HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-03-18, Page 3Of .. 5 s' (,. - ti. i►, bd8lNE88 DIRECTOO. 0.Aliking. :===__­-_ KOLS018,11 01 incorporated by Actof Parliament 1866, -.,.--� T -.. . : , 7771"j.'1�1­�_­;,.11� I.:, I �.11, .I. 11"' I. I �. I . , --",— I ''1, I '111-01 Not "' -iggs. __,___ ."�� I. 1��,�,,.;, ""�. I , ! -",.,�",-,-.�,.,.,-q�.,�",!.,,--""",."�,��� ... __ 1. ...­,". .1 ''. - -. .. ­ � - I -, _'__ __ , ", " �, ,. - 11­;�­­_­ I - I � - - ­______. .1 I ____ __.__,___.;m_.' ��, .- '1,1,� , ­� 1,1� " _oranat. _ . T1�,. ; 1'% .ren 4'1 ews-Recora The lila 6itlaP(I or lKiitl. T© Ti*lARMR e u 1 study Your own 1"tore0tand go where 8(h'H ANNIVILIWARY USLU13HATED. L. ®a Y . No. 710' ' you 044 got tl 86 a Ye t-41 OOt Adva ,UXANT<JN, Reliable Harness, Meets 65001110 Monday of every month. Hull slid flat, MoRay I manufacture none but the HasT OY SToea. block. Visiting brethren always Bowart of shops ghat sell gheap, as they have to made wtiWoluo. grog to tive fly' Call and of prhles. Orders DR. J, s, rRuSbOHN, W. M, bJ mall proWply attended to P. CANTELON,JU.See, J- P. SOEPPARD, D. M -F dr v-1. 1 BELL, OAPITAL, . . $•2,000,000 ---- -.--- REST, - - $1,875,000 11400ule,—HARNEsfI EMPORIUM, !a ___ -, -_ - MONTREAL. (`tLINTON Lodge, Na, 84, A, F. & A M. meets $e(;(i Offi06. - ever) Leridag, on or attar the ninon. visit NOTICE, lug brothren cordial!)' invitad =� J. H. R. MOL80N, President, A. J. HOLLOWAY, W. M. J, B. HUMBALI„ SEC. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, OeuerslMana Or. Clinton, Dec. 8, lb95. There being souse misunderstanding with re- _ gard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood - - - - k eesiou of any kind Notes discounted, Collections made. Drafts issued, Sterling and American ex- change bought and suld at lowest current rates. IST•a•ti•r ALLOWND oN DaPonire. B'ARMSIRS- Money advanced to faruiera on their own notes with one or more endorsers. No wortgage re• quiredassecurity. H. U. BREWER, Manager, Daooluber, 1896. - - CLINToN. - _.` - . - G . Ta a;�rt'i G. D. g� BANKER ALBERT STREET, CLINTON, A CEVERAL B-4 VKI.\r(i BUSINESS 'TRANSACTED. Nodescourated. - - Drafts Issued, Interest Allu(ved ora Deposita. Clinton, June8th, 1891 668y- trdteill. '� DR. W. GUNN, L. it. to. P. and L. It. V. S.,.Edrnbnrgh, O6Iw- Ontario street Clinton, NtghL calla at (runt dour of residence on Hatteubury otraet, uppo"Ito Presbyter- ian church. DR. TURNBULL. S, 0. T. M. Kearns Taut No. till, Litights of the Maceabeea lit the World. $1,000, 03.U00 au 1 $3'IOU P"tioies. Meru- beruhip over 3011,00(6 Adsoxswout principle --has never ex000 led 12 aedeasmeuth in a year. Choul)"t and "(n•t it, eYiateeee. Mesta in Orange HAII, Cllu- tuu, arab and Ibird Friday of every unouth. A. O. U. W. The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, meetsio Biddlecounbe'd !tall, opposite the market, the int and and Friday o in each ,nunth. Visitors uurdiaili invited. It. S'runs• u AM, M. W.; J. BRAN, lteuordlir. , b9Bv C00K'S FLOUR, & FEED STORE, �lirtcorl. BRAN and SHORTS in Large or Small Quantities, 011, CAKE, LINSEED fl1EALS 10 lbe. Choice O ttmcal for one Bushel D. Co Y 0 -its (( 'LIN ��TT 1 ``ll 11�� LJ. CUvi�, V1�ILY r1,Vl�IT, T:,'?•tt - - --- -- -- ; -, FEE, � STORN DILL � �L , )but If any person to es puns w I shall a of wreckage and falls to roper) to n 1 once take proceedings. Reuleslber this in the lust warning I shall give. CAPT. WM. HABB. Receiver of Wrecks, GoderichI Goderich, Sept. 7th 1891. FOR SALE. The properly at prasenI occupied by the un- Serslgded as a residence on the Huron !toad, In the Town of Ooderioh, consisting of one halt'Of an &ore of land, good frame house -story and a half -seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and carriage houses, There are also some good fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated find very suitable forany portion wishing toliveretired• Flit further partioulare a ply to L�. OAMPION, 542-tf --'- . Barrister,(ioderioh. J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Deafer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, . Clinton, Ont