HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-02-05, Page 4qFW
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11eo le send to undeur n.10o the olittcal � e e o., . r g vktUmo a e
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ar,a,3` i o tart) farVJea music, courage and tronfiderice to alt loyal a dder,re4i aevssluea evil .b:ual�• ► . ,.,
•:,4,r, co►xt tt p .fat ay p t t e l pwheat carob in txrgatia'
riny In 'not -In Stook,will, be ordered, a,�Ad patrtotio men, to ,find him a h. R
gg utel ilritt t e. "!! •e• rcre �!Q+,4 # SII ! ,.� % Mi/, , {.Rr,#• "� r . ? ,,'
s ad delivege Promptly. helm again. Y '' 1 tie rice of, wheat 1s
, ' . When the confederation was as governed liyytb pric its 1.ibecltoali arta
".4, ' . a d1tGy Ai 6ba. a ktcolted euoutd ztnE, under ..N�iY'!. P ' k i�, Fps
7 q "� y� .:.
,. F �i,�jnn cortipliahed i:t 1867, the vgr first gild B UtJ 1. i 1, �• (^j I ,� Q80N • Jag 4+a1■ most significant act of fr C7harles gsrleral circfirreatartcca, add ons ceri4 Gt>" Elie It to , 11, Well "Wollsl}ed telae lir �'' "'"" et c . a " .. t,.
, Tupper, was, to rest n all �I,s very re- prate 7?aati for tyhetst here, •■ � '�% "Lvoopp "�'yr�10. I y1
pp qq pAedloal scleltoo that. nplfvRu#1r4QR I4duw .fa.t1 �I f, 4✓' .4 ,1..i,i�.s• rti11, 4
isl, markable and overwhelmipg dlalms'to Tfie above appeared iii the New Era to impure bland. r!`lAo;afore the ttz^me Y 13 .. r `i
,1 { high office in the administration of Sir )alai week. it sounds very pretty, very spay' to Q e uervoasneso is by purify. ;1
t 3r John Macdonald, in order that the laualble but as usual 't is like most xw d
j°` ,' " Prime Minister might be frt3t to give P 1 log and euriohing ills >z�ood: Th! e'�"7'+1t y� p1p+j��* t
+, ' Ontario her RRredominance in the stetsmeata that are made by faddIts groat blood �uri�ier lei Hoods Sorsa. .1.i.11,�a,6i ti� V V • r^
1 Ris Cabinet; that (tie claims of Sir Geo. of the Laurfer Qartwrighq Ppbool, parllla. Rea $ tills letter: (" 11-'I' .�
x{' �� ; +� • Cartier foe' his Province int lit be sadly lacking lAi truGltfulneas.'he 11 For tltp last two yRA;a I hiFv! begat it ,lee .Wnd V o�or d r 9� y�
,, satisfied ;and that an )rich Qatholic �r�,1,8,ai"'r
E statement of out- esteemed town totem. STeat sagerer with nervous prostration s>
1+i ! might also have rt seaj. and al station o! the heart. I was rPtrai • _'t{^'
is THEORY. What are the 1TAOTs? P
i This omen, this splendid and patriotic in my limbs end had smothered wnea tines CC�►ttonades � ,}
1. " �� '""" `� omen, is not without full significance Saturdays Globe quoted May wheat tions. At last m • e V Qt/tjQns' c "� r ,
g y phyeioian advised incl , fi• r
x�, , now, when Sir Charles Tupper at an for Friday in Chicago at 1183 to try flood'spptlarsaparille Which
ti did, r s� •
(� .' advanced age and after many and as the hi heat fl ore In , o- eranIg•n d weII.�-Item etillthnsin ,Hood i 4Jnrt/WZnS ''
j' A drat •• greab services, resigns his brilliant g g 1 c ' • ;
�° osition in I:apdou apd laces his conte the came paper quotes the QarsaParill. cent) would not be without it.
