The Huron News-Record, 1896-01-29, Page 1. 11 , '' q . y _ r . , { `'' r`' a . 'rI. . , '' 17- 77 11 ,, I4 ,, { 1: 5 ' {, 0 --_ _ _ Ir - , -- -. �..�,.. ,, , , I" 44.1 V X•�•lv JL XV, tBvU WHOLE 1�T0. 898AIA Paul said Brief Town Tohles. � Public 8c11pAl Board. .- Mr. Frank Evans, who has been ill County Currency. Goderloh. i -- — --�, • To Timothy' for a couple of weeks, is around again, 1ANNIVAL I�s1mTxNa-THE NOW PURNA- The by-law to raise $1,W0 for the THEYABE AWAY,—Returning officer "` Clinton Lodge No, 84, A. F. and A. CICS -'•W S. HARLAND HLOCTUD Purchase of a town bell, the establish. Beck sent the amt and all the election Zia& Ur,h M„ tneetson Friday evening, CHAIRMAN. merit of an electric fire &lois[ 4nd the 11 11 "Take a little wine f 1. or Mtas Hattie Davis is horzle on a visit The atnuual meetinir oP at the Clinton the propeurchabe rty otynetylof W, vo ed on s Cl�pncevy first Thursday. ers too the Clerk the Crown �n 11 I from Detroit, Public School Board was held in the carried by a majority, of 69. There F>lu CGINTON.-A Iatge nirutber of toy stomach sake," Dr. Freeborn was last wrek c�a a town halluflice. x�he fgliowing odfleera were 124 vales recarde for the b -law yQuupres. buelneae visit to Loins Head, Out, and 55 against it, y eut �Pthecarnivval ClintonOnnFriday and one I sealer and committees were elected ; $ and if you would be Mr. Thos, Britton has removed from 011alrman•-W. $,�Harlanc�. Ower a year sego lire Ram'e Horn °f the number, Mr. uoort, tgok first th, Ont., Nuv, Ili, lw5. Stapleton to town• offered a prize for the beet Story prioe in the obstacle race, Pr,l. Chamberlain : sure Of quality at re's• Se$et,iry- John (nninghame, gal- I)n.,uSIR,—I bave roat,dthe glawee yon otted rot Mrs. S. J. Jackson was on a visit to ar'Y $50• written in leas thorn a thoirBand Words, me to be erreotry eat;slactory, atthoo(rh I Live hod A' SEw COMPANY. -The Godetich N Seaforth last week, Caretaker -Wm, J. P , Y There were a great many stories sag► mill and lumber company has q,d. them but taus weeks. I hAte lodnd they pace sono ,i' Mies Ma i $5• UQu er satar written, but the one written. by the Vert(sed for 3,000,000 feet of logs in es a r alb a, half go d. Af Keyes o ur o, 1U,,k ;,, sonable prices go to gg a Brownlee was on a visit Rev. James Livingstone of Krncar• nddit]On to the lar gg�e number already Diany e! my meads have remarked ties abo„t the,,, re . �M to - Hen and Truancy Committee -J• dine, formerly of Clinton, wits givers I>at!(}ht, now on the We Peninsula. The Clinton Liquor Store. John I;ienry has purchased the En, W. Irwin, Dr. Agnew, Thos, Jackson, place by the committee to ' FURNITURE oOMPANY—IB an dosoet g tit;redaaeo” red have"'aaeeddooete�e lAw[ll a ladl'r Jnr wood property. P the fltBt e)oa. I can also real as long as I like, and my eye, ''1 Jr. wham they were subjected. KelilaedI -A11161-11 y Bills are out for skating races on the Property Committee -Isaac Jackson, j wen testhP heermlts'the u ldin d as ones its er. 0 you to any ono ,ay friends n tld;ng tie ,,, $. I , • Clinton ice rink Friday night, Jobn ihbinga and J. C. Stevenson., An East Wawanosh farmer sold a p a1),to ant t std, load of wood in Wingbam a few days for c(1r'rying on the work will be put up yours truly. a Mr. D. Welsmi]ler was In town yes, Re resentative on Collegiate Board- ago, representing it to be watch 1J14, expel itaoas y, 3Inbcl atodo. r6 --- terday. J.7Irwin. and which amount he ,,a When A�� �itt�V PARR, -The Property of Mr, Prof. Chambe[};tin, Eye �6' he went home he found+out that be had A lilXlitp Y Spic • �i 4= MWMr, ltvgars, of Cedarville, was an a Representative On he Exam- not as much iaottd fn his load as he bee P P Y iralist, of 87 King St, E., Tvranto, ti T';1�r ,� , ( *-1896 visit to the OGOks and Cantelons here ination Ward -W, R. Lough. ,Just a°!'th °f r park. has put., will be rat Allen &c Wilson's ,,;e, and returned home this week. The Board to meet monthly ou,the i th tuwntaguin a day or twtr after witrda InchInxme as Bummer park. The g vprnt to the bu er when new �1le4sur•e spot hits a high sounding D. -ug Store, Clinton,, Ont., soon, a,, Sit. i 140, Tu, JV4. Th. Pr, , Sa Mrs. James Watson who was on x y, at 7.30 and returned 25 vents. That B honest aery a.