HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-01-29, Page 4r:, erson" s cies . n+ •r, Are good Bicycles. While you have a little breathing time see tis about sun- dries and repairs. If you wish to have your old wheel fixed up get it done 00W. - Remember 11 s for Music and Musical Instruments; come in on Saturday for cheap music, anything not in Stock will he ordered and delivered promptly. Geon F. Emerson. y' GI WilltOF EYolling G 'a ES We have replenished our Stock since ChristrnaLs and now have a full as- sortment of all the popular Gaines. Authors....5c., lOc. and 25c. Snap 6c., 10c and 25c. ' I.ogomachy......1 Oc. and 25c. Lost Heir 10c. and 25c. Peter Coddle 5 and 10e.-' Parchesi... ,.,....25c and 50c. Halma..........25c. and 50c. Ouija $1.50 Crokinole .....'�f<..: •' . $1.50 Fort, Bagatelle and others. Snow Shoes, Sleds, hockey Sticks, and .Boxing Gloves. We C0001181C043 CLINTON. Cew t ertioemelltL. Prof. Chaunherl:tin. Emerson's Bicycles. $15--Hodgens Bios. Voice Culture—Mrs. Nall. Don't --Jackson & Jackson. A Big Purchase—Beesley & Co. Your Brea kfast—Oq le Cooper & Co. It's quite a trick—The W. D. Fair Co. The Leading Jeweler—J. B. Rum - ball. Desirable Town Property for Sale— John Sem ton. ?'e roust have help—Hermann & Seymour. Missionary — Woman's Missionary Auxiliary. Keep it before the People—TuE HUROC NF,WS-RECORD. The Huron News -Record 1.26 a Year—$1.00 in Advance WEDNESDAY, JAYtrma t 29th, 1896. HURON'S WARDEN. Thos. Strnc•hnn, of Grey, was yester- day elected Warden over Henry Sil- ber by a majority of one. The vote stood 20 to 25. CURRENT TOPICS. And again 'he same old political liar has heen unearthed at Goderich, and his name is- -Daniel. So "Jimmie McShane" telegraphed his congratulations to M. C.i('arneron Pray, why should he not ? A local Grit papersays the Conserv- atives are mighty glad the Ottawa crisis is over. And the Grits were mighty glad it was not over before the. West Huron election was over, Both these statements are absolutely true. The Goderich Signal endorses any policy that will bring victory to the Grit or annexation party. Lying, pen sonation and corruption are all good enough to satisfy the wants of the rep reselitative of West Huron Reform A.dsociation. 4.i)4,i044 ,x11!i xe s eod�rtah�gt�++ o �'rr��r�n't kt i alai. ance of ilalblt�'i"catQirs l ` at i4teMY We condt!ljoli a Proestatl i pope just as severely as we do a Roman pope. .And why not A THE NEWS -RECORD will not perse- cute • any man for conscience sake. That would he contrary to the princi- ples of Orangeisut. The Seafor tie Expositor says 190 is the largest Liberal majority ever poll- ed in West Huron. Iu 1891 Mr. Camer- on's majority was over 800. The Grits do not realize that they ever had an Alexander Mackenzie or Edward Blake. French Laurier is su- perior to honest Mackenzie or Rome Ruler Blake! Of course. The annexation editor of the Gode- rich Signal, who by the way is Presi- dent of the West Huron Reform Assosciation, does not bank on the Golden Rule in politics and does not hesitate to say sc. He hauks more 00 Peter Ryan, personation and boodle than anything else if actions and ex- pressions count for anything. The Grit editors of Huron declare that Welsmiller did not win because he had 110 money. This is equivalent to declaring that M. C. Cameron won because he had money. And Mr. Cameron's friends and pluggers used the hard cash. His election is a plot and disgrace to the yeomanry of. \Vest Huron. The Brussels Post has become so par- tizan that it actually says:—"Sir Charles Tupper states that he will hang on to his $10,000 a year as High Com- missioner in England and also - ondes- cend to he a Cabinet Minister -in this Dominion." In this the Post is neither honest or truthful. Sir Charles Tup- per states the very opposite. He says he relinquishes his salary as High Com- missioner, and acceptq no money what- ever except as a Cabinet Minister. THE NEWS -RECORD would advise our over- zealous friend of the Post to read more than the Globe newspaper and form his conclusions from honest facts. Our esteemed town totem. is pleased to quote the Brussels Post in matters political as against THE NEWS -RECORD. We would most respectfully request that our conscientious cotes. resort to original matter just for a change- and deal with Grit personators and Grit noodling in the town of Clinton. It is all very well to crow undercover. We are not averse to requesting the New Era to come from under the barn and fully discuss the political result in West Huron. By this means THE NEWS. RECORD will endeavor to discover