, tH 2�,t = services at the disposal of pSir Mac- price at 80 cent ,a, a difference of 1 c. I recommend it to aP, who are ,uttering � Y` e
, , . P with nervous prostra ion and ppelppitatfonl
'n" kenzie Sowell and of the Liberal-Con- in favor of the Canadian farmer. Of of the heart." Xgs. DsrlroN, 68 1►iipe et., o----- 1 7 .,. r
�� ;`' servative party, In order that the (gab- 1 to our entem. has been very fond aP Toronto, Ontario. UO Hood's, because ,�� ,r
i .M
luau may he more united, the lift proposing 8 puzzles !
a�wrx� more ass 11 red and the public inte gists ro osin brain twisters and �OQd Sorsa crit),GILROY
r^�, "+J ! better safe-guarded. fur its readers, We hive one to give & �W"ISE
1,1 During the four years that the hits. Explain the difference of prices /� r Vis.
sir , Liberal-Conservatives were in oppose- aegiven above with his own statement. _t$ the_ Oni - - - _ _ _ ___ ,._.- _ , , . . _.. _ <_ _.-. . _..._ ��: w,.„„
p , - - Win
ft tion froth 1874 to 187$, whose- wan the The prize we offer for a correct solei- - —' ,"
arm that struck the stoutest blows At i
the Liberal administration? In all the tion is THE 1'vEWe-REeoRD for one yer•r TrulD Blood Purifier WEAK MEN If suIIerin'r from Lost manhood. r'"
1V? , r Nervous Debility, Lack of Vigor Be aira Scat a -'1.
ki ., great railway and finance debates, in to ,he most rabid Grit in Clinton. Prominently in the public eye today. IL Emiesions, is days treatment sent fres co anyone P C1o''J d+ Your
�, = , . the House of Commons, Sir Charles _• - ___.__—_ fs not what we ea but what Hood tsar- sending us 12cte. in Postage stamps.
ea scilla doers the i �'
A9�r - , STANr ARD b.'EDtdAL Co.,
• Tupper was aver to the front among THE LSTIMA7ES. P tells the*tory. 298 St. dames street,xcXktre41 �"t
t� the little band of stalwarts who rallied __ :: Dfottey Back.:: ,"1. d
f not hatmpniounly with
round Sir John Macdonald and made On Friday Mr. Foster, Hoods Pills Iivodssa:saparill,.960, Blyth. � !�,'
y Finance Min-
_ Eve'ning
him in the end the chief of a victorious ister, delivered the budget speech, and �i party. _ „_ _ _ _•_ __ __ ) r. Kramer who has been disposing I.,
' was Followed by Sir Richard Cart- - -"—`
,� r Tu the elecwral campaign of 1878, - - of his dry goods and groceries by our arca
is A.,., Sir Charles Tupper's labors were ber- wright. The Orange Band at Moncton, N. B., An tion in Watson's Brick Block for . Y,
0111 ,culean. One day he was addressing the The total amount to be voted and Turned out and tendered a reception to some time past took the balance of his b ^, �
iy�` x' electors of Western Ontario; another Authorized h statute is $41,230,681, a Sir Charlea Tupper on his way to Cape goods to his home in Owen Sound on f i
he was rousing the enthusiasm of the decrease of 170,212 from the amount' Bretnn. Friday.11.
people of Quebec; then he was filling last year• The principal increases are Denstedt Bros. are moving there tin "Watch" ' �11
with confidence the fl titin Uonserva- Public debt Sinking Fund The religious discussion which has and hardware business out of Hamil- �a
1 c tives of Nova Scotia, and striking Su eranuation $37,000; Militiit$'372,76, heen cin on in TaE NEWS-RECORD ton's Brick Block to Watson's Brick 4;. ','
" , dismay into the Liberals of Prince Railways and Canals $85,540; Public g g Block in the store formerly occupied
Edward Island; and before the public Works $247,270; Geological Survey should soon come to an end. Our by Mr. Kramer. •
\rr had dune readin with admiration his $22,000• Indiana s ace is becomin too limited to allow Messrs• Gibson and Ireland, of Folic �r
iza 8 $80,283; North West P 8 d ����1.1
:r ) speeches in the east, he was again on Mounted Police, $30;000; Collection of four or five columns a week. We Wroxeter, have purchased the Blyth �rsi'4�
F, We have replenished our Stock since the platform of Ontario. No man in Revenue $262,110. The principal de- moat ask the writers Prom this time Flouring Mills the price we understand ,„ ":
Ghe olitical histor of the count crease i Redem tion of debt 1 217 906. being $6.600. 1
"I +' Christmas and now have a full ae P Y Q P $ . t forward to not occupy more than two It is rumored that we are to have :`
' s' sortment of all the popular Gaines, ever spoke so often, so magnificently, The militia estimate, show an increase columna each week and at the close of The plan we pllI'SUe ig:;
r so successfully, as the elections of 17th of $3'72,716, compared with last yeat's I another hardware store in town short. ,
311. P' successfully,
1878, showed brilliantly. appropriations, It is evident) the in- the present month advertising rites Iv, p Watches
September, Y will he charged. "not chew
i�� '. 9 Such an omen of success can hardly tention to drill the entire force, includ- Mr. Robert Howard Sr. having gone _," .