- Second Manila r;l'; t the property ie de Watch For date. t, , visit to her parents here, has returned The report of Principal Lough was Mr. Charles Clarkson, head master P In thOvpd man, highest oglictiouary. o be found ,�) .. Z 2 to her home at Seaforth.u- the x I: 4 received and filed. Twenty three . g 3® Y� Miss Maggie McMurray, town, was pits Passed therEntt+aaceat midsumelei ceivedethervery oeaif in to In tellteenco `I' `' NIVERBARY.-Last week at '+ ''' .• last week the guest of Mies Jennie g y g g the a dversary meeting of the North DuuJ;aunon. k ]C2. y Y�9 Y rind all the Mgdelitea (31) were success- a few days a U that the public school stteet.11hthodisti9unday, school, a very ORANG}. DISTRICT LODGE.— X118 +i " 5 °f ZS Sell, Winghaiu. Ful in December. The iritrodaction of algebra} of which }(e }e the author, has 4 '•° " 2 ' ;�q 2� it Fifth Class for year or two will give been se ected by the council of irbl]c ret jece entitled the At ch of Pane Oran e g . Y�J :20 1[ 2< Miss Jennie Bell who was on a visit Y { pretty ty P g Und ale Lodge of Wawanosh � �� 28 here, has returned to her home at a chance to grade the higher rooms Instructloh for the Northwest public was 'presented. The leading feature met here and Slee tAd officers as foil°ora: ,i'?t t'' 7 • �® �a - Wingham. more thoroughly; during the last torp toriea, as the autlaorized text bunk is all a t4a •intrvductiou of the Icings Of IV. M'; U. S• Durnin; D. M. W. J. 1VIc- x ° - Mrs. James Dunsford and children or three years too marry Pupils Passed algebra for use in the public schools of D440ns• Excellent recitations fol- tyre, Chaplain, James vaize; R. ,y„ - -� _ are on a visit to the lady's mother in the Entrance, ntra b morn and is e u toibetmovl the Territories, lowlrt� each entry and good music A, P• `ShpPJPirrd; F. 8., J. A, Elliott; 1. chiefly of a national aha"raster. At the Treasurer, amen Gibson; D. of u., "- Grey. Kincardine counoil has (fixed the end Richard Marrow; Lecturer, W. J. Me- . ° Town Topics. On the 31st lust. Mr. R. Downs will ed before they were fit. license fee for transient traders who a the line of pieces Christianity Ilwaine. The next atnnna! meetin " ' Of the new furnaces and ventilation stay Por a few niontha in the place at their t itidemeaatlher fel of et lineage plates w[tt he held at Dungannon, g - , h Cq rChUT.---On Thursday evening of No. 7, Hibbert entertainment in S. S. the [apart Bays: -A great boon was $ • this week the town hall should he pack- egnferred on the school last year by ed $35 for one dip d nil will b6 ery CARNIVAL. -There was &large The skating rink has been reopened f ed to:•t4e.doors to show tha.ttheChoral Thr, regular meeting of Kearns Tent the introduction Of an almost perfect p atteq'�ance at the carnival In the curl- t)Y Win. Mal{ongh and is now running +" Society should meet with tha success NO �� K O T• M•, takes place on system of ventilation. Had the system e i lo er th>Ln rdaawNek at hag erwek Ing a6d Skating rink on Friday even !n full hlnst and hits beau avail patron - it deserves. Avery low admission is Friday evening week. been introduced years ago man Y l P day. ��e, I►otavithstaanding the fact that �g by U1d villagers, A carnival ,x charged and a splendid programme Messrs, Plumsteel , Gibbings are who could notstand th,e deaftycaru ed town, wn, t here. ile ifs noneances hgRrcenter ttattn the t0roperature was slightly above expected soon, �, Will