HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-03-11, Page 2on hits and hit him a '#iri,
The practical joker yelled; "For
heavens sake don't bit me again, John
Don't you know we?"
The Inoffensive citizen said : "Great
The practical joker said in an injured
tone : "Hang it all, John, it's only a
The (inoffensive citizen looked at the I
practical joker, who now had one eye
closed, and laughed.
The practical joke angrily asserted
that it was no laughing matter.
"But you said it was a joke," re-
turned the inoffensive citizen, "and I
thinllyou are right." And he laughed
agai u.
But the practical joker hasn't been
able to see the point of it to this day.
Still it was unquestionably a good
Dr. ii. F. Mervin.
Na Other Medicine
Statement of a Well Known Doctor
" No other blood medicine that I have
ever used and I have tried them all, is so
thorough used,
its action, and effects so many
permanent cures as Ayer's Sarsaparilla." -
Dr. I3. F. Menet-1.A A.ugusta, Me.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
)Admitted at the World's Fair. '
Ayer's Pills for liver and bowels.
The Huron News -Record
1.Yn 11 Year-dL00 In Advance
WEDNESDAY, i11ARclt llt.h, 1'31U
As lion Like It.
There was a loan ill our town—
He wasn't wise a bit ;
His hasinecs kepta-going down.
An advertiser? Nit.
While no physician or pharmacist
can conscientiously warrant at cure, the
J. C. Ayer C.). guarantee the purity,
strength, and medicinal virtues of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It was the only
blood -purifier admitted to the great
World's Fair in Chicago, 1893.
"Sh'd think this town would be full
of divorces," said the visitor from the
Wabash. "What on earth kin a mar-
ried couple find to talk about when
they ain't nit coal fires to argue over in
the mornin.'?"
"I was so much run down I had to
give up work, and I felt as if life was
not worth living," writes Wm. W.
Thompson, Zephyr, Ont. "I took
Scott's Sarsaparilla and ala now feel-
ing as I did years ago." Scott's Sarsa-
parilla tones up the entire system,
purifies the blood, and eradicates rheu-
matic and scrofulous poisons. Ask for
Scott's and get it.
Doctor—The trouble - is that you don't
take enough exercise. Take more.
Blinks—Thanks, How mach do I
owe you ?
Doctor—Two dollars. I-Iere is your
change. Much obliged Height)! I
don't feel very well myself.
Blinks—You take too much exercise,
doctor. Take less. Two dollars, please.
'Would give us perfect health. Because
men and. women are not perfectly wise,
they must take medicines to keep
themselves perfectly healthy. Pure,
rich blood is the basis of good health.
*Hood's Sarsaparilla is the One True
Blood Purifier. It gives good health
because it builds upon the tt'ue founda-
tion—pure blood.
Hoon's PILLS are purely vegetable,
perfectly harmless, always reliable and
Matthew Henry—Y- ou say you are
,.keeping a record of the sayings of dy-
ing men ; this is mine : That a life
spent in the service of God and com-
munion with Hint is the most comfort•
able and plensant, life that anyone can
lead in the world.
It is not to be wondered at that
Ayer's Pills are in such universal de-
mand. For the core of constipation,
hilliousnfSR, or any other complaint
needing a laxative, these tittle are un-
surpassed. They are sugar-coated,
easy to take, tinct every dose is effec-
Alexander Severns. tvhn was a phil-
osopher as well as ,a greet scholar, and
had seen nearly all the world during
his long life, summed it up in this one
sentence nn his death hed : "I have
seen all things, and all things are of
little value." But, haw much more ex-
pressive are those simple words which
were last spoken hy Christ on the
tress : "It is finished."
For Over Fifty Years
Mits. WxN^Lnw'e Soorsire HYAUP has been need by
millions of mothers for tb, Ir children while teething.
If dislnthed at nkht and broko n of your reat.bya sick
child suftering and orvtng wt.h pain of Catling Teeth
send at once and get a bott'e of "Mi e. Winslow'a
Novi Mug Almy" fnruhtldren Teething. It will relieve
the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend npon 0,
mothers. them Is no mistake about, it. It cure. Dar.
thole, regulars the Stomach and Bowels, Horse Wind
Collo, sn/ttus { I15 Gum', redeems Inflammation, and
gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs.
