HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-03-18, Page 1-
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-- - A. M TODD, Hldlttos an caner
THI D11111-61.Abper An"Ulu' 1.00 In Advance. lNDJ1PNNDBNI' IN ALL T91N(I3-NIfUTRdL IN NOTHING
La Grippe, the Treatment and
The first symptoms of "Grippe" are violent
headache, pains in the limbs and vomiting
with high fever. If these sylt)pton)s aro
treated early many colnplieations of dis•
eases can be prevented as well as lnuditiying
those already present.
The Treatment is
Large and repeated doses of BpagMill s IM
Whiskey, specially distilled for LotGripplj.
Sold at
The Clinton Liquor Store.
L40 Kennedy.
1896 * MANI * 1896
. Su. Imo. I Tut.,We.I Th.ij I".: _ Sa.
2 3
9 IO
16 I''
23 24
30 31
- _
Clinton Young lien's Cense- r� Put
The Clinton Young Men's Conserva-
tive Association is making marked
progress. The drill hall last Tuesday
evening was well filled with young
men -the hope of Canada. An excell-
ent programme was presented, music
and song being rendered by Messrs.
Chidley, Kilty, J- S. Jackson, Emerton,
H. R. Read, remarks by the members,
and a capital hour and a half address
on "Canada -past, present, future," by
Dr. Freeborn. The frequent applause
was a good indication of the hearty
and appreciative manner in which
the adjl.t•ess was received. Mr. John
Uioccupied the chair and well
erformed the duties. The subjects
.r the next five meetings will he as
Y f !laws:-
' MARCH 21- Debate - Free Trade
. versus Prosection -To be introduced b
J, B. Hoover and T. Small acomb
Clinton Y ou pnionople s Local
Tophos at the several Young People's SOe'e
Meetings being bold during the week !-
Baptist Y. P. V. Monday evening at S o'cl
The meeting on March 23rd will be conducted
the pastor.
ftattenbury St. Methodist F. L. of C. M. M
day evening at 8 O'clock. I'opic for March ri
Krithusiasn) and whi.i. it will iaccolnpliAlt, led
Miss Tittle Tebbut.
Rattenbury St. Mothodist Girl'A Junior E.
of C. E., TernpTopic for March 20th, AddresA, Ra
:1, 18 Markt l 9 Luketionau3;
1.9 try fled bylM184MR
('ooper. 51
Rattenbury St. Methodist Roy'A Junior F.
of C. E., Monday evtntng front 7 to 7.45. To
for March 23rd1, l(ow to be manly. Wilt
1 Ontario St. Methodist E. h.. of I'- X7 Mond
evening at 8 o'clock. Toi)iv for March 23
Watchfulness Mark ri: rT, Matt.. 26: it,
cor. 16:13.ld;Wes. 5:6. i,ed by Miss Alin
Tlplady. Testifying for Christ; How, why
where. Mr, Jacob Taylor.
Ontario St. Methodist Junior E. L. of C.
I'•riday evening at 7 lidock. Topic for Ma
Mth, Temperance Mocting. (.Dialers, av1
Plnnlstcel and Herbert Alexander.
Willis Proabyterhan C. E. Soeiet Sri
evening at 8.05 O'clock. Topic ter March 2'
Diligent In business, Prov. 6' 6-11' .Josh. 22
('atochiAm question 7R. MIAA M. '1'wiU'hell.
Londesboro MetlindlAt. E. {pL- of (L F:.for , Min
LVho aRe blomed.tit 7,30, dMatt.. 5.TDEIAl, M. A. Lev. ch 2:
Holmesville. Methodist F. L. of C. F. :Nin
evening at 7.30. Topic for March 23rd, (•o
oration and roll call. Led by the. President.,
F•. C. Elford.
Turner's Met.hodiA F. L. of I% F.. fun
"veilingg at s o'clock. Topic for March
1Vatchf ,InsAR. Mr. H. Carter.
THE CREAMPRY. -All farinerR
are interested In dairying will hepl
ed to know that the directors of
Londeaboro creamery have MAXle v
favorable arrwuKementA with Mr.