how many votes there were "agin the goy -- ern men t." - The Signal objects to THE NEWS - RECORD making the statement r that Peter Ryan worked only apnong Roman Catholics for Mr. Comeron. We could not think Peter was a miss- ionary among the P. P. A's for -,)%1r. Cameron; others, like Newnan, must perform that k. Mr. Ryan's pub- lic c addresses were few, we adroit. The secret, chamber was his fort, where Sir Mackenzie Bowell's picture on the wall as Past Orange Grand Master could he coinpared with that of French Roman Catholic Laurier. With such influen- ces and Protestant factions unknow- ingly assisting Peter Ryan theresult is not a surprise. Seaforth Expositon :—"It is stated that Mr. Peter Ryan. of Toronto, the well known Irish -Canadian, may enter the ensuing Dominion election, as a candidate. Whether this be so or not, Mr. Ryan should have the good sense and the good taste to resign his present lucrative position as registrar of Toron- to, before he meddles any more in poli- tics, and if he has not, it would not be out of place for the Ontario Govern- ment. whose officer he is, to give hint a sharp reminder to that effect." Cer- tainly. Peter Ryan should not have been allowed to take part in the recent West Huron election. And Hon. G. W. Ross, Ontario Minister of Lduca. tion, also overstepped the bounds of well understood principles in interfer- ing in Federal politica. Winrton Canadian: --"Mr. George, who was in town list week, had jaut. got hack from West Huron where he worked for Mr. Weismiller and declar- ed hien to have been one of the best and manliest candidates that he ever had the pleasure of working for. Ow- ing to the cabinet crisis prevailing aur- ing the contest Mr, Weismiller and his fight was almost completely forgotten by the conservative party outside the riding, and he made a noble stand which showed that in reality he had the hem is of the people with him. Hod any help been given hint he would have won easily as aL hundred votes would hove turned the cloy in his fav- or. Mr. George likened the position of the little hand who fought Mr. Weis• miller's cause in Nest. Huron against the long list of Liberal M. P.'s who swarmed in, at.9 thnt of the Armenians with all civilized Europe holding aloof and refusing to lend assistance.' The Goderich Signal refuses to ac- cept our denial of Newman's allegations an'] says: -"What Newman said was that a telegram had been sent to To- ronto by A. M. Todd, begging to have influence used to side-track Newman. l'he telegram was not. sent direct to Clarke Wallace, hut to Clarke \1 lace's agents.- Mr. Todd won't deny that." 'We do deny it. The stattement, is a aleiiberntr falsehood. For years the Signal has been noted for its lying and hypocrisy in dealing with political matters. The above quotation is about, its fair and truthful as the average Grit writer 18 capable of producing. Ter NEWS-REcoRn likes to deal fairly with opponents, but thisournal has no respect for professional demagogues, or thoi.e who trade upon the innocence of the public. The editor of the Signal and Mr. Newman are well nutted and we trust, like the Siamese twins, sep- aration will not take place until their religious teachers convert one or both of them to the path of truthfulness. ? 00;4 ':, . 0 rxle+�' 1Patr0p111 p 'pterene0 tgt tw (lit, 47 in jot'itx Qf 2a . ' Mr. Camston was introduced in Par- liament by John McMillan and Sir Richard Cartwright, John Dickenson, Liberal, was re- turned in South Wentworth by 812 majority over W. W. Buchanan, in- dependent Grit. Charlevoix has returned a grit, Mr. Angers, by 151 majority. The consti- tuency was Grit up to the previous election. -- And now the Ottawa crisis has come back on the Gilt party and Mr. Laur- ier's followers are deserting their French leader. The Signal endeayors to leave the impression that WeisuIliler at the nomination endeavored to side-track Newman, while the latter declares in effect there would appear to be a con- spiracy on the part of his friends to defeat him in securing the nolninatiou. The Goderich Signal says "That post -office ernbroglic in Clinton rolled up a thundering big majority for Cam- eron." Nothing of the kind. It was, to he plain, the personation and boodle brigade, something the Signal is pleas- ed to endorse. A letter to THE NEWS -RECORD from Kingsbridge, Ashfleld township, was received yesterday, It refers to the Grit gave among Roman Catholics in the recent election and shows up some of the deception practiced there by Mr. Camerons friends. rhe com- munication will appear next week. Cartwright of the Maples