HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-03-11, Page 5�^�^*-. *-., �,� .
11 � , I ." I 11� - I . 1 �7111,7
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Rowdyism and Gsltlsm.
The Price of Wheat. ' 'Varna. News Notes,
To the Editor NOTns.--(Lev, Mr. Wilson, of Hens New Stat(((
o/the New Era: 11, George Swan, of
+ R Kincardine, who
D. BIR, -My attention hail been delivered a very eloquent address In shot himself in the head at New 'r
in called to a letter the Toronto, ie StoQ+'!►.
your last issue, sig led by "A Liberal," on the Methodist church here last Sun- recovering.
muhtout of the price of wheat. As this is a Com. day -A tea rlleeting will ho held in Joseph Grenville. but the Sa
m lty I, in commut with a groat (cony uthere. bville. who was phot in tue 414 Man.
thin, stn Interested Methodist church here on Wednesday, the le
in, I would like to thrush this 18th inst. Preparations g while g into a store at A. J. HOLLO'W$Y
subject out a little further, and ask a few quem. are- going Kingsville, may die front his iu hsa opened out a
).ex- tioum by Way of obtaining information. In the '(head to make it the best ever given in juries, bran new stook, of Tailors Goods
first pl,; e, I notice that He is now in Sandwich jail. the store g in
allies your our•reu o kdent, ref this place. The proceeds will be de late] y oepupled by Mr. I. Jack -
lylug tuan article that appeared in Ntlws At Detroit Mrs. Lane, Who son, one Jticic
g}in, yy dts voted to refitting the shed. wab con- door so p til of Mr. Geo. D ]kit()-
11,01, Intuit, I thinkitie oubt tut,ttes not to kly vieted oil the hharge of uranslaughter Taggarts bank, Albert St.,
more, great, many FOOTHALL.—A return match of foot- in the case of Emily Clinton,
encs- answer the question at all, but rather• hu ball was played at Bayfield last Hall, was seuteuc_ and will lie pldased to have everybody
evades It. Presuming rho figures given in , 8#ttll" ed to ten years' imprisonment. cal! and
the +,
the article before a day between Varna's „ Little Fry exxmind Stuck and select vena
referro(1 to acro cor•roct, It nem + and Mr. Samuel P std �l din r Suit.
of show that b, aloe pluses, which a duo- Bayfields Ironsides. The day and el y' Reeve of West � We have &]) t.hever
a ulbud ay being in our ooght Nissow i, was nominated You est l�uvelties 11, the
wise (,upere neighborhood, the local grounds were not suitable, neverthe- the Com-trade, Having
(tcute tau wheat, between the 10th kind less splendid kicking on both sides pions at a meeting of Hast Middlesex purchased for cash fruln one
Ili n of Hebruary, at an avurage price of 80,3c, was Patrons P. I ending of the
cgs- er bushel a,l(! thut in Omwego, at the wane dune. Tile "Little Fry' teas consider. and P. A. at London. woollen houses in Montreal
Kin- Mule, the highest price was 76c+. to 7t1c, ably too smart for the boastful James W. Sheridan, you way depend un getting the
does it nut Now, "Iron- a wealthy brew- g g best
tied stand to reasun that it there were uu sides," some of whom claimed to have er, was held up and value for Your money.
duty between umwe u and these rubbed a few
points, that (lune a some of the Seatur•th Calle t- 1,i chis ago On one of the must fashion_ 1 have also pp laced in Stock a
told collieI Geutb' line of
sur- dawn moulds go the i�e'i eru`u'iib(eu CtKi: ate buy About two [niuutes elapsed ab a streets in Chicago, iu the full light if I lie )Ss
1 s• illustrate what I meso, to -da s Globe (uotes when the "Little Fry" shut 1st Of tilt electric lainp.
Wheat )' Soft(. l Hat 3 slid
x InToroltusulliugutBSc.aud83c.ubushcl; Caps,
uG thosan,e paper gives 1)utroit wheat 750., This was the only goal till half-time Anew order, to be known m r
hey whout Toledo wits the
74ic•, Oswego 76o. Now for yukit' (wrres- Called. "Ironsides" then imide a Kuigts of the Nineteenth �llil'tS , C'Ullars,
uuudcat, or fur Century, was
of anyb«iy ohne, tesuy tflattho f ll- goal short( followed by arluthei• from started in Lancaster, Pa., uu
l,usitiou Of LL duty eau never ineroume the price Friday• , Cuff's, UIl(lC l'tiVeal,
of lural fm ll the "Little Fry" and still another The object of the order is to protect
auk tie, to explain the
tlicthe about three minutes before
o ill time.
in thusu is This woven and Neckwear,
prions children.