F. Ross, a practical butter maker,
Kirkton, for the management Of
factory during the coming Pe
Having made a thorough canvas of
territory, the director.( are pleased
find the prospecta of patronage v
good, and have no doubt that
favorable weather there will Ile a 1
make of butter in our factory du
the season of 1898. Let all far
within reach of the factory give
worthy enterprise their generous
port _ _ _ _
Auction Bale Aexiater.
Perdoa having their sale bills printed et
News-Rlcoian allies will receive a free nodee mi
to the following until date of male:-
TUESDAY, M ARCH 24-Fi mtrclasss f
Stock, implements, etc. on lot N
Huron Road east, i "uAersmitb,
o'clock sharp. Nine months cr
Arthur Couch, proprietor: T. M. (
ing, auctioneer. awSee bilis.
- County Currency. f Bili[rave. Alclif►lop. News Notes
Mitchell will organize a bicycle club. NOTES. -Some of our young folks NOTES. -Mr. Evans, tnwnshssing h Hoo. Edward Blake is back in Lon -
Perth is to have a House of Refuge, Attended a party at David Scott's last or, hasbeen on his rounds assessing the don. CO]v�I1�IG:
Friday evening. -Our butcher has got rateppayers.-Mr. Jame Nichol, at
old The fathet of Mr. A. Misctunphell, Paul.•. CHAMIJK IA,N, Lye Specialist, W (:lin
Mr. Junes of Stratford has leased the tired of keeping back and will get a residenl, of the township, died rather M p P., died at Barrie, aged 87• _
Woodham grist u,i1IS.
lady partner an cuniusence huusekeep Mr. Nichol wason eheldi ni)high ,week.esteem.: The Western Fair will be held at I d r14. combe's lsrug Store.
April Std• ale will be at
ing in a short time. He leaves a widow, but no children.
Hensall is petitioning Hay township � London September lU to 19. I Cott et t'KAitS, I bane practiced lit: all es
ruuucil for ateaui fire protectWt). UNION UONSERVATIVR ASSOCIATION. -MISS Roe, daughter of Mr. Thotuaa A convention of Cardwell Conael-vn_ �( port Eye Specialist uncpractical optician.
- •A meeting was held at Belgrave on Roe, was married a few drays ago, Lives will be held at Mono Mills On go '"lit' ir` ,tau Dominion can show trait the
Samuel Brock will open a hitcher Tuesday for the purpose of organizing good In ci•s of rs half fly it ra as I can. No
shop aC. Crntc•ali+a about the tint of Y p �) g g This excellent family are now all mar- March V. nisi in uiliwn is halt wily a practical optician.
April. He comes front Efimvilir. a union asssociatio of We Liberal
Land tied and Settled in homes. -We notice An optician is a tuan, who call make a pair of
THE: NEws-REeoRD has been dressing John C, O'Neill of Brandon eommitt- spoetaeles. The Clinton Watch Maker (imita-
While hanging on sleighs, at Exeter, Morris. The Ura" a brill, in which down the old man of the Signal in live- ed suicide with a razor. He was for- tion optician) could not make a pair of spootac-
g f3 ly style recently. We presume lie; de- inerly a resident of Chatharti, les at tiny price, I vvill give hili $100 if he can.
a yuttng datighter of Mrs. John New- the meeting was field, is not large, but Socondl •, a elan to be an op�ttcutll st,uuld own
cui�lle had One of her feet run over. it was filled with a representative Serves it all. -Mr. Robert Murrison The death slate in Londitn i+list week an oplitfiahometer to test (ittticult eyesight and
gathering of the yeomanry of these still continues to du It great deal of childr'on's ay c�Ip,rht. Nu nuan owns nor has all
Hobert Whaley Itud another gentle- twotownships. A Slelghload Of Wing- grinding for the farmers in his ilei h- was 21.7, the largest record Pur any uphthalon)utor I71 (lhitun. twill pay the oar
man of the 14th concession of lJs- g �' week since July last. tare of any barrisWr ill Clinton to ToreuW, if 1
borne, have exchanged cassis. hat" young (Iunservatives were in at- burhoo -The assignees sale of t e cannot show 111111 that I own the spectacle fat`
tendance. After a few minutes' effects of Timothy Blake took 1)lace on The Imperial Parliament. least week tory mY spectacles are made lin. t San ttt
Mrs. R. N.'Rowe and family, of Exe- stirring +Lddre•;s by E. L. Dick- Tuesday last, -Mr. Thomas Hays, tan Sanctioned the opening of art galleries spectaNts to eyes, t11 fain win Ll ('"'Roll can
ter, spent Saturday and Sunday visit- inson, the Conservative candidate ex -warden of the county and for many and museuins on Sundays. Prof- Chamberlain, Eye Specialist, of
ing friends in Clinfoll• for the East riding, on the bene- years reeve of McKillopp, has purchas' The French Minister of Agriculture 87 Kant; yt., E. Toronto, Out., can lie
Mr. Jarues Bryan,edituruf the Luck- fits of or�7,'anizlttiun and the way ed property in Seafor'th and has gone has issued adecree that Imported cattle s1ett peraunally at his store, every
now Sentinel, hits been appointed by such organization may be made most to reside there. Ilia many friends need not Ile killed on landing. Monday.
