HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-08-28, Page 1Single Copies Three Cents AN EVENINCI REVERIE. By Donald McGillivray, Shanghai, China I eat at sunset by the leke While old and Young went to the play. To see the scenes which man can make Alone, 111 watch the dying day, Go Hence! Go hence! In youth I roamed. along the shore Nor dreamed of distant foreign land Careless I head old Huron's roar Nor thought of China's outstretched hand Go hence! Go hence! We extolled Sols glories in the west * When sank to rest the king of day I knew not of the future quest Beyond the sun, where China lay. Go hence! Go hence! God's hand led on by devious ways, His school prepared for bidden end. At his set tirne, and for his praise, He thrust me forth my lite to spend. Go hence! Go 'hence! Returning now awhile to rest . 'Mid scenes of yore tp memory dear, With face still pointing to the West, "Once more, God 's call is sounding clear. Go hence! Go hence! Great China'a harvest white invites Compels our service to the last, Content when Jesus soul delights To see His travail sore is past. Go hence! Go hence 'Mid nations' anthem loud of praise Will China's millions then appear, Their thankful song to Him upraise, Abolished death and all their fear, Go hence ! Go hence I Sent tip for Trial The three young soldiers who stole the Toronto auto, and who were• caught at Belmore by Wingham constables and afterwards were guests at the town jail for a few days have been sent up for trial "at the fall assizes at Toronto, "Woman's Institute • The regular monthly meeting of tbe Weetnen'e Institute will be held in the Caiuncil Chamber, Thursday, Auguss the 28th at 3 o'clock, The Belmore Institute will 'Visit us and provide the prograni. The Directors for this month are Mrs. AeteAngus and •Mrs. C, Swanson, A flower collection will be taken' np Tea will be served. As we expect to have a very bleasant and profitable meeting we would be pleased to have every member present. Visitors will be welcome. Opening Kindergarten Class Mr. and Mrs. Cowell Wish to inform the public of Wingham and vicinity, that they intend to hold a Kindergarten Class (for boys and girls tip to the age of 10 years) at their home on Catherine Street. Classes to countenee on Tuesday, Sept. I11011 SCHOOL NOTES i WILLIE PALMER BURNED Blaze From Oil Stove In Home Causes Child's Death Suceessful candidates for the entrance to Normal Examinations were:-Myrtle Bennett, John Pastime, (Honours); May Bone, Della Brooks, (Honours); Elva Brooks, Rea Curries (Honours); Frames Gibbons, Charles isard, Irene Jefferson, (with L. S Art); Cameras) McDonald, Angus MacKay, Wilma Shaw, Kent Smith. Partially successful, Neil McLean. • As the certificates for candidates pass- ing and the statements of marks for those failing, have not been received by the Principal the above list cannot be geri- fied. As with the Lower School, the percent - ago of successful candidates is higher. than the average for the province. MR. MASON'S LETTER CALGAR•Y Dear Editor: As the Englishman says, in this "Blooms I in" Country as well as other - parts of Canada, Ottawa included, money is no object, as the Canadians are a spendthrift nation in the extreme, Calgary owes the modest sum of seven mblions and furths ermore the last tax sheet calls for over four millions of back taxes owing to the city. On one lot which cost V600, about large enough to swing a cat on, the owner owes $142 back taxes, so everybody does not make money here. If your wealth hangs out I would Bug-. gest taking a side trip either from Calgary 0 or Edmonton, covering about twenty c eight hundred miles, to Prince Rupert, e Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver and back to either place for the modest sum of 860, which includes berth and meals on ocean steamer, The major portion is 2000 miles of unsurpassed mountain scenery. The water trip especially of about 800 miles through the inner channel of the Pacific, is a delight, an experience of a life time so lilt busts the bank take it, I found the as G. T. P. fellow d all right and treat You th first class, the roadbed •and stoek ta arth e good and