HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-08-28, Page 4Page N our T tbrtYiiiv ► 111 `, ,bbl tCf' A.G. SMITH, iiditor and Plop. Mr. Roweirs SacriEito. • (Orange Sentenil) The measure of the sacrifice made by henb t Milled OwHon;1`t. W. Rowell:w I the Unionist government is Seen in the appoletdnent of Hort Mackenzie King as ,;.leader of the Laurier party. If he lives ;lung enough Mr. King will be premier :soigne day, That is what Mr. Rowell sac- riliced to serve the country in its greatest • King tl'tsis. IF he bad, like Mr Kingstnck to Laurier, Mr. Rowell would undoubtedly • .hnvebeen the leader of the Opposition in- stead of Mr. King. To have served the country{ is :better than to have served a party,Mr, Rowell may derive from that thought iuore satisfaction that he would from being the leader of the party. Isis: reward must be of that nature, for a leader man reaps tale honors that were his ;had he been unfaithful tohimself. • The place that Mr. Rowell held in' the old Liberal party Y t was second only to that a 'occupied by the late Sir Wilfred Laurier. fe was ,cohsequently marked out as his • -successor. That accounts for the ex- traordinary bitterness the Laurier patty exhibits toward him. The vulgar display • made by W. E. ICnowles, of Saskatchewan, exceeded any other, but it was received Willi enthusiasm. When mentioning Mr. R4well's name in the course of his speech • Mr. Knowles spat on.the platform three times Not many public men earn sucn •enmity as that. That is the price Mr • Rowels has to pay for standing behind the 'men in the trenches during the darkest days of:the war. Then there is another aspect of the case that is not so readily, apprehended by the van on the r;treet The Liberal press Played no small part in Mr. Rowell's de- cision to ,join with Sir Robert Borden, Nearly every journal representing that party urged him into ,Union government, • and applauded his action. Only the Lon- , on Advertiser amting the Ontario. Liberal dailies did not approve. And now? They are all. for King, and none for Row- ell. They will not assail Mr. Rowell, but they will 'be acccmplices of the French leaders who have sworn to destory eee • . him. • The treacheries of•xPolities are respeon- sibte for many' tragedies. If the inner ex- periences of men who have occupied high places were written it ;would be seen how sordid and selfish men, become who make polities their trade, But not many would beable to point,-tb ;blacker ingratitude than Mr,. Rowell le!..receiving from the Liberal press. • ee • Titin ing Season Advanced - Local sportsmen will be interested to • • learn that the open season .for deer has been, advanced five days, from November • 1st.- Hunting will now commence on Nov- ember 5th, and terminate on the 20th Tosome this will be welcome news as five days make quite a •difference in the temperature at this tme a f the year, Others who have too go far back in the woods especially by water route, will have to keep a sharp lookout to avoid being frozen in. 1 GRAND. TRUNK RAILWSYSTEM THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service • Sleeping cars on Night Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains. Von can buy a Four Cylinder 5 l' ' t ngt'r Motor Car at a lower )r . trtcldrt inlets r than Von cannot afford a ear leas good than the Hort. 'Ion do not watrt service less complete. Measure the st•rviee and satisfaction it gives yon Judge tin' power and quietness of its motor, the size and comfort of its body, the 5o inehee eantele aver springs mean easy riding. Rs equip • 1nent and the years of service you get front it. r • > ) s' • >s •<'u abundantly. A11 these things the Dort gives y 1 As well as genuine servit:e from the man you buy as is not sn with r, give other so.c>r111edi pedlars who will lrrourise you everything and your nothing. A full line of profs for Dort tars always kept in stool: its ease yon do need anything. Buy a 1)urt and eliminate your troubles. E. MERKLEY & SON, Agents. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. L. Horning, District passenger Agent, 'Toronto, Ont. W, P. Burgman, Agent, Wingham. Phone 50, National Victory ti Celebration TO BE OPENED BY II.R.H.; THE PRINCE OF ''ALES EXHIBITION Aug. 24 TORONTO Sept. 6 British Grenadier Guards Band War Memorial Paintings $ 4 Sensation of the art world, recording every phase of Canadian operations overseas. WAR TROPHIES Ailanimoth assemblage of monster guns, aeroplanes and all the instruments of hellish warfare captured by Canadian soldiers frotn the Hun. Canada's Plying Circus Cols. Baker and Biehop and other world ftl nous aces ixt surrendered; Ger'rnarx planes. WVH IPPET TANK CAPTURED 13 BOAT estival of Triumph 71rrr Vliet Stltibatt ►i elt eYfitd Stud Sp.tteotee The surto* of the German Fleet SEEVetcaliles nisi,--virt ri keit. AIsnb'* tufty icily Jerxua,lss,i. Atwd tt east. to aeb.r .rhe.ritn. y fest res int �titltwt'flt1't RXRrerrltf'ti OP Alt rrtaltS r., I'ltoue 841L I:�tiIllt112, ONT, Box 62 ,,,, Cit f ._q,... ..m •' y 705Y, bravest. 'Vay, ,,Rqo mpug alums The greatest love siery ie -bleb Sessue I•Iayakawa has yet appeared. V. rile action, vivid thrills, and hair raising suspense that you cannot afford to miss At the Lyceum Theatre on Friday and Saturday, t,i icknow One of 211e best exhibitions of baseball (aeeu stere for suite time was played ou '1'hnrsday afternoon with f:.otlerich as the v!',iting team. It was evident they caste prepared. to win as they brought a pitcher from Clinton, but nil to no avail, at the end of the ninth inning they were on the small end of a 4 to I score. Irwin and rn NEXT WEEK We plan to have for sale a few bulk Groceries. THE PURITY RESTAURANT uTAKE NOTE -Will close every Friday evening. e o e alfhour before down; until Saturday, one-quarter hour after sundown. Tirne this week; Fridays 7 00' p. m. to Saturday, 7 30 pe m. Meals will be served to regular boarders during tl'iiis time. 1 1 THE PURITY RESTAURANT PAUL E. VAN NESS, Proprietor. Special Discount To Regular Boarders. trmatt SLUM eVCVMORMSOWS WI/ DRUGOLESS- PHYSIC IAN 1)ltt. P. A. I't!!tl{I;k. Osteopathic Physician, mals, •qualified osteopath in North Huron. Adjustment dit s the spino lr, mor quickly secured and With lever ireatmeoa , than by any other method. Johnstone, Lucknow s battery, .were i- m1a3d1te f. rE5 ut as nd other4,201tni at' snM vincible and were given perfect support it.tiseasen treated. by every member of the team Eldon Sidtlall of Winnipeg, wlso is visiting his MICE OVER C=1'IIi)S'f/F S STORE p,trents here, umpired the game and gave good satisfaction The brass band was in attendance and helped to draw a large crowd. T,ueknow will soon have all her soldiers home. Four more arrived during the past week. Pte. Jones and Pte. Orcha rd who went overseas with the r61st batt., I'te, Brown Mallough who went with the artillery and Pte. Fraser Malcolm who enlisted in the Nest and who spent all his time overseas in a hospital but is now on the road to recovery. Some sneak thio£ is busy around here of late, Notlong oMurdoch Ca ht - erous store was broken into. and the other night Mrs, Connell who had been nurs- ing a patient in town went borne with her wages in her purse, She went into .. the house and laid iter purse on the table and went out to the store which is next door, she was gone only a few minutes but when the got back her purse bad been opened and the stoney was gone and she has heard nothing of it since, A person who would steal is a pretty mean kind of cattle and more especially when they steal front a widow, That r,ucknow is situated its a pretty good section of Outario can be proved by looking at some of the , gardens around, Some time ago corn was brought into town which measured over: io feet, the Peter McNay brought in a stalk measur- ing over ti feet this wre>t `.'rhos. Aitch- eson measured a stalk in -his garden which measured r3. feet "4.Indhcs, Neil' McKenzie has a sunflower ow exhibition at his store which is iz feet .11ig11. This i+ going some and w'ili take some to beat it, The brass baud is ..putting on a band concert and picnic at Point' Clark light house Thursdayr ou on next... Since writing the above We learn that the thief has been busy again breaking into Button's butcher shop and a couple of houses, getting a little money at each place but they are on the trail of the cul- prits and it is to be hoped they will soon be caught and taught a•Ies ou . A. dance was held in the hall on Friday night as:a.farewell to 1VIss I,yla Taylor