili' YOU are looking for the very love- litet soft bleudiug Checks in popular 1Y�;st 8tuffd'•Visit Here." IF YOU are wondering what the very latest Catton Wash Goids ale this ties. son "Visit Here," IF YOU are out to pick up while Stocks are full tae latest fast Prints and Stylish SuiL Duoks "Visit Ilero." IF YOU pulposo soon buying Now Dress Materials for yourself and family by all meaus "Visit hero." 1F YO1' want 12jo. Phots 33 in. wide Fast Colored fur 8e., 20c. Towels for Hie., 7c. heavy Grey Cotton for Sc., 8troufi Dutch Indigo Prints worth 18c. for 121, ,Visit Here." 1F YOU wish to wear the only perfect Corset ask here for those with Ore per- fection fastening, GILROY & WISEMA,�V. PLUMSTEEL & GIBBINGS SPRING SUITINGS, Gentlemen,—We aro showing a Sloek of Spring Suitingd consisting of everything that is New and Nobby. In prices we have no competition. \Ve guarantee to save you at least 15;'. Spring Suits to order from $10 up. READY-MADE CLOTHING, Selling Rapidly.. -- .Men's Pante, all wool, well made, $1.00 pair. Men's Suits, Goode that will wear, $4.00 suit. Boy's Clothing at prices that will please you. SHOES and RUBBERS. We are headquartera for these Goods. Having closed out our "Old Goods" before moving to our New Store, we now offer new and up -to - data Goods, for lose money than you will pay elsewhere for last year's ;node. LADIES' RUBBERS, the best quality, now goods, 39c. pair. LADIES' HOUSE SLIPPERS, very comfortable, 20c, pair, Our Millinery Department is Now Open, 0 PLUIUSTEEL & GIBBINGS, - Wort st,f 0118 �4 cation he had to conte to Goderich and bion. Myr. Foster's Speech. during' the r• -cent election insult many of those front whorl he receives his lIa know spectator. brelut and hatter?" It will thus he All stenCaman knows that Non:. George E, Foster can intake it gond speech ; ILiI seen that Petit• will receive A warts Canadit knows that hr is dw best, de - though not kindly reception should he bater• in the house of c•oulrnons, tint it return to Nest Huron, but safely en- goes without shying' that his speech of sconce( in his Registrar's chair he can, yesteril ay' (Fl iday) in defense of Lhe ,till] we itre sure does;, simile ;it the pea- govt 1 nul-nl's course on t.hc bliu)itob;t ple he has so often befouled. School e;o-stion, was capiLal. It was more than that: it wn4 the speech of the ses don, and }probably the speech of g '> %Tr Foster's )uliticlll life It wits a Peter 1i:y.an Called Down, rission Itin vould snow About 11 Atter N o1 s , -- - i masterly nssenlhlage of facts and A1 - Editor Neu•s-1h•rord, loged farts, upon which he built {pow- lildRetown Dominion. heard PP1Pr Rvail, DEAR Slit, -While aIg,reeing with erful argillnents, set fr)I•l 11 it) brilliant. English. Ile made the best possible` Who has riot, of le whilom iron -lunged Provincial tine- sonlP of your correspondents, I :un of the opinion I orlg with many others defense of the governrnent's pro. •11nhent. auctioneer, who, utter the talup;tffne had rer•cived the n-cess'at'Y that Clinton regniresasystem ofwate'r'- that the gralnlne, and pelt it in such language, =kvn ill slit}) milliner As to create works, and present Is lit) lip- t e greatest effect. The speech will go 1111141,0011 nlnnng the t)uy-r•s, disposed t)ort.unP time to move in thatdirec:',ion. a long way to eanfirnl the opinion, ;it - provincial timber lilltit4 fit. a cont- Chis Irurney, i holieve, could be secured rPiid)- fnrilIVII of N] r. Foster by the peo- that netted hills it few hundred for waterworks, because such tier inv-st- pIP Of ('ttllrt(ltl, ttl}Lt IME' IN a brnlny, Pr day ? Peter's thud voice and hlHt- anent, would he "public,"and that is one clear-headed [Iran, possessed of won. it Inlander• blade lith all itivAtil able of the conditions on which the $111,0'9) Very debating power, and ellof to, Mr. Howitt, at election t inter, there tens settlement imist ho invi-strd. i do not app of i l lihr•hryy because veiny much greater work than nny- lid wherever it • �, f Irish Roman CAtholics, there Potor ;L public we ialrrady thidgh- hila yPtunrlrrtatken. The T,il)- r• blty- ono of smtlicitmt capacity to fins- erld-('onservative party ought to }tie, he swtl to dvoollnre roryisio, %ver alt the public demands. Another nn(1 is, proud of the finance Minister. rish landlordism, and to throw in a ohj Pction is that it would )w pbu•ing a . « . AT r. Foster f`IORPR ,w sentences in favor of Home fin!