everything as desired, From Calgary to Edmonton 242 miles ca about 75 miles from Calgary you enter a fo good farming country which appears in th much better shape than the south having pa had apparently more rain. The capital th city contains about 40,000 of very much fer mixed nationality, also a goodly number ga of respectable Canadians to !even the se Iunep however; Wingham I hear is well- (es resented, many of our people settling ere, Mr. J. A. Flack, of affectionate emory, resides with his son Arthur, he is 9 years old, and quite hearty, he bucked and the day I saw him. Mr. and Mrs lex Ross are now true Westerners atid rowing up with the country. The city as wide streets and so they should have s they have land enough and to spare eying about a thousand miles to North ole to play.- on. Some good buildings re here, notably "The McDonald" G. T. . Hotel, having a splendid situation verloolting the river and Strathcona ridge, Parliament Buildings, McLeod ffice Block, Post Office and others. . The pioneers her*e like Calgary had big notion, the place is greatly scattered over the map and I guess you can buy in a sub -division about six miles in any dir- ection. I was on 94th street 126th ave. the houses are numbered in the thousands, great people these. The country is sett- led a little distance west of city but we finally ride through a No Man's Land part of day before entering the Rockies, which gives about 800 miles of mountain scenery to Prince Rupert. Tete only ee, (Continued on page 8) William, the fourteen rhontha old son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Palmer, this town, met with a fatal accidenton Wednesday after- noon, when an oil stove in the home exploded, the blaze from which caught the child's clothing and burned them from his body, leaving the flesh a burned and blistered mass. That the stove exploded Is the only theory offered for the accident, as the stove was not upset by the child, as was first thought. The little fellow was coming down stairs and had just entered the room where the stove was located when he fell a victim to the Haines. The little fellow passed away a few hours fol- lowing the accident. Much sympathY is expressed for the parents and family in their trouble. -Kincardine Review. Mr Palmer and family resided for a few years in Wingharn prior to his moving to Kincardine about two years ago New Restaurant. Mr, Billie Burke who has sold his barb er shop, has decided to remain in town and purposes opening up a testament and ice- cream parlour in the Store recently vac- ated by Mr. W. J, Armour, produce deals Autoist Carrying Revolver The Party who passed along Mr. Wm. J. Deyell's farm on the Lucknow bound- ary on SaturdaY afternoon, in an autom. bile and deliberately shot Mr Deyell's collie pup is very likely to be prosecut- ed. To say the least it was a cowardly trick and no gentleman would carry a re- volver to shoot innocent dogs The dog was a good cattle dog and the little boy was very much attached to his "wow wow." Stealing Must stop. Three young hoodlums on Friday night, assaulted a lady who was trying to drive them out of her orchard where they were taking her apples. From the blow upon the head byone apple throvvn,the lady be- came unconsicous. When arrainged be - rore Police Magistrate Morton on Saturday they pleaded guilty' to the charge, each paying a pretty stiff fine with costs. As there is a considerable amount of this pil- fering going on here from the different rdens, the authorities 'intend to deal verely with the offenders. p h m 8 w A g h a h P end, Pupils will be taught rudiments of a i music, sheeting and dancing. Terms on . p application. All names to be submitted eaeiy as only a limited number of ' pupils ° B can be accomModated. . . . ,, 0 Labor Day At flardston Young and Old, Married and Single, Boys end Girls are .invited to come to Harriston on Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 1st, when they will be given the time of their lives. The fun starts at 9.30 in the morning and continues througout the day and on into the evening. It includes aeroplane stunts, three exciting baseball matches, football