HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-01-29, Page 3DIRECTORY. tlllk►�I10. las ELUN 11111e t000rporaw;ed by *Wet Parliament 1866. CAPITAL, • - 162, 000, 000 )REST, - $1,316,000 goad Office. - MONTREAL. J. H. R. MOLSON, President. F. WOLFERBTAN THOMAS, General Mann or. Notes discounted, Collections wade, Drafts issued, Sterling and American ex- ohauge bought and s01d at lowest current rates. INTrarer ALLQWYD oN Devoatrs. IT'A1=2, saRf3- Money advanced to farmers on their own notes with one or more °odorants. No mortgage re• quitted as security. H. C. BREWER, Maua,1ter, December, 1898. ULRTON. G. De 1[cTaggart BANKER, ALBERT TREET, CLMTON. A OENEAL BANKING( BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Nodes Discounted. - - Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed on Deposits. tnton, June 8th, 1891 668y •a4tc zI. DER W. GUNN, L. 11.'0. P. and L. R. C. S.,SEdlnburgh. Office — Coterie street Clinton. Night calls at front door of residence on Itattenbury street, opposite Presbyter- ian church. DR. TURNBULL. J. L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; M., Victoria Univ. M. C. P. do 8. Ont, ; Fellow of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late of London, Eng., and 'Edinburgh hospitals Office:— Dr. Dowsley'a stand, Rattcnbury St. Night cella answered at Office. DR. SHAW. Moo in U 8 en's Sleek, Rttteabary St., Clinton, )nt. Night calls at earns t ace. Jas. S. Freeboru' Islt D L. K. & Q C. P., I., 61. J P. & 8. O., &c., &c. Graduate of King's & Queen's College of Physicians, Dublin, treLand, Licentiate of the General Medical Council, Great Rritain. Merober of College of t•hysiela'ta and Surgeons, Ontario. Formerly rest - dent a the Rotunda Hoep'tal (Lying-in and GYEke • • sologieai), Dublin. Speoial attention to die:mans of women and children. Office and residence,Rattenbury St., next door to Ontario 81. Methodist pareen,ge. 829-ly immeraligeminoulosaila ADMEN !entiOtkly. Ta G. BRUCE Le D. S., Surgeon Dentist. Member of R. C. D. 8., of Ont. Peetk rsraraeted without pain by the use of a harm• lees and pleasant local anaesthetic. No unconscious - nese, sickness nor IiI.effects aroomnany the use of this remedy, and many in and around Clinton can testify to its genuineness. Special attention given. to the preservation of the natural teeth. Office, ioates' Block, over Taylor's shoe atoro. O. Agnew, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST. Graduate of Royal College of ,Dental Sur• I;eons of Ontario. Honor Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto. Beat Local Anaesthetic for painless extraction. Office opposite Town Hall, over Swallow's Store. Night Bell answered. Will visit Hensall every Monday, and Zurich the 2nd Thursday of each month �aII�I, y �O, CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, . ConvCeAy er, &o. Oalce—Cotner Hemitton and FJ t. Andrews-sts., opposite Colborne Hotel, Goderich. 888.11 C. HAYS, Barrister, Solicitor, C. Office, corner t• North Street and Square, ,near Registry Office, Goderich, Ont. 67• tar Money to lend at lowest rates of ntereet J. SCOTT, Barrister, ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - - CLINTON. Money to Loan. E • CAMPION, Q • C , BARRISTER, - • • SOLICITOR., NOTARY, 4c., G-oderich, - Out. Office—Over Davis' Drug Store. Money to loan. M • 0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, - - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONN:R, ETC., Goderictl, - - - Ont. Office—Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew's S. W. BRYDONE., BARRISTER - - SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, 4c , OFFICE BEAVER BLOCK - • CLINTON. 817 -If wall tor good. ITONEY to lend In large or email sums or good Lel mortgages or personal security et the lowest eurrent rates. H. HALE, Huron et. Clinton. Money. Money 10 lend on good security at 6 and 6 per pont. Apply to C. RIDOUT, Albert St., Minton. 86,24t. Wm. Moore Has Removed TO CORE'S BLOCK. HURON STREET, CLINTON.. I am better than ever prepared to supply the pub- lic with the Latest Improved Singer Sewing Machines. Needles In ,took and parts suppplied for all m•kee of Maohlnes. Agent for the Celebrated Loader Chun ' end the most reliable Washers and Wringers. The most critical inspection invited. WM. MOORE, East of Commercial Hotel, Hilton' Street, Clinton. 