tie given. The Godetich Baarmon this week moving ] i own stare b opening s, 1 fr•eezip.g otnt, The dresses were very We are sorry t° say that Mr. War ` Y to e r Y a enin window would have �e I merry 11 ltgnticesyoun tars d 11 beOrchestra Of t$ instruments alone will in the Brick Biosis, calved a touch better education. While away from home, keeps thorn Crit lata $°Oil' $n the snow shoe and obstacle is Ltid up at present with a severe re a ;treat. Mtainly delight of Blyth, as tea Reeve John Wilford °f Blyth, call- the van tiNtion, is I consider, the great. at night, and robs them of their cash, races •well contested, so that, the 480 attack of congestion o£ the fun s. ` reader will certainly delight tie liter ed on TIIE NELVS-RECORD esterd& eat boon, the heating is also a very Mr. J. C. who Were present had the worth of g ary oeo le. The chorus work of 60 Y Y• real improvement on the olds stem,' Johnston, of Goderich, their hianey, By actual count there avMrs. B.J, Crawford )s spending a few �` .`. t p He was on his way to Godetich, where, Y• who has the stn a line between Luck- were X18 at one tittle on the ice ra fancy s visiting friends at Lucknow, voices will be + surprise to Clinton peo- ormerly aurae were uacomfortahle g ;-�" Ie and the solpists are always favor- the County Council {son session, now and the circular town, is to he dress,, and after the prizes had been Mr, Stephen Stother�, who has beer, y (),apt. McDonald because of too great heat and others heartily congratulated on the fine out- awn [res. We trust the officers of this or , of Porters Hill has uncomfortable because of the col >3 rrjed 180 were skating over the laid up foe the last few lluya, is able to I I inimtion will be amply repaid for been oyer thirty years in active ser+- Teachers and pupils should have better are he places on the road, The hotreea large sheet of ice cover t d, west ICE gc' around again• their efforts in bringing to ether such vice and should now be honored with health and do better work now. are a fine te,arn and the handsome Mon, a ], , ' a11harness looks well ahead of the news (; atiir. David Whyard is visiting fl iencls I b large nI)mber of eur musical people. a Majorship, _ in I,uckavid I Last week D. To this may he added a clause from painted vehicle. The wants of the rneet�� Laf Godetich Council No I57r ". GUN 'CELTS ANNUAL MEETINQ,— Cantelon shipped & the report of Inspector Rabb.—The Mr. and Mrs. T. Allen spent Sund;iy . The annus] mdetyn$ of the Clinton Car load of live hugs to Uollingavood rooms were w+arm, comfortable and the ,ps paeBengeraeorsseugciinwheah �Isit he Clans tan Order of Chosen Friends toy lust v{siting friends at (limon '" Gun Club, Lianitsd, was held at the and will ship another tar to -morrow. air apparent{ perfects o ,are tnorr(W evening. -Holy ()omuiitriion Miss Wright, of Godetich, is at r - 11 The price pail was3 qq Y pure, I nothe, roost faithfully and o. Chngly attend- will be celebrated at the close of morn- ant engaged at dlessmakin in thepaes_ Hotel Clarendon Monday night, when Cents• µvery decided improvement in the ed to by J. McVicar. he traffic on Ing service next Sunday in. the following officers were elected:— Several horse buyers were iu town matter of ventilation, the air in the route deserves to incrPaee. yy St. George's. Inge. g it Vii,. Geo. Hinckleyy, President; J, E. Black- Satuidxy :cud a few animals 'for the the rooms feeling as fresh and--Ca)3ain and Mrs. 'MacGregor last; b„ all, Vice-PreAidetrt • J.' McMurra tae- English market were a Un Wednesday evenin at 7,30 R There was ggreat eight of ra roan para- �, Y+ picked up at ad- Sw •et just before an Inteiinta- gg week (celebrated the fifteenth anniver- ing through this village last week, both cretary., J, E. Hovey; Treasurer; vanced prices. Ston as after it. Them_ does nclock, a very pretty weddin�;� took sary of their marriage. -A young man nig legs Lein off. lie walked on his : traitors, E. Cantelon, W. Foster, J. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lahti, of Roland, ,ot seem to be the same restle.mness on place at the residence of John Mtar•tyn, Warned Hearn was sent to penitentiary knees and said ire suss going t Olin- � f. a avail, Jas. Fatir, Jr., soil Jags. Hmiap. • bEair.; arO..On- a visit 'in this seeti[rn. 'the part of the pupils now, as when the •, 6k eon' hlaclzsrnith. when his eldest for theee ye;tre Last week, by Judge („n. THe Ho g g o C 1rn- , ,. he reasrtrr>r's rt shows-thek"6 mi1#r. Lobb Was tat one time in busl6pgs Y stoves, sold old ylts ac horse sterrlln P !fie Sof the county Qf 1. ' Pn fro°run were heated b ; W$ Mian Annie, orae united i g and two other Huron otsog'ht he thankful that the '� + (� * t�o!i be ani a,pmsperous condition 1lnatnci- At• Ff olmesaille. now en�av a uniform temperature,, ar [Yttge G) D. L. Morrison, a€ Mac ' eharg>9s•rif thetk. -Captain Joseph Beck, � y W allv:=Cash, -on, hand uettd, M'ic•h, Miss',ilitorrison, ofGode- of Saltford, was in Toronto the past have. &House- . RePnga. '$74:7b;' money Word has been received here that tua hot�wh ]e th se near a dor were � '1; owing pleb, $52,88; total, 1SI27.5$. The rich wxs bridesmaid and K. Graham week. -Mr. G. Henderson, of the G. T. What might have been it 'bail asci - Mrs. John Joslin Virden, Man, tiled +assisted the room, A R, staff, has been promoted, sand is now dent happened to Mr. Joiha Hiles, , . club have declared a dividend of 5° to ' too cold. During every day of my last g' greiat number ' P }; last week, The lady ways a sister of visitI foundthetemperatureataout67 0, While out driving his horse took fright ^r " sheTrelder6, wtff11 .ic pull[ be'payable at the ]ate Thos. Cooper and at one time witnessed the marriage, among whom at StratiooH -Mr: and Mrs. Jno. Strai- the �reaetlrer's office; This is the minimum temperature ac- Were many friends of both bride and ton, °f Thdrndale, are about moving t° and ran into the side of the road. As �" I resided here. cordis to the school re ulation, but r St. George station G. T. R. stick het <. � THE LATE MRs. MCMIIRCHiE.-The + g groom from Godetich. The wedding g + ,the gen- pPeged the horse Wins stopped �. Fridays Hie clearly demonstrated I believe that this is too tow, between ;'resents were numerous a d a tleman having obtained Promotion.— before any damage was done. "i death of, the widow of the late Reeve the necessityof having t19°'and 71 C is a much rnore comfor- ri:ate• q Pec'°p The rriemhers of the Godetich Gun McMurchie is' one of the most sad SPlenty of hose Mr. Thos. G. Aiten intend6 starting ,'- and that, the erson e events that has transpired ip Clinton P giving the alarm table temp ratnre. The removal of Mr. J. G. Murdoch, of Lucknow, is Cloth had an offhand shooting match a night school in tl�e ailIs, under the for many years. A couple of weeks Should inform the firemen where the in receipt t of a letter from Mr. Pew, tat, their range last F[ idrry.-The bicycle auspices of thv 1lleehato ", Institute, '.11^,s the stoves has increased the seating ro r p factory employees are Working till 9 fire ia, ca scat of the rooms at least ten per p fetor of the Hirr•on and Ontario _� x, since' the esteemed lady was strickep y p p 1t no doubt will be a success as Mr, Al- f'�,', with paralysis and finally succurr ed. Deputy Supreme Commander Geor a cent. The money put in these im rove- Electric Rona, s� o'clock every evening except Saturda Ion is a Professional teacher, +� t� g P sting that his engin. y+ Ever since Mr. McMurchie's death the Tbomppson, c)f London, was here last We°t was money well spent ail will car is now going over the. line making trying t° het ahead Of the order list.