HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-02-26, Page 4sf Was $25, -Now $18.50. In ordering dome Violins a few days ago we asked the traveller to send one to retail at $26. The Violin own() on but we marked it $18,30. It may be good value at $25 but $18.50 is a fair pro It on the vest ; fair profits aro all we ask. We have others at a lesser prim, but just as good value. \1'e are spending this week in 'Toronto and will have something to toll you on our return, Emerson's Bioyole and Musio --STORE. ***"**fit THERE 0oARE�o STARS AND STARS. 4** ***** But the Star Wall Paper_...... Comes from Cooper's. We make a feature of handling the moat complete line of Artistic Wall Decorations. We are at all times the leaders but we Lave never been so far in advance as at I.resent. Our Spring Stock is tumb- ling in on us and we are busy opening and marking the Goods as they conte •direct from the manufacture's: No 'widdleman Was afinger in our orders ; -we save you the middleman's profit. WiComr&Cos, CLINTON. Jew cduRrti$rtnert$. P. S. Examinations- D. Robb. In the majority ---J. W. l'hidley. Over $8,000.0)—Bankrupt Store. New Goods—W. IL Beesley & Co. A Corset Chance--Hnclgens Bros. Wanted- -Bradley-Garret-son Co. A House Full—Gilroy & Wiseman. Coming Daily—Jackson & Jackson. WTe know more today• -Jackson Bros. Auction Sale of Household Effects— James Miller. What is worth doing at all is worth doing well—Allen & Wilson. Of course it is nonsense -The W. I). Fair Co. Was $25—Emerson's Bicycle and Music Store. rhe Huron News -Record 81.25 a Year—$1.00 in Advance WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY `Loth, 1846. BRFJAti l NO FAITH WITII THE PIWPLIC. After a while we may expect to see thelMowat government offering a pre- mium on death in the form of a certain percentage of rebate of succession du- ties on the estates of all rich persons who will kindly die promptly in order to help the government out, of a finan- cial hole. --Hamilton Spectator. The above calls to mind the Stavely estate money converted to the coffers of the Ontario Government. Mr. Stave- ly died worth oyer thirty thousand dollars, hut left no legal heirs. Sir Oliver's supporters, through Mr. Gar - row, M. P. I'. for West Huron, pro- mised a good portion of the money to the Town of Clinton provided it would be expended in srdme public or charit- able work. A public library, gymnas- ium, &c., has long since been suggested, but it does not look as though the Government would keep faith with the people. If Mr. Garrow has no influ- ence with the Government—we believe he has—the Town Council should ap- point a delegation to wait on the Gov- vernment and ascertain if anything will be done. This matter has already been dallying too long. THE NEWS -RECORD RIGHT. After the recent West Huron elec- tion THE NEWS -RECORD said in these columns that dishonorable and even unlawful rueane had been resorted to by divers persons to win the election against the Conservative candidate. A8 to bribery, corruption and persona- tion our statements have never been challenged, and it may be just as well that they have uut been. However, some of our statements have been questioned and denied. When Mr. Newman took upon himself to riddle the ('ouser•vatiyes of West Huron THE NEWS -RECORD interfered and wade statements which we had good reason to believe to be true. Among them was the statement that his de- posit money ($200) had never been ten- dered the Returning Officer. Twice he positively declares the money was tendered and says : — "Your statement that no money was tendered is false. Thomas Gledhill offered the money, and had it in one dollar hills." This was in his first letter to the Signal of W Felt. 6th. Again his cu• worker, the Signal, over the signature of the scone gentleman, says on Feb. 20th - "All I said about the money is correct, and the Mal who went to the bank and tendered the amount to the returning officer is still in West Huron. I gave his name, so make enquiries." In order to fortify himself on this point and to prove that black is white Mr. Newman has interviewed, he alleges, the Toronto Telegram re- porter, who was satisfied while here that Newman's statement (or statements of many different kinds) was not true about the money, being tendered. The reporter he declared had resorted to "subter- fuge" t.o secure information