HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-02-19, Page 2d. Lej1 i. DISEASED B.,L S CIIRED BY TAKING AYEWS Cherry Pectoral. �101,6610m " 1 contracted a severe cold, which settled on my longs, and I dl(i what Is Often dune in such cases, neglected it. I then consulted a doctor, who found, on examining ate, that the upper part of the left lung was !nutty affected. The medicines lie gave me did not seem to do any good, and 1 determined to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After taktif, a few doses my trouble was relieved, and be- fore I had finished the bottle 1 was cured." —A. Lsar1.AB, watchmaker, Orangeville, Out. Ayer's .Cherry Pectoral Highest Awards at World's Fair. Ayer's Pills Cure Indigestion. The Huron News -Record 1.26 a Year -81.00 in Advance WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1.01,11, 18')3, SAVED HER LIFE. WHAT ONE BOTTLE OF DR. AGNEW'S CURE FOR THE HEART DID FOR MRS, J. L. HILLIER, OF WHITEWOOD, N. W. T. Only those who have so suffered know the distressing feelings that fol- low an affection of the heart. Let one who has been afflicted speak, and tell of the remedy which will cure. Says Mrs. J. L. Hillier, of whitewood, N. W. T.: "For some time I was much afflicted with heart failure ; in fact I could not sleep or lie down for fear of suffocation. I tried all the doctors in this section of the country, but they failed to give Ise relief. A local drug- gist recommended a bottle of Dr. Ag - news Cure for the Heart ; I tried it, and with the result that I immediately secured ease that I did not know be- fore, and after taking further doses of the medicine, the trouble altogether left me. The fact is, knowing how serious was my condition, this teruedy saved my life. Sold by Watts & Co. The Government of Saxony has pre- pared a bill clop -wing the election sys- tem, and virtually disfranchising the workingclasses, the object being to ex- clude Socialists from the Diet. YOUR PRESENT NEED Is pure, rich blood, and a strong and healthy body, because with the ap- proach of spring and the beginning of warmer weather your physicdl system will undergo radical changes. All the impurities which have 0001 nllL'tted during colder weather most now he ex- pelled or serious consequences will re• suit. The one true blood purifier prominently in the public eye to -day is Hood's Sarsaparilla. Its record of cures is unequaled. Its sales are the largest in, the world. A few bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla will prepare you for spring by purifying and enriching Your blood and toning and invigorat- ing your whole system. Keep It Before The People. If you can get your snide so Thoroughly and so permanently Associated with the business in Which you tine engaged that people Will instinctively think of The name whenever the Business is suggested, You will have achieved the acme of Advertising. if you will put your ranleand your Business together in THE NEWS -RECORD every week You will Soon reach That Point. LADIES FRENCH PILLS Safe & Sero. Act In 88 to oP home. The Duly female regulator In the whole range of medicines. By Mall, Price 88 00. STANDARD M)',I)IC,AL CO., 24.1 St..fa nor Street, !Waldron The complete returns of the bye -elec- tion in Northumberland, N. B., on Thursday, give Mr. Rohlnson, the Con- servative candidate, a majority of 449 over Mr. Peter Mitchell, Liberal. Advertising Axioms. By J. WALKERTHOMPSON, of New York Lack of trade is hitter hat results from good advertising are sweet. "Art is long but life is short." Don't make your "ad." too long nr too short. "The effect ceases with the cause." Therefore, advertise with constancy. "Ads" should be written in words that burn, butnot necessarily in glow- ing language. The motto of New Mexico : "It in- creases by going." So does an "rid." Is yours going ? " ThOu'den which is well borne be- comes liglfit," and the "ad." well printed bririgqf3 heftyq jr results. "Better be wise than rich," says an old proverb, but the majority by far would rather :advertise and get rich. The Oppressor Banished. Paine's Celery Compound Pats Rheumatism to Flight After the Doctors Failed. It