Winalrw's Soothing Syrup" for children t, et Ing le
pleasant to She tante and is the prescription of one of
the oldest and beet female physleans and nurses fn
the United States. Price twenty five cents a bottle.
Sold by all drn,tfllsta throngbont the world. Be sure
and ask Inc "Mee. W1718VtW' HoOrs1Nn SYRUP,"
It Was a Joke.
The practical joker was sauntering
along in the dusk.
The inoffensive citizen was saunter-
ing along in the same dusk, unmindful
of the presence of the practical joker.
The practical joker, recognizing a
friend in the inoffensive citizen, chuck-
led to himself and quickened his steps
to overtake him.
The inoffensive citizen was thinking
of a story he had read about footpads
and wondering whether anyone would
ever try to bold him up.
The practical joker suddenly tipped
the inoffensive citizen's hat over his
The inoffensive citizen wheeled in-
stantly and landed a fine, large blow
between the practical joker's eyes.
The practical jbker went down.
The inoffensive citizen promptly sat
WEAK MEN If euaw•fng nom Lcst 10anho,d
Nervous Deb pity, Lauk of Vlgur
Emietons 10 days treatment sent free to anyone
aendiug us !dots, in Postage stamps.
die St. James Str,.ct,111untreal
rrad Y, VA. for Ili,').
Mr. James I'ayn, the London writer,
tells a seasonable story. Ile says a
young man was paying' 'Isis attentions
to a "beloved object," contrary to the
wishes of her father, "a man of thews
and sinews," and one day the latter
kicked the lover violently Into the
street. In a day or two (after recov-
ery) the rejected suitor, apparently not
one whit discouraged, called at the
house once more.
"What, again!" exclaimed paterfa-
milias, putting one his well -soled boots
for action. "No, no," cried the young
man, "I have given up all hope of win-
ning your daughter; but In consequence
of that astounding kick you gave me
t'other day, I have been requested, on
the strength of my earnest recommen-
dation to the committee, to ask you to
Join our football club."
Socthe)•',. r'hlloscr,hy,
I have told you of the Spaniards
who always put on his spectacles when
about to eat cherries, that they might
look bigger and more tempting. In
like manner I ma'r, be most of my
enjoyments; and though I do not cast
my cares away, I pack them in as little
compass as I can for myself and never
let them annoy others. -Southey.
'Weight of a Trler;roplr Wire,
A mile of copper telegraph wire
weighs about a hundred pounds.
From the Asainibr tan, Saltcoats, N. W. T,
Everyone around Yorktonknows Mr,
Dan Garry, and what a pushing active
husiness fanner he was until In grippe
took hold of him, and when that ene-
my left him, how listless and unfitted
for hard toil lie became. For months
he suffered fronn'the baneful after ef-
fects of the trounle, and although he
still endeavored to take his share of
the farm work, he found that it was
yer'y trying; he had become Freed y
weakened, had lost both appetite and
ambition, and was tired with the least
exertion. He tried several remedies
without deriving any benefit, and as
one after the other had failed, he de-
termined to give Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills a triad. tit felt so utterly worn
out that several boxes of the frills Were
taken before he found any benefit, but
with the first signs of improvement he
tusk fresh courage, and continued tak-
ing the pills for three months, by the
end of which time he was again RAI net-
ive hustling Iran, feeling better than
he had for years. Mr. Garry tells his
ow -n story in the following letter to the
Assiniboian ;--
Dear Sir, --"After a severe attack of
la grippe I was unable to recover my
former strength and activity, I had nn
ttuthitinn fat either work or pleasure,
and to use a popular phrase, "did not,
care whether school kept or not." I
tried various medicines without, deriv-
ing any benefit frnrrm thein. With not,
much hope f decided to try 1)r, Will-
iams' /'ink Pills, and 11:1,4 :ri;rePltlrly
JtbPase(1 to Hnt1 after a Irw boxes, a de-
cided change for the better. My appe-
tite, which had failed rue, returned,
and i began to leek feu' MV rnea.ls half
an hour hefnre time, rind 1 was able to
get around with Iny old time vire. i
continued the rise of the Pink Pills for•
three months, and find myself nr'w
better thnn ever. You may therefore
depend upon it that from this out i
will he among the thousands of other
enthusiastic admirers of i)r, Williams'
wonderful health restoring medi-
Yours gratefully,
DAN (1.itRY.
