HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-02-19, Page 3DR. TURNBULL. J. L. Turnbull, M, R. Toronto Univ. ; Df. D ; ^ M., Victoria Unlv. M. 0. P. d• S. Ont' ' Follow of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late of London, Enj., and Edinburgh hospitals Office *- Dr. Dowaloy a stand, kattenbury St. Night call, answered at Office. _ DR. SHAW. office in Ho1;3n'a Block, R.tteubury 8t., Clinton, Jut. Night calla at flame place. Jas. S. Freeborn, K -D, L. R. & Q. C. P., I., M. o P. & S. O., &ei, &c. O,radnate of King's & Queen's College of Physcians, Dublin, Ireland. Licentiate of the Gonerul Medleal Council, Great Rritala, Slumber of College of rhysiola-ja and Surgeons, Ontario. Formerly resi- dents ,he Rotunda Hospital (Lying-in and Gynm- :ological), Dublin. Special attention to diseases of women and children. Offiue and realdence, Rattenbury St., next door to Ontario St. Matnodist parsonage, 899-1y —` T. C. BRACE L. Do Sa, �rPeon Dentist. Member of R. C. D. B., of Ont. , ar,6tacted without pain by' the use of a harm- Dd pleasant local anaesthetic. No unconscious- # sickness nor iii -effects accompany the use of this remedy, and many in and around Clinton can testify to its genuineness. Special attention given to the preservation of the natural teeth. Office, ,oaten' Block, over Taylor's shoe store. Be Agnew, L. Do S., D ■ D. S. DENTIST. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur- geons of Ontario. Honor Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto. Beat Local Anaesthetic forpainless extraction. Office opposite Town Hall, over Swallow's Store. Night Bell answered. Will visit Hensall every Monday, and Zurich the 2nd Thursday each month `�jj .e-gtin - MG. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Conveysnoer, &o. Offipe-corner Hamilton and St. Andrews -ate., opposite Colborne Hotel, Goderieh. sea-tf R0. HAYS, Barrister, Solicitor, aro. Office, corner . North Street and Square, ,near Registry Office, Goderieh, Ont. 67, AW Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. - J. SCOTT, Barrister, 4c., ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - - CLINTON. Money to Loan. E. CAMPION, Q- C, BARRISTER, - - - SOLICITOR., NOTARY, 4c., Goderieh, - Ont. Office -Over Davis' Drag Store. Money to loan., M • O. JOHNSTON, BARRIS- ER, - - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, ETC., Goderfolli, - - - Ont. Office -Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew's Sts, W. BRYDONE., BARRISTER - - SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, (kc, OFFICE BEAVER BLOCK - - CLINTON. 817-tf 190499 tip 'Ptad. 11 ONOY to lend in large or small sums or good �/I mortgages or personal security at the lowest current rates. H. HALE, Huron at. Clinton_ Money. Meney to lend on good security at 51 and O pat cant. Apply to 0. RIDOUT, Albert St., Clinton. 852•tf. Wm. Moore Has Removed --1`0_ CORE'S BLOOH. tIURON STREET, CLINTON I Am better than ever prepared to supply the Dub I la with the Latest improved ' Sibiter Dewing Machines. Needles in stock slid parte enpplied for all m-kel of Machines. Aget;t for the Celebrated Leader Chari and the most reliable Washers and Wringers. Th( most orltloal'i"11"0ion infltei. WM. MOORE, East of Commeroisl Hotel, Herat& Street, Clintol 1185 -it q, f ) el 00 Y (frau �e !art L, o, ,1,161 C1*,1*W0.11 9 11 Ideate spoortu 'mond% of eery moittp, Hall ou'd �1�yt, , #1 y Plock.. Yid ling Uroll, 13atony; aws of coWtf. 4.: I IDR, 4. S. FREEBORN, W. M- P, OANTELON, JR. Seo, Jr. P. SHEPPARD. D. IV A0010 c. I gLeve v FridLodge, on oro. 8aFte theAmoon. Visit Ing brothran oordfally levJtad A. J, HOLLOWAY, W. M. J. B. RUMBALL, S90. Clinton, Dec. 6, 1895. K. 0. T. M. Hearne Tent No. 88, Knights of the Maccabees of the World. 81,000, $9,000 and 88,000 Policies. Mem- bership over 100,000- Assessment prl¢olple-has never exceeded 12 assessments in a year. Chauppest and safest In existenoe. Meets to Orange Hall, Clin- ton, flat and third Friday of every mouth. A. O. U. W. The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, Diastole Biddleeombe's Hall, opposite the market, the let and 3rd Fridays In each month. Visitors cordially invited. R. STONs- Hen. M. W.; J. BE", Recorder. j y. 699y §(44 Nutektt ,9 k -k Jubilee Precepfory No. 161, (Black, Knights of Ireland) Meets in the Clinton Orange Hall, theeeaond Wednes- day of every month, at 7.80 o'clock in the evening. Vleiting Sir Knights will always receive a hearty welcome. A. M. TODD, Worshipful Proceptor GsoROa HANL■Y, Dep uty Pr eceptor PETER CANTSLON, Registrar _ Ro al BlacPrece toy 391► Black Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange Het , Blyth, the Wednesday after full moon of every mouth — ^ Rojal Black PrPce tory 3151 P Black Knights of Ireland, Sleets in the Orange Hall, Godericb, the Third Mon- day of every mouth, Vigiting Knights always made welcome. W H MURNEY, I'mceptor, Goderieh P O JAMES RUSK, Registrar, Goderieh P 0 uR s�.�xj,�•"ED STORj® & r� �S 1, Clinton. BRAN and SHORTS in Large or Small Quantities. OIL+ CAKE, LINSEED MEALS 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal for one Bushel Oata D. COOK, CLINTON. 7L2Af HILL'S FEED STORE, HURON STREET, CLINTON. `. 4 i d +' ,1,,, ,.1. , . , . ` n _u The Best Early Seed Potatoes, and all kinds of first-class Clover, Timothy, Field and Garden Seeds, Flour and Feed of all kinds. Closest living prices for cash. SALT in stock and for sale. TEAS of the choicest varieties and blends. Excellent value. J. W. HILL, Huron St., Clinton Central Butcher Shop. COUCH & WILSON Subscribers desire to notify the public that they have bought out the butoheringbusiness lately con- ducted by Mr, Jae. A. Ford, and will cautions the same under their personal supervision. Orders will have prompt anti careful attention. Freak meats of all kinds will be kept in season, sold at reasonable rates and delivered anywhere in town. ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS N. WILSON. C I,I NTO N. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP FORD & MURPHY, (Successors to J. W. Langford.) Having bought ont the above business, we intend t" conduct it on the cash principle, end will supply our enstomers with the best meats at the lowest pay, np prices. FORD & MURPHY. - -- --- - -_- - - --.- . -_ . I .— New Butcher Shop. The undersigned desirPR to intimate to the people of Clinton and vicinity that lie has opened a butcher shop in the store, of W. Core, Huron Street. Ho has had many years exp,:rience, and feels that he can givo the best satisfaction. He will sell strictly for Cash, and at the lowest poRsihle prices. ORDERS REsPECTFr LLY SOLICITED. M, W WRIGHT, - Clinton. LIVE BOGS W.ANTER Highest Market Price Paid. D. CANTELON, Clinton. '798-tt. B. THOMLINSON, VETERINERY SURGEON, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col - age, Toronto. Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on th most modern and Scientific Prinoiples. Day and Night Catlin Promptly Answered. Residence-Rattenbnry Street, Went, Cliton Ont J. E. BLACKALL, Votaries" N Surgeon honorary graduate of Ontario aeterinary Oollega, tragic dlsaases of all domestic animals on the most inod0n and scientific rl ailea t�is s tteadtd' toppeon I Me.r466,nittNew■iO 14 Et !a, day OOlee Beildenec--Albertitreot'.01lotoh, Teacher of Piano Miss Hallie E. Combe, Toronto Conservatory of Music, cer tiflentes in Piano, Harmony and ,Intro- ;ductory Theory, 0T_1ii' 62W, oxzw. r,', , ,, ' r 4 t..,n 'r`'8t t' I ,1 "I;i , a.,c ,,1. t x r v,;, :ail' ..I • "f - F - S ., f, Fn,.