The Huron News-Record, 1896-01-22, Page 6'. I 11
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L n Matt of.tio dticG.ritlnl Int atiwlaaec ((ilii �o Q ot1Kftt2w�@4j o of t. gptijce iaae�ta ag Qhs ialtertbtt>t is he diii?er@ttaR Mr. o'reaturea and the four and Gwent
°`' hoe n(iv(teedAd in elo r fo> t-1-1'both 4 +af, lie W�ipM4ti G N tedcl}esu aur'dut gG; Went. 1Vo�v ae Co regopy X. And Se,t+ ancients ((elders) sego by St. John (Rev. POULTRY NOTE& • r
his itf :cDp.ug11 #Halle � ;AR a0 ono e n uu thi is � st ht t ata 4ixt)} t>a etita;>1, f regoly farbide adoration n v--0), is worse than absurd, it is dis-
t y pp, yv e
k, ;.# { r' r see Py peruanl. This T1s, Grub Ratxtish rove p�tat'the Rotnt)ntl ayatepdn doss not tiny "After to images, and would hexa honest; and is flatly contradicted by
�;;A fashi(prt, Why slow he naw return to do, and I ask Mr, meat and y.. read- done better, perhaps, to have pet mit• no less authority than his famous St, If chicks roost upon narrow ptttflsli+
a waste ink Siad Rpaes with so tnuct} ere to bear Chis well m mind, and ex- ted their destruction, just then at least Jerome, Victorinus, Primaslus, and es before their bret;>fttl Cpeeome tirgx
$rz Y hardened it !a likely that they w
twaddle ttipea the unimportant thing pect my prottflllae to be` glade 'good. litter popes, including -Leo ]U11, Gum- others of note. In this and in his
' 1 Oce ;, For nothing else, itri�.�ggi���ir ble, if not in AZr. W. says : "`No Catholic give8 any ritaud their worship. Pope . against other references to Scripture he la have crooked breast bones. Theretoret
the hope of cttuslRP n lit a round -eyed veneration, adot`tLtion, br wgrsblp to Pope; so much for immutable infalli- utterly reckless of truth but he cannot while they are young, let there at OX
i r, h p to their boxes, or have a coop without II
::••., a, y wonder o the part of �opr Roocrali eta images iu the ordinary �r Pratestsnt ir<ttp But the Catholic (Romanist) avoid It; his religion demands it. Sa-
:.'.' °: and sloop( prel(esj�afats, +iG the exhibl- meaning of these worda. I Imagine Mogitor .tells us that images "adorn tan perverted Hol Scri ture In order any poles -
1% ,
It, c
1". I ` tion of leetrning aisplttyed by the by the w�rd 'Catholic lie means one and beautify the house of Clod." And to tempt, if possible, the Savinur to
,rr.;:i dis d
y Roman priest iu cos p.g sections of whom w term a ROmAnist, and by we say that if only so taaed.:tnd not as cammitttng Idolatry, (Matt. iv), and i Ddtlk in any Ports is good for layin(;
. Hebrew, �hiionic Lind. S rnudic divis protestant,onowho protestsagaittstpop- objects of idolatry, they would be the devil's tactics must still. be used in hens; it contains all the elements of
c�. ; ` � ions; Targuuas and A .soretic texts. ery. Well, protestants do nut make the harmless, at least. So would crosses, teachin (idolatry of every kind. "Eph- egg food in almost the proper proport"
s• - . He might just as W014 and with as words employed bK Romanists, nor the so used. But I marvel at Mr. West's rahn is pini( to idols." In this image, tions; and no food will make hens MY
f µ;;:,., much relevauCy of�Iutpose, have treat- acts of worship which Romanists per- silliness of adducing those Romish relic and saint cultus, Romanists, like wheat in some shape, with a regu-
ed of Gulliaier'a rap(als, Sinbad the form. Words, and names, designating sheets, the Monitor and Record; as as Mr. Wes", teaches in his (otters, pre- lar ration of green out bones. Theo
' .- c., Sailor, the commentttrllea of the $molt acts, imposed by reiterated official authorities even in support of his puer- tend to exceptional humility of sunt; keep them comfortable and busy.
