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The Huron News-Record, 1896-03-11, Page 3
. A lasting. L. Ue. L. Nen 71A, I ITOSTolsols .:::;:'' .-' 8111. bloats tlaooan Monday of ovary month. Hall 2nd net, McKay black. Visiting brethren always ,, :: ,.' I. •: , ::.. :�. .' '�. ,, ': ,:. :. ....v ,.,.. I i... :, '..., .. :. ., .�, :. , .. 11 . "'', ,. ,, A. - a , 4 I 11 ,.. t ., :'.. �.I,. , ,... ... ., m �,.. ..., r. ,' .. ..., , ... is -. ,,+ ., .. ,.. 1 .. :.. ., I , .. I 1�; '� ,.: f', r r ry ,. ,fie t. 1 tr . Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts t --- KOT�c K. . T. M. issued, Starling and American ea c change bought and sold at 1' Kearns Tent No. 69, Knights of the Maccabees of I IOWBBt current rates. the World. $1,000, 02,000 and 88,000 POneiea. Mem- -hu Ia'rsasn ALLowar, ON DarOd1T6. borship over 100,000, Assessmaat principle never exoee.led 12 assessments in a year. CheaPest in Orange Hull, Clin- �gM�Rs- and safe+E iu exlxtenoe. bluets ton, first and third Friday of every mouth. I " r , . .. A H U. W a J galrod as security, H O BREWER, Manager, 6, u`S v"- 7 t , December, 1895. oh1NTON. Hall, month. the Visitorskordiallythe sInvit d.nd A. Brosdays in a s• b ...., .. .. ... ... _ .. e .., i1. L7i " DiRECTur. n .. I.. • (9r0D r r .(, ` T© TMS I"Anse Thi - H!sr�n News 1. Reora 18 p It the cost of production, and not the ��Fl ,that conGeols t�hfa price of an • ` 100 11 . R,7 BRAN and SHORTS in Large or TRANSACTED. Small Quantities. study your o. oil �o.no Ile and go .weer. is X1.20 a Yser-i1.001n dvalooe A article, Does any enlightened advo- ,. rr . A lasting. L. Ue. L. Nen 71A, I ITOSTolsols .:::;:'' .-' 8111. bloats tlaooan Monday of ovary month. Hall 2nd net, McKay black. Visiting brethren always made welcome, incorporated by Act Of Parliament 1886, _. DR. J. B. FREEBORN, W M, P. OANTELON, JR. see. J. P. SHEPPARD, D. M OAPITAL, . • $2,000,000 BEST, - $1,876,000 ' T4400 1r. 11LINTON Seed Offioee . MONTREAL• Lodge, No. St A. F. A A. M. meats C every Fridayy, on or site; the moon. Visit Ing brethren cotdlally mvitad J. H. R. MOLSON President. t8. WOLF1CRSTAN lIHOMAS, General Man& Of, A. J. HOLLOWAY, W. M. J. B. RUMBALL, Sao, Clinton, Dec. 8, 1896. Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts t --- KOT�c K. . T. M. issued, Starling and American ea c change bought and sold at 1' Kearns Tent No. 69, Knights of the Maccabees of I IOWBBt current rates. the World. $1,000, 02,000 and 88,000 POneiea. Mem- -hu Ia'rsasn ALLowar, ON DarOd1T6. borship over 100,000, Assessmaat principle never exoee.led 12 assessments in a year. CheaPest in Orange Hull, Clin- �gM�Rs- and safe+E iu exlxtenoe. bluets ton, first and third Friday of every mouth. Money advanced to farmers on their own to. " with Ono or more endorsers. No mortgage re. A H U. W a J galrod as security, H O BREWER, Manager, . � The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, moetsin Biddlecomhe's f. December, 1895. oh1NTON. Hall, month. the Visitorskordiallythe sInvit d.nd A. Brosdays in a s• b HAm, M, W.; J. BzAN,Recorder. a B89V -G. D. NoTaggart e -, v COOK: S FLOUR BANKER l ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. & FEED STo�,E, t Clinton. A 0#41 FAL BANKING B Usl"ss BRAN and SHORTS in Large or TRANSACTED. Small Quantities. il%bes Discounted. - Drafta rsaued. Interest Allowed on Deposits. Clinton, JuneRth, 1891 668y QdfCIli. - DR. W. GUNN, L. R. 10. P. and L. R. C. S.,,Edinbargh. Offico- Ontario street Clinton. Night calls at front door of residence on Rattenbury street, opposite Presbyter - Ian church. DR. TURNBULL. J. L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ, ; M. D. ; 7.M., Victoria Unly. M. C. P. h S. Out, ; Fellow of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late of Londoc, Enj., and Ediuburgh hospitals Office:- Dr.