883.0 erne. L. O., L' No. 710, CLIINNTco I•1r, Meets sroosw Monday of every month. Hall Sud flat, McKay block. Melting brethreu always made welcome. DR. J.8. FREEBORN, W. M. P. OANTELON, JR. Sao. J. 1'. SHEPPARD, 1). M �i1�>agti•. elLINTON Lodge, No. 84 A. F. & A M. me LJ every Friday, on or atter the moon. Visit Ing brethren cordially invited A. J. HOLLOWAY, W. M, J. B. RUMBALL, Sao. Clinton, Dee. 6, 1895. K. 0. T. M. Kearns Tent No, 06, hulgbts of the Maccabees of the World. $1,000, $8.000 and 88,000 Poliules. Mew• berailip over 100,000. Aesessment prine1ple—has never exceeded 12 aneessmeuts la a year. Cheapest and galea to exlstenee. Meets lu Orange Hall, Clin• ton, first and third Friday of every mouth. A. O.U.•♦. The Clinton Lodge, No. 149, meetsln Biddleeombe's Hall, opposite the market, the lot and aril Fridays in each mouth. Visitors cordially Invited. R. STONE - ass, M. W.; J. Basso, Recorder. 699y g:acit gnights %se' Jubilee Preceptory Not 161, (Black Knights of Ireland) Meets in the Clinton Orange Hall, the second Wednes- day of every month, at 7.80 o'clock in the evening. Visiting Sir Knights will always receive a hearty welcome. A. M. TODD, Worshipful Preceptor GIORer Starner, Deputy Preceptor Arran Cewrziog, Registrar Royal Black Preceptory 397, Blat,k Knights of Ireland, Meets In the Orange Ilal , Blyth, the Wednesday after full moon of every month. [loyal Black Preceptory 315, Black Knights of Ireland, fleets in the Orange Hall, Coderich, the Third Mon day of every month. Visiting Knights always made weleoine. W 11 Mi1RNEY, Preceptor, Goderieh P 0 JAMES RUSK, Regietrar, Ooderich P 0 COOK'S FLOUR & FEED STORE, Clinton. BRAN and SHORTS in Large or Small Quantities. OIL CAKE, LINSEED MEALS 10 lbs. Choice O:ttnteal t'orone Bushel Cats D. COOK, CLINTON. 712.11 HILL'S FEED STORE, HURON STREET, CLINTON. The Best Early Seed Potatoes, and all kinds of first-class Clover, Timothy, Field and Garden Seeds, Fleur and Feed of all kinds. Closest living prices for cash. SALT in stock and for sale. TEAS of the choicest varieties and blends, Excellent value, J. W. HILL, Huron St., Clinton Central Butcher Shop. COUCH & WILSNN Subscribers desire to notify the public that they have bought out. the butchering business lately con- ducted by Mr. Jas. A. Ford, and will continue the same ander their personal supervision. Orders will have prompt and careful attention. Fresh menta of all kinds will be kept in season, sold at reasonable rates and delivered anywhere in town. ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS N. WILSON. CLINTON. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP FORD & MURPHY, (Suoemors to J. W. Langford.) Having bonght nut the above bue1nees, we Intend to conduct it on the cash principle, end will supply Par cnetomera with the beat meats at the lowest pay ng prices. FORD& MURPHY. New Butcher Shop. The undersigned desires to intimate to the people of Cl -ton and vicinity that he has opened a butcher shop in the store of W. Core, Huron Street. He has had many years experience, and feels that he ran give the hest satisfaction. He will sell strictly for Cash, and at the lowest possible prices. °norms RR4i'r.crrI'LLV Sol, HATED. M. W. WRIGHT, - Clinton. LIVE BOGS WANTED. Highest Marks, Price Paid. D. CANTELON, Clinton. X98-tf. B. THOMLINeON, VETERINERY SERGEON, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col. age, Toronto. Treats all diseases of Domestic Anlmala on th moot modern and Scientific Principles. Day and Night Calle Promptly Answered. Residence—Rattenbhry Street. Weal, Cllton Ont J. E BLACK ALL, Veterinary Surgeon, honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary OolIege, treats dlseeaeee of all domestic animals on the most modern and scientific principles. tiff'Calls attended to eight or day. Office on Issas street, next New Era anion Residence—Albert street. Clinton. .r Teacher of Piano Miss Hallie E. Combe, Toronto Conservatory of Music, cer tiflcates in Piano, harmony and Intro- :dnctory Theory, CI„IIN TON, ONT. , stuygouAQ,ieuohladBe where Rgable Algarness. IWgnufaoture 14015* big the ,) ilbr or Smelt. Beware efshop .that se `cheap, as they /um got 101155. at Call and get pricea, Orders bJ "AU Qrompiyattended to J•O :11V 13J LL9, HARNISS9 EMPORIUM. MATH, ONT NOTICE. There being some misunderstanding with re gard