HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-02-26, Page 1TERhlt3--il.%b per Anuunrr 1.00Ir► Advance. - J '� INDNPSNDANr IN ALL THIN06-NE47TBAL IN NOTHING A. X TODD, Wltor ar+d Owner
Swear off drinking bad whiskey, '
the best isn't too good fur you, is it?
Swear off swearing at bad whiskey;
it is your own fault for buying it. I
Swear off going to places where
they don't keep good whiskey.
Swear by Seagram's Rye all the
time, of- anything else bought at
.• The Clinton Liquor Store.
I,r(i• " Kennedy.
Brief Town Topics.
Mrs. Isaac Brownlee is on it visit
here from MIchigan.
Miss Snell, of Winghani, is the guest
of Mrs. W. Foster.
Mr. John Scruton won the fat man's
skating race last Wednesday evening.
A telephone is being placed in the
Waverly House.
Mr. Geo. F. Emerson is in Toronto
this week.
Mrs. Emigh and Mrs. Win. Emigh
of Blyth, were In town last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson of Will -
ham were visiting in town last week.
Mrs, Jas. Beattie is visiting in Brus-
sels, the guest of S. Beattie.
Mrs. A. Brown, we regret to learn, is
quite ill.
Miss, Cavan, of Seaforth, is the guest
of Miss Josie Fair.
Messrs. T. Jackson, Jr. and J. C.
Gilroy are this week in New York.
Town Auditors Wiseman and Cante-
Ion have almost completed their labors.
E. Campion, Q. C., of the county
town, was in Clinton yesterday,
Clinton Bowlers had a friendly game
of curling at Seaforth last Wednesday.
Mr. John Scruton and son Eddie ,are
on a few weeks visit to Vienna.
The Misses Caxggill returned to their
homes last Saturday.
Retnrning oMcer Capt. Beck was in
town last Thursday in his official capa-
Miss McQuarrie, of Brussels, who
the guest of her brother here for
oral days, left for Detroit.
a. on Lodge No. A. F. and A.
int g
M., meets on Friday evening at 7.30
p. M.
Clinton Camp. Woodmen of the
World, meet; this (Wednesday) even-
Mr. H. J. D. Cooke, barrister, of God-
erich, was in the hub of Huron last
. Monday.
Mrs. Statnbury, Mrs. R. W. Coats
and Harry Statnbury, of Detroit, were
called to Clinton this wtk to attend
the obsequies of husband Pool father.
The Salvation Army bad a most suc-
cessful special time oil the 15th, 18th
and 17th, clearing $26, for which the
Corps desire to thank all who assisted.
Goderich Orangemen are making
every preparation oil an extensive
§stale for the coming 12th July celebra-
Mr. W. J. Emerson, who has been
visiting in this section for some weeks,
left last Wednesday for his home at,
Grandin, N. D.
ThePinkney hot.el building at Sea -
forth, owned by the T. T. Coleman
estate, was destroyed by fire early yes-
terday morning.
Mr. J. B. Hockridge, wife and three
children, who were visiting relatives in
this section for several weeks, left
yy)esterday for their home lit Hunter, N.
Cooper Bros. have been awarded the
t &t)ntract of a fine two story brick.
"1 house for Mr. Giles Jenkins, of Iiulltat.
When it is completed it will class
aunongst the best rn Hallett.
. Seaforth Sun Mr. David Stewart,
of Clinton, is laid up at his fathers resi-
dence in town with typhoid fever con.
tracted by waiting on his brother, who
died there.
On Sunday morning at the Bapt6t
Church the second sernion of the ser ies
on the life of Joseph will be. -Joseph
sold at the Pit's Mouth." "Using our
. talents" is the topic for evening,
The other evening a young lady
while walking along the west Ride of
.Albert, street, near R. Coats & 87 I), re-
veived it cold chill. The cause of the
affliction wits the descent of a large
heap of soft snow from, tho roof.
While the result was amusing and
harmless. it might easily have prover]
a serious niatter.
County Currency.
--- ---_- ---- - --
Sunday School Convention.