i'• 1.of Mormon, or the sections ordivisionsI authority, and translated into actions Ile reasoning, How if I should euaploy pride in its worst form, dressed up in
of the Koran. He really admits the by millions of people for centuries, the Canadian Churchman, the Chris- the guise of Lowliness. Such were the The days are at hand when the ear -
Solidity of the protestant position, must have some definite known mean- than Guardian or Presbyterian Review ancient Manichees . and Montanists ; ly pullets and the hens which moulted
y �% and then imagines he bas refuted their Ing. Or is Romanism such an inexplic- for proofs of arguments against Ro- and those, who, like inodern Romaniats, first will begin their song of ,produe-
, " .,/ • I 'r, r ignorance, by claiming the whole Able mystery, whilst professing to be manism 1 Romanists possess cunsum- made mediators of angels; and whom tion, a song which is ever music to the
lamest E. Niaholso„- weight of Jewish tradition for his sup- the one great school for the simple and mate gall, if nothing else. Mr. West St. Paul warns"
a it 'a hist, (Cul. ii, 181. poultrymen, See that they hav_ the
He claims Rabbi Johnathan. the densely ignorant? St. Paul tells us that "religious emblems are Again, when Mi• West intimates that combustible material to raise sufflelentl
`Vhy, dear Mr. Wes', Johnathan never evidently refers to it as the "mysterry used to Instruct the ignorant, and that the re was no strife about images before steam to keep the machinery at work
CURED BY wrote on the' pentialeuch at all, it was of iniquity," "Catholic," Mr. WestT, pictures,fire used in giving instruction, the tim(i of St. Augustine, 4W, he is and bring forth the product.
Sarsa- Rabbi OnkelOS; and Kennicott's colla- alter ego, a profeabed teacher of Catholic and that maps and globes are actually astray, and actually contradicts him -
R9 She,;as little bearing on doctrine, admitted adoration of images, employed in teaching geography • do self by mention of the contention on In the variety of farm products POUT*
parilla the Romish division as the heirogly- but denied serving Or bowing down to schools!" Wonderful, and all this is a images At the Council of EIvira, 806, try may become a source of income at
AYE phics of Egypt; and Mr. West's re- them. To adore literally means, "to plea for employing idolatrous outages almost it century earlier; and he is all seasons of the year; but, aside of
"I consulted doctors tvho preseribed for marks about the sections of the He- how down to, to kiss;" this is what Mr. in worship; haw relevant 1 Arid as grossly dishonest in his statetuents this, the farmer should have more
mc, but to ito pin -pow. 1 52101•ed ill rlgta+y brew, prove either his ignorance of the West says they do; "the images, he for initructing the ignorant ; Roman- About this Council rf Elvira. A aro chickens to save the butcher's bills,
wven long years. loloally, I bogan t ll•ti Hebrew, or a worse moral defect. I says, "which we kiss and before which ism always sees we! to supplying an please(, he has tefetred to that pre and to afford him a change from pork
Ayer's Sarsapartlla, In a week or Ltvu Am not concerned with the Lutheran we uncover our heads or kneel;" yet he ample mass of Ignorance for her iuia a cious Romish 111119""a" of of
it(, ced a decided impruvPmcat. l.ucour- gP and salt meats. We do not produce
aged by tldv result, i prow llien ,until in rt conformity of division with the Ro- does not venerate, worship or adore cultus, Its front 00 to ,90 per cent tai absurdity -"Acts of Martyrs;" and to enough; the city markets are rapidly,
mouth or so the sore 1) 6all to ln•al, and, mish, but only to say that Lutherans, the image; that is just what the purely papal countries are unaule to Ruinart arid De Aossi. He might as
inter using the Sarsaharllln for six in-�ntlls, like all ref,irtned Christians, eman- heathen did, and the plea they made read or write. This is the object of well refer us to the "Arabian Ni hta" growing.
the last trace of the cancer disap ieareil. '—
.i�6DIFa E. NTosoYsox, IrWruucerlltc, N. L', cipat.ed from papal thraldom, are for so doing. Mr. Westsaya, however, Romish Separate schools iu our high- for 1Lnthentic information on any' Ask the average farmer if he giva'a
permitted and encouraged to read that the Council of Trent settled all ly cultured country. I have no doubt occurrence in the vear 'L02. Both
®' [� c�����t� the Bible for themselves, in all this, accur'diI)g to Petavi us, by "referr- that papal jesuit missionaries such as Ruinart and De Rossi utterly discredit any time or attention to his poultry,
Ayer S— Saf sapid L1 its fulness, and judge for then(- ing all adoration and veneration to the Xavier and De Smet succeeded admir- such an idea. According to De Rossi and he will tell you n 'he women ..
