HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-02-12, Page 2t1hmr.{rats Ir indr l;flrbpt. Sick Headache CURED P.EfMIANENTLY BY TAKING es::fills "I seas troubled a tong time with sick head:acho. I tried a good many remedies recommended for this cu•n jlalut; tut it was net until I Began taking Ayer's Pills that I receives( permanent e8benefi .d nte A single 1$ox of tise8e phis headaches, and I am now a well mlut." —•C. 11. ilu•rculxcs, East Auburn, Me. Awarded Medal at World'sFin Sarsaparilla. 4s the Beat. The Huron News -Record 1.25 a Year—$1.00 In Advance WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 12th, 1896. Gentlemen. Pay Up. iR THE CITY MARKETS. T arkry, Abe watts; B1r4.- fleneprpe Oft Neftltage of thio ,gl $rapolle. The few days that tzngsedialely. pre- c(;de TllanItegivtng are $reatl'da31'is to the Toronto markets, and the day be- fc re Thanksgiving Is something enor- mous. If living turkeys could only fttesee the homage that would be paid them on this day they would no doubt run to the headsman's block without urging, and stretch their necks for the Our hest. thanks are due to those of our subscribers who'have renewed their subscriptions for the current year, hut there are yet many who have failed thus far to comply with the require- ment of paying for their local news- paper in auvance. They pay for their daily or their city weekly in advance, but they never think of treating their local newspaper in the same business- like manner. As a result of this a sura which ought to be in the bank to the credit of THE NEWS•RECORD is scattered over the country amongst subscribers, who sympathize with the paper and patronize it by taking it, but who neglect to pay for it in advance, and who do not realize that although $1.00 or $1.50 is a small sum in individual in- terests, yet, single subscriptions from 500 ay -in -advance subscribers means a hank credit of over $2,000 to aid in making the paper better and brighter as the weeks roll by. Sao. For In truth the honors paid to this kingly bird at this season are amaz- ing Around on all sides, glorified by the golden gaslight, hang the shapely tur- keys, with crimson rosettes, like stars cu. the Legion of Honor, pinned on their exuberant breasts. Sacredly guarding the dead stand the under- takers, commonly known as poultry dealers; stout, rubicund, argumenta- tive, loud voiced, and, strange to say, Jolly. Why strange? of course they are jolly, and so would the turkey be if they were alive! For all the men, women and children in the crowd are intensely jolly, and rightly consider that they have not come to witness a burial, but an apotheosis of turkeys. A sad eyed little widow, leading a school girl by the hand, is struck with the delicate beauty of a long necked bird, and offers to see that it Is bur- ied with the proper ceremonies, but the undertaker says such a luxury will cost her at the rate of, say 12 cents a pound. With a sigh she drops the beautiful fowl and takes another Ices stately and satisfactory, for which she pays 8 cents a pounds. The 12 cents a pound bird is snapped up by a plethoric, red faced old gentleman, who wears false teeth and a single eye- glass. After him comes a newly mar- ried couple, linked arm in arm and carrying two huge baskets. The.hus- band is tall, angular and ugly) the bride small, sweet and seductive. She yearns for 'a $2.50 bird, whereas he thinks 1.60 will be enough, and that the rest of the money can be spent on groceries. But she makes the tur- •key's merits so evident to her spouse that he finally hands over the money, tucks the bird under his arm and strides off to a vegetable stall, where lie pays out $1.00 for celery, sage, cranberries and cauliflowers. Two young girls who keep house for themselves debate for a quarter of an hour as to whether they shall buy a lean turkey or a fat chicken, and fin- ally buy the chicken. A fractious old gentleman who hears this conversa- tion eschews turkey also, and satisfies himself with a fine looking duck. His wife, a handsome woman, with a red rose in her bonnet, spends nearly half an hour searching for green peas. Busy as the markets are during the day, they