- -- - - --- - -
years, The tracber and the class read
settled during the first five years
The seventeenth annual Convention
the lesson, taking the verses alternate-
ly. Questions asked by the members
of its life. S. S. lessons and
c:ateeh:sma are two of the means made
HE Its Gtxrrly.O BuTTlsx.-Yawn
Clark Mitchel} continued to improve
of the Nile and Dungannon circuits was
held to the Nile Methodist church on
of the class were referred to the class
for answers. Very little exhortation
use of to teach thq doctrines of the
Bible and of the church to which the
belong. As we believe so we
all the past week and, should there be
no relapse, of which there is no likeli-
Wednesday, Feb. 19th, 1890.
was given during the time of teaching
the lesson.
rare likely to practice. A doctrine that
hood, he will before many days be
The weather in the morning, being
favorable, a large uumbet• front each
"What benefits result from S. S.
speaks of love, of a free salvation for
again seen in his office.
circuit repaired to the house of God to
teaching to the church and cuutntun_
alt mankind, of an atonement for the
sins of all the people is preferable to
OYSTERS WILL BE TI3uRE.- -To )nor- ,
row evening the Canadian Foresters
hear or engage in the discussion of the
the rau)me.
it F" waits the subject allotted to
My Tiffin.
tiny other. Children should he taught
will celebrate the annual gathering u) '
various subjects oil pro�i
Though thele was It decided chan re In
F, i,
The S. S. is looked uponas the nuts-
these doctrines at home and in I he S.
Schools. Doctrinal truths are of more
the Temperance Hall, Oysters will he
served starts in the evening, thea an
the went her in the afternoon the church
was ttc•ketl b an interested anti at.
p Y
cry of the arch. S. S. pupils form
the majority of the tuenlbers of the
importance than the history or geogra-
excellent musical and literary pro-
tenlive audience. But in the evening
the storm hall increased tA) such an ex-
church and they are its most steadfast
and reliable members. Those convert-
phy of the lesson. The thoughts ex-
pressed in the answers to the questions
grfunme will be presented.
JOTTING TnEb1 DOWN. -Our• assessor f
tent that inan who intended attend
ed in their ouch and earl taught in
Y Y g
In the Catechism should he explained
very carefully by the parent of teacher.
is now on his annual tl�riuta a nc)tiI r
p g f
increase in the town s wealth, du( -
in the convention wort! forced to re-
main at home and some desirous of re-
the S. S. are not likely lu be easily led
astray by skeptics and infidels. Those
Rev. S. C. Edmunds, B. A., of Dun-
introduced to thesubject "'rhe
ing out the births for the past year and
iniuning for the evening session were
trained in the S. S. are. the most
Iluportanae of Bible study in the light
making a record that will app
the tax bill is
compelled) to go home. )twithstand-
efficient workers to the S. S. and in the
against. us when next
ing all this the church was well. }ailed.
church. Teachers are benefited by
of the present day."
Mr. W. Bailie occupied the chair diir-
their work because to present the
What we all know is hard to explain.
IT xs Tots FAVORITE. --Judged by the
Ing the Morning session, Rev. J. W.
lesson to the class they must study it
therefore it is difficult to explain the
number of people seen skating oil the
Pring ill the )afternoon and Mr. John
thoroughly and thus they get a wider
importance of Bible Study. Tile Bible
new rink the pastime is a favorite one
McLean in Lite evening,
range of Bible knowledge, and by
is perhaps more carefully and exten-
for in additon the youthful ones
One number on the programme for
studying the disposition of the scholars
they a broader view of huutan
lively studied now tit allyy prev-
ions period in the world's bilines•
seen on all rinks, there may
fie the
the evening session is oirlitted in this
report. Saute of the questions in the
nature. The majority of missionaries
arid whether local ov,itiner-
Children in the S. School now are ex-
petted to know more about the truths
seen men of till ages, land prettiest
of matrons gliding gracefully over the
question drawer were objectionable as
int, have been taught in the S. school.
of the Bible than the old people did. a
vast sheet of ice ill the new rink.
