The Huron News-Record, 1896-02-19, Page 7F" 11111TINu POINT „iiolef BEV. DR. TALMAGE WOULD 'EVANGELIZE AMERICA. Wants au Outpouring of tits Holy Spirit sit, the National CapttahWould Be of Incalculable Value to Christ tautly New Awakening. Washington, il'eb, 9.—The audience of Dr. Talmage is thronged with the chief men of the nation and people from ell parts, making this sermon most timely, An hour and a half be- fore the doors open the people gather In the street and policemen keep the way open for the pewholders. The text chosen for to -day's discourse was Luke xxiv, 47, "Beginning at Jeru- salem." "There it is," said the driver, and we all instantly and excitedly rose in the carriage to catch the first glimpse Of Jerusalem, so long the Joy of the Whole earth. That city coroneted with temple and palace and radiant, whe- ther looked up at from the valley of Jehoshaphat or gazed at from adjoin- ing hills, was the capital of a great nation. Clouds of incense had hover- ed over It. Chariots of kings had roll- ed through it. Battering rams of ene- mies had thundered against it. There Isiah prophesied, and Jeremiah lament- ed,'- -aLn'td� vid reigned, and Paul Preach ir' 'v - Christ was martyred. Most lute eating city ever built since masonry rung its first trowel,or plumb line measured its first wall, or royalty Swung its first scepter. What Jeru- salem was to the Jewish kingdom Washington is to our own country— the capital, the place to which all the tribes come up, the great national heart whose throb sends life or death a through the body politic clear out to the geographical extremities. What the resurrected Christ said in my text to his disciples when he order- ed them to start on their work of gospelizatlon, "beginning at Jerusa- lem," it seems to me God says now in his providence to tens of thousands of Christians in this city. Start for the evangelization of America, "be- ginning at Washington." America is going to be taken for God. If you do not believe it, take your hat now and leave the room to some man or woman who does believe it. As sure- ly as God lives, and He Is able to do as He says He will, this country will be evangelized from the mouth of the Potomac to the mouth of the Oregon, from the Highlands of the Navesink to the Golden Horn, from Baffin's bay to the Gulf of Mexico, and Christ will walk every lake, whether bestorm'ed or placid, and be transfigured on every mountain, and the night skies, whe- ther they hover over groves of magno- lia or over. Alaskan glacier, shall be filled with angelic overture of "glory to Caod"and good will to men." Again and again does the old book announce that all .the earth shall see the salvation of God, and as the great- er includes the lesser that takes Am- ergloriously in. Can you not see th ' America is not taken for God by h s consecrated people it will be taken for Apollyon ? The forces engag- ecled on both sides are so tremendous that it cannot be a drawn battle. It is coming, the Armageddon! Either the American Sabbath will perish and this nation be handed over to Herods a.r-d Hildehrands and Diocletians and Neros of baleful power, and Alcohol- ism will reign, seated upon piled up throne of beer barrels, his mouth fcaming with domestic and national ct rse, and crime will lift its unhinder- ed knife of assassination ,and rattle keys of worst burglary, and wave torch of widest conflagration, and our canes be turned into Sodoms, waiting fcrr Almighty tempests of fire and brimstone, and one tidal wave of ab- omination will surge across the con- tinent, or our Sabbaths will take on more sanctity, and the newspapers will become apocalyptic wings of be- nediction, and penitentiaries will be abandoned foe lack of occupants, and holiness and happiness, twin son and dr ughter • of heaven, shall walk through the land, and Christ reign over this nation either in person or by agency so glorious that the whole country will be one olear, resounding echo of heaven. It will be one or the other. By the throne of Him who liveth forever and ever I declare it will be the latter. If the Lord will held me, as he always does—blessed las His glorious name—I will show you lane a mighty work of grace begun at Washington would have a tendency to bring the whole continent to God and before this century closes. William the Conqueror ordered the gaurfew, the custom of ringing the bell at midnight, at which all the fires on the hearths were to be banked and all the light extinguished, and all the people retire to their pillows. i pray God that the curfew of this century may not be sounded, and the fires he blinked, and the lights extingutshee as the clock strikes the midnight hour that divides the nineteenth century from the twentieth century, until this beloved land, which was to most of us a cradle, and which will be to most of