are ten times mere busy dur- ing the evening. Along the gaslit aisles passes a great throng of men and wo- men, their eyes fixed on the long lines of decorated turkeys, chickens, ducks and geese, and their ears apparently deaf to the honeyed Invitations of the blue spirted plethoric dealers, who are never tired of expatiating on the suc- culence, freshness and general beauty of their goods. All seem to get just what they want, and not many discontented or dissat- isfied faces are to be seen at any time a: any of the markets. What right has any one who is dis- o ntented or who hasn't the where- withal to buy a turkey in the big mar- kets on Thanksgiving eve? They are not wanted here, and the plenty that is so free to the more fortunate would simply make them more discontented. It is late, very late, when the crowd of buyers begins to grow less, and it is much later when the last cash trcnsact!on has boon made. clow many of the buyers have thought as they piovide,l for their own Thanksgiving cheer of the thousands who will eat rd- turkey on the morrow? No one can ansa er this question, but NT( know that some have; we know that many baskets have been carried away /from the great markets laden with good thlnes for others than the pLrchasers; we know that while the ostensible spirit of thankfulness has hr,cn quite ^mothered in many a hr, est by the spirit of selfish antici- pation of good things to eat on the morrow, many a table scantily spread on most days will then groan under l;rod things thoughtfully and unobtrus• iviey provided by generous hands and harts and purses. And there is no better time, well fed wader, whether you live in town nr country, for you to mingle generosity to your less fortunate friends with thankfulness for your own material ptosperlty than this Thanksgiving sea- son. Of course we deal with all grades and conditions of wren, and although an angel couldn't work a scheme to suit all newspaper subscribers alike, many subscribers think the editor ought to be able to do so. One man will write wanting to know why his paper has been continues after the term for which he had paid had expir- ed, and the same mall will perhaps bring a protest from another man re- monstrating hecause.his name was cut off from the list, and asking in most sarcastic terms if a man with an unen- cumbered 100 acre farts was not con- sidered by the editor good ?cor a measly $1.50 or $1.25 subscription without having to pay in advance. By stopping some men's newspapers, when they carelessly let them fall into arrear, you tray make them enemies for life, and by keeping another man's name on the list a week or two longer than the time subscribed for causes hint to believe that you want to Jew hien out of another year's subscription. Between the two it is difficult to decide what to dn. Our request now is that all those i whom the have so far favored, make at effort to pay ns up in full within the next 10 days. We want money, we want a went deal, venal we want it very quickly. GENTLEMEN, PLEASE PAY UP. A CHILD CAN USE THEM. Directions Are Simple. SOME Istdies think that it is a difficult matter to do their own dyeing, it certainly i4 when crude and ilnita- tion dyes are used ; hut tvhon the long• tested Diamond Dyes are used, it takes but little more trouble to get, a fast and beautiful color than It would he to wash and rinse the goods. With im- itation dyes your goods are ruined; coloring with Diamond Dyes means success and lovely calors. A City Clergyman Spo*s About`1'hysioat Restoration, Paines Celery Compound Does Marvellous Work in a Populous Church Parish in Montreal. a HUNDREDS MADE' WELL WHO WEREPRONOUNCED INCUR- ABLE BY THE DOCTORS. The Only Medicine in the World Heartily Indorsed by the Clergy of all Denominations. THE GREAT DISEASE-BAN1SII- J A NATIONAL BLESSING. rI r The sick people of the great church parish of St. Anne's, Montreal, have been greatly blessed and henetitted by the life-giving and health restoring virtues of Paine's Celery Compound. The clergymen of St. Anne's Church, know of the grand work accomplished amongst their parishoners, and at all tithes accord unstinted praise to the great