The Huron News-Record, 1896-02-12, Page 41
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Oar Violin customere are
thoroughly satisfied. Hon-
est Goods at reasonable
prices always will stalely.
We are receiving another
lot this week; call in and see
Mouth Organ -7
We have some liues of
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Violin—Miss H- V. Donagh.
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Better business—Hodgens Bros.
It is as science—Allen & Wilson.
The love of Home—J. W. Chidley.
Pocket Diaries—Win. Cooper & Co.
A money saver annex—The W. I).
Fair Cu.
aha H'ifen News-Recora
11.2fi a Yo..,—al 0oln Advance
On Tuesday Sir Charts Tupper,
Baronet, was elected in Cape Breton
by 801 majority.
As previously announced the lists
were from six to eight hundred better
for the grits ;han last election, which
yirtnally planes the majority now
about twelve or fourteen hundred Net-
ter than last time.
THE NEWS -RECORD congratulates
Sir Charles on his election and wel-
comes him again to Canadian politics.
His enemies fear him and his friends
have confidence in him.
That he possesses the master mind
and grasp of a statesman is beyond
It is pleasing to note that Sir Charles
made his greatest gains in the Scotch
Presbyterian districts.
From all quarters grit money and
agents flocked to the riding ; the pro-
vincial governments of Nova Scotia,
Prince' Edward Island, New Bruns-
wick and Ontario rendered the reform
candidate substantial assistance, while
.slander, vilification and free fighting
were recklessly indttlged in by the op-
, ponents of Sir Charles.
But the staliati,tis Scotch, Protestan t
sand Rofmarl Cath'olitfalike, stood loyal-
Iy for the National Policy.
Sir Charles took very moderate
frotltld on the .school question and
ound himself supported by Presbyter-
ian, Methodist, Anglican and Roman
Catholic elergymenl.alike.
The old Conservative Party never
was stronger than to -days ; the leaders
are now pulling_together, and glorious
victory for the National Policy awaits
the, people of Canada
4'8 ,A+' » .)WOBI,GRT ,NOWALAN.
The recent election in, West Huron
has had the result of demonstrating
that third party candidates, at least in
such a constituency as this, cannot re-
sult in the future good of the country,
and especially when the candidate per-
mits his actions to discredit the rause
he advocates. We admit that third
parties at times accomplish good, but
such a result must necessarily be
brought abort within the old parties.
After the nomination of the Reform
and Conservative candidates in this
Ridiug the P. P. A's placed Robert
Newman in the field. lie was chosen,
it is said, through the advice of Mr.
Madill of Saruia. Mr. N. Ciarke Wal-
lace had an agent, one Edward Floody,
in this Riding who endeayured to man-
ipulate one of the nominees to pledge
himself against the Government. Mr.
Wallace's representative made any-
thing but a favorable impression for
Mr. Newman, in fact as a result of his
visit the P. P. A's would not accept
Mr. Newman unless he brought along
a character ou paper. He came and
be ought several testimonials, among
them one from Mr. Wallace.
Once in the field Mr. Newman, it
would appear, pulled the strings
in favor of Mr. Cameron. This
he denies, but we are prepared to
prove it over his own signature. He
acknowledges in his latest epistle t'1
the Signal that he was closeted with
.John McMillan and at least loaded hint
up with Orange resolutions; that he
furnished the powder to assist M. C.
Cameron. In a letter to the Orange
Sentinel (Jan. 23) Mr. Newman also
acknowledges that his interests were
)ilr. Cameron's. With bold effrontery
he admits that he retired in his favor
and says :—"I conferred with some of
Canada's foremost Protestants on
this question, and all alike agreed with
me that it was the only course to pursue."
Just, fancy 1 Outside Protestants, we
care not who, handing over the elector-
ate of West Huron to M, C. Cameron 1
A man who has in past years branded
ALL Orangemen as disloyal and blood-
thirsty, Protestants who gloated over
the tragic fate of murderer Louis Reil,
and that they (the Orangemen) com-
pelled the Government to hang a re-
bel and murderer without producing
sufficient evidence to hang a dog 1
Who are these foremost outside Pro-
testants who have been meddling in
West Huron ? Here we find at least the
Orange Grand Master of British Ameri-
ca. Did he advise Newman to retire in
favor of M. C. Cameron ? A man who
has in Parliament delivered treason-
able utterances against a loyal body of
men whose votes Mr. Newman was as-
sisting hitn to capture ? Surely not.
