HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-08-28, Page 5Thuretiap) Aug. egth, int)
THE wt trp. It A
Serviceable Dross Goods for Autumn
Now is the time to buy your materials for Suits, Dresses, for your school girls.
We have a large range of dress goods to select from In Blues, Browns, Greens,
ete., at prices and qualities that are right.
, For School Dresses
A great variety of colors and cloths for children's dresses or suits in Serges, Satin
Cloths, Cords and Plain weaves. Many of these are old stock, hence we are able
to sell at these wonderfully low prices. It will pay you to buy here 75c, to 1.50
a yard.
• Ladies' Suitings
A Beautiful range of all wool suitings in Serges, Velours, Vicunas and Broad-
cloths. All the new and leading shades are to be found in these popular cloths.
As •these are scarce goods and higher prices prevailing we advise buying early
while the selections are good $3.00, to $7.50 per yard.
Summer Dress Goods At Reduced Prices
All our $1.25 and 1.50 Gingham Plaids, Foulards, Fancy Voiles •and Suitings re-
duced to $1.00 a yard.
Extra quality Plaid and Check Ginghams, fast colors, Reg. 45; reduced to 35c a
Fancy Crepes, Bedford Suitings, and small Check Ginghams ia Blues, Pinks and
Browns reduced for quick selling to 25c a yard.
b 7
sissamassmemomsanunmemseasesseasonammalawassammessissemmummnsussimmassuessausamor 'ansnauswastimassasissaalasiriessist ,,411
Mrs. Dougal Simpeon and children of
Denfield, are visiting her parents Mr. and
Mrs. John McGee of the village.
flat'. and Mrs. Jim Rountree and dangh •
ter of London, visited with Mr, and Mrs,
Joe Brandon,
Mrs Burney of Exeter, and Mrs. Fer-
guson of Winnipeg, spent a few days
with the former sister Mrs. H Hopper.
Mr. and Mrs Joe Brandon left on Fri-
day last for a moter trip „going by Strat-
ford, Ayr, Paris, St. George and HAmilton
1 returning by Galt, Kitchener, Elmire and
A quiet wedding was solemnized at the
parsonage, when our blackarniih Mr,
John Stewart and Miss Allie Nichol were
united in marriage by Rev. S. Davidson,.
Kay their vogage through life be pleasent
is the wish of their many friends.
• • •
Mr.' and* Mie; Hue ston of Gerrie,
spent last Sunday With Mr. and Mrs.
George Baker; :
Pte. Walter Stafford returned home
from England after spending sometime at
the front,
Owing to the bad weather the harvest
was delayed somewhat, but it has been
safely gathered in for another year.
Mr. Russell McKersie who has been
visiting friends around here lately return-
ed Jest week to commence his duties
again as teacher tit Bounty, Sask.
• Mist Zurbrigg of Winghans, visited
her friend Miss Kathleen Westlalce rec-
ently. "
WHEN THE DEVIL 111.!etleiellS IN
eirenge Career of Man Who rem a
letvorif Of 1.1:e1IS 2:1:1 ••••1.1e
Lived Like an Eget. en leitestate,
Italie:I tine 11 t .t l 11 is
try paid Acted en tipy for site
Allies. •
STORY of the ;Unmet inered-
ible governmentel cerruptiott
that preetteee i and pertly
mimed the downfall of the
Hapsburg monarchy. in Austria. in
told by tint Salzburg corm:pendent or
the Berliner Tageblatt." it elloulti
. be explained here teat Salzburg is
the capital of the former Austrian
rowniand of the same name. The
city, surrounded by the .eiloweled
Peaks of the Alps, is one of the meet
picturesque in Europe, and noted as
the birthplace of Mozart. It had a
Pre-war population of 40,000. The
province of Salzburg had a popula-
tion of 220,000, almozt exclusively;
Omens= Catholics. The two main
sources of revenue were the immense
Salt deposits, from which the name
Sealzburg is derived, and the yearly
influx of tourists., '.