selves of the truth ov falsity of prototypes of the images, and that the ably in India, and among the Rockies no sensible person can regard the folks gather the eggs an aise a 'Yew
� Admitted at the World's Fair. teach!rg; so that for people so happily cultus of anlages is only t•elative," So of Arner•ica, as Mr. West states. It Romish "Acts of Martyrs," as better' young ones, but they do pay. Of
,gy Rig pZELS Itepulade the .zaowels. citcumstanced, division of the com- said the heathen of their idols, its we was only a slight diversion from one than an olla 0rida elf lying absurdi- course they do not, nor would the cat-
inaudments is a, matter of in- learn from Arnobi its and many others. system of idolatry to another; and for ties; but Mr. est is in trouble about tle, horses or pigs if looked after in
�..�.._�...�.-�•—- difference, and is convenient mainly .Bot will Mr. West affirm that the in- honestly stating this fact at a conven• his saints and images, and would be the same slipshod' manner; but they;
-- to facilitate reference to the several fallible Council of TvenL contradicted tion of Christian Endettvorers at Mon- giad to shield thecal under the shadow will never listen to your preaching.
rhe Huron News -Record precepts. Not so with enthralled Ro- the equ}Llly infallible Second Council of treal, in 18J3, the speaker, Mr. Kar- of Ignatius. Why dues he not quote
manists who are nyt permitted to read, Nice, hell A. D. 784? if so, what be- maker, a Christian from India, wits in authority from Ignatius? That would Fowls need llme, but it Is the better
mark and learn for themselves; so that conies of infallibility? danger of being mobbed by Roman Settle the (natter better. Poor Eph- way to give them foods rich in this
91,25 a Year-si.00tn Advance as the priests become Dined to idols, so In the first act of the Council of Nice, cntizenA of our protestant Empire. rain 1 Every investigation leads to material. Chopped clover contains both
also must the people tecoine enslaved 781, is this definite decision, in the Such is Romish toleration of truth the one fact, that tit the close of the lime and nitrogenous matter. Peas are
WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 2111d. 1890. to the wretched fetish- cv 'r' hi form of a creed :- and fair speech. Mr. West says : "our 3rd century, Christianity in Rome, in- also rich with it, and wheat is a lime
When Mr. West says that a corn- country is flooded with obscene pie- stead of raising heatheiiisrn to its level, food. The wheat should be given after
- _. .- --- --- -.. nlandments are to be found entire in "I confess and agree And receive rind tures And immodest representations. be "' to accommodate itself, and sink clover, rest it be too concentrated, and
the appendix, page 91, of the one par- salute and adore ills unpolluted i,,,age- By these, the agents of SAtiLIl seek to to the level of p}1glLnisnl, :Ind Roman- Patten the fowls instead oC making
Reply to the Letters of 31r. West, ticultr Catechiser, noted above, he of our Lord Jesus Christ our true God, corrupt the youth of our land." Are ism of today is this, but in it fill, snore them lay.
Papal Priest, Goderich. might, with as much purpose, and and the holy image of the mother of Roman priests and Romanists the, only inveterate and ferocious forth. Mr.
1<PHRAIM IS JOINED ru IDOLS— with far greater honesty, have direct- God who (lore him without tile con- people who deplore this? Or is it, a West chitrges ns with takinga "fii'mctisli Old-time ideas are hard to down, but
AUTHORISED VERSION.—EPIIILAIJM — ed the ignorant masses to Exodus, xx, ception of seed. In like uranner, Also, plea for equally degarding idolatrous delight" ill exposing these errors, arid it Is waste of food keeping a cock with
chapter of the Latin Vulgate Bible, for I receive and adore the images; of the hetul•es? Or is it au insinuation sinli- is liberal in his epithets of falsehood hens from which it is not desir6t to.
A PARTAKER WITH IDOLS- R. C. VER- T' g hill apostles rO heitsand.mart tb F P
l31UN. HOSEA iv -17. them. They could not rend rind Under- ,y P P P Y " lar to the foul slander hurled by Mgr. rand ignorance, as all I:.urnauists, in- breed. They will lay and thrive better
stand the latter, and the tare out per- inn Fathers and ertnites; not, however, Clear of Kingston, some ears ago, cluctin popes, are. He mistakes our without his attentions, ana sterile eggs
Y P Y4 €• � 1T g P P'
nlitted to read and judge of the former, as gads. -Tu those who adore not against the good name oft a wouian- motives -nut with delight, but sorrow, will keep better than fertile ones,which
THE CRETIANS ARE ALWAYS ppusLIARS, apart, from riestl teaching. The the holy and venerable images, let hood of our country? If so I would for the corru )t,iuu of religion, Once fact is especially important if pickling
EVIL BEASTS—R. C. VERSION; rrrvs, l T' y g' there be anathema. -To those, who- } g
-12; AUTHORISED VERSION, THE whole gist oft at Catechism discredits pDint hurt and ills. \('esG to Spain and pure and undefiled. I remain is resorted to.