i)r. Williams' Pink Pills strike at, the
root of the disease, driving it, fermi the
system and restoring the patient to
health and strength. In (;tees of ptr.r-
alyt(is, spinal troubles, locnnrotor at.nx-
in, sciatica, rheumatism, erysipelas.
scrofulous troubles, etc., these pills are
superior to all other treatment. They
are also a P ecitic for the trenbles which
make the lives of so many women a
burden, and speedily restore the rich
glow of health to pale and sallow
cheeks. Men broken down by over-
work, worry or excesses, will find in
Pink Pills, a certain cure. Sold by ail
dealers or sent, hy mail, post paid, at
50c n, box or six boxes for $2.60, hy ad-
dressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine
Company, Brockville, Ont, Beware of
imitations and substitutes nlleged to he
"just as good."
'I44 RANPX'Mji,ggNAhi .
now Ida Cort it<t+21)1.1,' 21dt jtt l kip
with 1p' �aktwater..
A friend of mine hats not only gear..
tied waterr Into the Unclip; IA 'TWA!but with his own hands has Made a
oonnectton for the kitchen stere whish
beats an abundance of water for all
household purposes, without lifting arid,
without any danger of exploaiotts 1T/
�trtteirt. X011 ':►i4
Wattle t o vltai io a
AM yy'0 1�1t11 a_Ster lijs.� vrXnt Aktaft
1f9�('� *Ai F llj Q lW(F t 4i lrtii0 a sot t,ist'SR8
ern got 1st a tiler Atnaeuiao aid Mupiworga.
d0111 altltk' } s• Ohle, meiaseiVa, !humorous
fIttlf ng ilIRetKyttistat ttlkett 00 tits, 'Pot @ pages,
ant_ 40 ata. tor otya;@aaaiott book.
Agents melee i15 00 to 80,8,00 weekly.
Btsdley-Gnrretten Vu.. Ltd,i @ntatford, Ontario.
Pxoperty Fin Sale.
A box holding four to twenty gallpns
of water muet be mounted near the
sink and lined with copper or tin; or
a strong iron -bound keg will do. In
either case 1t must not hive a tight-
fitting lid, or an explosion of confined
steam would result. To fill the tank,
a short piece of pipe or trough is placed
so that water will run'•from the cold
water faucet Into it. (See A fn cut).
Another faucet for the water from the
tank makes the work easter than dip-
ping it out. The heating is done as
follows: The water tank is higher than
the kitchen stave. A pipe connected
with the box at the bottom is carried
along the wall to the back of the stove,
enters It through the pipe above the
collar, turns in several coils just over
the oven, and passes out as it came,
ending midway in the side of the box
close to the wall. With tight joints
all the way, no leakage -a very annoy-
ing thing in any kitchen -will occur.
The coldest water falls to the bottom
of the box always, wherce it finds its
way to the stove, and, being heated,
returns, entering the top of the tank
by the other pipe. The arrows in the
cut show the motion of the water, In-
stead of expensively drilling the side
or back of the stove, a slot is merely
cut In the stovepipe, which Is easier,
and just as effective for the entrance
of the water pipes. Galvanized pipe
is not needed in the stove, and prob-
ably it will be neceesary to get a length
coiled for the purpose by a plumber,
as this Is a difficult job to do without
spoiling it. If one be fortunate enough
to own a stove or range with a water
front, of course the pipes may be sim-
ply connected with it. Two pairs of
pipe nippers will be required to screw
on the joints, but these can easily be
borrowed where the pipe is bought.
