The Huron News-Record, 1896-01-29, Page 2w
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i A STItEVV '1'RAGF,DY. I the fire until the butler had come and Prop Q y i ,", A
gone. He then strode to the talbd r. A Olt ASU i'i 4Q Ek.-MEMBER
�H ���•;, "„• -,.=,, �: pt•ured out and .walled a stiff glass l'I F;tl1(t¢$DF.II$]Td,1 '1a, at �� The torrent oY homeward trnveling of spirits and Laced Ills uncle \vlth ru- In oouaeynoayegpf 1pfj Agq, qucl3t�istc athglprEbava
. , , Y decided to offer ftp p le 1y ton 14 gardenitrg pro•
'firsih; a ,te,,iI� t !1'U[(lanity was flowtug down L lccadlll salve a[ Ills tllOUth. party ouueiatiAg'4i•'l�rarttldlt 40 a'resiu 'tit to.;
R , �j,��` y :'hQ city maul wurtted by Illy phYrflctan 1`he [act ls, uncle," he said, nand- aomaoftbobeg6ipglltVEheegantyoFBttrvqq faolud•
I, ''b � W9. "4U',
f\ that if g'ruvving dyspepsia was to be ing with Ills back to the fire and speak lug hot bads a.Bd Atllor' nooee9ary rognlfamente•
.) „•,h•,1,,it!;�'.,' ., (,` fteoked he must walk to and front his Ing Calmly and deliberately; "the fact '1'haro1eanthe ggnnafaspfrautebonds vV,(titcellars, REUBEN
' _ '' [ , , v\ozk, trudged manfully homeward. is, uncle, that Julie Ynulon never• soft and hard w or, IV
add other ouEbnildingo
�\ 4 The Bavdeld river AdJoloe the properly. Will dell at
. , •I x+r, ' I ,'; The clubman wandered uture ielsurelY k[,ew Charlie at all. Site inlstuuk Mitis aro4eonableprlce rox bar eaep aridbalancosecured TRUAX �'
y+ lam,. ,t" avr ;5 •.) °tl t,, his diggings to dress for dluuer. A Yui me. 1'uu know that Ito stranger by rnortgago. Aa T desire to sell, this iu a ahauuo
(, L - ,, .3, , 1 a0dow wet with, Apply personally or by letter to S
4t',e, ( white petticoat here and there flashed could tell us apart. 1 was meant Lq the proprietor, i
v I f1 cut from the trousered throng. be her %Actin. That 1s all and that 1s I JOSTtPIi ALLANS0 v,
t0'•�ylll h 884-t.L 01b,ton I '
[ !, At the corner of Half Moon -street what will have to be told at the trial..
11 ` A� there wss a momentary black I It's even worse than you had expect- t
sw caring cabman delayed to hurl a ed, I'm afraid," And when the one—�T�iQrlaor $a10.
I.; ; J volley of oaths at a smart brougham titan stopped speaking, the other, too, To Ssucx PEZDEaa.+-Latgu umouut bast No. t l
twross which he had inexcusably kept silent. Indeed not another word Yelleiv Corn. Present prtea, according t, kind land '
I '. drawn. An appreciative audienc in as said by either. or exchangeutity, 41 for ats Or 4 bndhdl. Will Nall isfal01%6 h 1
@ � or exchange for oats Or tyrrl' kind e[ grain; rata avaea
11 ( . -•:-= ( the front rank of the walkers laughed, How long he stood there waiting Ell- give from Itu0mmltba Alma if dedirad. bunt f.•ed t
,\ , �,;' • f•- tL,cugh what there was to amuse in the v*•aid did not know. Finally he took oats without mixing Dora maul. Experience hue
i _•_; , Spravad that pognd for eon d good Yu11v,v (scut bleat
_,r S :,',%ls-j„;•:? GS.Cr' l.I' ,'ski ct arse language It was hard to see. his hat and lett the old man lookln;; wall put on morttµud hotter rat thus any ober meol ; �"a'r
�`• ,• -3" I. � -1q, Suddenly there was a quick, bright straight Into vacancy. for mixing 3o giYP buds to ualN, annnot ba bunt. Will r�'�"�'�+
- " I . •' 11dAh, a ringing report, a dead Pall OY * *,. • * * * have lute of gnslln u or Fodder Coro at preps r time i•�
i `; 1rd as near as I `
1)rlve tight to the warehousa o paiAta or,.nd'Vrmnk
„•� i,f � a body and a woman seized and pin- Such was the story, Puede[ ur titatoa, on„tou, ant. A
> ;'\'.q M?j„ �J'.i ',t ' 1US lined by prompt and powerful arms. could gather it from Lord Stonehouse bou-li w. a. PERttIN.