and discourages such examination of blaspheme the precious and veuer- 1.toine with their confessional boxes, Faithfully, yours,
SAME, Able images, let there he. anathema. priests and esuits, r•oduc•dn over A MEMBER ON THE, SOCIETY POR THE
__ the Scriptures by the people: and this, F j p g We shall not contend that a flock of
in popish line, Amounts to decid- -To those, who diligently teach not sixtytimes the rostitution Land vice PRoxo•rtu� o>•• Taul: CATHOLIC DOC
Editor News -Record p p P the whole, Christ -loving' People to p poultry would be the salvation of the
ed prohibition. And, be it well re- g T ' 1 in proportion to (population, and prove TRINE. farmer in these depresses times, but
DEARSIR.-HavingIeplied separately membered, it is not the protestant, but adore And salute the venerable and to him that it is nut only one cuts- Clinton, Jan. 8th, ISM. when English farmers are convinced
to the joint productions of priests NV est, the R. C. Bible, I am note referring to holy and precious images of all the tnaederent Romish teaehim violates,
Lambert and Doyle, in m recent let- g saint,, let there be anathema." And - -- -- - that there is more to be masse from
Y for the textual differences of the two but every one in the deca ogee. In their fowls than the provision of pin
Gera to your paper, I hoped Mr. West versions of the same Bible are not so the sixth act of the same council con- the'issue of Jan. 1st. 1896 he states and THAT DRAGGINU IN THE LOINS money for their wives and daughters,
would refrain, as an honorable contro- very formidable; but the Bible,
is, the demns as heretics those persons who rerteirates that protestAnts have images it is time we were giving the subject
versialist would, until I had dealt with Romish priests and hierarchy are so use the images commemoratively only and in churches, make ituages bath sacred IS USUALLY CAUSED BY A DERANGE -
each in turn. Instead of this, he has ,+ refuse to use there adorittivel Suchwr OF THE KIDNEYS—SOUT13 Alai- more consideration.
"joined to idols, that they fear and 3'• And profane; cities the Church in Co -(,indulged in the very characteristic Ro- hate such reading and examination in are the terms of the•second council of }pen�hagen, cit. Paul's, Lundon, England, ERICAN KIDNEY CURIE WiLL POSITIVE-
mish trick of sandwiching between ally version of the Bible, by the people. Nice, and received as binding on Mr. Westunnister Abbey • andthe remarks LY RELIEVE IT iN SIX HOURS, Aanxt„g a stable Door.
mine, two letters of his, containing Hence the strenuous efforts of the West. And all Romanists to -day. Now of the protestant clergyman, Mr. F. E. --- In windy climates some other way of
subject matter, largely of the swine bests to enslave youthful minds by let me cite the explanation of James GIArk, &c., inFinuating, in tell this, theft One may be deceived by the feeling hinging a Stable door than swinging
kind and on about similar lines, and as instruction, only in separate schools, Naclantus, Romish Bishop of Clugium, protestant,, so-called, must, t i mat- of weight or dragging in the loins that is on hinges is greatly desired. A de -
weak, as the two principal letters con- or by dense ignorance, as in papal on the above language, published at tet. of course, use images as Romanists causes unpleasantness and lnconven- vice to do this is shown in this engrav-
t,nbuted by the writer, calling himself c ountries. Satan sought to secure wor- Venice in the 10th century, and I ask do; and Actually affirms it in these fenc(tto n)ttny rnen itnd woven. Attri- Ing, and can be made from the follow-
••G'atholic," three months ago, And ship aiid honor for himself, stud sir to Mr.;We,t t(i give proof, if this exposi- words: "The object for which Catho- bating the trouble to something else, Ins: description. For a doorway three
which were then fully and pointedly inktitute idolatry in heaven, and was tion has ever h,Pn prohibited or quos- lits (Romanists) And Protestants have they target that thislnny beevidence Of by eight feet, make a batten d or in
answered and refuted by me, For the oast out. This the papacy has been tinned by the Church ar tiny pope of pours and images in their churches is inflarnrnitt( ry affections of the kidneys, the usual manner, weigh it, a pro -
truth of this ataternent, I refer your doing On earth. Satan has always R•('me• similar in all respect,;. Tu rnaka a dis- thiatoventually may develop into seri- erre two square sash weights t to -
readers to Ybe issues of TIIF NFws-RE- endeavored to pervert the honor due James' Naclantus say.,;: "We must tinction would be to make one witl;Out ons trouble. That very snccessftii spe-
volaD for the months of October and to God, into homage to some other tint Only confess, that the faithful in a ditference." Aurora: nronstruus,'un- cifiic, South Amerivan Kidney Cure
November, 1895. I am not, however, creatures -especially to himself. This the chnrch worship lie/ore tin image as blushing falsehood could setll'cely gets at the rout of kidney trouble, and •
at all greatly bewildered, or even sur- is just what tho pope art d papacy are some over -particular souls might per- be uttered. Satan, the father of lies, will quickly remove file cause, arid Lav- �•_ .