- We are sorry to learn that Mr. A. ` had 'not been her former self. ''she week in the interests of the K. O. T. M. repay itself many tunes over in the plans and specifications, He enclosed The knitting factory is now in running Black is very ill at present, but hops ", deceased had, long been a devoted and installed the officers of Kearns comfort anal heaalth of the pupils and a COPY of a letter from his backers in order and has twelve experienr;ed to bear of his recovery soon, :M member of Willis church, and her Tent N(,. f36, There was tan initiation tehchers. Heisting by hot air is of New York stating that as soon as the hands at the machines. This week a Mr•, Jae, Fowler, who has been vial r' and two a li course, the ons number of new hranda from town are t- .n sudden removal is universally regrett PP cations for membership. y riational luny. charter is Obtained theq are prepared Lein taken on so that b ing friends in this locality for the ast `A" t; ed. Three children survive, Mrs. (Dr.) A little son of Mr. Edward Rodawa The Principal was instructed to roti- furnish the means to no, the line, f; Y next week feat/ weeks, intends leavi) this week 'i `�1, the establishment will have a full staff. g Agnew, town, an unmarried daughter, Stapleton, had a delicate surgical oilper' fy all non-resident scholars that fees C°Pica of petitions are also enclosed to -Tire for his former home is Dakota, accom- :}` and James of the banking firm of Mc- ation performed on him on Monday. Utast be paid or they will be prop{hitrd be signed and sent on to Ottawa to Young people of Knox church are parried by lie mother and two sisters,..'g, Murchie &'Rance, Blyth, The funeral The bona back of one of the little fel- from attending, I ttsBiet in getting tare charter throw h going �) have an entertainment the c to Clinton cemetery last Frida was Iowa ears was reduced, the affliction The Property OOmmittee were 3n- the house. g principal Feature Of which will be an Mr. Will Mal;ough, who has been'_. largely attended b y structcid tooystar luncheon. -The Public School on the sick list for the past few drays ylk lk r friends. S' sympatliiaing arising from scarlet fever, provide new seats for the The following is a statement of the Board will meet for the tt^an6 ction of is able to move around again. ' Rev. E. J. Harris Is conducting Spec. Junior division. business transacted at the Walton regular business next Monday (mite an enjoyable time was sprS�am aYg ;' Clinton Yonn; People't'i Local Tial services this week at the Ba tint The Board expressed their a retia Cheese factory for the vear1895: There at Mr. David Bali's on Tuesday 1'a&t. :, church, The attendance is good and ti(,n of Truancy Ufflcer Welsh s ger- were 483,}43 pounds of milk received, '; Union. there is such an interest that souls are vices and recommended that the Cour- from which were made 39,841 pounds Auburn. Dancing and garfies were the principal ' asking the way of salvation each nigh cil reappoint him. of ^-heese. The total amount of cash PRESENTATION AVD ADDRESS. - amiisernents. .*2:, k' Topics at the several Young Peo se's ght. ,, . y;,' Society meetings being held during the Everyone is welcome. The following ace°ants were ruceice was $2,926.70, being an About 80 friends of Mr. D. E. Munroe Revival meetings are being carried I'- pSid le- average price of 735 per pond of took Possession of his residence on Fri- On by Rev. Mr. Edmund. Some good ?.y week :- Blyth Standard :-]Itr. Robert How- Hen` Y Y'°t'ng+ w°Oil. $6.80 ; J. Biddle- cheese. It tvok an average of [1.62 Kave hiiu a iv°r k has been done and no doubt diet e Baptist B. Y. P. U., Monday evening aril was in Clinton yesterday. -Mr, C°m{)e+ $l; Davis & Rowland, $1.10; W, g day evening and genuine „1 at 8 O'clock. Special services this Ben Mason, of Clinton ivas in town D Fair, $2.10; Beesley &Co.,47c,; Wrri, 'pounds of milk to make a pound of surprise, a was presented with an will be more. There tare ruarly who ,. cheese, Of the cash received, elegrant easy chair, as a token of reg act ought to live &better fife, :` week. on uesday,-_Ming Mary McElroy is Buck, on furuac•0 account, $218,50. went to the patrons and $1181, �l S12h3P and esteem for valued services render The Sunday School convention at I vi St, Methodist E. L. Of vfsSting friends in Wingbam,-Mr. The, Trustees of each ward will, week factor The factor ed the Sunda School and Bible Clinton was represented from this dis- ;:rr I C. E,, Mon ay evening from 8 to 0. Alfred Austin spent Sunda with Clin about visit the school, y y isinabetterppoB{- Y ' ` `topic for Feb. 3rd, Consecration ser- y tion than ever before to db a good busi• class. The following appropriate ad- trict b Messrs. Geo, Stothers, Wm. )'r. Master; George Rev, T. E. Higley rata(} The Board then adjourned, Hess during the coming season. T y J; vita, roll call, collection and monthly ge Higley were in Clinton dress was read by Miss ens Brown in Hiles, Miss A. Treleaven, S. McMath,11 reports. °u Tuesday, _ --- Catherine Campbell, who was buried her usual happy manner:— Mrs. Bickle and ,Mrs. Pentland. They til Ratteubu St, Methodist Girl's Jun- Co11UtY Currency. at Eginondville recently, was horn in TO MR. D. E. MUNROE: report a large attendance and the ad- �' K. rryy dresses given by different speakers ,; iorE. L. qfC. h., Friday evening from 4(r. F,dward B°ssenher of 'lurich 1792, and had thus reached the DbAR IJit().,-We, the teachers and 11 1 t11 � ? to S. Topic for Jan, 31st, "What, are Conpty Currency. had one %v John seutip s aro colts t , I this nF a 14. the lightonly by considering friends of the MethodisUSahbath school, werA very interesting. �": some of the blessings that come from There are some 23 cases of Grip at break, and one dot Last week he took can rP size what t t history that we having enJoyed your very valuable Ber- Miss C. Whyard and Ida Mathil i obedience," Matt. 5, lA, Miss Ida Cottle. Lucan. it Cut tc, drive. Sans. y vices as Bible class teacher for the : IyThe great spent Sunday yisltmg friends' in the .%, Rattenbury St, Methodist Bo s Jun- fell back, bursting a vein, and fnntdt years old when this to the woman was but nine Past seven years, :and having learned village. r Y' Revival meetings at Centralia are be- g w( roan was born ; that, you found it itimost impossible to Mr. John K. Medd, V. q., hnq r�rr,_ ler, for E. L. of U. E., Monday evening ing largely attended. short tithe the beast bled to death. she was a ono woman of 23 when p from 7 to 7,45. Topic for Feb. :3r•d, Y g still continue those service,; fcmarnother rneneed buying up milch cows with Che r l. ", Uonsecr&Won and roll call, ]ed by the T' R Flicks, grain merchant at Can_ The s ecialigtq in Montreal whom the battle of Waterloo was fought; the Year, we felt that the could not allow traria 1)aq bought ra storehouse trod Mr, Fmd Davis, (if Seaforth, consulted Indian mutiny, the rebellion of 3'7, and' Y°u to retire without ,. intention of starting a dairy hcisiness 1. })resident Wilfred Stevenson. thout ;,ivinq t(> this coming season in connection with al' Ontittio St. Methodist E. L. of C. E,, flour mill at Norwich and will remove give encouraging reports for nig Citi the (himean war were events of her You some tangible expression cif his livery. there. mate recovery. They claim that he middle life; she haul seen the death of high a) )r•eciation of your Mr. and Mrs. Allen, of Blyth, -zpent + i4iOnda evenin r at 8 o'clock. Topic our y', has no organic d19P.aRe, his whole three British sovereigns, and almost Prolonged sacrifices and untiring Sunda at. ��v for W. 3rd, gird clause of pledge; While working in tile chair factory trouble bein a nervous prostration. tiixt "{�'rJ Ilam. 8:28; Pa. 40:17; Acts, 21:22; Heh. at Wingham Torn Carrick had the t' g y Nr. Thos G. Allen', of this �� p y years of the reign Of ra fourth. efforts ro this department of Christian place. a., ,:,nI . 