�..a-y6�,,.,.,. IefAu4yya ,r (ijy ,00,0.0 4AA go wt4pre I!44 ,toll golf n j� 010 1'. 1.+ �trf east I tiasaufao6uKe 6ogb � ut the RANT or Omit. Bevan of e s (A `fait Choap , as toey Aave get 90-41" p t1" 17"{1, e1l;prloes. Orden 4 mail promplya1togded to JL?1-11V B1:L.1, HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLYTII, ON'T NOTICE. There being some misunderstanding with to Bard to wreckage, let It be distinctly understood that if any person takes possession of any kind of wreckage and !aIle to report to mo I shall at once take proceedings. Remombgr this is the last warning I shall give, CAPT. WK. BABB. Receiver of Wrecks Goderloh; Goderieh, Sept. 7t� 1881. FOR SALE. The property at�iraeant occupied by the un- derslgued as a roeldahoe on the Huron Road, In the Town of Goderieh, conalsting of one half of an acre of land, good frame house-atory and a half -seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and carriage houses, There aro also some good fruit tines. Tb,'. pproperty to beautifully situated and very suitable foranypersen wishing to live retired - For further particularsspply to �" ilii OAMPION, 648-tf Barrister, Goderieh. J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER ANDI FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, . Clinton, Out A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELRY and SILK ERWARE at J. BIDDLECOIRR'S, - Cinton. GO TO THE Union Shavina Parlor For first-class Hair -Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton J. EMERTON, Proprietor. Geo, , TrowMll, Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert Street, North, - Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and first class material and work guaranteed ; farm implements and machines rebuilt and repaired. WATTS & CO., CHEMISTS & DRUCCISTS Great Northwestern Telegraph office, Albert Street, - Clinton. tot PROPERTY FOR SALE OF RE.. -Advertisers will find "The 11 News -Record" one of the beet inediums in the County of Huron. A(tvertise In 'The News -Record" -The Double Circulation Talks to Thousands. Rates s low as any. rumps! PUMPS! If you want a first-olase, well made pump, one that will give you satisfaction, send your order to the undersigned. He will dig and clean wells and do it at the closest prices. He also handles a first olags FORCE PUMP. JAMES FERGUSON Opposit Queen'dHotel - High Street Clinton. 809-tf F. W. F RBK C ODIB (MEMBER OF AS8'N OF P. L. 8.) Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, LONDON, C N -E, Orrice -At O. J. Stewart's Grocery Store, Clm- toD: 781.1y Omn` aft Cantelon Bros, OENERAIr GROCERS & PROVIS- ION MERCHANTS. Crockery, Glass & Chinaware ALBERT ST. CLINTON, ONT. Highest Cash Price for Butter and Eggs 762.1y BILI HEADS, NOTE, Ele-ds, Letter Heals, Tags, Statements, Circulars, Business Cards, Envelopes, Programmes, etc., etc. ,printei in a workman- like manner and at low rates, at `- THE NRwg-RaoonD Office. Mrs. Whitt, Teacher of Music, Pupil of ;1.. Charles W. Landon, of Philadelphta. The Mason Method used ercladvely, It IN considered by the leading Musical Artistes that no method develops the technic so rapidly as Dr. Mason's "Tuoh and Technic." Piano, Organ and Technicon for use of pnpilei Apartments in Beaver Block, over W, Beesley'a, Albert street, Clinton. NOTICE TO NEWB.RECORD READERS. The publisher would esteem It a favor If rear' j would, when making their purchases aontion At they saw the merchant's dvortleer.ent in'fns News-RccuoD. _MamN — OF a .AL L A 0 ES may be cured. We �' treat all sexual disor• tiers of men. Four out j of five who suffer nerr. ousness, ment_-1 worry, „' v (� attacks of " the bines," are but paying the pen - a"]r of early encesses. 1 The dread alarm cf . f 'j.1 ` Impotency, the exhaus- i . c i ! tion of ., P ermatorrhaca t / d ;i � may be CURED l ,,;w -. �. in strict ept�de.rre at 7,d,q,t,N.xN,r«;�'e `•aoderafe expense. &end f:t oar fret sealed book, "PERFECT %:.'.2: f ICGO." EVE ICEDIGAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y. �i '4 n- i r �. rf , r .. Y T The 1I0'en Nerve-Revure $1.26 a T601-1111.0010 lldvanos WEDNESDAY. FUDRUAItY 19th, 1899 Only a little ad, Written In catchy style, When trade was very bad, Oustomers to beguile. Only a little space Bought in the local press, Meeting the reader's face - Scoring a quick success I Only a crowded store As a result the next day, Where silence reigned before Now husines has Lull sway 1 Only a rapid sale, Yielding it profit large, Changing the lnerchauts title Ati,very trifling charge. Only a mel chantIncl. Customers sntis�ed, All through a little ad, Most opportunely tried. Go, then, It id du likewise If you would boom your trade, Skilfully advertise, And you've a success made I -(Printer's Ink. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The nndsrsigned having been restored to bealth by simple means, after suffering Itir several )Oars with a severe lung affaotion, and that dread di Sees. Consumption, is anxious to make known to hid fellow sufferera the tnesne u1 cure. To tbose who desire It, he will cheerfully send (free of charge) a copy of the pprescrlptiou used, which they will find a aur'ecure for ConSuMption, Asfhrrta, Catarrh, Brownchltis and allthroat unit Lung 3fakutios. Ha hopes all suBcrere will try his remedy, us It is invalu- able. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a alessiug, will please address, Rev. EDWA1tD A. WILSON,Brooklyn, New Y01h. A bonus of $10,(N)O for lin electric railway between Perth and Lanark was carried tat the last nittued place. For Over Fifty Years MRS. w 1N°LOW fl eOo'ruiNa 6vnar has been used by millions of mothers for thr Ir children while teething. 11 disturbed at niuhtand broken of your rest bye, sick child suffering and crying wi.b pain of Cutting'reeth son(:et "nee and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup"fnrt�haldren Teething. It willrelleve the poor Iittle sufrerer irumediate)y. Depend upon it, mothers. a there r n is no mistnkr+ aliuut it. IC• cures lliur- rhaea, regulates the Stomach anti Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Oums, ruduee8 Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whnle system. "Mrs. Wiuslew's Soothing Syrup" ror childrun teet ing is pleasant tothe taste and is the pruseription of Due of the oldest and best female physic'.ans and nurvag In the United States. Price twenty five cents a bottle. Rohl by all drnpgiatg throughout the world, Be sure and ask for "tins.WINSLOW SuuiniNuSynge." :1lessys. Seals tC Knowles of Preston il;tvo purchased The Galt Repol't.er from the execui' US of tlu' luLe Mr. Georgie Jaffray. A GENEROUS OFFER (Published by Request,) Dear Mr. Editor: Kindly inform your readers that I will gladly send ab- solutely free to any Rufterer from ner- vous debility, sexual weakness, night losses, weak, shru,iken parts, varicocele and the results of self-abuse, frill par- ticulars of the means by which I was }�e r manently restored to perfect. nla.n- hood and sextril strengtb. I havp nothing to sell and wan tno money, but will ne pleased to explain in a, private, settled letter, how I was cured. As 