s to the ordinary total• r
ics. li unt reader. There must bosoms guod reasun latter wits disputed as off side. The A convention of tile
trite why those ditteroneos uxlmt. What is the use game closed by loud cheers to Conservatives Footwear � Braces
of talking in this way to u auto, each Of West Ontario was held oil r
ultl who Por instance, team ,ins referee. UcOtr»veil's "(run- Saturday
imports coal and pays the duty thoreon, at 8tuufiville, and Mr. Umbrellas,
f it Do 1 not know for sides' all dead and Bitlylield's ltobertGraham,
a fact, that the dui 01 cool sleeping. of
1; Claremont, was trade the uuttui. Which will he
ect increasestilepriceofeachtoiltuu,etheauwuntot A match tuft(( Godert('h TOwl'shi P 1s mous sold at close prices,
in thodutysupuld. Anditlthuuqh,furtheonlh,arY choice OY the party as their (eAln-
looked fur Friday or Saturday next.
Prop trader, and uspuclally for the,,),oanbeasaf Y Y didtLte fon' ,120 House of l%Ulrttul)ua to A J
n- the Grit party, it is a very HOLLOWAY
file unpleasant Ching for '�" oppose Mr. J. D. Edgar• at the cowing
to have to eecord, and ospecially in their News Notes. general elections, CLINTON.
ine own ouluunns, yet i dletiuotly remember, last
yyear, the price of wheat going tip in this )art of Most Rev. Peter Richard Kenrick, The Ladies' of the Maccabees of --. __ ___
tilu world to $I a bushol,and one farmer �n par- late Archbishop of the Diocese of Parkhill, attended
ticular being able to take advantage of tbat St. the funeral of the. Summerhill
be rlsu, to the extent of sellinK 2,51( bushels, which Louis, died suddenly Wednesday. late Mrs. John Sherritt near Grand Factory,
at- he had ko )t Il) store waiting that vtrr y o pear• Mr. John Bend, in a body. The deceased was NOTICE.
tuft Tone moment Armand was killed by it Y a
wheat euro load of rails falling upon hits at member of the Grant} Bend Hive of The Directors of the
it Pulled Sandy Summorhlll
e to o any higher, r ,herd Cheese Fadtory
for the vary sinnplo that orhet. They also `°Ill lot by Public Anation At
roamau that It 11OUk• attender; theSlimmerbill, on
at was so much hlgtnur than the 9atur-
in yet wheat funeral At
other of m., the
American centres, that people °f tllti late Mrs. Jas. 21boaohtrodrawing
able to were The congregation of Knox Church, Irea of Ebo milk uta2 tuirho p
impport wheat and pay the duty, and near al thoye, and took Factory. Full par.
this proven ed the Canadian WUOdatoek, will erect a new part in the tioularsfuralshed on date mentinned.
article rising any building, burial service, she being a member OY BEN.
as- hiuher. to cost $.'35,000, 908 -At. CHURCHILL, Pres.
sty t is an important subject, and one upon the Parkhill Hive. JOHN LOWERY Beal,
which. I tun aware, a groat deal could be said A cuuflt►gratiun at Aspeten, South A despatch from
of Oil both sides, pp London, England,
and if among Our correspond- Holland, destroyed several churches, g HO1me13Yil18 Cheese Factor
ants or if you yourself feel able for the states that the Dominion Minister Ot y•
would task, I the post office, and fifty other build-
he certainly be thtu,kful for (apart altogotlr Agriculture, Hon, Mr, Montague, who NOTICE.
er from Political bitty it reasonable cagy. is still in
of how explanation the metropolis, has Cabled to The directors of the Holmeevtlle
It hs, pone , as TnF News-REcuan The Italian colony in Montreal have Ottawa requesting Batter Manafactariu Choepie and
It showed, that rho price In that all horses ex- g cospSay will lot b•
Qswego, a int more appuittted a Committee fO raise funds ported Public Auction at Pickard's AAli, )
than ttalf-way from here to the Atlantic sea• from this country be examined Holmeeville, an
board, was to assist Saturday, March 14th, 1808, at 2p, in. the drawing
he 50. a bushel less, as avalue of wheat, their countrymen who are by a veterinary surgeon, Its it number the milk on each route to the of
than places very much farthor west. For, if the fighting in Abyssinia. o lars factory. Full partloa.
duty oil wheat has nothing American horses have arrived in furuiuhed on date mentioned.
to (to with the price, as The National England afflicted, it is W. B. FORSTER,
your correspondent urges, in Clinton, wheat Sporting Clnb of Lon- said with g fund. 0o1.4t Pren.