the Ontar•in Government License In- effective, the election of officers was wish him enjoyment in town life,-- The Chinese Government has pill -----
Spector fur South Bruce, proceeded with, resulting Iva follows.: A pleasant social partyp wits held at chased eighty thousand Bavarian rifles -
1YIr. Wni. Crooks, of Holmesville, President, Peter W. Scott; vice-pres)- the residence of Mr. James Bell one of the type of 1881 for a dollar apiece. YClyth.
waw in Exeter last week calling o❑ dent,for Morriss Richard Pi
evening Last week. The youngsters Brutus.- Hiss Millie 13411 lilts rcturu-
friends. His sou bias been Nngagod as ppresident for Lt G who were pleseut report having had It is announced that Dr. Koch will
9hoebottorll; secretary, W. A. Elliott; a good time. -Frank Rinchalt, is shortl publish his latest discoveries in ed from a two weeks visit, a.inougst
clerk by R. Pickard &r; Sul'. assistant secretin Mat. Harrison; R Y F g p- friends in London. -Mr. and Mrs.
Messrs. John Ifinehley and Robert Y' somewhat remarkable character, has using is new I tit )h a itinst coasuut Jon b, of Le acllulr y, Suadayed with
treasurer, Jno, Scandrett; committees left here and moved to the county of tion.
Grieve hauled in one load each 4,485 ft. for Morris -2nd line, John Caseu,ore, Bruce. He leaves a dirty financial re- Perrine's comet, which was scht'dul- friends in town, --The post~; and luutber
of logs to the new saw milt. on the 9th James Golley; 3rd line, T. S. Brandon, cord behind him. -Mr. Fulton, of Hen- ed to strike the earth un Saturday, is for fencing the new Agricultural So -
con. of McKillop. George Hanna; 4th line, John Wat- sail, hits been around canvassing in the travelling away frorn the earth lift a ciety grounds has been delivered so as
Mrs. Thos. Ellerington died at Lunt- son, Win, Bryants, R. McMurray; line of life insurance. This is some• southerly direction. to be ready fur, putting till AS soon AS
ley last week. For many years she 5th line, Joseph Clegg, D. Mvikle- thing which we believe is not as PO 11. The Rev. G. A. Anderson, English spring opens. -The lumber :ted a large
suffered from rheumatism. She leaves john; committees for V4 a.wanoeh--- lilt. its what it wassome yeltrsago,-The Church pastor oil the Mohawk Indian quantity of ht ick and Stone has been
it bereaved husband arid famtily of five con, 6 and 7, Thos. .Black, John intensely cold weather still continues at reserve, near Deseronto, Out., who placed (ill the incl Agricultural Society's
daughters and thref' sons. Scott; con. 8 and 9, Will. John- tithe of writing; the thermometer' had been ill for two weeks, died Thtu•s- grouftds fur the new public schools
Mrs. Eames, wife of a former station son, J, Walsh, 3tin., Arch. Brydgea; down to zero dray after day in March iia day morning. which will be commenced as soon
agent of the G. T. R, at Granton, died con. 10 and 11, Joseph Brandon, Mat. something unusual in these part.;.- The Orange Lodge of Dominion City, Its the season opens—Mr. and Mrs'.