The story in the Berliner Tage-
Matt is headlined "The Xing of
Salzburg," It runs: -
"A, lawsuit now pending in the
local court of justice opens up an
Ritiminating perspective intothe in-
' credible maladministration 'carried
on in the provinee of Salzburg for
years by a favoriteof tee .assessinat-
ed Archduke Elam Ferdinand and
his spouse, the Duchess or Hellen-
berg, The consequences of this mai-
administratiou .beettrite .evieent lest
fall in the bungee., igets here, and
the dizelosures that followed were
i greatly instrumental en; preparing the
1 soil for tee revolution:which destroy-
ed the throw; of the Hapsburgs. In
the centre of -thin ertal is the figure
ef the former chief •oe the Governmes
elabinet, Dr. Rambousek, who was
handed for espionage in Entente ser-
i/fee anti for the embezzlement of
maneemillion crowns. Of stete money.
Dr. 'IlneelSousek, not. long ago, com-
mitted seecide in the jail of the
Vienna pollee. His father evas the
Private Physiclau etethe, laeir to tee
throne, Elam Feieliffane„ and the
beeking -of this' areledecal proteator
was explOtted by ty9 younger Ram -
boiled; in an unheard of manner. He
nese succeeded in gaining the eon-.
ndence of the Decliess Hoeenherg,
and requitc4 her stun -Joel by cioeing.
the beautiful Illuhnbach .
, near Salzburg., to all gentile, a meas-
ure which at the• tide round en
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The Dollar You Spend In Wingham Will "Come Home To Boost" •
IRead these articles with care. They may present something you hadn't thought of before. Patronize the
people whose ads. are here. • They are your neighbors and will treat you right. The money you spend with
them stays in circulation in Wingham.
The Advance "BUY-ATiNHOME" Camvaivn
SEE US FIRST when 70 u require
Boots, Shoes, Slippers, etc, We special-
iae In foot apparel and offer a 'splendid
assortment for your approval. A full
stock of Trunks and Valises, -W. j.
THE REXALL STORE is criterion for
puritrand wholesomeness in ready-made
formulas. Besides you have the benefit
of an international service. Full supply
of Drug Sundries as well. See me when
your eyes are causing trouble. -J.
WHEN YOU BUY Boots and Shoes,
etc,, from us you are sure of securing sat-
isfaction as t the quality and price. We •
stand back of all our goods. Pull line a
Trunks, Valises as well. -W. H
price, Let us estimate for you on all
kinds of Plumbing, Heating, Ventilating,
Tinsmithing, etc. Our prices are right
We guarantee our work. Patronize home
besiness men. -W. 3, BOYCE.
YOUR EYES are your greatest asset.
'When they require attention the best ad-
vise is none too good. By consulting me
you assure yourself of proper treatment.
Let me prescribe for your eyes -R.. M.
NEVER. BUY HARNESS from a cata-
logue. You see the picture but cannot
tell the quality. We guarantee serv.ice
and satisfaction on all goods bought here,
We•offer quality of the highest at lowest
prices. -THOS. KEW.
anufatturer Must MaintaIra
Quality of Goods Bearing .1
- Ills Name.
'Man Who Buys Standard Brands:
Prom [soca! Merchants 'Knows
' That He Is Getting Full
Value for His Money.
'Copyright, 391V, Western Newspaper Ur1on.)4'
Time was ''when advertising did not'
occupy themlace in the world of trade'
that it does today. It has not been
so very, many years ago that the pee -
pie were suspicious of advertising.
They were inclined to believe that the. These facts are chiefly responsible
naerchant was trying to "fool" them tor the generally prevailleg idea that
the home merchants do not sell goods
as cheaply as the mail order halos.
