HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-02-19, Page 4The pretty town o1 INGERSOLL -Is the borne of the - Evans Piano W e cspcut a short time In teal boon lwst week and were iuduood to purchase aurae of those beautiful instrumentp, believing that gtutlity and durability considered there is no butter values on the Canadian market. Sir Chas. Tupper, Bart. The reorgan- ization of the Departrxlent, said Di. Montague, is now completes[ alt Foster is quite in touch with all the matters which are being carried uui�, and therefore the interests of the D partnlent will not sutler in any Way When asked about the Remedial. BM, Dr. Montague seed : -"I am in perfect accord with the polley of the Govern- ment as laid before Parliament in the Bill introduced by Mr. Dickey the other day. tee a tnewber of the Council 1 heartily agreed to the Bill, and be- tu live it to be simply an act of lust We invite you to run in and ,uo those Plauos the minority to blanetuba, which I whether you wish to buy or not. • should have fought fur most vigorous - Emerson's Music and Bicycle Prohtaedstanthet, mcaseinbeenoritythe opptereveised.andI3y the kindness of Mr. Taylor, M. P., STORE, chief Whip, I am paired upon the. ques- (' CLINTON. tion, and the Bill." myvote conclusion, ll(Dr. t be KING STREET, I ----- Mout ague stated that he wished to he distinctly understood that he accepted ****** full l WlLS 11 fair for the useasure, which carts a fact ahonest solution of a difficult queatiuu, Dt. Montague expects to be absent for some weeks. THERE STARS cJ- AiU— STAIaS. ******* —But the Star Wall Paper Comes Irons Cooper's. We make a feature of handling the moat complete line of Artistic Wall Uecoratione. We are at all times the leaders but we have never been so far iu advance as at present. Our Spring Stork is tumb• ling in on us and we are husv npeeing and marking the Goods as t l .de corse direct from the manufactui518. Nu middleman has afinger le our uniers ; we save you the middleman's profit. Chelate independent candidate ie wise be will retrace his steps and call a halt. Teta Niewe-RECO1 W does not de- sire to show tip in print the utter ras- cality of individual opponents. If we are forced to it we promise some startl- ing evidence. W iugham has a Young Men's Con- servative Association, and the mem- bership is rapidly increasing. A meet- ing of special interest to Consery iatives will be held on Friday evening of this week, when Mr. W. Gray, the popular president of the Loudon Y. M. C. A., and Major Beattie, the Conservative candidate for the Forest City, will de- liveraddeesses. The Cousctvatives of Clinton and neighborhood are invited to be present. Letters to this paper on politics roust be founded on fact and of a truthful nature. Otherwise Lite waste basket will be their haven. For instance, po- litical charges against the editor we rue in a position to know whether true or false. It true, full and free space will at all times be cheerfully accorded. If false, space must be secured in the columns ort solue lying opponent who is willing to abide with the father of deception and sin. The Mail and Empire says: -- Toronto Globe on January 31 puhlis an attack on the Roman Cat priests of West Huron, declaring t "_they used the altar to oppose th Reform candidate with one exception." Rey. Father Quigley wrote a denial. That denial has not been published. Looking for justice, Father Quigley The Mail and Empire, calling upon the writer to produce over his own proper signature, proof of his statement, or to give a tun and cote - plots retraction.Headds : "I have. not used the altar to oppose the Re- forul candidate,' and 1 challenge proof to the contrary." THE PRICE OF WHEAT. The New Era has at length ventured a reply to our question, after taking two weeks to deliberate and receive a]1 the outside help and counsel lavailable, to enable him to twist out of the hole, and show that farmers are not benefit- ted by the N. P. in an increased price for wheat t We gave examples last week showing how Toronto prices were largely ahead of Chicago, and the New Era replies that the eitl`erence is owing to Toronto being nearer the seer than Chicago. Bab ! It makes one sick to read such twaddle. Give us a reasonable answer. If there is any argument to prove that the N. P. does not iocreiase the price of wheat in Ontario, give it, but don't print such drivel to mislead your readers. Of course we know the ordinary Grit is accustomed to he fed on blather, mis- 'representation, falsehood, theory, hum- bug and ignorance usually mixed together and served up waren, but this reply of the New Era to our ques- tion is unusually silly even for that paper. We will give hitn another chance to explain himself reasonably. The following are quotations taken out of papers published in Ontario : CLINTON Now Era, Feb. 14, Fall Wheat ..80 82 GODERICH Star, ST. MARY'S Journal, 13 . 