- Dowsley a stand, Rattenbury St. Night calls answered at Office. _____ DR. SHAW. Office in HOdQen'9 Blook, R,tttenbary 8t., Clinton, jut. Night calla at same place. Jas. S. Freeborn, Id -D, L. E. & Q• C. P., I., M. O P, & 8. O., &o., Flo. Graduate of ollee of Dublin, Ireland. aLi°ootiat Queen's thegOeneralyMedicahsiciansl Connell, Great Rrit%in. Member of College of rbyslciana and Surgeons, Ontario. Formerly resi- derto Lite Rotunda Hospital (Lyiug-in and Gynm• :ologlcal), Dublin. Special attention to diseases of women and children. Office and residence, Rattenbury 1 St., next door to Ontario St. Methodist parsonage. 829-1y @ruttstrp. T. C. BRUCE L. D. Set A5. Croon Dentist. Member of R. C. D. S., of Ont- .. Axiraoted without pain by the use of a harm- lessao, feaennt local anaesthetic- No unconscious- ness, sickness nor BI -effects accompany the use of this remedy, and many in and around Clinton can testify to its genuineness, special attention given to the preservation of the natural teeth. Office, es' Bl Coatook, over Tarlor'a ehce store. Be Agnew, L. Do Se, De De Se DENTIST. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur- geons of Ontario. Honor Graduate of Trinity 'University, Toronto. Best Local Anaesthetic for painless extraction. Office opposite Town Hall, over Swallow's Store. Night Bell answered. Will visit Hensall every Monday, and 'Lunch the 2nd Thursday of each month xtp 1. _ 0, CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Conveyancer, &o, Office -Corner Hamilton and t. Andrews•sts., opposite Colborne Hotel, Goderich. 883 -ti R0. HAYS, Barrister, Solicitor, we. Office, corner . North Street and Square, ,near Registry Office, Goderieh, Ont. 7. RW Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. 11 J. SCOTT, Barrister, circ., ELLIOTT'S BLOC&, - - CLINTON. 1 Money to Loan, T E • CAMPION, Q • C, BARRISTER, - - • 80LICITOR., NOTARY, circ., G�oderic1k, - ,Out, office --over Davis' Drug Store. Money to loan. - M.O. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, - - SOLICITOR COMMISSIONER, ETC., Goderich, - - - Ont office -Cor. Hamilton and Rt. Andrew'a Ste r - OIL CAFE, LINSEED MEALS 1 10 lbs. Choica Oatmeal forone Bushel Oats D. COOK. CLINTON. 762.tf __ --- ...--,-- HILL'S FEED STORE, HURON STREET, CLINTON. The Best Early Seed Potatoes, and all kinds of first-class Cluver, Timothy, Field and Garden Seeds, Flour and Feed of all kinds. Closest living prices for cash. SALT in stock and for sale. TEAS of the choicest varieties and blends. Excellent value. J. W. HILL, Huron St., Clinton Central Butcher Shop. COUCH & WILSON Subscribers desire to notify the public that they have bought ont the butchering business lately con- ducted by Mr. Jae. A. Ford, and will continue the same under their personal supervision. Orders Will have prompt and careful attention. Fresh meats of all kinds will be kept In season, sold at reasonable rates and delivered anywhere in town. ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS N. WILSON. CLINTON. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP FORD & MURPHY, (Successors to J. W. Langford.) Having bought out tho above business, we intend to conduct it on the cash principle, .nd will Supply ourcustomers with the best meats at the lowest PAY - ng prices. FORD &MURPHY. New Butcher Shop. The undersigned desires to intimate to the people of Clinton and vicinity that 1)e has opened a butcher shop in the store of W. Core, Huron Street. He has hail many years experience, and feels that he can give the best satisfaction. He will sell strictly for Cash, and at the lowest possible prices. ORDERH Rzs PECTFL•LLY SOLICITED. M. W. WRIGHT, W. BRYDONE., BARRISTER - - SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, ,le, , OFFiog BEAVER BLOCK. - - CLINTON, 817 -if 011tD to P114. AtAtto lend In large or small sums or good mortgages or personal security at the lowest aarreut rates. H. MALE, Huron et. Clinton. Money, Mone to lend on good security at 6,111" nod a per sent. �oply to 0. RIDOUT, Albert St., (1untou. 