match, side shows, par- ades etc. Best of all this the evening concert will be A. 1 -no reserved seats Music will be furnished by Wingham'S re- nowned Brass Band and by the Hender- son Kiltie Band. Make your plans early to come to Herriston on Labor Day, the lst. ' EVERYBODY'S COLUMN aATICTION SALE—At residence of A, 3. Armstrong, Dlagonald Road, Winghain, on Saturday aternoon, August 00th, Steel - tired 13oggy4 good Durham CM, L111.0k8, Household 1' urniture etc. Positively no re- serve. Terms Cash. T. It. Ilitxr721"1., Auctioneer. $ 1:TOME 8A115 -Mr.. E. H. Phillips DMg- 000.1d Road, Wingham,is offering for Sale at her residence on FridaY, August 20th, Hottsehold Exirnittire. Sale without reserve. T. It. ilsaknimrr Auctioner. MUD PIORSLS A N D CATTLE TAKEN away promptly' within a radius of 20 miles. No animal removed without the hide. Will pay from $5 to $8 for animals brought to fac- tory. Phone at our expense. Phone day 12. Phone evening, 178. TUE FAusouts' Fairrittzsm Co., LTD. POR SALE.--Ifirst class second hand Plane. & Apply to 3. WAticau. VOR Sale—A. fine 100 acre Farm in County of r Huron, Morris Twp. Running water, largo brick 12 roomed house with beautifuj surroundings, large bank barn, driving shed and good outer buildings. 3. D. Itlimatit. I31ueve,10, Ont. 110It SALE ---90 Yearling Single. Comb White & Leghorn Hens, also 5 Cook Birds. These must be said at once to make room for young ilea. Prices reasonable. Caval. 11, TAnon It. R. 1Be1gravo. Out, • ww......../moir riOnSE T() RENT—On Diagonal Itoad, apply SA 1,0 It. E. lard. 'WANTED -15 Boys or men wanted to piek JZ (Apples. Apply to V, R. VANICORMAs. NOTICE OF MEETING Wingham. August Witit, 1810 To the SharehOlders of The Aern Cashion Omer Tire du 'tubber CoMpany of Ontario, Limited littl ONO hereby notified that the Statutory meeting of the shareholders of The Aero cushion Inner Tire end Ittibber Company A.( Ontario, Limite,A1 will ho held at the °Moe or Lhilompany, In the Town of Winahaln at 3 aelock p. no. on Thnroday the fonrth day of bor. 1918. T. R. BtetTah I. Inseam Preaklitat • Labor Day At Whitechurch The memorial committee of White- church purpose holding a Soldiers At Home in that village on Monday. Sept- ember lst, Labor Day. The afternoon program will include baseball and football games and athletic sport? • The Isucknow Pipe Band will furnish music. In the eve- ning supper will be served in the base- ment of the Presbyterian Church from 6 to 8o'c1ock after which an excellent pro- gram will be rendered including addresses by R. D. Cameron, Luckriow; A. H. Mus- grove, Wingham and the Whitechurch clergymen. Others taking part will be Miss Jean Norris, Elocutionist, Walker - vine; W. H. Willisand F. J. Hill, Wing - ham, and the Whitechurch me Quartete During the evening the returned soldiers will be presented with a medal and the next of kin to fallen soldiers will receive shield. The admission in the evening is 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for child- ren. The committee promise you a good afternaoa and evening and a large crowd should attend. In case of rain the even- ing proganri will be carried out as advert- ised and there will be ample accommodat- ion. NORTH HURON VOTERS The Newly Printed Referendum Lists Contain 9269 Names It may may beof interest to our readers to knave the total number of voters on the referendum lists in North Huron. They are as follows: - Polling Sub -Divisions No. 1 2 3 4 6 6 e 7 Weigh= .. . ... a.- ... .. 233 258 202 367 138 Wroxeter 237 Ashfield...... .... ..... 238 232 183 ' 187 Blyth 233 216 East Wawanosh.... .... , 137 223 '192 160 127 e. West Wawanosh 283 199 118 146 108 Hosyick . 289 269 356 363 300 Turnberry. , ... .... 310 285 202 203 Morris 180 221. 