who is- leaving town for Detroit. The orchestra, supplied nusic•anh a very en- joyable time was spent. Miss Taylor has lived all her life here and has always beee'very popular and a valued member of the dramatic club,.. She is a reader of no mean abiltty and has assisted at most of the entertainments held herein regent years. She and her mother are among the most energetic members. s o£ the An- glican church. and will be much u set. They have sold their beano€u1 groin to John Button and an Saturday had a tuost successful auction sale of household fund, - tare. Many friends wish them joy and. happiness in their new hone and hope to see thein back,: in Lucknow often. A meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. G. Ostrander, an interesting feature of this tweeting will be an account of her work in Prance by Miss Gwendolyn Mc- Leod who lately returned from service with the Anteribrrn ArtnY. At the last regular meeting o£ the lib- rary board, Mr. H. 4. 3 oupg resigned hisoffice as secretary o the a d• u c- se a y € # ba . r , } a. cepting 'it` a resolsztiptg was passed eee pressing appreciation of the serlriees of the retiring secretary and t<onveying good wishes to himself and family its their hoose in Port Hope. Rev. I. F, Irwin pastor of the Metho- dist church here is on a trip to Vancouver, Last Sunday two _laymen conch:toted the services and Rev, Mr. Scobie, of White- church Presbyterian church couditcted services this week, Rev, W. 2, MGIU(Mlt Of London was the speaker at the Presbyterian p#grtrcis both morning and evening and gave two very forcible eertnons. At the morning service Mrs, (R.ev.) 7r. S. 10e10n? a of Montreal sang a solo and in the evening Misses Carrie and Dealt Geddes sang a duet, both were well rendered ane enjoy. ed by all, A week ago in reporting the big Odd - fellows picnic at Isincardine we neglect- ed to state that Mr. Alex Ross, the daddy of I,ueknow Lodge, was presented with a beautiful gold headed ebpny pane, he being the brother of longest etattdilig 'vlio attended the picnic, There were older members on the grounds but none with so many years of membership to his credit. ]aro. Ross is without doubt one of the best Oddfellows in this district and we hope he will he spared many years to shape the destiny of Lteknow Lodge, Mr. Alex Mewhinney; the recently notu- inatedliberal candidate its this riding was in lows last Wednesday shaking hands and preparing for thg eotniug campaign. Corner Dundas also Richmond Street*. Up•.to-date Courses. Day and night classes, J. Merritt, Principal„ N. Stone. house, Vice•principal. phooe. 7380. EPT secret and special and personal for You is WRIGLE S in itssir tight sealed package. A goodythat is WorthY of Your lasting regard because of its lasting quafitx. Three flavours to suit all tastes. Be SURE to get WRIGLEYS Sealed Tight Kept Right The [arvour Lasts SALESMEN WANTED To represent The Old Reliable Foothill Nurseries The greatest demand for Nursery, Stock in years. • British and European Markets :again) open for Canadian Fruit, Largest list of reuit and Ornamental Stock, Seed Potatoes, etc., grown in Canada. o$9xo Write for particulars Stone & Wellington Established 1837 TORONTO ' ONTARIO Mrs. (ttev) P. S. MacKenzie le, visit Ing her Meter Mrs P McMifan here, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. F, Richardson of Teeswater spent the past week with Mrs, l'2ichardson'a mother. Mr. and Mrs. Thos Reid and son, Clyde are on a motor trip to Toronto and Belleville. :tire. Mills and Mrs. Tewkaburg of Sauite Ste Marie, 'Welted with Mr. and Mrs. W. J Todd, Little 'Willie Treleaven who has beeil seriously til for the past two weeks, is wry sick to day so sick that the Meth. odist church bell which is just acwoss the street did not ring on Sunday. Mrs. Jim Mtiler, contractor was taken to Winghpin hoelpital et week Ago and operated on We are pleased to report he is doing web. Mites Nina 17 (rods of St. Helene, bee bWI altostd tta leach the StItrattaEt AWL She 11 a f tkrner pttplt or LuelsnoW school' LuCkttow tlAsoolspin upheld its ggoti record of those who tried their soarer school examination 'only three failed to pasts. A rs,W, J. Andrew of town bought Mrs. R. Spindler's house, and Mr. Win.. Webb ofWawanosh, has