questions or general, or even local im-
The S. S. creates and develops in the
it spirit of liberality to the fonds
few generations past. All people
should study the Bible to understand
INSTALLATION. -At the regular meet-
ing of the Goderich Council No. 157
portance. The person answering the
questions not beingacquainte'l with all
of the church. I'he S. S. gives to the
con)munityy a higher sense of honor
it as fully its possible. We should
stud} the Bi{)le without prejudice or
(ranadian Order of Chosen Friends,
Past Chief Councillor Joseph Beck in -
the S. S. wurkers wits not perjtaps in it
and estiablishes a higher standard of
bias to Ion the truth as it is there
stalled the following officers for the
position to notice that they were. per
morality. It has a tendency to put a
taught, tend to gain a love for that
current term : C. L., W. A. Ross ; V.
Each b levo-
stop to those practices which are
truth. There being more temptations
C., W. H. Smith; Rec., 11. W. Ball ;
Marshall, W. J.
session was opened
objectionable in their nature.
to lie overcome than in years lung
Treas., A. Farrow;
tional exercises and closed with the
Mrs. Bickle taught to a. class of 17
one b more het) is riceded to aver-
g Y, E
Brown, Warden, W. McClure. Past
benediction. Con ve itional singing
g g' g g
enlivened the morning and afternoon
little boys and girls the lesson of Christ
curve them. As nearly every home
Possesses a Bible it is reasonably ex-
Councillor Joseph Beck was elected to
represent No, 157 at the March roasting
sessions and the Nile choir led rho
cleansing she ]aper, choosing her own
title and golden text,
petted that all should be conversant
of the Grand Council in Toronto.
music in the evening.In the follow-
Ing ccndensed report the addresses land
She read the lesson distinctly
with its teachings.
discussions are combined.
the class might andersttand. She illus-
SecreGarp of Convention.
the ninth lox. the volrnteets of
p •
will have a social gathering at the
traced the sinfulness of sin by compar-
Ing it with the disease of leprosy, and
-•---- -- ---- .- -
Point F;arrn and on this occasion the
Dir. Charles Garvin, of Nile, itltrodtic-
by comparing it with an apple in
repetition of the Windsor expedition
ed the suhJ'ect "Holy to erepare the
different stages of decay,
RENTED. ---Mr. Benj. Grainger has
at)d the battle of the Bayfield Road will
Lesson.' 4,e should begin early in
the week by reading the lesson as it is
In the discussion which followed
rented his blacksmith shop here to Mr.
be told over again, as well as many
minae retuinescences of those days. -of
found in the Bible, to find out what
will be personally beneficial. Get all
P y
particular emphasis was laid on the
repetition of the title, olden test and
McKay, of Bright. The gentleman
lv}ll take possession about the 1st of
anxiety and hard murk, t1s the gath-
ening will be an all day one and tt is
possible. assistance flout lesson helps.
outlines of the lesson )y the children
in they could repeat them
Dlarchand cotneshi g Y recommended.
We bespeak for hint the patronage of
certain that most of the nien of W will
Study the history and geography of
the lesson and its surroundings, Study
concert until
correctly. Children beingnaturally
he varied
the sturdy yeomen of this vicinity and
extend to him in their behalf a cot•dial
be resent all who take an
P +
Mel" -
past or present, in the Volunteer Ment -
the lesson so as to be able to present in
the most practical method the truths
restless the exercises shoud
tie much its possible to keep them in-
welcome, The gentleman is as yet un-
but being such it fine
ornal should write J. J. Wright, secy.,
TIIe Point I+aran, fora ticket.
that it contains and so as to make the
best use of the time andopportunity at
terested. The blackboard and object
lessons should be used in teaching the
married, there
residence in connection with the shop
THE MissiON BAN(). -This ,juvenile
our disposal. Study to present the
I)OUNLr•y and infant classes.
bere we prophesy that he will riot come
society gave an excellent, entertain -
lesson to the tnenihers of the class in-
"How to make S. S. teaching more
alone. C Coni. to fall.