is now an established fact, that Poise's Celery Compound cures ninety- nine out of every one hundred cases of rheumatism pronounced incurable by the doctors. Day after day reports are received, giving particulars of cures effected by the great Compound. These cures are astonishing the medical profession, and compel the doctors to acknowledge the claim so often made, that no other medicine in the world possesses like curing vir- tues. The following letter from Mrs. F. McMann, of Thorold, Ont., should lead every rheumatic suf- ferer to use the medicine so strongly recommended :— "I think it my duty to let you know what Paine's Celery Compound has done for my husband. For two years be suffered very much with rheuma- tism iu the back, and became so bad that he could not bend, stoop, or sit u) a chair at table, and I was obliged to take his meals to him while he lay in bed. He was treated by various phy- sicians, but received no benefit until he used Paine's Celery Compound. The first bottle gave hits relief, and after he had used six bottles he was quite frce from the rheumatism. He was troubled with piles for fourteen years, and found great relief front) the Com- pound. He says he feels like a new man just now. We think there is no medicine like Paine's Celery Com- pound." The Antigonish, N. S., Ca3ket, the organ of Bishop Cameron, states that, it is authorized by his Lordship to deny that any partoral letter or circular on the recent bye -election in Cape Breton county httd ever been issued. SEVERE KIDNEY TROUBLE COM- PLETELY CURED. T VO BOTTLES OF SOUTII AMEIIIC'AN KIDNEY ('CItE DID IT. The idea that disease of the kidneys cannot he cured is 0 mistake. True, many so-called kidney curt -'s do not cure, but in that great discovcrv, South American Kidney Cure, there is found an unfailing remedy. This is what Mr. David Ilogg, of S innymeod. N. T,V. T., says : "f was greatly afflict- ed with severe kidney trouble, suffer - ug the tunny annoy;tnc•es and pain that, follow this disease. Theto was hardly any remedy that 1 did not use, in hopes of securing relief, but it was not until I bought a bottle of South American Kidney Cure that, relief came. The one bottle immediately re- lieved me, and two bottles produced tt complete sure. Sold by Watts & Co. The Chesapeake oyster beds are rap- idly diminishing in productiveness. Fifteen years ago they furnished about 10,0000I bushels of oysters. The pro- duct this year will not he more than 5,000,000 bushels. WORE GREASED GLOVES SEVEN YEARS John Siren, mason, Aull.Svcle, Ont., had Salt, Rhein') so severe that for sev- en years he wore greased gloves. Ile writes: "I used 0 quarter of it box of Chase's Ointment. 1t cured Ise. No trace of Salt Rheum now." Chase's Ointment, cures every irritant disease of the skin. allays itching instantly, and is at stir'ling remedy far piles. Avoir) iruitnticnis. (Ph'. pet lox T . riiI for Ne ntivr liar hnr k z Blessings. 'Without irrevsr, nc•s it may he Fail that the negative side of things calla for unusual thankfulness this year. We are thankful that so many things rill not come. We are thankful for nega- tive blessings. A MARVELLOUS STATEMENT BY A PROMINENT CANADIAN • A R,HEUMATiO REMEDY WHICH 18 CURING THE WORLD. Mr. E. W. Sherman, Proprietor of the Sherman Honse, Morrishurg, Ont., is known by thousands of Canadians, hence the following statement from Mr. Sherman will be read with great interest and pleasure : "i have been cured of rheumatism of ten years standing in three days. One bottle of South American Rheumatic Cure per- formed this most remarkable cure. I had suffered from this disease, as [say, for ten years, and I did not ever expect to he entirely cured. The effects of the first dose of South American Rheu- rnstic Cure were truly wonderful. I have only taken one bottle of the rem- edy, and now haven't any sign of rheurhatlsm in my system. It dime more good than all the doctoring I ever did in my life. Sold by Watts & CO. . ItEQNPON FOOD Al I LtTERATIIQN '' •411 sorts gi'Trick* to. Manufacturebabes able Comestibles. "I dplj)tt know w47 it te," boys P;gofes- "r Alt'.) d W. Stokes, the well.k own 