In the past we have had high respect
for 'and great confidence in Mr. Wal-
lace, but if he is guilty of such utter
demagogisrn in West Huron THE
NEWS -RECORD must draw the line, and
the sooner all freeborn subjects under-
stand this matter the better.
Mr. Newman, our readers will bear
in mind, declares that he retired in
favor of Mr. Cameron. At the official
nonnnation he was not legally'nomin-
ated. How then can he truthfully de-
clare he retired ? Forthwith the Con-
servative party are charged with side-
tracking him. He charges that A. M.
Todd and others telegraphed N. Clarke
Wallace "For God sake take this man
Newman out of the field 1" This we
denied as far as Mr. Todd was con-
cerned. Then Cameron's and New -
man's mouthpiece, the repel Goderich
Signal, edited by Daniel McGillicuddy,
who has been Antd is now
credited with being an annexationist,
therefore a rebel to the Domin-
ion and an enemy to every Orangeman
in this fair Canada, said A. M. Todd
telegraphed to N. Clarke Wallace's
agent or agents at Toronto. This we
denied and still deny. Whether the
name of Todd was to it telegram or
not is not the question at issue, The
charges made by Newman and his
Grit allies, vide the rebel Signal, are
not trlie.
"That Conspiracy," which Mr. New -
Irian so strongly objects to appearing
in THE NEWS-REcoRD, is hased on
Newman's written statement. What
does he say in his apology to Barrister
M. 0. Johnston :-- "THAT THE AF-
FAiR," the side-tracking which he
Iyingly charged the Conservative party
CONSPIRACY," and that "1", New-
HURON." Here we have the spectacle
of it wandering stranger imposing on
the honesty of West Huron electors.
First he declares the wicked Conser va-
tives deliberately sidetracked him i
Then he solemnly avows in the Orange
Sentinel he retired in favor of M. C.
Cameron and that this woe the only course
to pursue.1 And to cap the climax of un -
wanton deception he makes the sweep-
ing—and wehelieveunwarran ted charge
- thnt the P. P. A's entered into a con-
spiracy to defeat him. He acknow-
ledges in the rebel grit sheet of Goder-
ich that his letter to Barrister John-
ston is genuine. He acknowledges in
a letter to THE Ni:ws-Ri toRr that it
is genuine, but seeks to crawl away
from the main issue by referring to
James L. Hughes, the Grand Orange
Lodge resolutions passed at Halifax,
and a thousand and one other matters
which have no more to do with
the discussion than a monkey has with
a balloon.
in writing through the Guderich
Signal to THE News-Rianoan Robert
Newman says:—"Yon say it was ac-
knowledged on SEVERAL platforms
that I loaded up Grit stompers with
the avowed purpose of assisting M. C.
Cameron to win. That, sir, is as false
as it was cowardly of those who oracle
such statements from the public plat-
form, and which action k only charac-
teristic of the time -serving party slave."
No person of an unbiased mind could.
make such a charge as Mr. Newman is
guilty of making. He knows just as
well as THE NEWS -RECORD knows that
he did Inad up Grit stumpers in favor
of M. C. Cameron. He knows that
Grit stompers were forced to swallow
the hitter medicine at Benmrller and
Lucknow. And Mr. Newman knows
(if he is sane) that many P. P. A's as he
says in the Orange Sentinel over his
own signature, objected to him resign-
ing in favor of or assisting M. 0. Cam-
eron. But that did not deter him from
attempting to sacrifice the electors of
West Huron, who should know more
about the situation than a stranger.
txQli'I(7fa i4' d(';4b r MPLa t'dfla$410i.
Mr. McMillan moved in the House
last week. "That whereas the United
Stutee Government effete to admit free
Of duty, ploughs, tooth and clink. liar
rows, harvesters, reapers, agricultural
drills and planters, mowers, horse
rakes, culivators, threshing machines
and cotton gins, from any country
which admits free of duty like articles
imported from the United States, it
would be greatly in the interest of both
the Canadian agriculturists and the
Canadian manulacturers that Canada
should accept that offer by admitting
those articles into Canada free of duty
and at the sarne time so relieving the
Canadian manufacturers of the taxa-
tion on their raw material as to enable
them to take advantage of the markets
of the United States."