ORANGE. O, L. No. 928 will hold
in Knox Church oil Friday evening,
and although adults were asked to con-
dividually, 13ttiol it in faith that We
be rewarded by seeing the inern-
efficient" was the subject inti-Auced by
Rev. S. C. Edmunds, f3. A., elf Dungan-
)tom regular Illeating next Monday even-
hope to
tribute tOwalY15 the programme, the
little ones held up their end of the hill
bers of one classes converted. Study
the lesson to draw from the st•holays
non. All available time and helps
should be recupied in the pre}})aratki
ing the 2nd prox. We see a
full attendance of ntetnhers. The hand
of fare. As was to be expected there
the teachings of the lesson.
of the lesson. By secular readfn and
-will he re -organized at this meeting
for the coming lLth of July celebration
waft a large attendance, and
6 and 10c. over
fee was placed eat f
the p
DIr. W. Bailin introduced the subce'et
"Sabbath School Statistics, their c}ixt•-
personal observation, teachers will get
much that will materially assist in the
to be held in the beautiful town of
thirty-three dollars wets netted. Songs,
reading and scenes by thechil-
utter and utility."
explanation of the lessons. l ilustt•a-
tion should be drawn front things with
NOTES. -Mrs. Joseph Watkins were
dren invade lip the programme of the
Yearly reports should he given deal
ing with all the workings of the school.
which the scholars are well acquainted.
ret to say is still very ill. -Mr. John
numbers. T le Quarrel of the
and The Months and Nations were
Quarterly and weekly reports should
also be given and should show the
Teach thoroughlyy the principles under-
lying a perfect t character. Ian tress nn
now wears apaternalsmile. It's
a ho Messrs Wm. J. McBrien and
very pretty, the (tresses land grouping
being splendid, while the speeches of
number of Scholars, teachers, officers
te inds of the children how they
should live every dap. Teachers must
Jas. Miller have each purchased It fine
horse. to replace the ones they recently
those representing the several parts
and visitors, also the number of verses
recited olassesns raised
be earnest, consecrated christians to do
efficient work in bringing souls to
,-old. Grainger willIgive his shop
his attention until the arrival
\were generally excellent.
the most pliaising feature of the even -
for S. S. purposes. Ulasses are, by
S. purposes.
Christ. g g
of Mr. McKay. -Mr. Mr. Downs of safe]
Y' g Y
frig was the presentation to the presi-
these reports, stimulated to greater
D1rs. J. B. C:rahutn addressed the
into Clinton and is occupying Mr.
dent, of the band, Miss Polley,ofalove-
dili ante in stud in verse`. These re-
g Y g
ports have a tendency to stimulate the
children, taking the history of Jonah
Joshua Hills house on Albert street re-
ly silken banner which mil her
be a part of thA youthful society.
different classes to provoke one anoth-
has her subject. She taught the dis-
effect of disobedience 1, means
cently vacated by Mr. Scruton. WP
are sort to lose such a good citizc n
Clrtc•U[.AR(%ITYR1tiEF•A.—At the gath-
to good works.
of scriptural examples . She impressed
but wish him success wherever he goes.
Pring at Mr. (,'uff's singing class on Sat-
Re outs of Dun tenon, Nile and
e g
upon the children the necessity of
-Rev. W. Stout is continuing his ser-
nrday morning 52 pupils were present.
Ebenezer Sabbath Schools were then
The three
shunning little faults and of being
mons oil Revelation. They are very
-Several pieces of town property have
given. schools combined
truthful, kind and pleasant. She tad-
interesting and insti•tictive.
changed blinds the present retry -
have 15 of icerc, 28 teachers and 'it
the total
vised than to be brave in doing right,
In ilielnorlalu.
The Collegiittc! Institute Literary So-
scholars on roll with a
average attendance 207. This is
to scorn to be untrue and in the per-
ciety did not hold the regular meeting
of it
plexitiPs of life, to ask, Whitt would
l,ast'week on account c.f7 other enter -
very good average considering that
the report is for a year and many
Jesus do?
Son of Janies and Louitua ;stiller, who died on
Saturday Iter.. 28th, ttlt5 aged R months and 2
tainnlents,--The town cluck stopped
twice dltirin the past week but is now
scholars reside at agreat dist:itnce from
the schools, several having to come
After the reading of the minutes of
da\•s, interred in the Clinton cemetery L1ec.
