The Huron News-Record, 1896-03-04, Page 5r P - , I 11 . ° :,.�,• i . .x, , . r. .,. - r .r.v E,_, „ _ , r , - , � � I 4. , . _. 9;. i." ..,, ., .4 .. �, Y ..a , r. , t .. nA, f•' y�y�, ., ...,. .f ,, M� t , �''Ili.. 1� ". ' Qin k., ' t3 >4d i la+� .#I I ti s - �'� t> 4,001,1, r, ill kt>i 06aa0 '>a{ '1. t �? Q ; . tr ,ao 1 iti Nr ' li l ti a. , t p +1? '• y# EOtst,agtA.4exrxy Tavitd% i r a. .w - . ,- { , r , P H '•alts s • b dRl ` r , �` - bo at 4404 r°Tk'�."No 7 �I TT+ QL{1tTON. N�i 11' A T,' Q. / !�': Ee tipr eta$ IteF9rd,, a Q oil .ett2r Ii .'!f r~A 17di�i b a� AD aC#l� BW . G7R1t74ts141Z1, st10141, #n A}xorr 7' 4 tt+ttll Ii i ,`�RhI OR Sxxz,—I wee aauuh picas@d with yawn flega tender" �t tt[circar>nt��! orteA�cxitnz�tae o��1! Wtreat.............:..... 0 7¢ to U 7711 >Q,iitQ QCJ�# +�+� last edition When l reed the ee[ar>1§t beromsmberedthxthaviaingi�F`lt3txt�zc+DT r3tthtxi,'�4tsQ%mxz'l�lv$. Barley ..... .................. •.. 0 a 0 40 104 ,�.,.:�, ,�' ` 1e� +rllr� ci 0 8 t J. , ., • statemsut of the returning officer ati n ver little cash he tlaey�Gub0,' , Cats ............................. 0 22 to 0 24 A. aoj�. i0'WAY h e opened citta► tits clerk for West Enron, settle rtetde y "1 ""'" 0 48 flG 0 50 bran anew stock of Tai�QrAn (Abode ilei UA to fit you with (,llaeaee in or the meth various rumors an false were gondfOrdny numllerafllaxdd0y,: Illonalnlct, of Catuada, QouatY a! Went Pe>tr............................. y work and the a to rvbieh theirtlru� the afore liitel occtt led statemen printed in reference Go why wort, Province of Ontario, to wit: Potatoes, per bush........ U 16 to 0 20 son, one door outfi of Mr. Goo'. 0. �*>. doe to sea the values in Wall rags L+:[s Put miss be seen to -day ir► tlte, I, William (. Cox, o! the City of Butter...... .................. . 0 lA to 0 16 Ta at t'a bank, Albert $t„ Cllirt the tbird arty candidate disc not 1 p W p �T endid farms and a xcelleat bulldipgs Hamilton, in the County of ent Egga per doz.................. 0 13 to 0 14 T will be pleased to have every ', ( paper that The W. D. Fair Co. run. I think Mr. Newman baa [eceiv' khich grace the entire Township, - . worth, flour and feed merchant at 374 day ..................•••„•„•.... 9 00 to13 00 call and extunige Steck and select are afferilag, but you may re ed mvre notoriety in West Huron than Chia searoity o$ cash, though in a Kin street west, in said city, do sol- Cordwood......,... ............. 8 00 to 3 50 Spring Suit. We have all t•hever Litt- , what is cunducsve to hie reputation. .wilder form, confined until the bulla- ownly declare and say that it affords Beef ............................. 3 75 to b 00 eat Novelties in the trade. Having ,,,. , finita them to read their edver• Things are coming to a pretty Pass n o! the Gltan Tru k dilway sus react pleasure to addnnytastimolny 1 'r'; politically, in West Huron, So-called f3 g Wool .............................. 0 18 to 0 18 I purchased for cash from one of lite I ' ' ties clearly and easily. i y' 1 respectable n l.rets slanderuro , and villi- As an example a this scarcity of as to the wonderful properties of TOitONTO LIVE STUCK MAR%Tl)T. leading woollen houses in Montrea►il If the print blurs. If your fyitig political opponents for part aioueyrat may be inte>satI to men- SOOTENAY CIIRE for catarrh, you oras depend u l gettin the beA e ee ache and lire Or if they be "oke, and only when threatened 'with tion that Mr. Sturdy on one occasion with which I have been troubled for Milch cows, each......$1500 tv $3600 ` value for. your money, Y legal proceedings do the minions of Mr. took a httrrel of flour to Gloderich t;rad fully ten ears. I tried almost every Butchers' choice cattle,ewt 800 to 3 25 I 1 have also placed in stock aline rat Butchers' corn. cattle, cwt 2 25 to 2 5U `;,-6 corps sore or inflamed with Laurier eat humble pie and crawl into tried to trade it fur a barrel of atilt, but advertise medicine for this disease, GenGb' Furuisliiu -) '° reading or close work, then rest the hole, and it was ever thus- West without efiect,as the salt was curialder. int without success until I began tak_ Export Bulla, per cwt... . 