The Huron News-Record, 1896-01-22, Page 2it rr A. 1 . ., r•, DISEASED LUNGS CURED BY TAKING Cherry Pectoral. " 1 contrneted a severe cold, which Settled on Inv binge, ;lull 1 did what is often dr ne In rsu:•11 ,: i ,t s, it. q •died it. I thea t•wl,ulU•d a doctor. 0 h,1 fl,n:nl, no end:dfi:itlg Lie, Utllt filo u•,,ptr putt of th•a left Lung was liadly G.•rtvd. ; .:.t ite he gave Ile! di„ out Keret to do any good, and 1 determined to y Ayer's Cu rr\' 1'_etu'al. After taking1, a f •w d')sea my trnll,l.t wns relieved, and lie- f t"o 1 had hnlsh,•d the bottle 1 was cured." —A. 1,:-aFLA1t, Wattnnlakel', Orangeville, Out. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Highest Awards at World's Fair. Ayers .Paha Cure indigestion. The Huron Nevus-Recora 1 25 a Year—$1.00 In Advance. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY, 22nd, 1896. THE ILLUSTRATED BUFFALO EX- PRESS. The leading paper' of Western New York, The Illustrated Buffalo Express, passed the 100,00() mark with its Christ- mas issue. Itdeserves success. With 1806, that. paper enters upon its tenth year. We doubt if there is another newspaper in the United States—one or two metropolitan journals perhaps excepted—which can show such a steady and substantial growth as The Illustrated Express. And there is a good reason for it. The Express is al- ways bright, but never sensational always full of news, but not without strong special attractions of its own. It combines the good qualities of half a dozen publications in different fields. It's the best five cents' worth that's printed. Mr. Foster Marvin, of Belleville, died Wednesday, after a long illness, aged 73. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, stair suffering for several years with a severe lung affection, and that d, end disease Consumption, is eaxions to make known t0 his fellow sufferer„ the mennq of core. To those who desire it, be will cheerfully send (free of charge) a onpy of the preeeriptlnn used, whish they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Brownchitia and all throat and Lung Maladies. He hopes all suffcrora will try hie remedy, aa It is invalu- able. Those desiring the presoriptlen. which will cost them nothing, and may prove a 'Messing, will, please address, Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, New very: A CONSCIENTIOUS TORONTO LADY. THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT 15 PUB- LISHED IJY REQUEST. I consider it my duty t0 inform the public of the extreme benefit I have re- ceived from the use of your South American Rheumatic' Cure. I have been a great sufferer for several years from rheumatism, and used this re- medy, with the best results. I trust others will follow my example, and he- lieve if they do so they will feel as grateful as I do for the benefit derived thereby. MRS. I3A1'I';9, 71 Gloucester st., To- ronto. Sold by Watts & Co. Mrs. Ann Boyd, a widow, wa.8 asphy- xiated by coal gas at Napanee last. week. The Greet way Government, captured at least 29 seats in the Manitoba elec- tions, with 10 U:' 11 divided between the Conservatives and independents, MAKE YOURSELF STRONG if you would resist pneumonia, bron- chitis, typhoid fever, and persistent, courill4 and colds. These ills attack the weak and ran dowu system. They can find no foothold where the blood is kept pure, rich and full of vitality, the appetite good and digestion vigorous, with Hood's Sarsaparilla, the one true blood purifier. HOOD'S PILLS cure liver ills, con- stipation, biliousness, jaundice, sick headache. --- Trapped. Miss Eldcr—I will bet you anything ou like that I will never m;;rry. Mr. Easy—I'll take you. Miss Elder (rapturously)- Ve'lll ynu, really? Then I won't bet, after all. The Cnt Rad alta, "Oh, boy, I'll give you a dollar to catch my canary bird." "He r jus; caught! ma'am." "Where ''here is We preolous pet?" "Mai': 4 a t up !he road's got 'lm,"—Chlca.g) 1:e ord. That gland. A darling little soft. white hand, Rose -palmed and sweet to kiss ; No