curing Compound. Rev. P. Rioux, one of St. Anne's most popular priests who used the Compound him- self writes as follows: "I nm fully convinced, both by per- sonal experience and by the statements of many parishioners intrusted to my care, that the celebrated medicine Paine's Celery Compound deserves a high recommendation. I therefore willingly indorse the testimonials already given in its behalf. REGIATRAT1oN. -- Notwithstanding that instructions are given on every assessment notice, requesting all inter- ested parties to give timely notice to the Division Registrars, of trirths, mar- riages and deaths and in additinn to this the press frequently calls attention to the registration requirements, still many there are who neglect to so regis- ter, rendering, not only themselves liable to a fine of $20, but also the Divi- sion Registrar to a tine of 950, for not enforcing the provisions of the Act. The Government's instructions to Divi- sion Registrars are emphatic, that no burial shall take place without, a pre- rvious registration. Noi:withstatnding all the warnings there are many viola- tions ; and . violators will continue until forebearance will cease to be mild- ly asked to hand over $20 and costs for non oonfortnance to the Registration laws. All postmasters keep the neces- sary forms and if unsealed, go free hy Mail. • hod 4lra t , rhri-Sllistiu dloh hero; turd 1101 r t1.y14.;w'fP ry;, J ?An! It atont44Appuo.„4" �k9Clil o-8�_� i. r'j;4 tOA Rip clAoptsuo CO., 4d., Otsotte#1, Ont. Property For Sale. A CHANCE FOR GARDENERS. In consequence of my age and look of help, I have decided to oiler tar sale my splendid gardening pro- perty consisting of are and s halt sores to canton, some o1 the best land in Sr. county el Huron, includ- ing hot bods and other necessary requirements. There re on the premises a trams bowie with oellare, soft and hard water, dura and other outbuildings The Barium river adlolne the property. win sell at a reasonable price for halt cashand balauee'rehired by mortgage. As I desire to bell, this is a °bailee seldom met with, Apply personally ur by letter to the proprietor, JOSEPH ALLANSON, canton George Thorndyke, a barber, of Strathroy, was arrested on a charge of bigamy. It is alleged that he married Miss Lottie McWilliams of Lindsay on May 80, 1804, and within a year mar- ried Miss May Johnston of Strathroy. The relatives of the Lindsay wife are taking the proceedings. LADIES FRENCH PILLS. Safe & Sure. Act in 88 to 48 Imre. The only female regulator in the whole range of medicines. By Mail, Price 66 00. STANDARD MEDICAL CO., 248 St. James Street, Moutroa 884-4.f. Corn for Bale, To STOCK FEED/LIs.—Largo amonot beat No. 1 Yellow Corn. Present price, s000rding t, kind and quantity, 41 to48 Dents a bushel. Will sell for cash or exchange for este or any kind of grain; some cases give from I to 0 menthe time If desired. Don't feed Date without mixing Dorn meal. Experience has proved that pound for pound gocd Yellow Corn Meal will put on more and better fat than any other meal ; for mixing to give body to oats, cannot be beat. Will have iota of Eneltage or b'odder Corn at proper time Drive right to the Warehouse opposite Bread Trunk Passenger Station, Clinton, Qat. 890-11 W. G. PERRIN. Any tendency to premature baldness may he checked by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. Dont delay till the scalp is bare and the hair -roots destroyed. if you would realize the best results, begin at once with this invaluable pre- paration. Don't Build Without -A Plant J. ADES FOWLER & CO., Architects and Civil Engineers, Are opening a permanent office in Clinton and are prepared to supply Plane, Specifications and details for any class of work at most reasonable rates. Patent Drawings prepared and patents obtained. Valuations and inspection, carefully mode. 25 Years Experiencein Ontario. Mail address—P.0. Box 210,0Iinton• Card of Thanks. TO MY MANY PATRONS : I desire to tender my sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage accord- ed me in the past and to inform the public that I sin still in the Carpet Weaving Business on East Street., Goderich, next the Bicycle