fell.,' pg s Then the walkers gathered around and and from my friend Edward Summers --- - --- --
4W J, enjuyed the tragedy even more than himself. Lord Charles I had never •
talt'It 1.".r'r Pias many they had appreciated the blasphemy. been intimate with, but I am sure that ��
• ""IVA',icrl',e 1 t::o 1„st 1'e The victim, who was "dead as nail n0 one could have been more aston- DO[I t Build Without A Plan,
I :.,11-r n.,r.
{{ �} g i door,” .,proved to be Lord Charles ished at lits falling a victim to the jeal-
FJx " "c,il�.liv h-i,,,L8 Liver : ummers. The Nemesis, a true daugh- ousy of a dissolute woman than I was -n-"--
l.:rtt!)lt's, r:,(l fav tD, c.,ra of lloadaclle ter or night, was Julia Panton, a demi- to learn that Edward had gut entail- ,� ADES FOWLER &eros
cu.r,<e,l u; !'1e-,(' &n,out,Enipntg, flyer's n cndaine as impulsive and dangerous gied in the foul meshes of such a ono [
1'1L'•i cauu OC c;::a`.a::. y tiro easy as she was dissolute. And her wanton- ar Julie Panton. It was the old story- Architects and Civil Engineers,
to to}:e, ar.d ness and recklessness brought her this
--,.,ayLe us be ca -pen as the da pre aced to a peaulana, specs in Clinton Land e aro )
A r 0 h 0 �R,v �, � to the gallows. The wonder lasted ty' prepared to autlply PIatN, specifications and details '
for nine days and then the puppy's Each one doth to the other say for any class of work at most readutabla rater.
all-ra'_ " f+rnL' r..d, kit I httva ever When he would better hide himself.
l:I[OSy1."-_M1tr.,.',,i,tJusxs0X,3ligRider eyes were opened. Patent Drawings prepared and patent. ul,tnined.
1ari• New kurk6ty• What the world wondered at was I would have gone ball for Edward's,'aluetiouoandinspecttonsourefullylaude.
yy� that Charlie Summers, of all people, pureness of living to any amount, and ,' ..
���%''•.4� ����� should have proved licentious. The ' r %ij Years P, !
here he was another L lyssee, who had 1
Aq;:Y�^; 'O at World's -Fair. hcsband of a woman who was ars proclaimed to me a hundred times the - Matt address -P. O. Box 210, Clinton' >�v(NN
-- charming as she was beautiful, he and practicability of virtue, forgetting his t tl
A ler':). arsa.par'illafort7tebloo6L shv had passed for pa terns to all eon
,, . ire_ ® - (tory t the Poul pleasures of leo e d Card of T'{.d a 4.1 kse Y
.� ten,plxtors of matrlm ny. And now,.ot With the horrible trial that followed ``t�✓d.i 1 aae�iF
a sudden, all dignity, all honor, was and the details of the vulgar intrigue -
The Huron News-Reeora gene. Death and ignominy had come my faith goodness took wings, with > , 1 1
a one blow. In truth, It was an In- TO \lY �IANI 1'A'1'1]u\S : '
L?,S a :aur-tl.oa in Advance. Edward's disgrace and sudden and !