1 send this entirely free, each d.pplicant must enclose w stamp for reply, D. G. Owen, Box 2(3l, Picton, Ont. The coming British naval progrannne will coat £9,W0,W), with which will be conaicrueted four battleships, four first- class eruisen, four third-class cruisers and sixty torpedo destroyers. WEAK MEN It suffering rare Lost Manhood Nervous Debility, Lack of Vigor Emissions. IC days treatment sent lift to anyone sending us ' --sets. in Postage stamps. STANDARD MEDICAL CO., 2411 St. James Strtet,Muntreal A bald eagle with a big steel trap hanging to one of It:.9 legs, flew over Licking, Ky., a few days ago. ALWAYS PLEASED! No Grumblers or Growlers when Diamond' Dyes are Used. THOI'SANDy of pleasant, happy and grateful lettersare on fylefrorn ladies who have tested the popular Diamond Dyes that always do their work well and satisfactorily. Mrs. Thos. Lavin, Newark, Ont., Rnys : "I find that Diamond Dyey are the hest., its f always get goof, and fast colors from them. I have lined other dyes, but. they are all infetior." Mrs. Wrn. Moore, Steenhurg, Ont„ says : "We like Diamond i)yes better than all others on the market; they al- ways give splendid colors." WhPn ladies ask for Diamond Dyes, they should always insist upon seeing the name on the pnekage, as there nre so many.worthlevs dyes sold by dealers. ".Jack -the -Ripper" is the ,;ub•ject of n new opera ahout to br• produced at, Verona, music and wordshyan luilinn named Gionla. MICHAEL ADAMS, M. P. I''OR NORTHUMBERLAND, N. B., 18 ANOTHER WHO HAS USED DR. AGNEW'S CATARRHAL POW- DER AND BEEN CURED. It, does not Reem to matter where one looks for good results from that wonderful medicine, Dr. Agnew's Ca- tarrhal Powder, they are to be found. Everyone in his own province, a nd every member of the Commons knows Michael Adams, the popular member for Northumberland, N. B. When he says til the world, as he line done over his own signi4ure, that Agnew's Ca- tarrhal Powder is productive of mo9t satisfactory results for cold in the head and other catarrhal troubles, they know it means much, The medi- cine is oneos3essed of peculiar virtues and never fails toeke ct a cure. One short puff of the breath through the Blower supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal powder dif- fuses this powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and de- lightful to use, it relieves in ten min- utes, and permanently cures catarrb, hay fever, colds, headache, sore throat tonsilitis and deafness. 60 cents. Sola, by Watts & Co. / .. . .. .. �. -sL:_. FA ,LIAR NN8. "TAKIM* MY L1FE d.1HIlt L81T 1T DIM." 3Pca130es Iii SgvorAwll- Frances Ridley Havergal was born De. Camber 140, 1880, at Astley, Worceatov shire, England, where bar father was rector for twenty years. she was the youngest child of Rev. W. H. Havergal, widely known as a musician and author of some good hymns, At three years Frances could read, and at seven wrote verse. I She had an active, buoyant tempera- ment which enabled her to "skim any waves when she was not under thein. In 1845 her father wasNappointed rector of St. .Nicholas, Worcester, he therefore moved to Woacester, where her early years were passed. She received her edu- cation at English and German boarding schools, and enjoyed exceptional advan- tages of culture and travel. She Master. ed languages with ease ; French, Germau, Italian, Greek and Hebrew were among her acquirements. She even learned enough Welsh from her donkey girl to take pait in the Welsh church services, In the midst of it all her penoual piety became ber predominant characteristic, and her Bible -noted and uncierliued- was one of the best proofs that she applied herself to the noblost themes. She waa also a fine musician. Iu'poety abe was in. tensely religious and intensely seusitive to ail beautiful and inspiring thiugs. She had deep trials and experiences, bat the key -note of all tier writings is her own ex- pression, "Thy will be dofle." In October, 1878, she and her sister were iu South Wales for a change of air. here Miss Havergal took a severe cold, which caused inflammatlon of the lungs. When told that her life was in danger she ex claimed, "If I am really going, it is toc good to be true." At another tune elle said, "Splendid, to be so near the gates of Heaven." Towards the last she sang clearly but faintly, "Jesus, I will trust Thee." "And now," says her sister, "she looked up steadfastly as if she saw the Loral ; and surely nothing less heavenly could have reflected such a glorious radi. ance upon her face. For -ten minutes we watched that almost visible meeting with her King, and her countenance was sc glad, as if she were already talking to Him. Then she tried to sing ; but after one sweet,high note her voice failed anti 3 as her brother commended her soul into the Redeemer's hand she passed away, June 2rd, 1870. She, was buried at Astley, and on her tomb was carved, at her own request, the text from 1. John, 1;7, "The blood of .Jesus Christ His Son, cleanseth us from all sin." In Writing to a friend she says: "Per haps you will be interested to know the origin of the consecration hymn, "Take ury life.' I went for a little visit of Live days. There were ten persons in the bou_;e, some unconveated and long prayed for, gonia converte.l but not rejoicing' Christians. He gave me the prayer, 'Lord, give me all in this house,' and He just did. Before I left the house every one had re- ceived a blessing. The last night of my visit I was too happy to sleep, and passed most of the night in praise and renewal of my consecration, and these little couplete formed themselves and chimed in my heart, one after another, till they finished -'Paver, Only, All For Thee.' 11 \eedle Points. Needle -making and needle -using are probably the two earliest industries. The snored writings with their story of fig leaf girdles point witbout doubt to the use of Rome rude implement for sewing purposes. What we of these later dnys' might think of Adam and Eve's needle were It possible to compare it with out highly -polished steel instrument, it is of course, not possible to say. A sharpened twig from the nearest tree, a well- develope(i thorn from a perfumed brier bush may have garped in the making of those artistic aprons of Edenlo days. But, be that as it may,we are all familiar with the fact that Heil bones, pointed stripe of bone and ivory, etc.,wore In use among the so-called barbaric nations sitnultane- ously with the fine bronze needles of the Chinese, Hindoos, Egyptians, Assyrians and Hebrews, specimens of which, more than 4,000 years old, have been found in Egyptian tombs. The year 1570 is the earliest authentic date mentioned in connection with needle making as a trade and Nuremberg the place of manufacture. It is claimed by the Spaniards that they taught tlia art tc the Germane, and tradition has it that a Spanish negro actually made needles In Cheapside during !ween Alary's reign, but that, as he would never teach Wej secret to any, it died with him, In the flourishing days of good Qiwon Bess the needles appear to have had a gay time of lt,for Elias Growse, n (;er- man, and Revorai mechanically ineliuud Normans introduced the manufacture to the English, and at the present day Fang- liah needles, as made at Redditch, possess- es world-wide fame and hold their own from the oye to the point