sculptor ever carved from stone A fairer hand than this. No other hand unto my heart qould greater Solace bring, Unless, mayhan, It chance to be Four aces and a king. hA$ pAill (C(IIICt Ma..Tontr Mcltfle, Druggist, Poterboro: D1Aa ata—I have been troubled with Neuralgia more or leas for 25 years. For the pant 10 yearn my sufferings have been intense, until fast winter, when you advised me to try a box .01 "Templeton's Pink Powders." After taking three or four powders all pain left. I continued tem, however, until throe boxes were taken, and haveftad no recurrence of the pain for about nine or ton months, G. J. JOPLINC1, Bridgenorth, Ont. These ro`waera are a Positive Care for 'r*6Kiriitntlatn. Neuralala. Sclatica.IIa Grippe • Sold in Clinton by J. H. Combe. • • BACTERIOLOC Y. STUpENTS AT THE 0. A. C. TO STUDY THE SCIENCE. Its Relation to Dairying and Kindred Industries --- Tho Application or the Knowledge Already Acquired on the Subject Has Done 11uch W Further the Butter Industry of Dennutrk. The organization of a Departriojit of Bacteriology in connection with the Agricultural College at Guelph, is a wlge and important step in advance. F C. }Harrison, Ii.S.A., the bacteriolo- gist of the institution, is thoroughly equipped for the difficult and reyport- s'Lle position to which he has been an- i (ated. He devuted special attention tc gen .rel microscopy and bacteriolutiy In his own citlege course; after gradu- otion he c1st cod all the best bacterio- kgiea! laboratories on this continent; and the summers of 1894 and 185i he ePtnt at practical work in the botani- ca: and bacteriological laboratories of Cornell and Michigan universities. By the enterprise ar,u foresight of the Ilon. John Dryden and President Mills, the new bacteriological laboratory at Guelph is thoroughly equipped. Mr. Harrison Is now at work, and we ex - Peet valuable results, directly to the students of the college and indirectly to the people of the Province at large. Among; the various phases of the study of bacteriology, there are none which affect our life and well-being more intimately than those connected with dairying. Milk 1s one of the best - cella for the growth of germs, both harmless and disease -producing. It CI ntains bacteria when drawn from the cow's udder, and the condition of most stables Is such that contamina- tion In various ways takes 'place In the process of milking and immediately thereafter. The influence of these perms on milk, cream, butter and cheese, is a matter of vital interest to al' consumers of dairy products. Our knowledge of the various classes of bacteria and the effects which they produce, although largely increased of late years, is still very meagre and very much scattered. Persons desirous of obtaining a knowledge of these won- derful forms of plant life have to search the' various scientific periodic- als, bacteriological, medical and agri- cultural (in English, French and Ger- roan) and glean facts and scrape of In- formation from many sources. The importance of bacteriology to dairymen is just beginning to be rec- ognized. The application of the knowl- edge already acquired to the butter in- dustry of Denmark has done much, within the last few years, to improve the quality and increase the uniform- ity of the product of Danish dairies. The result has been achieved largely by pasteurizing the milk and cream and then introducing the desired kind of bacteria, known to scientific men as pure cultures. This method, so use- ful and satisfactory In Denmark, has frond favor in the United States also. Over 100 creameries on the other side of the line are introducing pure cul- tures. So it may now be stated as a fact, that the acience of bacteriology Is furnishing information which enables the butter -maker to make butter of superior flavor, more uniform charac- ter, and better keeping quality; the milkman, to have his milk sweet and free from disease -producing germs; and the cheese -maker, to understand r•nd control to a large extent