us a grave, shall come into the full los-session of Him who is so glorious that William the Conqueror could not be compared to Him, even the One who rldeth forth "conquering and to conquer." Why would it be especially advan- tageous if a mighty work of grace started here, "beginning at Washing- ton ?" First, because this city Is on the border between the north and the south, It is neither northern nor eccthern It commingles the two cli- mates. It brings together the two styles of population. It Is not only right, but beautiful, that people ehculd have especiai love for the lati- tude where they were torn and brought up. With what loving er- centuatlon the Alabamian speaks of his orange groves 1 And the man from Massachusetts is sure to let you know that he comes from the land of the Adrtm9es—$amluel and John and John Quincy. Did you ever know a Vir- 1ag or $hioan whose face did not ilak Mafia when he announced himself ftCarl babe southern er northern state of">;rreeld'eftf.s ? If a man does not like Ale native clime, Lt is because while he lived there he did not behave well. This capital stands where, by its tonality, and its political influence, it Streteheq forth ono hand toward the ntrth and the other towariii tike t 1yt�i, Sad a mighty work of trtttifce starting here would probably be a national awakening, Georgia would clasp the Rand of New Hampshire and Maine, the hand.'of Louisiana and California, the hand of New York, and say. "Come, tat us go up and worship the God of nations, the Christ of Golgotha. the Holy Must of the pentecostal three thousands." It has often been said that the only way the north and the south will be brought Into complete accord is to have a war with some futeigu nation, in which both section., marching side by side, would forget eve rything but the foe to be overcume. at ell, If you watt for such a foreign conflict, you will walt until all this gt neration is dead, and perhaps wait forever, The war t'hat will make the sections forget past controversies is a war against unrighteousness, such as a universal religious awakening w.iuld declare. What we want is a battle for souls, in which about 40,- 000,000 northerners and southerners titan be on the same side and shoulder to shoulder. In no other city on the c uitinent can such a war be declared so appropriately, for all the _ether great cities are either northerff or southern. This is neither, or rather It is both. Again, it would be especially ad- vantageous if a mighty work of grace etarted here because more representa- tive men are in Washington than in any other city between the oceans. Of course there are accidents in poli- ties, and occasionally ther are men who get into the Senate and House of Representatives and other important places who are fitted for the positions in neither head nor heart, but this is exceptional and more exceptional than In other days. Them is not a drunk- ard in the national Legislature, al- thc ugh there were times when Ken- tucky, Virginia, Delaware, Illinois, New York and Massachusetts had men In Senate and House of Reprc- aentatives who went maudlin and staggering drunk across those high places. Never nobler group of men sat in Senate or House of Representa- tives then sat there yesterday and will sit there to -morrow, while the highest judiciary, without exception, has now upon its bench men beyond criticism for good morals and mental encowment. So in all departments of official position, with here and there an exception, are to -day the brainiest rnen and most honorable men of Am- erica. Now, suppose the Holy Ghost power should fall upon this city and teese men from all parts of America should suddenly become pronounced fcr Christ ! Do you say the effect, would be electrical ? More than that, It would be omnipotent ! Do you say that such learned and potent men are not wrought upon by religious Influ- ence ? That shows that you have net observed what has been going on. Commodore Foote, representing the nnvy; General Grant and Robert E. Lee, representing the northern and southern armies; Chief Justice Chase, representing the Supreme Court; the Fr'elinghuysens, Theodore and Fred- erick, representing the United States Senate; William Pennington and scores of others, representing the Huse of Representatives, have sur- rendered to that Gospel which before tl.1s winter is out, will in this capital of the American nation, if we are faithful in our prayers and exertions, turn into the kingdom of God men of national and international power, their tcngues of lire In another Pentecost. There are on yonder hill those who, by the grace of God, will become John K: oxes and Chrysostoms and Fenelons and Bourdeaus when once regenerated. There is an illusion I have heard in 1 rayer meetings and heard in pulpits that a soul is a soul—one soul worth as much