'L 25 to 3 0U gs : B Hurou has the record of being d worth more than the flour. ing Ryckmwn'a "KUOTENAY CURE,' Stockers per cwt.... , . • ...200 to 2 60 11at5 dlld (fid S �',';,'° assured first you either require sadl demoralized and roatituted in October, 1895, and found after fol- Feeders, per cwt...........2 75 to 3 25' � p � p P in additiuu to the earlygsettlsra poen lowing thedirectionacloselm, thattthae Shipping r Sheep, per cwt. 2 60 to `L 76 I Shirts, (011dl•S, ,:h b the Reform party. The boast was tioned we must not forget the Cox d bb lasses or that the orae you may Y exceeded my most aan wins expecte- Lau} a, ler cwt........... 3 60 to 4 l5 Uli Uridel'Wear, qi g openly made that no ons would bother ',biuthera-John, Jtuuea, George and tions, and releived me from all of the Calves, per heiid.......... 4 UO Co 6 6l! > > , now be wearing are not the uuseatrrrg M. U. Cameron because by ;David -who came from Ireland and unpleasant a mptoms of the disease. Bacon hogs, per cwt....... 3 90 to 4 00 Neckwear, -.., proper ones. In such a oRse the time proceedings would be On- settled near Putters Hill in 1632 and 1 can cheerfully recommend it to any Store huge, cwt............ 380 to 4 W Lr,w tared the session would be Over and •lam, Next came the late Joseph one thus afflicted, and feel confident Heavy hogs, cwt.......... 3 75 to 380 Footwear, Braces, f, _$• yon are doing your eyes more souther eiectiou on, hence hood- Whitehead and several sons. Then ,i'i injury than you have any idea ling, personation, treating and other the next i remember wets John Wilson, th it if its use is persevered it far s Light hogs, per cwt....... 3 70 to 3 76 Umbrellas, of b not elfin a ie er cot- devices were Openly resorted to, Lu reasonable time, and the directions Sows per cwt ............ ..3 25 to 3511 �;',: y getting p p p y who settled un lot 4, (3 It con, God- faithfully observed, that it will lead to Stags, per cwt ............. '2 00 to 2'23 Which +viii be sold at close prices. k'` rection for your defect of vision elect the Reform candidate. If you, e1•ich Township had its own Govern A. J. HOLLOWAY, � i:'' air, and et few other gentlemen in the nrent as early its 1835, 01 years eigu, a positive cure. TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET. .,• at once. We can give you the riding, did use your influence to ur- ,$�: proper aorreotion because we p The first meeting was held in Valera- And I makey be solemn declaration k CLINTON. p P auade the powers behind the third tea Fisher's hotel, with a man named conscientiously hat It is it a true, Wheat, red ............... 8.2 to $ 83 ,s!;: Amoto how to teat the eyes as they party candidate to withdraw their Gallagher its Township Clerk. From and knowing that St is of the sans `n' do Doss .............. (il to 65 should be tested. We charge man, where is the criuts? Itis now a 18M to 1858 Jno, Holmes filled the posi- force andefYoct as if made under oath g 00 ^Summerhill Cheese Factory. �( you nothing for testing, a mot]• well known fact that Mr. Newman ices tion of Reeve. In 1859 William Pip, er and by virtue of the Canada Evidence Peas wheat.......... 36 ttoo 0000 ;'j y g' simply put in by those opposed to the wits elected Aeeve and Jno, Churchill Act. Barley 34 to 43 NOTICE. , Vl. erdate price only for glasses and Government candidate, not with the father of ,oAr present, Deputy-Roave} (Signed) WILLIAM G. COX Y • • The Dtroetors of the Huu,marhilrCheese Factory gusrsntee to suit you or refund hope of being elected, but to defeat `wav elected Deputy Reeve, both hold- � Declared before me at the city of Oats• • • • • • • • - _ :.::: ;.: to 29 will let by Public Auetb,n at aacamerhiu, on 6atnr- yourconey. Mr. Weistriiller. The P. P. A. s decid- an flice until 183x, In 18(1ti Henry , Hamilton, in the County oY Went RYe• • 491y to 00 say, March stet, 1896, at 4ueloakp m., the arawteg g worth, this 18th day Of February. HAY•• • • • • • • 1700 to18 00 or the milk on each route to the Factory, Fen par- <! ed on the Saturday previous to the Fur was elected Reeve -and ll. Yatton ', Straw, bundle .......... 12 00 to13 W t iculars furnished on date montinned. ,,' election to not vote for either candi- Deputy. In 1867 Win. Sheppard and : A. D., 1898. DEN. CHURCHILL, Pres. pp do loose ..............10 W toll 00 !