82 80 WINGHAM Journal " ..78 80 TAVISTOCK Gazette .80 83 STRATFORD W. Herald, Feb, 11, Fall Wheat 80 SEAFORTH Feb. 10, " 78 81 EXETER " 00 80 LONDON " " 80 81 Above we give a list of 9 places all practically iu one neighborhood, all practically, so far as riailt•oed rates are concerned, equally near to or distant from Liverpool. The avetage of these prices shows that 80.3c. is paid for wheat in the places and at the dates above mentioned... Now the New Era witty all its powers of ? will not attempt to prove that Oswego is west of these places named, or that these places are nearer the sea than Oswego, and yet the Globe of Feb. 14th gives Oswego Market, Feb. 13, highest price for wheat, 75c to Vic. CLINTON. Nets tirerti$ttrtet't$. •c,, -Choral Sociel y. 100 vol, iI --Lack Kennedy. Swe:lr e v:ays--Hudgens Bros. M'e're alp (ley --Jackson Ilros. 'Tia 1 rnld 'pie --A. T. Cooper. Sensielc pe, .--M. J'soc'p & ('o. .A. di .>'> e in, Geo. F. Einersnn. Evan.. piano- -Allen & Wilson. We know how inns NV. Jackson Manitob>t excurt 'ksen & Jackson, Strong shoes-Ja L'• ('oeper & ('o, There are stare -e Factory -W. S. Holinesvillc Cheese s -The `V. D. Lawrence. Few people have rya Fair ('o."� 7ecara Thp I/wren News-), 51.18 a Yoer--91.00In isoDomea W EDNESDAY. FEBRI7AR1t RAIL. DR. AfONT-4ou 0 0FFTO.EAW%LA'-'W1 1896 Now these instances 01 examples could he multiplied indefinitely. But this will stiffice to show a nice little 5c. or more per bushel in favor of the Ontario farmer as compared to the U. S, market. We will now await with interest the New Era's attempt next week to prove that the points named in Ontario are touch nearer to Liverpool than Oswego! The fact is, Oswego is more than half way from Clinton to New York. e ed otic According to one esteemed town cutely). Canadian wheat is not OS valu- able'to the Canadian farmer at 82 cents a bushel as American wheat is in Toledo at 75 cents. Under Reform rule from '73 to '78 the New Era is surely aware of the fact that American wheat was brought into competition with and displaced the wheat of Huron farmers right in this county. We remember quite well in those years when the aero of Ogilvie & Hutchison, of the Big Mills at Goderich, brought in American wheat. And still our totem. desires American competition - free trade --in the products of the farm -articles that the lower price un- der such a condition would lessers the prices and consequent circulation of money. THE NEWS -RECORD can hard- ly realize that our coterie is really sincere in the stand it takes en the wheat question. Of course the New Era is following its leaders in deluding the Canadian farmer. L'CCI;L V7' TOPICS. The Signal's onslaught will prove about as severe as an almanac joke. All respectable Protestants disown the Signal's Protestant horse. The severe blister applied to our Goderich Grit contemporary will bring the disease to the surface. The ail- ment may then be treated successful- ly. Tired but Sleepless Is a condition which gradually wears away the strength. Let the blood be purified and enriched by hood's Sar- saparilla and this contrition will cease. "For two or three years 1 was subject to poor spells. I always felt tired, could not sleep at night and the little I could eat did not do me any good. I read about Hood's Sarsaparilla and decided to try it. Before I had finished two bottles I began to feel better and in a short time I felt all right and had gained 21 pounds in weight. I aro stronger and healthier than I have ever been in my life." Joliet W. CoUGHLli, Wallaceburg, Ontario. Tho Globe of S,tturdey quotes May whent on the Chicago market. at. 66ic. And our esteemed town coterne still yearns for the .A therican market 1 Next week Tire News -Recliner; will, if necessary, nail some of its slanderers to the roast in regard to their utter- encea nn the result of the recent West Huron election. • it, is to he regret.ted that t he Reform press of Huron continue to wink at the ripen bribery and personation on the part of hoer friends in the recent WestHuron election. Hoo, 's Sarsaparilla the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently In the public eye today. Be sure to get Hood's and only Hood's. Do not be induced to buy and other. lEQ.7d,5 ILIs cure tress, leadaehe.ills, ?.+0. bilious. repar2ng ForSprirtg.. . 