.Ioth, IW.
running regularly.- Mr. R. 11. Collin.
in the County
more than threemiles. Anotber thing
the morning and afternoon sessions
Rev. J. W. Pring was called upon to
How lonely are our hnart.+ to -day,
The ting we tender feel,
barrister o Exeter, was
town last week. --Regular monthly
to be considered is that man who arc
entered nn the roll as scholars during
take charge of the subject
Are Hevcred by the hand of (loath•
True. (and has Het his Heal
nit'etili;, of the Public .School Board
will be held on Monday. --There will be
the winter, are hired out during the
summer months and therefore cannot
S. S. pupas to the public service of the
church and how to secure it-," as the per-
NIppod by the hand of nne so kind
Ile faded front our sight,
service and an address in St. George's
church this evening at 7.34. ice gath-
attend. Each of these schools taken
several copies of tho S. S. Banner,
sort named f(.t that subject wa :absent.
J -
Children shouts. be atthe public'se'rvic e.
And angclH gently bore away
ills gentle spirit bright,
eria I,y now Pnl iloying a Mtge noro-
are now husi
Baremi Laves, Onward, .Sunbeams
To secure the attendance of the chit-
the should make the
He's nnty lwyond nur mortal •light
her ofeven.--(hlr shermen
ly engaged corking a.nd heading new
and Ha)) Days.
y Y
Miss I,. �'4'hyard introduced LbP sub-
(;ren minister
se'rvICes Intt•reliting to them, perhaps
11 faith wealuloHtAw!
An'( there ).•ill .)oils, our blest Lord.
neL,K, and fixing old ones. - Returnin r
Officer Beck has paid all those otficia -
jec•t "Primary teachers' work and how
PLt•acil a short, sermon especially to
thein, Pa should never shirk
From pail] and death set free.
1 engaged ed itt the recent election. -The
,e g g
to ]accomplish it.." The teacher's work
is t') axxtxt in the training of 1 he child
the res x)nsibilit of bringing the ('hit-
1 } g g
your brother and sister will nilKs you ;
With toys )'nil awed to play
rP;;uliar 171eeLintt of the OatlRdian Or-
der of Chosen Friends will be held to-
for usefulness in aF(.er life. Chiloron
are so trustful and believe so implicitly
to church and keeptn►( t,hPm
their own seat if possible. Ohildren,
Itnt mammas gathered mar all up
tela y
And Iain them safe away.
morrow evenin[[�. The severe weather,
1,} } j)e last, week Stoppedon
what, is tcild thern that their rhar•ar•ters
When very young, should he brought
tA) the service particularly in t•h(.
.4nd as we think of you Just now
the two new stores in the Albion block.
may he easily moulded. The very hest
The fenrs (to gently flow,
Win r•nil
Uncle Torn's Cabin Co, did not,
teacheis available should he apprrmted
to teach the rinwr cla.4ses. These
p y
The. subject assigned to Mr. .John
Iiut by-and'hy we'll hear
Anti how our will to show'
it full house all Frivay• the Mission
}3anc] entxrtainment and the skating
teachers should have fact. nnd Chri9dan
i)tistory wits "The Teacher's Harvestor
And when we reach (hoeity w:ali,
rink being tA)o attractive. Mayor
patience, should study the disposition
Reward of Fidelity in teaching." The
ItA marl)- gates unfold,
Shannon, Councillors tampion and
of the children rand simplify the lesson
1 Y
h:trvest depends on the seed sown. As
We s� 11 believe Ihat sacred truth
The half has not been told.
Nicholson and Mr. A. Mel). Allan left.
tr'l1t,119 to their ('(len l)1'P i]ell%1')n. The
is IIIFa❑ sows so shall he retip. As got)(]
hast. week for Ottawa to interview the
go{den tA:xt parti(nitarly should be
seed is sown in the school by (he teach-
the .hall not 4ee mar Itertir . face
(}overnment, on various matters inchid-
thoronghly explained. Infant classes
er and the library soshall the harvest he
Till gathered horne are we ;
mitt herolnHpot.tfHHrnil(iHnfwhite
in the im )rnvelneuts to our harbor.
g 1
should be encouraged to talk about.
one of o and satisfaction.