Factory. Personal end mail orders will as usual receive prompt attention. All classes of work a specialty, at the lowest pos- sible prices, and satisfaction guaran- teed. t Advertising Axioms. By J. WALKERTHOMPSON, of New York "The better the day, the he,.ter the deed." The better the "ad." and the better the mediums used, the better the results. If you have something that the peo- ple need, advertise "with courage and faith," and the people at home and abroad will respond to your profit. Do not forget that an advertisement in "perpetual Elution,"if it is yoocl, will went' its way into the people's memory with c•onsetlueit results to you. Here is a sugge8tion--"Make your acl- rerti.eemool an argument desiring tl.q force front the situation.. rind present it clearly to all to whom it in addressed." By advertising I mean those who knots that advertising well done is bound to bring_ results ; hy business men I mean a veru large class of nianufactur- ers who are "poor in the midst of great wealth," i r of j)oo.+ihilitie.i of dere/op- meat. YOUR PRESENT NEED is pure, rich blood. anti a strong and healthy body, because with the ap- proach of spring and the hoginning of wanner weather your physical system will undergo radical changes. X71 the irnoil rities which have Arca] mlila ted during colder weather must, now he ex- pelled or serious consequences will re• suit. Th.; one true blood purifier prnlninentlyy in the public eye to -day is Hood's Sarsaparilla. Its record of cures is unequalled. Its sales are the largest in the world. A few booties of Hood's Sarsaparilla will prepare yott for spring by purifying and enriching invigorat- ing vi your blond and tutnning and gprat- ing yotar whole sistrin. Mr. Andrew Monteith, ex -M. P. for North Perth, and who has been county treasurer for several year%, lies in apre- carious condition, Bufferin from ggstn- grene in one of his legs. His medical advisers give no hope of his recovery. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS A MAR- TYR TO RHEUMATISM. A. young man in Lowell, Mass., troubled for many years with a con- stant succession of boils on his neck, was completely eared by taking only three bottles of Aver's Sarsaparilla. Another result of the treatment was greatly improved digestion and in- ' creesed avoirdupois. mrd W. A. Ross, East Street, GO DERICII. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. The property clouse of the Indepen- dent Forresters hill was struck out by the house Orders Committee at Ottawa on account of some irregularity in the notice. The remainder of the bill was approved. RELEASE!) FROM PATH IN DNP' DAY. "it is my desire," says Mr. .Tames Kerr, farrier, of Kars, Ont., "to tell for the public gond of the great bless- ing South Amerit•an Rheumatic Cure has been to my wife. She has been a great sufferer from rheumatism for 20 years; had doctored with all physicians far and near, but never received per- fect relief until she used South Arneri- can Rheumatic Cure. It banished all pain in one day, lurid seven bottles cur- ed radically. 1 think two or three bot- tles would have been sufficient had it not been for delay in securing medi- cine. I must cheerfully and freely give this testimony, and strongly recom- mend sufferers from rheumatism to use this remedy, as I believe it will cure In every case." Sold by 'Watts & Co. A 0001) INVESTMENT. THE IT.i.tISTRATED BUB EA Ex - PRF.` E-1 pays a higher rate of interest to the buyer for every five cents invested, than anything else we know of. OFFICEBa. D.ltoee, President, Clinton P. 6.; Gen, Watt vice-president, Elarlock P. O. ; W. J, Shannon. Secy•Treae., Seaforth P. 0. ; M. Murdle, In - potter ololaime Beaforth P. 0, DIBRCTa88, Jae, Broadtoot, Seaforth ; Alex Gardiner, Lea bury; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton ; John Han nah, Seaforth; Joseph Evans, Beechwood; Thos. Garbutt, Clinton. &almTa. Thos. Netlar.o, Harlock ; Robt Hc' linen, Sea. forth ; J. Cummings, Ngmondville; Geo. Murdle, Auditor Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans act other business will be promptly attend• ed to nn application to any of the above otflcere ad- dressed to their