will not he mulcted in damages for choking the wind out of that French editor who jostled the knight in the lobby of the House. Cartwright of the Maples ex- plains that when he throttled the edi- tor he was mistaken, and the editor ac- cepts the explanat/on. It was no doubt a case of mistaken identity. The knight of the Maples lost his specs in the crush. He may have thought it was Sir Charles Tupper, Bart., whose throat he was compressing. The Grit press has declared that the Tuppers "monopolise eserything in sight" and that they have in this re- spect "outraged public decency." Let us see. Within a few days Sir Charles Tupper has voluntarily relinquished the $I4,000 a year which he had been getting as high commissioner, and Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper voluntarily re- linquished the $7,000 a year which he had been getting as a minister of the crown. Phus'"tbe Tuppers" have "out- raged public decency" by voluntarily giving up $21,000 a year in clean cash, $14,000 of which is clear gain to the people of Canada. That is how "the Tuppers" "monopolize everything in sight." This is about the way Sir Mackenzie Rowell will write their names in fu- ture: Tupper FosteR H Aggart Dickey MonTague WOod TuppeR lyes —Toronto Globe. No ; it will be this way- : Tu Pper MontAgue IlaggarT TuppeR Dickey WoOd FosTer Ive$ Exeter. DISAPPROVAL. - At a meeting of Exeter L. O. L.. No. 924, held on the 19th inst., it was unanimously resolved as follows :— We, the members of the Exeter L. O. L. No. 924, do refuse to endorse the action of our Grand Master, N. C. Wallace, in quitting his post in the Government of the Dominion of Can- ada. We believe that his resignation was wholly uncalled for and calculated to weaken if not to kill his political influence and usefulness. We cannot fail •.o recognize the fact that the only one possible result of our Grand Mas- ter's course will lie the one most to he dreaded by all true orangemen, i. e. to place the government of our country in the hands of Wilfrid Laurier the man who publicly stated that he thanked his God there were no orange - men in his ranks. Nor do we forget that the Protestants who are loudest in their howl against the re-establish- ment of Separate Schools in Manitoba, (prominent amongst whom are some or our pr•otestatnt clergymen,) are the self same protest.ants who supported and defended Separate Schools and Mownt's legislation for the Catholics in our own Province of Ontario. We, in this district, are too well acquainted with that Political Arch Traitor and Conspirator. Thomas Greenway, to phlce any confidence in either hien or his legislation, and with our personal knowledge and experience of the man, we refuse to endorse anything and everything with which he is in any manner or sense connected. We re- fnse to he drawn into an open quarrel ,with our Roman Catholic fellow citizens until all ('onstit.ntional means for a settlement of our differences have proved futile; and we are quite satisfi- ed to give to thein as we expect for ourselves every right and privilege guaranteed by our Canadian Constitu- tion. Malttord. ORANGE.-- The Goderich District Orange Lodge annual meeting was one of the Most, largely attended for some years. After routine business officers were elected its follows :—W. M., M. O. Johnston; D. M., .Tames (fox; Ohnplain, John Reid; R. S., James Connolly ; F. H., Henry 'Homey; Treasurer, Adam Cnntelon; D. of C., R. Tiehhourne; Lec- turers, R. Y. Cox, R. H. Mew. The next annnel meeting will be held in the hall of 143, 4th concession,Goderich township. 1 Mr. Jacob Wilcox of St. Thomas, Ontario, is one of the best known men in that vicinity. He is now, he says, an old man, but Hood's Sarsaparilla has made him feel young again. " About a year ago I bad a very severe attack of the grip, which resulted in my not having a well day for several months afterwards. I was completely run down and my system was in a Terrible Condition. I lost flesh and became depressed in spirits. Finally a friend who had been benefited by Hood's Barsaparilia advised me to try it and I did so. I continued tak- ing it until I used twelve bottles and today 1 can honestly say Hood's Sarsa- parilla has restored me to my former health." JAoon Wrtwox, St. Thomas, Ontario. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the public eye today. It sures when all other preparations fail. Hood's Pills th,amilyearao.pt n awl Blyth. BRICK.—The brick yard has, during the past year, performed a big season's work and will he booming diving the present year. Eight or ten houses will he built from brick Made at our yards. OPERATION.