gSorious heritage that Ills offspring cum�plete disappearance thereafter he- 1 d(eire l0 tender my sinCete thaul;E 1l"t• f� �,I
draw at a stroke. Nor was the horrid san my own loss of self respect, my for the very liberal patronage accord- ,]i, ... Il v < 1
acquisition all, for dispossession was cwn rapid demoralization. t +)^+r:r 1 d�
WEDNF.t3DAY• JANCARY, 20th, liillfl. Pd me in the past and o inform the ai: ��1Rb h• �,+`> fitly �ti.�•
at its heels and victimized them too. Not that I appear very different ►•. ♦''tip!_, , - - „
"My money go to the children of a probably to the world than I did, for I Public that I am still in the Carpet "'` +
profligate dog! Not a farthing of It! have learned to patch up the gaps !n Weavit]o Business on Fast St'eet
Advertising Axioms. Hon. Reuben E. Truax, one of tree are in any way deranged the
Let. the litter starve, for all I care, rrry modesty with hypocrisy, which C:odetieh, next the BiC)'Cle Factory. '
By J.WALTLRTHONIPSON,ofNewYork and the sooner the better!" And the matches it well. Tn speaking Of 1 pereol]al and mail orders will as vsuul Canada's ablest thinkers and States- Supply Of nerve force It h once
• or -silent uncle nursed his wrath and his which I am reminded that the last of
scut. poor Edward's eantipg lectures was
receive prompt attuntiou- All clxsaes men, a man so highly esteemed by diminished, and as a result the food
The reward of the faithful advertiser "No, no," he went on, "so long ar, of work it specialty, , Rt the lowest ]os
is Cet't•ttir], called forth by my remarking that 1 Y 1 the people of his district that be was taken into the Stomach is on
Charlie showed himself a gentleman hypoerlsy is one of the healthiest sible prices, and eatiefaetiou gdaran- honored with a seat in Parliament, partially digested, and Chronic Indi-
Man advertises and the peOplo make after he married -although, mind you,
purchases. signs to a community, for it shows teed. I kindlyfurnishes u8 for publication geation and Dyspepsia soon makb
p I always said he'd be better as a bach- theft virtue is the fashionable rule,
"Many men, uettnv tninds.' Many eior-so long he might look forward otherwlse there would be no object in W. A, Ross, East �t%set, the following statement, which will their appearance.
Ads. in tuany publications, many to inheriting my money. Ent now aping' it.
buyers. there's an end of him and his, so far Ten years have gone. Lord Stone- IGOl1ltFttiCtll. I be most welcome t0 the public, South American Nervine a 00
The name and quality of good goods as I'm concerned. I'm sorry for the house died soon after the trial, and all m inasmuch as it is One in Which all prepared that it soli directly on the
can he advertised so its to be "e110re young woman, his wife, but she toot[ hit- fortune passed to Lady Charles The McKillop Mutual Fire i will place implicit confidence. Mr. nerves. It will absolutely cure every
lasting than brass." be., chance, and it's turned up a blank. Summers and her children. Not a 1 u says '
Make your ads. speak the t.rutl] hold- Now it's Edward's turn." (This was Ts ; Dees of Indigestion and Dyspepsia,
word was said in the will of L++award,
ly, andthe people will appreciate your 14rd Edward Summers, Charles' Twin and I knew that he had practically Insurance Company - I have been for about ten years and is an absolute specific for all
brother, double and alter ego.) "And nothing to live on. Attempts from
frankness t,nd respond. g p
"From nothing (in the leading pub- Edward, so long as he shows himself a time to time to trace him have been very mush troubled with Indigestion IIervOUB diseases rB f i to menu.