After taking measurements, the differ-
ent lengths of pipe can be cut and
threaded in a short time at the same
place. The only soldering required will
be for the tank and lining and pipe
attachment, If a keg be used, a strong
oak one should be selected, and the
pipe screwed into holes bored a trifle
too small and painted. When wet the
wood will swell and make a tight seam
about the pipe. Galvanized pipe, con-
nections, elbows and faucets may be
bought so cheap that it is a shame not
to have many country houses arranged
for comfort in at least the simple man-
ner shown. that the time and strength
of the ever -too -busy farmer's wife may
be saved. One will be surprised to see
how quickly and easily the work may
be done after the arrangements are
completed, and will wonder how he
ever lived previously with so small a
supply of hot water. By using a larger
tank, water for a bathroom may be
always warm and ready, and be con-
veyed thither by a separate pipe.—H.
Sage, in Rural New Yorker.
Some Exc'lrent Advice as to Location
fro❑t an 1;x per len cod Beekeeper.
If I were at liberty to choose a loca-
tion where I desired, and could find
such a one, it would ,be In a place
where the land sloped gently to the
southeast, with pasturage as follows,
says Mr. Doolittle in American Bee
Journal: Sarno- willow to stimulate
early brood rearing, with sugar maples
to fellow; then apple blossoms, as an
Insurance of plenty of honey from ap-
ples to white clover, which should be
abundant. Next -I should want plenty
of basswood, and that on a hillside or
mountain, so as to prolong its bloom,
and lastly where buckwheat was
raised. Of course, If asters and golden
rod could he plenty In the fall, 1t would
be still better. I,ut most of us have
other tlrs besides the bees to fix our
loentlon, and .o we havo to put up
with such a one as we have, and the
man Is to be honored that can be con-
tented and bring about good results
with only limited bee pilccturago at his
own home where duty calls him to
remain. If 1 could have but one of the
above named sources of honey i could
select hasswnod first, clover second
and lastly buckwheat. From all
sources of Information i can gather,
basswood Is the greatest honey pcn-
dncer in this country, for the length
of time It is in bloom. The lay of the
land is not of so much importance es
the forage, for tight fences or belts of
evergreen can he placed around the
bet yard to protect It from high winds.
I would have the hives face the south
or east, If possible, as the bees start
earlier in the morning than when they
face the north and west; also our pre-
vailing winds are from the cjireetfon
last mentioned.
(terse Meat as Hen rood.
Hundreds of barrels of cooked horse
meat are sold every winter to poultry
raisers. The horse flesh is cooked in
tight tanks under a steam pressure of
45 lbs. This penetra'aes every particle
of the meat, purifying and cooking it
thoroughly. In this form the meat
wilt keep from one to four weeks, ac-
cotcling to the weather. There is no
practical way of preserving horse meat
for any length of time.
nevi Moe)) isn't Genuine?
The total annual production of
genuine wine in the world la about 2,-
8r;0,000,000 gallons.
." ip eoaaegeeaee ei wage and lank of help, 1 bare
decided to offer for sale my splendid gardening ppre-
pettY consisting of Bre and a Half sures in ()Retort,
some of the beet land in tho county of Huron, includ-
ing hot beds and other necessary requirements.
There is On the premises a frame house with cellars,
soft and hard water,/barn and other outbuildings
The Bsyfleld rivdr adjoins the property. Will sell st
u reasonable price for half Dash and balauer, evened
by aoortgsge. As 1 desire to sell. this le a ohauee
seldom met with,' Apply , personally or by letter to
the proprietor,
824-t1. ralnten
Don't Budd Without A Plans
Architects and Civil Engineers,
Are opeuing a permanent office In Clluton and are
prepared to supply Plane, SpeoiOoations and details
for Huy ohms of work at most reasunablu ratan.
Patent Drawings prepared and patent') obtained.
Valuations and inspections carefully made.
25 Years 1{;xt)erienceite Ontario.
Mail address -P. 0. Lex 110, e . 1 :, r
U tit N'S
Weak, languid and listless, suffer-
ing from heart palpitation, ner-
vousness, stomach troubles or
constipation, should use Indian
Woman's Balm. It cures.
Run down, easily tired, pain in
back or limbo, troubled with
dizziness, rush of blood to the
head, faint feeling, nausea, try
Indian Woman's Bairn. It's
nature's remedy for women.