prised, at Mr. West's conduct in this doing, and will do, till their judgment adventure express Lheulselves; but we and author of idolatry, the Accuser of ing dune this, complete recoyei•y t,
connection, or in Any other. It is the arrivesSatan the founder of idola. roust furthermore confess, without the the brethren of Christ, would ever spun reached. It is worth repeating
common artifice of thepapacy to state, try, is also th.e author and father of least scruple of conscience, that they since his fall, charge and ac�tise All that South Aulerican Kiduc:y C%ate is a
re -state and reiterate falsehood, after lies, and so no person or community, adore the very image itself; for, in fact, God's true servants with the samle Bills remedy for the (perfect c'ul'l!of thin, oil(-
it has again and again been refuted, till given to idolatry or ('restore -homage, they venerate it with the identical war- that he, himself is guilty of, so would trouble, It does not pretend to be a i
the lie looks stale and less harmful by can he truthful. The Cretians were ship with which they venerate its pro- Mr. Nest, If Christians have works of (-ore-all, butit is a cure certain in every
repetition and reassertion. In this way noted idolaters, qnd were also as the totype, Hence, if they adore the prototype art in their homes ora monument in at case Of kidney trouble. Arid it does it
--every monstrous, corrupt And ferocious Apostle Paul, quoting one of their own with that divint worship which is rendered to public place, without even it tinge of quickly. Sold by Watts & Cu.
(l'AQ,'ri7tL of the papacy, even to those of Seers, says, "Always liars, evil beasts." Clod alone, sad which terlulically bears the any veneration or worship of them, Ora - --
infailibllity, and creating God, and Rome anti the ppapRev, its Ininutbat
ria, name of Laa, theyailore absothe imrwewith tbuught cif it, this accuser forthwith New York g'correspondent
then sacrificing him by the hands described in t Thess. ii. 2-12, And in the same Latria or divine worship; and, if charges them with being like Roman-Theruns cormsP
of the priest, in the idolatry the Revelation or Apocalypse of St. they adore the prototype with Duliaor ist,s. So would Satan. If Mr. West says --Great Britain has successfully
of the Mass, has been imposed John, Chapters 11 to 18, is "the mytery Hyperdulia, they are bound also to can prove that such reformed churches accoulplished Lire greatest naval feat
upon the enslaved Romish mild. of iniquity," "The Lie," The Woman Adore the image wrLh the self sarne,pe command their people with the terrors on record. She has mobilized a power-
Expectimg from Mr. West every spec- deceiving }till nations, the terrible cies of tvorsh"p." By this then, the of anathema or cursing to Worship, fu] Beet Frotu her oliva( reserve, and •
iesof chicanery, of which papal jesuitr "Beast." No Rotuish controven4alist worship paid to an itlinge of Christ is adore or venerate in tiny manner such manned and equipped it ready for iu-
ism is notoriously capable, 1 shall en- can possibly write (it- act with truth the very same in kind and degree As pictures, images or statues its Are in stunt Service tell within five days of
deavor to reply to hurl within the coni- and candor, Nothing advanced by the. worship paid to Christ Himself; their churches, homes or public places unexpected orders heing issue(l ;it the
pass of one letter, though every matter thelll can be received upon tr iv!t. And this is not contradicted, but main- and that the people are taught to be- 'Host unfavorable season of the year. )
he touches upon, is soPgregiouslp false ttiued by the Uouncil of Trent, trod by (leve that, such curses, for such di9o- - -- -
that its full exposure would require tin Ml,. West's opening statement of his Stich recognized authority as the Rom- bedience, would subject and consign 25 cent,; cures Catarrhal headache. ,
essay of some considerable length. In letter of 18Lb Dec., that Protestants kh St. Thomas Aquinas. Raman apol- them to punishment in the Spirit `• „ incipient Catarrh
my letter of Oct. 2nd, I referred to have long and short forms of the ten igists, dishonestly endeavor to explain world, we will believe hien ; if not lie 11 11Iiay Fever A 81,10URrLY HUNG SrABLhn DOOR.