13:6. Leader, Miss T. Moor. Also misfortune to receive a severe blow in Mr. John Rapier, of the loth conce,s- To few indeed, are such years vouch- work- We therefore itsk you kindly '.+' ,,tv Consecration service and roll call. his right eye from a piece of wood, sfon of McKillop, has ppurchased the s&fed• to acce t this short address ex resin Miss Isiah Sannby had the misfur- t farm of Mr. Henry H31libright, tieing p P g tone to hrwe her ankle sprained at the r Ontario St. Methodist Junior E. L. A little son of Mr. James Irvine, of as it (foes very feebly unr heartfelt skating rink on Saturday night. ti, f4, of C. E., Friday evening at 7 o'clock. Seaforth, fell from the loft in the stable lot 2, on the 12th concession. The SUIUMerhill. indebtedness to you, sand also this eaaRp ,t Topic for Jan 31st, Consecration meet- to the floor below one da last week faarm contains 100 acres, on which are _ chair, not chat in any way we would "-`-"`- Y 40 acres of good wood land. It vitas meeting farD°Hallett, th ld ere ion try to remunerate you for your ea, nest Stanley, � , in led by President.. sustain{ng eeyere injuries to nig knee. the �1a;.1. ' Willis venin Presbyterian U. E, Society, Mr. John McGavin, of Toy eremith, purchased for $3,300, Tuesday the 21St rust., Bro. Thos. Me- devotedness, for this we are un COUNCIL, ,Council met oh i4tont3ay, ".+' Honda evening at 8,15. On Feb. 2nd was kicked in the breast b a horse on Mrs' John Gibson, of Brucefleld, re- Ilveen was again elected as District able to do, but we want q()u iO know, Jan. 2t)t h, according to statute, After , Y ceived a present, in the shape of a Master. There was a Rood re reaonta- A YOU vacate your p°sition in our taking the neceRsar declarations the a,`;: an ad rasa {s expected from Rev. R. P. Tuesday. It is hyped that his injuries atch•quilt, containiuR2,u10 pieces, the tion fl Winthra amongst whom y �; McKay, secretary of the Foreign Mis- pp p P school, that we realize the greatness of members proceeded tO business. All i'' • sion Board, g which are internal may prove very handiwork of Mrs, Graves of Wegt rotas the familiar fl the loss and we hope these few words the old officers were again appointed `, Hohnesvflle Methodist E. L. of C. E„ slight. Lorne, already 08 years of age, It is Scarlett, Clinton wars e f Bro. Joh may cheer you {£ ever an hour of Ione- ,Jb well y &t same salaries, Thos. Fraser, John si Sunday evening, prayer meeting, 6,30 While returning from the funeral on not often that a lady of such an iul- aented and we were all especially ]p&e_ liness should come and this chair may Mansur. and John Johnston were ap- 'fi "'' to 7 I y d Wednesday Mrs, Stephen Godkin was vanced age, is able to cut and sew by ed to see that ofd veteran, Bro SPA offer you n few hours of repose to pre- pointed to act with Reeve and clerk its , ed b the Press ant thrown out of her cutter near Grieve'g Board of health and Reeve Acrd cls n Londesborough Methodist E. L. of hand so many pieces, Hanle Sr., able to be present. Sea• pare you for more ar bridge, McK{Ifo Y+ ggreaatve Christian sae ;,:?; U• E., Monday evening at 8 o'clock. p, and her shoulder The annual meeting of the Bayfield forth was not represented Doran in enterprise in the future. We shall Medical Health Officer. The clerk was I� Topic for Feb. 3rd, Consecration ser- dislocated. pp g greatly ming you and we ho a you will instructed tc) ask far tenders for five vice, led by the President. Dr. J. S. Tennant, of Lucknow, has in the town°hall,nwhen thewas °following tweek Part to the Bro. to Whon, notification. 