as another. I deny it. The sI ul of a man who can bring 1000 or 10,000eathor souls Into the kingdom of God is worth 1000 or 10,000 times more than the soul of a man who can bring no one Into the kingdom, A great out- pouring of the Iloly Spirit in this capital, reaching the elicit men of America, would be of mere value to earth and heaven than In any other Part of the nation, because it woul'] reach all the states, cities, towns and ne;ghborhoods of the continent. Oh, for the outstretched right arm of God Almighty in the salvation of this capital ! Some of us remember 1857, when, at the close of the worst monetary dis- tress this country has ever felt, com- pared with which the hard times of the last three years were a boom of prosperity, right on the heels of that complete prostration came an awaken- ing In which 500,000 people were con- verted In the different states of the Union. Do you know where one of its chief powers was demonstrated ? In Washington. Do you know on what street ? This street. Do you know in what church ? Title church. 1 picked to an nlrl hone a few days ago and was' startled and thrilled and en- chanted to read some words, written at that time by the Washington cor- respondent or a New York paper. Hel wrote : "The First Presbyterian Church can scarce contain the people. R. quests are daily preferred for an Interest In the prayers offered, and the reading of these forms one of the tenderest and most effective features of the meetings Particular pains are taken to disclaim and exclude exery- thing like sectarian feeling• general astonishment is felt at the unexpeeted rapidity with which the work has thus far proceeded. and we are be- ginning to anticipate the necessity of opening another church." Why, my h. arers, not have that again. and more than that ? There are many thousands more of Inhabitants now than then. Besides that, alnce then are the tele- phone, with Its -semi-omnlpreseneteand the swift cable car for asset -ratting the People. I believe that the mightiest rel Iva' of religion that this city has ever seen la yet to come, anti the earth will tremble from Capitoline hill to the boundaries on all sides with the fuoteteps of God es he comes to weaken and pardon and save these great populations. People of Washington, meet as next Thursday night eh half past 7 o'clock to pray for this owning of the Holy Ghost—not for a pentecostal 8000, that I have referred to, but 39,000. Such a fire as that would kindle a light that would be seen form the sledges crush- ing through the snows of Labrador to the Caribbean sea, where the whirl- wtnda are born. Let our ory be that of gabakkuk, the blank verse poet of the Bible : "Oh Lord, revive. 'Rhy worts in the midst .of the, years; In the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy." Let the battleory be Washington for God, the United States for God, America for God, the world for God ! We are all tired of .kirn fishing, Let us bring on a gen- -rat engagement. We are tired of fbhing with hook and line. With one sweep of the Gospel net let us take to many thousand's. This vast work must begin somewhere. Why not here ? Some one must give the rally- ing cry. Why may not I, one of the Lord's servants ? By providential ar- rangement I am very week in ser- monic commpnlcatlon with every city, town and neighborhood of this coun- try, and I now give the watchword to nI rth and south and eget and west. Ilear and see it, all people—this call to a forward movement, this call to rrpentence and faith, this call to a continental awakening! This generation will soon be out of sight. Whore are the mlchty men of the past who trod your Pennsylvania avenue and apake in yonder legisla- ture and decided—the stupendous ques- tions of the sujiretne judiciary? Ask the sleepers in the Congressional ceme- tery, Ask the mausoleums all over the land. Their tongues are speechless, their eyes closed, their arms folded, their opportunities gone, their destiny fixed. How soon time prorogues Par- liaments and adjourns Senates and dis- bands Cabinets and empties pulpit:] and di;: misses generations! What we would do we must do quickly or not at all. I call upor, people who cannot come forth front their sickbeds to im- plore the heavens in our behalf from their midnight pillows, and I call upon the aged who cannot, even by the help of their staff, enter the churches, to spend their last days on earth in sup- pllcating the salvation' of this nation, and I call upon all men and women who have been 1n furnaces of trouble, as was Shadrach, and among Irons, as was Daniel, and in dungeons of trouble, as was Jeremiah, to join in the prayer, and let the church of God everywhere lay hold of the Almighty arm that moves nations. Then Senators of the United States will announce to the State Legislatures that sent them here, and