They do sa the same quality of goods
that the man order house sons am
cheaply as the mail order house 'ells
It hat they cannot sell the standard,
guaranteed products of responsible
now retinue that it is the ireatest:1 manufacturers at the RAMO rent) at
beneficiary of advertishag. •which the mail order house sells its
Advertising has done more In a de- nameless, unbranded merchaedise.
cade to establish certain Standards la Standard goods bearing a regletered
merchandise than could have been as- trade -mark sell or the same price the
compeshed in.a hundred year by any, world over and the manufactureres
other agency. The manufacturer who guarantee Stands back of them when
a few yearsrugo merely made end Sad they are sold in the smallest village
clothes nowernakes and sells the Blault in the country jest the same as whoa
brand of chsthes. The man Who for- 1 they are Mold in the stores of the tar&
Eterly just made hats now makes, est cities.
Blank's!! hats. And so it is with every. •This is what the wahine' advertis-
thittg thatsotte buys today. The menu-, Ing of the manufacturers has done
facturart by his advertising, has built' for the constimers of the country. It
up his $usiness, around a trade UMhas enabled thernto go into their home
and if he is to continue in businsea. stores,and buy merchandise which they
he must protect that trade name by; know from past experleace or from
ratintataing such a high standard of the reputation and guarantee of the
quality that people, when they buy ie manufacturer will give them satisfac-
precincts witl 'mow just What they are tion. They are not buying blindly
getting. The consurner,,when he goats and hopefully when they buy from the
into a store today, does not buy mer4 merchants in their home towns. They
thandise blindly, with tho 110Pli that r, itio.1 buying with the knowledge that
it will prove to be worth the money. f they aro getting their money's worth.
kle hills standard goods that bear the INN/hen they buy advertised brands they
trade -mark a the nistnuftteturer and are getting double protection, that
I that are baeked by, this reputation not ' whieb, is affordtel by the responsibility
! only of the morel/Stitt who walls them of the retail merchant and that whieh
Ibtit the rnanstfactuterrwho makes themIs given by the reputation and gear.
This how been borosOht about by ad- • antee of the manufacturer. When they
, Vertising. Al buy the unknown brands of goods
I No flepatetion\ te Preterit. '--1 that are offered by tbo Mail order
All this applies tol the retail tier- I 'houses they are getting neither kind
1 chants as,a claim but It does net ii.p. jot protection, i
....../.....9.1........1 I
WE OPFER YOU a splendid stock of
shelf and heavy hardware foe your re-
quirements. It will pay you to inspect
our stock and one visit will relieve the
necessity of going elsewhere, Order"(
your coal from us. -RAE & TROMP -
PRINTING AT HOMB 'soften thought
of, by ignorant people, to be of poorer
quality than that which you can get from
the traveller. We know of Wide who
have compared wedding statientry print-
ed at Toronto with that printed. at THE
ADVANCE and found the latter to be
far superior In quality and evorkmanship
GRANITIIWARE SALE get your preser-
ving needs at a big eavitig 14 qt presers
ving kettle 85c value, for 58e TO qt pre.
servirig kettle ?Se value for 49e. Jar
rings 5 and 10e per doz. WINGHAM
WHEN YOUR WATCH or Clock re-
quires avention bring it to Wingharn's
Greatest Watch Doctor. We guarantee
our work Our optical parlors are tom.
plete let us relieve that eyestrain for you.
Carpets, and Rugs, Hats, 'Cam Furs.
Groceries, Boots and Shoes. etc , one
visit to our establishment -will convince
the moot skeptical our price* and quality
are right j A MILLS,
sell goods to the mail ordee house
do not place their names upoa the
goods and theteefore have no reputa-.
Lion to protect. 1
Tee great majority of articles listed
and illustrated in the mail order cata-
logues are included in what;is known
among manufacturers as "stencil"
stuff. These articles bear the name oe
the mail order house which sells them
Instead of that of the -manufacturer
who makes them. It can really be
understood that any manufaetUring
concern which turns out goods that
do not bear its name or trade -mark
likely to be every unreliable institud
tion. It is not building up any rep*,
tation on the quality of its goods for
Its products have nothing to distin-
guish them from the products of any
other concern. With no reputation tell
sustain and no &ante of creating a
general demand for its goods the Only,
concern of a manufacturing institu-
tion of this kind is to make stuff as
cheaply as possible in order to obtain
the largest possible profit ori its prod
Same Price World Over. .