in the world's markets. It was in the year 1650, at Long Cren- don, in Buckinghamshire, that one Christopher Greening, commenced the regular manufacture of these domestic treasures, and the art must have traveled thence to Warwickshire, settling down ultimately at Redditch and Its vicinity. The Geese Won. ' A gentleman once laid a wager with George IV that geese would beat turkeys, In a race, says the "School and Home." The King, thinking that such a wager was already as gnod Its won, willingly made the bet, and the gentleman wag left to choose time and place and distance. Being well acquainted with the habits of birds he accordingly ohose for the time the evening, just before sunset, and for place the road outside the city walls, and a mile for the distance. The time came and each appeared with hie flock of birds and the race began Long are the and came the sunset, and immediately, true to their lnstinots, as soon as the sun had quite disappeared, all the turkeys flew up into the nearest tree to roost, and no persuasion could induce them to budge an inch further -and the geese,which had been slowly toddling on behind, quietly cackled in -the winners. I Chlaese Fear Of a Census. Even so simple a governmental act as taking a census awakens in the minds of the people anspiolone that some other end Is in view. Mr. Smith oltes a oase,known to him inhick h w the younger of two brothers concluding that tailing a census meant compulsory dinlaratlon,and if that weft so he must go; therefore, rather than tskA a long journey -which be it notifged, was an entirely gratuitous sup- posltlon on his part -he committed sui. dldb, "thn's oheoktilating the Govern- mentl'r-t'iieaponsibility Among the Chinese," by' Prof. 0, M. Cady, In the Jitnuary Century. x,+,,. . , , i, C ilio s- 11".�., I ", _!, -1 In some conditXpns the gain frorn the use of Scott's Emulsion of cod�lxver of, 1�, N' r Pic'. For this reason we put up a Soc. size, which I is enough for an ordinary cough or Gold or useful as a I trial for babies and children. In other conditions gain must be slaw, sometimes, + almost imperceptible,health.,-'.;!I':, e, ii can't be built up in a days �f. For this Scott's Emulsione must be taken as nourish- 1 ment, food rather than ,,,' medicine, food prepared for tired and weak digestions. qi,j $cor'r & Bowns, Chemists, Soc. and ar-oo t`j,l I HU MPHREYS' ��� Hr. Humphreys' Specifies are selentlHeally and n, carefully prepared Remedies, used for years In )t, private practice and for over thirty years by the people with entire success. Every stogie specilla.11 1 a speolare l cufor the disease named, •M r so. PNOIFI a rma:a K ; B C y0 1jt 1 -Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations., .23:11 tL-Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic.... .25 3-Toething1 Colin Crying, Wakefulness .25 4 -Diarrhea, of Children or Adults...... .25�,V 7 -Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis .............. .23 I " t3--Neuraigla, Toothache, Faceache ...... . 23 .v O -Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 10-Dyspepela, Biliousness, Constipation. .25 11-Supprossed orPainfut Periods... .25 1'l -Whites, Too Profuse Periods........... .25 13 -Croup, Larynatltis. Hoarseness...... .23 i 14 -Salt Rheum, Erystpelas,Eruptions.. .25 15-Rheamati.m, Rheumatic, Paine ..... 25 S 10 -Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague...... .25 1 O-Catarrb, influenza, Cold in the Head. 25 1, 20 -whooping Cough ...................... .25 N 27 -Kidney Dlseaeee ..................... .2 7 y b 2S --Nervous Debility .....................1.00 �i 30 -Urinary Weakness.... ...... ........ .25 4 34 -Bore Throat, Quincy, Ulcerated Throaft�.C25 I 44 77 H DR. HUSPECIFICMPHRE'FOR GRIP, 25c■ , Put up In small bottles of pleasant pellets, just St your vest pocket. 8o14 by Dmtn; te, or ...it prepald on recelpt or pries, Da. HemraRavel MANUALEnlar ed&Revised —1—D FREE. l B .) 11 VILMIREYB' HED. Co., 11 t l & I'N1 as W111l.m Bt., NEW YORK.P E mV I tit V S■ v CAVIATSJUDE MARKS 1 COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? Fora .` %ampt answer and m honest opinionn, write to Ill l7NN die CO., who have had nearlFFflfty yeare " experience In the patent It sin se. Communlopan tions etricUy eonfldentlal. A Handbook of In- formation oonoernin8 Patents and bow to ob. .f twin them sent free. Also n eatta)ogue of ineohat% foal and eolentiao books sent free. ,j Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive1. special notice in the Scientific American, and • thus are brought widely before the public with- Out oast to the Inventor. This splendidppaaper. issued wee=. elegantly Illustrated, has by far the ,.,, largest air aWatfon of any scientific Work In the world. 83",ear. ear. Sam le cBuildin�bo2pefes sent free. copies. s. to cents. ory erre uannd er contains ofbea� ^:ir��� houses. with plans, enabling Dnow ullders to $how the -.X latest deafen. and sem,rw..nnt,--e,- Aw.r-..-- _: A PERFECT TEA E It oil M 0 MNM S 01"# N THr FINE■T TEA IN THE WORLD TEA FROM' TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CVP IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. "Monsoon" Teals put up by the Indian Tea growers as a sample of the best qualities of ) m:,an 'Peas. Therefore they use the greatest care in the selection of the Tea and its blend, that is wl;-v th,:y put it up themselves and sell it only in the original Vwkages, thereby securing its purity and excelleorc. Yut up in % lb., i Ib. and D Ib. packages, and nev:r sold in bulk. ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP If. If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write to I- STEEL, HAYTER & CO. - - w and 13 Front Streit East. Toront- Old Dr. Gordon's Remedy for Men CURES POSITIVELY Lost Power, Nervous Debility, Failing Manhood, Secret Iji- seases, caused by the errors and excesses of }youth. $1 Young, middle-aged or oldTNfRO MONTB men,auQeringfrorn the effects of follies end excesses, restored to health, man- hood and vigor, Price $1.00, 6 boxes for $5.00. Sent by mall, decurely sealed Write for our hook, ",Starfhnr Fads," for Men only, tells you how to get well and stay well. Addresa, QUEEN MEDICINE CO.. Boa 047. HONT/'SAL. KOOTENAY CURED WHERE 150 DOCTORS FAILED. For a number of years I was greatly troubled with a skin disease, Iw ant to Hot Springs, Ark., and I actually believe i consulted over fifty doctors at different Limes without getting any relief. I took one bottle of your Kootenay Cure and it has cured me. Previous to using it i was unable to shave. It is no doubt a wonderful medicine. i recommend it most highly. Yours truly, A. TRUMAN, fog King St. E., Hamilton, Ont ...'e. A� 1:•k " w --,'- ­W"T .. „.,pr+1,, a 11 I _..,b ,.^ , R,Y, ; 8'I' Oil EPTOY. r + R.Rutoc a �,:�f,.,, _-, 'T11, IBM � ?':"'' �, � , ,:�,-,�, , - lnoorpojkl od by Act of Padiameu.t 1866. a OAPITAI, - A0000,000 ,i , ' REST, - $1.375 ,000,000 v -, . Of floe. - M01AiTRiI�IAL. ,liaald a , ,,,i$' a, H. R. MOLSON, President. @. WOLFEWVAN THOMAS, 0a¢ersl Mane, or. a`'' Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts . ' issued, Sterling and American ex- change bought and sold at Ip,}1, ' lowest current rates. INTaR■eT ALLOwaD ON Dero91T8. ii x 11 't;' ,, 3'.ARM3M=t8_ g'; , , Money advanced to farmers on their own notes -,+,1 . ",,," .with one or more endorsers. No mortgage n- gutted as security. H. 0. BREWER, } Manager, i4''f', g, ,. , I i�' December, 1895. LIN'tON. *. G■ De McTaggart -� ` BANKER ­Ifk- ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. xr, +'�44 1,Ra,,. B GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS t �tl,.,•.,. v. ' TRANSAO'TED, `>. '� "r,; s '-''4',... �r a ,a I88twd. Noses tscoltnted. Dr %f t `k`Interest k Allowed on Deposits. - •.