'ondop; anai.yst, "but the average on - den hoUeeholder will insist ,on baying milk of a aloe y64uW cream coley, NW, only the ChanneVj,I iuud cows yield yel- low milk, but wit of that? tdl'here le a demand; the supply ehall not fall while there is a comparatively harmless color- ing matter called anocto wbiob looks like red ink, and a few drops of which will make a gallon of fresh milk the oolor beloved of the Londoner." It is both inetruotive and amusing to follow the evolution of the milk de- scribed by Processor Stokes—who, by the way, has been protecting London- ers against adulterated food for the last twenty-eight years. First of all, the farmer adds Ms quota of water. Then the turner's man, who takes the palls and churns to the station for cnnvey- anoe to London, may plunge the vessels into a brook in order to pool the milk quickly, and in this way more water gets In, not to mention small fishes, which Profs sor Stokes has found alive and well 1titilk churns. Then Dome the railway servants who occasionally take tt long pull at the oontente of the churns when they are unlocked for official inspection during the journey to Loudon. Of oourse,the most obvious way to conceal such pilfering is to add more water; and this is done with fine generosity. A. prosecution for this very offense was recorded recently, Then come the wholesale dealer, the re- tailer, and perhaps the servants. The retailer occasionally extracts the cream and adds such preservatives as borax and boracie acid. Under these circum- stances it is interesting to note that the lactometer wherewith the astute house- holder provides himself registers "good milTkhe." excuses given by farmers and others for adulterated milk are ingenious. The churns have boon left out in the rain, or the cooler may have leaked, or the lump of ice was too large. One dealer swore positively in court that be did not put a single drop of water into the milk. He did not. He poured the milk into a certain quantity of water specially prepared for it. Professor Stokes says that even fruit is tampered with. Strawberriesare dip. ped into a solution of analine dye, mel- ons are flavored with essence injected with a syringe,and coarse oranges turned auto "Malta blood" by a somewhat similar process. Alum and potatoes still find their way into bread, and roasted bread and ground beans frequently supplement chicory as ingredients in tinned coffee. The smart Londoner who purchases freshly roasted coffee beans, and waits to see them ground, probably never dreams that the requisite quantity of chicory is already placed in the mill. The Waist Line. In the matter of dress it must be a great satisfaction to be a man. There is so much comfort in the thought that one can go to one's tailor with a cheque, or the promisa of one—which Is just as good 1f it hasn't been given too ofteu— and there confide in a man of unbiassed judgment who knows the correct thing to wear and gives it to you. Then, after you have got it, you can possess your soul in peace for several months, knowing that if you were oorreotly dress- ed at the commencement of the season you will remain so until your suit be. gins to look shabby. What a contrast is this calm serenity of mind to the turmoil and doubt which racks a woman's brain from the hour she begins to "shop" for her new gown until it is worn out! She wants to be the first to bring "out" a new fashion; then if nobody follows her load, she is harrassed with douhts for fear she has in- troduced a style that nobody admires and has made herself appear eccentric. On the other hand, if too many adopt it, she grows tired of it because it has be. come coni MLOs. Here we are, for instance, with a col- lection of round waists, made of various materials, and for various occasions. At the beginning of the season this was en• tirely correct. There were throats of some- thing different, but. there wasn't any- thing definite about them, and most of us had our waists made round, because they are comfortable and oonvenient,and we liked them. French women, however, for some un- accountable reason, seem to have a prej- udice against the dividing line between