With his advertising, that he exag-
gerated the value of the merchandise
he advfertised and took that method
of tiwing to get them to buy goods,
thathe could notrsell by the old earth -
Balled methods Of' merchandising.
Those days are gone. The public.
IPLY to ths mali, ofidort business.
, man or wbroaa who buys goods trona There are &sent *000 Oat and
t a catelegUelhonee ts not priAeatad bt drunh persons in the United ingdom
leo 12211121tfit*tdreri crf the goods tor the between 8,000 and 44000 roddlog to
I. reason tut most/ resnuerietnears who, )1,4ontielle J
good health. We carry a complete stock
of Nyal Remedies, as well as Drug Sun-
dries, Toilet and sick room articles and
Stationery. Let us fill • your next pre-
scription -7E. J. MITCHELL.
lowest possible prices is our motto, Let
us supply your home with choice Grocer-
ies and Provisions. Our stock is fresh
and clean. We offer you satisfaction. -
EvaRy DOLLAR you spend out of
town helps the town you spend it in.
Boost' your own towh. Boost VC/Ingham,
Let Hanna's supply you with Dry Goods,
Goods, Groceries, etc You will be pleas
ed with our service and prices. -HANNA
& CO.
ies. Bring it to us and we will save yeti
inoney. Weecarry a complete line of
Staple and Fancy Groceries. Fruits and
Confectionery Let us supply your home.
-R. S. MeGEE,
OUR AIM IS TO SELL you a line of
Groceries the quality of which will keep
your tnoney in Wingham. Our stock is
fresh and wholesome. Our butter and
eggs are fresh, -MRS. J. A. CUM-
ONE 'MIT to our establishment will
convince the most skeptical that our
prices and quality of Wall Paper, Pettey
China, elooks and Stationery are right.
Let us estimate on yqur decorations.-
WE SPECIALIZE in Halters of our
own make and s ria a 11 goods of all
kinds for horses, A full stack of Harness,
Trunks, Traveling Bags as well always; in
stock, Our repair departmerit will attend
to your breakages -J. JOHNSTON.
Ltrr US SUPPLY your home with
Groceri:'s, Provisions, etc. One trial will
convince you our prites and quality are
smell as to merit yourpatronage Watch
this apace for future special announce
ments.--R, A. GRAHAM.
tea. Our teas are of our own blending
and give you a richness in taste obtain-
able in no other We stock Groceries
and Provisions. Fruits and Confectionery
as well j. HENRY CHRISTIE.
yin ONI3 pRtcr., !MUSH heve en-
deavoured to anticipate the requirements
of the men end wotnen of Wingham re-
garding the we.tring apparel We terry
▪ compete cock of Groceries as well.
Let us supply your home.- 1-1, E. 18 -
mighty Knit la ea' prottlete in ?sputa
and Amide., miming the A01.11111
Gevernment to ennui the reeasttre,
The affair gainell uniewebrehle
elty for Ramboueek not only in Ault -
tries but also in Germany.
"But • Rambolisek empitalized his
Iniinence on the Catitolic and ezeelt
wire a tho Austriezt heir pre:lump-
five not only in the economic, but
ale() in the political field, Terough
his brother, Prof. liambounek. of
Prague University, he entered rela-
tions with the elntepte Goveeenneuts
and eonducted lively' correspon-
dence with the Frond; military In-
telligence officers, The discloeure by
the Austrian Secret Service of these
relations (luring the war led to the
suicide of the Prague professor.