to wrecaage, iot it be dlstioetly understood that it any person takes poesosaton at any kind of wreckage and tulle to report to me 1 WWI al once take proceedings. Remember thle le tha tact warning I shall give. OAPT. WM. sees. Receiver of Wrecks, Goderich, Goderich, Sept. 7th 1891. • FOR SALE. The property at present oocupied by the un- dersigned as a residence on the Huron Road, in the Towu of Goderioh, oonsieting of one half of an acre of land, good frame house—story and a half—seven rooms, including kitchen, hprd and soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and carriage houses, There are aleu some good fruit trees. This property 18 beautifully situated and very suitable forany person wishing toliveretired• For further particulars apply to it. CAMPION, 542-tf • Barristor,Goderioh. J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY and SILD ERWARE at J. BIDDLECOMB'S, - Cinton. GO TO THE Union Shaving Parlor For first•claas Ilair•Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton 1. EMERTON, Proprietor, Geos Trowhill, Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert Street, North, - Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and first class material and work guaranteed ; farm implements and machines rebuilt and repaired. WATTS & CO CHEMISTS & DRUCCISTS Great Northwestern Telegraph office, Albert Street, - Clinton. ROPERTY FOR SALE OP RENT.—Advertisers will find The ll ijl�I News-Record"one of the best medium' In the County of Huron. Advertise In 'The News-Record"—The Double Circulation Talks to Thousands. Ratee a low as any. PUMPS ! PUMPS ! If you want a firet-clave, well -made pump, one that will give yon satisfaction, and your order to the uudereigned. He will dig and clean welle and do It at the closest prioes. He also handles a 9rst olase FORCE PUMP. JAMES FERGUSON Opposit Qneen'a Rotel • High Street Clinton. 809.11 F. W. F ABH G OIIIB (MEMBER OF ASS'N OF P. L. 8.) Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, LONDON, ONT, OFFICE—At G. J. Ttewart'e Grocery Store, Clin- ton. iol•ly Brno' 8ft Cantelon Bros, JENE+'RAT, GROCERS & PROVIS- ION MERCHANTS. Grockcry, Glass & Chinaware ALBERT ST. CLINTON. ONT. Highest Cash Price for Butter and Eggs '62-1y�.. — - -------_. BILL HEADS, NOTE Heeds, Letter Heade, Tage, Statements, Circulars, Buetnene Cards, Envelopes, Programmes, etc., etc. ,printel in a workman- like manner and at low rates. at TRE NEWS -RECORD Office. Mrs. Whitt, Teacher of Music, Pupil of M.. Charles W. Landon, of Philadelphia. The Mason Method used exclusively. It le eonaldered by theleadiug Minden' Artistes that no method develops the tenhule so rapidly ae Dr. Mason's"Tnch and Technic." Piano, Organ and Teohnieon for use of pnplist Apartments in Beaver Block, over W. Beeeley's, Albert street, Clinton. NOTICE TO NEWS•RECORD READERS. The pnhlieher would esteem 1t a favor If rear' , would, when making their purchases .rentlon at they caw the merchant's elvertleee.ent in 'rat NEWS -RAMP -D. PERFECT MANHOOD! flow attained --how re- stored—howpreserved, Ordinary worksonPhy- Biology will not tell you: the doctors can't or won't; but all the same you wish to know. Your S XUAL POWERS are the Key to Life and its reproduction. Our book lays bare the truth. Every man who would regain sexual vi- gor lost through folly, or develop members weak by nature or wasted by disease. should writs for cur scaled book, u Perfect Man- hood." I: o charas. Address (in confidence), ERIE MEDICAL CO.. Buffalo. N.Y. if7-7FC-"r"'"- wen eu .Reoora: 11.811 p Yeet-111.0010 Ailval to WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 28th. 1888, Ladies, Beware of Thea! They Lack All Good and Essential Qualities. Ladies, beware of the many crude imitations of Diamond Dyes that are sold in some places. These incitation dyes lack all the essential qualities that are required to produce good and per- manent colors. 