1 Large arrivals of New and Beautiful Springs Goods. Lovely New Prints. Beauti- ful New Flannelettes. New Black and Colored Brillian- tines. Cottonades, Cottons, Curtains. concealed the condition of affairs as far SS possible. "From being local the trouble began to spread slightly and my anxiety in- ereased. 1 consulted two physicians and followed their excellent advice, hut without result. So the winter passed. One day in March I happened to take in rely hand a newspaper in which a good deal of space was taken by an article in rela- tion to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I cid not at that time know what they were supposed to cure. I should have paid no attention to the article had I not caught the nacre of a lady whom I knew. Reading, I found that she. had been greatly benefitted by the use of Pink Pills, and knowing her as I did I had no doubt of the truth of the state- ment that she had authorized. ON A BICYCLE TOUR. A CUEROYMAN'S EXPERIENCE WITH LONG, HARD RIDING. HAS TRAVELLED FULLY 3,000 MILES ON 1118 WHEEL -IIIc MAKES SOME REFLEC- TIONS ON THE BENEFITS OF THE SPORT, AND TELLS OF THE DANGERS. From the Utica, N. Y., Press. The Rev. Win. P. F. Ferguson, Pres- byterian Minister at Whiteshoro, whose picture we give below, will not he unfamiliar by sight to many readers. A young man, he has still had an ex- tended experience as foreign mission- ary, t.encher, editor, lecturer and pas- tor that has given hint a wide acquain- tance in Horny parts of the country. 1n an interview a few days ago, he said : "In the early summer of '94 1 went upon a tour through ,a part of Ontario on my wheel, My route was front Uti- ca to Cape Vincent, thence by steamer to Kingston, and from there along the north shore of the lake to Toronto and around to Niagara Falls. I arrived at ('ape V incest. at 5 o'clock, having rid- den against is strong head wind all dray. Tho (moodier for West Huron, who is pledged for and n.gainst remedial legisl.tl ion, spent the past week in (iedel•iih. It, IS needle=s CO soy the Bill hag been before Parliament during his absence. George McEwe;>, tie, pnpnlai reeve n i, t s ' � v' like) ( of Hay township, hi p Hon. W. II. Montague has .airapfF elm McMillan in the causing Dotisin- constaltecl specialists ns to his present ., aelection. Many reformers are illness and t 1 he electors of the whiner ie. •,118 rat tha change Should he made Dom ir,ion will be pleased to• learn, that. amt gist spresilnt lative. Mr.Mc Ewen is all the Minister of Agriculture rerlrlires a con a few weeks rest. lie is now on his way mindnfo irGoderich0ritcon temporary Ottawa says a- is,ss the Border! Yes, where the "A c7' to England. A special fromt oekly. Just. now the same P s enrking about, wandersa 'I'S: daily to the Queen City Aon. Dr. Montague, Ha pmind wand, ,nn flet lassie uc•e in hisy en English trip, surd that in eminent of the Domia ince to instructions n4 an. eraiurtent unholy work. Next Week the eagle peyeiciau he had consulted in New meet .,oar, York last week, whoseJopinion Grade sant, as Y ootne, p scvent,l Grit con- opinion was on his way to take an abso p true. And we rest front work fora little time. The hyaician toward opinion of the doctor waethat ire waw temporaries. Quite the fleet not suffering from organic. disease, but ' might add that when our numerous as a result of overwork After his ill- patients have undergone nese of softie time ago, he was in a run- course of treatment a fly` f down condition, which demanded coin- considered necessary, may be applied f edotn fora little time. Afar to draw theta out. e Bowe ran of free trade o have been exceedingly kind to him, he had decided to tae an ocean trip. sect1on, advocates a "trey that would His department will be administered Minster of miarkeve topriceCanadian hisrmer the loweet wheat, and he icy the Hon. Mr.nFoster, Finance, who is now somewhat reliev- positive proof of this is given tom ed from onh c work t which the entrance obeen w%arttn .to week in the Era's own col - doing. THE NFme-liars 'or), it has been re - concurred in by bar teas h wham he had also consaaltded, te marked is acting the part of the good piste re consultation wellhis colleaglles, All whom The Clinton New Era, the exponent d doctrine in this immediate "The first box was not gone before I saw a change, and the third had not been finished before all signs of my rheumatic troubles were gone to stay. "I say 'gone to stay,' for though there has been every opportunity for a return of the trouble, I have not felt the first twinge of it. I have wheeled thousands of miles and never before with so little discomfort.. I have had some of the most severe tests of strength and endurance, and have come through them without an ache. For example one afternoon I rode seventy miles, preached