„. date. Then, sir, if the P. P. A. candi- D, Yatton wars 'reeve and De uty is -I (Signed W. FRED WALKER. Eg s newlaid........... 17 to 18 908.81. JOHN LOWERY Stay ;'i' date's strength was with the unpolled a ectively. I will now rtes along to ' _ Notary Public. g); , pp P r Chteken, ............... 40 to 60 ?44 vote, where do they stand in West the time when Mr. Gabriel Elliott way ' Butter, lb. rolls......... 16 to 18 P. S, Examinations. Alen & Wilson, Huron, about 300 votes all told. Their elected Reeve, Lvitlr .Mc. Jos• Whitely ;Dominion of Canada, County of Fent- Tubs, dairy 14 to 15 The Promotion Examinations in the Pabno ,q(; financial strength appears to he even as Deputy, which was in 1877. Mr. worth, Province of Ontario, to wit: y • • ' • , • ' .1 ' Schools of the County of lluren will be heldoe ,Z, v a1StS. less than thrix violin siren th, accord- g Ducks ............ . • • • . - 6U t0 80 lite 28th and 2 th uP March and teaehors sic The Drub, g g Elliott held Ghc4 oflloo of reeve for a I, Margaret Sovereign, of lire City of Turkeys ................ 8 to 91) hereby requested to Bond to the undersigned Yat --- ing to sworn'published statements in numberof years,'Mr• Whitely notso Hamilton, in the County of Wsnt GeeseY 5 to Cly therequisite number of Examination Papaya 4' They -Satisfy— Always. your last edition. An aspirantfor par- long, Then came Mr. John Beacom, worth, Province of Ontario, residence, Potatoes ....... . .. .. . . 25 to 30 for their respective schools. y liamentary honors ought surety to be wlau filled the uflitxr of Deputy until 376 King street wast, do solemnly de- Dressed hogs... , ....... 300 to 5 15 i). ROBB I. P. S., "� Asthma can be cured. Ask us how able to pet up his deposit. Oh, where three years ego, when he,.resigned to Clare that I am pleased to make the Beef, hinds urters...... 5 00 to 7 t)Dnton, Ont. +'` were the hundreds of professed friends contest the Reoveship. Hs was do- following decloratlun : My daughter ] Feb.F'b25th, 1s96� or write for information. do forequarters...... 'L 50 to 3 75 ll. 11 ' of Mr. Greenway just about the feated by Mr. Cox, the present Reeve, Lulu, aged 14, was troubled with en- Veal° • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • •. • 550 to 650 r� tune Mr. Newman was a little , who also defeated Mr. Elliott nine tarrh for two years, and during that HO1mef3Ville Cheese Facto '; Lamb............ 5 6U to 7 50• short in his deposit. Many of years ago. However, John Beacom 'time her health was very poor. Our ,r, C1O TO Z'��/�- them appear to he Overburdened may yet e elected to fill the position fancily ph sictan was called in and MONTREAL MARKETS. NOTICE. '' of reeve of Goderich Township Gov- pronounced her case inflammation of Grain -There is not much new in the The directors or the Holmeavnle Cheese sad Town I3 sill with sincerity and self-eacriftce in ” P rain market. The large amount of Batter Manufacturing company will let tri endeavoring to coerce a few hundred ernment House.” the lungs and catarrh. Her const'- g g Public Auction at Pickard's aan, Holmesvine, an W.ti BARBER Si3oP half-breeds of the Roman Catholic per'- tution gradually ran down, and until wheat in store is fat• shipment and Saturday, March 14th, 1896, at 2p, m, thedrawingor SH p � Holmssvills is the only village in the she commenced taking Kootenay Cure will not be sold here. Wheat, No. I the milk on each routo to the factory. Full partim- ;;,y suasion to attend Protestant schools township. It consists of two stores, ) r —FOR— in Manitoba. Men of sensitive natures we were feeling alarmed about her- hard, nominal; wheat, No. 2 hard, Aare turniehed on date mentioned. i . .two blacksmiths, wagon maker, cheese She has now taken one bottle and a nominal; corn, dutypaid, nominal; W. B. FoasTER, Prea. 1'1RSa?