reepective post offices. Queen Wllhefrnlnn 111<les a t4 heel. No one began to prepare earlier for the advent of ice and cold than Fier Majesty Queen Wilhelmina nt Holland. This sweet little lady Is now just 15 years old, and In many tliings is tak- ing her place as a woman of affairs_ Butshe clings to the amusement of bi- cycling, and, as it Is a royal pastime as well as a lowly one, she is allowed to do as she pleases in the matter of wheeling. An American lady caught a glimpse of Wilhelmina a few weeks ago, when Holland was feeling the first tff its wlrtry blasts, and, being an artist, she quickly sketched her in her cycling suit. The Queen had been riding and was waiting for her mother, the Queen F.egent, to overtake her. Little Wilhei- mina, who looks delicate, but is really very strong, had outrldden all of the royal party, ladies in waiting and alt. And she was keeping pace with her instructor, without w1157-- she is never allowed to ride at all, with ease. Royal custom would not allow her to out- ride the party too far, however, and juAt as she was enjoying the brisk, bracing Holland air, she was obliged to dismount and watt for the rest of the party to come up. It was just at thts moment when, happy at her speed and healthy with the exercise, the ter - tint sketched her in her note book, not twenty feet away. FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS BAKINC POWDER THEC00K'S BEST FRIEND LARGES? SALE IN CANADA. FERRY'S SEEDS Perfect seeds grow paying crops- Perfectaeeds are not grown by chance. Neth Ing lawyer left to chance 1n grdw- Ing Ferry's Seeds. Dealerssell them everywhere. Write for FERRY'S SEED ANNUAL for 1896. Brtmfbt of valuable information about beet and new- t seeds. Free by mall. D. M. FERRY & CO., Windsor, Ont. x )111111T 1ITT1N1STEB BARK or PETERBORO. Mr. W. S. Barker is a young minister of Peterboro who has by his great earnestness and able exposition of the dootrines of the Bible earned for himself a place amongst the foremost ministers of Canada. He, with his most estimable wife, belieire in looking after the temporal as well as the epiritnal welfare of mankind, henoe the following statement for publication : "I have muoh pleasure in re• commending the Great South Ameri- can Nervine Tonic to all who are afleted as I have been with nervous prostration and indigestion. I found very great relief from the very first bottle, which was strongly recom- mended to me by my druggist. I also induoed my wife to use it. who, I must say, was completely run dowa and was suffering very much from general debility. She found great relief from South American Nervine and also cheerfully recommends it to her fellow -sufferers. " REv. W. S. BARKER." It is now a scientific fact that cer- tain nerve centres looated near the base of the brain have entire control over the stomach, liver, heart, Lungs and indeed all internal organs; that is, they furnish these organs with the necessary nerve force to enable them to perform their respective work. When the nerve centres are weakened or deranged the nerve SOLD BY WATTS tic CO. faros is diminished, and ae a result the stomach will not digest the food.' the liver beoomes torpid, the kidney' will not act properly, the heart and lungs Gaffer, and in fact the whole system becomes weakened and sinks on account of the lack of nerve force. South American Nervine is based on the foregoing soientifio discovery and is so prepared that it sots directly on the nerve centres. H immediately increases the nervous energy of the whole system, thereby enabling the different organs of the body to perform their work perfectly, when disease at ones disappears.' It greatly benefits in one day. lid. Solomon Bond, a member of the Society of Friends, of Darlington,' Ind., writes: "I have used six bottles of South American • Nervine and 1 consider that .every bottle did for mi one hundred dollars worth of good, because I have not bad a goo night's sleep for twenty years o account of irritation, pain, horrible dreams, and general nervous pros-! tration, which has been caused by chronic indigestion and dyspepsia of the stomach, and by a broken down{ condition of my nervous