„ gentleman, shall walk in Charles' made, but to no purpose. Wherever Farm and Isolated Town Proper- and Dyspepsia, have tried a great It usually gives relief in one day.
thing, bo nothing comes. From some- shoes. Not that I look upon Edward
thing, ho•Hever•, resoles are aeaf•e to come. he went he evidently assumed success- ty only Insured. many different kinds of patent Its powers to build up the ,hob
a•] a paragon of virtue. On the con- fully some evasive name. After all,
"May his fame endure forever' -the trary, I fear he's not altogether a Jos- he was rather a fool to give himself medicines, and have been treated by ryetem are wonderful in the extreme.
advertiser who advertises with sensihle crit. But, then, I've no reason to fear away. I'm inclined to think I should OFFICSaa.
copy that appeals to the sense of the that its peccadillos are vulgar, and I D.ltia a, President, Clinton P. O.; Gen, watt a number of physicians and found It cures the old, the young, and the
find him a trifle too virtuous for me vice-president, H.rlock R o, ; W. J. Shantou,
people. draw the line at vulgarity." And the and something of a bore if he turned Secy•Treae,, Scatorth P. O. , M. Murdie, In- no benefit from them. I was reeom- middle-aged. It is a great friend to
old gentleman gave a grunt of sates- %, now, so perhaps it's better as it 1>. pector ofolaima seatorth P. 0. mended to try the Great South the aged and infirm. Do not neglect
'Act.oriling to the otiicird figures just faction, as much as to say, "Now, I "Oh, it's you, Brown, is it? Why, I IDtaacroae,
published. French itnporbi for the think that's a very virtuous and prop- dEclare you quite startled me. I was Jas. Broadfoot, senforth ; Alex GArdlner, Lea American Nervine Tonic. I obtained to ase this precious boon i if you do,
ptst year decreased one hundred and er view to take of life." s,• engrossed In writing that I didn't bury' n"]rrSel Elliott, Clinton -, John teen
flft two rr]iiliou franes, and exports Having thus delivered himself, Lord bear the door open. A letter, Is it; nab. Seaf,>rth; Joseph Evans, Beechwood; Thoa. a battle, and I must eayIfoandvery you may neglect the Only remedy
y p g Garbutt, Clinton.
increased three hundred ,tad tell unllion Stonehouse called for pen and ink and Thanks." aaasra. great relief, and Lava since taken two which Will restore you t0 he
francs, as compared with the previous ,wrote, commanding a visit from his An envelope with a South African Thos. Neila; e, Harlock; Roht. b1cNillan, Sea• more bottles, and now feel that I am South American Nervine is perfectly
year. nephew and clearly hinting that the postmark addressed in a strange hand. forth; J. Cammingr, hgrnondville; Goo. Murdie,
-- corner in his heart which Nephew I1.stde a letter sse—by all that's a haor- Auditor . entirely free from Indigestion, and safe, and very pleasent to the taste. -
Parties dealrnue to eflact insurance or trans
TO ����■ a�w�.r'"��. Charles had occupied was now "to let," denary! -a letter in Edward Summers' act other l,usiness will be promptly attend- wOald strongly recommend all my Delicate ladies, do not fail to nee Chir
IiJM V and Edward might be Its tenant aur- handwriting. But what's this? Dated cd to on application to any Pt the ab„ve officers ad• fellow -sufferers from the disease to great cure, because it will put the
The hnderatl;ned having been restored to health ing good behavior, two years ago— dressed to their respective post oataeg•
by simple mean N, after angering for several yearNBut it is open to doubt whether th.r his Dear Gilbert—Death, as I remem� -- -- -- give SOBtlI American Nervine an bloom of freshness and beauty upon
with a severe lung affection, and that diced did.aae
Consumption, is anxious to makekn,nvn to bid fellow old misogynist would have been so ter you once saying in the dear, good FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS immediate trial. It will cure' you. your lips and in your. cheeks, and
sufferer. the me+tna of cure. To thus, who desire It, rE•ady to replace the one by the other old days that are passed, death, 'the f 1�
Ito will cheerfully send (free (,t charge) a copy of the lied he known that the two brothers great arithmetician, will. one day re- "1:EUBEN E. TRUAX, quickly drive away your diWbilities
prescription need. which that' will auu a .,uocure fur DUNN'S
Corr uiption u d. whiel Catarrh, Arno,,lieQx and had been equally enamored of Miss duce us all to a common denominator. " Wiilkerton, Ont." and weaknesses.