Tuesday at the residence of her broth- Ferguson; coo. 12 and 1.3, Wesley Pat- Miss Annie T. Glass, laughter of our Manitoba, eonde.tnned Stewart Mulvey Scandrett, of 13elgr+t, e, were in town
el- at Luat t e Grundy, McGillivray. tisou, John Elliott; Belgrave village, esteemed friend, Mr. �Vm. Glass, has fur his treasonable utterances ill the on Monday. --Inspector Paisley, of
Cancer wits the cause of death. Junes Owens, Ghra9. McCrea. With gone to Manitoba, where she has secur Dlltnitoba Legialxture un the school (Minton, was in town A couple of clays
a position its school teacher. We hope question. East week, -Bailiff Dickenson, of Clin-
Chas. Hartleib, of Zurich, has pill,- thisfor the eet of tt1usefficle Of goodent arid
(jil,ss will
on offi-
chased the Wagner property, now tic- g •Miss prairie rovinc . many
AugustHi The departure of the Queen for the cal' NhLISiness-Then Saturday
Lent n
cnp byy Fred Seigner, for tire still, of the association is in it position to do a the p F y service will he held in 'Trinity Church
1 LUO. It comprises it brick house stud ggresat deal towards assisting the can- nell hits ienteda»other fifty sere fiat m, suuthof ranee last blonds has drawn
• didates in redeeaiiug the East and West and is now prepared to go it, filrtil- from the Lon,lon papers It pathetic ac- (lin Wednesday evening fat 8 o'clock. -
2� litres of land. Mr. H. intends erect ridin s After the election of officers int ill earnest. (Hunt of the increasing feebleness of Mrs, Higley and daughter, having
ing a new hardware store, g g her Ma est
Blyth Standard :-Nli s, Powell, Miss short addresses were delivered by -^ - _ _ Majesty. spent a c I- t p hot at
the e esdly
:u,d Miss Wheatt!1 •, of Clinton, some of these present and a political There is such iL demand for bicycles returned to their hou)e ou '1'ucsday
Powell y son was sun The meeting was an Holmesville• in England that the home manuf etnr. lust,- Ou Monday another Old settler,
visited Mr. Wm. Powell for a few days enthusiastic one all through, and at ers are completely blocked with orders, Robert• I.itfdlaw, of ,Nlou•is, passed
last week. -Miss Fitzsimons, of Cli.:; the close did not omit giving the osuial CHEEBP iiIEE~i ING.-Last Saturday +t and whee}s are being imported from away to the other worn after it lung
ton, is visiting at the residence of Mr. cheers and singing God nave the Queen. meeting was called by the directors of the United States. and severe illness. The remains wail
1;. Watson. Dickinson is soled with the people in the factory for the purpose of letting Father Dominick O'Grady, who mur- leave his late residence on Wednesday
Wingha+nbits organized abicycle club, that nson is. The next meeting will the drawing of the iu)lk for the corning afternoon land proceed to the (inion
be held diAri Thursday n evening, March season and judging from the price tiered Mary Giliiiartin two vers ago,
Officered as follows :-President, J. A. was ad ud ed insane by the Cincinnati cemetery far interment—Quite n nun)"
Morton; See. Trews., M. B. Morden; 19, and ever other Thursday follow- which the drawing was let at cheese courts or. �aturdxy, and committed to her of out citizens of late have been
Caption, R. R. McLeod; 1st lieu., Thos. ing Y will be manufactured cheap this sea- an Insane asylum- confined to the house with severe colds
Dodds; 2nd lieu,., W. A. Johns; Bugler, _- _ - __� sun. The directors are men who prat- land )ung trouble, but we are pleased to
Mort. Morton. Lice economy in all things per The sensation of the week in English hear that they era on a fair way to re -
Dungannon. to the manufacturing of cheese, as can domestic politics was the outspoken covety,-:ilc. John Thompson, one of
Teachers in the country schools will opposition, Y the oldest residents of Blyth is serious-
Ve glad to It that he provincial 'SICK. -We are sorrly to say that Miss be seen from the report of last season. o sid froill thenme headed h the Times to the ly Ill at present, with little hopes of
Jenlaws are being changed tsooth holida s 1sttforie Nth eepast vin hits
(Wethope he tto Bteeting,t they will mation 4have double the pension tof the )Duke of Carubr dge. the recoyety.
after they will haver k Y John Nankivell was sentenced to life _ -__
at Easter the same as village and town hear of her speedy recovery soon. quantity of milk this season. Our imprisonment at Winnipeg on Monday
Y Schools. BEE. -Mr. J. H. Medd had a bee al, cheese maker, Mr. Johustun, is second gg Sunnnerhiil.