1f you would dye with ease, pleasure and satisfaction, use only the old reli- able Diamond Dyes, noted for strength, brightness and neyerfading qualities. Diamond Dyes will cost you ,lust the same price us the common dyes ; every package is fully warrant- ed to do the work promised. The bar of London on Friday enter- tained Chief Justice Meredith at a ban- quet in honor of his elevation to the bench. - William Patterson, of Buffalo, who recently hired Elenora Benner, a young domestic from Canada, as an artist's merle}, and took such advantage of her as caused her lc bring ;in action for criminal assult, settled the case by marrying the girl. A True Bene- !aclor. Thousands Bless the Memory of Prof. Edward Et Phelps, It. Ba, L L. D. He G -ave Humanity Paine's Celery Compound. Medical Men Say it is the Only Perfect Cure Fee Bright's Disease - and Diabetes. . Dr. Phelps' wonderful prescription, Paine's Celery Compound is a boon to sufferiug humanity. This remarkable medicine has cured and saved more vic- tims of kidney trouble than have all other combined agencies in the world. It has rescued thousands who were thought to be hopelessly lost—made them well after medical men had pro- nounced them incurable. The case of Mr. C. F. Kevill. of Duns - ford, Ont., is one of the strongest proofs ever put on record, that Prune's Celery Compound cures kidney disease, and all the terrible evils that follow this dangerous malady. Mr. Kevill has written for the benefit of other suffer- er's; he says:— "I wish to testify in favor of the wonderful curative powers of Paine's Celery Compound for two reasons ; first, in justice to the proprietors ; and secondly for the benefit of suffering humanity. "For tho past fifteen years I have been troubled with diseased kidneys. I aro engaged in the manufacture of cheese, and am obliged to work more of"less in a stooping position for a time, I would find it very difficult to straigh- ten up at once and could only do 80 af- ter repeated efforts. "Of late years, while laboring under these severe attacks, 1 became very nervous, and continually had tired, worn nut feelings. My rest at night seemed to do the no good, and 1 always felt tired out in the morning. "I had been taking various medicines and was getting worse all the time. At last I decided to give Paine's Celery Compound a trial. I procured a bottle, and took it according to directions, and found its effect wonderful. Before I had used the first bottle I began to im- prove ; after I had used the second hot- tle I felt as well as ever I did in my life. It had banished all aches and pains, my nervousness was all gone, and the tired and worn out feelings were ban- ished. I can go to bed pow and sleep well, and rise in the morning rested and refreshed. "I have recommended Paine's Celery Compound to my friends who were suf- fering from the same troubles as I had, and all have been greatly benefited. Knowing what it has done, [can cheer- fully recommend it to any person suf- fering from kidney disease. t lr':rH:n'xrs" 11, "NO TANKS WITHOUT TURK." Bests* Mangy sotllognlzi Dg 'r hitt Contains Ito Lithe rood for 'Thou :ht. Youse otter be tanii.ful yiuse is Ilviu' Because why? It's Tanksgivlu' Day. Die 1e der day wot eve'body uses tet tanks. L told me Teddy 80. Sea 1 te: him: "I want youse ter hire yer mug ter me all day on der las' Thu'sday Witch is in Novimbe', sea?" "Wot fur?" sez Teddy. "ter," sez I, youse 18 full of soon. Don't yer know dat der Pres'dent wot llv's In der W'lte House in Wash'ton, w'er' all der polltlehuns stays sent out a clrk'ler wot sed eve'body give tanks fur T'anksgivin'. Dat eirk'ler goes fur Dagos and Chlnemens too. Dat's right." Den sez me Teddy: "Come off! So chase yerself 'round der stashun house. Wot I got ter do wid tanks? Say, de - Kluge wot knows Pre is gotter glv der tanks. Dems der blokies dat otter be glad dey knows me. Dat go.e'., I'm not wid yer Tanksgivin'. See? "Don't youse know I'm capt'n of der Mike Cullies?- We's out on pirade Tanksgivin' day. Tobe Simpkins is go - 1n' ter carry der target. And Mickey Finn's goin' ter put up Per der Booz,:. Dat's my tanks and I'm rite in it dig time. Are you on?" "0 -oh, well, youse don't, need ter gee huffey about it," sez I ter Ted. "I'll have me own tank, too. Bluff don't go wid dis duck. I'm too smood--seer; Dat's rite, I'm ded fiy. Youse forgot about dat turk. Me mudder's goln' ter hav a dinner wat is one. Gee! me inout waters wen 1 [ink of it. Old turk stuffed. Cranberry sauce on der outside. Tatters and kabbage. Den rush de can. In der las' round, wen we winds up and calls time, we'll hav pie, mince pie. "Oh! I'm der tankfullist Kitty wot ever lived—dat goes!" "Say; Kitty don't be hard on me. I didn't tink youse'ud treat me like dat. Didn't I glv yer some