- - ' I Clinton, Junti8th, 1861pj�rtr 668y ,�,�o.�. 14il; l�dt�ce>y. ,fa '�' DR. W. GUNN, ay,. ,y.I,- 5gL. y "`'' R. to. P. and L. R. C. S., ,Edinburgh. Office - Ontario street ounton, Night calla at front door of ,, ,' residence o ¢ RRttenbury street,opposite Its PleebS t er. .' t' . Ian church. DR. TURNBULL. J. L. Turnbull, M, R. Toronto Univ. ; Df. D ; ^ M., Victoria Unlv. M. 0. P. d• S. Ont' ' Follow of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late of London, Enj., and Edinburgh hospitals Office *- Dr. Dowaloy a stand, kattenbury St. Night call, answered at Office. _ DR. SHAW. office in Ho1;3n'a Block, R.tteubury 8t., Clinton, Jut. Night calla at flame place. Jas. S. Freeborn, K -D, L. R. & Q. C. P., I., M. o P. & S. O., &ei, &c. O,radnate of King's & Queen's College of Physcians, Dublin, Ireland. Licentiate of the Gonerul Medleal Council, Great Rritala, Slumber of College of rhysiola-ja and Surgeons, Ontario. Formerly resi- dents ,he Rotunda Hospital (Lying-in and Gynm- :ological), Dublin. Special attention to diseases of women and children. Offiue and realdence, Rattenbury St., next door to Ontario St. Matnodist parsonage, 899-1y —` T. C. BRACE L. Do Sa, �rPeon Dentist. Member of R. C. D. B., of Ont. , ar,6tacted without pain by' the use of a harm- Dd pleasant local anaesthetic. No unconscious- # sickness nor iii -effects accompany the use of this remedy, and many in and around Clinton can testify to its genuineness. Special attention given to the preservation of the natural teeth. Office, ,oaten' Block, over Taylor's shoe store. Be Agnew, L. Do S., D ■ D. S. DENTIST. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur- geons of Ontario. Honor Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto. Beat Local Anaesthetic forpainless extraction. Office opposite Town Hall, over Swallow's Store. Night Bell answered. Will visit Hensall every Monday, and Zurich the 2nd Thursday each month `�jj .e-gtin - MG. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Conveysnoer, &o. Offipe-corner Hamilton and St. Andrews -ate., opposite Colborne Hotel, Goderieh. sea-tf R0. HAYS, Barrister, Solicitor, aro. Office, corner . North Street and Square, ,near Registry Office, Goderieh, Ont. 67, AW Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. - J. SCOTT, Barrister, 4c., ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - - CLINTON. Money to Loan. E. CAMPION, Q- C, BARRISTER, - - - SOLICITOR., NOTARY, 4c., Goderieh, - Ont. Office -Over Davis' Drag Store. Money to loan., M • O. JOHNSTON, BARRIS- ER, - - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, ETC., Goderfolli, - - - Ont. Office -Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew's Sts, W. BRYDONE., BARRISTER - - SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, (kc, OFFICE BEAVER BLOCK - - CLINTON. 817-tf 190499 tip 'Ptad. 11 ONOY to lend in large or small sums or good �/I mortgages or personal security at the lowest current rates. H. HALE, Huron at. Clinton_ Money. Meney to lend on good security at 51 and O pat cant. Apply to 0. RIDOUT, Albert St., Clinton. 852•tf. Wm. Moore Has Removed --1`0_ CORE'S BLOOH. tIURON STREET, CLINTON I Am better than ever prepared to supply the Dub I la with the Latest improved ' Sibiter Dewing Machines. Needles in stock slid parte enpplied for all m-kel of Machines. Aget;t for the Celebrated Leader Chari and the most reliable Washers and Wringers. Th( most orltloal'i"11"0ion infltei. WM. MOORE, East of Commeroisl Hotel, Herat& Street, Clintol 1185 -it q, f ) el 00 Y (frau �e !art L, o, ,1,161 C1*,1*W0.11 9 11 Ideate spoortu 'mond% of eery moittp, Hall ou'd �1�yt, , #1 y Plock.. Yid ling Uroll, 13atony; aws of coWtf. 4.: I IDR, 4. S. FREEBORN, W. M- P, OANTELON, JR. Seo, Jr. P. SHEPPARD. D. IV A0010 c. I gLeve v FridLodge, on oro. 8aFte theAmoon. Visit Ing brothran oordfally levJtad A. J, HOLLOWAY, W. M. J. B. RUMBALL, S90. Clinton, Dec. 6, 1895. K. 0. T. M. Hearne Tent No. 88, Knights of the Maccabees of the World. 81,000, $9,000 and 88,000 Policies. Mem- bership over 100,000- Assessment prl¢olple-has never exceeded 12 assessments in a year. Chauppest and safest In existenoe. Meets to Orange Hall, Clin- ton, flat and third Friday of every mouth. A. O. U. W. The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, Diastole Biddleeombe's Hall, opposite the market, the let and 3rd Fridays In each month. Visitors cordially invited. R. STONs- Hen. M. W.; J. BE", Recorder. j y. 699y §(44 Nutektt ,9 k -k Jubilee Precepfory No. 161, (Black, Knights of Ireland) Meets in the Clinton Orange Hall, theeeaond Wednes- day of every month, at 7.80 o'clock in the evening. Vleiting Sir Knights will always receive a hearty welcome. A. M. TODD, Worshipful Proceptor GsoROa HANL■Y, Dep uty Pr eceptor PETER CANTSLON, Registrar _ Ro al BlacPrece toy 391► Black Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange Het , Blyth, the Wednesday after full moon of every mouth — ^ Rojal Black PrPce tory 3151 P Black Knights of Ireland, Sleets in the Orange Hall, Godericb, the Third Mon- day of every mouth, Vigiting Knights always made welcome. W H MURNEY, I'mceptor, Goderieh P O JAMES RUSK, Registrar, Goderieh P 0 uR s�.�xj,�•"ED STORj® & r� �S 1, Clinton. BRAN and SHORTS in Large or Small Quantities. OIL+ CAKE, LINSEED MEALS 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal for one Bushel Oata D. COOK, CLINTON. 7L2Af HILL'S FEED STORE, HURON STREET, CLINTON. `. 4 i d +' ,1,,, ,.1. , . , . ` n _u The Best Early Seed Potatoes, and all kinds of first-class Clover, Timothy, Field and Garden Seeds, Flour and Feed of all kinds. Closest living prices for cash. SALT in stock and for sale. TEAS of the choicest varieties and blends. Excellent value. J. W. HILL, Huron St., Clinton Central Butcher Shop. COUCH & WILSON Subscribers desire to notify the public that they have bought out the butoheringbusiness lately con- ducted by Mr, Jae. A. Ford, and will cautions the same under their personal supervision. Orders will have prompt anti careful attention. Freak meats of all kinds will be kept in season, sold at reasonable rates and delivered anywhere in town. ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS N. WILSON. C I,I NTO N. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP FORD & MURPHY, (Successors to J. W. Langford.) Having bought ont the above business, we intend t" conduct it on the cash principle, end will supply our enstomers with the best meats at the lowest pay, np prices. FORD & MURPHY. - -- --- - -_- - - --.- . -_ . I .— New Butcher Shop. The undersigned desirPR to intimate to the people of Clinton and vicinity that lie has opened a butcher shop in the store, of W. Core, Huron Street. Ho has had many years exp,:rience, and feels that he can givo the best satisfaction. He will sell strictly for Cash, and at the lowest poRsihle prices. ORDERS REsPECTFr LLY SOLICITED. M, W WRIGHT, - Clinton. LIVE BOGS W.ANTER Highest Market Price Paid. D. CANTELON, Clinton. '798-tt. B. THOMLINSON, VETERINERY SURGEON, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col - age, Toronto. Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on th most modern and Scientific Prinoiples. Day and Night Catlin Promptly Answered. Residence-Rattenbnry Street, Went, Cliton Ont J. E. BLACKALL, Votaries" N Surgeon honorary graduate of Ontario aeterinary Oollega, tragic dlsaases of all domestic animals on the most inod0n and scientific rl ailea t�is s tteadtd' toppeon I Me.r466,nittNew■iO 14 Et !a, day OOlee Beildenec--Albertitreot'.01lotoh, Teacher of Piano Miss Hallie E. Combe, Toronto Conservatory of Music, cer tiflentes in Piano, Harmony and ,Intro- ;ductory Theory, 0T_1ii' 62W, oxzw. r,', , ,, ' r 4 t..,n 'r`'8t t' I ,1 "I;i , a.,c ,,1. t x r v,;, :ail' ..I • "f - F - S ., f, Fn,.�..a-y6�,,.,.,. IefAu4yya ,r (ijy ,00,0.0 4AA go wt4pre I!44 ,toll golf n j� 010 1'. 1.+ �trf east I tiasaufao6uKe 6ogb � ut the RANT or Omit. Bevan of e s (A `fait Choap , as toey Aave get 90-41" p t1" 17"{1, e1l;prloes. Orden 4 mail promplya1togded to JL?1-11V B1:L.1, HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLYTII, ON'T NOTICE. There being some misunderstanding with to Bard to wreckage, let It be distinctly understood that if any person takes possession of any kind of wreckage and !aIle to report to mo I shall at once take proceedings. Remombgr this is the last warning I shall give, CAPT. WK. BABB. Receiver of Wrecks Goderloh; Goderieh, Sept. 7t� 1881. FOR SALE. The property at�iraeant occupied by the un- derslgued as a roeldahoe on the Huron Road, In the Town of Goderieh, conalsting of one half of an acre of land, good frame house-atory and a half -seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and carriage houses, There aro also some good fruit tines. Tb,'. pproperty to beautifully situated and very suitable foranypersen wishing to live retired - For further particularsspply to �" ilii OAMPION, 648-tf Barrister, Goderieh. J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER ANDI FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, . Clinton, Out A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELRY and SILK ERWARE at J. BIDDLECOIRR'S, - Cinton. GO TO THE Union Shavina Parlor For first-class Hair -Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton J. EMERTON, Proprietor. Geo, , TrowMll, Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert Street, North, - Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and first class material and work guaranteed ; farm implements and machines rebuilt and repaired. WATTS & CO., CHEMISTS & DRUCCISTS Great Northwestern Telegraph office, Albert Street, - Clinton. tot PROPERTY FOR SALE OF RE.. -Advertisers will find "The 11 News -Record" one of the beet inediums in the County of Huron. A(tvertise In 'The News -Record" -The Double Circulation Talks to Thousands. Rates s low as any. rumps! PUMPS! If you want a first-olase, well made pump, one that will give you satisfaction, send your order to the undersigned. He will dig and clean wells and do it at the closest prices. He also handles a first olags FORCE PUMP. JAMES FERGUSON Opposit Queen'dHotel - High Street Clinton. 809-tf F. W. F RBK C ODIB (MEMBER OF AS8'N OF P. L. 8.) Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, LONDON, C N -E, Orrice -At O. J. Stewart's Grocery Store, Clm- toD: 781.1y Omn` aft Cantelon Bros, OENERAIr GROCERS & PROVIS- ION MERCHANTS. Crockery, Glass & Chinaware ALBERT ST. CLINTON, ONT. Highest Cash Price for Butter and Eggs 762.1y BILI HEADS, NOTE, Ele-ds, Letter Heals, Tags, Statements, Circulars, Business Cards, Envelopes, Programmes, etc., etc. ,printei in a workman- like manner and at low rates, at `- THE NRwg-RaoonD Office. Mrs. Whitt, Teacher of Music, Pupil of ;1.. Charles W. Landon, of Philadelphta. The Mason Method used ercladvely, It IN considered by the leading Musical Artistes that no method develops the technic so rapidly as Dr. Mason's "Tuoh and Technic." Piano, Organ and Technicon for use of pnpilei Apartments in Beaver Block, over W, Beesley'a, Albert street, Clinton. NOTICE TO NEWB.RECORD READERS. The publisher would esteem It a favor If rear' j would, when making their purchases aontion At they saw the merchant's dvortleer.ent in'fns News-RccuoD. _MamN — OF a .AL L A 0 ES may be cured. We �' treat all sexual disor• tiers of men. Four out j of five who suffer nerr. ousness, ment_-1 worry, „' v (� attacks of " the bines," are but paying the pen - a"]r of early encesses. 1 The dread alarm cf . f 'j.1 ` Impotency, the exhaus- i . c i ! tion of ., P ermatorrhaca t / d ;i � may be CURED l ,,;w -. �. in strict ept�de.rre at 7,d,q,t,N.xN,r«;�'e `•aoderafe expense. &end f:t oar fret sealed book, "PERFECT %:.'.2: f ICGO." EVE ICEDIGAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y. �i '4 n- i r �. rf , r .. Y T The 1I0'en Nerve-Revure $1.26 a T601-1111.0010 lldvanos WEDNESDAY. FUDRUAItY 19th, 1899 Only a little ad, Written In catchy style, When trade was very bad, Oustomers to beguile. Only a little space Bought in the local press, Meeting the reader's face - Scoring a quick success I Only a crowded store As a result the next day, Where silence reigned before Now husines has Lull sway 1 Only a rapid sale, Yielding it profit large, Changing the lnerchauts title Ati,very trifling charge. Only a mel chantIncl. Customers sntis�ed, All through a little ad, Most opportunely tried. Go, then, It id du likewise If you would boom your trade, Skilfully advertise, And you've a success made I -(Printer's Ink. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The nndsrsigned having been restored to bealth by simple means, after suffering Itir several )Oars with a severe lung affaotion, and that dread di Sees. Consumption, is anxious to make known to hid fellow sufferera the tnesne u1 cure. To tbose who desire It, he will cheerfully send (free of charge) a copy of the pprescrlptiou used, which they will find a aur'ecure for ConSuMption, Asfhrrta, Catarrh, Brownchltis and allthroat unit Lung 3fakutios. Ha hopes all suBcrere will try his remedy, us It is invalu- able. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a alessiug, will please address, Rev. EDWA1tD A. WILSON,Brooklyn, New Y01h. A bonus of $10,(N)O for lin electric railway between Perth and Lanark was carried tat the last nittued place. For Over Fifty Years MRS. w 1N°LOW fl eOo'ruiNa 6vnar has been used by millions of mothers for thr Ir children while teething. 