the rip- ening and flavor of his cheese, It Is true that the methods of a -p - plying our present knowledge of lac- teal bacteriology are still Imperfect, but by patient study, persistent el - rt, and unswerving perseverance, the bacteriologist may eventually do for th dairying what he has already done in the fiend of medical science. We are pleased to learn that all second and third years students and all dairy stu- dcnts at the Guelph Agricultural Col- lege are now receiving instruction In thls hew and Important branch of sci- ence. A Carriage Wagon .lack. A jack made as illustrated, consists of an upright, b, 2 by 3 by 27 in., with slot in top for lev- er, Lever, c, Is 3 ft long. Saw 5 In, from upright b at a and fasten with hinge so that It will turn up and the, jack made shorter for use under th•. front axle. Screw a bolt 1n upright b, bore a hole in levzr c one in. from up- rlght,In'ert a rounni Iron with hook at erch end, the bottom hook to catch c\ or the bolt when carriage is raised. Farm and IIome, The Cnrrlculutn of the U.A.C. We learn from the 0. A. C. Review that the third year course of study has been greatly changed for the future. It was felt that a student, by taking a general course In the many depart- ments, got only a smattering of knowl- edge in each of them, as the time was too short to cover the work In a satis- factory manner. The student is hence- forth e.sked to specialize In some one of the five department, viz.: Agriculture and Dairying, Hnrticulture, Botany and Entimology, Biology and Zoology. Bacteriology and Histology, or Chem- istry and Physics, and a general course In Agriculture, Chemistry, Geology, Botany, Microscopy and English. Each student must also prepare a thesis on hie special work, In order to show that he is capable of carrying on work of original investigation. This thesis must be approved In order to pass, A re- cord Is also kept of the practical work and the amount of outside reading done by each student. In this way, the course is broadened and leads the stu- dent to search a book for a synopsis of some particular subject and not de- pend altogether on the professor's lec- ture notes. A fair amount of outside reading Is required of a first or second year student, hut as a rule the examin- ation papers are based on the lectures. Would Institute a Iroycntt. "Aw, Cholly, hawveyaw .been wead- ing about these 'Turkish outwages 7ft Armenia?" "Aw, yes; beastly thug, don't yew know." "Well, 'really, Cholly, I•m so worked up that I'm going to give up me Tura - Joh eisarwettesr"—Chteago Record ILL NIGH UNTO DEATH. TUI EXPERIENCE Ole A LADY WELL KNOWN IN COATICOOK, STRICKEN WITH LAURIPPE, FOLLOWEr) BY PNEUMONIA, SHELANGU1SHED FOR MORE THAN A YEAR --DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS SAVED LIER WHEN °'TITER MEDICINES FAILED. lhortt L'Etoile de l'P:et, °oatl000k, Que. Tile town of Averill, Vt., is situated about eight miles from (''atirook, Que., and is the hone of Mrs. Ada 1 fart well, who htt8 many relatives ,tad ttunleruua friends in the latter place. Mrs. Hart- well has )eased tht•ottgh an experience which L Etude de I'Est thinks worthy of giving the widest publicity as tunny others may derive multi benefit 1here- frour. Mrs. Hartwell has ever been considered a woman enjoying a healthy constitution until about three years ago, when she was, like hundreds of others in this vicinity, stricken with influenza or as it is 11101.0 generally term- ed la g't ippe, it disease which carried otf many people it) this town and vicinity, and to the case of numerous others left behind wrecked constitutions. As oft- en happens, pneumonia followed the first symptoms of la Frippo and Mrs. Hartwell was sick, nigh unto death. ABLE TO RIDE WITHOUT FATIGUE, The hest of medical aid was summoned and Mrs. Hartwell was saved from what seemed to her friends imminent death, but when convalescence came, she remained deprived of her appetite, extremely weak, and in consttnt dang- er of a relapse, and