all throat said Lung Matudies. ,]e hopes Flora Carew, and that it had only This I writer with a request attached --
all sufforers will try his remedy, -is it is invalll- rtsted with her to decide whether sne that when I have gone ad maJores 1t 111 It has lately been discovered that Dr. W. Washburn, of Now
thee. nitro desiring the rovecripri.80 which will cost should become Lady Charles Or Lady shall be forwarded to you. Since I last certain Nerve Centres, located near Richmond, Indiana, writes: "I have
them nothing, , siri may prover )i,on, h will ll oaae I Ca
addreeN, Edward Summers. However, the se- saw you I have suffered -something- A
Rev. EDWARD A. WIL$ON,r-erook)yn,!New cret had been kept. and Lord Stone- but I have, too known something morethe babe O{ the brain, control and ared South American NelrviIIe lel
York. house never dreamed of it. And the tl;an happiness. supply the stomach with the neces- my family and preeoribed it is
------ next day Lord Edward called on his Poor devil! He doesn't seem to havo POW' DER properly g y p Mod exeellegA i
"Five years ago, says AngtA. Lewis, ut cle, as he ivaR bidden, got over his hypocritical phraseology. ,
eery nerve force todigest m practice, It it a
Ricard, N. Y., "I had acoostaritco-igh, ,'Adward," said the olid peer, "this And in this letter I propose to my- THECOOKSBEST FRIEND the food, when these Nerve Oen- remedy." �
nightsweats, was greatly reduced it) l i a devilish nasty business!" self the luxury of being a little ungen- LARGEm i SALE IN CANADA.
flesh, and had been given tip by mV "It is, uncle." crous. Yes, so far ungenerous as to let ------- - _-- SOLD BY WATTS R CO.
physicians. I began to take flyer's "It will drag the family horribly In just one person know that Charley was +�>-�.(�VMz:q
_ _ _
Cherry Pectoral, and after using two the mud." gullty, and that I was not the hypo- �—` •"�'_ '-""'y am uS-
bottles was completely cured. "I suppose nothing ,can he done to crite you imagine. Far, far my great- � � � II' O� ^ e�� r � eyq � K N
-_ htah the matter up? I suppose they'll cst trial has been the knowledge that IRA 4169 `!�f-�+ � k• --
• tt v► ° g„H",
hung the trollop, and not be content to I had lost your love and respect and E,} B� INIFOUT
At the opening of the lT r. St:des the love and respect of Flora Carew, cau•t bohricht and Pheorful Lt do that without turning up all the d48- f al nio(her'ia ;.dint end A151
� s
H(nnRP of Iil'pl'eRlaltatlVe6 14II'. (iOUdNn, r' tlw d:ut •ht •r cue, •L,inm A iSRINF
the blind chs liaiu, Frayed ferve.ntl of graceful particulars. v, hom I almost loved better than my ) R• HcAlth a V
the success o her irtt,tle for indepPY�iii- "I fancy not." s(.ul. And here I solemnly charge you, l.alafN,w,languul ,u,is,henat
ecce. The sentiments f Inde eni.i- "There 1s no possibility of squaring by our friendship, to keep the contents t I ,i1601,0on, r,;dtg. -t inn, ter. — LpTER E3CCESSES IN MANHOOD •
th,., reporters Is there?" of this letter to yourself, but I feel v1raav6;N• a n,t l-AH"n, dizzi- IS 9 IA
were greeted "-:Ill a round of :tppbtnse• 10 n••si, Cenoral f •, Ii1:gof weal(- f a K
"None, I should think. Thn murder I cannot die without leaving one I nu,a and tirodnoss tiro < MAKE NRRVOAJS• ®I SEASE® MEta
hrart lovin and one friend believing eau+o t bydPrr••�n u,outntthP T3 111CS5