"Dr. Rambouselt woe also 'very
iufluential with the Roman Cateolic
clergy in Salzberg, His weal:tinge-ea
married an, American woman -took
place -in the private chenel or the
Archbiseop of Salzburg, the arch,.
bishop himself signing the marriage
certificate as wittiest. The arceduke
and his wife telegraphed their con-
gratulatien. After thie event the con-
ceit of the ambitious oleciai knew no
bounds, He established his house-
hold on a regular princely footing,
rented the most fashionable hotel in
the city and furnished the entire
building as his private residence. He
surrounded elxisele with a brigade of
servants. * •
"Throagh his appointment as cider
of tee Governor's elsteinet he became
the real ruler of the province. He
"was called. by the people tee ens
crowned Icing of Salzburg. After the
assassination of the arceducal couple
his position seemed, fee one reason
or other, stronger than everand he
:simply did not tolerate interference
in the affairs of the administration,
Ills regime, modelled along the lines
of an Oriental despot, did not fail
to attract the attention of the widest
circles in Vienna, but nobody care('
t o cline] en ge the. all -pow or f ul vorito
of the eaurtand clergy. In the mean-
time itanibouselt extendee his speere
of activities. He had Very powerful
friend, not only in .Vienea and.
Prague, but even in liertin and other
Germau ,eapitals, Ue mainteined the
innate relations -with eige minter*
Wilco's, including some on the Geste .
men and Austrlan general eta fie; Iie
had a- cliain of pretty mid fashionable
women working foe bite as political
ane inulitaryepiee, ana he utilized.
all this machinery for securing inse
formations -which be theretransuettee
titrotigh Prague and Bayed?, to the
lentente mpitals,
'Thus he is credited in Austria.
with a considerable rote in the Bo-
hemian revolutionary agitatiou an,
the plottinga which led to the break
down of the Italian front. •But hls
pripeipal achievement was the wreelei
ing of the food distribution syetene
of Salzbareeand the neighboring dis-
tricts, The 'wholesale theft of prey ie
stens, organized by Raitibousek with
the aid er profiteers, smugglers and
• ceerupted ()facials, furnishes the
nudxi'. subject or the monster trial;
in :‘•veleiph intliceluente were found e-
lm, - ilateboustek Memoir' committed
:suicide, 'against' hie accomplices, a
number of prominent and. less Drente
neet people in Salzburg and Moe
"Ow lag to the. mieitepropriat bole of
tends and suppliee, condition
ealzbure 'Teethed the /endue Deem
last September. Already durtng the
summer all strangers were ordered
to •leave the province; owing to tee
shertage of foodstuffs. In Septem-
bee the population, whipped into at -
ter despair, broke out tato riot%
Shops were plundered and property
'destroyed. Reenbouteeh's residence
was surrounded by a, menacing
crowd, whereupon he ordered out the
military, end reported later to Vienna
that the outbreak o were due to
Entente intrigue. This notwith-
standing the fact that he eirnself was
in the pay of the French espionage
• system.,
• "A few days later, ho-wever, Ram-
bousek saw that he had arrived at
the end of his rope and arranged for
his escape.. He gave his valet a con-
siderable sum of money, ordertng "nini
to secure', Czech passports. Teeing
with him 6,000,000 crowns • in cash
-all taken from the state treasury
-Rambouseic started out in els auto-
mobile for the Swiss. frontier. On
the way a tire got punctured, and
while he was ena,geci in repairing the
damage a policeman became suspi-
cious and put him under arrest.. He
was brought to Vienna, and after a
Inquiryeshowed that he had em-
.cfehwangdea)u .y.she hanged himself in his
downs ($4,000,000 pro -war ex-
bezzled no lees than 20,000,000
"Good Old United States" Would Sat-
isfy This Exile for the Rest
of His .Life.
An amusing story that Mr. le IL
Sothern tells in a recent number of
'Scribner's elagazine is 'apropos of tha
yearning for his own land so charac-
terietic of many an Awed:ran traveler
and soldier; but it also reflects point-
edly on it less -pleasing trait, of which
too many of oar fellow countrytnee
have been guilty.
I stood in the donne, or ettetorre
• 'louse, on the border between Prntlee
and Switzerland, says Ain Sothern. A
portly and prosperaus-looking Ameri-
can paced to and fro impatiently es
els wife and three grown-up daugh-
ters fussed and fumed over n number
• of trunks full of clothing. My friend
• and I stood patiently awaiting the in-
vestigation of our small belongings.
The portly man circled about no twice
• or thrice with inquisitive eyes. At
• last he approached.