Mr. N. Clarke Wallace urged the re-
jection of the resolution, because its
principle would, if carried out, result
in no ultimate benefit to the fawner
and would close the smaller Canadian
factories. On the other hand not a
single Canadian made binder could be
sold in the United States, the Ameri-
can makers being protected by patents
and by injunctions would prevent the
sale in the States of Canadian ma-
chines. It had been urged that the
protection upon implements in the Do-
minion was offset by the duty on the
raw materials. This :vas not the case.
The wholesale price for duty of a self -
hinder in the United States was $100,
20 per cent. on this gavea protection of
$20. The duty on raw material for our
binder, even supposing they were all
imported, was about $7, giving the
Canadian manufacturer a clear protec-
tion of $13. An excellent, binder could
he bought in Canada for $100, which
was less than the retail price to the
farmer in the United States. If the
duty were removed the Canadian farm-
er would have to pay higher prices
than ever.
After considerable discussion the mo-
tion was declared lost without the Op-
position even having pluck enough to
call for a division.
The Poor Horse :
The above is the exact Protestant horse
Daniel McGillicuddy pictured in the Signal only
a few years ago. At that time he was working
for the Mowat Government and against W. R.
Meredith and the Conservative party in On-
tario. To -day he is working for a French
Roman Catholic loader and traitor Greenway,
and hopes to succeed in riding over the electors,
to the glory of the Grit party, by such an in-
strument as Robert Newman. It will now be
in order for the rebellious annexationist to
again produce another horse of another form.
Last week THE NEWS -RECORD called
attention to a most glaring and wilful
error in an editorial paragraph publish-
ed in our esteemed town contemporary
relative to the price of wheat. The
paragraph, which we reproduced in
full, was so misleading 'that we felt
compelled to notice it, and in so doing
we requested our contemporary to
answer a direct question. To this a
deaf ear has been turned. So it ever is
—to twist and distort, to mislead, to
mystify, to garble, to glaringly mis-
state fat is—these are the weapons of
the dishonest Grit politician and news-
paper writer; and when cornered, when
asked a plain, simple question, that he
who runs may read, to be silent.
Once more THE NEws-REt'ORD asks
the question. If protection "does not
add one cent to the price for wheat
paid here," how is it wheat is consider-
ably higher to -day in Montreal than in
New York, in Toronto than in Chicago,
and all other grains in like rnvnner?
These would -he destroyers of our in-
dustries cannot, even they cannot, say or
hint but that protection helps the
manufacturer and consequently the
mechanic, and naturally all from whorl
the mechanic and manufacturer pur-
chase supplies. But the Reformers
have long held on to the dear belief
that the farmer, the noble tiller of the
soil, the stalwart yeomanry and all
other high sounding phrases they are
so fond of using about election times,
was not benefltted by protection. For
seventeen years the proof has heen so
self-evident that electors have not
trusted there, and soon again the Re-
formers will he led by Sir Richard
Cartwright to successful failure.
The fact, remains, protection benefits
the farmer, and our contemporary's
silence on the important question of
the price of wl(eaat is the wisest course
he can pursue. Verily, silence is
golden !
Orangeisrn is riot P. P. Aism and the
sooner Robert Newman understands
this the better.
THE NEWS -RECORD is not opposed
to the Constitution, but we are oppos-
1 us-
ed to M. (1 Cameron and Robert New-
Robert Newman is not paying for
the advertising he is receiving in THE
Who favored M. O. Cameron ? Roht.
Newman, the P. P. A. candidnte, and
we have the proof over his own signa-
The lie has heen uttered by Daniel
McGillicuddy and his assistants, not-
ably Robert Newman of Toronto and
local preacher Kerr of Brussels.
The special reporter of the Taranto
Telegram, whose statements Robert
Newman tries to evade, interviewed
the editor of THE NEWS -RECORD and
made the statement we gave to the
If the old truism holda good that a
man must be fudged by the company
he keeps what will the loyal electors of
West Huron say of Robert Newman?
Robert dtiewman declared that A. M.
Todd telegraped N. Clarke Wallace
"For God sake take this t41an Newman
out of the Held l" Newman was guilty
of hearing false witness.
Weak, Tired, Nervous
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ised more benefit from these medicines
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From my personal experience I believe
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Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the Only
True Blood Purifier
Prominently in the public eye today.
mood's Pills easy tobuy, ea§y to take,
easy In effect 350.
THE NEWS -RECORD has said that
Newnian did not tender any money to
the Returning Officer and we have
every reason to believe our statement
to be absolutely correct.