GO TO THE Union Shaving Parlor For first•claas Hair -Cutting and Shaving. HURo. STitEET, CLINTON. Smith's block, Opppositefjost Office, Clinton J. EMERTON, Proprietor. - 1 Il TS f� ,11-11d'), J. L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ. ; M. 1). ; " M., Victoria Univ. dl. C. P. k S. Ont, ; Fellow of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. L%te of London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals Office: -- Dr. Dowsley's stand, Rattenbury dt. Night calls snswered at Office. -- ---DR. SHAW. Office In II,l.;ou'dliloolr, natonbury St., Cli%tou, )Rt. Night calls at same nlacc�__..__ _ Jas. S. Freeborn, I'd• D , L. K. & Q. c. r., I.. M. r, P. & S. o., &n., &e, Omfinato of Krm('s & (211ten'8 Colloga of I'll) i0ans, Dublin Ireland, Lieuutiate of the Oonoral Medical DOunoi1, Great ltritain. Member of College of rhysinia•td and Surgeons, Outano F,.^mnrly rnsi- derto -no Rotmda, Hospital (Lvlug•in and Gyula. :ological), Dublin. Special attentiot) to diauases of women and ohildren. Office and residence, Rattenbury 1 St.,next door to Ontario tit. Matnudist par"onegc. 829-1y pOUtlotrl�, -- -- _ -.----__. .. _._-_—.__ L. _ __. �II S. Surveon Dentist. Member of R. C, D. R., of Out. reatk c,ri.acted without pain by the use of a harm• less aud pleasant local anaesthetic. No unconscious- �Cn can �ee, eI knees nor III effects accompany the use of yrslAtifyntoditssnd genuueness. Specialin and und att nition given to the preservatiou of the natural tooth. Office, ;osteo' Block, over Taylor's slice store. _- Be Agnew, L. D. S., D. D. Se DENTIST. e Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur- geons of Ontario, Iionor GrAduate of Trinity University, Toronto. Beat Local Anaesthetic for painless extraction. Office opposite Town Hall, over Swallow'& Store. Night Bell answered. Will visit Hensall every Munday, and Zurich the 2nd Thursday of eaeh month --- - --- - �eDol. M. G. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, y Conveyancer, &c. Oftice-•coiner Hamilton and St. Andrews-sts., opposite Colborne Hotel, Goderich. 888 if __ __ R[[jj C. HAYS, Barrister, Solicitor, me. office, corner . North Street and Square, ;near Registry Office, Ooderich, Ont, 67. liT Money to lend at lowest rates of Interest. J, SCOTT, Barrister, c r.. ELLIOTT's BLoox, - CLINTON. Money to Loan. Pilo Best Early Seed Potatoes, ftnt a WAT kinds or first class Clover, Timothy, Field CHEMISTS &DRUGGISTS and Garden Seeds, Fleur anti Feed of all Great Northwestern Telegraph office, kinds. Closest living prices for cash. SALT / Albert Street, - Clinton. in stock and for sale. TEAS of the choicest __ _ _ _ ____ __ _ __ _- __ - --.- ..- - varieties -- varieties au ] hlemis, Excellent valve. PROPERTY FOR SALE OF 12i 1 REPT.-Advartiserswill find "'rhe J W. HILL, Huron 3t., Clinton News-Record"one of the best mediums in the County of ituron, At)vertise in 'The Nows-Record"-The Double Circulat;op Talks Central Butcher Shop. t�'rhnnaaminnt�Rata-a new as a�ngy.. COUCH & WILSON PUMPS! PUMPS Snbecribers do,iru to notify Lha pnblle that they - l d that have bew;ht un, the boteheriog bu.•iu"hit lately con- ducted fly Air. Jx.x, A. Ford, and will cuntlnue the, Hanle nodor their personal sup-rvisinn, Orders will have prompt aud careful attention. Fre 11 meats of all kinds will be kept hr seaann, gold at reasonable rates and delivered anywhero iti h,w'a, AR•1nult COCC11, CRA.8 N, WILSON, 4.'1.1\TUN• _. - _i- __ - CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP FORD & MURPHY, 'tuocessor, to J. W. Lmigfur,l.) Aavingboright nut the above b1,RiocAa, we Intend to nondunt it on tho crib principle, %fill will supply oar e4stomers with the beet meats at the Lowest pay - rig prices. FORD &MURPHY. New Butcher Shop. The undersiguetl desires to intimate to the people of Clinton aud vicinity that he Its,, opened a butcher shop in the Stora of W. Cure, tfuron Street. He has ]tall many yeaas experienre, and feels that he can give the best satisfaction. He will sell strictly for Cash, and at the lowest possible prices. OltUF.its RFsPF(trvu h 1.1' SOLICH ED. It you want a first clasv, we I•ma o pump, One will give you satisfaction, Send your order to the undersigned. Ile will dig and clean wells and do it at the closest prices. He also handles a first-olasa FORCE PUMP. JAMES FERGUSON eppohit (2uoen'd hotel - High Street Clinton. 