-CLASS :-: WC)M3T__ recoil from being the target for shafts factory, shoemaker, Episcopal and half a the in and has gained b cwt -4t W. s, LAWRENCE, Secy. (:. of venom and falsehood, even if the law g peas, per 80 lbs, in store, 58c to 59c; oats, 14.1 Methodist churches, school formerly b oda eleven pounds in weight, has rosy Ontario, No. 2 in store 31c to 31ic; R... F. SAHES, - - - Prop. does compel their traducers to apolo- temperance house. It fOrwerly boast- cheeks, her general health has been Manitoba, No, 1, in store, 32c; rye, No. we Must Have Help. "h _ gise. We always invite free, frank, ed of an hots) but a few yearn ago ' g 2, nominal; barley, feed, 38c to 39c; we pay men and women sto tr m per week tar ' retitl im roved, and she feels thin ,iY' and fair criticism of the policy of our g P w)< it was burned down. it bhe is bein cured of catarrh. bade new, 53c to 55c; buckwheat, er easy home work, No books or peddling. Steady ere �g, EiNT/Q patty, but when our opponents have . I g y' P ployment guaranteed. Send stamp for work: and t to resort to vile %nsinuattans and base , Porters Hill has a store and a mail ., And I make this solemn declaration, bushel, 39c to 40c. articulare at once. HERMANN & SEYMOUR, 2= Cpersonahtica agaivat the champion of i service and that is about all that can be conscientiously believing it to be true, Cheese -Five thousand boxes aum- �onth Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. u our cause, then they display their ,staid about it. and knowing that it is of the same mer make were sold of 8je; 1,000 boxes 898-8m r; g P. religiously, force and effect as if made tinder oath of September and October goods under t,�•'i, TORONTO AND l9TRATFORD, oNT. weakness and want of sound argument, Goderich Townshi rel' towel will � Bngnesttonabty the Leading Commercial Schools born of ignorance and despair. If ; compare favorably with any other 't and by virtue of the Canada Evidence finest were sold at 81st. House for Rent )I of the Dominion; Advonteaee Best in Canada. politica is to be raised to a higher class of people on the face Of the earth. r Act Butter -There is no improyuTent• For rent, a ave room frame cottage, on Alba* Students may enter at any time. Write to either plane, then the press roust seek to . They are a sober, industrious, broad (Signed) MARGARET SOVEREIGN. Finest creamery is still selling around street, north. will be ranted on moderote tarty. school for catalogues and mention this paper. publish the troth and not inventions, [Winded people. Politically this grand Sworn and acknowledged before me Aop�ply to ogle Cooper h Co„ the Cash Grocery, & ELLIOTT, Principals, and then many men of worth and rep- old township is the purest, voting Con- at the Cit of Hamilton, in the County 21e for lots, while e c 25c is about h Y the range for single packages of real utaLtion, who now hold themselves ; servative by a big majority, whit goes of Wentworth, this 18tb day of Febru- choice; townships held tit about 17c Vii. aloof from party contest, will come i to ahow that they are air intelligent ary, A. D., 1896. upwards, and western in tubs 14c to 16c. MANITOBA �,, Se�s��1e Pen�1e forward and battle for their country's 'people also. (Signed), W. FRED WALKER. Recei is Of all kinds continue co IP interests, I trust, Mr. Editor, you may In shipping Goderich township has Notary Public. paratupely small. still continue, as in the past, to expose excellent fiicllities, having Goderich on Eggs -The market is about steady. EXCURSION. ■ ■ ■ �t' the viles of political adventurers, and the west with both boat and Grand Dominion of Canada, County of Went r Travel by the Canadian Pacific as the Goderich Signal gives you credit Trunk Railway, and Clinton on the I worth, Province of Ontario, to wit: :1• Railway. for removing Mr. Newman, I would east with Grand Trunk running east I, Josephine Stuart, of the Oit of News Note -4. ■� 11. entreat you to use our persuasive ant- A Young Conservatives' Club has ,.'. , Good business men use the C. P. R. Dicers with Sir Oliver to have that and west, and the G. W. Divisive run- Hamilton, i❑ the County of The Usual Manitoba EXCnC- f; Telegraph. And everybody admits P nine north and south. Its exports are ,worth. Province of Ontario, spinster, been forrned'at Orangeville. that avowed annexationist, the Pros, of grain Of all,kinds, potatoes, apples and esiding tit 374 King street west, in At Kempton, N. S., George Hingley, 810riS CnmmenCiri� the first „f?,,. the great Reform party of purity in small fruits. horses, cattle, sheep, hogs, aid city of Ilamiliwn, do solemnly de- aged eleven ears, was shot and killed West Huron, Daniel McGillicuddy, ba lumber, and in fact nearly every- clave and say its follows : That I have by his even . Tuesday in March and weekly ..