862•tt. • - Clinton.) LIVE HOGS WANTED. 'Wm. Moore Has Removed --TO- OOtR,E'S BLOCK, HURON STREET, CLINTON. I sat better, than ever prepared to supply the Dab .` ) is with the Latest Improved 1 . singer sewing f neblales. r� Needle. in stock and parts tmppued for all mgka Fof Machines. Agent toetthaQelebbratad Leader Oho anfl the most re !&b1a *.,berm and wringera Thme moat critical inspection f(nvlte,l. • WM. MOORE, :i $last of Commercial Ketol, 1lnron` Rtreet, Clinton 11, $&S•tf `r", I: . Highest Market Price Paid. D. CANTELON, Clinton. 1798-tf. B. THOMLINSON, •VETERINERY SURGEON, honorary Graduate of Lae Ontario Veterinary Col. age, Toronto. Tres to all diseases of Domestic Animals on th moot modern and Scientific Principles. Day and Nisbt Calls Promptly Answered. itesidenee-Rattenbcry Street, West, Cllton Out J. E BLACRALL, Veterinary Surgeon, honorary gradual of On rio Veterinary College, treat% dlaaaees of all domestic auimale on tSe most modern and scientific %A pprinciples. AarCalls attended to sight or day. 001ce on iases %trent, next New Ers office Residence-Albort street, Clinton. Teacher of Piano Miss Hallie E. Combe, Toronto Conservatory of MuRir, cer tificates in Piano, Harmony and Intro- ductory Theory. CLINTON,'- OmTrr- Geo, Trowhill, Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert Street, North, . Clinton, JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and first class material atx work guaranteed ; farm Implements and machine rebuilt and repaired. Card of Thanks. TO MY MANY PATRONS: I desire to tender fay sincere thank for the very liberal patronage accord ed me in the peat and to inform th public that I am still in the Carpe Weaving Businese on East Streel Goderich, next the Bieydle Factory Personal end mail ordure will as none a A , receive prompt attention. All classe of work a specialty, at the lowest pot Bible prices, and stitisfaction gdaran teed. W. A. Ross, East street 5,r j 11 f r: t rl ' 14 l �"ehst.�!?if�•s tb�,eeNrter Ji ..�14 e cateof "the Tariff lsatax" really believe Science is 11 knowiJing Plow. Tellable flatness, WEDNESDAY. MA1RCH Ilth. 18M. that If the "tax" pa cotton cloth were The only secret. about -- - - -= increased $10 a yard, the price of the Scott's Emulslonl W years I manufacture none but the 1388TOFSTOOI<. cloth would he increased to the con- th.--.-*a.n Bevan of shop$ at sell cheap, as they have 1114)rris• Sumer by that amount f And et that of sCl,,ence., ,� Made in pot tollvs. SW Galland got prices. Orders' A SUDDEN CALL. -It was with feel - by mail prompiy attended to is the outcome of the Free Trade logic. lquantities and b im- J4HIV BEL. L, Iara ngs of profound sorrow that the news _- ,__ Q y was heard of ,,he death of James Alex- In site of the assertions that the covin P g methods, an emul- HA13NEsa EMPORiuM. BLYTeI, otvT ander, son of Mr. and Mrs. RobertWarwick, of the 2nd line, Morris, last farmer is "robbed" and "taxed" on all Slott must be Vloreerfect Sunday warning, at the early age of he buys in consequence of the Tariff, than when made in the Old- \TOTICE. twenty-two years. He had graduated the fact remains that all the staple �t� as a teacher, but had not yet begun to art,icles lie purchaL es are front one-third time way with mortar and Thera acing some mlewtderatandlug with re- teach, and up to three weeks ago he to one-half cheaper now than before .e3tle a few ounces at S trd to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood was in the enjoyment of excellent the inauguration of the N. P., the cost tat It any person takes possession of any kind health, He wag VCry ppopular atuupg time. Th13 1S Wh cos : wreckage and taus to