me owe: stuff to put up der price of der tura dinner? Ain't 1 yer stedy—yer slobs? Don't I do annie ting youse wants me ter do? After der pirade let me come up to der joint and chew wid youse. Yer know yer nrudder likes me and yer brudder—little red -heeled Jimmie— is ded stuck on me." Gee! I culdn't stan' dem soft word, of Teddy, so sez I: "All rite; I'm wld youse." Teddy sneked, 1 chased myself down ter Terry McAuley's mission on Water street. At der mission der wuz der biggest crowd o' hungry lookin' blokies dat ever youse put yer peepers on. Dem faces! Youse cood take dem faces by parts like dem face readers does. Pall der story wood be a corker. Der wuz one mug he had a round bugle dat looked as dough he dipped it in red paint. Anooder one dat had wiskers all over his face, and dese same wiskers never wuz interduced to a comb. Den dere was a blokie wot hed a pare of shiners dat looked as dough Jimmie Corbett had been usln' him for a punchin' bag. Dere wuz der face wot looked like der willin in der play and de face wot looked like der komedian, but dere wuz no lovers' faces. All dese blokies dressed ter fit dare faces, and dat dress wuz no Flf't ave- noo style, eider. But dese mugs wuz here fur tanks, not fur faces and dresses—dat had narthin' ter do wid der eaten' of der grub at Jerry McAuley's. Youse orter seen dem wen dey got a. wack at der chuck, Der opinning in dere face looked like a big bung hole in a hogg's hed and dere mawlers come down on der turk like a big press. I tank dey chewed bone an' all. Dere wuz fur grub, but eve'ybody got sometinA rushin' and pushin' and a little scrapin' ter bite. Everybody wuz happy round der mission and dey all tanks Jerry cause it wuz Tanksgivin'. Wen I left der mission I began tInk- in', Sez I ter meself, if all der stuff wot wuz spent on de football game 'tween Princeton and Yale on Tanksgivin' Day wood be put out war it wood do der most good among poor peoples, wot a grate tanksglvin' der poor cood hay' had! Say, i ain't guyin' but day tells me dat der toney chinches had to close on tanks—all on account of der game. Dat's a good politikal move and shotes dat der strong blokies kin rule der week. Jlst as I toined Oliver street who shu'd I see hut dat big slob of mine Tt ddy. Youse orter hav seen him. He Lad on a wite shirt wid a broad collar, a glazed cap wid capt'n on it, black prince and a belt. in one hand he car. Tied a stick and in der odder a bo;-ct oP flow'rs. Marchin' behind him v, uz a gang of der tuffest mugs In der Fort ward. I yelled at him as he passed and he yelled back at me. Sez he, -Sol, Inc tintype, keep u warm seat fur me at der table. I want ter do dat turk wid tanks. See?" I got off Oliver street arid wen I struck der corner of Oak I met Nellie Nolan and Annie Bolan, day wer wad May Healey tellln' 'bout der big time dey had at der tuttl-frutti's tanksglvin• nits. Der way dey spelled wld Mike der champion speller of der fort, Nellie sed dere wuz narthin like balls youse kin hav lots of fun and dance and feel like dough youse wuz livin' for some ting. Wen I got home dere wuz Teddy watein fur me and his appertlte wuz wld him. Wen de old wummen sez "All redy" Teddy Jumped fur der chars. and never sed a word until he made der taile look as dough It wuz struck by a en- lelone. We hed a grate dinner and we all felt redy fur tanks. After dinner me and Teddy sung "Jonn;e Doyle" and "Tip Yer Hat ter Nellie." Wen der day wax over sez I ter me - self, I don't blame Mare Grant, Pres -- dent Harrison, Gov'ner Flower and all der odder big blokies of Mertka fu: asking der people ter say tanks. It's a good ting ter say tanks som'ttmes, and darelor I will hold mine in good shape fur anodder year.—Kitty Toole, Is New York I'Ierald. A Truthful Maki. The difculties of ladies with Inex- perienced maids is illustrated by thls incident, related by a New York paper: "There's no coal, mum," said Bridget, "and the fires are going out." • "No coal? Why didn't you tell ms before'}" "I couldn't tell you there was no coal, muni, when there was coal?" answered Bridget. 