bodice and sklrt,and they take every op- portunity to dispense with the "string around the waist," and make an un- broken line from bust to hip --the line which is considered by artists to be one of the moat beautiful In the human fig- ure. French dressmakers, therefore, ex- ert all their influence to bring in the close -fitting jacket, to take the place of the full round waist. They have sue• seeded in establishing the princess dross, which is a step in the same direction, and by the time spring rolls around we shall he making our dresses with barques and jackets which will prepare us nicely for the Inevitable jacketed dunk suit of the summer girl. But that is a long way off, and though the big shops are beginning to exhibit their spring and summer goods, we have no idea of starting our summer outfit just yet. At present we are about to plunge into the sea of mmnsoments, and nowg own which we abandoned od when we began to get ready for the holidays. There are numerons theater waists and ball drosses to be made for the places to which they are worn. Nearly all the new waists have some sort of jacket front, of either the mili- tary out with sharp points at the waist or the now popular Louis XVI. style. A jacket of silk brocade, with stiff fronts that stand straight out like doors when• not buttoned, is the newest thing for a theater waist. There are two or throe large fanny buttons of the minia- ture type on one side with buttonholes to correspond on the other. Underneath is a lace or mull front whtoh does not stop at the waist but hangs several inoh- ee below. This lace front does not bag, blouse -fashion, as was formerly the correct thing, but fits the figure and is not very fu1L The bank is slightly rip- pled over the faintest suggestion of a bustle. The bustle is biding Its time,but is get- ting ready for the summer jaoret. It consists now of three pleats of crinoline starting at the bank of the belt and Rar- ing to the bottom of the skirt. It Is more like a hoop skirt than a bustle,and gives a very desirable flare to the skirt. It is very useful as it oan be used under any skirt and removes the necessity of tieing more than a few inches of urine. /Ins or hair oloth. D s, VEL MEN, of good ,phsreeter, who can fundsbliorsc Al light rig, ay AO to t2!(i0.00 a {+lilnth. APp1 cams whet* y. ; , ! u.pT,10Yassrsos 1o.,Lttd.,Brantford,Ont: Property °Tor Sale. A CHANCE FOIL GARDENERS. Ie consequence of my aye and lack of kelp, I have decided to offer fur sale toy splendid gardening pro- perty consisting of five and a half a.'res Irl Clinton, some o1 the beet land to the county of Huron, iuolud- iag hot beds and other necessary requirements. There 10 on the premises a frame/aortae with oellare, soft and hard pater, barn and other outbuildings The Bs field river adjoins the property. W111 eel! at a reasonable price for half wash and balance secured by mortgage. As " desire to sell, this Is a chance seldom wet with, Apply personally or by letter to the proprietor, JOSEPU ALLANSON, 8144.1. Clinton Corn for Sale, To STOCK FEEUERa—Large amourt boat No. 1 Yellow Coro. Preeeut price, according 6o Mud and gnuntity,41to48mints a Mallet. Will sell for each or exchange for oats or Ally Mod of grain; some oases give from 1 to 6 months tme If derived. Don't feed oats without mixing coin meal. Experience has proved that pound for pourd gocd Yellow Cern Meal will put on more and better fat than any other weal ; for mixing to give body to oats, cannot be beat. Will have lots of Ensilage or Fodder Coro at proper Hine Drive right to the Warehouse o' poalte Grand Trunk Passenger Station, Clinton, Out. 800.11 W.G. PERRIN. Don't Build Without A Plaut J. ADES FOWLER & CO., Architects and Civil Engineers, Are opening a permanent office in Clinton and are prepared to supply Plans, Specifications and details for any class of work at moot reasonable rates. Patent Drawings prepared and patent, obtained. Valuations and inspections carefully made. 25 Years Experience in Ontal'io. Mall address—P.0. Box 210,Cllnton• Card of Thanks. TO MY MANY PATRONS : I desire to tender my Sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage accord. ed me in the past and to inform the public that I am still in the Carpet Weaving Business on East Street, Godetich, next the Bicycle Factory. Personal and mail orders will as usual receive prompt attention. All classes of work a specialty, at the lowest pos- sible prides, and eatisfaction guaran- 'Reed, W. A. Ross, East Street, GODERICH. The McKillop Mutual Fipe Insupanee Company Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. OFFICERS. Dairies, President, Clinton P. 0. ; Geo, Watt vice-president, Harlock P. 0. ; W. J. Shannon, Secy'rreas., Seaforth P. 0. ; M. Mardis, In- pector ofelaims Seaforth P, 0. DIRECTORS, Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Alex Gardiner, Loa bury; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton ; John Han nab, Seaforth; Joseph Evans, Beechwood ; Thos. Garbutt, Clinton. AGENTS. Thee. Neilacs, Harlock; Robt. McMillan, Sea. forth ; J. Cummings, b:gmondvllle; Geo. Murdle, Auditor , Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans act other business will ho promptly attend• ed to on application to any of the above officers ad• dressed to their respective post offices, FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS DLiNN'S BAKINC POWDER THECOOK'SBESTFRIEND LARGEST SALE Iii CANADA. FERRY'S SEEDS E flforthem— get . standard seeds every -here; sown by the largest planters in the world. Whether you plant 60 square feet of ground or 60 acres, you should have Ferry'a Seed Annual for '90. The most valuable book for far- mers and gardeners ever given away. Mailed free. D. M. FERRY & CO., Windsor, Ont. ,..,r Sickly! Out of sorts --easily tircrl, hag- gard. pale and listless, try Indian Woman s 13alm. It makes rich new blood, banishes backaches, headaches, heart palpitation, con- stipation and all other ailments to which women are so subject. It is suffering womanhood's greatest boon. Has cured thousands— Why not you? 141,1► ,4LARA. tit2 Sold to Clinton by J. H. Combe. THE CHILDREN'S ENEMY. Scrofula often shows itself in early life and is characterized by swellings, abscesses, hip diseases, etc. Oonsurt0);t. tion is scrofula of the lungs. In this class of diseases Scott's Emulsion isi - questionrtbly the most reliable medi- cine. "Bacteria do not occur in the' blood or in the tissues of a healthy living body, either of man or the lower ani mals." So says the celebrated tDr.t Koch. Other doctors sap that the hest medicine to render the blood perfectly pure and healthy is Ayer's Sarsaparilla. • .i: If OTHER MEDICINE „ wd11UIIN , \41 horn. lll11il n e Rdew F R” I il!<<��'�' C>rN�Rtil 9f-81 �trf u+rri�iGplint�r��l-� VERY IKE FOR S�I- iNsoMNl�i 1 ),• �� POINTS THE WAY TO PERFECT HEALTH 9onth American Nervine. • The Great Health Restorer of the Century. ' Sickness Cannot Cope With It. Has Cured the Worst Cases on Rec- ord. Cures at the Nerve Centres and Thus Cures Permanently. A Wonderful Specific in All Cases of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Nervousness and General Debility. Has No Equal as a Spring Medicine. There is a great deal of uncertainty in the methods adopted to remove dis- ease. Doctors are not free from this kind of thing themselves. The poor pa- tient has to put up with a good deal of experimenting. The discoverer of South American Nervine takes too serious a view of life to play pranks of this kind. He does not think that these human bodies of ours should be fooled with. He has recognized that they are subject to disease, but, by scientific methods, he has learned that just as the watch is to be put in perfect repair only when the main -spring is kept in running order, so with the individual, he remains in per- fect health only when the nerve centres are kept healthful and strong. What disease is more distressing than Indigestion or dyspepsia? Some simple remedy may be given to cause relief for the moment. Nervine is an indisputably successful remedy for the worst eases of indigestion, because it reaches the source of all stomach troubles—the nerve cen- tres. Indigestion exists because the vital forces have becosne diseased and are weakened- Nervine builds up the nerve centres, from