809•tt F. Wit F ARN G GJHB (MEMBER OF ASS'N OF P. L. S.) Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, LONDON, ON'T, Orvicg -At G. J. Stewart's Grocery Store, Clio - ton. 761•1y Onto bf Cantelon ,gyros, v1ENERAL GROCERS & PROWS- ION ROMS ION MERCHANTS. Grockery, Glassib Cl4tinawar ALBERT ST. CLINTON, ONT. ___^ 6 d Er M. W WRIGHT-, - Clinton. LIVE HOGS WANTED, Highest Market Price Paid. D. C.A.NTELON, Clinton. --_.-- .. ------ --- -- B. THOMLINSWON, VETERINERY SURCEON, tlnnorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col. ege, Toronto. Treats all diaeaafa of Domeatir Animals on til mnat modern and Heientine Principles. /-t Day and N,pbt calla Promptly Annwrrod E• CAMPION, Q • C 1 Rnsule•urr Italterebury Streit. Wrst, ('limn Ont 3ARRI8TER, - - - SOLICITOR" NOTARY, (k(•., C-oderloh, - Out. once -Over Davia' Drag Stora. Money to loan, M • 0 • JOHNSTON, BARRISTBR, • - .iOLICITOIZ, COMMISiS-IONAle, Ere., cwo(leri(ell, <?rlt Ofnee- (!or. Hamilton and `h Andrew'a Stn, W. BRYDONF., IIARRISTF.It - - SOLICITOR. NOTARY Irf7141,IC, ,kr, Omoc BRAVER 10,OCK - - CLINTON, 817-1f 'pioueg to Bend. °;y. �� ONEV to lend In large of small anms or good Yl mortgag6o or personal security at the lowest '.1, ndrrent rates. H. HALE, Huron At. Clinton. �;. - Money, Stoney to lend on good necnrity at 6, and 6 per rant. Arply to C. RIDOQT, Albert St.,( linLon. 862 it �1 Wm. Moore Has Remved :0-- CORE'8 BLOCK, HITRON RTRRET, CLINTON 1 am better than ever prepared to anpply the pub Ir with the Latest improved ., Sinter Sewing Machines. f Nealos In stock and parts anpplled for all m+tea ,•3"_ "f Mach neA. Agent for the Celebrated Leader Churn :", and the most rellable washers and Wringers. The +n').t critical Inspection invltell. t, ` --- ---- 5 WM. MOORE, I'. . . Haat of onmmerelal lIo'ol, Anront Rtraat, Ctinfoe :'l-;1;:' HHb-►t ,1. E RLACKALL, Veterinary Surgeon, honorary graduate of "I, Ontariol'etrrir,ary (bllege,treats dle.flaeo of all domretic animals nn fir most modern and 4rientifle prin,•iplr", gr,'alls attended to olght or day, Offl,e on Iaaaa fttroot., next New Era ofltre Residence Alhvrt atrret, elinton. Teacher of Piano Miss Hallie E. Combo, Toronto 0im,orvnrory of Mu91r, rl,r• f ificatt4 in Irian(,, lintilumv fill(] fntro- dit('tory Theor-y CI INTON, ONZ'- Goo, Trowhill, Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert, Street., North, - Clinton, JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Wnodwork ironed and flr.t clan, material and work gnarantoerl ; farm Implsnlonts and coarhlnes rebuilt and repaired. Card of Thanks. TO MY \MANY PATfti)Nti : I desire to tender my sincere thanks for the very liberal patronRge accord , ed me in the past and t,) inform the public that I am still in the Garpet WeAving 13neinesa on East Street, Godericb, next the Bicycle Factory. Personal and mail orders will an usnal raceive prompt attention. All classes of work a speoialty, et the lowest pos• Bible prides, and eatiefaetion gearan- teed . W. A, Ross, East Street, AODERiC11. ,'W ;W '4. _,'_rl; • ,�:: .;.11 .. -I,,• , I. I � . . 11-11; ­", '11�, - 4 � , , , . ,11y. --I'- :11��, .r (" i., MI r, .,al-. Highest (.ash Price for utter an 99 rb2•ly ILL HEADS, NOTI Ile.de, Letter Heads, Tags Statements, Circulars, Businex Cards, Envelopes, Programmes ate., etc.,printei in a workman like manner and at lou rates, a Id Tnz Nzwx-RP,conn offlco. - - Mrs. Whitt, Teacher of Music, Pupil of Sl., Charles W. Landon, of Philadelphia The Mason Method aced exclnsively. It is considered by the leading bfanfeal Aftiatra lila no method develops the techulo ao rapidly as Ill Mason's"Toch and Technic." Piano, Organ and Teehnicon for nae of pupil, Apartments in Beaver Block, over W. Reasley'a,Alltet "treat, Clinton. NOTICE TO NEWS -RECORD READERS. • n sue _ ---------------.