We joinod agaln shall be.
The show was greatly in evidence! last
themselves and to pray for their tench-
harvest depends largely nn the kind of
week aril hnt for thejjsnow plows (I in
err, and for one another. This will
give there more interest, in the S.
ground the Reed isRownin. The hearts
of the children is the best ground in
Goderich Township.
litittiber) the streets would have been
inihit.vR„tile. The lowest degree of cold
School and in their teacher. The
which to sow good Reed. Seed sown is
yryM.ItNa.Y ('t'T. OnPday last, wee',(
in the circuli+r town .via six
primary class teacher should tatke
sere to increase. Those brought early
Mr. 1t Thompson received a. nasty cut,
below•. One of lhinlop's large stores
Christ n9 his exanipie in teaching and
to Christ )nay be the means in God s
in the head. HA was engagqed in dress-
on `Vest street. is being fitted tip as a
dealing with these little ones.
Mr. lletherin tam's "welcome” wa.H
hands of bringing many to conversion.
S. S. teachers are not all working for
ing a beef, and before windla,Rsing it up
he threw the chain over the pole, the
billiard rooni. Revival services were
held in the North street Methodist
the closing ad. I'PfiR of the morning
the honor of the position. They are
rewarded b having abetter P
y g �
hooK coming over with much force.
striking him on the head and making
chnrrh the! past week. Mr. D. Morris,
of Manitoba, is visiting his relatives
of the Bible, by knowing more of Ge ,
a nasty cut,.
and many friends in the circular town
AA'1'ERNt)oN Sr%fiSSI()`.
Mr. J. N. Pentland introduced the
by htavin(g�, their faith and power in -
creased. The. faithful teacher becon-les
BAn RoAns. The roads around here
and adjoining township.- The Misses
Wilkinson are visiting relatives in To -
Subject "What cA.n the S. S. do for a
a more healthy Christian and can un -
are in a had condition owing to the
of snow. Some places
rant'). -Tenders have been called for
young man." it can do much for hint
If he will Jet it. it can elevate hire
derstand the remedies for the, diseases
of sin. Fatthl nl teachers, endued
over abundance
It is 5 and 6 feet deep.
imilding a model hotel on the Ai -
bion lot.. The ownership of Col-
socially. Here he meet% with good
with the power of the Holy Ghost,
ONAVISIT, - Miss Ella Perkins,daugh-
borne hotel will change hand% o the
societ and that society will have an
having classes desirous of hearing and
g g
ter of Postmaster Perking, of Gor•rie,
1%t of March. --Geo. Price will shortly
influence over his social nature. It
learning the truth, will have the
wiig visiting at Mr. R. Thompson's on
move to a store in McLeran's block on
will help to develop him intellectually.
power to attract and retain the atten-
the 16th con. The lady spent a most
left for Goderich
,,he East side of the sclun.re. - Mr. M.
Here he gets knowledge of the trutha
tion of those classes. rewards
enjoyable week and
Hutchison has been seriously ill the
of the Bible, and cornea n contrast with
for faithful teaehin are received at
on Monday. We would be, pleased to
in this a
Gust few weeks.
the very beAt literature.
the present time, in the future of our
have ;Miss Perkins section on
The S. S. will assist him to advance
lives, and much more abundantly in
future occasion.
spiritually. The spiritual is the most im_
the life which is to come.
_ - —
Porter's 11111.
pportaant part of his nature and in the S.
"How and to what extent should we
kl.hefinclsthatwhiehgives a eatassist-
ante t) the development of his spiritual
seek to indoctrinate the children F" was
the subject assigned to Rev. I. W.