all her physician could do could not bring about her for- mer condition of health. Numerous medicines were tried but to 00 avail ; she was weak, dispirited and despaired of again enjoying her former vigor and health. For a whole year after her attack of pneumonia she continued to languish in this state. At last one day her husband purchased a few boxes of Dr. Williams Pink Pills. He had read of the many cures wrought by this wonderful medicine, but procured them he says for his wife in order to he able to say "we have tried all," rather than from strong faith in them. To please her husband Mrs. Haatwell willingly consented to take the Pink Pills, and great was her surprise and that of her husband, when, after taking three box- es she was able to take a short ride without feeling any fatigue. She wise- ly resolved to continue the treatment, and befot e long found that she had re- gained her old time strength, and she declared that she owes her recovery entirely to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Last winter Mrs. Hartwell felt a slight recurrence of her former weak- ness and again restored to Pink Pills, since which time she has not had a day's illness. Dr. Williams' Pink'Pills have a more potent influence on the blood and nerves than any other known medicine, and sp(edily restore the bloom of health to pallid cheeks. Pink Pills cure when all other medicines fail. Sold by all dealers or sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, by addressingg the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.., or Schenectady, N. Y. Refuse all substitutes alleged to be "just its good.' Read Ayer's Almanac, which your druggist, will gladly hand you, and note the wonderful cures of rheumatism, ca- tarrh, scrofula, dyspepsia, eczema, de- bility, humors, and sores, by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the nnly Sarsapar- illa admitted at the World's Fair. Cook's Cottso Root Ceatpauod Manufactured by T h e Cook Co., Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, Mich., is the only known safe, reliable monthly medicine ou which ladies can depend in "Me hour and lune of need." Every lady who reads this is requested to inclose two post- age stamps, with her address, for 5F?ee l8(1311,1t?e and full particulars, which we will send by returu mail in plain. sealed envelope. An old physician, 35 years con- tinued practice treating diseases of women, has charge of the office. and can be consulted by letter or in person, Address our main office THE COOK COMPANY, Room 3—No, 253 Woodward Ave,, Detroit, Mich. !LT' Cook's Cotton Root Compound is sold by all responsible wholesale and retail druggists in the Dominion of Canada and United States for One Dollar per box. Corn for Sale. To STOCK FEEDERS.—Large amount beat No. 1 Yellow Corn. Proa-ut price, according tr. kind end quantity, 41 to 411 oenta a bushel. Will well for cash or rxebange for outs Or Roy kind of grain; some case-; give from 1 to 0 mouths time if desired. Don't feed oats without mixing corn meal. Experience has proved that pound for pound good Yellow Corn Meal will put on more and better fat than any other meal ; for mixing to give body to sate. cannot be beat. Wil have lots of Ensilage or Fodder Corn at proper lime Drive right to the Warehouse opposite Grund Trunk Passenger Station, Clinton, Ont. 830-0 W. G. 1' 19 RRLN. Don't Build Without a Plan J. ADES FOWLER & CO., Architects and Civil Engineers, Are opening a permanent office in Clinton and are prepared to supply Plans, Speciflcatfona and details for tiny class of work tit most reasonable rates. Patent Drawings prepared and potents obtained. Valuations and inspections carefully made. 25 Years Eoepeviencein Ontario. Mall address—P. 0. Box 210, Clinton• Card of Thanks. TOM�. '11 MANY i 1 PA"T 01T ' R S. I desire to tender my sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage accord• ed nne in the past and to inform the publio that I ant still in the Carpet Weaving Business on Eget Street, Goderich, next the Bicycle Factory. Personal and mail orders will as usual receive prompt attention.. All classes of work a specialty, at the lowest pos• Bible prices, and satisfaction guaran- teed. W. A. Ross, East Street, GODERUC11. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. OFFICERS. D. loose, President, Clinton P. 0. ; Geo, Watt viae -president, Harlock P. 0, ; W. J, Shannon, Secy•Treas., Seaforth P. 0. ; 51. Murdie, In- pector ofclaima Seaforth P. 0. DIRECTORS, Jas, Broadfoot, Seaford: ; Alex Gardiner, Lea bury ; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton ; John Han nah, Seaforth ; Joseph Evans, Beechwood ; Thos. Garbutt, Clinton. coaxes, Thos. Neilar.e, Harlock; Roht. McMillen, Sea - forth ; J. Cummings, Egmoudville; Geo. Murdie, Auditor . Pardee desirous to effect Insurance or trans art other bushiest will bo promptly attend• ed to nn application to any of the above otllc:re ad• dressed to their respective poet offices, A YOUNG LADY'S SUCCESS. Miss 1IoBrillo's Expori011Oe Given for the Benefit ofklflYoak and Nervous Men and Women. She Specially Recommends Paine's Celery Compound. Miss Minnie McBrine, of Bethany, Ont., positively declares that Paine's Celery (Compound is worth its weight in gold for sick people. This state- ment, roming from one who was raised up to health and vigor. commands the closest. attention. Past failures with worthless medicines and perfect success with Paine's Celery Compound, is a strong and clear demonstration that the popular compound can he trusted in every Case. Read the following letter written by Miss McBrine, and then honestly de- cide whether Paine's Celery Compound is worthy of a trial as far as your case is concerned ; "it is with the greatest pleasure that I add my testimony to the volumes you haye already on fyle in favor of Paine's Celery Compound. After suf- fering for a length of time, and having met with many disappointments in the use of medicines in general, I com- menced to use Paine's Celery Com- pound which proved a complete success in my case. Your medicine cured me completely, and.I feel as well as ever before in my life. "Paine's Celery Compound is worth its weight in gold for sick people; I would specially recommend it to all weak and nervous people." Goos to Europe torTreatment Suffering For 'Fears from Insomnia and Nervous Debility—Prostrated, Exhausted—No Vitality —No Rest Until " Nature's Sweet Restorer," South American Nervine Tonic, Built up the Nervous Organism, and Gave Back to the Wearied and Exhausted Nerve-Oentres their Wonted Vigor. ADOLPHE LABODIE, B.C.L., J.F., OF THE WELL-KNOWN LEGAL FIRM OF LABODIE & LABODIE, MONTREAL. I For fourgenerations the remarkable family of LaBodie have been promin- ently identified with thelegalandpro- fesaional life of Montreal. A long line of active, intellectual men, whose am- bition to rise to prominence meant a constant drain upon the nerve forces and a tremendous demand for brain power. Mr Adolphe LaBodie, B.C.L., J.P.,etc., has for seventeen years been actively engaged in the legal profes- sion, living, as the duties of intellect - nal men of this fast age demand, beyond the reserve limit of natural nerve force, requiring more of the nerve centres at the base of the brain than they can possibly fulfil, which always results in nervous prostration, dyspepsia, hot flashes, insomnia, constipation, and attendant evils. Mr. LaBodIe spared neither time nor money to obtain relief, went to Europe for special treatment, all to no purpose. His attention being direct- ed to South American Nervine Tonic, ho concluded to try it. Result—im- mediate relief from insomnia, and a perfect and permanent cure from all other disorders, with but five bottles (-1 t' e :nervine. Mr. Adolphe LaBodie, under date of April 27th, writes from Montreal : —" I was suffering from insomnia and nervousd 1eb'1itv t prostration r ration and exhaustion, rather than rest, followed a night's experience. I took five bottles of South American