The Huron News-Record, 1896-01-29, Page 7•17
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_'--.---". V,
rhe Huron News -Record and those I vbance to IlAvet wbq are
troubled with rhQunlntieva or locolnot•
or ataxia.�f�T i1 ilNQ4tt•"'a �'htf rQs4i� tRlSErlk did.
81.20 ♦Year—$:.^^In Advaooa "Pink Pills," continued, Di Calth- lithe reault over d5 y"M tr til. the
-- ro litre the best thin of the kind 1 iutrap Rtedy*lidth ulmolut-it
p, g � drugs, until at last, we have dit+ooverod the true insgtedy and troonlltment-a
WjWX,,ESPAY, 4AN17ART $9th, 1890. know of, They are infinitely 61101.1 li• combination tl�wtwlll�eotaprouiplkanA.pelzpquent cure la fill eisgetiaf
to most medicines that are put up Pur Srxual Ac61114, A�wir or secure•. rN'ervauf Wfaknttr, .Pini kw, Afental
r sale. I know pretty well what the iVorry, Exccssioe Ilse of Opfas•, Tobacco, or, ,Aleahollesomalants, all. of
A BROAD MINDED DIVINE, pills contain and 1 consider, it all excel- which coon lead to Insanity, Consumptigu vAd an' earlygraivQ, yPogd'ay
lent prescription. It is such at one as 1 Betara Taking, phos hodhre of oa the is .
alight get from my doctor but he would p t4tlpedlrt covp>;�tttlly kit d , eiana6d
DOLTS Not' H�sITATH TO SPEAR 1, Olt THE not Ive it in ttUCtl a compact ft>rlll and almost hopeless -cues n taeatedbychomost lnlentedpbysl- t
GOOD I3Ip WORDS, tyILL DO; sp, �iinvenieut to take. oiataa- oa.etithatlrereou thRver�eotdetrpglrainillugpttiGy-ct4t?fiQwero
1 totte" ojor t11e 85avo,--1 ut, with t4a coutij`lled .fid per90tonus ups of
A SCHOLARLY CHRISTIAN AND A HE- "I retotnmend �.be pills highly to al woodrts'Phospht+dine, these cases that had been given up todie, were �' )
LSCHO PASTOR C WHO BELIEVES IN who are trouhled with rheurualism, lo- restored to manly vigor and health -Reader you need not despar -nomaG
THF I W O \ELIC AS TUE colnotor at)txia or any impoverishment ter who ban given you upas inourablo-the remedy is now witbip your
of the blood." reach, by its use you can be reopored to a• life of uaetttluesA>Pntl,hpppinget♦. -
MIND. _ T�-_--.--- Price one package, gt• six aolca es, 6• b mal #peOposta e
Osre will j! qre, sLgrguarana)e d to cwre, Pamphlet free to any 04yess. .,
The twenty-p(nth day0i April is a THE HISTORY OF CAST STEEL. After Takia .
notable ,da�t in the history of the May The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada.
Metuortal oklueeh in $yt•ttcuse, its it is Wood's Phoapbotilno is gold by responsible wbolesalp glad retail 009030iAthe potnlnfoa.
the anniversary of the fnsti%lbttion of I3uw Lice Secret oi'It. aianufaetnru 11'aa
the Ilev. Samuel R. Cal'throI1., D. D., Itrvoaled to the - World. tions of
the eminent divine who so long has -- -----_ _-__._�____.__ weakens
---,�wri.����a:�sanrc.a. ------- men wh
ministered to them spiritually as pits. The h:story of cast APteel presents a -�- feet car
for of the church. curious inutance of a manuta'.:turiu. ' Keeps t;he1ar5est assn tlllent, the new- sultado
Dr. Calthrop was born in England secret, stealtbiiy obtained under the medicine
clause of an appeal to philanohrop)•, est GOOCiS, quality fine and prices writing.
and received his pre +triltory scholastic ��
The main distinction Letween iron and
training at, St. Paul s Sohpol, London. st„el, as most people knuw, is that the low in Groceries, Crockery and
Entering Trinity College, C'au)blidge,W CllaSSW$re.
he soon becaille a bright figure in that latter contains carbon. The one is a
brilliant Coterie of Scholars, literary converted into the other by being he..t-
i mw
1 1. ( 1 J 11 d in c ualit slid rices• on will save 5c and
a Per.
The Old Reliable Speclallete.
88 Yearn li;'irxpi
► M4. in the treatment of the Thr
aaree os rasp .a4 wo)npn. ,
Lost )Manhood restored--Kiduoy and glad -
f M d r troubles petmapently
.tXle ure cured without ppain. No cutting.
f3yphllis sod"Al{.]PlogA Dies.sts imod
with0ut mercury.