` THERMINION EXPRESS MONEY Y, �E• gently called Clown, (like Mr. Myers) thing that Slaws. been suffering catarrh foraperiod thereafter. For through eou- ORDERS and that they may elect one in his Hoping this mils he of interest to of nearly five yearn past; that during Advices front Lesser Slave Lake, i place with patriotic elect onesentimenwho that tune I have used various remedies North-West Territories, state that, an pon tickets and reliable infor, are the safest and best, for sending some and give offence to none, t am, ;r; g can join with the great limen is who recommended for that disease, without Indian, who lied become insane, wits money to any part of the world. votive art of Canada in u boldin pours truly, receiving any relief for it. About two killed, according to the Indian custom. motion apply to the undersiga- ��: p y P g i. PIONEER. , one Queen, one Flag, one Fleet. months a v, On the recommendation of The Epworth League convention con- 0(1• Baggage checked through, ' tyi /1 ' T Cooper, ELECTOR. _.__ _. _ _- a frisud, I commenced to take "Koote- eluded its sessions vin Frid:Ly atToron- t0 destination. H nn Cure, and have used two bottles tc, when Mr. J. R. L. Starr was elected "'N March 3rd, 1896. anon. Y ;1 _ _ _ Ifun^n according to direction", and have ex- presidentfor,the current year. i2.11 AGENT, Do1Ncl8.-A great man of the vill- )erienced the greatest relief. While I W1, Ml JACKSON (l�Q(��j TO AGENT, AGENT, - - - ULINTON, ONT Early History of Goderich f� Y I 6 Mrs. O'Donnell, one Of the oldest rest �y U f�U iJU�II E". ;,,. Township. agars have been eIV'mployed for the past cannot say I am cotyle ,e]y cured, I dents in Eastern Ontario, tiled on Fri- r ! -- week at storing away ice. -J. M. Rob am satisfied I am almost so, and short- day at Brockville, where she had lived . A BRIEF AND INTERF.A"rINO SKETCH By A arts has returned from Toronto, where ly will be by the use of this medicine. -- - �a; continously for fifty-seven years. She BIRTHS. PIONEER." he has been for the past week. -Miss I cannot too highly recommend it to was ninety-six years of age, {� Vin. Houghton has been on an extend- all patients suffering from catarrh, Thoulas Dixon, a young Englishman, th, the Nvifo f r. W. w, L Monday, Fob. c' Fritter Yrirs-liecortl. ed visit the past week at Mr. Edwards, And I make this solemn declaration, lith, the wife of Mr. W. J. Leadbetter of a ffii' Rumball of Belfast. -Mrs. Thompson returned conscientious) believing it to be true, sustained a fatal accident in the hush daughter. ?5,;:' f DEAR SIR, -•Having nothing to do I ; Y g near Bigot, Man., on Tnesclay, by a BROADFOOT.-in Seaforth on the 23rd Feb-- , borne this week front GOrrIP, where she tied knowing that it is of the same thought I would write a few lines on has been visiting ,it her daughter's of g tree falling on hire. He died Thursday the vette of Mr. Alex. Broadeooc, of a Ron f(the early history of our township. It 6 force and effect as if mode under oath morning CotrcrlAs.--In 5atfnrth, on the 23rd Feb., the ,9'0", The Leading Jeweler. is bounded on the north by the Malt -that plaice. -Dont forget the carnival and by virtues of th�e� Canada Evidence The nnmtnl meeting of the Bell Tele -wife of T. F. Coleman. of a Ron—Rtillbotn rnn Wednesday night.—Mr, and WF.RA:R.—In F,i,-mondville, on February 27th, .:r: land river, on the east by the Base line Y g Acgi Wed.) JOSF,PHINF. STUART. phone Com anv was held at Montreal. a Whpard has been On the sick lint for P the wipe of Mr. Joseph Weber, of n Hun. l or Hallett township, south b Bap the est week. R'e hO e to hear Of proposal to borrow $('(10,(100 on de- '�''� Our Goods are the Best in the field river, and west by Lake Huron. p p rt en and acknowledged before me A p p Ftxcr�.-In Clinton, on March '2nd, the wife df It is the fifth largest township in the his recovery soon, --Miss Lottie Brown, at the City of Hamilton, in the County bentures to extend the business was Mr. E. Finch, of ason. pk, county of Huron, Iowick cumin first, of Ashfleld. is on an extendad visit to of Wentworth, Province of OnUtriu, authorized. Blenra. In Hullett on Feb. 28th, the wife of :. Market and our Prices her uncle, Mr. Chao. Brown, cif Welt this ]8th d:iy of February A- D., 1898• There is a snow blockade on the Mr. Thomas Biggin, oPaRon, 11 ,),: Ashfield second, Grey third, orris I Wawano8h.