HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-08-21, Page 8Pfrage
-r;Fall Goods
Many exclusive lines ef new styles and cloths
in Fall and Winter Ready-to,wear and Furs now on
display for the coming season.
Ladies' New Suits, Coats, Dresses,
Capes and Dolmans
We are sole agents for Holt Renfrew's high-
'Al class Hudson Seal Coats and Furs.
IHeadquarters for Society Brand Cloths, Twentieth
1 Century Clothes, Borsalino Hats.
i Hanna &
11/..,,. •
1 NOTE -60 Boys' Suits on sale for
1 one week at $8.98, all sizes. .
The Store with the Stock.
5AMMMMMMMMMMMM momwwwewmw,
" esexosiworog
5 galas
"Good health h priceless."
If you suffer from Rheumatic afflietionsT.R.C.'s will remedY
your condition and remove both pain and disease.
Ask your druggist or write us fotour new booklet; it Is Interesting and costs yon nothing
1(Tetnp1etons, 142 King W., Torouto), We mail T.R.C.'s anywhere on receipt of $1.01.
Sole Agent for J WALTON
VicKIBBON Druggist &
Whiteeh u rch
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Kennedy of
.Toronto, are visiting at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. David Kennedy.
Miss ,Annie H. Henry, , Nursing Sister,
C. A, M,C., left on Tuesday for the
West, to visit her sister, Mrs. C. H.
•Hintle, of Waseca, Sask,
Misses Mary.and Sarah Sharpe of Tees-
.• water, are visiting their mint, Mrs. 11,
t. Hendersoo.
Wnr: Kennedy, Sr-, has returned
from, Fergus hospital, where he under-
Veni astoperetion.
Rev. Is W. Penrose of West Lorne;
' preached in the Methodist Church last
Rev. lotus Henderson, pastor of the
lllethodist Church here, is holidaying in
Mrs. James Morrison is vieltims her
daughter, Mrs. Mess Mowbray of Dun-
Mise Sarah Stewart of Saskatoon and
Dr. Rebert Stewart of Toronto, spent
Sunday with friends here,
• Mr- and Mrs, joint Allen of Shelburne,
are visiting tunotig friends her.
Miss Xt1el Simpson of Wingitatn, is
.speoding her holidays with relatives Isere,
- Pte. Chas, Itorbee, who returned last
Week frOtn . overseas is visiting friends
• hereshefore proceeditig to hi's home at
• Heaney, Man,
Mra. Lengtenge and two ehildren of
Butit's Valls are spending a fortnight,
with the •fortner'a aunt, Mrs. MeClen-!
Mrs, (Rev.) Henderson of the parson -I
age is visitiog Mende itt Mitchell and
Miss Florence Meltae, Nursing Siker,
of London, was the guest over the week -
of her friend, Miss A. IL Henry.
Mi i f Mi i
se ary Jam eso o i
gate s
ed her cousin, Mrs. Jas.1,Vilsun last week.
Rev. J. Henry Martin of Long Branch,
nreached iu the Preebyterian Atwell, on
Miss Jean Gilliee underwent an opesn,
tion for appendicitis in Wingliam hold -
tel. last week.
Miss .Ada Clubb is spending pas I ,. her
.vacetion with her aunt, Mrs. Win.
if Seaforth,
Mire, Agnes, Inetteedy led the thrild
meeting on Stiaday, Mt sK. terra(' stn
a solo. The topic for August 24th is the
"Folly of P ritleS' The leader is Kathleen
Pte. Henry A. Pardon, who spent the
past month among relatives here, left on
Tuesday for his home„at Walpole; Sask.
Misses Cora -and Agnes MacQuaig N'urss
Mg Sisters, of Lucknow visited oft Mon-
day at • the home of Mr. and Mrs. V.
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Peterson of Handl:
ton, Mr. and Mrs. W. Petereon Of Galt,
and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor .of
Niagara Valls were Sunday visitors at
Mr, Ken Paterson'e. .
Miss Flossie McGsessor•has reternedt6
Misses Merle Wilson and Irene Moore,
visited Langside friends last week.