-.---:_._-.- ---_� GATHERING Ole THU BUYS OF 'PHIS OLD HRIGAUI4 AT Wilt POINT FARM WEDNESDAY, MAR.CU 18th, lt'N. Llnty,r.-(COL. Wll,W)N IN 'l'F11S --- - .--- __ . _ -_ _ CHAIR► -AN IMPA •MI TV PRo- E%1x11S;dI1f NIS TItOt1B1AE WAS 1N THE y GRAMMk of ouNu AND KIDNEYS. tiliN•rIM1SN1'. The cream of This was the case with Mr. ll, .), There wait a good representation fit the volunteer gathering held tit tilt- ,• Locke, of Sherbrooke, (,nue. tie suf- Point Farr o Monday to culehrate purest Norwegian fered for three years fr•nul It ('urnppli- the Both annivat•eary of till- calling out . • • cat.ed case of Kidney and Biridder Elis- I of the old limon Rilll-a, mid (larricou cod-110ver olll ,with ease, and spent over one hundred dul- Artillery air the 8th Of March, 18M. 1 lat'S fur treatulest, but never' 1•ece[yed rl'tle idea or igioated tvil.h (lnrpol•al hypophosphites ,Marked relief until, W use his awn Wright, who waN the wit currey[,uu- 1 words, "I began the Ilse of South Auger- dent of the local papers during the adapted to the ic•an Kidney (!tile, when four bottles Fenian exc}teulent, aud Witatitken hold p voinppletely Cured line." Kidney disease. Of by a suulbei• of OLtlel' veLerdlIS. has fastened it.s fangs un hundreds of • others besicks Mr•. Lucke, butevery line Tits) day wa4 ushered in by Life fiviug weakest digestions can find a cure., effective and Speedv, of cauuun and the hoisting of lite Union in South American Kidney Cure. in Jaek, aud early in the afterl)oull the Almost as most distressing cases relief is secured first Contin66"est, under• Courtutuul Of }u six huurs. -Sold. by \Naha ti. Co. Lioul.•t'ul. �\'11sun, of 5aaful•th, ai riv ed, and wits dally welcuuied by Ulu palatable as milk. The annual me.etink of Lhe lloub}sior) "Little ('orpontl.' The rue,ts colltu)u- Live Stuck Shippers' Assuciatiu„ was ell to eotos along until tivo (P'( -k, Two size& --110 cents and $1.00 held [n Toronto. It wits decided, oil when the reserves were mussed ill [notion of Mr. Bickerdike, president of frunf of well filled tables wht-re all vla- SCOTT & BOWNIi'.. Belleville, Ontt. the Montreal Board of Trade, to Cir- borate. Spread suitable for the occasion . ( ulate a petition throughout Canada had beell put (u by t he genial and ill � for Signatures aguillbt the enlbur o o„ defatigablt: haat. A1'tel the "rat unrv" �HU MPHR�Y`rS Canadian cattle and shot' au(i fur- haul been served out and other full(-- . Br. Humphreys' Specllles are l cleletifically and lion~ in counectiou With the Conliltis- ward it to the British Uuveruuieut. wreeuuy prepared Remedies, used fon years In __ _ lariat department, attended to, the Old Bl -i r tde was Balled to "attest ios" by people with enticeire and for over thirty years p the 1'ERFEC-T WISUObI 1'` 1 people with allure succ/se. Every drlgla t3peclAo the cununandulg officer, tient.-Cul. ea special caro for the disease uiune(1. Would [[,,iveitsperfectlivalth. l3ecause Nvilsoo, and the trooping of the colors Ns. sraelyle Von Pines. i men an(1 women are not, perfect 13, wise, was performed whilst• the strains of 1 -Fevers. Congestions, inflammations.. .25 ! they must take medic[he to keep them- the National Aw.heul floated on the 1L -Worms, worm Fever, worm colic.... .25 selves perfectly healthy, fart. rich air•. Prl,viotls til this fusctio„ the 3-TeethtnatColic, Crying, Wakefulness .25 blood is tt,e tittsiS of [aud health. "w del s'' for the stay had been put fur- 4 -Diarrhea, of Children or Adults...... .25 lfoud's Sarsaparilla is Ule Oar Trite ward as fulluws an(] dal Ve istel•ud : 'Boughs, Conde ToothaBronchche, .............. .25 Y )i 8-NeuralQfa, Tootha(oho, Fuceacho.......25 Blood Purifier. it gives good health "MONDAN', 11IAIWII1), 189(3. 