that night and made fifty miles of the hardest kind of rued before noon the next day. An- other instance was a 'Century run,' the last forty miles of which were made in a downpour of rain through mud and slush. "You should think I would recom- mend them to others? Weil, I have, and have had the pleasure of seeing very good results in a number of in- stancee. Yes, I should feel that I wits neglecting a duty if I failed to suggest Pink Pills to any friend whom 1 knew to be suffering from rheumatism. "No, that is not the only disease they cure. I personally know of troubles, `a. number of of cures from t I have needed tuetn only for that, though it would he but fair to add thii;t nay general health has been better this summer than ever before in my life." Dr. Williams' Pink; Pills contain all the element's necessary to give new lite and richness to the blood and re- store shattered nerves. They are sold in boxes (never in loose ferns, by the dozen or hundred) at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, and may he had of all druggists or directly by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont. C GILROY & WISEMVI. The Proper Course. Editor News -Record DEAR Sin, -I was pleased to notice in THE NEWS -RECORD that you have o decided to discontinue the theological discussion which has been going on in your columns for several months. While I have been an interested reader of both sides, the main subject hits 6 beer. threshed out. Yourstand in the recent 'West Huron election I did not at first agree with, but from the light y -r you have thrown on this vexed matter, �J I am nolo thoroughly in accord with all your past. utterances. Your paper will continue, I hope, to ever stand up for principle ahead of any clique, party, or religious body. Enclosed please find my renewal subscription of $1, which pays to 1897. Believe me, yours truly, PROTESTANT BRITON. Dungannon, Feb. 15, 1898. IMO Repairs Satisfactory or Your .honey Back. : . u1 Watch" • The plan we pursue is "not cheap watches but watches thea~ *t." We make ..a specialty of reliable watches —those that are a delight to the wearer and a cred- it to cls. "After a delightful sail through the Thousand Islands, I stepped on shore in the quaint u1(1 city of Kingston. A shower haul fallen rind the street's were damp, so that. wisdom would have dic- tated that I, leg weary as 1 was, should have kept in doors, hut so anxious was l to see the old city that 1 spent the whale evening in the streets. "Five o'clork the next, morning brought rt very unwelcome discovery. I was lapse in both ankles and knees. The head wind and the damp streets had proved an unfortunate combin- ation, I gave, however, little thought to it, supposing it would wear off in a few hours, and the first flush of sunlight saw ale speeding out, on the splendid road that ieads toward Nnpanee. "Night overtook me nt a little village near Pott Hope, but found me still lame. i rested the next dray and the next., hut it, was ton late: the mischief was done. i rode a gond many aniles during the rest of the season, int neve er a day and seldorn a anile without pain. "The winter came and I put away my wheel, saying 'now I shall get well' hut to my ,lisstapointnlent 1 grew worse. Some days my knees almost forbade walking and my ankles would not permit me to wear shoes. At times i suffered severe pain, so severe as to make study apractical impossibil- ity, yet it mttet be understood that I e That Protestant horse. Editor .trews -Record. SIR, -In reading last week's NEWS - RECORD I felt constrained to express thankfulness that we have at least one paper in the County of Huron which is cot afraid to stand up for right and deal with such a slanderer as the Goderich Signal. I have a copy of the Signal containing McGillicuddy's pro- testant horse and I must say the repro- duction is a good likeness. It is well that the memory of the electors be refreshed on matters of this kind. In fact the past utterances of such un- worthy opponents must not he for- gotten, and I am gratified to know, sir, that you will not allow them to pass unnoticed, You have the grati- tude of many in this section for the fearless stand you have taken. Yours, &c., ORANGEMAN. Auburn, Feb. 17, 1806. — JIullett. OoUN('1L.