--Mrs. Wilson h:is been (Signed.) W. FRED WALKER. Canadian Paciflc railway in the moun- fourth. i the LOweSt, attending the milliunerp Openings at Notary Public. titins, and no through trains from the MARRIAGES. 2 The first settler was a man named i London the past, week. -Miss Bell Me- I west have: reached Winnipeg for Moliarsnv--Brcr.r.. —Within Knox church 1y'' Taylor who settled On lots 20 and 21, - �'� Goderich, on Tuesday. Feb. 25th by Rev. Jan. t•A i W himney, of Nile, wag the: guest of A. Andereon, B, A., AnK uR G. 111'orrison of the i.'riiV - Maitland con., in 18`28. He was killed Tucke rsmith. several clays. ' �:: soon afterwards h e tree falling on � Miss Tillie Thompson last week. -A Tesla dente" that he has saccePded in life -Raving Rervioe Luddington, Mich., losamb C(� c� 1�1 j }� g Y g grand t.PR, meeting is expected in St., PLRASANT Tim& -The young people photographing the human brain Bell, daughter of �'m. Bell, of (=ociorich. ental 1818pll��8 Fj�C�Gn B. hitn. His son.t for many years occupi- Paul's church on Thursday, Mai -ell 6. Rent a ver [[c]easant time tit the resi- through the skull, but he hopes soon to KIDD-F,tt.t.r". � At the residenccof thebridds ,..,1i ed the same farni• , Addresses will be given by each of the Bence Of Mr. Thos. Kearns, Stapleton, perfect tt mpthod of passing solids pparents, m, February 15th, by Rev. T. Wesley In M,t 1831, the late Hu h Fiturd t`ba, o mid - Mr, Thomas S. Kidd of Virilon, glAer �" y g Y 'following gentlemen :-Revs. J.T. Ker- OO Prides evening Inst. Genres and through solids. '2;,Callle iyr(im York and settled nn g tuba, to Mass Margaret Mann, oldest Bang' r „_; (tin, Mitchell; T. E. Higley, Blyth; Mr. amusements were indulged in until a Dr. Laughlin MrFarlanP, A well- oP James Fnl1aR, Nlsq., of Minto. ',5114 1 T�! W����� lots 30 and 31, Maitland con., where his Prin Nile; R. Fairbarin, Mr. Ed- reasonable hour, when all returned to known itnd successful Toronto doe tort WHEATr.Fv ARMRTRONC. -rat. the Mance• 'r1 loo VOICES sons now reside. At the time he locat,- mlin�s, rind the incumbant, Mr. Arm - I., ed here the ural settlers bcaween hie their several homes well pleased with died on `3aturday front the effects of HenRall, i n Feb. 26th, by Rev. J. S. Iienaerwe■,- -FOR THE NEXT-- Y strong. Ten will be served in the the evenin 's astimes and resolving blood poisoning injected while upPrat- Mr, William George Wheatley, of (Tinton, in t-. �r home and (lodcrich were the Ta fur g p MIRR Mary Armstrtmg, of the township of Y Orange hail, --Mrs. J. Hamlen, of Go<1P• that Mr. and M,•s. Kot rns would again ing on a patient suffering from frc"� Tuckemmith. ,, , }� pj� Bros., above referred to, who had clear•- rich, spent a day visiting under the par- have the chance to give them another bite. Honcr GrtwvF.. -At the rosidenre of the A.,.., Choral Society G011CI11 ed considerable of their property. ental roof.-Luc•Know curlers passed such a welcome. COL Lake, of the (lanndian stuff, has bride's father, on Fetm,nry 26th, n 1tev. A. D_ its. ;r:. The nenrest mill was in London through this place Monday last on LEnvlNca--(Goon PRICES. -At the met with a vertu fnvOrnhlP reception in McDonald, Ir. D., Mn Robert 13. Fogg, to Moto . Which will be held in the Ist F,117Aheth, eldest daughter ut Mr, W11IL-m 'ski'' week of April. which wits then a small village. In I their way to Goderich. gale of Mr. A. McKenzie on Thursday London, and Lord Wolseley tins settled Grieve, all of McKillop. ° 'v 1832 the Cttnada0o, built a mill in God- - -- -- stuck sold at L good figure. Mr. Mc- that ('sonde is tar have magazine riFles __ - 'ir,, with which to rearm the militia. r�r The officers of the Society are Ro encouraged er•ich and for the first two or three Itayfleld• Kenzie has gold his farm to Mr. Allen, ;':;r:• by the very successful gathering of so many of ycore /t Only ]lad blTg11109a P.tlnllgh t0 Earl on Saturday morning the DE -Hold 3 t`? the musical people of Ciinton in the past con- FO MEET. -On Feb.I9th there Of Brucefleld. H9 purposes moving to Y `:i �' cert that they have been warranted a pmt c n keep it running one or t,Wo days to the steamer New York inn Aground dor- JOaNHTON. in ltayflnlrl on February 17th the services of the very talerra and ) acclirinccesHl'i week. was an interesting time at Mr. Geo. Algoma in the spring. ing A fug near the ship channel to New charlotte, it•ife of Mr. LV, h. Johnston, agod R thesertorMR. RUTHEVAN Fl McDONAI,D, About, this time we hear Of Thos, Erwin'sCnmmercutl hotel, the occasion W1LL RETURN.