Romanists omitting "t.he second cont. commandments such as Romanists and set up it difference between abilolute must stand self -convicted of calumny 11 .1 Catarrhal Deafness ,,•ether will just balance the door, or
mandment, viz : Exodus xx. 4--A in have, is untrue. No form, are gener- „• rendered to God and the relatin- and slander, of .an unmitigated char- 11" Cold in the head in 10 inakn tha door to balance the weights.
the table of commandments placed in ally rcc•ogniredbut tlie entire decalo, ,ro•ship, paid to images, but all such atter. He would fain Associate Rev. F. ulin• Purchase about eight yards of sash
the hands of the people." It is a fact As found either ill Exodus xx; or Drgtlut.• refining citimut absolve them of E. Clark, innocently, in his slanderous Foul Breath caused by c(rd and two large sash 'pulleys. Place
that many Romish Catechisms entirely v.; and his reference to the alleged in- the awful charge of gross idolatry, onslaught. And this is the foal road I Catarrh. in position a frame made of two by
omit these verses of Exodus, xx. Chap- eldest, at the Maidstone Uroas I'Ll" way I must be ermitted to chal- h which he reaches the tlaseh-is con- 2,5 cent~, secures Chi(se's Catarrh Curd
ter, and no Roman catechisin teaches station, is l eall almmst too Alll rod p Y eight inch plank having the pulleys
Y Y lenge the truth of the quotation he cllsiou by which he falsely claims "to with perfeeC ble.wer enclosed in enc'In near the top, and fit the door So that
that there is any danger or sin to the puerile, for ecen a Romish priest.. Thr assumes tA) titke from the learned pro- refute all objections against. Romish box. So)d by all rdealirs. it will slide up and down without
soul, or dishonor to God, in employing Romish division, so far frotu being, AS testant, Leibnitz, As properly i p Y conve y- practice" 1 Now respecting his Alleged - 1. -- lvcarin;; the cord. Fasten the sash
images for veneration in religious w•or- ho Alleges, "the only one c t1sistent• ing the int-aingof Leibnitz or ofany in- proofs from Scripture, I have, in forth- cr ods at the bottom of the door ne
ship,short• Of it denim) Of God And a sub- with the Hebrew text a-, 11s11}tlly totlo(1 telli ent non-romani`(t. I hold it tAt er detterq, full refuted thein. I chi I- `� hlle \I t'. �1tLlTllp('1 �eot t,, it W(`ll- �
stitution of Lhern for (sod ; and this is in MIiS. and printer( editions, is, in Y th4 batten. On each side of the u°'
be more in the form of a Statement of lenge hint to produce proof from known builder, of, was .Lt' listen to the frame Stripa of inch
the very plea and position that the ver- fart, the Most arbitrary, incunsistvnt• the Ftnnlish posit tun, fur t.h(• purpose the: fru(• `;eriptures, gin fug ch}tp- work plastering a house in that city, '"are cosecs to hold the door f inch
deet heathen assume; so that.tioni:uliposl-
sts and oppos(`d to mason and common of examining it : and the reasoning ter tin(] verse, where God con- soddenly fell to the floor, and expiredslide up and
are virtually in the salve posluon s('nse, s(Irvill� only the one purpose., otie(( t9 U,t that of it Ari I(1liltitPrR• rnandS f1C rPtlllt'PA Its to rlVe iillllll ttllllllt'(11FLtely• tion. The weight may
}as pagans are, and Roman priests that of Dein it mot• cloak for incl e 1 P g 1 6 down on the sides of the frame, which
1 g 1 g I S Ful• the most ignorant pagan, in how• veneration, adoration or w•or:ship, of -- May projeet out far enough for the
employ the stone Bnhterfuges of idolatry
H'i tries tap excitt, our won- ing do%vn befort, his idol, never thucighb Any kind, to holy relics. images, saints 1'fl1: C'IiiLI)Tt14%ti'S I:� 1:J[ 1 . I.urpose• or he borer( in to protect them
arguments and finespun theories to < P u l tit, hi. 1 Ar ning. hurl Informs of adoring it, e.xce}nt with till) t, species or }Engels. I do not Accept the spurious
mitigate or explain away I he lleinony. what, he is pleated to torn aur ignor•- of worship which Mr, West, Petaavilw scripture, called tk locryphn, authorized Sc:rofnla often shows it.self in Dal ly and the cord from the han theh r. This
ness of the idolatry, dint lwathen nnre by telling uS that the Helm and the Council of Trent., term relathe life and is characterized by swellings, rrethud ctlsts IeAa t
ms sorb (•sly by t e 4th session of the
very durable, can
priests use. McCAul, quoted by Little- sections of the text, live Admitted to be worship. Addes & Arnold And Mr. schisnmt.ical council of Trent nor the abseessrs, hip diseases, etr. Cnnstrtup- (,%,erhead hangers, i9
dale, cites 20 Rornish ratechisins, largo, v(ry anciont., idder evarl than t•he West are very i'voe with the epithet of ri 'rel legendarytradltlous of ,,I 11111011s tion :s scrofula of the hirigs. ill this t)P itseti for doors or shunt r, (aa d any
find small. Used in eleven countries, Milsoretic text.I `Uonderfill ! Pray Mr. ignorance ng}tinst Its, because the do scripture, manufactured to order by 11as, of dlseil os licoh's Bintilsimi is tin- firmer ,Aho Is handy' v.l.h tools
and in twenty st-ven Pf these till- verses \VVest, how Ancient IA the MiAS(Ilyt? hilt. ellylitVe oor minds by their idola- the slime c'ornncil, 0545-15)8, A. D.) -I (11'stlollllbl,V elle Imotit rl'.lilat)1H IIIPdI- (•i'Flly put It Into practica. .