from him (Newman). Now Mr. Newman per- forins the "subterfuge" act and here is the result as produced in the Sigual last week :— "I islet the Telegram reporter, and he claims that y,gu, and not myself, are the liar. He'took a statement from you, and before investigating, said : If what you say is true, Newman must he a liar. He afterward investigated and learned that my side of the story was true, and, as there was a proviso in the sentence calling the name 'liar,' I think you would have done well to never have mentioned the affair, as it shifts the title to Clinton." Now, then, either the Signal and Newman are deliberately lying, or THE NEWS -RECORD is deliberately falsify- ing the actual facts. To ascertain who is "talking through their hat," as a common phrase goes ; or rather in seriousness to he honest and ascertain who is deceiviug the electors, and to ascertain where the hypo- crisy cotnes in, we have gone to the trouble of securing the I atlidavits of two responsible and highly respected citizens—two sworn officials —who are positively aware 'as to whether any money was or was not tendered by Newman, McGillicuddy or any agent of the P. P. A. candi- date, and here they are :— Canada, 1 In the matter Province of Ontario, of the candida- To wit : 3 ture of Robert Ne wrnnn, in the election of a member for the House of Commons of Canada, for the West Riding of the County of Huron, held on the 7th and 14th days of January, 1801. I, Joseph Beck, of the Village of Salt.for•d, in the County of Huron, 'fanner, do solemnly declare : 1. That I was Returning Ofilcer in the elect ion above named. 2. That on the 7th day of January, 1806, at the nomlivation for the above named election the said Robert New- man was aft erupted to be nominated as a condidate, but 1n addition to other informalities the requisite deposit money as l squired by the Dominion Elections Act and amendments was not in any form or shape offered or tendered to rue, and from what took place that day, 1 have no knowledge as to whether the agents who asked to nominate the said Robert Newman were itrepare l to make the necessary deposit or not. Further than that, I was asked by the gentleman who proffered the nomination papers for the said Robert. Newman, 1f,should the said Robert Newnan, withdraw his nomination, would 1 return to hien the deposit money. And 1 make this solemn declaration, conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the sante force and effect as if made under oath tied by virtue of The Canada Evidence Act, 18014. JOSEPH l3E('K. Declared before ale nt the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 24th tiny of February, 1891. M. 0—I 0 1 iNSTON, A Commissioner, &e. Canada, ) 1n (.he twitter Province of Dahl 1n, of the candida- To wit : I titre of [Cobert Newman, in the election of a member for the House of Commons of Canada, for the West, Riding of the County of Huron, held on the 7th and 14th days of January, 1806. 1, Henry J. D. Cooke, of the Town of Goderich, in the (County of Huron, Barrister at. Law. do solelnnly declare: 1. That i was Election Clerk for Joseph Beck, the Rol timing Officer 1a the above mentioned election. 2 That papers were presented to i he said Returning Offlrrr• at. the nomina- tion meeting on the 7th de of .lammery, 1896, for the placing in nomination fl,FI a candidate of the shove mentioned Robert Nownuan,hnt i was pr•esentwith the said Returning Officer during the whole tune of the said nomination, and no tender or offer of deposit money in any shape or form was made during the time allowed by law for such nomination or after to my knowledge. And i make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to he true and knowing that it is of the sante force and effect as if made under oath and by virtue of The Canada Evidence Act, 1893. H. J. D. (IOOKE. Declared before me at the Town of Goderich, in tine County of Uwon, this 2llth day of February, 141E10. M. O. JOIJNSTAN, A Commissioner, &o. Readers of THE NEws-REooin who desire honest statements rather than falsehood will now. he in a position to know who is the liar, A. M. Todd or McGillicuddy and Newman. UURRTU1'1(I8. The bricks that flourish through Mc- Gillicuddy's hat are made of straw. The little storm waye off Goderich has soured IlIeGillicuddy's Milk, and now he is performing the dog act. THE NEWS -RECORD is well fortified