members of the House of Representatives will re- port to the Congreasionat districts that elected them, and the many thousands of men and women now and here en- gaged in the many departments of na- tional service will write home, telling all sections of the country that the Lord is here, and that he is on the march fop the redemption of America. Hallelujah, the Lord Is coming! I hear the rumbling of His chariot wheels. I feel on my cheek the breath of the white horses that draw the Victor! I see the flash of His lanterns through the long night of the world's sin and sorrow! We want in this country, only on a larger scale, that which other cen- turies have seen of God's workings, as in the reformation of the sixteenth century, when Martin Luther and Phil- lip Melanchthon led on; as in the awakening of the seventeenth century, when Bunyan and Piave' and Baxter led on; as in the awakening of the eighteenth century, when Tennant and Edwards and the Westeys led on; as in the awakening of 1857, led on hy Mat- thew Simpson, the seraphic Methodist, and Bishop Macllvaine, the Apostolic Episcopalian, and Albert Barnes, the consecrated Prysbyterfan, and others, just as good, In all denominations. Oh, will not some of these glorious souls of the past come down and help us? Come down off your thrones, Nettleton and Finney and Daniel Baker and Ed- ward Payson and Truman Osborne and Earle and Knapp and Insklp and Arch- ibald Alexander—that Alexander the Great of the Christian churches, Come down! How can you rest up there when the world is dying for lack of the gospel? Come down and agonize with us In prayer, Come down and help us preach in our pulpits. Come down and Inspire our courage and faith. Heaven can get along without you bet- ter than we can. But more than all— and overwhelmed with reverent emo- tion we ask it—come, Thou of the deep- ly -dyed garments of Bozrah, traveling in the greatness of Thy strength, mighty to save! Lord God of Joshua! Let the sun of this century stand still above Glbeon and the moon above the valley of Ajalon until we can whip out the five kings of hell, tumbling them down the precipices as the other five kings went over the rocks of Beth- horom. Ha, ha! It will so surely be done that i cannot restrain the laugh of triumph. From where the seaweed is tossed on the beach by the stormy Atlantic to the sends laved by the quiet Pacific, this country will he Emanuel's land, the work beginning at Washington, if we have the faith and holy push and the consecration required. First of all, we ministers must get right. That was a startling utterance of Mr. Swlnnock when he said, "It Is a doleful thing to fail into hell from under the pulpit; but, oh, how dreadful a thing to drop thither out of the pulpit." That was an all suggestive thing that Paul wrote to the Corinthians, "Lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway." That was an inspiring motto with which Whitefield sealed all his letters, "We seek the stars." Lord God! Wake up all our pulpits, and then It will he as when Venn preached, and it was said that men fell before the word like slacked llme. Let us all, laymen and clergymen, to the work. What Wash- ington wants most of all is an old- fashioned revival of religion, but on a vaster scale, so that the world will be compelled to say as of old, "We never saw it on this fashion." But remember there is a. human side as well as a divine side to a revival. Those of us brought up in the country know what is called "a raising" --the neighbors gathered together 4o lift the heavy frame for a new house after the tim- bers are ready to be put into their places. It is dangerous work, and there are many accidents. The neighbors had gathered together for such a rais- ing, and the beams had all been fltt1d to their places except one, and that was very heavy, That one, on the long pikes of the men, had almost reached its place, when something went wrong, and the men could hoist it no higher. But If it did not go in its place it would fall back upoh the men who were lift- ing it. It had already begun to settle back. The boss carpenter shouted: "Lift, men, or diel All together! To— beavet" With mightier push they tried to send the beam to its place, but fell- ed, 'Stili they held on, all the time their„ strength le$serting, The wives and mothers said tt .ugllters stood in horror lookingon. Then the boss car- penter shouted to the women, "Come and help!" They came, and womanly arms be- came the arms of giants, for they were lifting to save the lives of husbands and fathers and eons as well as their own. Then the boss carpenter mount- ed one of the beams and shouted: "Now! Altogether! Lift or die' Yo, heave!" And with a united effort that almost burst the blood vessels the great beans went to its place, and a wild huzza was heard. That is the way