—On Tuesday Mr. Joseph Lamont left here for one of the hos- pitals in Toronto to have an operation performed on him, he having for some- time past been suffering with a growth or, the side of his neck. The physician who has been in attendance advised him to go `there. We hope that the operation will be successful and that he will return ere long. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES. --Ori Sun- day anniversary services were held in St. Andrew's (Presbyterian) church, Rev. Mr. Stuart, of London, being the preacher. Large congregation were present, especially in the evening, there being no service in the other churches. The rev. gentleman preached an able sermon in the eyentng, which was listened to with marked attention. TEA -MEETING —On Monday evening a tea meeting in connection with St. Andrew's (Presbyterian) church was held in the basement. A large crowd partook of the well loaded tables of' pits things, afterwhich they adjourned t the body of the church, where ex- cellent addresses were delivered by several reverend speakers. The choir rendered the musical portion admir- ably. The proceeds of the tea -meeting and collection on Sunday went towards the church funds, which we are sure was handsome. THE BOOM.—On Friday evening a public meeting of the t atepayer•s was held in Industry hall for the purpose of taking into consideration the grant- ing to Mr. E. Livingstone of one thousand dollars to remove his factory from Belgrave to Blyth. The hall was literally packed and the audience was addressed hy several prominent citizens for and against, after which the chair- man, Reeve Willford, informed them that they woti:d have to take a stand- ing vote of thea•,tepayers to ascertain if they were in favor of submitting by- law to be voted on. Seventy voted fcr and none against. We understand that legal advice has been obtained and that 't cannot be given. FOUND DEAD.—On Saturday evening quite a sad gloom was vast over out village when the report was current, which proved oi.ly- too true, that Mrs, Stewart of East Wawanosh, about one and a quarter miles from this village, had been found dead. There was no- body in the house at the time. Her only daughter was out fora shirt, time visiting a near neighbour. Fier Iwo sons, who are at home, were in the village at the time. Two more sons are away in the States. Her husband preceded her many years ago. She was a true Christiana mother and a consistent member of the Preshyterian church. The funeral took place from her late residence. on Tuesday, the re- mains being taken to the Union ceme- tery for interment, followed by many sorrowing friends. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of the entire com- munity. NOTEH.—Reeye Willford was in Wingham on Monday.—On Tuesday Reeve Willfc•rd left to attend the County Council in Goderich.—Holy Communion in Trinity chnrch on Sun- day morning next.—Regular meeting of the members of the C. 0, H'. was held in Watson's hall on Tuesday even- ing. ---A special meeting of the C. O. F. is to he held in W,tteon's hall on Wed- nesday everting for the purpose of re- ceivinga visit from the superintendent of orgenizat.ion, Mr. Ernest Gartung, of Brantford. Other lodges have been invited to he present. ---Mitis Flora Watson is visiting friends in Clinton this week.—Mr. Robert Howard, jr., Blyth, and Mr. Stevens, of Clinton, were awarded the contract of erecting our new public school.—Messrs. W. Powell & Jackman have Nought out the bakery and restaurant of A. R. Allen of this town. They took possess- ion on Monday, Nile ORANGE ELECTioN.—Following are the officers of L. O. L. No. 1052 :—W. M., A. P. Sheppard; 1). M., Wm. Me- Ilwnine; Chaplain, S. G. Pentland; R. t`i,, T.G. Sheppard; F.H., Jns. A. Elliott; Treasurer, R. Mcllwaine; D. of C., Win. Morrow; Lecturer D. Mcllwaine; Committeeman, R. J. Kirk. Ladies clean your kid gloves with Josephine Glove Cleaner for sale only by Hodgens Bros., sole agents for the 1 Orrin, Frerers and Alexandria Kid Gloves in all the most desirahleshades, dressed and undressed, lace and button. When in search of some- thing really Choice and, Stylish in 0 TS, Ask to be shown Corsets with the New Perfect Wire Fastening and take no other. O GILROY & WISEM A GENEROUS OFFER (Published by Regnet,) Dear Mr. Editor : Kindly inform your readers that 1 will gladly send ab- solutely free to any Sufferer from ner- vous debility, sexual weakness, night losses, weak. shrunken parts, vari(Ocele and the results of self-abuse, full par- ticulars of the means by which 1 was permanently restored to perfect man- hood and sexual strength. I have nothing to sell and want no money, but will he pleased to explain in a private, sealed letter, how I was cured. As I send this entirely free, each ;applicant trust enclose a stamp for reply. D. G. Owen, Box 264, Picton, Ont. Belt:rave. NOTES. — Considerable excitement hasarisen here over the proposn1 of some Blyth citizens to bonus E. Livingston to move his manufacturing establish- ment to stablish.mentto that town.