which come these forces, removes the causes of indiges- tion, and then builds up the health com- pletely. How many systems are run down through nervousness. A stimulant may, give ease, bet it will not cure nervous troubles. Nervine has cured mere des- perate cases of nervousness than any other medicine anywhere. And it does so for the same reason that it cures in- digestion. The nerve centres are ranged, or there would be no victim, nervousness. Nervine rebuilds strengthens the nerve tissues, and he its marvellous powers in diseases of t is kind. In the spring of the year the strong- est suffer from general debility. The blood, through neglect, has become im- poverished, and the whole system gets out of order. We speak of it as a spring medicine. Nervine restores the exhausted vital forces that have led to this tired. don't -ears, played -Ont, miser- able condition. No one can take a bot- tle of Nerving' al ti;is 0011FOR of the year without Ili+e•'•..• (1:;0117 giving way to abonudi:o hon)': . The t.1' :'1 • nail readily understor r !r , p'i'le n•illl 414,1101, - ,'i Amer- ican Ne'rs, r, . •„ rit.'e with you. SOLD BY WATTS & CO. 2 • 200.000 WEAK MEN CUR[DI STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. 'CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAYI ARE YOU ? Nervone and derpnn int; week nr clehilitntcrt; tired mornings; nnm- bititn—lifeless manor mor. rr s'Iv ) h r n fatnqued, r. zcilablu and ,rritnb e; eyes Banken, rod and Idurred; ;, moles on (nee; dreams and night losses; restless; haggard looking• v,enk kirk; bone pilin-: heir Inose; ulcers; sore throat; varicurole• deposit to urine and drains at stool; distrustful; Haut of confidence; lack of energy and strength —WE CAN CURE YOU / RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K. ca K. JOHN A, MANiAN. JOHN A. NTANLIN. CHAS. r(1wEItS. CHAS. POWEIIS. LIEF ORE 'a ItEATME\•r. 4F7 Nit '1111 A/ 115NT. 1;1 7 ,.r, h 9.... ..... A ,. .,. ,.a7 a,.. NT. NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS AND IMPOTENCY CURED. specialists to all my n$lictod John A. Menlin snys:—"1 was one of the countless vic- tims of enriy ignornru•e corn iretwwl nt 15 years of ego. I tried seven medical Hans ani spent $900 without avail. 1 gave op in drsl,r'ir. The arnica on my syst m were weakening my intellect as well ns my sexual earl physical life. :11 y hrot..er advised ms ns n lint resort to consult Drs. Kenn.,l,v h K, won. 1 commenced their Now Method Treatment and in 0 fr.w woks wnn n now man, with new lift earl ambition. Thin was four years ogn, and now 1 ant married and happy. 1 tocoutmo0d those reliable fellowmen." CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.—CONFiDENTAL. "The vices of early boyhood lairs the fonndntinn of my rnin. Iater nn n gay life" n, r1 expe.ure lo bio, d tli_ ceases completed the wreck. I hail nil the syn,; toms of Nervous Debility—sunken eyes emi•etonR. drain in urine, nervousness, weak back, we. Fly phiIls (nosed my hair to Pali oat, bone pains, nleors in month anti , n (ragas, blotches on body, etc. 1 thunk Cori 1 trial DIP Ken, edy & Iiergan. They restored me to health, vigor and happiness." ('IiAS. POWEIIH. Syphilis, Emissions Varicocele, Cured. (air We treat and erre haricots/,, lifniscion.v, Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, Sj1ihi'/is, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidney and JJ/adder Diseases. 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RiSK. READER! Are Son n victim? Flay ynn loot harre? Are ;gin, eltwsm�+lacing mnr- riegeT Flan your filuA"I h sn dleenee'1' linen 3m, env wraknews7 Onr New Method Treatment will core yon. \1 hat it lin. done for others it will tin for ' nu. CON(tSULTATION FREE. No matter who b"e trtuted you write for tat honest opinion Free Of charge Charges reasonable. n0055 FREE -- "The Golden Monitor" (iiJnstttttetl), on Diseases pf Men. Inclose postage, 2 cents. Pealed. la -NO NAMR8 USED WiTHCIUT te RITTEN CONSENT. PRI- VATE. No medicine a rrt C. O. u No names nn box, or enve'- O0es. Everything confidential. Question Ilst and cost of Treat- ment. FREe..&� ORSi ENN'EDI( 'Atj R DGANI RJC:ITSrC!T, MICH.T.