-. luxlu•y on the people that would neith- with a powerful ,appeal to Conserva- wAys winding up with the dPclHriL- the ".SVIVO •st (>I hP ;Ii)1)reci;lIed Or biken advantAp t,ives, both in the house And out of it., on that Sir Oliver• WAS of by the mnsR-s. Ward Rr.hoo s• to he loyal to the partyof the Nat.ional,µ -eature"in public life, that he wits t11P wfitPrwurks, public park or opera Policy, And heli) it through this diffi- L>fender of Separitb< Schools, Ilie house seem to rue to he the• only feasible vulty, that, it, nifty go to the country usoro friend of the bish( ps, and that, scherd-s of lasting benefit•, Aod I lion - with the prestige of power•. I the goodness of his heart, he had a ). F• } c•stly favor wht.et•avork4. Wh:at do hP oint-d a couple of friylMicu te) office ' nuLys-s desire? Yours,— i nd permitted it few neon And wornen �i1N<'Rrt1TY. 1 The :inns of Htigland will meet at r the ('Pith' ravo to shovel f lie snow March 11. I Brantford next year. •cru the sidewolks at government. ousP and scrub the flools of the de. ftT't.11lPl]1.A,1 h111h1ingtt. PI't.or at last. •ent to his reward. Iif- didn't (141), lIR lift• by Ally Irl-Alls, hilt t1n cll.V flf0jr fork 4nh- _ y , - ) •o o Hnl count of ween rr lit y Peter don" ill hie ividPd And vat chair d registrar, one of the most richly up- olat-red in the province. It was fond- 0 r thought: that no sneer would b- 13 fl • I rrllYA of 11 Ill. lit., if I t w il.`z it ly - ec•tion in West limon rect•ntly when `�" e art', 11T1111E;11R('ly l)lE'as('ll artt good 111141) turd purr• Rf.;EtPsln;l.n now,, to faun- as Animins Cameron: with mir ,as sorely pressed by Mr. Weismiller. s happens that, in t lir (,own of God-r•ich u re iv n strung Roman (' belie r'ilNew Spring Stock � IPnt, while til- dam- largely prevails r 1 ARhfield t-ownship. Sorra were the i r ;raita of the party of Reform until ley t.hcnight of Peter t.}Ir 1tl•gist.rnr. p he goes, and soon his st:e•nG)ri lr )nes were heard on the conres don nes calling on his friends(?) t" vat- lr (`anlernn and again.0, Rowell til- rAngeman. Not sAtisfied with this, tit, not to Alarm the local Oranges Pn lid to get them to -Ally Against the �emedinl Bill he went out. of his way 7 say things that brought down upon im the wrath of the pArish priests. few w-ekR Ago we republished a let- ' t ' 1 t An ti Which is now coming to hand. By the middle of 'March we hopt- to Qhow a Stock that will not 1)e e(lualle(1 outside the cities and people who appreciate LroOd g oodsshouirl look througl -r tion Nitt ter Qutg ey, n, a me. LAtioned in Kent hut, now in Ashfield, ddrPRsed to the MAil and Empire and We are going{ in for a class of Good.9 not usually found in -fused Admission to the a or givcale. tng he a place of this $17,e. Our prices are the lowest. ipon t•hfit, pApPr L(t prove or (;ive the ante of its informant that the priests f Went Huron had interfered in the "Nothing � » lection. Nnw it, is the Rev. T. West, �t 111 g Like Leather IRO well known here and in Kent, asks: "Will Mr. PeterinclRyan, Inn ntl�cP_ JACKSON �e JACKSON, uldPr under the Provincial Guvern- nent, and A recipient. of money fro n he pockets of Conseryatires as well As teformers, tell the puhlic what justifi- I W. Jackson. Fred T. Jackson. Mrd , , Fa±. ,�(•' r;. wr•. f A�'- a" x yrs'.':: ,