"American'?" said lie.
"Yefe sir," said I.
1" said he. "I .thought SO," tuad
again he went to his women and re-
garded them with disfavor. Then he
paced the floor again. Ones more he
approached no,
'Yes," I replied, "we're on a hat.
"Iett 1" said the restless one, and his
• glance wandered to his foue Womea
with no love theeeire
"HoW Meth longer have you?" said
"I have about two weekts more,"
said I.
"I wish 1 had! rve got eight," said
the exile.
What to him were the everlasting
hills, the storied eine* the pellucid
lakes, the tittered fanes, the legend
the immemoriel halls? "Give me Pitts*
burgh!" t can hear him cry. "Little
old Louisville is good enough felt toll"
And who shalt meek ids loneniti
Whitt church
ter, W. H. Geddes; end Mrs. Geddes
of Ailsa Craig were visitors he. e xxSun.
Miss: Mabel johnston in visiting her
sister, Mrs. James Moore in Toronto.
See was a suceessfut candidate at the
: recent "Lower School examination
, master Harold Sparling is holidaying.
at the lake and Master Ernest Sparling
is visiting Mr. and Mrs. le McTavish at
Rig Miss.Cora Clubb was home from Tor-
onto ever Lee week :elle.
Mrs. D. McKay of Brussels, is visiting
friends here.
Mr, and Mrs. McGill of Wingham,
speut Senclay with the lattexes mother,
Mrs. Jas Martin,
Mrs. John Gillespie and eir, C. L, Gil-
lespie motored to Seaforth hist week and e
spent a few .(lays with friends; there.
Miss Annie Simpson .is visiting rela-
tives in Wing -earn,
Mrs, T. H. Moore aud Mrs. I. Moore
are attending Toronto Exhibition.
Mr. reel Mrs, Robert McClenaghan and
Master Clarence, left by motor on Aron -
day morning for Loudon and Cleveland
where they will spend a week.
Mrs, Cherry lias.conee front the" West
to visit bee father, Mr. Thos, Murray:
Mrs. Jackson and Mr, Jas. Jackson of
Auburn mid Miss Margaret Jackson of
Toronto tipent Seethe, et the home of
the formers' sister, Miss Tena
• Cougratalations to Mr. Angus McKay
on successfully passing the tecent Nor-
mal Rutranee Exam,
Miss Kathleen Teriff led the Guild
meeting ou Sauclay night. Misses Cora
Clubb and Isabel Fox sang a duet, The
leaders for August etst are Misses Merle
,Wilson and. Lila Emmerson.
Dr. D. and Mrs. Jamieson and Master
David, who spent the past month here,
returued to Barrie- on Friday last. 'They
were accompanied home by Mrs. Hen-
derson, who will spend a month with
them.' '
' Rev, J. Henry Martin of Long Branch,
preached in the Presbyterian church 'en
Mrs. Manley Montgomery of Calgary,
is visiting it the home of Mn and Mrs.
Geo'. Cottle. Mrs 'Montgomery was for-
merly Miss Ethel Sparling of this place.
. lit proud and loving memory of Pte.
Wm. Hall 'who was killed in action Fri-
day, Aug. 80th. 1018 ia France
• ' "He died that we might live"
Thou art gone but not forgotten,
• As it draws another year,
In our lovely hours of thinking.
Thoughts oeyou are ever dear,
One year has passed and still we miss you,
Never will your memory facie,
Loving thoughts will always linger,
Round the place where you are laid.
Days of sadnes still come o'er up,
Tears of silence often flow,
Por memory keeps you always near us
Though you died one year ago.
Friends may thiak that we forget you•,
When at times they see us smile,
But they little know the sorrow,
That is hidden behind -that smile:
Sadly missed by Wife and children.
ge 17i'vt
Fresh, .rieh, full.flavored tea,
the same every time
TEA:is goodiei
Sokl only in sealed package*
The school with competent instructors. The :school that gives
courses and assists graduates to positions.
Write for free catalogue.
'D. A. McLachlan, Pres,
Murray McLeish, Prin.