Sold in Clinton by J. H. Combe.
D 'ti th dte 1
t3 de d d
Before you plant, get
� pram -
Meal information
begun is half done. Begin
we l by getting Ferry's Reeds.
Don't e chance a rm ne.
your crop,but plant Ferry's
ee Known an sol
Ferry's Seed Annual
for 1896. Contains more
tieal information for farmers
Eand gardeners than many high-
priced text books. Mailed free.
R L PaSaV a tie., WDIDSOS, ONT.
It Before
The People.
If you can get your name so
Thoroughly and so permanently
Associated with the business in
Which you are engaged that people
Will instinctively think of
The name whenever the
Business is suggested,
Yon will ha ve achieved the acme of
1f you will put your Hunt' and your
Business together in
THE NEWS -RECORD every week
You will
Soon. reach
That Point.
Yankee Justice.
Hullitlo IX. V.) F:xpress.
The four men who have been on
trial in Barnwell County, 5. ('., fur
whipping an aged eegr'o woman to
death have been acquitted. They are
yet to be tried for the murder of her
son, but, as the evidence against thorn
utast be practically the 8141110 in hotlr
rases, there is no probability of their
being punished.
This is the case in which a young
negro and his old mother were whip-
ped to death and his wife nearly killed,
the offense of the negro being that he
was accused of having stolen to Bible
several months before. It, was report-
ed at the limp that there was consider-
able indignation in the community,
hat the prisoners scorn to have had the
sympathy of the crowd nt the trial.
And as for the court,- well, it, has Inng
been a familiar fact that all public offl-
cia.ls in South Carolina are ruled by
the spirit. of ')u)1) law.
REV. R. C. I.f11MANN, OF 8•r. MAit Y's a. r.
It is not the rase that cold in the
head, or catarrhal difficulty, is un-
known in the summer season. Many
art; suffering to -day, and in some case,:
the disease takes the shape of Hay
Fever. .Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow-
der is a most effective remedy In all
such cases. Readers of thioaper
know of the many prominent clergy-
menpof all denominations, who have
felt it their duty to recommend this
remedy. Added to the recommenda-
tion of the Rev. Father Hinchey, of
iltunilton, comes that of the Rev. R. C.
Lihnlann, of St. Mary's R. C. Ohnrch,
of the same city. Ever devoted to the
interests of his parishioners, this faith-
ful priest feels that he is doing them a
kindness in telling how this remedy
benefitted him in the case of catarrhal
trouble. It never fails to benefit any-
one. Sample Bottle and Blower sent
on receipt of two 3 -cent stamps. S. G.
Detchon, 44 Church at., Toronto. -Sold
by Watts & Co.
With Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia ---Suffered)
Greatly and Found No Relief in the Scores ►!
of Medicines Prescribed.
South American Nervine Was Recommended, and Before)
Half a Bottle Was Taken Relief Came.
Have Since Improved Rapidly, and Am Now Completely Cured-..
So Says Mr. David Reid, of Chesley, Ont.
What ills come to humanity from a
disordered liver! Henry Ward Beecher
has said that It was impossible for a
man to hold correct spiritual views if
his liver was out of order. The liver
Is so important a. part of the mechan-
ism of man that when it ceases to work
rikh ease the whole man is unable to
1 his work aright. Can we not appeal
to thousands, nay, terse of thousands,
for a verification of this fact? Cer-
tainly It Is, that Mr. David Reid, of
Chesley, Ont., felt that the enjoyment
of life had been taken from him,
through the unhealthy condition of his
liver. For ten years he says he was
troubled with liver complaint and dys-
pepsia. Employing his awn language:
"At times my liver was eo tender I
could not bear It pressed or touched
from the outside. Had tried a great
many remedies without any benefit.
Was compelled to drop my work, and
being worse than usual, I decided as
a final resort to try South American
Nervine, which had been recommended
to me by friends who had been cured
by It. I got a bottle from A. S. Good -
eve, local druggist, and commenced
taking according to directions. Before
I had taken half a bottle I was able
to go to work again, and I have im-
proved eteacllly since. I can conaolen-
tlousty recommend South American
Nervine to any suffering from dyspep-
sia, or liver complaint." This is Mr.