At last reirtila.r meeting of Varna
evening o4 this week, 28th, there
w , Feb.e W. Potter's
ti g o is
nature. The young men are the hope
Pring. Doctrinal teaching is of great
Victoria Tetrt, No. 49, held on 17th inst.,
elected and
will nes
hall for the meeting
n Levin to or
purpose B K
of the' church in the near future and
importance art it gives stability and
the following officers were
installed :-W. L. Forest, Commander;
ize a lodge of the Ancient Order of
therefore should be invited and per-
suAJed to attend the S. S. and when
strength of character and readers
souls impervious to the. attacks of the
J. H. !McConnell, Lien. Commander;
United Workmen, when Mr. Geo.
Sheppard, of Goderich, and others will
they come they should receive a cordial
welcome. The S. S. helps the oung
evil one.P Parents, guardians, pastors
and S. S. workers should all be en g
R. J. Beatty, RO.k:ord Keeper; George
Beatty, Finance. Keeper; W. Logan,
Chap.; L. Beatty, Sargeant; John
be )T"ent tc address the meeting and
ma, any explanations in relation to
men to grow into wise il}en and
leach them to the kingdom of God.
ed in this very important work.
ents hear the greatest responsibility in
Forest, or., Master at Arms; Thos.
the general working of the order.
Everybody interested in this matter is
Mr. John Mclean tanghtaBible class
this respect and cannot shift this re-
Par•aons, lot Maater0nard• John Forest,
jr., 2nd Master Guard; Mhos. Sander-
cordially invited. Meeting at 7.80
consisting young men and women
and S. H. wot•kers more advanced in
s )onRibility upon any other person.
Z�he destiny of a child is generally
son, :fent.; Wm. Johnston, Picket.
The Orangemen's concert at Central-
ia on Wednesday night last was it site -
cess, some $80 being realized.
The death of Thomas Hodgson, of
Exetertook place Wednesday night
last. iiia had been ill for some time of
consumption, and had suffered ex-
tremely of late. He wits a son of the
late James Hodgson, of Usborne.
On Palmerston Place, Lucknow, Mrs.
D. B. Forster at the early age of tvven-
ty five years and four months, on Fri.
day the 14th of Febr6ary, passed over
the great beyond. Deceased was the
daughter of the late Angus Stewart,
Provincial License Inspector, and the
partner in life to D. Bi Forster, furni-
ture manufacturer Lucknow.
' At I;illffsknow on Wedneaday evening
the 12££'fi ii A., the home of Mr. 'l'. S.
ilv Lid, RossJotreet, was the scene of a
verb' pretty wedding, it being that of
file da' hter Miss Annie to illr. L. R.
Bock, o•fi New Dundee. We ceremony
(vas performed by the Rev. 1. B. Wai-
win, A A., among a number of invited
7_ d
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sTRATe`Oan, oNT., Oct. 14,1**,
Prot. C hamberlain : —
DItAa ala, - I thank you for your kind enquiry eon -
sitting my glasses. It is now two ye ats ewes I t
hrtn,and the longed weir thew Lha better l e
hew. 1 seldom use them..dn the daytime, at
night I ii . see nicely with thew, a,.d they do not
ire my eyes, sad instead of having to take i hem o$
o rent the eyes alter wearil+q them awhile, the eyes
eel rested after putting them on. Should they need
auy attention later on I wul only he too glad to avail
myself of your kind offer to fix them free of change.
Yours truly,
Mas. A. 0. DuRsT.
Prof. C'.hianih(,plain, F:ye Specialist, of
tl7 King St., E. Toronto, Out., call lie
S personally tit his st,i)re, 87 Bing
St. E. Toronto, every Monday.
The past few weoks have beet) very
cold and stormy and the roads have
I almost impassable.
Quite a sociable tittle was spent lit
Mr. Wra. Morrow's Tuesday evening
I A sleigh load from Goderich and
a nuitiber tit' the young people of the
village spent the evening in awuse-
tnent and all kinds of gauzes until all
early hour (if the nlorrlitig.
Messrs. J. M. Roberts and B. J, Crafw-
f0ptl have retul'ned from Ottawa, where
they have been interviewing the Gov-
ernment its delegates for Lite Electric
Railway. They report good prospects
so far rind if everything works satis-
factory Lite road will be cgirpleced
through here this coming SLUX1.1fler,
Messrs. Alex. Pentland and H.