it Isometlrnes seems in the churches. Tera- ples of righteousness are to be reared, but there is a halt, a stup, a catch somee here. A few are• lifting all they ran, bu we want more hands at this raising and more hearts and more Christian men to help—aye, more Chris- tian women to re -enforce. If the work fall, It means the death of many souls. All together! Men and women of God! Lift or die! The top stone must come to its place "with shoutings of grace, grace unto It." God is ready to do His pert. Are we ready to do our part? There is work nut only fur the knee of prayer, but fur the shoulders of upheaval. And now I would like to see this hour that which 1 have never seen, but hope to see—a whole audience saved under one flash of the Eternal Spirit. Before you go out of any of these doors enter the door of mercy. Father and mother, come in and bring your children with you. Newly mar- ried folks, consecrate your lifetime to God and be married for eternity as well as time. Young man, you will want God before you get through this world, and you want him now. Young woman, without God, tills is a hard world for women. One and all, wherever you sit 'or stand I lift my voice so that you can hear it, out in the corridors and on the street, and say, in the words of the Mediterranean ship cap- tain, "Call upon thy God, if so be that God will think upon us, that we perish not." Oh,, what news to tell; what news to relate to your old father and mother; what news to telegraph your friends on the other side of the mountains; what news with which to thrill your loved ones in heaven! It was of such news that a man read In a noonday meeting in Philadelphia, He arose, and unrolling a manuscript read: Wherever we meet, you always say: "What's the news ? What's the news 1 Pray what's the order of the day ? What's the news 1 What's the news ? " Oli, I have got good news to tell— My Saviour bath done all things well And triumphed over death and hell— That's the news ! That's the news '. The Lamb was slain on Calvary— Tbat's the news ! That's the news ! To set a world of sinners free— That's the news ! That's the news ! The Lord has pardoned all my sin— That's the news ! That's the news I I feel the witness now within -- That's the news ! That's the news ! And since He took my stns away, And taught me how to watch and pray, I'm happy now from day to day— That's the news ! That's the news ! And Christ the Lord can save you. too— That's the news ! That's the news ! Your sinful heart be can renew— That's the news 1 That's the news ! This moment, If for stns you grieve, This moment, If you do believe, A full acquittal you'll receive— That's the news ! That's the news ! And now, If anyoue should say, "What's the news ? What's the news ?" Oh, tell him you've basun to pray— That's the news ! That's the news ! That you hnve joined the conquering band And now with joy at (:al's ronunand. You're mncrhing to the better land— That's the news ! That's the news ! The Tea navnal Volkar•aad. '1he Volksraad, or Parliament, of the Transvaal, keeps reasonable hours. Both chambers sit from 9 a.m, till 1 p m. and from 2 p.m. till 4 p.m. A few minutes at the close of each hour of the sitting is, however, devoted not to speaking, but to smoking and gen- eral conversation. The members of bath chambers of the Legtstaure receive a salary of S3 Per diem for each day of the sesstos. Pr(sldent Kruger, who has the right of speaking In either chamher, is a highly paid official, his salary amount- ing to £8000 per annum. Gen. .O- bert, who holds three offices, as cam manderr of the feces, member of the executive and Minister of Native Af- fairs, receives a salary of £1000 per ant um. nays Londos Star, under thethevdTafl3 The President of the Transvaal has, ono r the constitution, says London Star, a curious prerogative. When the Legislature Is not sitting his pro- clamations have the force of law, and these proclamations are subsequently, on the meetlsg of the Transvaal Par- te men:, either placed on the statute book or rescinded. t Vampires and (Mont'. According to the popular supersti- tion the vampire left his or her body in the grave while engaged to noctur- nal prowls. The epidemic described prevailed all over Southern Europe, he - Ing at its worst In Hungary and Ser - via. It Is supposed to have originated In Greece, where a belief was enter- tained to the effect that Latin Chris- tians burled In that country could not decay In their graven, being under the ban of the Greek Church. The cheerful notion was that they got out of their graves at night and pursued the oc- cupation of ghouls. The superstition as to ghouls is very anelent and un- doubtedly of Oriental origin. Generally speaking. however, a ghoul is just the opposite of a vampire, being a living person who preys on dead bodies, while a vampire Is a dead person that feeds on the blood of the llving. Football in England. Football has been played In England for more thd.n 500 years. Formerly it was the custom to kick the ball; but latterly England (Inds so many other things to kick at, that the ball is now carried through the game as tenderly as if it were a baby or an obsolescent egg—except when the exigencies of the game require a series of ground and lofty tumblings.