report to me I shall at his acquaintances, and he will be muc to the consumer having gradully de- mae take proceedings. Remember this is the missed in the section. clined as the production because more Emulsion Of cod- Iver oil at warning I shall ,five, CAPT. WN. BABB. general at home. never separates, keeps aoeiver of Wrecks, Osrich; COUNCIL. -The Council met purse- P r p Godorich, Supt. 7th 1891. ant to adjournment in the Council sweet for years and why p room, Morris, on Feb. 17th, members All Free Trade eloquence culmin- FOR SALE& all present,, the Reeye in the chair; ates in the cry, "The Tariff is a Tax," every spOOnfU1 1S equal t0 minutes of last meeting read and pass- Suppose it were: Taxes are the price every other s oonful. An The property at present 000upted by the un- ed. Tenders for the ToNvnship print of government. But the tariff is even product t rOU hOut. sreigned as a residence on the Huron Road, ing for the current year were received usually not a tax on the consumer, be- Inother emulsions you are liable to get I the Town of Goderiob, onnaisting of one half of frons the Standard office, Blyth, and Y as uneven bonefiL-elttter an over or a acre of land, good frame house -story and a frous the offices of the Post and Hel aid, cause when our manufacturers are ander even. not f"Ita. Qantulno has alf-seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and Brussels. The tender of the Herald driven out of business we are at the at salmon -colored wrapper. )ft water, good atone cellar, stable, wood and was found to be the lowest. Moved by Mercy of the foreign monopolist, who %triagohouses, There are also some good fruit Wm. Isbister, seconded by Jas. Bow- may charge whuteVrprices he pleases. �'O 1�Z�� N 91�M (068. This property to beautifully situated and tuan that the tender Of the Higrald. __ ___ _ cry suitable, orany'personwishingtoliveretired• agreeing to do the work outlined by - wits, ,.aN+ns-on.atit 4Iti lvo•nax.er,annaaan or further articulare a I to THE INTENSE HEAT CAUSES p Py the Clerk for $31,60, be accepted- woad toldlaoot ao p,adysod suss ao'visprasaQfq ping IC. CAMP [ON Carried, The Auditors' Report was HEART FAILURE. •00•IS pus •P05 '•a5z 'sazls awl'LL 42-tf Barriater,Qodertoh. thou received and examined by the + ACT WISELY BY KEEPING DR. AONEIY'k3 ,-si�asuj }O sAuliB yaa,3 pafQgO ppus aaoS Uuuncil. It was moved by Thos. Code, suotting ptre suioD 'slulso in sdvj agog J. C. STEVENS ON, seconded by Geo. Kirkby that said re CURE Polt•THE HEART ALWAYS NEAR BY saaisrlg�aana3 'spusjj pad egD 'suolldnag port be adopted --Carried. A request 4XWS saalla,I nnalig a'Ivg samz) it Furniture Dealer, &C. was presentedby H.Sellitrsand others, a(gnnitnur sl lj said 1H aaog pus asking to have adrain opened opposite The beauty of at Agues Cure for slsv1111g Q•axVD so Q2WY,Muff SQ;M:) 11 'HE LEADING ltNDfRTAKER AND lots 2(1 find 21, on 3rd con. line. Moved the Heart is that it gives relief im- mediates The testimony of thous- ap'i3•elulI 51 lj -pVQH by Wm. I,bister, seconded by Geo. y Y P}EaS .ro d}trinS suopdna- Suly3;j `saatsS FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Kirkhy that said request be granted ands who have used the remedy is that P10'saaaul'saomny;oH'sllog samDil and that we allow 10 cents per rod for where even death was feared, within •sasmag pus spunoM Ippoeite Town Hall, Clinton, Out digging it ditch to be 21s feet deep and 7 half an hour after using the ruedicine, p :Iun� pum in:) 'ntao•j, sa.rnD 41 gg g 1 the danger had passed awn and it GO TO THE foot top, the In ush to )e cut aces }aid y P Y4 luelsu1 3allag suanfj tuna; u®gacaluo0 down on side of road, and the dirt was only a short tithe before thep,muoRe,,aalnp-splEaS'svxngsamDlj Union Shaving Parlor taken out of ditch to be thrown on natural composure of the patient re ntE;aaa