bought C. Mc- .Allisterr s residence. The pipe band will supply music at Whitechurch on Labor Day, Mr, J. E. Agnew and family have gone to the lake for a couple of weeks, LIFT CORNS OR CALLUSES OFF", Doesn't hurt! Lift any corn or Callus off with fingers i1 1 e. 07 411 • • Don't suffer! A tiny bottle o f areezone coats hilt a $s w cents tit Ajay ttivug store. Apply a few drops ou th'e corns, calluses anti "hard skin" on bot- tom of feet, then lift them of. When xeezose removes corns f� n the toes or calluses from the bottom of feet, the skin beneath is left pink and stealthy end never sore, tender ar irritated. Mrs ,Dano Sutherland of Toronto, is spending a few days In town, Miss Olive McCullough of Kincardine, le visiting the Misses. Mitchell of town. Mrs. Frank Johnston and Miss Helen and brother are visiting •Mr. and Mrs. J G. Anderson. Mlsa Helen McKenzie of Toronto, visited her home here. Miss Bicfinill of Toronto, who has been visiting her aunt Miss M, Mitchell left for her home this week Mr. and Mrs. Duffy of Belmore, visited their daughter Mgrs. E. Renwyck. Mrs Jito 1VlcOarry ` of Kitchener, is visiting i tow n n, Mrs, D. Sherriff is visiting her daugh- ter, Vire, (Dr.) McLean at Welland. Born -To Mr.. And 1Virs, Wm, McMill an a daughter. Aug 21. Misses .Celia and Vera HetUey are 11o1i- daying; at their home here. RAILWAY TIME TABLE Daylight Saving Time GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM TRAINS LISAVEFOR London , , ....... 7.30 a, m. 3.20 p, m. Toronto and East 6.40 a. m. 3,10 p. m Kincardine..,.., 12.20 p. m. 9.30p.m .nitn.rv) vetoer f{incardine 045 a its. 3 10 p, m. I,ondo}1 12.05 p. iia. 7.45 P. In. Toronto and East 12.20 p. m. 9,00 p, m. W. F. 13girgman„station agent, Wipgharn H. B. Elliott, Town Agent, Winghanii CANAPT4N ?ACIFIC ft II -WAY TRA1Nti 1184V111400T1 Toronto and East 6.40 a. tit. 3.00 P. tri. Teeswater 104 p. m. 10,32 p. m. ARRIVE: PROM Teeswater . 6.40 a. m. 3.00 p m Toronto and East 1.04 p. re, 10.20 p. m 3. H. Beetner, Agent, Wingham, J. W. McKibbon, Town Ticket Agent. -MOM PHYSJO1AN CHIROPRACTIC • SAY MR. MERCHANT Dear Mr. Editor - I would this week beg a little space in your valued columns, 11 you please. Do you know, we beer a great deal these times of buying our own homemade goods well these sentiments amine, completely and absolutely; let it ever be Canada, first, last and always, Hurrah for Canada the• 'home of the Maple Leaf. Again we hear very much about buyipg all in your home town and in beingloyal to the home merchants. • • Well, we are willing to fallin line there also, if the said merchants will -be loyal to the citizens. We believe in the Wednes- day half holiday not only in July and August.but all summer long, and also one half holiday for every working mats fn town during the summer months. But Sir, why should the Clergy, Bankers and Merchants, have their holiday, while the working man toils on and toils on Contin, uousiy. Is there not as much dignity in the begrimed face and soiled shirt sleeye 'of the honest worker as in the immaculrtte linen, and broad cloth of our {fro#ess#anal men. Tllis holiday grerlted to tl�te work Chiropractic Drugless healing accur- ately locatt,s and removes the cause of disease, allowing'tattyre to restore health. J. A. FOX D.., T.O. Osteopathy Electricity Member nrugteee Physicians Associa- tion of Canada -Phone 01- ,.- RARE CHANCE For immediate sale, a vomple;te sheall fling, neat' \Vingbar . Good buildings, well watered, rural mail, telephone and a fine grow- itlg crop. Will be sold either with or without the crop. Best of r'ensi3ns for selling. Easy tot'nl s, Apply to ABNER COSENS In,nranrt' and Real Estate Successor to Ritchie & Costnr, Winfibam, - Ontari .44 r 4.