Reld'a story as he tells it In hie own
words. Were it thought necessary 1
could be corroborated by a host of wit-
nesses. Mr. Reid has lived a long time
in Chesley, and his case was known to
be a very bad one. But that makes no
difference to Nervine. This great dis-
covery rises equal to the most trying
occasions. Let it be indigestion, the
most chronic liver trouble, as with Mr.
Reid, nervous prostration, that makes,
life miserable with so many, sick
headaches, that sap all the effort out
of man or woman, Nervine measures to
the necessities of the case. It Is a
great medicine and thousands to -day In
Canada are happier and healthier m
and women, because of its discovery
There is no great secret about it, and
yet there is an important secret. Lt
operates on the nerve centers of the
system from which emanate all life and
healthfulness, or It disordered, sickness,
even death- Nervine strikes promptly at
the nerve centers, hence, as with Mr.
Reid, where ten years' use of other me-
dicines had done no good, leas Ulan a
bottle of Nervine brought about en.
couraging results, and a few bottles
5Ol,i) BY WATTS & CO.
,,. ,,,, 2"121 11�= ® • �"C tic 9'C= 2{R5 • kC&il
1THE R E1T of ignorance and folly in youth, overexertion of mind and body indne-t/
ed by last and exposure are constantly wreckinrr the lives and future,'
..happinesso t oaeandeofpromisingyoungmon. Some1'ndeand wither at an early agog
1eaat the bloesoom of manhood, while others are forced to drag ont a weary, fruitless and
1 rnelancboly existence. Others reach matrimony bet find no solace or comfort there. The
victims are found in all stations of life:- Tho farm, the office, the workshop, the pnlpit,R
the trades and rho proteeaione.
SnSrbnit Ta&ATIOCIrr Arr a TnaATIMM'
wm. A. Walker of lath Street nays: -"I havo suffered
SYPHILIS nntnld agonies for my "gate life." I was indiscreet when
young and ignorant. Ae "One of the Boys" 1 contracted
E Syphilis and other Private diseases. 1 had niters in the
month and throat bone plains, hair !Deo, e] ,hi n nd
STRICTURE face, 6 m
finger Halle carne off, omissions, thin became and'
despondent. Seven doctors treated me with Meroury,®
Potash, etc. They het ed me but could not cure me.
Finally a friend induced me totry Ars. Kennody dr Bergen.p
heir New Method Treatment cored mo in a few weeks. Their treatment ie wonderfnl.WI
Yon feel yonrseif gaining every day. I have never heard of their falling to cure in asingle
case. -
K(•apt. ('has. Ferry says: -"I owe my life to Drs. K. & K.
At 14 1 learned a bad habit. At 21 1 had all the seyymptoms
f tiemfoal Weakness and SpormatorrU m,'LYniesione
were draining and weakening my vitality. I married at
K24 tinder advice of my family doctor, but it was a
sad experience• In ei htet,n months we were divorced. I
,then consulted Drs. Kali K., who restored me to manhood
'pbp their New Method Treatment, If eke new life thrill through
�my nerves, We were united again and are happy. This was
six years ago. Drs. it, dr K. are scientific specialists and I heartily recommend tildes?'
i if
Divorced but united agai)
fir We treat and cure Varicocele, Emirsionr, Nervous Debility, Seminal'
Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis. Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse
• Kidney and Bladder Diseases.
Are yon a victim? Have yon lost hope? Are yon contemplating mar
READER siege? Has your Blood been diseaaed2 Have you any weakneee? Onr
KNew Method Treatment will cure von. What it has done for others it will do for ou,
CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who has treated yon, write fortan honest opinion
of Charge. C roeeonable. ROOKS FREE -"The Golden Monitor" {illustrated), on
Hindered Of Mab. close poetago. 2 Dents. Sealed.
V TEC• ry�dto'tne sent 0.0. D. Nonap'ee on boxes ornvel-
,eg. , j Lhtng confidential. Queettot .Ilst and 00eit of Tteat
p No. 148 SHELBY ST