nano-alElpautiur sating brush arid properly spread, Mr. Bow- returned. The teat risk with ninny •ssptigA pus saanss13 ao s>(naD 'Autuang mail to attend to the laying out and in- who are trouble with heart disease is pue 8u(gai1-8ulpaalg ao pugg "lieuaaluj .to For first-class Hair -Cutting spection of the work -Carried. Moved that they trifle with the disease, either ll:uaalxg'salohilx0N-JT-1 e.0 sa-11d sa.in,3 lj and Shaving. by Writ. Ishister, seconded by Thos. by using medicines that are perfectly •uoil3BJ9;lss saAIS SX10M1E pus Code that the Reeve take chftrge of the useless, or delaying treatment alto of aI s Jo E sfEM E uE SIEa f Oti ash meth's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton plans and specifications for re -building ether'• Dr. Agnew's Cure for the 3 I P 11 I P P J. EMERTON, Proprietor. Wuttan's and Ard's bridges find that geart always gives ease, and in many uaaq suq 11 •xotxvai'IddV f)NI-IVNH we advertise for tenders for re -building desperate cases it has effected an en pus $A11Vilcl3 Is s8It0 10=11 t(:1}L� WATTS& C O.1 the same, tenders to be opened at the fire cure. -Sold by Watts & Cu. sEJana cad uaa non Town Hall on Monday, March the 9th, sLoxgcTlA .0 tp Al weduloo .Io 1•enba o; 2"M ON & DRUGGISTS at 2o'clock p, in. -Carried, On motion GURRIL'1VT TOPICS. P P q q wq;o H of Geo. Kirkby, seconded by Win. AT�r g .�./�y. A Great Northwestern Telegraph office, Isbister the following accounts were Why are foreign manufacturers and ( ■4MHHC1[.Y R �H Albert Street, - Clinton. ordered to be paid, viz: -A. E. Brad- merchants all opposed to the policy of win, printing ballots, $3.00; Corpora- protection in Canada? Surely not be- YROPERTY FOR SALE OP tion of Brussels, Hall rent for Division cause it is o) iressive r•o Canadians RENT. -Advertisers will flnd "The Court, .`j6.00: Corporation of Blytb, do., 1 } lit News -Record" one of the °est mediums $7.30; Corporation of McKillop, ditch but because it lsantagonistic to foreign in the County of Huron. A('vertise in on Sonth boundary, $2.00; C. M(•- capital and labor, and compels them to"WEATU A rhe News -Record" -The Double Circulatiou Talks t"lellitnd, Auditor's solar $8.110; R. pay for the opportunity of trading inRADEMARKSoThousands. Ratesa lowasavy Y' Our counts'Johnston, do„ $8.00; T. H. Brandon, yTreasurer's seises and PxpensPR, $100; R{GHTS. P�TIVIPS ! pUlYIPS ! E. Livia stow, lumber, $9.03, On The Government which refuses to CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For a --'- motion o Jas. Bowman, seconded b raise revenue by means of Protection got_7�tt answer and sn honest eari,vfiftyy to .� got ,Z CO., who have had opinion, write veers' If you want a first-olas^, well- made pump, one that Thos. Code the Council then t0journeo, experience to the patent bnsinees. Communicn- rill give you satisfaction, send your order to the duties ori commodities which compete tions wc-1 tly confidential. A Handbook of In- .udetaigned. He will dig and clean wells and do it at to Illee.t again On the 9th of March, tit with the COdllCtlOnd O[ its nW❑ taxed formation ooncernlug Putenla and how to ob- he closest prices. He also handles a first-class tell O'clock it. 111.-W. CLARK, Clerk. P taln them sent free. Also a catalogue of meeban- 'ORCE PUMP. producers, not onsYrefuses to lighten iealand scieutifiebooks sent free. _______ Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive JAMES FERGUSON MARCH APRIL MAY the burdens of its own tax payers, but thusspecial e brought tae belentifics boXor Amerierro, and rants advantages t0 foreigners, ill thus are brought widely before the pubdfaiph- Ippoeit Qaaen'e Hotel High Street Clinton. g g out coat to the Inventor. TDIs splendid aper, Are the months in which to give espe- immunity from bixat.ion whir it with. issued weekly. elegantlyinnstrate(l,has b��"the 809-tt