-- - _ of a lord is much too vale ib1P for g PI' ---
YOU CAN FIT'L1CVE or ins dns!inr uy tsmiuinP. -
( C('PY." In me. O•i these Indian Woman's
T !� E R E ULT or ignnrnnce and folly in youth, ovnreaortinn Of mind and Fxx1v indn
Gilbert, by the Oad fn heaven shave coal u nets, re de -, ,] aOaaO, nfl lust and exlx y
"Then there's nothing further t0 be >smearo cB,)mo tly wrd 'it theliveaandlntnrn
The LPFLIlIIhn1711R 1)I1blIK11('(1 in hehttlt of cnrr'lcte divnder�, rettorPN health, and' Y
Bald about the cursed business, except us, I swear to You Julie Panton was y oungmen. Nomefa(loandwithernt an Dail ages
Hoo(1'.� Sursapxrillx. They atewritte n 11 ls--that not one farthingmore of MY tett((„rl\voutoutwnt freeeoo tapplicatl a. ' ""., aIneblossomto[fmnnhond,rwhiloothera are forced to drab out n weary fruitless
by honest people, who have actually unknown to me, even by name, when
fouiut tr] their own experience that money shall go to his brood. I shall the killed my brother. 'Che Lahn Mcolicino Co., Toronto, Outs uputnchnly existence, Othnra reach fe: -Th farm, t110 0 no
otbo workshopla or f , rho pulp t0
i t totims are fonn(l in All stations o[ life: The farm, �Q
incl even contfnuP the allowance I EDWARD Si;MMF.RS. �il,etrndesawlUleprofeeeiona.
Hood's Sal-sapavilla lmrifies the blood, ��Z67Z711�: :Z�ZT S -4�
creates an appetite, strengthens the n-ade him to his widow.” Phew, He expects me to belleve that. ,.+c
system and ithsohrtely unci )lernl:mpitL_ "And why not, unci 7?" does he? No, my dear Edward, I really Sold in Clinton by.I. 11- CMY)be. 0 RESTORED TO MANHOOD �Y DRS. K. 8c .F
because i - W,x. A. WALKER. WM A. vc0.LKELT {Y(�
ly cures all diseases caused by impure "And why not, Ted • Why, can't. -Sketch. __�
or deficient blood. I•vp got better things to do with mY _ __ --_ _--------- — qI.
_ money than to employ It In keeping rr„ patdwar illi'. Don't, worry. Don't. run in (leht• ; 4
HOODS PILLS for title liver and cut of hPggary the spawn of a vulgar tkh 4'
bowels, act promptly, em, 11 and tffPr- I1l:ertinP. No, Ted, not ono word, on What if the merry maiden goes a -rid- try
tl�flR[Pnfs witbum(1dicinlPs. Don'L {1k �y^
n _
lively. p I Y, their behalf, T beg you. The young ing on the wheel, Y p I ,
woman I ratty, Fret she . made her And wears a graceful costume that !9 waste t.ilue and money un w•nrthk'ss »_ � td
_._o •_ . - _ _ __ short above the heel? compounds. Don't. he pursvaded to . � p ®
A man who gave his name as D. �', bpd, and she must 11P on lt." take a. sohatilute for Aver's Snesn ar- ,. 9 J Q
Can any One gainsay It, that, though p y %, • l 'R l t it■
"You must forgive me, unele, when ilia. it. is the hest of hlirnd pnriticrs. - 0 s;
F.sDeond, who arrived in Utica Friday. , ,changed in mode OP dress, - �
morning ftom Montreal, and attempt- T flay that i think You have comp o She's of the gender feminine and not ___ _____-_ _ Divorced but
ed to get a chegnecashed, was arroto(•d a too hasty conclusion and that, when a whit the less? S°$ssc)nETRZATMZrr•r A1rrar TR1iATMAW s,
As he is wanted by the Montreal polite Sou ha\•P hPard further parllcular,, And, IP she dons the bloomers or the
on aChargP of bunrunrq It t>$an out of you will think so too." knfckerbOcker clathPs, IT PUT NEW LIFE IN ME: !'rN0 NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT.