191 200 -1278 -237 175 179 197-1391 - 448 -830 119 -1082 233 -1810 -1006 WO 240 -1928 Total 9269 neemetrY 14ar "HEAD1N' SOUTH" %1TH ouglas Fairbanks WILL BE WINOBAld'S PAVORITle SPORT on Monday and Tuesday AT TIM LYCEUM THEATRE No ADVANCE IN PRICES 11 cents and 16 cents ,ior Ar .atv ir Ark ro Ar Ar Ar WINOH4M, ONT., THURSDAY, AUOUST 28th, 1919 !Local iterne What is borne without a singea-A. J. W Sept.SC70on. 112r . Idre.opens on Tuesday morning, Great progress is being made at the new rink, which is being erected. We understand that Mr. Jas. Hamilton and family purpose moving to Oshawa this week. , Mr. Jas. W. Bone of East Wawanash is at present in the Hospital for treatment We hope for his spetedy recovery. We are pleased to learn that A. C Fowler has been engaged us principal of 13olton Public School. He leaves for hie new duties on Monday next. The Statutory meeting of the share- holders of the Area Cushion 'Inner Tire Co, will be held in Wingham, at the com- pany's office, on Thursday. September4th, Mr. Wm. G Boyle has puechased Mr. J, Finley's milk business and is in charge. Prior to locating here Mr. Boyle was in the dairy business in New York, Mr. James E. Smith has purchased the 8100 acre farm *from Mr. Hugh Tucker on the 91.11 con. of Turnberry. We under- stand that Mr. Tucker proposes locating in Wingbain. The school board is having difficulty' in securing a kindergarden teacher for the public school. Miss Stewart of Action, accepted the position but has since secur- ed a school nearer.her home. -Messrs Earl Dickson, Willie Bolt, ,ad John Nicholson, who have been ogerleas for sometime have arrived at Halifax and are expected fo reach their homes in Turnberry in the near future. • The Pastor will preach at both seivioes next Sunday in the Methodist church. Morning Subject "Nevezeal for the old Task:" Evening Subject "Religion and Labour:" All are cordially invited. Mr William Cieedenning has sold his house on the west side of Minnie st. to Mr. David Halliday of Remick. Mr, Halliday has secured an excellent proper- ty and we welcome hien to Wingham. The football match in the Wingham park, on Tuesday evening between Ford- wich and Wingharil G. W. V. A., resulted in a victory for the locals by a score of 2 to 1. Mr. eliovsard pray was the referee. Mr. A J. Armstrong, who has for the 'past five years 'been foreman of the Times office, has accelited a position on the staff of the London Adverdier. He is holding an auction sale of household furniture, etc., on Saturday. August 30th. See advt. in Everybody's Column. " Wingham Fall Fair Prize Lists halm been delayed owing to the fact that ad- vertisements were not handed in to the secretary until very late this year. We were compelled to leave several out of the book . The committee in charge of special at- tractions, are busily engaged trying to se- cure excellent talent for the Winghatn Fair Concert. Good races will be held on Thursday, Oct. 9th. Wingham Fair, the last and best Very few weekly papers throughout Western Ontario but have with held pnb- lication fqr one week during this summer. It is an old cu tom for the newspapers and we believe they are as much entitled to have annual holidays 29 any other class of people. The Sherlock Manning Co, of London are making special arrangements through their agent, A. J. Walker, Wingham to entertain all visitors kern this territory at the London exhibition. Don't miss this opportunity of seeing the construction of Canada's foremost piano A bachelor friend says he will not marry untill he meets a woman .who is neither curious or talkative And a married friend reminds him that there is no marrying in Heaven. Which is the oaIY place where he's likely to find what he's looking for. • Some unprinicipied person or persons en- tered Wm Sneath's premises several nights ago and poisoned a number of Ilel• gian hares with the result that met mor- ning a considerable amount of them were found dead by Mr. Sneath, Rigid inves- tigation is being made in this matter, Contractor T. J. 1VIcLean is rushing for- ward the new sewers, the work now going on up on Minnie street. The great need at the present time in Wingham is for laboring men, as where one is now in use several are desired, Mr. McLean has already got some from Toronto and more will arrive in the course of a few days The returned Soldiers, Information Bur- eau established at the London Armouries will be dosed on the 20th day of August, 1910. All inquiries regarding the arrival of troop ships and returning soldiers and their dependents will now be