THE NEWS -RECORD is open to all
corners to discuss fair and unfair, hon-
est and dishonest charges that may
come within the reach of unprincipled
join nalists and politicians. The proper
blood will always see the proper roan
on top at the finish.
At the annual county meeting of the
Peel Orangemen Last Tuesday they re-
fused at the present juncture to en-
dorse Mr. N. Clarke Wallace, declaring
that they were satisfied with the
course of the Government up to the
present time, and have wisely conclud-
er not to take any hasty action.
It is not quite certain which animal
Daniel McGillicuddy will persist in
riding at Goderich on the 12th of
July, 1896, where a big Orange
celebration will take place. If he
rides the Protestant nag he pic-
tured in the Signal a few years ago
Daniel will certainly be laid up for re-
The attempt of McGillicuddy and.
Newman to belie the editor of THE
NEWS-REcoRD has proven a miserable
failure. Now, gentlemen, produce the
telegram where we said "For God
sake take this man Newman out of the
field." We shall inform the public of
the result.
The Brussels Post says the reason
several Conservatives wanted New-
man out of the fleld was to save Weis -
miller's political head. And the con-
spiracy to have Newman remain in the
Held or retire in favor of M. C. Cain-
eron--as Newman ack nowledes--
was to save the political head of M. C.
Cameron, Certainly.
Robert Newman, the wohhler,
refers THE NEWS -RECORD to Bar-
rister M. 0. Joli 'ton for a certificate
of character of the Toronto Telegram
reporter. The reference is not at all
necessary. The reporter interviewed
the editor of this paper and he gays us
sufficient reasons for the faith that
was in him.
Robert Newman has proven himself
to be even more than THE NEws-ItE-
CORD hos said. And he may as well
have the benefit. He is a Sunday politi-
cian and wrote his apology for misrep-
resentation on Sunday, January 12th.
He may now qualify such desecration
of the Lord's I)ay by declaring "the
more holy the day the Netter the deed."
But it does not say much for his mode
of following the Golden Rule.
The Goderich Signal, whose editor
has long since proven himself in, he of
the red rag hull specie, does not yet
know of the numerous Todds and
Cantelons and Freehorns in this great
country. In fact he doesn't even real-
ize that we have a great country and
will refuse to learn until some apostle
of Postlethwaite again gives him a
public thrashing and pound the infor-
mation into him. To use an expression
of a local grit sheet, he should be reach-
ed for with a club.
Newman declares that he tendered
the money ($200) to Returning Officer
Beck, hut, conveniently neglects to
state why the money was refused, if it
really was. It will now be in order for
Mr. Newman to produce his evidence
on this point and clear the /matter up
to the satisfaction of the general
public. Then the electors will he in-
formed of all that has escaped his
deficient memory.
Fancy politicians like Cameron, Mc-
Gillicuddy and Newman following the
Golden Rule ? The trio should give the
pnhlie an exposition at this important
time ou Mr. Cameron's visit to Rome a
few years ago when he was alleged to
have purchasedolden embles
for "his old m
Roman Catholic
friends of Ashfleld" and of the pre-
sentation on his return. And Mr.
Newman, the devout P. P.A. politician,
retired in his favor, and he has Bald
"Wanted, a saddle horse. Mtast he
in better order than the Protestant
nag produced in the Signal it few years
ago and not to cost, more than
the ruling ruin Grit price. Apply to
Daniel McGillietiddy, annexationist,
Goderich." We might add that Mr.
McGillicuddy has changed his front
to a right -about and would not now
like to accept the same skinny
Protestant animal he produced in
the Signal a few short years ago, a
picture of which may be seen In an-
other column.
ForSprirtg. .
to •
Large arrivals of New and
Beautiful Springs Goods.
Lovely New Prints. Beauti-
ful New Flannelettes. New
Black and Colored Brillian-
tines. Cottonades, Cottons,
Daniel McGillicuddyy's Protestant
Horse 1 This sante horse prevented
Daniel from delivering one of his lying
grit political speeches at the Nile a few
years ago.
If the Globe is warranted in saying
that Sir Charles Tupper is "the rep-
resentative of Bishop Cameron" be-
cause Bish�o{pn Cameron supported him,
then THE NEWS -RECORD is warranted
in asserting that Sir Oliver Mowat and
his government represent Archbishop
The Goderich Signal calls bad names.