ria} attention to the condition of our largest qIreulatlon of an scientific wor in the Y holds from its own producers. world. ti3 a year, Sampis copies sent free. physical health. if you pass safely Bonding Edlttou montblye2.60ayear. Single throe h these months and find your- on iea,25cente. Every number contains beau - through Distance and tune are well nigh cifpul plates, in colors, and photographa of new Fr 11 r F R R N C 0 III B self strong anti vigorous, on the arrival houses. with plane, enabling builders to show the (MEMBER OF AS8'N OF P. L. 8.) of VVn miler weath es', you may reason- obliterated. The railway, steamship, latest dealgne and secure contracts. Address MUNN & Co. NEW Yoax• 361 BROADWAY. Proainoial Land Serve ably expect that you will be well in telephone and telegraph have revolu- yOr snrnmer. Now is the time to take tionized forule•btisiness customs. Dia- A PERIFITGT Tf.A ., and Civil Engineer, Hoods Sarsaparilla, because now i(; tftnce once protected labor. Inland , • , thetime when the blood must be puri trans transportation upon an extensive scale, LONDON, ON'=', fied, enriched and vitalized, and be- P P Am " N orrtes-At G. J. Stewart's Grocery stnre, Clin- cause Hood's Sarsaparilla is the only as at present conducted, was formerly UNSUU on, 761lye 8ft true blood purifier prominently in the impossible. For want of tranaparta- puhlic eye today. Hood's Sarsaparilla tion thousands perished' of hunger• A Cantelan Bron has power make you healthy and few years ago in Asia, while provisions rA guard your system against disease. were abundant in neighboring provin- - _ cos. Were all nations still under simi_ Ta[ JENERAL GROCERS & PROVIS- PROTECTION POINTS. lar conditions, labor would need no IN THC OR TEA protectu%n; but where transporGition is IN T"[ Neale ION MERCHANTS. Every manufacture en•:ouraged in rapid, inexpensive and abundant, and FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP Groekery, Glass & Chinavlare our own country makes home market where machinery driven by steam and IN iTS NATIVE PURITY. money th'water power multiplies the productive ALBERT 5T. CLINTON, OIT. and saves ,o much t0 e coon- power of man a hundredfold, tariff for "Monsoon" Tea in put up by the Indian Tea try that mustotherwise be exported. rotection is essential to profitable Frowers as a sample of the best qualities of India„ Highest Cash Price for Butter and Eggs - -p rasa. Therefore they use the greatest care in the 762-ly IabOr. selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they _ It is bettor for this country to feed, put it up themselves and ren it only in the. original BILL HEADS, NOTE, clothe and house our own labour at p scicag in thereby securing its purity and excellence. He,.ds, Letter Heads, Tags, THE ONL Y SOL UTION OF THE lout up in js Ib., c 16. and 5 1h packages, and Hover statements, Circulars, Business home, than to support foreign labour PROBLEbf rola in bulk. Cards, Envelopes, Programmes, in other countries with our money. ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP iI. etc.,etc.,printei in aworkman. - We believe in Protection because like manner and at los rates, at 14 TDs Nawe•Rs(:oRnoffioe. If your gecoer does not keep it, tell aim to write to Free Trade for Canada would inure facts confront its, not theories. We ,.. STEEL, HAYTER & 00. - --- only to the benefit of those abroad. All know how the wage-earners of Great 11 and 13 Front Street East. Toront, MTs. Whitt, Teacher of Music, foreign nations know this, and hence Britain and Continental P:r+rope live. -- -- ----- --- -- --- Pupil of M_ Charles W. Landon, of Philadelphia. would be. delighted Were we to adopt 1 The Mason Method used exclusively, it. Our loss would lie their gain. They are homeless and landless as fits Old Dr. Gordon sRemedyforM 0 It Is considered by the