11 disturbed at niuhtand broken of your rest bye, sick child suffering and crying wi.b pain of Cutting'reeth son(:et "nee and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup"fnrt�haldren Teething. It willrelleve the poor Iittle sufrerer irumediate)y. Depend upon it, mothers. a there r n is no mistnkr+ aliuut it. IC• cures lliur- rhaea, regulates the Stomach anti Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Oums, ruduee8 Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whnle system. "Mrs. Wiuslew's Soothing Syrup" ror childrun teet ing is pleasant tothe taste and is the pruseription of Due of the oldest and best female physic'.ans and nurvag In the United States. Price twenty five cents a bottle. Rohl by all drnpgiatg throughout the world, Be sure and ask for "tins.WINSLOW SuuiniNuSynge." :1lessys. Seals tC Knowles of Preston il;tvo purchased The Galt Repol't.er from the execui' US of tlu' luLe Mr. Georgie Jaffray. A GENEROUS OFFER (Published by Request,) Dear Mr. Editor: Kindly inform your readers that I will gladly send ab- solutely free to any Rufterer from ner- vous debility, sexual weakness, night losses, weak, shru,iken parts, varicocele and the results of self-abuse, frill par- ticulars of the means by which I was }�e r manently restored to perfect. nla.n- hood and sextril strengtb. I havp nothing to sell and wan tno money, but will ne pleased to explain in a, private, settled letter, how I was cured. As 1 send this entirely free, each d.pplicant must enclose w stamp for reply, D. G. Owen, Box 2(3l, Picton, Ont. The coming British naval progrannne will coat £9,W0,W), with which will be conaicrueted four battleships, four first- class eruisen, four third-class cruisers and sixty torpedo destroyers. WEAK MEN It suffering rare Lost Manhood Nervous Debility, Lack of Vigor Emissions. IC days treatment sent lift to anyone sending us ' --sets. in Postage stamps. STANDARD MEDICAL CO., 2411 St. James Strtet,Muntreal A bald eagle with a big steel trap hanging to one of It:.9 legs, flew over Licking, Ky., a few days ago. ALWAYS PLEASED! No Grumblers or Growlers when Diamond' Dyes are Used. THOI'SANDy of pleasant, happy and grateful lettersare on fylefrorn ladies who have tested the popular Diamond Dyes that always do their work well and satisfactorily. Mrs. Thos. Lavin, Newark, Ont., Rnys : "I find that Diamond Dyey are the hest., its f always get goof, and fast colors from them. I have lined other dyes, but. they are all infetior." Mrs. Wrn. Moore, Steenhurg, Ont„ says : "We like Diamond i)yes better than all others on the market; they al- ways give splendid colors." WhPn ladies ask for Diamond Dyes, they should always insist upon seeing the name on the pnekage, as there nre so many.worthlevs dyes sold by dealers. ".Jack -the -Ripper" is the ,;ub•ject of n new opera ahout to br• produced at, Verona, music and wordshyan luilinn named Gionla. MICHAEL ADAMS, M. P. I''OR NORTHUMBERLAND, N. B., 18 ANOTHER WHO HAS USED DR. AGNEW'S CATARRHAL POW- DER AND BEEN CURED. It, does not Reem to matter where one looks for good results from that wonderful medicine, Dr. Agnew's Ca- tarrhal Powder, they are to be found. Everyone in his own province, a nd every member of the Commons knows Michael Adams, the popular member for Northumberland, N. B. When he says til the world, as he line done over his own signi4ure, that Agnew's Ca- tarrhal Powder is productive of mo9t satisfactory results for cold in the head and other catarrhal troubles, they know it means much, The medi- cine is oneos3essed of peculiar virtues and never fails toeke ct a cure. One short puff of the breath through the Blower supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal powder dif- fuses this powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and de- lightful to use, it relieves in ten min- utes, and permanently cures catarrb, hay fever, colds, headache, sore throat tonsilitis and deafness. 60 cents. Sola, by Watts & Co. / .. . .. .. �. -sL:_. FA ,LIAR NN8. "TAKIM* MY L1FE d.1HIlt L81T 1T DIM." 3Pca130es Iii SgvorAwll- Frances Ridley Havergal was born De. Camber 140, 1880, at Astley, Worceatov shire, England, where bar father was rector for twenty years. she was the youngest child of Rev. W. H. Havergal, widely known as a musician and author of some good hymns, At three years Frances could read, and at seven wrote verse. I She had an active, buoyant tempera- ment which enabled her to "skim any waves when she was not under thein. In 1845 her father wasNappointed rector of St. .Nicholas, Worcester, he therefore moved to Woacester, where her early years were passed. She received her edu- cation at English and German boarding schools, and enjoyed exceptional advan- tages of culture and travel. She Master. ed languages with ease ; French, Germau, Italian, Greek and Hebrew were among her acquirements. She even learned enough Welsh from her donkey girl to take pait in the Welsh church services, In the midst of it all her penoual piety became ber predominant characteristic, and her Bible -noted and uncierliued- was one of the best proofs that she applied herself to the noblost themes. She waa also a fine musician. Iu'poety abe was in. tensely religious and intensely seusitive to ail beautiful and inspiring thiugs. She had deep trials and experiences, bat the key -note of all tier writings is her own ex- pression, "Thy will be dofle." In October, 1878, she and her sister were iu South Wales for a change of air. here Miss Havergal took a severe cold, which caused inflammatlon of the lungs. When told that her life was in danger she ex claimed, "If I am really going, it is toc good to be true." At another tune elle said, "Splendid, to be so near the gates of Heaven." Towards the last she sang clearly but faintly, "Jesus, I will trust Thee." "And now," says her sister, "she looked up steadfastly as if she saw the Loral ; and surely nothing less heavenly could have reflected such a glorious radi. ance upon her face. For -ten minutes we watched that almost visible meeting with her King, and her countenance was sc glad, as if she were already talking to Him. Then she tried to sing ; but after one sweet,high note her voice failed anti 3 as her brother commended her soul into the Redeemer's hand she passed away, June 2rd, 1870. She, was buried at Astley, and on her tomb was carved, at her own request, the text from 1. John, 1;7, "The blood of .Jesus Christ His Son, cleanseth us from all sin." In Writing to a friend she says: "Per haps you will be interested to know the origin of the consecration hymn, "Take ury life.' I went for a little visit of Live days. There were ten persons in the bou_;e, some unconveated and long prayed for, gonia converte.l but not rejoicing' Christians. He gave me the prayer, 'Lord, give me all in this house,' and He just did. Before I left the house every one had re- ceived a blessing. The last night of my visit I was too happy to sleep, and passed most of the night in praise and renewal of my consecration, and these little couplete formed themselves and chimed in my heart, one after another, till they finished -'Paver, Only, All For Thee.' 11 \eedle Points. Needle -making and needle -using are probably the two earliest industries. The snored writings with their story of fig leaf girdles point witbout doubt to the use of Rome rude implement for sewing purposes. What we of these later dnys' might think of Adam and Eve's needle were It possible to compare it with out highly -polished steel instrument, it is of course, not possible to say. A sharpened twig from the nearest tree, a well- develope(i thorn from a perfumed brier bush may have garped in the making of those artistic aprons of Edenlo days. But, be that as it may,we are all familiar with the fact that Heil bones, pointed stripe of bone and ivory, etc.,wore In use among the so-called barbaric nations sitnultane- ously with the fine bronze needles of the Chinese, Hindoos, Egyptians, Assyrians and Hebrews, specimens of which, more than 4,000 years old, have been found in Egyptian tombs. The year 1570 is the earliest authentic date mentioned in connection with needle