HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-03-11, Page 8Utt$M$ The Latest Bit of Social Gossip --OR-- in Item About the Newest Thing in Fashions Realm i I 4 100 :I 0 • It tnni:.3131$13it ls of no greater interest to the ladies' than is our WALL PAPER STOCK. The season will soon he her e and the crop is tt bout ripe at our store. From the fitt- est that are made ; IMOS is the Best, to the cheapest that are good, all are represented in e our Stock. Prices count for hut little unless you see the goods. We therefore ask you to look through. Knowing that buying follows the seeing for our combination of quality, style -and price is irresistible. r -XXX - The W. D. Fair Co. Agents Parker's Dye Works. LOCAL NE WS. In and Around the Hub, gown talk. Choice winter apples for eale-CANTELON Enos, Goose, Duck, and chicken feathers taken in exchange for furniture at J. O. Stevenson's. SITOnly two weeks more and the cheapest store in the Coutity of Huron will be removed. Greater bargains than ever. 25 0) 50 per cent. off all Dry Goods. Mantles, less than half price. 50_ per cent off all Boots and Shoes. Beady - Made Clothing half price. Men's $9.00 Suits, $1.50, $1.60 Pants for I. Bankrupt Store, op- posite Mason House, Clinton. SCHOGL PROMOTION.-MissMCEWen's division. ---The following pupils have been promoted to the third book. They are arranged in order of merit. Alice Worthington, H. Patterson, Ed. Shepherd, Hattie Levis, Lizzie Chidley and Lillie Jackson, Mollie Clutf and Ch. Tisdall, F. Chant, G. A. Cook, Bert Sage, L. Heywood and Hattie Walker, Laura Olson, Geo. Cook, Ch. Twitchell, W. Streets. Recommended for trial - Tillie Young, Mary Mitchell and H. Robinson. PROMOTION EXAMINATION. -The fol- lowing pupils have been promoted to the Second Book -Miss Leslie's Divi- sion : -Maud Pinning, Walter Stewart and H. Armstrong, Alva Potts, Chas. Moore, Eddie Divtne, Geo. Duncan, 11, Watt, Louis Manning, C. Cooper, M. Wiseman and W. Kerr, S. McConnell, Lola Miller and J. Manning, Nellie Holines, F. West, L. Cornish, Alex, Mitchell, Dottie Robinson, G. King, Promoted to same class front MiS8 ("trey's Division :-C. J. Stewart, T. Fremlin, M. Coats, Irene Jackson, H. Fremlin, L. Hoover, L. Gutin, L. C. Todd and D. Dowser. AGAIN, FORM AN A 880eIATION. Clinton is recognized as one of the most progressive towns in the county of Huron, but is without, a Bicycle Association. Although we have sev- eral live bicycle agents and a large number of wheels and riders here no sincere effort has been made to organ- ize. If bicycle riding is profitable to the seller or purchaser, or if conducive to health and longevity, or of necessity, then an association should be for riled at an early date. We notice that ether progressive towns are or- ganizing. Let those interested come together, talk the matte; over, organize, elect officers„tdopt uniform snits, and take the most enjoyulOnt out, of this recognised r (-creation. The town could not well have it better advertisement. TRE 24TH OF MAY. Time and agniii we have heard the business men and eitizens of Clinton complain for want of a Queen's Birthday Celebratiou. Now is the proper time to take act ion in order to assure a good day's sport. What, is everybodye business is nobody's business. If there is to be a celebra- tion here action must, be taken. Who will act? The Base Ball, Cricket, Lacrosse and Tennis Clubs might take hold together and Kyr tip one of the greatest demonstrations ever 80011 in Western Ontario. If not collectively or individually, why not the Town Band, Gun Club, all or some of the Societies in town, or the Young Men's flonservative Association ? The Town Council would he justified in encourag- ing such an undertaking. Clinton is too important, a town to allow the 24th of May go hy default year atter year, and we trust, 1890 will not he numbered with its dead predecessors. NEW INDUSTRY. -The Onward Bicy- cle Co. and general repair shop may now he said to he established in the Perrin Block, with Mr. H. L. Brown in charge. A four horse power gas or gasoline engine, iron lathe, drill, etnery and buffer machines have been put, in, and these will he supplemented by a spoke threading machine, braying forge, enamel hake oven, etc., and a full stock of bicycle supplies. The company has secured the agency also for several leading bicycle flrrng. The electrical gas engine is a modern power, of the single acting type. The motive power is obtained by a mixture of air and gas, which is drawn Into the cylin- der of the engine by the downward stroke of the piston, and ignited by an electric spark. There is no boiler, no fire, smoke, ashes, dirt, steam, or water snags!, and it works to perfec- tion. DIE NEWS -RECORD has pleasure in wishing this new industry an ex- (tendedfleld of labor and unmeasured success. 