It copies from the bad Globe and dubs
the editor of this respectable family
journal a "hell inspired hypocrite 1"
We do not wish to use this sort of
language to the well-known black-
guard who conducts the Sigurd. But
if Daniel McGillicuddy is inspired our
readers will agree that he has communi-
cation with a wanner climate than this
country produces. THE NEWS -RECORD
has ever been prepared to fight the
devil and in this case is prepared to
meet his satanic majesty of Goderich.
So Newman acknowledges that he
invited John McMillan, a grit stumper,
to his private room. He says so in the
Goderich Signal, and says further he
never met or knew the said Grit sturn-
per before. And Newman says he
loaded up McMillian with Orange re-
solutions to down J. L. Hughes' letter.
McMillan was working supposedly for
Cameron. Then why did he load up a
political opponent to defeat himself?
Such hypocrisy. Newnian must pro -
three evidence that does not hear the
finger narks of a wobbler and he more
free from the semblance of a fish story.
The editor of the Brussels Post, who
by the way mounts the pulpit and
preaches religion on Sundays, and on
week days writes untruthful squibs for
his paper about political opponents,
last week found space to bear false
witness against the editor of this
journal. THE NEWS -RECORD denied
that Mr. Todd telegraphed N. Clarke
Wallace "For God sake take this roan
Newman out of the field." Then the
Signal charged that we telegraphed N.
Clarke Wallace's agent these words.
This we also denied. We al e absolutely
correct and challengs the unhappy
Newman -McGillicuddy -Kerr trio to
prove to the contrary. Produce the
The Goderich liar, whose name is
Daniel McGillicuddy, says the letter in
last week's NEWS -RECORD from Kings-
bridge was not from .that place, but
from Goderich. This is a case where
the Signal is not in a position to know,
but Daniel McGillicuddy, fenianlike,
asserts as a fact what he does not know.
We are in a position to know that the
letter was written and posted at Kings-
bridge, in Ashfleld township, and any-
thing the notorious wohhler of Goder-
ich may say will not alter the fact.
This is a rare opportunity for the Sig-
nal to prove its assertion. Since writ-
ing the above a letter has heen received
from the author, who declares that. he
is not, ashamed of his name and that
the letter is genuine. Daniel, the sec-
ond Annanias of Huron, will be com-
pelled to call in even a more worthy
supporter than Robert Newman.
Repairs Satisfactory or Your
: Money Back.: .
The plan we pursue is
"not cheap watches
but watches cher ri."
We make a specialty
of reliable watches
—those that are a delight
to the wearer and a cred-
it to us.
Coopers' Block.
The Goderich Signal talks about
"honor among thieves" in politics.
Probably the annexationist editor has
forgotten the false and malicious charge
he made about the stealing of an
Orange flag pole Ly mewhers of Snm-
merhi 1 Orange Lodge, when Daniel
McGillicuddy was compelled by the
rhinions of the law of the land to crawl
under the barn and eat plain crow.
And this is the creature Hobert New-
man, the self-sacrificing Protestant
politician, is in league with. Is it'not
about time Protestants would ascer-
tain where they are at ?
Daniel McGillicuddy's Protestant
Horse is just the same to -day as when
it appeared in the rebel Signal a few
short years since. At that time the
Ontario elections were on and Daniel
had the crows sweeping eagle -like on
Protestantism and picking the poor old
hones of the honored dead. To -day
there is a change of front on the part
of the vampire. He seeks to sustain
shoot -the -volunteers French Romain
Catholic Laurier by securing the sup-
port of the Protestants of West Huron„t'
through Orangemen and P. I'. A's. •
Robert Newman has mounted Daniel
McGillicuddy's horse (though the ani-
mal is not so poor and degraded as the
Signal pictured him) and the result will
he just as it should he -the horse will
intelligently kick the other way. The
President of the Grits is on dangerous
"Nothing Like Leather."
Don't always put the blame on the poor ehoeman if the shoes he sells you
iare unsatisfactory. Maybe you don't pay him enough. The dealer is entitled
to a fair profit. If the customer insists on a very low price, what else can the
dealer do but offer a low-priced shoe ?
The price ought always to determine the quality. It does at our store. Our
great $2.00 Ladies' Shoe, flannel Lined has been the greatest sellerof the season.
Just the shoe for this time of the year.
Jaoksan & Jackson, The Firm. Shoe