There died in Sunshine on Monday drawing stones litat week. He intends to none in Otltario• f fCtheenelectrietirSdt ee 1RILiIWAyri lflaL TO GGDFRICH. •G. M. Kilty attended
morning of fast week, Mrs. t,. Parker, putting atone work under his house CHuRcH.-On Sunday Rev. H. J. month, and later his couirade, William
a meetin (if file Executive of W. H.
mother of George Parker, at the great this corning surrgier. Flair, of Londesboro, pre ached here.. Smith. g
a e of 87 years, Deceased was among LE(,•TURE.-A 14ture avill be, given in In the morning -fie gave a very able
T. A. kit (andel ich on Saturday 14th
the first settlers in Morris. Mr. Chas. the Methodist ch� an Thursday discourse on "Love is the fulfilling of For sending out notices in the col- inst.
Parker died four years ago, in Brus- evening, 19th inst., by the Rev. G. H. the Law," Roan• 13, 10, and in the even- lection of debts, imitating Division VIsrT.-Mr. Thos. Farquhar, of Pills
eels. (lobhledick, of Brussels. He will take ingon "She hath done what shecould,"
Court pipers, a fine O $2y u day is Green, spent Sunday, with G. M. Kitty.
Geo. Shaw's butcher shop of Wing for his subject "Ramlales through Mark 14, 8. Rev, G. W. Andrews took rovided by the At torney-General'8 The Rentlemau visited many of his
p friends here land in Hllllett during least
ham was broken into Tuesday night. Scotland." ea Mr. Cob dick )s an nMr.ex Fair's world- Epworth League i- t►i1Wi11 Ate; fRockefeller al he multimil- week, All of Lvhorn were pleased to
Entrance was effected by breaking out excellent speaker land well known to nextMonday night,;abject, "the P esi ionaire president of the Sten(Itard Oil meet him•
All in this vicinity it will no doubt be A tion and Roll Gxll," led by the Press- r
the back window, which was torn out dent. Company, will soon add another palace RE• trRNEr)_Mr. Albert 'McBrien
sash and all. The cash register was Success. g has returned to Chicago after a short
and an amount of money taken. RETURNED, --Mr, David Whyard has NOTES. -Rev. G. W. Andrews enter- to the magnificent e's district
that now aver- stay amongst his many friends here
The thieves also took a yunntity of returned to blahitobit after an extend tained the choir on Friday night. the millionaire's district on fifth Sven and is Clinton. s wish the gentle -
meat. ed visit here for the past three months. They report having spent x very pleas- tie, New York.
Mr. E. Johnston, of Grandin, North Dave will be greatly trlissed by the fair ant time and speak highly d' The Ameel of d at the rettan seems - than continued success.
Dakota, who was spending the winter Sex, the host and hostess. -On Wed- have been pleased at the reception nc•- OUR $LACKBltfITH.•--Our new black-
At He was
and who cans ser VISITING). -Mire. Willis Bell, of nesday night a number from Colborne corded to his second son, Nazrullah smith, Mr. McKay, of Bright, Accom-
centl married to Miss McClinchey, of spent n very enjoyable evening with Khan, for he. is sending the Queen one pitnied by his bride, will take ftp his
�yy Goderich township, is on An extended Mr. and Mrs. W. Greig. -MISS Curry, hundred and twenty-five thousand residence here in it few ciays, We ex -
the Goshen line, left a Wednesday for visit at Mr. Bell's of this locality. -Mr. (if Morris, is visiting her uncle, Mr. J. pounds' worth of gifts in charge of a
their Koine. They were also Accom Henry Thompson, of 'Welii An, is Trewartha.-Mrs. Green, of Goderich, g tend i thorn our compliments +and
ty panied by Miss H. Johnston, sister of special envoy. hest wishes and welcome them to our
Mr. Johnston. appendin a while visiting at, hl r. is vi)iiting her brother, Mr. Gardner. -
As Charles Stern, a fugitive from Am- midst.