Id should be considerably loss than ,vhoat in Oswe- don, hits forwarded to New York artic- ors• W. S. LAWRENCE, Secy_
p go whereas the reverse wax the rase, les of agreement for a fight between On Friday *�
I notice also that ou mention Mr. Hutc•hl- g morning about five o'clock We
0- son, of Godcrirh, havlvng said James Corbett and Robert Fitz- the frau.e dwelling house of Dust Have Help.
never that they would Rail h 11
haye built their bl mill In GOderich, if sinions. Keddy, 3rd con. of the townshik Of K we pay mea and women *to to gls per week for
ld they had dreamt of the Government putting a The mills and factories established in borne, was totally eaey home work. No books or peddling, Steady
duty on wheat. This sorely can be destroyed Uy fiI e, ment guaranteed.em -
for no other the United States by the Salvation with all of the a
reason but that, as a miller, he naturally want- contents except an Or- Particculars t once HERMANN a SEYMOUR, 213
s, od to buy wheat wherever he could bav the Army give employment to 10,700 per- San, which was saved. Mr. Keddy South sixth Street,Philadelphis, Pa.
a- cheapest, in order to manufacture flour A the sons. and family had a narrow escape from 898 -San
is lowest possible rate, and convincing proof, to At Petrolea a young man named being burnt, and just escaped In
my opinion, to who is open their
ailMr. Antbode
tion, that to nightclothes.
Mr. Hutchlson's caro the Allxuby, aged fifteen, stabbed clothes, The fire is
a Impoconvist- Wm. g supposed to
tion of the hnposi_ House for Rent
y duty increased the price lie has to Lawrie, aged seventeen. Lawrie is have started from the 1
It pay for the wheat. in parlor stove ; For rent, a Ove room frame cottage, an
it critical condition. Inyu[•ed IR the Ha �j Albert
Yours, ot('• Township Fire In- street, north, will be rented on moderote
JOHN RANAFORD. suranee Co.y terms.
Stapleton, 2nd March, 1896. Mrs. Cynthia Bell was Cfor $500. Apply to Ogle Cooper & Co., the Cash Grocery, CBs.
committed con.
for trial at Ottawa on the charge of It was rumoured in Winn' p a on 897-t1.
Forty -Five horrible cruelties committed on her Friday that Messrs. Greenway and Sif- ----_
Years Ago stud Now.
R grandchildren named Short. ton were called suddenly to Ottawa by
k the Dominion Government for the pill,-
PRESENT PRICES OF GRAIN COMPARED Armour & Co., of Uhicago, have con- P°se of securinv a MANITOBA
e WITH WHAT USED traded to furnish meat supplies to settlement of the
TO BE PAID. pp the school question, and that if the Domin-
t British North American squadron for ion Government asses the Remedittl
"R. W. S." in writingthe Wood- three years. hill p EXCURSION • • s s
stock Times a special session the Manitoba
last week touched on an Walter Tyrrell of Oakville attetnpce(! -__�'_
Legislature b
would he ca
t interesting called to consider
subject, "The good old to commit suicide by shooting himself what the province gains by Confedera-
tines -prices for grain 45 years ago- in the head; he inflicted, however, no tion, and binting at The USUaI Manitoba Excur-
n farming as it used to secession. Mr.
be." He says:- more than a scalp wound. Greenway refused to a�Iirm or deny Sion3 commencing
e One can seldom talk with a present- The Rev. Duncan Robertson aster either repot t. the first
d day farmer for an hour without a re- of the King street Predictions Tuesday in March and weekly
e ference to the hardness of "the titmes," Presbyterian church, regarding the division on
and the remark, thti.t: "farming London, Ont., has handed in his resig- the remedial bill are in order. The Globe thereafter. For through Con-
is not nation to the Presbytery of London says that the Liberal members
e like it used to be," is almost sure to will be pon tickets and reliable infor'
° come out.. owing to ill -health. found united against the measure, and
Happening to look Over some Old A cable despatch states that the Brat- the Montreal Gazettes takesa different matiou y to the undersign -
view, stating that pp
g newspappera last week, I thought it ish cheese importers desire that the "when the 4irr►e ed. Baggage C11eCkeCl
might come n to vote, the I.,ihe+nils will .thr0lw
r 6e interesting to veto Dominion Parliament should ass le g- splith
g county y P on b
readers to give them a few facts Bath- is]ation requiring the branding of the the school issue, 't, tilt• Y di don the t0 destination.
eted therefrom. First by comparative month of the tuake on all cheeses motion censuring the (Tovernment for
. tables of market rices for for export to Great Britain. executing Riel." And the Gazette
p produce, P further ventures the �! QQ TOWN
taken from the report of the Brant- The Governor of Pennsylvania prediction that �T
has "Mr. Laurier and Sir Hi( -hard �� , J�CgIJON AGENT,
ford papers in 1831-a Bia.rd time period signed the death warrant and Herman Cart- 1
weight will make as few votes out of - _
r v.
Editor News-Rerord.i�
Silt. -It is singularly strange
'+ �:
whilst the editor of the) Huron Si goal,
,,.,.I�,..t+,l. ... d....