wm. A. walker of 18th Street 1. 1 p i n street whod�
1 untold agonlPs for in "gal�i�
eighteen hundred dollars. "I big you to explain yr tcloar, Ted." Is not her person just as sweet a8 aaY 11 Am, I DID WAS JUST TO MOPF, AROUND" (. SYPHILIS onoq nodi rant, As' Vneof the&,yssdn�� et n the
"T x111 d0 s0, uncle, ay cl,`artY as L blooming rose,? . A s yy q Bg
can. Oh, God help me!" sudrb,nly ex. "SCOTT'S SARSAPARILLA CURED ME.' c NS� mouth an throat, bone isdisesaai Octal es on
TLIK iLLUSTRATED BuFFAL0 FX- clalm(`d the young man, burying hi9 �0 EMISSIONS month and throat hone pains, hair loose, e
PREF3S made several decided hits the What if the callPge maiden routs a The chilly weather of late fall and X„", �`"���L'TURE >�e,fint[ernailscnmeOH emieaions,became thin tend
fi CP In Ilia hands unit Ftart]Ing Lor] shell or Fculls with oars, despondent. Seven doctors treated me with Mercury,®
past year. One was with its c dist Stonehouse by the sudden change from earl winter finds them ltnprepared to potn.h,etc. They helped we but could not cure me.
tourist, Torn W. Winder, whose lively the unnatural calm which had possess- Or takes a goal In football field, or Y Finally
bowls upon the floors, stand the change and hence they ata t- !ys CiUi�ED �rAA
letters describing his journey around ell him hitherto. "Oli, God help m•1'. fer. This fact is plainly proved by- the I I " i r NewMethotiTrorttmenrydny.t cured Itxave,neverhearddof heirirdltngtocuminasingle�
the United States boundary were. react Ty she any less a woman if her skin a
Gnd heAo mP!" And its whole frame following opinions of some who speak t Foot feel yourself gaining Duets day• •
with touch interest, and 1Pasur•e h very brown, case."
p Y 9h00i( alp only does 8 strong man's In from ptactical experience :
anany people in this section. Another, mortal agony. Than when she trailed her skirts in ,,I felt like a man that could commit I owem Wife to Dra. K. k H. n
and even grPatter hit, .was "The Mn.n Ted, my boy!" cited the Olrl mud and wore a high -necked (`rpt. Chad. Sorry days:-" y 1MPOi'El�1CY
suicide. I Caught a cold mobilo camp- At It L lnarnc(i n bud habit At 21 1 had all the +ml.ione
Who Became a Savage, written for Ted, gown? jri on damp ground, had twinges of f ticminrol Weakness and Spearmatorrhom, VA�ICOQ C
TH•F EYpnwas by the farnou» hunter- man, whose pride anis had heft touch- And, if she boxes out her foe or fences ] g vitality. 1 married at f>t !-
11ke amen, awful musCu ar paha, couldn't eat and j'rnn�rnina advice mye fsrtlilyydoctor, blot it was s EM15SI `i
,narurahat, Willia[n . T. Hnrnaday, Pd up till now, but who found ifs G i O
heart at the sight of the YOvng man ; Lacks she any fasclnatlon, whate'or Couldn't s1eAp. All I did Was to mopeFndexperi•nco Ineightetnmontba wo ,nrn div I
TAF ILLUSTRATED ij%PRE88 itHelf is i3 around and make all in thA hou»e ae .othon mud" ed Drs. 1{. 6t K•. who restored mo k> rntuahCURED
overwhelming grief. "Ted, Ted, m. her scheme or plan? p •whytheir New metw Treatment. Itelta are h pff. This CURED
"hit," every issue. Icy, my poor fellow! It's, of course, miserable as myself. Scott's Sarsa ar• y Thiawas
So far as all experience of men with lila At new life to me, braced me up my nerved Tt'eD rK° �lontifia spool isats and 1 h y recommen thorn."
as bad as bad can be for you. I for- thoroughly, and since its use pain is a aiayanrsngo.