—The electric lights have now all been placed and are giv- ing good satisfaction.—King Alcohol reigns almost supreme here about four nights in the week. Morally our vil- lage is goingdown hill very fast and hon- est thinking people who happen in the village some of these evenings feel that prohibition rigidly enforced would be a great boon to the youth of this place, and be the means of drying up many a mothers' tears and give comfort to the grey haired fathers who see their eons slipping away from them in the grasp of the demon drink. If the rowdyism continues we will refer to it more strongly in some future issue. LoOxs LIRE A SLANDER.—We notice • ct, 'tent in the Globe that D. Weis - miller. liledged himself over his own' Iynatere to oppose remedial legislation 'on the evening of the llth of January. As he was here on that date and ad- dressed a good meeting, and as we were in his romptLny until 11 o'clock P. M. on said date, we can vouch that Nothing of the kind was signed or men- tioned doing his stay in the yillage. We would like to see further explan- ation frorn the Globe, New Era, Signal et. al., for until better proof is forth- coming we believe it to be a falsehood gotten up for the purpose of injuring Mr. Weismiller in the general election should he then he a candidate in West Huron. We want to see the whole rnatter sifted out and set right before the public. Colborne. L. O. L.— At the annual meeting of L. O. L. No. 153 the following officers were elected :—VV. M., Wm. Millian; D. M., H. S. Fisher; Chaplain, An- drew Millian; R, S., Wm. Fisher; F. S., Fred Shau)bley; Treasurer, R. H. Mew; D. of C., Edward Millian; Leftover, Geo. Currey; Committenlan, M. Phframer. li allett. BRFEFH.—Mr. A. Mullett starts for the old country Thursday.—Mr. T. Little lost avaluable horse latst. week.— Mr. W. Tamhlyn was a guest at Mr. Jas. Caldwell's Sunday evening. --Rev. Mr. Henderson occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church Sunday.—The Gond Tempters of Londeshoro intend holding a concert soon. Mr. Downs of Clinton is expected to he on the pro- gramme.—A tall man or n Inng man goes on the eleventh concession late some nights; "look out"; you'll get chased again. Rellair8 Satisfactory, or Your : Money .phtod•,,<. r. • Our "Watch" Policy, The plan we pursue is "not cheap watches but watches cher h." We make a specialty of reliable watches —those that are a delight to the wearer and a cred- it to us. esa W. G. DOHE1 TY, Coopers' Block. News Notes. The court will go into mourning for six cveeks for Prince Henry of Batten - berg. The funeral will be conducted at Windsor with military honors. It is stated in London naval circles that two first-class torpedo boasts will he sent to Halifax in the spring. The Shoans recently cut off the hands of three reporters who were endeavour- ing to get into Makalle, the Italian fortress which they are besieging. MN. Emma Wor•ntan, fifty years of age, wife of the president of the Out- ing Publishing Company, New York, committed suicide on Thursday by shooting herself. No reason is known for the rash act. At the Hamilton Police Court Wil- liam O'Toole was fonnd guilty of im- personation at the polls during the re- cent Mayorality election, and fined 520(1 or 60 days in goal. The fine was sub- sequently reduced to $50. Toronto streets were unlighted last Friday night, owing to the danger of turning the current into the wires of the electric light company, the numer- ous crossings of other fallen wires ren- dering it a matter of considerable peril o those on the streets. "Nothing Like Leather." Don't always put the blame on the poor shoeman if the shoes he sells you are unsatisfactory. Maybe you don't, pay hint enough. The dealer is entitled to a fair profit. If the customer insists on a very low price, what else can the dealer do but offer a low-priced Shoe? The price ought always to determine the quality. it doer at our store. Our great $2.00 Ladies' Shoe, flannel Lined has been the greatest seller of the season. Just the shoe for this time of the year. Jackson & Jackson, The Rel./. Shoe •