Miss Porter of Winghtim, was a gust
Sundayat the home , of Mrs. IL D.
Mrs. Win, isTorman of Langside, visited
her sister, Mrs Jas. neon last. week.
Master Malcolm McG. Ross ;is holiday.
ing at the home of his aunt, AIM W. J.
Coulter, near Winglutin.
Iri loning memory of Pte T. Leslie Mc-
Kinney who died August 23rd, 1917.
Thou art gone but not forgotten,
As it dawns another year,
In our lonely hearts of thinking,
Thoughts of you are ever dear.
Two years have passed and yet we miss
Never will vottr memory fade,
Loving thoughts will always linger,
Round the place where you are bid.
Days of sadness still eome o'er us,
Tears in silence often flow,
For memory keeps you ever near ue
Though you died two years ago.
You're not forgotten, Leslie dear,
. Nor will „you ever be,
As long as life and memory last,
We will remember thee.
• Father, Mother, Brothers and Sister;
°Isere in Lower Wingham, rm Friday,
August Vith, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. II
Oivie, a slanighter.
Kum -In Wineham, on 'rneerlay,
Aueust Nth, to Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
lisiddlasta aCla.
A Few Weeks Spent RenrvIng Old
Mr. J. G. Stewart pens the followieg
account of hia trip and a few of the forms
er residents of this section, whom he came
in contact with while spending the aunun-
er in the West.
On June 10tb I boarded the C, P. R.
train at 0.40 a in, arrived in Toronto
at 11.30 a. in. and having sowed my berth
to Winnipeg, did a little visiting in the
city, again stepped on the Tourist train
for Vancouver at 10 p, m., ixty first sty
over being at Calgary where I was well
looked after by my old friends, mr. and
Mrs. Kersey Jackson, who are in very
prosperous circumstances end whose kind-
ness I shall never forget, as I stayed there
about two weeks and a half, lived on the
very best and was made right at home.
I will not forget the dasy I gave Mra.
Jackson a little box to Ail with lunch and
told her not to give me any more than
the one box full, when I went to put
the box in my suitcase she had two boxes
full and she said she thought two boxes
would pack better than one. These are
the kind of people' met all along the ways
During my stay in Calgary I met our
well known townsman Mr. George Mason
and with our arms around each other, we
promenaded around for awhile. Other
good old friends I met wete. Geo. Gregory,
Geo. Taylor, Ross Stubbs, Art Carr, Thos.
Jackson, Chas. Jackson, George Cottle,
WineRussel, Dr. James Armstrong, Wm.
Porterfield, Mrs. T. leranclon, Barney
Coady, Mrs Jae, Prods's, and a cousin
George IL Cloiskey, who is a whole heart-
ed man, (and apparently a great friend
of the Calgary people) invited me to a
car ride, which I very gladly accepted.
We left Calgary about 9 a. in, June 24th,
and went over beautiful weds and line
looking country for 75 miles towards Mc.
Leod passing through Okotoks, High
River and Nanton, this town being the
home of our old friend, Wm. Robertson,
who is Town Clerk and Treasorer, and
with whom I had quite a cbat. After
having dinner in the ton we continued
our trip further south,a few miles, part of
the time going through •fields a raw
prairie. Mr. ClOakey is Inspector of
ranches which necessitates his being Out
through the country a great deal. We
landed back in Calgary about 5 30 p. m.
after riding 150 milesin his beautiful !die
Nash car, On June the 27th I had a nice
visit with Mr, and Mrs Ralph Hodson,
old Wingham friends who are always de-
lighted to see any of their old time
friends. ,
With the permissien P, Burns; the
great meat king of the West. Mr. Ker-
sey Jackson and myself had ethe pleasure
ageing thiougli:his plant from start to
finish having a guide to show us every
department • here the killing of cattle,
hogs, etc., to the finished product made
ready for the retailer.