9 -headaches, Pick Headache, Vertigo.. .23 becriu:e it builds upoli th(! true found- 10-Dyspepsln. Biliousness, Constipation. .25 &tion- [tote blood. "To -(lay there is colehrated lit this 11-3uppressod or Painful Periods... .25 _ phtee by the firing of camas, the hoist- ttb-Whitcs, Too Profuse Periods.... .......25 llool)'H P1LLti ltre purely veg"tut,le, Ing of flitgS, the Singing of •'(lod StLve 13 -Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness ...... .23 !)erfectl harmless, always reliallil. and the 6lueen" and the delivery of patriu- 14 -Balt Ithenm, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .25 1 y y 15-Rhoumatiem, Rheumatic faints ..... 23 tic; apeeclles, Lttr. 3utk1 annlveraruy of ll'ueficial• tilt Culling out or the vulusttsers of the 10-HTalarla, Chills, Fever and Agee. a . .25 UUIIrIL of FIUr•uu for active Sery}cC iti 19 -Catarrh, InfluenzR,Cold In the Head. .25 The Torcula Globe is hit) 1}' }u tilt' Y 20-WhOOPIng Coaah...................... Jas o laic❑ that Fl r. be h, li,SI S leech ll defending Chit• shores atgainat a threat- 2'y-Hlduey Diseases ..................... .25 P 1 tined Fenian iuvaSU foul )osed of its 28 -Nervous Debility .....................1.00 the rernediiil hill was "a master Stroke vile i1 clrlas of vagabonds Iib could bo 30 -Urinary Weakness .................. .25 of polities." Perhaps the prilise IS toluld un the face of the globe. To 3.1 -Sore Throat, Quincy, UlceratedThroat.25 deserved. But we µ'0U1(1 exp[eSf3 Up• t► it DR. HUMPHREYS' t`, •set 1, . sBlilar htnguagc, of a pro- assist in repelling this attack upon oar 77 SPECIFIC FOR GRIP, 25 s sessional jug" "ler tvho sut•coeds in keep- 1)('itceful iUNlll'S tliP t.Wu CUI11paLlie9 of Put up Inamali bottles of plesstnt pallets just db vuluuteers, cr,nlpcisisg the Iluron your vest pocket. Ir)g t.lt l•et• Im is going \vithollt hitting r 6o,d b Druggists, or sent prepNW on mielpt of pled. nue of theta till!. 1tiHas, cuuunruuled by (''rpt. 4\ . '1'. y DR. aUx r1148Y9' nANUAL (Enlarged a Revised,) nA1L1tU tlnaa. }lays, and the Goderich 6,ir'rhioll AI'- HUMPHREYS,NED, CO., ill& I t e irliilam et., NEW YORK. - - - - tiller under conimaud of J. S. Y. Far Ilius, 140 SY 1•ears Y' SPECIFICS • MRs. \Yla'•LUw's Sooruinn Syarr has boon used by Kirk (altogether about, one hltn(]1(4i SPECIFICS. - millions of mothers for th+ir childrou while teething. 11101), received inintedilite nlavehing ---- - -- -- . -_ '- If distutbed lit niebtand brok, n of your rest Ilya si,•k or•(Il'r's 111141 left towil Ort till' 801 of child sufforing find cruu(f wi.h pain of Cutting Teeth liltrell, 1<,101, 9t;ty111't-", OV(.•1' [light int aem:at once aud Slut a hott'e of "yirs. Winxlow'n 5tt'iLtfU['tl, rlli(1 1'E'a('llltl " tiat•tl nil f,htic uotiiiugsyntp"t„r,'hiiereu'l'eochiug. itwtllreli,:vs g , 6, flit) pour little xuffurrr iminedintOv. Depe,�d upon it, de'Aillatiotl, the fl,llo\villg day. Ttw V mother”. there is no i"f"take about, it, it eu,e> n'ar- \4(•1'e int ol)t•t' tlllb,tel'l,(I ill LO thl• I rovi.s- •� y' A C 5 rh(na, repnlates the Stomach aud 1lowelH, eur(H hint! ional Battalion, alveady formed for the �AvEAI S I R%�G �IJh�3tS Colic, softens the Uunis, reduces Iul1•uwnatiun, nod gives t,d)o aud ontrgy to the whole oysteut. "MrN. defell('e of f he Lowu, under the cofn- + v.,ineWw's S"othiug s)ui,•" for vhil,tren set ing is uliui(t lit' Lieut. -('til. Jarvis, a furulet• COPYRIGHTS. pleasant toIhetaateuul istileprcxorivu, -not -joeof officer of experience ill tho Imperial CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? Fora the oldest and best ferrule pill bi,•sans and nurnes lit Rt'fv .('t'.1. pprc,Tit answer and an honest opinion, write to the Cuited $tutus. Prive twtuly five cents a bat a. :11 U N N & CU., who bave had nearly fifty years' Sold by all dre • gists throe •hunt the world. Ile hurt r • o 'e"wil t. experlenco In the patent businesa. Minaml,on- u bf s Auunl} at muse W h were pr tions atrlc•tly ccmUdonttal. A Ilandbooh of sl- audoakfur'•tfies, \Y(N8LOW' VIIOTIrt\G SYRUP," w(+1'(! : Lietlt.