Miss PearlPayne went to Toronto,'rues
day of this week to attend millioery Open
ing in the city, She will take in the BK.
Miss Mary McNanghten of Tucker-
Imith, has been engaged. lay the trustees
ofpo. 4 Grey, as teacher. for the canting
year at a salary of $07.,00, ive wish her
Mrs Durst and children of Wroxeler,
have been having a vacation enjoying a
good visit with Mr. and': Mrs. Copeland
Stokes, on the farm here,
Miss teneeenie Femora of Toronto, has
been visiting friends in We vic last week •
Sis alwaysa, -welcothe visitor,
Mr, and Mrs j. M. -A/filler' visited at
Wm. Mitchell's 12th Con: Grey'Wed, of
last weelt. Mrs iVlitchell not enjoying'
very good health, we are'Sarry to `shy.
Mr C C. Crowston of Portland, Oreg.-
mar 11 S preached in the. Hall a- week
ago Sunday night, to .0. good audience. He
is a good speaker. ,'
Mr. and Mrs, D. McDOrtald visited at
Mr. Wm McAllister, . St. Augustine,,
2:hurday last week. • • •
•'Mes James Wallace and Bert. and ,Mn,
and Mrs. Laurence Willis motored .to
Stratford and took in the Railway Excur-
sion to Niagara Falls. on Saturday given
Lo th.e employes of the' GrandTrunk Rail-
way and as Mr. Wallace has been work-
ing with the Co. they were entitled to a
free trip.
Mr Robert Forrest accompanied by his
mother, Mrs, FL Forrest is visiting his
sister Martin Kerr, Birch'Run, Mich.
'Harvest is about completed in this vic-
inity, the majority are already through.,
staw is short owing to dry time,
Mrs. John Forrest of Saginaw, Mien,
U. S and Mrs, Allston Shaw were visiting.
at Wm King's, Sunday..
Mrs James Vancamp has been been on
the sick list. We wish her a speedy re-
Mr. Charles Agar aad sisterS, Clara
and Etta, alse Mr. and -Mrs.-George Agar
and Tressa 'RAI; viatled;--kiti'lW. M Hari,
ey; last week. '•:,;t;s•-1., •
OnlyTablets with 'Bayer Cross"
• are Aspirin-tNo others. • •
: if you don't see the teBayee Cress"' 'one
the tabletssiefuse them --they are notiAs-
pirin at all.
There is only one Aspirin, that marked
with. the ."Bayer baler 'tablets, -;
are Only acid. imitations.
Look for The Bayer Cross"! Then it iss
rep.1 Aspirin, for which there is no sub-
stitute. „. .
. A,spirin is not Gersnan but ls made in,
Canada by Canadians,. and is owned by a •
Canadian Cotnpan-y, all rights being pur-
chased trom the- U.. S. Government.
Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
haSe been proved safe by:millicns for Paine
Headache, Meuralgia, Colds, Rheumat16m •
Lunabhgo and Neuritis.
Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets -also
larger "Bayer" packages, can be had at .
any drug store. •
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in
Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono..
aceticacidester of Salicylicacid.
they save labor, save time, save money.
The Ford Truck is the most general-
purpose implement on the farm.
• The farmer can get his breakfast at
home, take his produce to market, and
be home again for dinner.
He can' command the highest prices
for his vegetables and fruit because he
gets them to market while the dew is
still en them.
He can take his hogs, sheep and
other stock to market, as well as haul
roots, potatoes and applps from the field.
The Ford Truck brings the city to the
farmer's door.
It solves the problem of the shortage
of labor.
A saving in horses, a saving in men.
Ford One -Ton Truck (Chassis only)
$750. f. o. b. Ford, Ontario!
Bug only Genuine Ford Parts
700 Canadian dealers and over 2,000
Service Garages supply them.
. 122
Trucks Beca se
t 'flte)
I 1
. 1
1 , • •,-
r'D -seeee., ' ' " e
te ! A
A. M. CRAWFORD,Dealer, Wingham