and quite prepared for all the "hot shun he Signal MIL throw. The Signal's defence of Newlllarl is as lame as McGillicuddy's slanderous Pro- testant honer. Peter Ryan and Robert. Newman are a great team and are adepts at letter writing. THE NEws-1tijx'o)cu gives Ri beet Newman more credit than to follow McGillicuddy in his Illthy dog act. The Signal will please explain for Mr. Newman haw it was that he retir- ed in favor of M. C. Cameron, and then comment on the Grit conspiracy business. It will now be in order for the Grits to declare that Newman did not resign in favor of M. C. Cameron. Mr. New- man says he did. • That faithful "soldier" of the county town, when the Ingle sounds, crawls into the "black hole" after the regis- trarship of Huron. The boneless wonder who edits the Goderich Signal is now in front of the cathode camera, where proof of his "No. 6 head and 7i hut" is being re- vealed. The squirming of McGillicuddy and Newman in regard to the alleged tele- gram "For God sake take Newman ont of the field 1" would indicate that these two fabricators have been hit on the raw. As their sins are brought home to thein they are compelled to own up. McGillicuddy has been forced to mount the animal he pictured in the Signal and is now writhing and foam- ing and sweating in his agony. The tedious and painful ride will cause him to he laid up for repairs in the near future. A weekly telegram revision by the Signal and Newman has been the order since nomination day. They have evidently now lost track' of the lying telegram "For God sake take Newman out of the field !" Once more we chal- lenge the pair to produce it. Dan McGillicuddy, an admirer of Margaret L. Shepherd, styles the edi- tor of this great home journal a per- sonal friend of the lecturer. 1t will now be in order for the Signal to pro- duce his evidence. The yelping annex- ationist will not do it. it is becoming evident tlmtt the regis- trarship of Huron played an important part in the recent West Huron elec- tion. If t hat most eminent "scurrilous fabricator," Daniel Mc(.illicuddy, se- cures the plural, we'd pity the decent. applicants. ` "Why don't you reform ?" said a good person to McGillicuddy. "There ain't, a lean on earth entre willing to lead a decent life than me," said Daniel, "but everybody that tries to reform 111e insist1, on 1 1e beginning by speaking the truth." He is beyond redemption. if Daniel McGillicuddy were appoint- ed Registrar of Huron he would have a hired man to lire "hot. shot." nt all the miserable Tories that chine within shooting distance of the premises. Mr. Newrnnn says he dirt not. load tip Grit stompers, but that he loaded up a Grit stomper. This acknowledgment makes it clear that Mr. Newman and a Grit stomper were in league, that he gave infnrinatinn to an opponent to assist in the election of M. C. Cameron. This is precisely what THE NISws-Itn- r•t11tn charged against. Newman. The Goderich Signal has become a valued member of 1 he new Mutilation Society and was last. week duly install- ed. The membership is now compris- ed of five, n. gllrtrllrll, so that business may be Lransac•tecl at the old sinful of his Satanic :Majesty nt Goderich. '1 he SeafOrth Expositor feigns to be anxious for t he welfare of this great family journal, which costs only $1 a year in advance, and that we should say something about, Mr. Weismiller Mr. %Voistniller is well ithle to take rare of himself. and no person knows this !letter than the editor of the Ex- positor. THE. NEws-Rrtc'oRD is its own keeper and advice from such a source is neither invited or accepted in political 11181.tecs. The would-be registrar of Huron, the Dog editor of the Goderich Signal he styli's ve'Tory editor "Yellow Dog" should have pull on Sir Oliver Mowat, but he hasn't. Sir Oliver has before dismissed such unworthies for being annexationists. And Daniel was a cline chum of the lately dismissed Myers, who was disloyal to his coun- try. Sir Oliver is too loyal to permit the dog nct around the government premises, or even around such a re- eppectahle place as the registry office of Huron. When the time comes Sir Oliver will be choice in his selection. 