-col. Wilson, Scaforth. formation concerning Pntent9 and how to Ob- - - - , fain them sent free. Also a catalogue of meehan. • 1 i•'h The I3ratttfot•d I:xposttol• States that :VJftjnP Vat•eu", l'ulhst•uc , ,islet I (( ,oat and smentlfic hooka gent tree. 3lr. Lalll-u-1' `•now tower's morally like SIIILft)"l; ('apt. �l 011tnottlel'y', '"(' of pPatents taken through Munn & CO. receivo a Gulliter." Only the other day he the 33r(] 13att.; Capt. \Val. Yining, No. id I is aretal eobrourhthwidelyrbeforetlie/publlewith- was described 115 Soaring "like It cord_ 9 Co., Nivd Batt.; Lieut. Jackson, Eg- out enat to the inventor. This splendid ,aper, Imnl(]villeCu.,18l3O; ('or )1, J. J. Wrirhf•, lssuedweekly. elegantly tnustrated,has Warthe et." By Sollle lit is rt'garded as "the ) l % lurtiest circulatluu of any scientific work in the ti fl > wort a aur. .mit e n lee seat free. bei "ht )articular still"' of the l.ihrra[ l'orpi. I (nt1inL*ton, Pt,. John Diitchell, OS y 1 f 1, [ y, Bulltllug Edition monthly 96r.fi0Ayear. Single party, casting into the shade all the 'LIVIll• Ftusl'r, oht. l,.11is, I). C. titr, - copiee,25eents. 6verynumber contains beau - other leading lights. But if he i5 it Ill), J• M. 5heppitrd, A.,11. JlcUregor', tihil platen, plans, enabling pnioder pofibs of new hooses, with plan& enabling tiuildors to show rho star, it 111tist be Algol, which shutes all of the Huron Rifles, 1830 L). N'I(' latestdeai risandsecureamtraetq. Address ret[ and blue by turns, aud is called tho Gillieuddy, :vie. 3 Co., Ilth Brit€., Bink- MUNN & co. Naw Yoim, 361 AIWAPw AT. Winker. And this latter drscriptiun stow, 18M. W. W.6lacvicar,Sarnia(%I'• A [F ERFt'GT TEA Would Seem to Suit hest his Method" of No. •1; If. Bays, No. 1, 33rd Batt.; R. party warfare -saying one thing to Itfidcliffr. Buhl tiVru. (%ruuphell, 1[ulne Quebee Catholi('s while "winking the Gu:Lrd, 1886; John Kernighan, J. I ., other eye" lit. 0111,ario Protestants, Jar•. Mitchell, Goderich Star; I). C. Alc- t __ _ Kay, CounLy high Constal)le; Ily. RHIAE.F IN ONE DAY. •lrnistiong, ('au. Exp. Co,; A. Allen, PIONSOON Dunlop. hail Geo. Pr ice, D. AlWor- South American Nervine vine relieves the slick, C. A. Nsiiru, \V. T. ,llurnl,y, T. _ worst cases of Nervous Prostration, (i. '1 ipllug, F. ( •. Belcher, \V. C. Goode, Tac Nervousness rind Nervouv U�sy(lpsia ill Itic•h. Cattle, J Waddell, stud othl'r Fincar Tca 'EA a single day. No such r(•liet` a11d bless- Ilan-ColnhAULlttd. IN THE WOR LD ing;( lids ever (-()tile to till- invalids of Aftl't' the toast of "The QtWell" h(1(l FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CVP? P this country. Its [N)\VPP(, to curethe heerl dilly honf)red, the ccimillanding IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. ttwmach are wonderful In the extreme, oflicer addressed the troops, and its fill It always cut -es; It, cannot fail. It incentive to the young lovii present "Monsoon" Train put up by the Indian Tea v radically Cures all weaknesses of the whit bud lint identi H,si then)9clves with growers as a sample lit' the best qualities of Indian Stomach, and never• disappuirit.9 Its' the force, gaup .tit int-estillg ,(•Silk,,, C.As.• Thercf.,re they use the greatest care in tied w1ccfon of thn Tea and its blend, that is why they l'tfeeLs etre u11L1'vellous alul Surprising. of his c'onoa•tirn with the militia of p"t It up themaelvca and sell it only in the orig,nal 6 It gladdens the heat is of til(! suffering, Citnitda Sin(T iPAV), WIWI) Inc had ,joined l ,Rages, thereby at -curing its purity and exeullenre. ' I and britt Ks immediate relief. iL is a its fine of the rank and file, tttl- r'ut up in Ib., i Ib. and 5 Ib. packages, and neva, s sold in bulls. litxary Lu Gukl', and tll\t'ays safe. Sold til the present, when he ori it- hy Watts & Co. pied the senior position ill the ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT, I - - - gallant 33r11. It inns it privilv9v If your grocer docs not keep it, tell him to write to Out cont.etnporary the Globe does ft,r hits W possess the knoxvIed90 that I STEEL, HAYTER & 00. not like the gentle intimation that Mr hl, \vas fine rif the Old lit igade till(] hit(] iLaurier is flghting for it coercive .Nil i- titkl,n part in prnree(]inKs ilia) }sruvl,4l a and 13 Front 9treat East. Toront, tuba ])111. 