Mr Joseph Fireman, of St, Thomas, got, Ted, you loved him so!" • women woes, $ y' ,'Y We treat and cure Varicocele, F,mitsionr, Nervew Debility, Seminal
Ont., died at Melbourne, where. he was ^Loved him, uncle, loved him! Yes, alien eriQ me." Alex p oronto. �- B f
FOr every ten oP marriages nine are g t�° Syph Unnatural Dischas es, - . Abuse r
visiting, aged 67. Ise hand resided in I loved him, and I've killed him!" J. T. X0,Graw,• a mining prospector, flieakness, Gleet, Stricture, Yp
g chock felt of wane; writing from Minden : Express me three a Kidney and Bladder Diseases.
the vicinity of St. ',hone for fifty- "Ted, my poor lad, you don't know The very latest woman, with her mus- g 17 YEARS jr; ptrTRO1T. 200.000 CURED. NO RISK
seven years and wave one of the first a hat yov sav!" clan brains or pluck, bottles Scott's Sarsaparilla here before
Orangemen in the di9trict. "You don't think I knave what I am May brinK new toys to wedded life and Saturday. Have been a lmrtyr to ----�-
give us better luck. rheumatism and indl cation Bron ht on p J� n /lroyoaaviaylm9 Have hoye7 Aro yon oontera9ietlnt °tOn
s> Ylnf3• uncle? Yea, Yes. uncle, I do, il� � F� TL gel HaeyAnrBloodheendlseaned7 Have you any [I da fs o
IT SAVED OUR CHILD. it's burned so $cep into my brain that by exposure. Scott a BaraEtpar la is /j®y" yo
rap�idly Curingmeo lesNNIew��{{9@thbd I t entwWeurevon. Whatit hesdono for others it will da for oyr n.�,
"My little daughterf three and a half I seer" unable to say anything else Of one thing I am certain from the CON§1117 7fON rgpgr mnabl'Nornati, BOO Fee roated
EE" CV.1d [Komi IYonAd klitra ed), one:.
years old, suffered' three years with but I've, killed him, killed him. widest range of view, Nothin has ever equalled Scott's tCharge• hiit¢rstedeonable: .acen . Sealed.
t#oidon Ddonitor" (Lllnatrated),o°
a cents. Sealed.
Ec2ernit, Her little hod was Covered "Ted, you're ills you're overwrought, Old-fashioned types must stand aside SarsaP�r' la for building up the eyetem, Diseases oil ° I°alosoDoeets`>3e' I HOOT W iTTE ONItSNT. Pl l -
y my bay, by the calamity. Ring the and make way for the new. uttin„ the blood in healt ftd a rcula- (, , W_ N0 NA13 is USEp {{��y� T pp 1b�" Q t
with the Itching rasil, and doctors did Eton and invigorating' the body. Thou- VATS. No rn hing Confide tial. DQueettotJeat and cost of Trete[ -�
no good. Four bottles of Chase's Oint-' belf! A brandy and soda will put you Thank heaven for the change that n on >¢Veryt (VO, lw4�8 SHELBY $T�.�
Sands testify to its splendid Affects in � �R�g,---------�'-'-�' a
meth have entirely sakiy cured and saved right'" came, and fascinating tads; extreme weakness and all debilitating]. K,t 'rK�tM & KERGAN, DETROIT, ROIT, MICK
our child. Her akin is clear and nota "Aa You will, uncle, but It'll take For me the merry avtdoot girl who diiteaaAs. On this account n0 imitation, • Q� Hili t•r(B'+� f
. 'Ii -'I '6f rash IB to be seen." Andrew more than that, I fear." emulates the lads! cf Scott's should be accepted. Of your 1
i And Lord F,dward got up and stood-Wllllam TT, Rallou In American local druggists at $1 per bottle, 6 hot- Q, = •
A ton Hartland, hl. B. Mr. Aiton is Iehning on the mantlepiece peering into Wheelman. I ilea !$ Q, •
one oft thousands henefited by this tin-
fa•iling cure for piles and skin diseases. '
. , ,
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tlx S, ' is j � �`p r .,�,'1
1.,,.1 , .. ' r,'t .. ,,sv,, G,.`ri„�.,n si .,P .. .r. .._ ,A _.....__. .,•.,,•�,
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