Ilea Suffering Etom rho cSecta of
youthful Follies m indiscretions,
or any troubled with Weakness, Nervous
Debility, Los of Memory, Despondency,
Aversion to ocigty, Kidney 1'rouhle@, or
any disease of the Genital -Urinary Or.
gna, can here find safe and speedy cure.
b Charges reasonable espeeially to the
poor, . CUKL+S GU�iRAN 1'I{SD.
There are many troubled
I iddle-Aged Men with too frequent evpcu-
the bladder. often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation, and
nq of the system In a manner the patient cannot account for. There are many
o die of this difficulty, ignorant of the cause. The doctor will guarantee a per
e in all such cases, and healthy restoration of the enito-urinary organs. Genie•
a free. Those unable to call, can write full partl'culars of their cafe and Ixave
neat by express, with full instructions for use. Mention this paper when
Office hours: From 8 a. M. to 8 P. m. Sundays, 8 to 11 a. m.
• (Bide Entrance No. 12 E. Elizabeth St.)
men and wit$ that followed in the ti -6- ed for u cunkiderable t me l.i cuma. E A 3.-Bat )teen ant spans are onegna e I y p , l Y
ditions of Mncuulay and his associates with powdered charcoal in ail run box. 10c. pound if you buy from me instead of Tea Peddlers; compare quality and prises. - attheuniversity. In the widdle of the New Stasi thus made Is une lual• The SUGARS. -we are htadt uitrters we buydirect from Montreal Refineries, keep best quality 2�&�BIG
century he visited Syracuse and receiv- middle or a bat' is nacre erbo.rizel tll.n and sell lit close rites � ed tris first impresstous of the young the ands, and the surface more that NEW FRUITS anti PEELS. -We littve already iii” orad during Holida season of 'oust
city that 'nearly a score •of years litter the c�n,re, It 15, therefore, unreliable, four tons and still have large stock on hand different brands selliu chew as to ualit
he was to choose as his horse ltnd in Nevv. the less, be}.tre the invent:" i Of a g p q y'
which his labors have been so Ion- and cast ete,i there was nothing better. In CROCKERY, CHINA, GLASSII'ARE AND LAMPS. -We have got to make room for our
efyective.. The masterly pulpit address- 1730 there lived at Attercliffe, near Imported Goods and we have reduced our prices on Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sats,
es of Dr. Calthrop have then• funda- Shethcid, a watchmaker nam,d Hunts- Berry Sots, Water Sets, Broad and Butter Plates, Caps and Saucers and Lamps, all kinds —OF—
mentals drawn from the deepest re- man. He became dissatisfied witlh the Call and see Goods and Priucs; no trouble to show goods.
search. ople have been instruct- watch oprinos in use, and r et lilrnself
ed by him, 1 ,only in things spiritual, to the task of making then, I,,m�ogen, . Terms Cash or Trade.-"�
but in th etuents of the oroadest cul- eous. '•1:,•' thought l)e, "I t an melt a
Lure, in literature, ill tart and in science. piece of steel aad cast ltc,into an Ingot,Betivul overe�oats
His young men -have been taught, A its con,pc sltion should be the s.tme
muscular system r morality. In these tl,rottf;h .lit. Ile .ni:seeded• i_is 91tt 1 Buy Where You Can Always Get The Best Values
and in nla.nyotherways hits rte endear. n te.ame .Paan.)uty. Illuntsn,an'.
ed himself to his c•engregation, which g: is for fine work were in un:vereal
is one of the most highly cultured and den -and. Ha did not calt the.0 oust �t The Lowest Pricer
wealthy in the city.. steel, —AND—
That was his secret, About 1770, a
large manufactoly of this prcultar I have ,just received a direct importation of New Seasons Uncolored .lagan Teas. May
steel was established at Att.ncllffa, pickings from 20c. to 50c. per 16., eek for Samples -will offer special cuts m 10 or 20 ]SE
The process was w,:apepd In secrecy by Caddies -Finest Black and Green Teas, also ageut fur the Delicious Mazawaltee Tea, put up",
every one within re ch True aad 16, and 1 lb. load packages.
faithful e'en were hired, tl;e v:;r'c di New Raisins, finest sele(,J. New Currants, Now Elmo Figs, New Figs in mats, 4 lbs, or
vidcd -nd strbGlvldtd, large wa' ;e P• id 25c., Now English Peels, Lemon, Orange, Citron,
and s•tlingent oaths administeltd. it
(lid not avail• One midwinter's nigra, In Crockery, China and Glassware, I offer Special Bargains in Handsomely decorated
its the tall chimmxys of the Atte cliite Dinner, Tea and Tuilet Sets. Beautiful Crystal Table Sets cheap.