ock. Thornpaon's of this P1Ace.-Miss Lillie The trustees of the Methodist Parson- 4rlcall ustice, was attested while SAI,F..-&•Ir. Benj• Grainger will have
by Mathew Drummond, fArmer, residing Thompson Agent it few days +lit tht' Age are re a erin and car etin partof Jat
on con. 2, McGillivray, retired to he home of Mr. Will. McWhinney, of g p p g p q boarding a steauler at Halifax for a sale of hIs stc)ck Lnrt Implements es
Mo it. Mr. and M S. 3. W. Lowery, (>f fiver col. Ile had neiarly $'*J),(99)c:ash, Carlow shortly land then contemplAt,eS
rd on Monday night in the best of health lledar Valley, during the ,pi+;t week. Sun,tnerhill,',c iPn`- �Tundrty in this i welpanti securities in his )AseAAion.
by And spirits, and was awakened about ^lOTF:H. - y[isA I.(►u KAyy i; lunrning ileighhorhoocf. Mr. T. Ford, whomet j' going west, but has not Yet decided.
12 o'clock with a pressure around hill the tailoring with J. W. Medd. All with An accident inst,week,is home laid William A. Shoemaker, counsel for ENGAGED. Several of (air citizens
L. heart. The unfortunate min turned the merchants al-(: getting in their Otfwork. Mr. U. ('. Wilson, ufScafol th, H. H. HoltnPs, the Pretzel tnnrderer, have ougri} Pd cl'ith fiumrer9 in tl)e virin-
11, over on his Fide and expired Immediate- Supply of spring goo(1s land tare pre 'lar•- c•aliod on W. Stanley on Monday,
bus been suspended iron practising sty for ,.lie summer.
tt. {{ p BEE. -Mr. Nelson Bingham had it hee
va 1Y• ing for it, larve sprin trade. -Miss Miss E. Pickard returned from Porters his tnfeasion for n year for inducing a
Itev. (,en, Weber gave it lecture in Snowbr)dl hits returnPcl home after 1i ill last week, woman to sign A false, affidavit in the on WedliPselay last drawing lumber foi-
1,. Jaiue',s street church, ExPt Hr, on Tiles- Spending a fPv/ weeks visiting at. her - ('ASP' Ilis new house.
pir dray * dei un "Fifty, years of alible sister's, Mrs. 1). Bell, Of West Wawa- - The annual me('t,in of the b:Aat.
read gg g R[)R Bn:vv, The riff iuxl dram haul
Christian History in (. tna(la• and the slosh, - I wonder if Alex. has gone t.00, News NOtPte. Huron [.iheral Assorintion will he heli held their first practice Bast, Friday eve
tA• pioneers and heroes of the pa-st.11 Mi.. Chas. Brown is on an extended MrA. Antoine Bruyea, of I)eseront,o, at Brus.-iels on Saturday, March 21st. cin Two new snare! dr•+In)mers have
rri), .Chrre w•ius a Jar a aU,Pndanc(. and the• visit, to friends In Exeter. -Business On t., while in n drug store in that Addresses Are expf'vied from I)r. Mai- (tin
practice and have uladP
list lecture was highly entertaining AR well Seenis to lie rushing in the baking line, g donal(d, .NI. Y., Thomas (iihson, NI. h , 11.11 (!xcellent start. Most of the old
Cris Lown, dropped dead.
And I as instructive. its Mr. S, Roach has s"ored a tonal of P., And othprs. first(' players Pr9 are itt It +again and fresh
D. Mill, of Exeter, was the recipient drivers in order to get.+tmund in tiote ,Mrs. Warren, it native of countp E y'
('lure, irvI and, died ,it, Hamilton, Ont., Ald. i,Pfehvrf• Of Montreal h:+a enter- r•ecuit,s care ready for any insLrumPnt.
F•. of a cheque for $15, an honorary hadge Lo meet. the demand. -Wm. (livens on Snturdia , Aged I(91 (ants. Pct actions for $;'1Xi,(NN) against the, that nlay he handed in. The hoyy9 will
rch and a copy of the History of Fort -it ry, hat Kone to the lumber shanty; he hag Y q Y Banque du PrupiP and each of the df- give a guod account of themael ve9 AA
Me iven 119 A premium by file High ('Hurt., succeeded in getting a situation its head A 7U- ear -old citizen of Ellsworth rectors for PtalAiment•r-t made at the Ili, t > h comes Around.