Of the Second Commandment, noted, Not more anrient than the9th century, trona notions, and believe that it thing c-11 llotia him, in like in nnor•, tA) show vilw. rocaro I a. P. 4.n Vacant r."ca.
are entirely emitted, and ini tilated in and not printed till A. 1). 1525- not is and is riot, at the sante tithe. But where Gaud c•ommrands or re( otr•es ns to
the other two 1 Ill none of the severlt very t•ncient, i Crow ton IAte U) he of that, oracle, the Catholic Monitor, is pray to any other being, in the spirit - --- - Some of our city cousins seem to
Komish Cat.echi,msi haveexarnined Are much inatter to popery, which with all hroosht in to inform us that absolute world, except di4i Triune Coed• God is RHEUMATISM make pretty fair farmers, if we are
Verses A, G and Bof T:xoduA xx., found in its enormities, w•As then n rank grawt.h. prohlhition of mrtkin imngPA rA n -pt in- righternlSly a jealous (4od. ifs sA,yS to judge by what they say in the news-
enthechism, anywhere in the apart.,, Hut he r•onsules himself by ((aiming tended by the secun(r cononandment." `4i am the Imr•cj, this is u,y nail•,,, 1 will Its Cause and Cure. papers. Most of our readers will re-
used for cathechising. In one solitary the w•hol(- weight of Itahhinical or No one except, a fool or a knave would riot give my glory to another, normember that during the panic• a couple
instance are they found within the Jewish triulition for the romish divis- write Stich twaddle. Who says the my prake to graven things," A poisono u8 Acid in the Blood, ,,p years ago Mayor Pingree of Detroit
covers, and that only, As an appendix, ion. if it were so, you are wel- Makin of images or figures i4
at the end of the book, page 01, But, come to it, friend West. The g go{forbid- glory 42,-8). Mr. ��'•o tErid ithe give which needs remooal. started the Idle laborers n his city e
ler's Catechism, which, lie it remember- Pharisees and Scribes, claimed the same den? it is worship or adoration of glory and praise, to s. -.Marv. the Sainte poly one means fbr a radical cure, growing potatoes on vacant lots. The
ed, is the oil nue authorized to he in our Lord's tiruP ;And lie told them them such a•, Romanism inculcates, images An(1 relic•bones. "Th(re i, the Idea was adopted by various other cit-
y that is forbidden, in every form. And one Mediator between God and men, Rheumatism is a blood disease, due to les, slid the plan was found to be such
taugght to Romanist~, speaking the that the}* "made void the command- he. would accuse the Almighty, Ilim- the ontn Christ Jesus (d Tim. 2 r•, 5)." the presence of uric acid -a poison -in a good thing that It has been eomtin-
T4nglish lingua e. Why were these Ment of Clod by their tradition," "and self, Of fol( in his not prohibiting the RomAnists snake of Mary )l, lnor-P the s stem and it is onl b the removal
comrrnandmentsintheir ontlret rele at- taught, for doctrines, the command Y p g y. Y Y ued. Those in applied warp allowed
Y f( g creation of :anything beautiful in Art, potent mediator, than Christ; soil in- of this pain -producing pulsus, that a to use certain bits of lana and upon
ed to an appendix? Evidently, for no merits of "nen." (lies. Matt. xv. (d, 9, ,Science or Architecture, because, for yoke a host of others, many of very radical cure can be effected. Acute them enough was raised to go far fa=
conceivable purpose• but to h<podwink R. C. Version). And this is exactly sooth, pagans and Romanists, without nnsttindy character. The. Holy Ghost rheumatism is hereditary, and thus it is ward keeping poor families from st'arv-
English-speaking non RomatiNts, by what Leo XIII, and the army of such prohibition, cannot be prevented is the only true divine Sanctifier; but that young children are often victims to In The plan worked so well that It
the dishonest. pretence of not sup. Roman Priests are doing with Clod's from worshipping images, as well Mr. W., anti those led by Romanism, this torture. The use of liniments, em- ha been continued, This Year over
pressing the words, or true teaching of Word and commandment•, to -(lay. might He have been expecteto have seek Sanctification through senseless brocations and outward applications, 80.000 bushels of potatoes were thus
the commandment. Mr. West may But Mr. West need not he confined t) made the Romish saints And the Apes- things. His fla rant use of Scripture may give temporary relief, but can neverOYN
den this but I am neither La be dis- Jewish tradition ; he has the whole P g P grown to Detroit alone. Last Year ed