made through No. 1 District Depot, Carling Heights, London, Ontario. -Telephone 5100, ring 45. Mr. 3. A. Marshall, of the Provincial Depertment of Highways, Toronto, was in the county last week on a tour of in- spection and called at the Winghain ori Wednesday. He is giving attention part- icularly to the additions to the county highway System proposed at the June session of the county colleen. He was accompanied on his tour by Mr T, R. Patterson, of Auburn, who is acting county engineer in the absence of hie father, Mr Donald Patterson, who is spending the Ammer in the West. Manua Bann The death of a former respected resident of Windmill occurred at Toronto on Tues. Aug. 26t1i when Martha Bell, beloved wife of Mr John Neelands, passed to her reward in her 88t1i year. ease W Boxy , As we go to press we learn with regre of the death of Mr. Jas. W. Bone of East Wawanosh. He was a very highly es- pected gentleman and his death, which °mired in the Wingham General Hospital on Wednesday morning will come as a shock to his many friends. He wa's in his 52nd year. Faeseourse. Mr. Peter Fryfogle; a brother of Mr Wm A. Pryfogle, Shiner St., passed away in Toronto, on Wed., Aug, 13th. Ile was a former resident of Wingham and was held in high esteem by many old acquaintances. Dr. W. B. Towler There passed away on August 120, at his home in Los. Angeles, Cal, Dr. W. B. Towler, for nearly forty years a resident of Wingham. He had enjoyed with Cana- dian friends a picnic at Long Beach on the previous Thursday,and on Sunday was, as usual, at the morning service of First M. E Church an attentive listener, • Thirteen years ago, deceased left Wing - ham and sought recuperation in the sunny clime of Southern California. He built himself a comfortable home in a choice residential district of Los. Angeles and for a while continued his practice to a few Capadian friends. Dr. Towler was a member of First Church, and always in- terested in plans for the uplift of human ity, and ready to give financial assistance in case of need, especially as his physical weakness increased. Hardening of the arteries gradually lessened his vitality and on Tuesday Aug. 12, he "fell in sleep" leaving the testimoay of a blameless Christian life. While in Wingham, he was a faithful official of the Church, and for thirty years euperintendent of the Sunday School He.leaves a lonely widow, with whom he lived in sweet companionship for nearly forty years, and one sister Mrs, R6bertMcIndoo of Fresno, Cal. Four former Winghamites were bearers, as they laid him to rest in a grave lined with evergreens in the beautiful Rosedale cemetery. Among former residents of Wingham present were Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mandoo, Messrs J. J. and M. 11. McIndoo, Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Ferguson, Mr, Theo. Hall and Miss Edith Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Button, Miss and Mr. James Stewart, Rev. Dr. Locke. pastor of First M. E Church Rev. Dr. Healey, and Rev. J. Westhaver took part ha the memorial service, The bereaved relatives especially, the lonely widow, have sincer- est sympathy of their many friends. MRS. C„ P. Sum" On Friday morning the citizens of Wingbarreand more especially her intimate friends, were shocked to hear that Mrs C. P. Smith had passed suddenly away durs ingthe night. On Thursday evening, Mrs. Smith was sitting chatting with a friend when she was seized with paralysis and fell aft her chair. Remarking with surprise that sh could not get up, she was assisted to a couch and medical aid was summoned. The doctor or none of the family expected anything seriously until, Miss Miriam who was with her mother, noticed her breathing heavily and medical aid was again summoned but the spark of life had peacesully passed away, Deceased whose maiden name was Mabel Kent, wee' a life long resident of Wingham and was highly esteemed by everyone, Besides her sorrowing husband she is survived by a daughter, Miriam, and son, Kent, who have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in this their sad and sudden bereavement. The funeral service was held at her late residence