M. C. Cxu►erou'S Mouthpiece, is se
..- .,,ha,o'w.iblaliMitiilai ,•.� Af .'.•,iiY'su.
. M .,.. rte..
ttemelp fond of lavishing his pr
upon Peter Ryyan and Frank An
those two highly cultured gentle
froToronto., will) kindly cundesc
ed to Colne up to West Huron in
illterest of Mr. Cameron, he has n
• `.v:
1 �Se
article of credit or a word of pr
t their) for the excellent service they
11�, rendered during their stay in KI
.;i''. y' {� bridge anti in the, pr•ivgv roan, at
Vii" r UI�! t�l ��s�j tail. Not only that, the Signal
. /!a
positively fitimediately after the
tion, that these gentlemen never
`, that is done well, spectacle fitting
ing the contest cave nearer to Kir
'' in order to be done properly HAS bridge than Kintit! 1, it distance of at
two miles, and that the meeting t
'1 LEARNED HOW and therefore addressed at Kinttiil was ruwpube d
. guarantee to fit you with the glasses about half Yrutestants, sl) that it c chill
N that suit you or refund your money,
riot be said that Peter Ityan and Fi
It We test free and charge you a Ali ]ill cau►e to canvas Catho!
I. moderate price only for glasses. If Well, sl) far its the attendance at
°1.; Un have any defect Of vision delay public meeting at I1111ta11.Oes, it WU
I n Its correction weans injury
to riot slake live per cent difference i
the eyes.
were held at Kingsbridge. Tile ob'
Mr. Carnerun and his friends had
denying the Kingsbridge visit the
ent electors cannot fail to Aee.
They well knew that the doetr
;;Prevents and cures all roughness and
taug ht i i the private roonis at Kin tail
through Kingsbridge
and had a di flet-
'?fledness of skin so common at this time est ring to anything that could
of year, It is not sticky, but dries
safely veutured from the public pi
')right in, leavin no oily or unpleasant form. It mi tit not sound ver well
Niensation. ItUguaranteed prepara-
':.tion. If you don't like it
even tit to half Protestant meeting
you get gnuc Kiutail if Frank Anglin told the of her
'�pomey back. From us only at 25c a
half, the Catholics, that they mi gilt
natura:ly expect to get a fuller me
tine of for
justice their co-religinni
of Manitoba from Mr. Laurier, one
& Wilson
their own faith, than frons Sir
Mackenzie B;»vt+ll, the lender of t
1 order, their sworn enemi f'A•
The Druggists. Nur would it be good logic to col
�. b5
nonce excusing Mr. Cameron for his
"hey—Satisfy--Always. anti -remedial speech at Clinton on t
ground tbat owing to the awkward po
salon he was placed in he could not. (10
otherwise -that if he did there wou
not one of the Orange bigots or P.
A's vote for hill), that the
I Town Hall
and Cath
lies ought not be so unreasonable .
ex"" him to do a°, but they e()1,
rest assured he could be depended
to do the Catholics justice. Pei -hap
+SRB C_0T,.EL8S :-: WORE_
after all, Mr. Editor, there was are
sonahle excuse for not booming th
BASES, - m - prop,
part of the business, for if theM
should get outof the bag and stray awa
- down towards Auburn and Clinton
might knock Newrnan's mission of
;;, --w- R -
ghost stories and fairy tales all t0
before the general els s_
tion came off.
We are told Peter Ryan and Fran
Anglin would not have been King
.`gae•tionab the Leading Commercial Schools
,ha Dominion; Advantages Beat in Canada.
bridge had it not ,leen that they mer
ante may enter at any time. Write to either
<Yshool for ostaloi�ee and mau tion this paper.
anxious to come to church on tha
Sunday and assist the choir durin
'. W & ELLIOTT, Principals.
divine service. Well, certainly the ac
in itself was commendable, yet 1 tris
it would not he transgressing the pr e.
'1e You Going to Manitoba,
of charity should one entertai
some doubts as to whether it
was til
inspiration of divine grace that It
these distinguished visitors to cos
^^ - - any point in the
away from their beautifully decorate d
astern States
cathedrals in Toronto, and face til
storm that was raging at the time, t
11, •
make a demonstration of their pier y
' •--•)•T HE
and devotion at the top of their voice
a day or two before the election in ou
,a 1 IftI
humble chapel. Had they come sur
ing the festive season of Christmas a.1, d
preseutt•d their Fifts at the altar in im
,talion of the wise men of old, or had
nnectibns are undoubtedly the best
the virtue of charity prompted thein t O
maake their pilgrimage last
'r and rates the lowest.
and join us in tine special services that
were being held in various churches
4+J/ T Cooper,
th relief from the prevailing drought,
they would not only have
1 s
merited find
rereived the gratitude araC( praise Of
the good people of old Ashfield, but
have laid' up for themselves treasures
where not even Tory thieves could
', -
break through and steal.