1 cords of atone to be delivered at cul- ,",l Turner's` Methodist E. L. of C. E., officers were appointed. President, orae sent Neing absent from Seaf^toa_ )e no atrarrger, but will often call in been elected District Deputy of the The local brethren turned out in and show us that in heart you are a vert on Bayfleld road opposite Alex. Feb. evening &t So'clock. Topic for High Court of the Independent Under 'W U. Woods; vice president, T, J, jY numbers. All prnsenttook an active hxt a' Ihreschool teacher still Praying T itebeli's, also tenders for printing. Feb. 2,id, "Our source of strength," °f Foreaterg of Ontario, for the Huron Marks; serretary.treasurer, John Mor- nterast [n the bugjnegs of the meetin blessing of Almighty God he f°ilowlnq accounts were ordered �� "' rasa consecration service and roll call, and Bruce divisions. gan; sexton, James Sturgeon• direr- At the conclusion the brethren saga may ahunclantly rest upon you, your Pard: -Alex. Foster, repairing culvert ,. -} Miss M. Crich. We are sorry to learn of the death of tors. George Bates, John Middleton, down to an oyster supper which had Rood wife and dear family, and so on Parr Line, 113.20; Thos, Stinson, fill_ a`'''' Mrs. Andrew 8hoebottotn, of Holyy- John McNL5hton, James Campbell, been provided try the local brethren at when our tails For the Divine Master Ing wnsboaton Bayfield road, $¢; John tY`f; YOnr l3Ubeeciptlon- rood which took lace at the family A. E. Erwin, James McDonald, the home of fro. Christopher Beacom, Lha{t terminate we rosy enter into the Alexander, ravel, $0.00;Jolin McGreg- I . edpp qq11 y g 1 Every subscriber to THix NEws-REC r Was her;34th year,andhadlsn ea ed Wiq ehaim, chilldtof Geo, H. Irvin, of Needless to o am le justice was Cone est forever. thrilled with the Masters or, gravel, 2, Roht. Thompson, gra- 3> ".14CRD shotrIci hepaid•in advance, If not for ra long time from inflamatoty rhea- They were flxin stove i es upata tO this y s proceedings, s well done. fiigg�ed on behalf of the vAl, $1,20;• M. Djell, filling washout, g h a painful accident. Et . eople, MISE A. Kxox, MrHe T. BROwN, $I•�t FAH• $tewar'R repairing oufvert, K: the credit;'pprfce must he ehsrged ana matism �Ird" we regretted Rome of thA Cltntan � $2; Arch Stirling, filling washout, F) collectecl Everq Individual indebted boy P P ars, R. G. STURDY. MR. A. KNox. t, $l: John A. Smith, a promising yyoung a Athrou h the�9 downstpfrs upstairs, bre then Were Sailed away by lousiness ' g + to thi3 office has been nottfled aY the man of 2I ears died at Seaforth and when a pipe fell through the R before this etag a of the A few pl�easant remarks orator John iteid,postrn financial statements, P g pipe hole in' the floor, was reached. proceAa{nes Y itev, given $5; Municipal World 1. 1; Part. NoaV what wp require is all back Was boric yon g hole, The next annual mAAt- b Mr, Baugh for Mr. Munroe, P $ Oountil account } P a Wednesday, Margaret lighting on his nose between the eyes Ing will be held {n C]intan, who, beingao moth gurpr.ised, was rrn- n1Aets again on Monday, Feb. 17th, at $litfid. 'Wf Iour 1&trona lease Isabella, his sister, died on Wednesday, and almost cut it in two. It took __ +able to reply fn person. The friends I o'clock P. m. -J. T. CAIRNS. Clerk. j,', remit the amondt of their indebted- aged 2 6, The circumstances are very seven stitches to bind the wound, but Petioles has voted to exp t$I72,000 the inner man,wnr, i„' Hess without further da a took with them lots Of Rood things for Private Haghurst of Hamilton speaks ti 1. y sad. Both died from consumption. it is now healing rapidly, in a waterworks system. Was enjoyed gaanll,ra ver aoc{rat time Y in terms Of praise of the new 14fartini- ,'; " Enfield rifle. ,., . . I . . 11 I" 11 . I 3 . } - • a i���d. k h i / w .;, .etiwS.a.,..e ,... S i�ynr. •.iYMab ' ,,:;11 . ^t'� r. -r..-.-., :, ; ru,._ rii