g usual when ilia 1Lt
1. O. F., ill remicompel 1(IHth haVlth,' OOrt- cook In ;Messrs. (Millis & Goldhrope'8 Falls, MP., has had a Severe Attack (+f ,11+erPhnld -ra' meeting that his account O1 It t iilrl.'.I ['.A('TOlty. Mr. Jlwhua.
v P'
Z1+d1. Pd fifta•en A})p{Irat.icl)Is fHt' Illc!rnhf'r+hip shani.v; he reports is gn(xl time find whooping cough dtiring thepa, t week, , W311,r ovf'rdriLvvn. Nil) wl.s lit, St. Mitry9 last week on
5. in the month of .lan'lletY. likr9 the hush well. and is Slowly rpcovprinq from it. IIr. 1)et.ers, the African explorer, was
- ('aloin Faint, of WilliamPtown, Vt.•, P iIll;inPA[i in conner.tion with the rhPP9e
B(.attic Bros. of Wingharn have pur- arl'naed in the German Itelehstx 011 fnct(]ry. Mr. 11111 will spare neither
day , County Currf ncy• who w:as 88 / ors old lits, Januar •, has
asci, ('based from W. J. 1 itisleY, of Clinte)n, Y' y Friday with raoain;{ is negro nuc ne- t,io+o nor expenA(' IH have everythin
the tour-yenx-old Mare Vvltnettit, it siA- On Wednesday week while itobt. si`l't forty cards Of tough firewood this grea9 to hP hanged, while he was im in lust. chis; order and up toclteP AM
day ter to iIW fiamouy I"ar•e W+andil, reven t- winter. perial ( �orninissioner• it) Africa, becallsf`
I)aary, cans assisting in the erection of the. farmers who have not alresuly one
nAe iy sold byy his ent�•rprising tdnrt fir n lOR h(HIAP, mwL with an accident, h The Gould9 have ePc•aped paying they find taken a fancy to (-sell other, So should l'ecome patrons of the fAc-
Mr. $•450)I Wanettra gives promise of I ` which both legs were broken, Wit ULXPS on ten million dollars xeSe9ard in of which Ih•. Peters, himself being in (of here, iLa n hPnPtit. to themselves,
dra ing faster th•tn her Aister. The price others he wars in the ,art (+f ritiOng a the city of New York. on the non•resi- tinlato with the negress, disapproved. And to show I heir .appleciation Of Mr,
22n(r said was a$39) driving horse aril $rM lou to its plare when it Slipped, falling dente plea. Thp inquest on the body of Miss Kate Hill's enterprise.
in c•)ash. ,'gains' one. log, breaking it twice. it William f� Greene formerly travel- Tough, found dead near her father's Mgr.TIVG. There will bP A mpet.ing
Another home. has been made sari At, then fell Against the other leg breaking ling passenger Agent. for the Canadi" house near Ortvenlltirst, revealed the here next.'iaturdny to let t 1 routes in
Greenway by the di'Ath of Miss Bertha it, One:('. He was taken to hi- home Pacific railwayy in New England, died fact that she. hill been sevemtly married connection with our cheeSP factory.