Y ties without bones, AO As to fpreclttde cannot surely 1'e wholly from ignor- cove, for the poison is in the blood, and s,n investment of E3,600 the crop netted
concerted nor amazed by any denials weight of the traditions of pagan the possibility of popes and papists }once or mistake. He must know, un- .Until it is expelled, rheumatism, sciatica 112,000; this year the elty's E6,000 invest-
or assertions, judging from those made idolatry for 4000 years together with Adoring and worshipping before, And less denselv ignorant, that the angel and neuraligic pains will continue. orient brings in a six -fold return. On
by him in bis recent letters. His all the mans of papal image -worship- kissing, their retended relies or re- mentioned in Genesis and Zacharias, Scotts' Sarsaparilla cures rheumatism by some of the vacant lots the potato
charge of falsityy and ignorance on our ping legendary traditions of 14 centur- mains. Mr. West says: "The Protes- was none else than visible inanifesta- removing the cause -by neutralizing and some
vielhas been ac nt lots to the sore.
part, relative to Romish catechisms, es, and such as the holy (?)) Council Of taunt rofesses to believe that the com- tion of Christ before His inearnAtion, expelling this poisonous acid. In chromic
will need a restatement, or fall tA) the Trent made of a ual obl4ation and Tits, of course, is that
and. It ie not the matter of an,y with that Book once sero nuts merit above referred to prod but now does not so manifest himself, cases, this medicine reaches the source with farmers, but that sA toe emelt
•o Y y t3- hibits the making of all images.' having done so once for ever. by His of the disease as no other medicine can. a way to look at It, Thf- point that we
divisions of the commandments that is nized in Rome As the Holy Scripture, This Is aq unmitigated falsehood. bets revealed in flesh. Mr. W., It gives renewed energy to the organs
at issue, but the flagrant suppression the Word of (sod. And besides all g should see is that it is a help to 'the
q PP Whorndoea heexpPettu halleve it? Not whether h mistake or Otherwise, offs- that sustain life, the forces that make the
of their words and meaning. Mr, this, his pope or pontiff, succeeded to even intelligent Romanists, but oil quotes and gives unintelligible refer. blood. for the nervous troubles of poor, many of them too poor tom; -buy
West well knows this; and be it re- the very name, and has usur�pped the the pr3eaL 'ridden slaves. Mr- Welts once, relative to Jacob blessing the youth, y p even potatoes. And then there is also
membered that all this babble about office and duties of the Pontifex outh for the debilit that recedes old
g the big lesson of economy to using the
division was introduced h •'Catholic," Maximus, the great high pPOnb or violation of the second commandment sons of Joseph. The true refegence iA, age, for ladies in their severe ordeals, it waste places. .
pp leads hit, to break the ninth Also. The Gen. 48 chap..v. 10, where Mr. West is without a compeer. _ __
in your columns and simulteneoual7 by p(pntifi of all the pagan ods of heathen idnlatrous 110petians are always liars." uts angels(lurni) for angel (singu- Scott's Sarsaparilla Is a concentrated r„nat(ianal.
Mr. W. in the chapel, and by both, for ome. "Ephraim s'jo ned W idols." He would even degrade the name of Par) a very significant difference es- compound of the finest medicines known
tb one evidentpurposd Ofdoiilgcuttle- Mr. West wrongly attributes our ,Testis to the level of his images, and ppciAlly, . In this controversy. The Man -Will You love me wher, spy
fish duty, raising (lust, or creAt n con- knowledge of our dot to God and our loris, to modern medical science -The dose is
y g K g Y contends that we moat not bow tut the Or the lace fit Dan. xd nffofds not the from one half to one teaspoonful and money's gone,
fusion . in the readers' minds, The neighbor its resulting ft-om the division ,,same finless we also worhi a Or venP.r- faintest round for praying to saints, durim its use the ordin vocations are � The Matd--Yea, if you will let mb
rtrtifice did not fulfil ex ectAttions, and of the commandments. i deny that ate images. God's word bids us'do the His Interpretation of the pasen es in not interfered with. spend it for you. -Louisville Truth.
thin Mr. W. discredited it, and said it any division has such importance. It) former; only popish Idolatry requires Reyelation, relative to "the four living I
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