This would also have been more com-
mendable than the exhibition the had
in the church on that. certain Sunday,
say nothing of that in one of the
shops before their departure, Here
1, The Leading Jeweler.
while Anglin was shedding crocodile
teats over the pig-headed Tory Ciathu-
lies he could neither lead nor drive,
1 -
Peter was giving his farewell address,
Goods are the Best in the
using the language of at barroom rowdy
in all
uncalled for and slanderous at-
';Market and our Prices
tack a )on a gentleman well known,
especially throughout, this County,
- ,, the Lowest.
whose career has well merited for hint
the confidence and respect of all classes,
irrespective of race or creed, which i,
more than his scurrilous traducer can
say for himself, This Mr. Ityan is the
tial Telephone Exehango.
exceedingly refined genti(vman who
had been boasting lately ah,)nt hell!
ahle at all tittles to carry his "heat
erect," and who felt so grossly insulted
`ow What You Chelw
int. having that obnoxious term "notori-
Ons,•" applied to hila. Wel►,
Air, if
trees are to he judged by their fruit. or
men )y their words and actions, i don't
%%`� 4
think it would be giving hirn a great
.. , ,
dPal niore than his (I Up, even should
the word "rowdy„ be added.
Before closing, I wish to remark that
so far I have not noticed s'
a single wut•d
i .t A J
uttered in acknowledgement of the
services rendered by that, hungry shark
�i 1 Q'
who wits diyp,LtChed out of Goderich
� ' ' �, x
�9. u
town on the very pollingday, and
A tl' 11 i11 t. '
hno 11 .
h the r(
) me'
g drifts north
towards Avhfleld, distributu,g Caner.
en's 1 iti vir 1, '
c a us s.rnun v
Y K . t the (;tttho-
�yt ,
lies, and who had the daring hardihood
4trl \
to try and stuff these peopl^ as he went
aloin that he hard been sent ou(, at the
) ;'
special request of Rev. Father West
an enter rise so ridiculously 1
P)fire a
f rr d
`" from the injurious coloring,
that I doubt if even "I's.t.eh the Fool"
Could he persuaded to unrlertak(. the
iii more you use of It the better
=Mike It.
Thanking you, Mr. hklitor, for your
space, I remain,
`- _�`
Kingsbridge, March 5, ISM.
:. Tuckersmith.
Daniel bieGlilleuddy In a Rage.
'' -Miss Sarab Turner, of Clin-
tisiting old friends in this local-
F.difor New.q-Rerord.
DI AR SIR, All you require to do to
''•'fir. Norman Lloyd is on a busi-
trip to Crediton. -A load of young
make the Signal editor real mad is to
@t from Holmesville spent a very
wave a red rag in front of him. lie
has ,,o often been forced like the Rwine.
Mit evening at the residence of
",�qeo. Orich on Tuesday last
'IJ of vat•ious kinds were indulKI'd
to wallow in his own mire, that he,
now, like the dog, returns to his filthy
Custom. The Signal is fair t-) nn One.
.1'Itil was served with
"r It is needless to say
Mr. Daniel Moran wrote a letter
to that paper in (lefence of Fath.
1(; Justice was done No this
' Ci the evening's programme.-
er Lacombe, and the Si nal oh-
jected. Mr. Moran asked the
bi'ber of the people of the WP.At
;0013t a very enjoyable time at H.
>•. Tuesday
Tege of replying to these objections.
The Signal professorof venom, billin_gs-
on' evening InAt. --
'1t7a}ns of G. Carter, of Blyth
gate, slandor and sarcasm attacked Mr.
WiO resident of this township,
in Turner's cemetery on
Moran in a most shameful manner
because, he dared ask for fair play,
j,Klast. Deceased was a brother-
and as a result is not in much better
shape than when Postlethwmite was
)'f Mr. J. Townsend, of Clinton,
11 to the disagreeable weather
through with McGillicuddy. However.
he eacapod from I,he lying manufactur.
1t1. ay, Rev. Mr, Fair was unable
' ithhisappointment.-A
er i,f the Signal and may soon be heard
11 business
til; of the . L. of C. E. is called
from again.
;tiiisday evening.
Goderich, March 10.
-and Novemher 20, 18=5.3-a war -price W. Dludgett, alias H. H. Holmes, will their School policy as they did out of --^ `T
period -ants front your own columns be executed on Thursday, Maty 7. their Riel dodge. last week :-- Mrs. M. C. A. Hinman of Hamilton _
Wheat.. 1&51 1856 18.`15 and two young ladies from Toronto
Corn.,... t 40 ; 1 70 $ K" who were visiting her were nearly MARKET REPORTS.i
Ilarley....,... .. 42 1 (35 40 asphyxiated with coal gas. (Corrected every Tuesday Afternoon.) TRENT CANAL.