- Mr. Cyrus Turner York and it, is believes] she will have Y(41-- +' of London%, who will give Ruch vahinhle being the rejuvenating and ditughter, of Carberry, Man., who to be li htened before she can be re KRNVAR11. To Briweneld,on FebruaryIML *, assistance to the Society that no Mosiaal Ginn curnul in and settling On lot 11 ant Order of Foresters, Bayfield lodge. haves spent, the ast three months here, g Marfan Kennard, youngest onthR and That. '%�+ serf in coming P p Leased. .1. Kennard, aged Li sesta, 9 mo�thR and 2 days, person should miss thie opportunity', and 12, con. I3. Mr. Ginn had the. hon- A few rnrmbers were enrolled some return borne this week. Professor Goldwin Smith, In A letter addition to the 60 mombors there is room for 40 nr Of being the first man married in the — DtxoN. in Turknremfth, on February 2fitdt '`;a`'` more. Rules that will govern thin room will months ago, and the institution obtain )Ir SAturday's London Tittles, sityR he Richard Dixon, aged 43 years. :; ly be that 20 ots. bo aid tc the Seoretrr tri 7'rnaR- township, his partner being Elizabeth East >➢ps<Wnnogh . p y h Pd A ppartial existance. However, Mr. beliPCPs thE• fusion Of the. Canadian" WARvrR. At. Moose Mountain, AR"a. N. W• urer, which is all that is rus"smry to pay Hturdp, and t e ceremony wits per- ywnllnw, of Clinton, high courtdeputy• with t.hP ren le of the united States is T., on February 160), William warner, inraiin ,-'`' current expenses, and eiLAi member buy their formed hy a Mr. Pr or, a ma istrate In o NoTFA.-Mr. Wm. Robinson, our I, p ,:;,r•'• Y g put, in some good work for n few day.Al!ly of Groy township, agnd 73 yoarR. i;;'A:.. own music tvhioh will ea on sale at F.merRon'R charge of the Canada Co's business at Rom, a in Stanley, on February 17th, John t'�s Mesio Store. Further inPolmation appay to with the enthusiastic or anization of township assessor, is on his rounds cnrnplei,P In nl. respects, except pO Iti- Mu1, any of the officers. tet Rehearsal, Thursday Goderich. last week as the result. l r. 8wollow, this week, _ Mr. Wm. Porterfield, who etil and fisc}Ll. KoRR, aged tv years. •:5'='+, , evening 7,3o, over r. Jackson's, Hr., store. ]n ] 1 Jns, Johnston Ref,tled On the IlrtRs, in 7,urlch, nn 0 months lsth, I7muy ';t`:',,, BREWER, ERN FIST HOLMF,S, with a number of Foresters, came over e L been home n, A two months visit., vittivi� circles in�roWllttawug ealt t a.t thetrsec- HeRR agnd 2R years and ie months. ,,, i H, C. BR Maitland Con., near Holrnesville. From Clinton to assist in the inter(•st- left for Brandon, Manitoba, on Wed .^;, . Pres. Scc.•Tren.R. rind readin of the Remedial bill, which Then in July, 1832, John and Samuel ing ceremony, and after the election of nesday. -Mr. Charles Armstrong, Of was to be moved yesterday, would be Ida Howard, wife of Mr Join McLennan Holmes, who hard come out from Ire nllicerR, and the ingtilltition of tilt+ the 7th, who has not been well for carried, notwithstanding the defection .m years. git.Y -- - land two years previously, and settled officers elect to their duties, a number some time, is slightly recovering.