Ceasar have n ttu•ned home front Luck.
now, where they have .been for the
past teav weeks engaged at packing
apples for Mr. Gell. Anderson.
Miss E. Durnin, of St. Ilenens, spent
it few clays visiting at Mr. Thompson';,
Quite it number of the yoang Ipeople
attended the telt meeting tit fort AI -
bet t Tnescl>ty last. 1 hey r(TO"t It gou(]
tune. Thot Speeches given by each Of
the pastors was vert• interesting, ills')
the selections of choice tnusic given by
the ]vile vhoir•.
Mrs. Anderson's son Gordon has
bac} it very severe attack of croup.
Mr. R. Wray has move(] off front
street into the house littely occupied by
Mr. Curwen, on the outskirts of the
We are sorry to say that DI r. Joseph
Smith received a severe cut on the
foot while working in the swamp last
Mr. Aclam Thompson spent Sunday
at Me. John Stafford's.
We lire glad to say that Miss Mattie
Pentland is ,title to go around again.
The division court day has been post-
poned until April.
We reget to announce the death of
Dr. McKay,- M. D., of this village,
which occurred very unexpectedly; he
was an old and highly respe(ted ciui-
zen of this place for a number of years.
The funereal took place on Friday. fie
leaves five sous and one daughter to
clout n their loss.
Quite a large number from the vill-
age intended the Sunday School con-
vention at Nile Wednes(lity least. Ow-
sng to the stormy weather there wits
not as Iftrge an attendance its expected.
A grand carnival is expected next
week. Prepare in time, boys.
Mr. Alex. Join silent it few /lays visit.-
ing friends in Goderich, township.
Most of his time was taken up on the
sixth con.
A very pleasant event took place in
this village Wednesday last at the
residence of Rev. Mr. Arn'A.ron� it
being the happy union of M1lr. .J1ihn
Durnin of Diikota to Miss Bessie Mr-
11hee, eldest daiighter of Chits. McPhee,
OfColborne. The bride was most be-
comingly attired in pale Blue silk and
wits wsslsted by Mitts Eva M11,11 911, Alld
the groorn wits ahly supported h•y Mr.
.Jas. Medd. The happy cm+ple left fur
the residence of Mr. Unr•nin's father.
West N'4'awanosh, amidst shower's of
rice and the best wishes of their many
friends in Dunngann,)n.
fir. Jas. Rose our popular, machine,
agent, intendv going into t he hardwnl•c
busir)ess in this village soon.
NoTEs.--.Mi9seq Charlotte land Anudi;a
Brownet , of Goderich, are at, prem nt,
visiting at their home. -Miss Ray
Richardson visited relatives in TnekPr-
Rtuith the past. woAk.-Miss Dunlop, of
Goderich, visited friends in this neigh-
borhood recently. We are'
pleased to
see that, Mr. Charles Iteid has tO.ur•ned
safely from his recent trip to the old
Coll n`,ryy.-We are glad to hear that
Mrs. W. (hark, jr., is recovering front
her recent illness. Mrs. James iteid
went to Lucknow last week to attend
the wedding of her Rist•er. DAM(-
ameRumor says that by the appearance of
things we will have A number of wed-
dings in the near future.
COUNCIL. --Stanley Council met, in
own hall, Varna, on Fah. 15th, %t the
call of the Reeve. The tender of TAE
Nitws-RECORD was accepted for town-
ship printing. The Council gave full
power to the Reeve and Deputy -Reeve
to defend the suit of Halliday vs.
Stanley. The Auditor's report was
accepted and 50 copies ordered to be
printed The following accounts were
ordered paid: -McLean Bros., adver-
tising Court of Revision, )$1.50; A. M.
Todd printing account $8.25; W.
Cook, stove pipes and wood, $2.75; Jno,
Davidson, repairs on Goshen Line, $1;
Geo. Baird] and Peter Campbell, Audi-
tors, !$6 each; Dr. Armstrong, examin-
ing Miss >l:. Johnston, $6; Dr. Shep-
pard, for Same, $5. The, next meeting
to beat the call of the Reeve. -J. T.