Peas . 50 s,5 50 An Act respecting bakeshops, intro- OLINTON. _
Itye...... ... .., 140 duc•ed in the Ontario Legislature by Fall Wheat ................... 0 75 to 0 77
Flay.... s 00 16 W it rio Mr. Dryden, proposes to place all bak- Barley .. 0 80 to 0 40 slic•T1uN Ny 2,
Straw .... 4 (NJ 12 Flu 451, y ....................... • 0 22 to 0 24
F'Ira,r.... ..
cries under Government sl) ervision.
. 1 tw oats.,..,",.......,,"....,,„” Notice to Contractors.
;utter .. 9 rNl 1 r)V •
,, uJ 41, 20 Robert B. Bell has been committed for Peas .............................. 0 48 to; 0 50
Cheese ..- trial at Ottawa on the charge of as r
Beef . . . 2 ,h 9 14) 8 9) g Potatoes, per bush.......... 0 15 t0 0 20 SFAhF,I) 'I FNI)F:It`, addressed to the under-
I)ork ... ;3 IN, 1'l So 5 2i Aaultili with intent t° d0 nevous S dursigned, and endorsed "Tender for Trent g K Butter .......................... 0 14 to 0 15 1
F,gKm bodily harm his grandson, Percy ('anal," w' 11 be revelvcd at this office until noon
13 411 ?u Y 6 Y Eggs per doz.................. 0 13 to 0 14 on Saturday, 218t March, 18116, for tine oonli"o-
Of Course the rices for 183(1 cannot Short. y,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•„•,•• 9 00 tol3 o
P ria tion of about Pour miles of ('asst( un the 1'e)ter-
be Luken into account, by way of (•cru- At it largely attended meeting of the Cordwood.........., •. 3 00 to 3 50 born' and Lakedold Division,
par•ison, with the past of resent, only Imperial Federation League, held in ”""" Plans and Npecifleations of the work (an be
P I K Beef ...................... ...... 3 75 to 5 00 soon at the ),tike of the (•hief Engineer of the
to show the efiecG, even a confute war Ottawa, it was decided to change the Wool .............................. 0 Iii to 0 l$ Deilartinentt of itatlw•aysnnd('nmtls,at(Jttawa,
had upon this new country. Occasion- naine of the association to the Cana- or tit the Supc•rintcndrnding Engineer's office,
ally local Causes have exceeded even diad Branch of the British Empire TORONTO Lrt'F, MTOC:K MARKET. Petorboro', where forms or tender ran be ob-
war prices. I remember one winter of League. Milch Cows, each ...... $20 (M) to $:37) oo titlnl•d un and after Thurmday, 13th February,
scarrlty of hay, that in the spring we The Pennsylvania 'supreme Court Butchers' choice oit tle,cwt :3 (N) too :3 2.j 181)6.
the, case of firms there must be attached
hall to go naih•i to it Parntel's tnarn and overruled all the assignments of error Butchers' corn. cattle, cwt 2� 25 to 2 W the actual miff firman uP the Nt name the
pay hit" at the rate of $40 per ton, for in the case of 11. 11. Holmes. sentenced Export Bolls, per rwt... . 2 25 to 2 50 nature of the "ecu!nation and place of remidanoa
Ply, to keep out- few cattle from stare- to death for murderin Benjamin F. Stockers per cwt....... ...`2 illi to `L 50 of each member oP the same, and further, an
in after "brow'sing " ceased. Pretzel, and confirmed the ,judgment of fee lerA, per cwt . ...2 75 to 3 25 accepted hank cheque for the satn of $7,6Wmuat
scrump any the fancier; this ncrcpLed che�ae
n comparing the prices of 1(1)1 with the court below. Shipring ;sheep, per c•wt. 2 50 t0 `2 7;j must be cndnr4ed over t.1, tine Minister of Rail-
18IM3, which i9 quite proper, we see, that A telephone has been placed on the Lambs, per cwt ........... 3 75 to 4 G5 way'; and Canals, and will be forfeited If the
it) nearly every itern, the prosent prices preacher s disk in the Congregational Calves, per livid( ..... 4 (N) to 6 (N! juirty tcnderingfiveli„ns entering Into rontract
are the better -so that we, must look church at Norfolk, Conn., in order f tent Bs.con hogs, (>r cwt...... 3 tN) to 4 iNM N,r ,vork al the rat- and on the (isms Ht.al d in
K I> the otrersuhm(tted. Thr accepted cheque thrix
for some other cause for the present members of the church who are unable Store hogs, cwt............ 3 g) to 4 (Mi sent to will be returned to the rpsproivrpartial,
hard tinges• to attend the services may hear theser- Heavy hogs, (•wt ............. 4 70 to 3 75 whose tenders are not accepted.