I also visited the Hudson Bay COMP^
any's store end hada few meals there, It
is somewhat like the T Eaton Co's store
in Toronto only not so large. I must riot
forget to mention the grand clay we had
at the Huron Old Boys' Reunion picnic
which was held on St Georges' Island
where about three hundred old boys" and
girls assembled and enjoyed themselves
swinging, playing ball, shaking hands and
speec'hinaking, of coerse ,the most interes-
ting speech being made by my fr encl, Mr
Gep. Mason, who told the westerners a
thing or two, Proust say that the Huron
old girls around ,Ciilgary know how to
furnish nice things for a picnic,
On June $0th I spent most of the day
at the Calgary fair and seen some very
fine cattle and on the whole the fair was
very good. On Julylst at 8.30 p. ni
took the train for Vancouver arid there is
very little use speaking about the beauti-
ful scenery going through the' mountains
as a person must see them for themselves
to have much idea of the grandeur. I ars
rived in Vancouver on July 2nd at 11 p
m and got lodging just across from C. P.
i. atation,
The not slay I went to A. A. Minray's
on Cordova $t., with Whent I stayed for a
month eight years ago and I wes just
nicely settled when they gave me it key
of the house and told, me to be right at
home. Mr. and Mrs. Murray are very
fine people and it looked to me as if they
were kind to everyone
On July bth I went tp nee my old friend
Dr. Agnew, WS, Agnew, serve4 me With
a nice cup of tea and cake inside of a few
minutes after I entered the house and the
Dr. gave me a nice car ride, and on cam
,way visited his mother and ail old friend
Sohn Bell who had Us have dinner with
them. July 7th I took the B. C. Electric
car for New Westminster, (12 miles) from
Vaneouver but built up pretty well all the
way alotig the car line. I spent two Weeks
in essd Around New Westminster, a very
nice pity on 4 side hill sloping to the
mighty Fraser 44'; erijoycl ntyself
very mach areand he end ''sciVe of pe
good old friends 1 visited Ivga rk
Wheeler, D, 11, Ivlarshall, Wfr. lind Mt
.71. 1,. Tupper, Mn. FIUMMerfelt, g •nonAlg
S. A. Woods, Robert end WM. LW.
The Lanes are old friends rif mine, we
having beei . very intimate while nejels.
bora in lkignort. While in and around
the dig I made my home with Mr. Lanes,
who has a beautiful home and surround-
ings. must say that! never Wag pod
better at any place than 1 Was- here -
could not praise both Mr. and Mrs. Lane
and family up too much, I would like to
*,ay more just here but let it Mike toay
they are hard to heat.
(Continued next week)
10 loving memory of my dear hushend,
Pte. Alfred Pullen who Was killed in pet.
ion 2 yeats ago, August 21st, 1917.
The hardeet part bag come,
The heroes have returned,
And Werni$11 from the noble throng
The face of our dear one.
My the Iiestyenly winds blow eoftly,
O'er the tweet rind hallowed sport,
though theen divide hie grave from to
w IR never be forsgin
JO 1004 WeilAk4 <1,141i
GT1110 ilk A WAISHEll
/tilt thiti.,..\
This Washer
Pays for Itself
In One Year
The Time Saver Electric Washer
saves enough money to *pay for
itself the first year It saves the
washer woman s wages. it saves
laundry hills; it saves the clothes,
for they last four times as long
when washed in this machine. ‘t
toes doctor's
bills, for it
cuts out back-
Time Saver
Costs less to run than the washer
woman eats. It operates for 2c. an
hour, and h easier to rim than a
sewing machine.
It is moderate in
price. We have
a Time Saver
r.....; ready to show
441n1:-. you, Let us
"uemonstrate it p
„,4t1M-'1' our own home,
Phone or
at our Store.
, Issei-14
consulting Opthalmic Optician
Winehans, OetS
Hav;ng returnechfrom services overseas,
lie's commenced htisiness again. Make
inquiries about my work I do not say
what can do, j leave it to my patients.