415 Catarrh in the Head Is a dangerous disease because it is liable to result in loss of hearing or smell, or develop into consumption. Read the following: " My wife hire been a sufferer from catarrh for the past tour years and the disease had gone so far that her eyesight was affected so that for nearly a year she was unable to read for more than five minutes at a time. She Buttered severe pains in the head and at times was almost distracted. About Christmas, she com- menced taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, and since that time has steadily improved. She has taken Nix bottles of Hood's Sar- saparilla and is on the road to a complete ours. I cannot speak too highly of hood's Sarsaparilla, and I cheerfully recommend it." W. H. Fuestrea, Newmarket, Ontario. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the publio eye today. Hood's Pills euro habitual eOnsdpa- ttoa. Prloe Waver box.. The Signal -Newman conspiracy is coming home to there. The Signal has no space for letters from David Cantelon. It was ever thus. The yelping, snarling black-and- tan will not publish anything against b1w. The Signal, if it desires to give hon- est proof of its assertions, must resort to something more solid than its past disreputable allegations. Probably the New Era and Brussels Post will find space to insert the sworn statements reflecting on the truthful- ness of some of their friends. The swelled head who edits the God- erich Signal is alleged to have gained his notorious record through fenian- ism and treason. The Goderich liar, y'clept the Goder- ich Signal, now says THE NEWS -RE- CORD is not a "hell inspired hypocrite." We cannot say its much for the "Black Dog" who edits our cot ern. Daniel McGillicuddy, the Signal jock- ey, introduces Margaret L. Sheppard into his columns. Daniel, the "Black Dog," should now perform the dog act. The Signal is confounded at the pre- sence of its own Protestant Horse. A picture of the Signal's Fenian! Horse should now be produced by that journ- al. Come, Daniel, out with it 1 The Goderich Signal refuses to give David ('antelon's letter and re- fuses to pu111i;.' Newman's telegrams as he furnishes tie. copy. He might as well rob the Ten Commandments of the true meaning its resort to such de- ception. Ananias the Second is not built, as the name indicates, either on the square 01' upright principle. Most musical instruments are. But the ('111 is not of a musical turn. Few ('urs are. A strong attraction for a dime museum to secure would be Me(: illi - cuddy in hi.t latest dog act. The notorious fabricator, Daniel Mc- Gillicuddy, has pulled in his horns once inure. He charged t.hat the letter sign- ed "Fair Play" was not from Kings- bridge, but written at Goderich. Mc- Gillicuddy has heen cornpellyd t0 swallow the deliberate lying state - statement. He knew at the time he penned the statement, he was falsify- ing facts. The telegrams Newmman gives are addressed in the one case to Mr. No- body and in the other signed by the same unknown quantity. And none of them declare "For God sake take Newman mit of the field 1" As an elector remarked the n1 her (ley, "Thr next. declaration of the (bits III/1y he that a telegram was sent. to Mr. No- body saying 'For God sake keep New - 1111111 in the field!'" Well I Well 1 The jockey ('ur who edits the Goderich Signal says his Protestant Horse is a "noble rhnrgrr, dill1 of pride, and power, and lameness." Here is the animal as pictured by the Signal :— Residers, draw your own conclusions. The brilliant jockey editor of the Signal, after two weeks labor, rises to remark that THE Nsws-REooxn man is a "Yellow Dog." The yelping and snarling of the Our would lead one to believe that the little Goderich canine had been nosing around and got hurt. base Fu 0 8 IF YOU would see a big store with a big Stook of bright Goods, "Visit Here." IF YOU are looking for the very hove* Best soft blending Checks in popular Waist Stuffs "Visit Here." IF YOU aro wondering what the very latest Cotton Wash Gods are this sea- son "Visit Here." IF YOU are out to pick up while Stocks are full the latest faet Prints and Stylish Suit .Ducks "Visit Here." IF YOU purl -wee soon baying New Dress Materials for yourself and family by all means "Visit here." IF YOU wish to wear the Corset ask here for those faction fastening. IF YOU want 12110. Prints 32 in. wide Fast Colored for 8e., 20c. Towels for 12ic., 7c. heavy Grey Cotton for 5c., Swung Dutch Indigo Prinle worth 180. for 1`> , "Visit llere." only perfect with the per- 0-- GILROY & WISEM� The latest