In reference to former prices, i niiay ruons as they sit at home. Light hogs, pet rwt........ 3 R(1 to 390 The luwemt or any tender not necessarily ar;-
Ats.te: that wP could not get cash for Hiram Lester, who died at the poor Sows per cwt ............ . 8 (N) to 32:j "I"'.
anything but wheat, and when it w,ts farm in Henryount Ga., a weak ago, Stags, By Order,
Y Y. K K• per ctvt. ........... 2 (M) to :, 2.) J. J. H.4i,DF:R40N,
on 440 per bushel at Woodstork, I wits said to be. one hundred and twenty' TOILON'ro FARNF:Its' AIARKIRT. Secretary -
ha( t•O te,un it to Paris, a, distance of nine years old. A son of his, living in Ueparlment of Itanwa)•s and (•anal•.,
over 2.5 miles, and on w -count of had the AAme pour -house, is ninety years Whcat, white.... ... , .$ &I to $ (N) Ottawa, Cali Februnry, IS.W1. INM 21.
roads could only ctlrry:34 bushels at, a, old, and a daughter, who lives in do r•ed................ R`2 to (N)
; whirl! re'hed the grand total of Hear-(] county, is ninety-five years old. do gooe... . • (NI to 02 F - -- - - - - __
$17. On the first occasion I started A trapper of Mot riston, Vt.., has just V s
11iA...... ... 58 to 59 BIRTHS.
with 40 hushels, but found I ho hmd too receive(] from a for dealer in Montreal Buckwheat ............. 36 to (N) w1oin In linrlett on the tat lnpit , the wife or
h t t Eastwood v M ,
a , Barley r. R ,fit (
t1,( 9( 1( .... .. .. mobil m11lor , f
Yi soil] three hn�y a,1, order for 1,INN1 live Akunks, the APC- Y %� to 4_; ) n daughter,
flit] to a "friend" who never paid for it, and order of the kind he hits had. He Oats.. . 21) to :1)i ItaewNei,l,.-l1, Srnrwth, ..n ilia sih Innt. , the
or returned the hags, i notice that in filled the first order with comparative ItY(.. • • • . • . • 41M), to (N) wife of Mr, J,reeph 13mvnell, of a piton and daugh-
1851 many articles were higher than i ease, and thinks it, will he almost as llity'•...-.... • ... ..10.,0 tolls (N) ter.
have known thein, oats double what en -4v to flit this one. `ltr•a.w, bundle ..-12(0 toM (N) -they were earlier, and t• KA ,11ru0st Whill, .James Newharn, aged 18, was do Inose ...... .. .1U(N) toll IN) 111ARIt1AGES.
double. Even beef and pot Oornewhat. at work in a Aaw mill at Woodlawn, f,gKs, now lidd .... 17 lo 18 ArnTry g>si.av in Clinton, on the 4tb Inat_, by
hi he • .h
i t an '
`af . Chickens .... env J. t•
ter the • I r Itnl 1,c ,
K Wal'." t, 1 I o -'( m Alfred , t' ,
I re- Ont., n Thursday night, he incus in t r) A )a u,, ,t Blyth, to Mia.
member tolling flue pea -fed hogs contact in Rome wry with tilt• citcnlar Butter, 11). rolls. ....... 17 t<) 18 AliceSecley,"f Clinton.
weighin t(N) ihs, each, at $`2.37 perJfA saw, which cut his foot (aft. Ile then Tubs, dairy.. ... .... 1:3 tan 1;j F.r,t.tuTT-Jravia, -At the realdPnee of tho brieea
father, on the 4th inat.. by Rev. F. W. Ardrews
Ills. and reef still IOWMI. fell against tileDucks .... saw, which struck his (10 to Fs) Alex Firott, nal no d road, to Roe., danghterof Mr.
in Conversation with farmers on this hip, cutting nearly half way throngh Turkev4..... .... .... R to 10 W. Jervis, Ail of o. derieh'roanahlu.
suhje('t --some suggested that if the his body, lir died .shortly afterwards. (Teese. .. ' • • • ' .. • ;) to R1i 81111tp1 Mit.,.RR At th« resldnnce of Ea. Cook.
pr•iveA did not in,tkP the difference the At the last meeting. of the Town P(itAtt,es... ... ... .... 2:j to :}O Gntrolt, en Feb 27th, Mr. r. W. Shipley, Css.Cdy.
quantities formerly grown did, and Council of Brockville, it wits diseOVPT Dressed hogs........... 4 60 t.0 5 2') Mlna Alica Miller, of Uetrnit, fnm1orly of Clfnlon.