leading Musical Artistes that as ownership is concerned. They are no method develops the technic so rapidly as Dr. The , sterrl of Protection fosters a helpless and hopelss as to ftny brighter 1 147 Mason's"Tush and Technic." S'' 127 Piano, Organ and Teanlcon for use of puils% spirit of national self -independence, future for themselves or their children.W t� Apartment in Beaver Block, over W. Beesley'a,Albert such its is indi, ensable to the highest, In their scant wages there is no r1largin street, Clinton. __ _ standards of citizenship under a gov- I for misfortune And sickness, pauperism '' NOTICE TO NEWS -RECORD READERS. ernment of the people. being their only refuge. in this Domin- The publisher would esteem It a favor It rear' , ion the prudent, temperate and indus- ' would, 'hen making their purchases aentlon et "The present condition Of Amen- Bf61NNitiG FlRbTMo>1TN StGON0N0165 they saw the merchant's dvertiaan.ent in 'rug can manufactures shows the fallacy of t.rlOn9 Work Pr IH Hllr(' Of A fair reWiLr 1. Nswa.Rs eoRD.pro- }lis anlhitlon tA) succeed seldom meets CURES the Free Trude ty rinr that in rwv with failure He not unfrequently POSITIVELY " The McKillop Mutual Fire ducts o n conndli are raised in price, Owns land and home. Luxuries to the Lost by Protection dutieR. ' Rcnort o! the, Euro pan laborer are ne(•Fssities to the Fail ng marilervonsecrtDebility, i- lnsuranee Company. (Tatman CinlmiARti)n, }l'OrGI R Fair, ]893. }) Palling caused ,d, secret urs ('anndian. }io%v then can we compete senses, caused by the errors with the fanner and maintain our slip- andexcessesofyouth. Nowhere on earth does actual rind er•iorit in these re ards ? Steam and Young, middle-age(l or old T1ilaDaONTN Y R men,sufferin3 froth the efrccts and Isolated Town Proper 11th*rAl fro(` trade exist, between two electricity have made the world one of follies and excesses, ren Wrcd to health, wan- Farmty only Insured. civilized nations, by virtue of which all neighborhood, eliminatingg largely the hood and vigor. custom houses, revemres and revenue Protection once afforded by tim diff. cu el Aralr 6 boxes her $tir I) Sent 10 mall, tante and transportation. Ther(' here is securtlyaeeled. Write feronr I,nnk. ".S(a.ttr"(• ovrtcacRa, ofliciala, have been wholly abolished ; p /acts," for Men only, tells you hew to g( t welt only one way of volving this prohlem : and stay wcll. George watt, President, 'tfarlock P. 0 ; James nor has it ever existed in that fetus be i PgiRlntion for our own, a Tariff for Sroadfoot, Vice-Prea., Seaforth P. O.; W. J. Shan- t.ween two Ruch nation,. nun, Seoy. Tres.., Seatorth P.0: Mlohanl Murdle, Pt utt`c Lion, Addrean, QUEEN lA EDICIf1E CO., box 94 7.. In Spector of Ineaea, Seaforth P. 0•_. _ - MONTRSAL. DIR.CTORA. "Berau,e it, is my dPlibPrlttA• judg- •1'119, WEATHER FOR COLDS.___ ----_ - James Broadfoot, Senforth; Mlohael Mnrdle, See. Ment, that the prosperity of America is forth; George Dole, Restorth• George Watt, Harlook; This is the time when cold, are in 11 Thomas F„ Haya,Rnaforth; Alex Gardiner,Lesdb,,u; mainly dile to its system of protection the fa:%hion---everybody who is any - Thomas Garbutt, ny-ThomasGarbutt, Clinton; John McLean, Kippen. laws, I urge that Germany has now hods has one, if not himself there's one _ _ zo AosNTe. reached that point where it is nPcPR- in the family. For no complaint tin - Thomas Nellaus, Hsrlock; Robert McMillan, Sea- i About ten yearn ago I out became during tale (Orth and daroea Cnmm(ngc, Egmondv111e, Rnrsy. to inlitAtP the tariff RfRtRm of the der the sun are there. nIOCP. rP to Pd1PR with Rheumatism and UOn1„ and ell ring the Parties dextrous to effect [neurones or trans- United States."