system.) But now 1 oan lie down ma sleep all night as sweetly as a baby, and I feel like a sound man. I do not think there has ever been a medicine i introduced into this country, which will at all compare with this ae a aura for the stomach and nerves." t' .,.,.:• r w -'-To • its �: g .K6 =� e t sin.: J1IIABITS INYOUTIIW LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD �. MAKE NERVOUS. DISEASED MEN to THE RESu LT of ignorance and exposure in south, aro constantly�wrecion kinglnd the lives ad nd future/1 ...happiness of thousands of promising young men. (jome fade and wither at fru arIY ant y"y,t the blossom of manhood, while others are forced to drag ont a weary, the pnlpit,� a nolancholy existence. Others reach matrimony but And no solace or comfort there. The victims ere found in all stations of life:—The farm, the office, the workshop, the trades and the professions. '; RESTORED TO MAN HOODBYD gS- &F._. �'s Ws. A. WALKER. Wm. A. wALKEI. HRACHAS. Fia. s • s ♦r. may' Z2 /AN 1 rornAlHi HEAD. I8 a source of great discomfort . It's annoying to yourself and disgusting to your friends. Most times dandruff, scnrf, or scales cense it, and these, if neg- lected, produce baldness. 13y using Haireno you can elean the scalp, relieve the itching, nourish the hair roots, and produce a vigor- ous growth of hair. Staid i,n Clinton by J, H. Combe. s sra aesinr Wingham Advance :—We have re- ceived a copy of a journal entitled The Mexican Financier. It is printed in both Sptt,nish and English. john Corn yn, eldest son of Wm. Cornyn is assist. ant editor. As our old friend Is Iu, thorongh Spani9h scholar be will 138' quite at home in his new undertak- ing. WEAK MEN If aoftering from Lost Manhoe Nervous Debliify, task of Vigor Emissions. 13 day. treatment sent fres to anyone sending as 19uts. s. BTANDABp l'MEDICAL CO., 940 St. James Street,Montreal r:, —x Divorced but united tlgair Snrironn TREATMENT BITER TREATMENT f Tr -NO NAMES 011 TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSI T:SS offered Wm. A. Walker of 10th Street says:— was indiscreet veeu when SYPHILIS IK untold agonies for my "gay SYPHILIS i 1 yyownggand ignorant. As One of the Boyo f contracted EMISSIONS mouth other roat,bdntedieeases, I bad hair looee,alcers in the pitnales on �7 �71i lir month and throat, bone pains STRICTURE face, finger nails came out emissions, became thin and" despondent. Haven doctors treated me with Mercury, C Potash, etc. They helped me but could not care me. liii CURED Finally afriend indncedmeto Dra.Kennedy &xergan.D ToufNew yourself Treatment cared I have ne in a ever er b red o4 their failing to cure in eines iS You fAol yonreolf gaining every day. Scare.' e IV—CURES GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED v Capt. Chas. Ferry ,aye:—"I owe my lite to Drs. e symptoms & E. 55 At 14 I learned a bed habit. At 21 1 had all the symptoms f Heminal Weahnees and Bpermatorrhoea,ied were draining and weakening my�ty. It itma arse at t 24 under advice of my family doctor, sadexperienced Ine eighteen whoths we were divorced. I restored me to manhood ,..rhenann'ew l Are. Treatment. &K•• " . y tner es- Wet weennffd.in and newlifethrough was n x nerves. Wows. 1 united re scientific and I heartily recommend them.'f da years ago. Drs. K. tit K. are eoientit�o specialists IRS+ fareak We treat and Cure Varicocele, E Unnaturalrvous Discharges, Self Abuse! Weakness, Glees, Stricture, Syph ilis. • Kidney and Bladder Diseases. _ 17 'YEARS iN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK Are youq violin? $Eve yon lost hope? Ha�feyyou contemplatingmar READER 1 Mese? Hae soar nloodhbe:int ihtu 8d to far othco*as iatnywill em rr ++�� oatalso t oro f honest op n on F IMPOTENCY VARi00QELE EMIS IONS CURED K D Row Methodreatmen will n von W • oawrite or as i t D r.+oCCIia fie. FREE. No ttsY8OOKSho PRREE�$g Bolden Monitor" (ilinatrated),,on ""of ah@ge' a�s Scents. Sealed. Diaetteeb of NMS� t�etllge. NSENT. P 1" • NA! Nom Wg� t H U.T nmsoWRITTEN o q �eddtgine os��'t +G%i � �• NO rem�e a�bdxee or' 1lrti�11Rb1 ro ything dont sntlal tlueetiar et and Dost Of Treat`S "�tENNEDy Nay., I48 SHELBY >gT.'� , K LAN, O� 'I OJT, KICK