they tell of choir fathers growingF>(1 or Pd that 10,(NM) which had been voted F3Pef, hind:lual G'rA... , . , �i (N) to 700 RowRnov--RNowncv -in Stanley tnwnahip, on
$ wedneaday. Marrh 4th, 1R9n. at the realdonei +f the
more bughels per acre, with onlythe til the Canada ()aurin P ()ompanv hat! do forequart.ers...... 2 50 to :1 75 hHde's mother, by Rev, Mr. Robinann, John sower.
labor of scratching in a Nishel of seed been illegally diverted. Three tions- Veal .... ......... 5 50 to 7 AO hv, of O(derieh towuship, to Miss ilarah l,ontme
wheat to the acre among the stumps, and dollars have already peon paid r.amb... .. ... , 5 50 to 7 50 Snowdon,
while now the country only average twice Over, and the remaining $7,(M>n MONTRXAI, MARKETS.
about 17 bushels per acre. It• is true will also have to be repaid• Gra;n - The only ehtangn in t.hP rain DFAATIIS
that the virgin soil occasionally bore Dawson Oldhrfm, a. seventy-eight' market isLhPw(+a.knPARinuatA. Wheat, MARTry. in(ltxtorfah,nnFrldrt)mcrnlrQ, Marrt,
40 to fi0 bits bels per acre, and IM3 ) was year-old resident of White Hall, Kypq., No. 1 hard, norninal; wheat,. No. 2 hard, R, 1898, Henry Afart(n, aged e8 yearn and 2 months,
one of the most famous, both forquan- never hits mivsed a sermon s.t tide nominal; corn, duty paid, nominal; rarc,t.-in Goderich, on March 5, 1898, Mabel
City and price, hilt it wits often that. Methodist church in that place in the peas, per f301bs, in Rtore, i>f3c to 59r; oa.tR, vanes eldest daugbter of Mr. James Price, aged is
there was not an average of even i7 forty years he has been r1 member. He Ontario, No. 1, in stow, 3%c to 31c; oats, year;, 4 monilia and 5 Jaya
bllAhP1A per new. !n feet we Ronne- never hs.A nAPd tobacco in an form, EAoias.-ta Clandnhcye, on the 2nd lust., Minnie
p Y Manitona, No. 1, in Afore, 82C; rye, wife of Mr. James Eames, (nee Mine M, Orandy, form:
tithes failed to get the weight of the nor has he tasted whiskey. No. 2, nominal; hurley, feed, 139r• to BAC; my of Clinton.(
Reed sown In shrivelled up Atuff, caused A correspondent of The Winnipeg barley, new. 5$c to 55c; buck whent, per CAaTRn. -In Blyth, on the 49h Inst., George (art,
by the midge or runt or, once in a while Free Press suggests that a represents.- bushel, 139c to 40c. or, aged 70 years, 2 months and le days.
frost. Live meeting of both Roman Catholic Cheese -Two thousand boxes summer GRAw•-InSeaforth,on March 5th, Elizabeth LW
The introduction of flair-fnrmin and Protestant residents of the Pro- ala, wiforlD• M. Shaw, aged 58 years, 10 months. and
cattle raising, and the naaki ng of beef vince of Manitoba be held in the city makes were sold at 71jc, 7 days, R
and pork have, no doubt, been the sal- of Winnipeg, such meeting to consist Butter -Creamery, that is good stock, TRAertli. -In Bronl,lyn, N. y., on 1st of March, Mr
vation of the country; as the grain of one representative from each school sells at 21c to 22c, but single packages C, I. Tracey, of Stratford, formerly editor of Advertls-
raisin , s° injudiciouAl-v continued, had district (Protestant and Catholic) In of finest have brought more. Town- c"'' aged 40 years.
sills noted at 1 c to 19c and western ROM1,11naR.-r1, Clinton, nn Marah 9th, maggiw
been he, cause of failure, in the many the province to discuss proposals for p q &J wits of E. J. Routledge, aged 27 years.
evils which dectroyed tine crops. the settlement of the school difficulty, rolls at about 14c to 15c.
1 am convinced that it is neither the 'By this means," he says, "we can Eggs -The egg market Is it little
prices nor the quantities that cause the flus out what our Roman Catholic weaker. Strictly fresh will bring 21c Ladies clean your kid gloves with
hard times 'now complained of, but a friends would he willing to take, and to 23c in small lots, but ordinary fresh Josephine Glovo Cleaner for sale only
combination of causes many of which what we could reasonably, grant." are not bringing over 19c. The highest by Hodgens Bros., sole agentA for the
appear on the surface, and it, is not my From such k source, he feels certain flg ore for limed eggs seems to be about Perrin, Frerers and Alexandria Kid
Intention or privilege to refer to them that the Government of Manitoba lie, while common stock 19 quoted Gloves in all the most desirable shades
now. would give reasonable consideration. ) from 8c to 9e, dressed and undressed, lace and button. y
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