Authors....5c., lOe. and ..SC. gat) now to give unity, confidence and ing the rural battalions, during the The Seaforth Expositor ex ceases a out of the butchering business has »
,,, g P P but watches che.. J.
l'$ loyalty to a party which has seventeen coming summer. The agrount asked rented his shop in the rick block for11
Sna 6e. 10c. and 25e. desire that THE News -RECORD "cease a term o4 years to our new butchers ��X11
rA°'y p • • • • • • , years h victor to sustain it as well. for drill is $448 500 or $366,500 more from its vol ar abuse of the Grits and Goodland Bros, The take possession t`v
fir O ,ries Zipper was one of those thin was voted for last years drill. 8 Y P We make a specialty 11
stn Logomaehy......10e. and 25c. who earliest saw the need of the conn- For "clothing and necessaries" the sum Mr. Cameron." If, it is "vulgar abuse" at once.
try for the due protection and encour- of $90, , which is an increase to speak the truth about the doings of Our town daddies have made a ,,t.'
Y P' 000 is asked 8 Of reliable watches
P change in the time of holding there -
I 8 h
,i , agement of its agricultural, mining of x,686 over last year's vote for that
�WLast Heir...... IOC. and 2. C, and manufacturing industries. urpoae. The amount a ro ri (ted the Reform party in West Huron so monthly meetings. It is to be the 18t.
p ppP P much the worse for the art It is Tuesdit evenin1.g a: That omen is imperatige, at a time last session for defence worksat Esqui- hi h time the party. Y gin the month instead —those that are a Z�11ghL {,aJ
I, ' , Peter Coddle......5 and 10c. when "Free Trade as they have it in malt, B. O., was $125,000. Only half g press of Huron rise of Monde evening in Industry Hall. ;"
Y above winking at luring violations Reeve Wilford returned from Ills to the wearer and a ci
r r England" (very sorry some of thein are that seen will be required for the e>aeu- gg
25c and 5 0C to have it there to such an extent) has ing year: The total estimate in the °f the laws of the lx.nd. The Expositor first visit to the County Council in
Pttrehesi..... , g Godetich on Saturday. .. 1 will of course nota agree. followed ' "Unrestricted root mom estlmaptes, for militia, is 1,472,000; g p y q willbebe serf Hamilton's many friends It t0 US.
�. and Commercial IIoiop' and PReven- but in all probability this will he in- Hon. Dr.Monta ue in re 1 tea nes-
Halma ......... c�5c. and 50C, Y
j 3 , ue Tariff' as the Policy of the Re creased inthe snpplementaryestimates y to bear that is serious- ,,
„ form party for the destruction of our by a sum sufficent to carr out the tion by Mr. Grieve, last week gave the ly ill at present. es-p�,I„
y figures re representing Our town daddies held their re ilar �"
Ouija ................ I.50 factories, the closing of our mines, and programme for supplith new rifles of t e i ing the militiaP g the manufacture I unthly meeting in Industry H Il a T " r�,, '
rL tion of A►uthe ericans who have so rec�on of our fariners �to tnt he �In the de. ,cement latest
ape etu tore provinces fnthe Docheese
pin nn n 1880 and On Wednesdag • •� 1 1
,. Crokinole..............$1.50 unscrupulous and gratuitous corn eti- P ( day evening. W.