- MrTcrr ion At Henson, d Friday, 21st Fed 0G nnlnts35and34rPs ectivPl of Gen. 1Comonrl Mit hell, aged 29 yaarv, a motrt�i ' P y. of instructive and hearty AddresseR Thomas Edwards was visiting friends �fsome. e Attorney of Opp ane cOlmty, and 19dayR, Snow what You MR land. The same year we hear of Robt. were delivered by visiting and local in Mitchell last week. --Thornes Owens w Va.,Who has been retained to de- BA1,L in Ianllett, on March 1st, John Rail. Proctor and fust Ford brothers ell set- brethren. Court Bayfleld will now and gisters Bella And Kizzie, of Be,_ find Jackson, alleged to be implicated aged 1i5 yanrR, s months and zs days. 7 ~ ting near Hoiln"ville. When they make a record for itself, with the grave, were guests At Henry Edward" in the murder of Pearl Bryan, makes __ w �j4 carT1P in thPr'P, wag orals one frame following officers at its head : Chief un Monday evening of last week. -Mr.state,ment that Si t•J building in Goderich and very few of ranger, George Erwin; vice -chief Dacia Robinson has ARevere attack Of step°�s ft�nVe, andw will be p[�ducPd rat Huron Vets. are offlierPd as follows . "' any other kind. Along the Huron ranger, H. Drannen; recording secre- inflammation of the lungs; we hope to the right time. President, Dr. J. Golley, V. $„ of Road there were very few settlers at tart', W. J. Elliott; financial secretAr , hear of his recovery soon_ y A quarrym in put n d nnmits cart- Wingham ; V ice- res. Dr. Chas. Mir •y�,,, this time, but amen theta were R. Dr. She ard; treasurer, William yy pponstince; Dr. J. J. 1.11" Pluq !' PP Mr. W. 11, Montague, the Canadian ridge near the stove in Mr. Bertrn•nd's Greggor, V. 9., U 4 Nlattery and two brothers named Gib- Bates; chaplain, Rev. F. J. Oaten; Ik Londeaboro was retained in Ron. Mr. $lottery was up to a few senior woodward John GemhahArd; Minister of Agriculture, htLs arrived in When Mr. shop at Bin he cart- Wit er, • (% London in sPnrrh Of heolth. When Mr. Bertrand came to the cert- his former position at Secretary; Dr. t 9 yPtirs ago the oldest settler ro the town- senior beadle, A. Townsend; court breaking lar ship* Al the time the Holmea'•come de ut 0, W. Wood,, After the bust In his younger dosys Ambrose ridgy exploded, reokin his back. The in hisall, of Clinton,astrwas also retained e�. , in here were no settler, in the "Huron nese of the evening had been finished TbomRs had some celebrlty as an tninrres will probably result Totally. to his position of treasurer. The next :; ,y ' Trott" a we t to set to Goderich town- athlete, Rnd in his old age he was ex- be New Brunswick Legislature meeting well he held in Wingham in COL. 10 P the visiting brethren were entertained tremel fond of hysical exercise ani pae,ed a bill providing for the appoint- .July. --- J— ,� 1 ship which included the town of that byy the local lodge at luncheon, pro- The fa4t that he lived meet Of two women on every School {!'' time and the Van Egmonds who kept vided by mine host of the Commercial of out Dor life. 'I i, , an hotel in Bullett. hotel. Now is the time to unite, as to be eighty-five shows the benefit hA Board in the Province, one other tbeGov- Ptltq erect in Council and the other b the Friday in Halifax informations werte t"''' Itt ]fill tht3 London Rood wo, opened rotes are unuauol] low. derived from it. laid b Mr. Adorn Burn, against Mr. 14... -1 p Y Mail advices from Australian ports city or town concerned. Y Dining the Huron Road at Clinton, say that the heot is feorfvh People At an Rd corned meeting of the Pat Robert McDonnell, na editor, and Mr. i�rom which time the country traversed -' u by hundreds, In Sydney rolls of Indust of Perth county, held John Dann, as publisher, of the Hau- b these roads was quickly settled. Ladies clean your kid Soves with are dying ult. to /r bee from the injurious colorin Ont., on Thursday after- fox Chronicle,chargingthemwitbcrifnr S• y Tosepbine Glove Cleaner for ,ole Only eighty pen le died in one day, and in at Ayo MrnJ• A. Donald tend ered his ' nol libel in connection with Mr. Mr - The greater number of the settlers per The more you use of it the better chased their land for 1.50 per acre. by Hodgene Bros., sole agents for the (tilueentlan the thermometer reached noon, P Perrin, Frere and Alexandria Kid one hundred and thirteen in the ,hada. rets nation las Patron candidate for ,Connell's openletter °and Mrthe h C. H. you like it. They could either pay for it in cash in - `i i'' +rife Oto. �. TUCK ETT a►9011a CO.. t za side of five years or pay it by work- Gloves in all the most de,irableshades, The crop, ore ruined, and cattle are was h Perth, and Mr, A. R. Walker 'CDAh Weldon, , `>,_' HAMttKET OfdT. ing on the roads. However, the gs"eat dressed and undressed, lace and button. I perishing for want of foddiarand water' was cho,en in his stead. ;`; •