1'et the Wolfe tmlvtbe that. in case of tnt•nvinn. Cani'da's sass p� , ®® AAff�� ¢fir pitn a\vare by this .time that "the Liber+tl ('ould he (il'pl'ndr(] 111)(111 ill defem'(• Of Mardon sI�UmUtl fill 1df1 I party .says U) the vpisvopate : We d(' the land in Whi('11 they lived. ILomd Old Dr. not hl'li(.Vp in the eflicieney of the illlphills(',) - 141 r rlletho(] pl'opoSt•d fur till' sl,ttlt•rllrnt Of At lh0 (•1n4P of the l'ulntlel's n(](]rt4•+, 127 134 the fluestioo. 'We will a(]')pt another the :1(]jutaut (1n t.ht orr;tsimn, \I r. P lits V z pr()('l'(]ur•e, and wv \till gutu-antee to \\tight, ,'rad it mnnbet. of letter. fruul gitin your cause.' prominent, gentieulon eonnr(•Led pith I Ir the fmrrl', art(] others, \vile wl,rl' ing- j. The publisher would esteem It a favor If rear' wool when snaking their pnrrhases lention At they Be. the morehaut's dvortistl:.ent in fns N a wa- Racu ati. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. orpl"c"A. Genrgr Watt. Fre"ident, l(arlock P o , .lam Rroa,lfoot, Vlee•Prea., He afr,rth 1' 0 t W. .1 4ha nun, Srny. Trena., Reafnrth P. 0 : Michael 11nr•dl i rl •je"f or of Ineaea, Heetforth P. 0. DIANCTORa, .lamas Rrnadfnot, Senforth; tflnhael Mordie,Re fnrtb; George Dale, Heaforth; Oeorgo Watt, Harloc 'rhomaq R, Hayn,Satiforth; Alex Oardinrr, I,eadbur Thomas Oarbntt, Clinton; John McLean, Kippen. ons"". Thomas Neila;,a, liarinrk; Robert McMillan, 9 forth and Jamea oncoming+, F.gmnndville. Partleii deAlrona to effect fnA»ranre or bra art other husineae will be promptly atten ell to on application to any of the above ntNerro a dreaaod to their reapective plat ofnnos, PERFECT MANHOOD I T low attained -how re- �� stored—how preserved, Ordinary works on Phy• siology will not tell you: the doctors can't or won't; but all the same ) I you wish t) know. Your 11Al SEXUAL POWERS are the Kry to Life j and its rep-nduction. Our boolt lays bare the 11 )" truth. Every man who ;.1 12~ ' would regain sexual vi- - t i - ...r. gor lost thrnugh folly, I*,-..-- l�t,tr^ t.'ICf or develop mashers \real: hy- nature lir wr-sted by disease, should w!::i f,,r our scared boot:.,, tr Perfect Mltn- 1 uu�. ' .:o Charg3, Addrea$ (in confidence), E"s� UIEESICAL C3., iitl 114. N.Y. e CALL ]lux A CRIPPLE ' er),a illy Col.A. Amm1), A the it Col. Icor \vrrl, ('til..lyluu'r, I), A. G. ('til. BEGINNING ftRBT 'n+ SEt:090MONtH Ito,4, ]:tlr of till, ,gird : ('Hilt. ,J)trks(Iif 165 Tllit 1; IVO RXSTATIiJ1KNTUF',I •'111 f: linvfh•hl : Uapl. "Bitfty" silyllmill, ill,- (CURES trait ; 1•nifell stilt(.q (',Invul H. ti. Chi)- POSITIVELY 1� fy)U11" IL 11/.11'.4 )' MAX, tem, ,Ind nthrv'S. Thr nb,l,nrl, (if the ill,] ('til., A. N. lies,, was dl,epiy regret_ LOstPnwrr,Nrf�nogDo ilily, After Tr in Mud Baths and Mineral tt,l by )hl, :\(]'ulitllt ;11141 tlfr'rllhl,l'4, Failing Manhti,l, L., f 1)i - y g neaecq, cmined I,v file a, ore Springs Unsuccessfully, He Gained ;1ft4'rn'hirh allvely )old interrstitlg it's• andexrecsegnfyn„til Twenty -Five hounds in Six Months rrilition r,f the lmding of (il,nl,rnl Sher young, inidd'r.ngr f or nirl TR(Ro uo9n+ After Takia "Kootenay umin from the Jolut A, Dix %oils givrll men,Avt'%0:1-Ft :1-: l -,nn L, ri.StU Taking y of follir, an•t r��e.,sr rrsture,l to health, Will) it) 'Mr. Wright's ininllt.rtbll' stylf•. hood and vigor. ('mint y of Wont \t'r,rf h, to Wit. 'rhe lir(] ..1 \vile \1 if (ir5[)ntrhr,l to Price $1.00, 6 boxes for $5.00. Scnt by mall, I, 'rhmllas Witrrl,o of flu• Cif of �,ll.rovrr \vhtihl,r (ir'm•1111 �llv i. ll'4 securely.rnfr,l \vrur G•r sur I -, ,L, ".Snr.drnf City Faris,” for \ten only, tells you lww t., f;' -t wen Jame fLuuilf(m.('ntlnlymf\\•l,nt\volth,1'r'o- lid.'imn w•as 1wil,v lir %V;1r, wan 1'f,•, and stay well. n I cilt('tof(hltaitiu, tr,4iiltnrl, l;i( ,t1.nfll 1O,Lrtt !alis, (t -ho \\•14 ptPsOnf tit• the e• nn ntI(rl,t, a ntarhilli4t, (lit soll,nlnly (]r ,,animal, nn,l it t,; npmn htv ,,pati Address, QUEEN MEDICINE CO., Box pay. rinvethrit ill,lnnlu4r' 1Ki1S, 1 \clt4 .It I (Il:it till- Ario•ru•)ut (it()l'rill nkd 111,4 MONTPFAL. tnrkrtl with itlitarrofti4nl. whi(h ill I SInfT \cl,rr all(.