ERT there is a reduction from 55540 to p y evening alarge num i ,
s a ly been threatening its with fire and that
respectively. The totals show ber of visiting brethern from Bel ave ` r
),,Fort Jia etelle and others. $4A,782, or $6,767. This is in the per- that in 1880 the manufacture of cheese 7,, '
Y'4 r a sword—with an "unrestricted recipro- manent service. Then there is a cut- amounted to 63,001 162 ,ends in 1890 Auburn. Lonuesboroand Walton visit- Coopers Block. ,; ..
1.t1..; city" of slam bier t tin down of ed the Blyth Court of the C. O. F. bye
ix�a;,,. g $2,000 in the allowance to 114,981,514 pounds. n 1880 the out
r,,a%r . Snow Shoes, Sleds, t1oekey When in 1 1 the great undertaking for clerical and other assistance pput of butter in the Dominion reached special invitation to listen to an ad- ;"
-,ei. of the Canadian Pacific Railway had amounting to $2,000; a total reduction M,252 6W pounds; in 1890 the product dress on Forestry by one of their High Dungannon. .,
a .• been laced before Parliament and p P officials, Bro. Ernest Gartney of Brant NoTEs.— cite a number of the 'a,,
a Sticks, and 4bOXlllo' Gloves. p in the department of $7,757. This was 116,145,165 pounds. ford. He also initiated the officers for a otrtamen took a day out bunting, last
q r� met with a concerted and embittered saving, it is evident, Hun Dr. Mont- — --- P
hostility on the part the Opposition, ague purposes to a ply to enhancing The Mitchell Recorder is not pleased the nest term after speeches from acv- week, nothing particular• being killed. "i
�11-: `__ the but of explanation and defence the facilities for forgiving og information to with the statement of THE Ni ws RE- eraI of the brethern luncheon was J. C. McMath, of Clinton, has been i1M
served up to them by Messrs. Powe) engaged For the'"
+r' fell upon Sir Charlea Tupper, whose the farmers, as the following new CORD that we condemn a Protestant and Jackman the new ro rioter, of Steen Stotherspatt tr plminigh car- . , "
speeches will Ioug be remembered in votes are asked: The fruit stations P P p �iit
;�C the House. And when the Opposition $2,600, Dotniniun cmp reports $1,600, Pope as severely as we do a Roman the Blyth bakery and confectionery es- riages.—Mr. R. Bel: hada very sec- �
'�� in Parliament was transferred to the fall wheat experimental stations $11,- pope. We must admit we did not go tablishment. The meeting was drawn cessful wood bee last week: there was
'l country and Mr. Blake made himself its 600 v to a close at a late hour everyone en- somewhere in the psi hborhood of r`
J,.P I P g ,information bulletins $200. far enough. A Protestant pope should I wlrout thirty cords neig--Mise Mary .y�r"
chief exponent, he was challenged and The de artmenud estituates show a not in Any c:•ve be countenanced b loon Saturday the remains Pentlanc is spending a few weeks visit- s
followed by Sir Charles Tuppper, who, P Y li,
w�,f: ' in addresses at London, 13ami1ton, reduction of one chief clerk, 3 first Proteatante, be,:,,use nb Protestant can of the late Wm. McGill of Morrie was I ing friends at Lucknow.—We regret ka;
e, CLINTONoronto, and Mnntreal, astonished the class clerks, an additional second class assume the rule c,f a pope and be con- brought to Tritifty Church Blyth fol- to announce the death of Mr. Anthony !c'"r
r,ir • `�,JLllr b country by his vigorous eloquence, de- clerk and a decrease in the staff of sistent with the teachings of Protest- locoed by a large number of sorrowing Blick; the deceased haul only been sick . tix
third class clerks From 24 to 23. The autism. The Recorder's aortic
1 fexted Mr. Blake's expectations and RY is to friends and about 75 members of the i a short time; he was an old and honor- Xi
p vote is discontinued of $6,000 to the say the least ill-timed, for in its L. O. L. of which he was a member the ed resident of t "s pkee and is now " W
,Ay, __ __ �_ ___ carried the Pacific Railway Act on a
:ALL; full tide of favorable public opinion. Ha'ras Nationale for horses for the own party will be found the class of church being crowded to the doors numbered with a atlent majority, ,;