� .444 4 ingman would d#gni#y labour and enrich the employer; But one bone of contention we have with the merchants, they commence biesi-: Tress at 3 a. m. closing,at 6 p. m. sharp, if they would make the closing time 0.30: p. re how Much more , convenient for many workers in` Wingharn. There are women and girls • who work Cantil six o'clock in our factories. What chance have theyto do any shopping what- ever e onSaturdaynight, eetter tou. piece of meat b yaor a pound of but- ter? There are families living quite in the suburbs of the town with 'tired mothers who have little children., At one time they could say to Hubby, bring us home so and so when you come from work this evening, but they cannot say so now, The merchants must remember they do not start so early , and if necessary can still make it one half hour later, and let them like the P. O, Make it 6.30 in the evening instead of 6, They may depend uptiri it, they will not be call d' upon tg rjpenti time in ggsaip, etc„ ae all t#len, would be bu)'ers, would Ile anxious to get hople to their suppers. Now Sir, if you will insert these few rambling remarks you will greatly pbiige your old Friend. Uncle ,josh A SIMPLE METHOD TO REMEDY RHEUMATISM, .QE DOES NOT INTERFERE 1[7' POO 4S2W114$T 1 PROI'ZRl FiAX•ii1W1 D Many persons contend that there ie no sure remedy for Rheumatism, Sciat- ica, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Neuritis, or their kindred diseases, but don't be biased: draw your own conclusions from the proof submitted. Over two years ago, William Nesbitt, of 113 John St., Toronto, Ontario, was, attacked by Rheumatism Mr. Nesbitt wee 53 years of age at the tilt}p (ngl`Ilg feared the whill;, A.fter' ti'Issug many femntlieti and pieuoriptlons without Alia lathing relief Ito took a friend's advice and used Temnpleton's Rheumatic Cap- sttlee, Result---to-day Mr. Nesbitt says, "He hasn't lost a day's work since nor fears Rheumatism any more," Mr. Nesbitt gives the entire credit for Ins recovery to T.R.C: S. Profit sly bis experience, Try them. nr new Ask your Druggist or write ue for q booklet; itis interesting and coats you nothing; slash A K C is anywhre on`reeeii»tto?f $1 4. Solo Agent far Whtghatn, .T. \Volton m.l�.rtr• bob, Druggist and Optict n. GIRLS WANTED Clean, airy, Sunlit workrooirl.% rhort hours ---a 47 -hour week, vrii,h Saturday half -holiday. "ahttablt` t'.Cii;t9n1i lib agreeable ti r17k for thl id:'4 1rE's it~11E;Gd. A Mort It etile:wa•ge its bt'g ltltlt'rJ `17iiieil 2:1 it.t . tib? ese we,..„. whet 1:X1)%,4'141.11" t t..•c41.1'titit'it:tlty, writ.; c',' 1• di MERCURY MILLS tmirrro Hamilton '_ Ontario COMMIONNICININIMIIMCCSININNWI ARD'S ArrivaIs of New'I FALL GOODS M We have just passed into stock a shipment of Ladies' Fall and Winter Coats, Our range comprises coats for Ladies, Misses and children in all the popular and fashionable ma- terials tettals alicl correct styles moderately priced,' We invite your inspection. Raincoats -That are satisfactory in quality, style .and price. We have the "Duktez Brand made of pretty tweed effect patterns, guaranteed water- proof aterproof and will give excellent service, Sweaters -Our fall range comprises an assort- ment of smart new styles in Pullovers and Sweat- er Coats. All the1e estsll ades and..color .com- binations are here at popular prices. Top Skirts -Another shipment of silk poplin skirts to hand. See our special skirt at $5,00. Men's Store What about your neo fall suit or overcoat,• ' Shipments of Men's .and Bos' Clothing 0 lam. now coming in. •Take: look at our FITE-RITE and BACHELOR SUITS. Our new style•in fancy 'X English worsted effects will interest you. • • H. E. Isard & Co. An ExceptionalOffer! R Any person purchasing' a piano or violin within one inonth;frons this date receives One Term of Lessons • Free. Z4 instr'llctiap will he given in out' store by My. Geo. Fr fogle, We have special prices. Our pianos are unequalled • 7 and our violins are of the finest, being made by k Brace & Son, the old English firm which has a: con- X tinental reputation second to none. Come in and.see thele. You are not obliged to buy. A good line of phonographs always on hancl.. 4. New music and new records arriving almost . daily. • A • Hill's Music Store xxXX2-4XZXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX iss0ers? 4.1nwier fir reg er.5tltrvAr old gra Ir'' `t. i T1 , ttNG silver is always of the sable degree of fineness although the sale, pattern may sometimes be had in different weights. And you Can purchase of us plated ware for your dining room or boudoirs that will serve you satisfactorily forever. If you would safeguard the health or your children aliow our expect: to examine and prescribe for their eyes. R. M. McKAY Jeweler and Optician Wingham r,ti��arri�•yi;r ..,.