rumor is that Premier Greenway is negotiating with the Dominion Government for a settle- ment of the school question. Newman acknowledges that he is a Sunday politician and that he carts act- tively engaged desecrating the Lord's Day during the recent West Huron contest. He says he was "carried away with the courage of his convic- tions 1" Repairs Satixfactory or Your Money Back. : . Our "Watch" 011cy The Goderich Signal devotes a whole p broadside of that paper to prove Daniel McGillicuddy and Robert Newman base fabricators. They have proven beyond a doubt that A. M. Todd did not telegraph N. Clarke Wallace "For God sake take Newman out of the field." "The Coward -Slanderer" Cur who edits the Goderich Signal is willing to mutilate' the Ten Commandments in order to assist the Grit Party. We would ask Daniel McGillicuddy to give M. C. Cameron's pledge for and against Remedial Legis- lation. And at the same time particu- lars of Newman's retireunent in favor of M. C. Cameron. An esteemed subscriber to THE NEWS -RECORD writes from Auburn as follows :— "You will find enclosed one dollar for THE NEws-RECORD for the present year. I am very much pleased with your paper and would not be without it. In my opinion the hest thing you can do with Dan McGillicuddy of God- erich is to place him in an asylum, and then you will know where you have hint." The Signal is careful not to refer to the fal.;e charge it made against. the Sumrnerhill Orangemen about stealing a flag pole. The canine will now as then be compelled to return to his filthy vomit. The "0 by 7.{" I31,tek-arid Tan, who was then compelled to swat law the shluder, again deliberately falsifies and distorts written state• relents and refuses to publish I). Cantelon's letter. The Goderich Signal had another "conniption lit" last week and in its desperate struggle succeeded in prov- ing that THE NEws-REcoRD's charges against '.bat paper of hearing false wit- ness are true. The Signal has been compelled to admit that it wilfully lied about D. Cantelon and now gives "Freeman" as a fourth party. To use the words of one eaten : -"There is evidently a screw loose somewhere; a linchpin is lost, by our esteemed con- temporary, a cog has slipped, or some other direful Calamity must have hap- pened." "The Coward -Slanderer," who IS nn applicant for the position of Registrar of Huron, will earn thegrati- tuck• of his roasters if utter rascality, lying and Untie deception count for anything. The plan we pursue is "not cheap watches but watches chez11." We make a specialty of reliable watches —those that are a delight to the wearer and a cred- it to us. W. G. DOHERTY,�'"`' Coopers' Block. 2193.131.••=.6113F-.111III 116.1•=1=1•••••1111•1111111119 "What they say?" Our town contem- poral y says nothing of his own accord. He imports a hired man to deal with the price of wheat, and proves the hired man a miserable failure. The New Era crawls into its 11s11a1 hole by liberal quotations in reference to the recent West Huron election from the Goderich Signal and Bt ussels Post, pointing to Freeborn, Cantehm and Todd. Whist has this to clo with the discussion about the price of wheat? The next thing in order for the Clinton New Era—it is always ,t new era in 111e sphere of lying and deception—tis hire another !man to write falsehood about public men, as it did about Reeve Kennedy and David Cantelon, and then in tears vet down on his bend- ed knees and publicly apologise for deliberately falsifying facts and sland- ering his respectable fellow -citizens. Now, then, if our coteln. is honest, we challenge him again to discuss the price of wheat, and if he desires, also the open bribery, corruption and per- sonation in the recent West Huron election. Such was practiced, and practiced by the Grit party, !n the town of Clinton. The subject 1s such that our cotem. should consistently de- vote his attention to. Otherwise he has mistaken his calling. 'We are immensely pleased with our New Spring Stock -+- 0 Which is now Coming to hand. By the middle of !March we hope to show a Stock that will not be equalled outside the cities and people who appreciate good goods should look through our great Stock. We are going in for a class of foods not usually found a place of this size. Our prices are the lowest. 44 in "Nothing Like Leather." JACKSON & JACKSON, W. Jackson. Fred T. Jackson. £I