-Prinre, Rimnarck in 1876. (biro for cold in the head, but of the last ten years I have been treated by several act other business will be promptly attend- -- - - thousands Chase's Cure is the hest. physicianat and they all advised me that It wan ed to on application to any of the above officers ad- Those ;who talk so long, so loudly "in twelve hours i wan cured of a had Impossible to cure me here, and that the only dressed to their respective poet offices,and so incessantly About the Tariff col(1 in the head by Chase's ( %ere," - ,comedy for mo was to go to a warmer climate. writes Miss Dwyet, Alliston. Ont. SEXUAL being a "tax" granted to monopollats, 25c. of all druggists, with blower free. 1 wan confined to my house sant December entirely forget thatevery industry pro- owing to this disease, and was unable to do decline may be arrested before d-IF7 tected h a Tariff Rchedide is As free Parliament Has Already Decided. any work whatever. siren h ma be restored; wen when y Montreal Star. IeommenoedtakingtheIiootenayCnrewhioh Y powers to them to embark in as for those Mr. Col uhnun notes Sir Oliver impoverished by youth's reckless overdrafts actually engaged in it. q q mi S• 9. Ryokmarr, M. P., gave ut about the ma be reinvigorated b our home treat- ----- __ _ Mowat and the late res Alpheus Todd middle of April seat and afteraboutone�rettk'a Y BOT yto prove that the present parliament using We medlotne I was mens Free Trade means that we shall pint, does not die until June 3, the a.nniver- CO N FI D E N E oblesufficiently,,oared be each Article of Onr varied industries in ,Ary of the return OP the Algoma writ. able to start driving e Sir Oliver Mowat and the late Dr. A1N= - cornpetition with That nation or people bread wagon, which work never has Its citadel In the breasts of those Fhens Todd are l teat fight to to ;but ntred me constantly getting on and ofI nip I who havr:weak, shmnlcen,nndevelop(:dor that can produce that article at the they have no legal right to interpret wagon. on. le cost. In other words, we are in- the law In this case for the present par- g diseased organs. The evil that men do Tho pains whioh I always had in my sides I vited top it our laborers into COrnpeti- liament. That right Is possessed, how - 1 through ignorance in boyhood and errors h are now completely Bono, a -d I am now able to of early °1O°4 J£aY� yravting cflecta tion wit the iPARt well-paid labor Of Pyer. by the present parliament itself, work witbout any pain wbatever. every nation on the globe. and has already been exorcised. Par- , w ���� w Irtk _ . - _ - liament met and did business on April In the past I have suffered almost indev,,•ib- K R IJ If the policy of Protection is not wise, 29, 1891 and thus declared itself to be able agony from this dimme. My general i to vigorous vitality you might be anceessfal it indicates that the human race, dirt- alive -ii not kicking -before June 3. health has wonderfully Improved ohne taking 9 In business, fervent in gpirit. our curative side of England, has not common "SATISFACTORY RESULTS." this medicine. $Nora r k MICg�ffiL H. methods are lmfailing. Write for our book, 1)wYPtR, e.2 Looming Btreet, Hamilton, .s PERFECT MANHOOD," Gent Erre sense enough its take care Of itself. By SO says Dr. Ctlrlett, an Old And hon- Send for pamphlet to t0. S. RYvsrtAtr Msm- believing, therefore, that it is the pro- oredpractitioner, in Belleville Ontar- on o Co. gamuts,, ono. per policy for Canada we do not dis- lo, who writes: "For Wasdri Dis- rrripo n ehce ERIE MEDICAL GO., parage the average common sense of easeR and Scrofula i have used Se Vs , , Confidential, 1 our own people nor discredit the aver- Emulsion with the most satisfactory ' Miami I OUFSALO. N. Y. age common sense of mankind, results." f .'. Cllrw-a�.frlltldi�..: , 4 ""l aate�,,; Y - r ;; ,. �.4.'W0,ri,i.ea,,.0�k _)Ail I f S- spy �. ilr r h_-_ �F' . �t�. hits.:: .:1,' ,..i'�rr.i..-.1.:a _ aa:.,e�... ;' `� •i :1 It . ,„.N-1'1 r,( .tai