01-01 OIAO DOINetie,44. 0. L. No. 710 purpose improving their hall in the Way of adding new furniture and se- curing- alterations to the entiancet When completed the hall will be one of the most cosy and home -like In town. OYSTER SUPPER. -On Monday eve- ning the Master of Loyal Orange Lodge No. 710 entertained the mem- bers at an oyster supper at Kilty Bros. restaurant and all exceedingly enjoyed the feast so well prepared by the cat- erers, and so kindly proffered by Dr. Freeborn, DEATH QFP M. Howilisoe.--Many personal acquaIntaneee in Clinton will exceedingly regret to learn of the death of M. Hutchison, Esq., of Gode- rich. He was in every settee of the term a broad-minded roan, loyal to his Queen and country and a genuine bene- factor to the town in which he lived. In his death a truly noble heart has been stilled. MAJOR BECK. -The Canada Gazette of Saturday contained the following announcement of local interest :-33rd "Huron" Battalion of Infantry----Quar- terntster and honorary captain, .Jos. Beck, is granted the honorary rank of Major, from the 13th June, 1894, after 10 years' service as quartermaster. To be captain and adjutant, Captain and Adjutant Charles J. A. Cunninghtun Dunlop, from the 15th Battalion. Locer., UNION MEETING -A meeting of the Clinton Local Union will be held on Friday evening, March 27th, at 8 o'clock, in the Presbyterian church. The subjects to be discussed ate The advantages of Junior work, inteo- duced by a member of the Ontario St. League and the committees their work and its importance introduced by Mr. T. Courtice of Holmesville Epworth League. An interesting meeting is ex- pected. I. 0. G. T. -The last I. 0. G. T. meet- ing was not as usual so largely attend- ed, owing to the concert held on the same evening. Nevertheless the de- bate, previously announced, W 8.8 dis- cussed and thoroughly sifted. Mr. A. J. Cooper and his supporters proved without a doubt that "women should be given the franchise." The pro- gramme for next Friday evening will be furnished by the young men of the lodge. Gentlemen, give the ladies at surprise. A. WELCOME WINDE.ALL. -Clinton is at last to get a share of the Stavely estate, a letter to the town clerk from the Provincial Governnlentannouncing that $10,000 of the estate would he giv- en the town to devote to some public institution. THE NEWS -RECORD wants a public meeting called to select a scheme for investment, hut Mayor Holmes is quoted as saying that the committee who pushed the claim have decided for a public library.-Goderich Star. DOING Wr.,re-His many friends in Clinton and neighborhood will be pleased to learn that Mr. H. Cantelon, who has recently been installed pro- vietor of the Coyne House, MountForest, orest, a first-class commercial hotel, is doing well. Last Thursday he had no less than sixty guests. 'When on a visit in that section a feW years ago the editor of THE NEWS -RECORD put up at the Coyne House and we were well pleased with the superior accom- modation and treatment. ,People front Huron who have occasion to visit Mount Forest should not fail to make the Coyne House headquarters. STocr NOTES. -Mr. W. Weymouth, Lendesboro, has purchased frotn W. J. Biggins, of Elmhurst Farm, Clinton, the young shorthorn bull "Holyrood." He is a red of excellent quality, sired by General Promisee -10700=a straight Matchless and he is frotn Mina Booth a (Mina) by Imported General Booth (54353) 0. D. Isabella Broughton e 15842 =etc. Mr. Biggins has two more for sale, "Romeo," red, calved May 27th, 1895, from Imported Red Rose -8325e by Perfection (37185) etc. ; and "Dig- nity," red, calved May 28th, 1805, front Matchless of Elmhurst 1011)=.18159 etc. They are both extra gond calves and sired hy the Nonpariel Bull Gener- al Booth (54353) etc. SHOULD BECOME LAW. -At the R. NV. Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario West last week 1)1'. Freeborn introduc- ed a resolution deprecating the preveil- ing custom of inviting speakers not, members of the Order to address 12th of July gatherings, and pressing the M. W. Grand Lodge of lit itish America to engraft these seutiniente in the Con- stitution. We are pleased to notice that, the resolution wits carried and that tee long none but those qualified will be invited to speak on Orangeisin. The resolution is decicledly in the pro- per direction anti will greatly assist in checking the positive evil of past setae s. Dr. Freeborn is to he commended for carrying Such an import:int measure through the Primary, District, County and Provincial Lodges. It should now become law. A. 0. P. The A.ncient Order of For- esters is progressing in If limn County. A new Court svas orgenized Wing - 11:1111 by High Cotirt organizer Bro. II. %Vest,. and en rhursday evening last the new Court, was formally open- ed by the District. Chief Ranger (if this County, Bro. F. W. 'Watts, assisted hy Bro. West. Officers elected : C. It , Bro. Dr. Chisholm; S. C. It., Bro. J. Vanallon ; Treas., Bro. liarrand ; Secy., 13to. Mtinshawe 8. W., Bro. Mc- Manus; J. W., Bro. A lion by; 8. 13., Bro. Osborne; .1. B., tiro. Pearl; Medieal officer, Dr. Chisholm. 131o. Gruitt, P. C. It., of Belleyille, will orcupy P. R'S chair. The name of the new Court, is Court Huron, and judging from the kind of material in this Court we feel satisfied it will increase and prosper. BOCKEY MATCH. A very exciting game of hockey was pinyed in ()oder- ich on Thursday, March 511), between Clinton and Goderich, which resulted in a draw, score 2-2. The teams played a half hour over time and neither steered and the referee called the game. The teams were as follows :-- Cresrroe Matheson McRae Read Mason Twitchell Fort ester Holden Goal Point Cover Point, Forwards GODERICH Shaw Tilt Shannon Wilber -tie McCarthy Sheppard Babb Referee, .I. E. Spooner Irmpires, Cook rind McLeod. At half titne neither team had scored and Goderich succeeded in scoring two goals and in ten minutes Clinton scor- ed and just before time evened the score. Spooner gave good satisfaction as referee. His judgments were im- partial to either side. oft Satisfied . To have)oor,cheap furniture in your house that comes for kindling? If you want Genuine Bargains for real solid values without fancy words, but articles that are eloquent in themselves, come here. We have a line of Fancy Tables, New Goods just in, that we've placed at 45c., 55c. and 75c. They are durable as well as ornamental. Would like to have you see them whether you buy or not. apart andcracks and breaks and sooner or later goes '-''''''.4411111101111111 J. W. CHIDLEY Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. erw Goods. fiZeFN There are prints and prints, some are selected from the pick of the best ; some are taken as they can be got. Ours are the selected sort. Crurnps best English Prints. People say our assortment is the best. Suppose you come and see for yourself. New English Flannelettes. Fine range of patterns, A 1 quality at c., 6c., 7c., Sc. and 10c., better goods for more money. New Gray Cottons, New White Cottons, New Oxford Shirtings, New Ducks, New Crinkles, New G-alated Stripes, New Apron Cloths. CORSETS • We have opened up 7 dozen pairs of New Corsets, among the lot some more of the celebrated Watch- pring Corsets at $1.20. The E. T. Corset, 300 and 319, the best acknowledged dollar Corset in the trade, with or without the perfection clasp, 0 W. H. BEESLEY & CO. The Ladies' Favorite Establishment, 13enver - CAintcm. •••••••erng (7110RA I. SOrI 'TY. - The meetings of tho SOC'f`ty will be postponed for th1.1.V weeks during the absence of Mr. T. Jeckson. Jr, Aso rifest 8. 0. E. Lenore Last. Wednesday evening the Supreme Grand President„ Thos. Jackeon, Sr, of Clinton, opened (1. new Lodge of the Sons of England at. Benneiller. He was assisted hy Supreme Grand Vice President Spackniiin and Post, Pres- ident, Senior of Exeter, 11. Joyner and Supreme Grand Conductor of Cor - monies Webb of Sheffield Lodge, So- preme Grand Chaplain Knight of Liverpool Lodge, and Grand Guard Wm. eiloinan and Guides Win. and 8. Kemp. Members were present, from Londesboro, Ureteric+, Exeter and Clinton. The ceremony was ably cen- dected by the OT and Lodge oifieers and members and will doubtless gather in a large metnbership. The visiting brie horn were handsomely entertained and an excellent spread was served and a general good time was spent by all present, PUCLIc SCHOOL BOARD. The regu- lar meeting was held Monday evening. Present -the Chairman, .1. W. Irwin, Isaac Jackson, Dr. Agnew and J. r. Stevenson. Principal Longhe report for February was read, showing hoysen- rolled 257, girls 213, FL total of 470 and an average attendance of 379. Another third class has been made in Miss Me- E*en's room. 21 of Miss Leslie's junior C18118 have been promoted to the second hook, and 9 from Miss Grey'room. This month Miss Menwen's senior sines will he examined for promotion to the senior third. The following accounts were ordered paid :--Wm. Cooper, work, $1.50; Wm Buck, balance on furnaces. $248.50: Robert Hohnes, $2.50; Thos. McKenzie, $34.80; Canadian Sehool Furniture Co., desks, $78.45; incidental, $1.34. Thos. Jackson and J. W. Irwin were appointed delegates to the Provincial Educational Aesocia- tion meeting to he held at Toronto on April 7th, 8th and Oth. W/10 TR.