on Sunday afternoon at 8.30, and was conducted by Rev. Horace W. Snell, B &erector of St. Pauls church, of which the deceased was a member. The floral tokens of sympathy were many and beautifel. The pall bearers were IVIessra, W. j Greer, H. Davis, R. Vanstones J. S Mor- gan, A. E. Smith and C. M. Walker. Airing those from a distance attending the funeral. were; Capt and Mr % Evans, Ottawa; Mr. and Mr. Wilson, Detroit, Mrs MacDonald, Detroit; Mr. Hiscox, London and Mrs, A. 11, Wilford, Regina, Sask. • HOME PROM OVERSEAS. - Mr, Harry Dore and bride arrived home from Overseas on Monday evening, Harry is the youngest son ol Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dore, Shuter se. and enlisted with the University Battalion. TorOnto, June 10, 1916. He was attending the Univeraity at the time. He was promoted to Sergeaut, and transferred to ehe 198th Buff Battalion. He left for overseas Jan. nary, 1017. At St. Johns he was taken sick with influenza Recovering, he left immediately for England wherehe reverts ed to private, and transferred to the 19th Battalion, and crossed to France He saw some hot fighting, and while in the trenches on May 14th he was severely wounded in the side by shell fire, mak- ing a gall ten inches long, read another across the stomach five inches long, and .4 number of his comrades were killed He has been in the hospital ever since, and good grit on his pert and good nursing have brought him through to a safe recov- ery. Pereonats Mr. L Kennedy ie on a business trip to Toronto tbis week. Mies Jean VanNorrnare Toronto is vis. iting at her home here. Lieut. Alice Beckwith of Walkerville, is VISiting at her home here. Mr. Cliff Garrett, Toronto, spent a few days at bis home here. Mr. Chas. McLean of St. Thomas, • is visiting,at his home in town, Mr.. Thos. Lutton of London, spent the weed•end at h a home here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Quirk of Hamilton were Visitors here last week. James and Lincoln Goklie of Guelph, were visitors here on Monday. •IsSfra. Marseilles is attending the Fall Millinery Openings in New York, Mies Luella McCool has accepted a position in Mr. J. A. Mills'. stor% Mr William Woodrow or 13rizasele, visited Mr. W. H. Haney, last week, Miss Tilly McGee, London, is visiting with her mother, IVIrs. James McGee. Mr. and Mrs J. H. Finley are visiting with Mr% Finley's parent, in Essex, Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Kerr, Lower Wingham, are attending the Exhibition. Miss Hazel Brandon is visiting at the home of her brother, B. C„ at Henover. Miss Minnie Ker of Brantford, is vieit- ing at the home of Mr. anti Mrs. W. J. Greer, Mr. James Lutton and family of Lon don, are visiting at his home in Pleasant Miss Edna Robertson returned home on Friday after spending her holidays in Guelph. Miss Ada Haines is visiting at Harnil• ton and at Niagara Falls, with her broth- er, Walter. • Mr. Peter Caneeion, Vancouver, is visiting at the borne of his brother, IVir R. 3; Cantelon, . Mr. M. J. McPherson, collector of cus- toms, Kincardine, was making a short visit here last week. Mr. and Mrs' A. Tipling, Mrs. Buchan- an and daughter, June, spent the week- end at Southampton. 1VIre W. J. Armour And son Frank, are on a two week's holiday trip to Toronto, Welland and Buffalo. Miss Stella Fowler of Teeswater has been visiting at iner encle's, Mr. John Fowler's Bluevale road. Mr. Chas. .McConnel, Detroit, a form- er Wingham business man, renewed ac- quaintances in town this week. 1-1 whe or 14 Mic He afte Lon .M in to plen cons .Stat ale f of he ed to with arry Dobbin has gone to Ottawa re he has secured a position as Aviat- vith the Canada Traders Co. r. C. P. Edwards of Lake Linden, b., is renewing acquaintances in town will speed a few Weeks here.. re. P S Linklater has returned home r spending a month with relatives he don, Stratford and other points, r, Elmer Mahood of Kincardine, was wn the first of the Week. Ile reports ty of business in the building line. r Ry Forsythe, who is employed at truction work in Canada and United es, is visiting at his home in town. a May Roberts, who has been in In. or some