Going on this week at
kn(,Ic works belched Forth, a traveler CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. _
kud, the
at the late. It was b ind T. Jackson's, Huron Stroet
cold, the sn,:I,v fill �Past, and the wind Gratefully appreciating past favors, I respectfully solicit a continuance of the same,
howled ceroAs the mwat, he, .trangerI
apparently a plowman or agrlcultural N. Robson, Albert St., Clinton.
laborer seek:ng shelter from the :turn, w
awakened no suspicion. Scanning the
wayfarer closely, and tmi-wed. by mo-
tives of humanity, the foreman grant -
0 --
ed his recluelst and let him in.
Fefgn!ng to be wtrrn out with coni Watch this space next week.
1 . and fatigue, the poor
r1__ felloweuponthe floor and soon appeared t be.
asleep. That, however, was far f'm n FINE
u- his intention. He clo?ed his eyes w km
ap- ��
3e bars
only. He saworen cut GATHERING
3e bare of steel into bits, Pla.c= them In HUBGROCERY.
h oruciblei in a furnace, rnae, The fire- was
re urged to its extreme power until the o
r steel was melted. Clothed In rags to of useful durable as well as beautiful resents for the holidays, we men -
.18 protect themselves from the heat, the ' p y.' We don't Blow, but we do say that we can show you good values in
workmen• drew cut the glowing mold, tion a few :-
nb Mr. Hurntsman's factc,:•y Ard nothing NEW TEAS, (direct importations.) NEW FIGS.
r „
pR rroore to disclose. The making of cast Seita Carvers, Csrvere in Capes, Plated Knives and Spoons, Pen and Pocket " Select Valencia Itaisins•- Orange Peel.
a steel had been disoorvered.-Inventive Knives, Tea Traps, Silvnr Trays, Gold Medal Carpet Sweepers, Brass „ „
)s, ..-Lamps, Banquet Lamps, Hall Lamps, Children's Plated Sells, Nickle Fine off Stalk. Lemon Peel.
''9t turn, z.•. Plated Tea Kettles, Setts Mrs. Potts' Irons, &0 , 8:c. " Filliatra Currants. "
Citron Peel.
pa- A new alloy, brought out by. the
Phosphor Bronze Company, cos.tains 1 (4Ambrisia Currants. Walnuts, Filberts.
er qualities not previously found in any We have a car of the Diamond Water White Coal Oil; it is elegant, try it. „ Prunes. Almonds.
at of the branches. It ha3 been chris-
,h- tened "•nelloid" and may be described
�k as a m��']able bronze. 1t is a mixture cd —0- Our Fruit is the finest we can purchase in the market. We have a nice •n
ks copper and tin, and is entirety free of Christmas (foods for presents. Will be pleased to show goods.
Ill from from aluminium i -r iron, and dLf- HARLAIND
■®. BROS.,
:+tl fern Prom ills usual bronzes In herrn$e both tough and'du'ctile at al] tr•mper.-
ho ,tures. :Many do scrip+ions r,f bots,r, bronze and brass may b, PIr. orCLINTON SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTOr
)le weldt�tl, but the hivcntnr, Mr. Bull, ��=N .L ON _
Al- clalmLi that with all of them there Is
ic- a temperament at which they becoime _ -- o
y y .--_-_ _ - - ---_ . _ . _ -- -- ____--•-- S. S. COOPER, - - PROPRIETOR
I)y brittle. This ma Ear from 400 to 900 •
ke deg. F., and mixer it Is pasw-d
mal they Leslie's Carriage Factory.ed again become tens tr)ua and mallee.blp, General Builder and Contractor,
If their temperature be raised above
,)r- the critical point.
BUGGIES, PFIAE'1'UNS, CARTS AND ;YAGUNS-all of the beat work This factory has been ander the personal supervision and one owner for High
en - BUGGIp and material. SW -All the latest styles End most modern improve- year". We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plans and give
fi,nnterfelth,g Human `rats. estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on thecloe"t
in- menta. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended g
ny Artificlnl human milk has b• en pro- to. Prices to suit the times. prices. All work is "upervised in a mechanical way and satisfaction
art duced by Dr. I:ackhays of Berlin. Cow's
mill. la r.ue ted %NIth hygient• precau- A& -FACTORY -corner Huron and Orange Streets, Cliaton, fi57- guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior materia
tic- tions as to cleanliness and s-ibmt ice'.