% El„ Th0 follow - 1 ng possengers wore ticketed by W.' Jackson, G. T. It. town /twee : W• E. Johnson and wife, Inkster, letke R. Worthington, A. Steeeham, .1. Me - Brien, Chicago; Thos. Walker, Toronto. PIA NO itErITA 1,8. There will be n series of throe pia so recitals gi von by 1114' pupils of Miss McBardy on consec- utive 8.0 irdty evenings from 8.30 to 1).30 at t he 'Twenty -Five Club rooms, begiiini ng with Miss Linnie Irwin's re- cital next, Saturday, Mn rch II. A thins: shell free. The pith!) nvited. A Crl HENTIR. T}10 lithor flay Thos. Ford had two of his fingers taken off in the joihting machine at the organ fnr1ory. Wal tor K it.t had ono of his fIngers slirod hy it rip saw at the same fectory. Ed. 1'8.111 -pion sprained his ankle while slotting at. the rink. -The ice storm reused numerous falls, but no serious results. are to report,. Deieru. The death of Mre. E. J. Routledge is particularly sad. The laxly had been suffering for some time and RUC cumber] from a complication of ailments. Her age 9v£1.8 but 27 yerrs. She leaves a husband and two small children. The funeral takes place to- day. . _ Brief Town Topics. There was a good attendance at Ern- erson's bicycle school on Monday. Thursday afternoon will be ladies' day. Mr. Andrew McGarvit leaves on the return journey to British Columbia to- day. • Mr. Richard Greenside and Miss Lucy Shepherd were married on Monday and left, for Manitoba, where they will reside. The Epworth League Convention of London Conference will he held ttt St. Thomas on Marrh 23r.1, 24th and 25th. There will be in attendance a number of delegates from Clinton and neigh- borhood. We Suggest,__ The wisdom of an early Selection with reference to your Spring Hat. 0 We have just opened out our complete ship- ment of English and American Soft and Stiff Hats. We are Agents for the following makes ENG-LISH MAKES. Christy & Co. Marsden & Co. Carrington & Sons. Woodhams. AMERICAN MAKES. ---- Sweet, Dempster & Co. Sullivan, Corrigan & Co. No matter how fastidious you are we have the Styles to please you. 4 0 Tackson Bros The Famous Clothiers and Hatters, CLINTON_ 1 The Ravetw. Blacker than he -the ace of spades; blacker than that; blackness of darkness; deeper and blacker than that. You ask us how it is done? How can it be? 1Ve admit our ignorance. There's only one man, PRIESTLEY, others try and try in vain -Priestley is king -king of all makers of Black Dress Fabrics. We make a specialty of Black Dress Goods, get I he tight kinds of goods to- gether, those tight in style, right in price that brings customers back the next (line a Black dress ie wanted. Many worthy English and French makers are represented in the stock. -.writs/BLACK DRESS GOODS.. - 25C. Double fold Lustre, rich and glossy black, good value at 35 cents. 28C. 41 inch all wool Serge. This is our fam- ous line and cannot he beaten fur value. 28C. Donble fold Mohair, beautifnl goods, sty- lish and serviceable, 50C. 46AIgreat s bwairdgea, irni-c-iiSjigltko 1 1: blue'i nil'h black; go r ielot9d value at 6 Oc. 50C. 42 inch heavy Serge, extra value, just the thing for spring suite or skirts. 65C. Fine Dress Serge, 51 inches wide, makes up very drsesy and is a great wearer, 75C. A range of fancy spots and figures, not equalled fur style and value. $1.25 Priestle,v's fine silk warp Henrietta, rich, silky looking and durable. In these March Winds You need Veilinge. We've got the Veiling stock of the town. The newest and nobbieat veilings are to be had here. Have you seen them 1 Our New Embroideries 1• Are all finely titched on firm cloth that should outwear the best of lawn or cambric. The p81101 09 are the daintiest and prettiest we have ever shown. Prices are low because they were bought cheap and we are passing them on to you with a profit that's small. The Changes:T. - We are beginning to get stooks settled in their new quarters, and every day we are better pleased with the changes we have made. 0 €YLIN TEN. • - .1•1111;