making as a trade and Nuremberg the place of manufacture. It is claimed by the Spaniards that they taught tlia art tc the Germane, and tradition has it that a Spanish negro actually made needles In Cheapside during !ween Alary's reign, but that, as he would never teach Wej secret to any, it died with him, In the flourishing days of good Qiwon Bess the needles appear to have had a gay time of lt,for Elias Growse, n (;er- man, and Revorai mechanically ineliuud Normans introduced the manufacture to the English, and at the present day Fang- liah needles, as made at Redditch, possess- es world-wide fame and hold their own from the oye to the point in the world's markets. It was in the year 1650, at Long Cren- don, in Buckinghamshire, that one Christopher Greening, commenced the regular manufacture of these domestic treasures, and the art must have traveled thence to Warwickshire, settling down ultimately at Redditch and Its vicinity. The Geese Won. ' A gentleman once laid a wager with George IV that geese would beat turkeys, In a race, says the "School and Home." The King, thinking that such a wager was already as gnod Its won, willingly made the bet, and the gentleman wag left to choose time and place and distance. Being well acquainted with the habits of birds he accordingly ohose for the time the evening, just before sunset, and for place the road outside the city walls, and a mile for the distance. The time came and each appeared with hie flock of birds and the race began Long are the and came the sunset, and immediately, true to their lnstinots, as soon as the sun had quite disappeared, all the turkeys flew up into the nearest tree to roost, and no persuasion could induce them to budge an inch further -and the geese,which had been slowly toddling on behind, quietly cackled in -the winners. I Chlaese Fear Of a Census. Even so simple a governmental act as taking a census awakens in the minds of the people anspiolone that some other end Is in view. Mr. Smith oltes a oase,known to him inhick h w the younger of two brothers concluding that tailing a census meant compulsory dinlaratlon,and if that weft so he must go; therefore, rather than tskA a long journey -which be it notifged, was an entirely gratuitous sup- posltlon on his part -he committed sui. dldb, "thn's oheoktilating the Govern- mentl'r-t'iieaponsibility Among the Chinese," by' Prof. 0, M. Cady, In the Jitnuary Century. x,+,,. . , , i, C ilio s- 11".�., I ", _!, -1 In some conditXpns the gain frorn the use of Scott's Emulsion of cod�lxver of, 1�, N' r Pic'. For this reason we put up a Soc. size, which I is enough for an ordinary cough or Gold or useful as a I trial for babies and children. In other conditions gain must be slaw, sometimes, + almost imperceptible,health.,-'.;!I':, e, ii can't be built up in a days �f. For this Scott's Emulsione must be taken as nourish- 1 ment, food rather than ,,,' medicine, food prepared for tired and weak digestions. qi,j $cor'r & Bowns, Chemists, Soc. and ar-oo t`j,l I HU MPHREYS' ��� Hr. Humphreys' Specifies are selentlHeally and n, carefully prepared Remedies, used for years In )t, private practice and for over thirty years by the people with entire success. Every stogie specilla.11 1 a speolare l cufor the disease named, •M r so. PNOIFI a rma:a K ; B C y0 1jt 1 -Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations., .23:11 tL-Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic.... .25 3-Toething1 Colin Crying, Wakefulness .25 4 -Diarrhea, of Children or Adults...... .25�,V 7 -Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis .............. .23 I " t3--Neuraigla, Toothache, Faceache ...... . 23 .v O -Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 10-Dyspepela, Biliousness, Constipation. .25 11-Supprossed orPainfut Periods... .25 1'l -Whites, Too Profuse Periods........... .25 13 -Croup, Larynatltis. Hoarseness...... .23 i 14 -Salt Rheum, Erystpelas,Eruptions.. .25 15-Rheamati.m, Rheumatic, Paine ..... 25 S 10 -Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague...... .25 1 O-Catarrb, influenza, Cold in the Head. 25 1, 20 -whooping Cough ...................... .25 N 27 -Kidney Dlseaeee ..................... .2 7 y b 2S --Nervous Debility .....................1.00 �i 30 -Urinary Weakness.... ...... ........ .25 4 34 -Bore Throat, Quincy, Ulcerated Throaft�.C25 I 44 77 H DR. HUSPECIFICMPHRE'FOR GRIP, 25c■ , Put up In small bottles of pleasant pellets, just St your vest pocket. 8o14 by Dmtn; te, or ...it prepald on recelpt or pries, Da. HemraRavel MANUALEnlar ed&Revised —1—D FREE. l B .) 11 VILMIREYB' HED. Co., 11 t l & I'N1 as W111l.m Bt., NEW YORK.P E mV I tit V S■ v CAVIATSJUDE MARKS 1 COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? Fora .` %ampt answer and m honest opinionn, write to Ill l7NN die CO., who have had nearlFFflfty yeare " experience In the patent It sin se. Communlopan tions etricUy eonfldentlal. A Handbook of In- formation oonoernin8 Patents and bow to ob. .f twin them sent free. Also n eatta)ogue of ineohat% foal and eolentiao books sent free. ,j Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive1. special notice in the Scientific American, and • thus are brought widely before the public with- Out oast to the Inventor. This splendidppaaper. issued wee=. elegantly Illustrated, has by far the ,.,, largest air aWatfon of any scientific Work In the world. 83",ear. ear. Sam le cBuildin�bo2pefes sent free. copies. s. to cents. ory erre uannd er contains ofbea� ^:ir��� houses. with plans, enabling Dnow ullders to $how the -.X latest deafen. and sem,rw..nnt,--e,- Aw.r-..-- _: A PERFECT TEA E It oil M 0 MNM S 01"# N THr FINE■T TEA IN THE WORLD TEA FROM' TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CVP IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. "Monsoon" Teals put up by the Indian Tea growers as a sample of the best qualities of ) m:,an 'Peas. Therefore they use the greatest care in the selection of the Tea and its blend, that is wl;-v th,:y put it up themselves and sell it only in the original Vwkages, thereby securing its purity and excelleorc. Yut up in % lb., i Ib. and D Ib. packages, and nev:r sold in bulk. ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP If. If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write to I- STEEL, HAYTER & CO. - - w and 13 Front Streit East. Toront- Old Dr. Gordon's Remedy for Men CURES POSITIVELY Lost Power, Nervous Debility, Failing Manhood, Secret Iji- seases, caused by the errors and excesses of }youth. $1 Young, middle-aged or oldTNfRO MONTB men,auQeringfrorn the effects of follies end excesses, restored to health, man- hood and vigor, Price $1.00, 6 boxes for $5.00. Sent by mall, decurely sealed Write for our hook, ",Starfhnr Fads," for Men only, tells you how to get well and stay well. Addresa, QUEEN MEDICINE CO.. Boa 047. HONT/'SAL. KOOTENAY CURED WHERE 150 DOCTORS FAILED. For a number of years I was greatly troubled with a skin disease, Iw ant to Hot Springs, Ark., and I actually believe i consulted over fifty doctors at different Limes without getting any relief. I took one bottle of your Kootenay Cure and it has cured me. Previous to using it i was unable to shave. It is no doubt a wonderful medicine. i recommend it most highly. Yours truly, A. TRUMAN, fog King St. E., Hamilton, Ont ...'e. A� 1:•k "