---- -__ -_ _-_ - Lumber= Lath Shingles, Lime Sash DooPs, Blinds, L��
'Pit to fprr,.rntation by me^ani o- r•nnpt. _-J
)re This yI. As a telatively rlch milk serur,
'nk containing albumon and milk sugar,+*+*+++++t+++++++++*+++++++++++++++++t+++++t+++++++ Agent for the CEf,EBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOCL DESK, manufactured
tse The serum is carefully stpillized, an, t +
oa the addltl��•n of cream a m'•terlal 14 at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates belcro placing your orders,
> g + ,King of all ' Absolutelyf+
of pmdur•pd plcsFl re•>rmblin human v
tat milk, which :ray le tars d In c•om]n- + t
ion sitio� accnrdirg to the alae or particula, 4 Wcyt;les. tIIC Beat, t
+ +
let. rpdulr•ements c•f th'• Infant_ 1n tae +
enurpe c,f ht; invi`attgation Dr, iia K- f �pyQ1+
]taus arc• rtalnfd that the city of B,r- + �� t
9 � t
r) I lin cos nsumeKith Its dally milk 300 + Superlor Material t
hundpiw,tght of cow clung. -New Ycrk + Light Weight anal +
til- $un. 4 -' + o
ing +� Rigidity. HveryAla- and Scientific Work- +
e L)t Air in the Oaf. +
J t
]nd A French Rctenti9t has ri'-Pntly a,s- + chinefully*arranted manship. +
I '1
covprad a means 'f inrTea9ln, t , -
iuminating power of ordinary coal gas
about flftten times. The IrcreaFe is ac-
cornpllphcd by supplying a small hilt
ran Rant carr• nt of air to the fta•t')^.
A tiny electric• mo.or Is fixed to th'i
of n g s lamp, which is a dlminr-
tier- t entllalor. 'I t,^ mot -l- Is rah by n+
c•rrrt crf •all atrunlul,tors, The
flame has a rem,.rkjbl� btlilin.ncy, snit
lamp" have been constructed on this,+
Hlghest Honors at the World's Columbian Exposition.
pr,ttt In v.Ith an Cluminating powctr
800 car, d1,S.
- ----
Send two-cC%= stamp for our a4 -pane Catalogue -A work of Ate.
ly a
Th.. Mettle
Monarch Cycle Company,
t in
The genarnl n+loptlon of thm mettle
system of w( ic, hts and me'9urpp, sayr
Ratatl Salesroom ago WabasNAve. L keand 1-1813ted Sts., CHICAGO, ILL.
the Engine, rirg and Mining Jou nal
neeprogresses with marvelous slownss,
considpring its gieat ndvantagca
Fngland, wh'ch lirn.g ago legalized thr
'ink Fystptm•, is awakening to tFe fel-t that
not I
she, is losing forv,Ign ord, rs by he.
I The United States branch of the
obstan-y In ince ir''Ing u•]on forplgnerP
nsing her barber ,us messurelt.. The
Scrofula often shows staph' in eatly
Deep Waterwnys Commission was at
work all last week. It, is expected that
United Stairs, which clso long erg, le-
life and is charitAterized by swellings,
I they will oppose the St. Lawrence and
gall7e-d the metric systtm, promisee to
abscesses, hip diseases, etc. Uonsump-
lungs. Ili this
Quebec route to the Bell.
1 for
be the last civilized country to make
tion is scrofula of the
Its u.Fe general. If our CPovernfnent
departments required thea In nil busi-
class of disea8es'Scott's Emulsion un-
questiotiablytthe most relluble medi-
nods diene with them the met i • weights
Chase's Pills have gained popularity
and measures alone be uvpd, their gen-
would Boon follow. Nat
The Fires of Loy'.
because the are a specific for the uric
eral adoptlon
acid cure on, prevent
ural inertta. and obipctlon to change
-How Intense are the fires of love!"
all C
and all
ease, cure and
are retaining' what every one muse
elaculateil the poet. "4es," answered
hal conditions of the Sidneys and
ionsRheo the
)p•' to be a relic be- barbarie+mu
the fatheir of six marriageable daugh-
Bladder, They ' do this because tbey
can not our mllroad� adr.Vt'tho ftiOrke
tera; "but they do take an awful lot
possess remarkable alterative, tonic
s old
system, as they have' the atait4AtA
o' coal." -Tit -Bits.
and diuretic properties, exerting won
w in
time, and, aA many now advot�a•te, tete
derfully soothing influence on irritated
> the
24-hour day? It is btSh tcisne' Some
practical progress should rppear ghaw•
Ex osure to cold, damp Oinds, play
or inflamCil muCOus membranes of the
kidneys or bladder. One pill a dose.
o pill aid
Ing that we are emerging Ifrcm bar-
result in pneumonfo unless syystem
,� nys
The cheapest
C Dr.
barlem in ibis matter.'
is keppt invigorated with Hood's
the world.
1896 Motto.
Turn over a New Leaf, �_
For your GROCERIES. It will
pay y ou to buy them at the
Cash Grocery.
Ogle Cooper & Co.
Telephone 23.