—Boston Transcript. She Intended Otherwtae. Rector (gravely)—MY dear madam, now that you have returned from the gay season at Paris, pray do not neg- lect your duty --- Mrs. Sbeokles--It would ruin me to pay it. I stuffed my train with x20,000 worth of point lace. ,N SPINNEY ;*". CO The Old Reliable Specialiste. 33 Year% F2sgerjep.oe? in the &cutn-tont bf the Throat and Lung Troubles, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Nervous, Chronic and Special Dis- own of aleft and woolen. Lost IUDh00d rdesrrei oubbKidney and Bled - permanently cured—Gleet, Gonorrhoea, V aricgcele and stricture cured o•Ithou[ pion. Nu cutting. Syphilis and all Blood Diseases cured without Mercury. OOQne lif4Il Suffering from the effects of 1 b lll youthful follies Or indiscretiofls, or any troubled with Weakness, Nervous Debility, Loin of Memory, Despondency, Aversion to Society, Kinney Troubles, or any disease of the Genital- Urinary Or- gans, can here find safe and speedy cute. Charges reasonable, especi., to the poor. CURES GUARASTEED, 381il dle- R ged hien—There are many troubled ll1lU Hb Men—There with too frequent evaa:- tions of the bladder. often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation, and weakening of the system in a manner the patient cannot account for. There are many men who die of this difficulty, ignorant of the cause. The doctor will guarantee a per- fect cure in all such cases, and healthy restoration of the Benito -urinary organs. Con- sultation free. Those unable to call, can write full particulars of their ease and have medicine sent by express, with full instructions for use. Mention this paper when writing. Office hours: From 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 9 to 11 a, m. DR SPINNEY &CO ago WOODWARD AVENUE. s (Side Entrance No. 18 E. Elizabeth St.) DETROIT, MICH. BIG SALE Heavy Overcoats SERGE SIIITS Going on this week at T. Jackson's, - Huron Street. CHUB 'GROCERY.T 0 We don't Blow, but we do say that we can show you good values in NEW TEAS,(direct importations.) << tt I< 66 Select Valencia Raisins. Fine off Stalk. Filliatra Currants. Ambrisia Currants, Prunes. Our Fruit is the finest we can of Christmas Goods for presents. NEW FIGS. tt I< tit << tt Orange Peel. Lemon Peel. Citron Peel. Walnuts, Filberts. Almonds. purchase in the market. We have a nice 1o1 Will he pleased to show goods. GEORGE SWALLOW, Clinton. CLINTON 8A8H, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY 0 S. S. COOPER, - - PROPRIETOR General Builder and Contractor. This factory has been under the personal supervision years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and estiinates for and build all classes of buildings on short prices. All work is supervised in a mechanical guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and and one owner for eigh prepare plans and give notice and on the closest way and satisfaction exterior material, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doops, Blinds Eto Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOL L DESK, manufactured at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders, Your 9 - BREAKFAST For 10c. Ind TEN MINUTES. There is but Shredded Codfish, That's Beardsley's<7— SELL fT--- - - THE CASH GROCERY, - - OGLE COOPER & CO. Farm Produce taken as Cash. Telephone E3. Buy Where You Can Always Get The Best Values At The Lowest Price. I have ,just received a direct importation of New Samna Uncolored Japan Teas. May pickings from 20e. to 60r.. per Ib., ask for Samples—will offer special cuts in 10 or 20 lb. Caddies- Finest Black 'tnd Green Teas, also agent for the Delirious Mazawakee Tea, put up in Ib. and 1 Ib. lead packages. Now Raisins, finest select. New Currants, New Elme Figs, New Figs in mats, 4 Ihs.or 25c., New English Peels, Lemon, Orange, Citron, In Crockery, China and Glassware, I offer Special Bargains in Handsomely decorated Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets. Beautiful Crystal Table Sets cheap. CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. Gratefully appreciating past favors, I reepectfltlly solicit a continuance of tha same. N. Robson, - Albert Ste, Clinton. Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—a11 of the beet work manehip and material. se A11 the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. l 'FACTORY—oorner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657—