\%I-d to }slid at (irnlrrirh - - - - - a \vrok nftl't ron(lnt(] n,l' to ut1 hl'(]. ! Ilnrhmr, e. ^;: ^ FICF. 11I1Ni)RED y; inns eonl[)el1vd to give tip work in tilt •'}.;lir (',ln,l(l;I " %V;I4 tel,ll ,int h y 1•:. 50 sbo )s of the "iii hoar It. It " ho,. g y Ik)LLnla will be 1 rl t'. 13rlrtter. thrttn)nnthv I tti14 r(1nflne(] ill tilt givcntothechari- luterest.ing pntrio(ir nildres4t4 wl•rt Re timu4e art(] iris)(•O h*1 three (]i(Fl,l. I given by limit. Jark4on, (1f Egnumfl- table institution phy4irinnv tit' ('hnnlpaighnllr'' Ili. I tills, 1). M(•(.illirk(]rly and .Jan,(.,4 firstnnmcdhythe Iran sdwi tric•(1 the slinging 4prillgs tit At Mitchell, (iorhvi('h, Mn ml-' Vnlror, ('tilLiL - d. tiro., Indiana, Inking the mud tenths l mayor of any city d- horne, (',tilt. llnrttggonD•ry ane) Major The li lie vnp0rwo Slight of n ph*1 c in1l' 114•rk. (iodl'rich, and home gitnrdstiIfill in Canada if any ingredient is found in The benefit was 4() 4light that I rvlml, 10(Irliffe nnrl Campbell, xvif h ,longs by the new medicine, home a vrippl(•. I Mf•vsr•s. Ktrnighan and RPlrhrr, till of (hl my return I gammoncod ticking I which wort enl.huviastirally retrive(]. ®®� �� "Ryekmmn'9 Kontenn ('lire," on file' Thr highly rnjn}vthlr gnlhrrtng was • • • I54 \V(nPndirtion of Trnno nil o R tit t' broutT tit to n ('1090 by a hearty vote fif _ _ - - l:)4 \VPvf-a.t•r•nkr nnrtll, and 9n()n not.ic• thnkkv to the hn4t (1f till' Paint Fa.rn1 fid a.n improvrttlent. I have flour t.ekeri for the opportknit y \vhirh had been is injurious to the system. Read font hotLlrS of the lnrflirin4• ,cul with y,ITorded to relehnov the (]ay tit. his what it does: the P%cript.imn of A dight %firm,,49 in (tuned re4ort, find for the t•xcellent. My ankles, fPPi dint 1 am rural. in µ,uv in \t•hirh h0 hnd nttendrd to the 1. ReRidea curing chronle rheumatism and Six mnnl,hS 1 !tate gain.(] twenty-five blood diseases It has a wonderful effect upon pcnmd9 and sin now thornugoly flt for (01itrnis4ariet. drptIrtment on the or- fever and malaria if taken in time, and we work and ronsi(]rr myself ,gaily hen• I CA11(ill' challenge the production of a cape of long g „ standing sore or hemorrhage of the kidneys efitted in Pvery way by the u9P of I "Auld Lml I4, as I n flash light, Kootenay wtlinot (lur•. the Remedy. I)hntograph .If I IIP la.rtir ipfinIA r10Re(] 2. It is a splendid tonic and makes you eat the Preis(•(]ingS ()f t�)r day, and Shortly andeleep. Itoutesindigetltion. And i innke this 4olemn flerhtration thI. , ,ee "f.ight.9 ()fit." w)L9 Sounded & It fe a microbe killer and when used for rnnRrient.lGli9ly believing it tel he Irlle, - (I heave reigned all t.bP Shor'eS of the flffedte fallowing the neo Ot morphia ��Te- and knowing that it, i4 of till. It. a parations removes every trace of 4hapo iaon i AK0 Huron north of the Maitland romthee tem as also mercurial depositoand force and effect n.S if rrlarle' under n9th are , and by vittor of the ('a.nadian Evi- tilgn,Ll. therseal)ha&s of McCracicotine ken. 194 Adelaide Street �. Mr. Ohne. McCracken, 184 Adelaide Street dence Act•West, former night clerk at the Palmer (Signed) Tlfl)MAS WARREN. i "SATISFACTORY RFSULTS." House, Toronto, says that heoewas n ail Taken and a.cknowl6dged before ive I 1•ln Saye i)r. 0ir!ett., nn old nl)d hon- skinbwalas liter'•ally coover•ed with pimpl�end in the City of Namiltnn. County of i ored prartit.ioner, in Rellevillr, Ontnr-blotches, which was atMbuted tootgarette Wentwort.Yi this Nth (lay of eh., io, whit writ.f•!s: "For Wn9t,inqg 1)iS- smoking. Ordinary medicine didnogood. One IAM. en,4e9 and Arroftlla f lutv0 uSrri �,(,t,I'S bottle of Kootenay left. his skin entirely free from every trace of them. Write tbo S. R. (fiignea) W. FRF.1) W A LK FR. ISrnllNIOn with the most gatifLffictory i HY(MMA14 MRDTetNR (A. Hamilton, for pam- NntAry Puhlic l res ult9." I phletofstartlingcure& ra i , l vt', 1