time, is visiting at t he home r uncle, Mr. W 11. Cruiltshanks. rs, John Mowat and daughter return - their home in Acton, after visiting her brother, Mr, John F, Groves. tage Mr. Mr have after Frali Mr Nurs ing w John Mr and Mts. exhib Mis iting Turnb Exete Mr. Guelp went is grea r. A, L. Posliff is moving into the cot. on Francis lst, lately purchased by Thomas Forbes from Mrs Haslam. . and Mrs. George Tees and baby reterned to their home in 'Windsor visiting with his permits Mrs. A. M. ck. • s, A, H. Wilford of Regina, and e Annie Griffin of Toronto, are visit- ith their Mother, Mrs C. N. Griffin, St, • . and Mrs. D. E. McDonald, Mr, Mrs. Is. Kennedy, Mr. J. W. Hanna, It Clegg, are anon the Toronto Mon visitors. s Maude Horton who has been vis• her friend, IVIise Vina Smith • also erry friends left for her home at r on Monday. Jas. McGee has returned from h General Hospital, where heuncler- an operation for appendicitis. He tly improved in health. Mr. ter, I< the lal ficial Mr. hans, Simpro son, of Betc‘/Is tl.e and et c Nlovilitgt Wingh ing the aeirdeon, 2 Sohn/lotions: $1,50 per year ROM WINOHAM TO SEATTLE (Continued from last week) On July nth,' I went back. to Vo couver and took the C. P. R. boat Seattle at 10.30 a. m. arrived in Victor about 5 p m. and Seattle at 10 p. where my old and tried friend Joe G more, met me and escorted me to h beautiful bow in the suburbs of the cit The next day being the 12th of July course the first thing Joe did was to d corate us both with the proper regalia an and go and have our pictures taken,whic I must admit are good. 1 spent two da with Joe and here again I was used lik a Icing living on very best and was show through the city, which is no doubt beautiful one. I was sorry to leave Jo but 1 had to keen moving so X left th city at 11,45 p, m. on the 13th going bac to Vancouver by rail getting there at 8 a On the 14th I spent the day in Van delver and went beick to New Westmini ster in the evening. Next morning I took B. C. Electric about 12 miles out in th country where I spent a few pleasant day with rny cousin, 5, A, Woods, July 22n I left Nev Westminister for Vancouver and on the 23rd I left for home at 9 a. 111 going through the mountains again, 1 ar riyed in Calgary at 2,40 p. m. On the 24th feeling somewhat tired I stopped over one day with Kersey Jackson and had Mrs. Jackson put up a nice lunch for me to eat on the way. I left Calgary at 3.30 p. m. on the 25th and stepped off at 8 a. tre next morning, so I straight Way made for to see E, Paulin and wife, also Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jenkins where I had dinner and a reception, as they were pleased to see me and I assure you I was glad to See them all. for rree! 11-.' is , of 4-1 ; e n a e k • ' • e , , .1 In the afternoon. of the 26th 1 was pleased to meet Win. Casemore and Jack Sullivan also my cousin Richard Hogg and wife, with them 1 spent a few enjoyable days in the country where the wheat fields looked beautiful to me. I had a delight. ful time with them and lots of car rides July 20th we came in 25 miles to Regina to attend the Fair and like Calgary Fair it was very good. While in Regina I made my home at Wes. Bell's and he certainly gave me a good time for.a few days, as he has a fine car and was not afraid to Inc it I should know Regina and the country around after my visit with Wes Bell. Oa August 2nd I left Regina for home at 80. m. and landed in Winghatn, Tues- day the 5th of August feeling fine but a little tired, Now a little about the cities. -I spent a few days in the cities of Regina, Cal- gary, Vancouver, New Westminister and Seattle, they are alright, up on the bit as far as taking care of the Tourist is con- cerned, they very kindly take you in at every opportunity, (I mean *most of the business men) they appear to .like the Mon, just as well as we Easteners. From what I saw and heard while riding a distance of about 6000 miles, I believe I will stay in good Old Ontario and I told a lot of people that thought we had the best country and the best city (Toronto) in the world. There may be a trekking of Westerners to Ontario in the near fin - •.