Nervine, and am wholly recovered, and now enjoy restful nights. I have tried many remedies, have been treated in Europe, and can say with truthful em- phasis that the South American nerv- ine has cured me." There is reason in all things : busi- ness reasons in business,truthful reasons in truth. Mr. LaBodie'a statement herewith is the truthf 1 reason why, if South American Ner ine Tonic cured him, it will care you. It is the nerve builder for brain work- ers. Brain and stomach cannot both work at the same time with healthful and happy issues. One must suffer. Intense intellectual activity produces indigestion because the brain is con- suming all the nerve power. South American Nervine Tonic holds nature to a happy poise, and life and its duties swing to fruitful success. SOLD BY WATTS & CO. • • •i .i+i•, :) h v^2'i':?',•;i''::;tr"'"°4e-ita.-ii•,'r tr;, ,?v�'wA:i4,1-1i::3tiihie.%Y(Jj, /_ '.i:. 200,011 WEAK PEEN CUBED! STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. AiirOURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY ARE YOI' ? Nervone and <leeponrtrny; weak or debili;at«l; bevel r r,rninge: nnnm- u eyes e—llfoleea; rnmm,r jour: racily fntignad; excitn)ls and 1rritah o; eree sunken, red ,u,d blurred; p inples qn Earp: ,trPame and night lessee; restless; beggard looking; weak beck; hone pnin•: heir looser ulcera; gore thront• varicocele' deposit in nrino and drains at stool; di -trustful; wart of ronhd, n, c; lack of energy and strength — WE CAN CURE YOU l RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K. el K. JOHN A. MANLiN. JOHN A. MANLIN. CIIAS. POWE11S. CHAS. i'OWElt8. r.EFORE•rtgATI:xsT, AFTERIETATME(T. PGFVHh.'1.10 1 La1]rA'r. NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS UtLO WITHOUT WRITT:ti CiNCLi,7. VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS AND IMPOTENCY CURED,_ John A. Mnnlin Rays: --"T was one of din 0nnnt'nrl ole - time of early igl0 rnnrn corn nIO2 c. -r) tit 11 Seng of age. I triad coven medical firms end spent $1100 wit!:nut ;,vnii. I gave up in rlrgprrir. Tho rlrnlnn on my syst in were wenkr„iug my intellect as well as my aexnnl end 0/3Piral life. illy brother adviaod mo as n last 7080r$ to rot,ault Dra. ltrnnn.ly k Krrgnn, 1 commenced their New Method Treatment and in a few weeks was a now mem, w,lh now life and ambition, This woe four ra:lre ngn, and now 1 am mcrried and happy. 1 recommend these re sole epecialiets to all my afflicted fellowmen." CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.—CONFIDENTAL. "The vices of early boyhood fail lho fonndatin•t of my ruin. Later nn a "gny life" tied exposer(' to Mored di- seases completed the wreck. I hnd all the Aymt,tnme of Nervous Debility—sunken eyes, emissions, drsln in urine. nervonnneaa, weak bock, etc. Srphilia canned my hnir to fall out, bone pains, 'Beers in month nn,l on tongue, hlotahee on body, etc. 1 thank (Ind i trim.' i)rc. Rr nrrdp & Korgan. They restored me to health, vigor nod happiness," Syphilis, Emissions Varicocele, Cured, CHAS. POwrL'H. Ur We treat and euro Iilrienre/o, Fruistimrs, Nervone !'ability, S,ei,nal Weakness, Glee/, Stricture, 'j;bhi/is, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. 17 YEARS iN DETROIT. 200.000 CURED. NO RISK. READER! Aro yon n victim? Iim••• Son lost hore? Are ran enntnmpplatine mar- riage? Hen your Blood b en disease)? Bare you env weekne•c- Our New Method Treatment will earn ).on, 40 lo,t it hn, dorm for others it will rin r,:, • en. CONSULTATION FREE. No mntler who hes trr'nt.•r1 yon write for en hone.? ,,'inion l',00of Charge C rgee reasonable+. 13001(9 FOIL -- "1'he yon, Monitor" (illustrated), on Disease, of Me Inclose poetage, 2 can's. fmJrd. l -NO NAMES USEDWil FIGUT J'RITTEi�' CONSENT. PRi- VATE. No medicine a nt C. O. L/ No names en boxes or privet - apes. FverythIng confidential. Question Net and cost of Treat- ment, FREE. DDS. KENNEDY C REAGAN, oig F,G1T MIC T• MIC. - . \„+1I -.'I'..— .,b!'.:f:1LYt..Y3,.J.... t ...rte. -x.-.-, s. a,Ci `•"may t+