0 You \vault Scott's Emul- sion. if you ask your drug- gist for it and get it —you can trust that Plan. But if he offers you "something just as good," he will do the same when your doctor, writes a prescription fort which he wants to get a' special effect — play the game of life and death for the sake of a penny or two more profit. You can't trust that man. Get what you ask for, and pay for, whether it is Scott's Emul- sion or anything else. &ort & Sows., Belleville, Ont Sec. and $1.0v i.6 V MPRREYS' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with $umphroyl5' Witob. Hazel Oil as a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures PILES or HEMORRHOIDS, External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding—Itching and Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate—cure certain. It Cures BuRNs, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. It Cures TORN, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures Bolls, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures INFLAMED or CAKED BREASTS and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures SALT RHEUM, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c., 5oc. and $1.00. Sold by Druggists, or Bent poet -paid on receiptof price. IIURPIIREY9' RED. CD., 111 A 113 William at., New York, WITCH HAZEL OIL CAVEATS,TRADE MARKS COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For a prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to MUNN & 00., who have bad nearly fifty years experience to the patent business. (Jommunioa. tlona strictly confidential. A Handbook of &- formationconcerning Patents and bow to ob- tain them sent free. Also a oatajogue of meohad- lcal and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice in the Scientific American, and thus aro brought widely before the public with- out Dost to the inventor. This splendid paper. issued weekly, elegantly Illustrated, has by far the largest circulation Of any scientific work in the world. N3 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition montbly, 82.50 a year. Single 'A copies, 3 cents 'Every number contains beau- tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses. with plans, enabling bulldere to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUNN & CO., Naw Yoltx. Mill BROADWAY. A PERFECT TEA TH. FINEST Yew IN THE WORLD S ON TEA FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CVP IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. " Monsoon" Tea is put up by the Indian Tea growers as a sample of the best qualities of Indian Teas. Therefore they use the greatest care in the selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they put it up themselvee and sell k only in the original packages, thereby securing its purity and excelle,xe. Put up in '4 Ib., r Ib. and 5 lb. packages, and never cold in hulk. ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP Ir. If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write to STEEL, HAYTER & CO: 51 and 13 Front Street East, Toront• Md Dr. Gordon's Remedy for Men CURES POSITIVELY Lost Power, Nervous Debility, Failing Manhood, Secret Di- seases, caused by the mors and excesses of youth. Young, middle-aged or old men,sufferin ; from theeffrcts of follies and excise.;, restored to health, man- hood and vi;!or. Price $1.00, 6 boxes for $5.01. Sc:,t by mail, securely sealed. write for our bons:, -- ,/a ,-//, nj( Ards," for hien 0011•, telt; you how to get well and stay well. Address, QUEEN MEDICINE CO., Bok 947. 1.10NTr EAL. About ten years ago I diet, became afflicted with ithcnnmatism and (lout., and during the last ten years I have been treated by several physicians. and they all advised Pie f lint it was impossible to cure me here, and that the only remedy for me was to go to a warmer climate. 1 was confined to my house last i)ecember owing to this disease, and wo- linable to do any work whatever. i commenced taking the Kootenay ('Pre which Mr. S. S. Ryckman, M. i , gave Inc about he middle of April lust, and Wier about one week's using this medicine i was' sufficiently cured to be able to start driving a bread wagon, which work required mo constantly getting on and off my wagon. 'The pains which 1 always had In my aides are now completely gone, n d 1 am now able to work without any pain whatever. in the past I have suffered almost Indoscrib- abi • agony from this disease. My general health has wonderfully improved since taking this medicine. Sworn to by MICHAEL H. UWYEtt, 52 Leeming Street, Hamilton, Send for pamphlet to 8. S. RYCHMutt MEDI- CINE Co., Harnliton, Ont. E ATT'