`41:4.0, ' . AvVA6Nt-, rAk,(.4‘,4'h. 11114( i School Supplies 7E HAVE ADDED a full line of School Supplies—the hind that make it possible for your child to do his work better and more neatly therefore, to make quick- er progress with .his studies. We solicit a share of your patronage. J. W. McKibbon DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN Phone 53 C. P. R, Tickets. • 4". e;,•!attlE., iiriFiM.* 14 90--vou 4:41 0 0=3 f0VD******110 WM= Qiging1200.101000 CO * 1 1 I.....—....,_..,-,—..... CHRISTIE'S! PHONE 59 1 VINEtlAB.S AND SPICES I Nothing but the Higbest Test in • If you want the kind that means. 1 • successful pickling We Sell Them Vinegars and the best selected I Spices are handled by us and it will pay yon to buy here. We want you to make your awn 'comparisons i The Tea and.Coffee House ID CO lebatifaacat10 VAIIMMINCiummus ilanker's Competition All children intending to enter the Ban- kers competition at the Fall Fair are re- quired to have their entries in at least ure, since hearing my song e about (r' three weeks before Fait Day, Oct. 8t1).' beautiful country. and Oth, Application blanks may be re- " Wingharn, the town of Maple, for mine ceived at any local bank or from the Se - J. G. Stewart. etenslorilidim••••••••••••••••ausidrus••• Married In Portland One of Wingharres popular young lad- ies in the person of 1\triss Annie T, Will- tune he is arrested for threatening to take iamson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. his wife's life. He has written several Williamson, was united in:marriage to Mr, threatening letters to his lawful wife who Albert Klug at Portland, Oregon, on resides in Wingham with their family and August 16th. They will take up theil whom he deserted since returning from overseas. Only that he lost a leg while serving overseas he would possibly- not have been let off as easily as he has so far cretary, A. G. Smith. Threatened To Kill Wife Albert Fitt, the Wingham man who was recently charged with bigamy in Toronto, is again in the limelignt. This residence in that city. The bride's many friends will wish her long life and prosper- ity in her new home, i4limilmtrimummmilmmmlitmlimmtmmitimmittne. SCHOOL SHOE ...... ...... . . . sALE ........ ...._. ...... ...... ...... ...... . ........ ....... ....... ...... _... 1114An ...mia Ow. OW.. .104, IFINIA. 1b0... RM. echo Si.. er.v. sr.. 0,.... ow* ow.. 1,6.* Who, Woo, Ok.". ShO, PAO b.,. O.'. Are.. W.. 10.... Mei* .....- and Mrs. W D, Pringle and daugh- ........ ase- •...... athleen, are ori a short vacation up es- ses. We trust the trip will be bene- V.'. 00,0 'or Mr, Pringle's` health. ...- as - a and Mrs W. 1 Greer, of Wing- re - eV. IVIiss Henry, of Whitechurch, Miss I. sed a. - n of Chicago. and Miss A. Shims- aee. 0,..- V.., Calgary, were gu ests of the Mieses see ....e. y last week seGoderich Star. sed ,..... Waldo 3. Breen of Grand Rapid, see. see an, has returned Irene after visit- = li his grandmother, Mrs, R. Breen, 41.-. her relativein this vicinity. Roy Ittundy and children, of, es - am, have returned li mie, after visit- 1 es- ses- former's brother, Mr. Walter And- I ees. ... 25 Ontario street eStratferd Hers Illv▪ v. ii,.. 411....• OW* Mr Charles Anderson, of Leader, Seek , Messrs Roy .and Theodore Mundy end ISdies Blackball of Wingharri, motors ed to Strattotd Sunday and spent the day at the borne of Mr. Walter Anderson, 926 Ontario trete - Stratford Iterald. W AY School commences a week from next Tuesday, Sept. 2nd., and we are going to give the parents who buy Footwear here a SCHOOL SHOE BENEFIT On alI school shoes we sell for cash, we: will give 10 per cent. off Starting Sat., August 23rd and ending Sat., Aug.30th We Want to do a big busines's in school shoes during the above dates, We have splendid lines of school shoes for boys and girls of all ages. Our shoes arc the best school shoes made. This is a money -saving proposition any school shoe buyer. oorvr MISS MIS SALE IP WO NAVE, CIIIZZeltgiV A r .110.nale for wee •Mole. •••.1,1 •ANAN. •-.4111 .4140 44011. *Welk WA. ••••••••• Wiele r•WWIR 44,0 W sorfota ...0111B ••••••00 • ow.* .14•41 •••••11 +Vol* W. J. GREER -4 see_