who HOLvon, youn� est slaughter of Alex. near (4rand Bend. Mr. Davey and his in Buffalo Gn Wednesday. to Wm. Hammond, a yoitng man, who PRESENT ANi) F1'TURF. It, taken a
PAs- HOtP[l11. She },ad been it grPiat, AutFPrPr brother recently purchAsed 400 acres Of [,,vingPlist Moody, who hits not visit, wits formerly employed asadrug clerk. vivid imagination during these frosty
the for about a year with that fatal dis- land in that, ne,ghhorhood, and this pd the Pacific coast within the past. tPrl it was shown that shortliamly
bought days to picture the verdant tit -Ids, 1Pafy
ery ease. diphtheria. Shp. told her mother accident will be a reatdisa ointment woods and warm atmo9pl)pro. which
R' pp . years, fa Soon to conduct n SeriP9 of re a deadly poison ah(+rWy hefrn•P the Y
Jag. Friday that she WItA g(ling to I P that to td)em and will upset anticipations. vivid meeting in fan P'rnnclAro. tragedy, and that the couple spent the we shall have in AIX (>t' PPCen weeks,
of day, and about five 0 clock In the even- The death is announced of ex -Sheriff The defences in F,aquimalt are ngairl evening together. The jury found tont but yet when it c•onlpA we shall take it
the ing she peacefully P -SPA away. Sutton of Bruce. He was one of the being etrengthened. Seven new heavy Hammond had %dminiatOreci this poi- +all Ill a matter of course and then it
rason. Harry Lee met with an accident, at first settlers in that part of the town. ilrP'ech_fOading guns have just ,arrived Son to the girl, and he was committed will he nA hard to look back and pic-
the Hutton and Fessant's chair factory at ship of Kincardine which afterwards d on a Coroner's warrant, Hammond tore the frost days which We have
t� Wingh+am hast week cable endeavoring became the town. There some 42 years from l:nglnn held an insurance policy of several Y Y
Pr to let off the steam from the boiler, ago he built the first grist and saw Four men were killed and One injured thousand dollars on the life Of deceaP- now-
ith when a plug in the enol of the pipe was mi11, and from that time till the day Of by the blowing up of an engine on the ed gcHoor, REPORT.- The standing of
blown out striking him On the head his death carried at milling operations o DPlewar•e, Susquehanna and Schuyl- `If the rnuderous tuaniae Lapoint the Public achool here for February is
ring and knocking him down. He was either in Ontario or British Columbia. kill railway, near HnziPton, Ya. who ran amuck in Brockville had let as follows: --5th class -Wm. Mair,
g Mary Anderson Nnvarrohasdecliried himself loose in almost any town in Ethelbert Meilveen, Winnie T'homp-
ac:alded by the escaping steam, but in lt3M Ile was appointed sheriff of the an offer of more. thin $100,(00 for a the United States he would have been son. air. 4th class:- Arthur Huck, Ma-
m,�� managed to crawl away. county, when a moved with his
brief Aeries of dramatic performances. rem tl lynched. it is highly credit- bel Huck, Mnlwl Sheppard. Jr. 4th: --
A0- On Tuesdayevening last, on the in- fam{Ig lO Walkerton. He continued P P Y y yy
t(r ditch t a the duties of Sheriff until She sayFt she is done with the Stage able to thF r.itizPna Of Bmckville, and Stewart, Hill, John air, Blanche Me-
vitation Of Mrs. U. Wilson, the mem- g forever. an honor to the country, that, after the dlveen. Sr. 3rd: -Olive Hill, Alfred
Vera of hP Bayfield bussu band and a 11392 when, under circumstances which
large number of young folks proceeded the, ex -sheriff considered harsh and un- James Miller, Aged Pixt -five, Of muderer had Pout down the official Butt Jonathan Mcllveen. Jr. 3rd: -
Txia' down the Soluble line, Stanley, to (rat, he wait removed from his position. Tbamesville. Ont.,was found derad be- uardians of law and order, and when Minnie Kilty, Edmond Bail, Norman
mils Maple Grove furl, the home of Mt. P VAd large business interests in ninth an overturned load of wood. C was in the hands of the citizens, he Rall. Sr. 2nd: Anne 1/)vett. Jimmie
Robert Nicholson, where they hal a British ('olnmhin, and in 1896 he re. Tie was terribly crushed about the suffered no violence, hilt was promptly Johnston Will B llyB Jr. 2nd
arm snowed to that lace. Aboutfive.weeks hromt, head, and face. conveyed to a place Of safety to await i,ouis JO Part:
Lilly Butte. Hubert
genuine surprise party. A very plena -
o. �s ant time was spent dancing and playy- ago he was stricken call --__ Sia. A 9t. Petersburg despatch any; that country
a according to cus In this Russel Sr. fi Pnre Mattel Garvie, .Jr.
at 1 ing games. A hearty vote: of th.=s - ---' two hundred fishermen helOndging to country there is no excuse for synch Russell Colbourn, Perry HihhPrt. Jr.
dit• was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson The remedial bill, it is expected,�iis� have be nithlOtwnlont G Aen r hnrRes on a piece country will never he disgand it In 0 Ile raced by any Hill ,ed that the 11 aCarriP}7Butt, (, i. Part t:n.Wilbert,
`ars• for their kind hospitality, and all were he read a second time to -day. Of floating ice. such outbreak of popular violence. Mcilveen, Melville Hill, Alva Beacom.
delighted with the enjoyable time. day. g
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