-Council met in Bell's hall, Londesboro, Saturday the 15th, Mem- bers all present. Tenders for the sup- ply of rock elm plunk were accepted as follows : S. S. Cole for 2,0(10 feet rat $8.50; Milburn Sprung, 5,500 feet nt $8.75, delivered. The Auditor's report and stnt.enlent of the 'treasurer's ac- counts for the year ending 31st Dec. was brought forward, examined and adopted, and the ("et'k ordered to send 't c•,lly to the llllrl•a11 of Industries. The Council will receive tenders up to the lath March for the building of a bridge ober Maitland Con. 4x5, opposite lot 10. Pans and specificatioos can be soon at, Clerk's office, Londesboro. Willlitul Rinn, jr., has been iappointed to examine the Kinbnrn swamp drain- age work twice yearly report t to> the Council as to any >aHtl`tlrtlo the frt'e flow of the water. Accounts for Bog Line improvement $10.36 and for Blyth Division Court Room $15.00 were passed and Council adjourned until March 13th. Ibel.;r•avc. NOTES. -Charles McClelland is away at Toronto this week attending the wedding of a couple of his cousins. Dame rumor says he is also making arrangements for another wedding in which he will he still more interested. -The sawmill is now running day and night, necessitating the employment of two gangs of men; this will continue far a few weeks yet., ---A number of teams were storinstaid on Friday night here; they were engaged in moving a srawnrill from Wingharn to the -Cole- man estate. near Seaforth. --We hear `.h,tt Van Vannorman is offering the race course for sale; he should not have much difficulty in findinga purchaser for so valuahle a property. -Mrs. \Vm. Ferguson and daughter are still in is poor state of health. McKillop. NOTES. -Word has reached here that Mr. Andrew Crozier, formerly of this place, has died in Dakota. The re- mains will be brought home and in- terred, in Brussels cemetery. --Mr. Wm. Hackwell and his sister, Miss Bella, have been away for a t -vo weeks visit at Palmerston. -On Thursday evening of haat week a large, brilliant, and highly intellectual gathering of invited guests assembled at the new residence of Mr. J. J. Irvine and made m ade theselves entirely at home, songs, gasses, and plays, instrumenta musts and laughter being the order of the night. The music especially was of a high class, there being present, half dozen yours lady organists and the strings of the violin and dul- cimer were not allowed to rust. 1. he gonng people left for home at a becom- ing hour, after wishing Mr. Irvine con. tinned prosperity, and a long life to contine. in deeds of kindness and every good work. Ashfield. ACORNS. -There are a great ninny children sick in this vicinity nt pre- sent. -Mr. Bower, 12th con., is making preparation for turning out a large Tquantity of shingles in the spring. - he sidelines are badly filled with snow, which has made them impass- able for the present. --One of Mr. W. Barber's little boys has been danger- ously i11 during the past week. t,'" -o-`4;) W. G. ,POHERTY, Coop' Block. BIR.TIIti. p • Deeves. -In Summerhill, on the 13th inst., the wife of Mr. J. Deeves, of a 800. GLEw,-111 Stapleton, an the '7th inst., the wife of Mr. Matt. Glew, of a 5011. SMITH.- In Clinton, on the 8th inst., the wife of Roht. J. Smith, of a son. Plexeet .-In Ilolmesvile, nn the 12th inst., the wife of Mr. Ezra Pick- ard of a daughter. HARPER.--- In Clinton, on the 12th inst., the wife of Mr. N. Harper, of it daughter. JOHNS•n>N.-At the &telt St Marie, nn the 3rd inst., the wife of Fred W. Johnston, Judge of Algoma, of 11 son. MARRIA,GEB. MARQUIS --ENOLER.-At the resi- dence of the bride's parents, on Feb, Oth, by the Itev. W. J. W:uidefi, John Wesley Marquis, of Goderich township, to Martha ClaraEngler, of Grey town- ship. Cox--Fae aRD- 1n Goderich town- ship, on the 5th inst., by the Rev, F. W. Oaten, Mr. Robert Cox, to Mary, daughter of Mr. John Pickard, all of Goderich township. JOHNSTON - McNAUC4HTON-At the residence of the bride's mother, Clin- ton, on the 12th inst., by the Rey. J. F. Parke, assisted by the Rev, Mr. Hod - gens, Mr. James Johnston, of Goderich township, to bliss Maggie .I., eldes daughter of Mrs. McNaughton.Nee DEATHS Loma. -in Sunshine, on the lith inst. Margaret, relict of the late Wm. Lobb, of Hnlrnesville, aged 68 years. Mrrn.-In Clinton, on Feb. 14th, \>Villinm Muir, aged 52 years, 10 months, and 3 days. 3 r Nothing Like Leather." Strong Shoes for the boys and girls to "kick up their heels" in, to climb fences, to "have fun." Tight shoes tee keep nut the wet, to keep the feet dry. Such shoes cost $1.25 a pair. These shote are not fine; couldn't he at that price. They are strong, well pet together and will wear splendidly. Nothing more or less. SPRINEi GOOUS— En a short, time We Will show an nssortment of NEW GOODS that will not he equalled outside the cities. We fully believe that, there are enough people who want reli- able Goods to enable us to show a Stock far ahead of anything ever Attempted in this section. W -Watch out for our future announcements. o-- Japloon & Jacsan, ThQ New Shoe Firm.