Ite not" whata mars. says he can do, its
wbat he does that counts. .1 do not mix
with eons other butinest therefore, when
you consult me 'You cin 'rely. upon ebs
taining the best &tyke possible, and ac-
curate fitted glasses The most impor-
tant' thing about a pair -f • glasses ie the
skill of the specjilist Who lite them. Over
24years practice, *ether with the latest
European experience. No glasses supplied
unless promising good results and satis-,
faction guaranteed: Complicated cases
any those wearing glasses not 'suiting them
especially asIsed to call.
Another Big Excursion
Goderich to Detroit
E and Return •
:vo./fivr ptirs,s rm.-v.0.MB
Steamer Greyhound
Leaves Goderieh
Thursday, Sept. .4th
9,00 a m. Oki time, 10 a. in. Eastern
time. Arrives Detroit 5.00 p. as. Res'
turning leaves Detroit
§ft.tmr,4y, Sept. 6th, 1 p. in
pop*e. (Detroit thsie is the sante
poideqb)) hid tfirie.)
$2.20kouND TRIP
Children b$eltwlee5n 0$4itintigle, § fain
Don't miss this opportunity to visit
Arilerica's most beautiful and most pros -
Mamas city. A million population, a city
of beautiful parka, grand boulevards and
a wonderful water trent. Canadians cam -
'ng to Detroit for a temporary stay are
lot required to pay a tax or make a de -
poet. 'LI. S. irrimigration officers will be
on the oteamer to pass excursionists.
Good nuisic and dancing enroute, Fine
Ca I. and ftinch room broad iteainer.
See a real big -league ball game with Ty -
Cobh in action. St. Louis Browns play
the Detroit Tigers at nvin Field, Friday,
Sept. Gth.
Out of Goderich. Wednesday evening,
Sept. ard, 7.30 okl time, 8,30 texierut
3 hours on beautiful Lake Huron.
Ordirestra, anode and dancing in 'steamer*
' seem.
A quiet wedding took place. 4t the
Bluevale manse on Thuredtsy August
14th, when Marion J. Scott, tiaray liter ot
Mr. George II. Scott, Tursiberry, was
united in marriage to Mr. Charles Mitch.
l of Ravenscrave, Sask. R. C. Tate
performing the cereroortY, after which the
nide] party motored to the home of Mr.
end Mrs. Wm. S. Mitchells Glenarinan,
where n sumptuous dinner waspartaken
The happy couple left on the afternoon
• train for their home in the West. Amid
showers of best wishes. frons their Many
frietel$ itt Turnberry.
. Enn --IVIVINTosu
"Elm Spring Farm" the home of Mn ,....1....,.............,............,......0
and MN, Walter Ross was the scene of a Bluevale
August 13th, when Sarah McIntosh, ,.11j .::,,,1 Alm Rola:. Thomas were here
quiet but pretty wedding on Wednesday,
the bride of IViilbur S, Erb, McAllister oiS Winghane were visitors
Mr, and ].7.t$. Robert Duruin also Mrs,
daughter of Mrs. Albert Green became,
and Mrs, I. G. Erb, all of Cuslr°onss.°f Rev. ,.‘svleiteltli.lis, and Mrs. Geo. Mowbray last
Mr. Foster of Salem offielating, Pumps , Mrs. Smith, sr., has returned home
tly at 4 o'clock the bride entered the par- :after spending the past few months with
Gordon D, IVIitchell, to the strains' of . Falls.
lor on the arm of her brother -la -low," Mit, ter' ditughter at Toronto and Niagara
Lohengrin'a wedding marcti played/ by '
miss Verda Proctor is visiting at the
Mrs. Rasa and tools her place beneath an
arch of evergreens and a wedding bell,
and 'tasked charming in a gown of navy
satin de•chene„ with overdress of Georg-
ette, carrying a shower bouquet cif sweet
11011tha Ett their unnuer home.
maid, her sister, Miss Aletha McIntosh 3s
peas and maiden hair fern, The brides -
Mr. W. R. Yeo shipped. from the station
looked quite daihty in flesh crepe.de-chene
Isere on Fraley, 25. hogs "that weighed
carrying pink snapdragons. The groom
5350 pounds aud received a eheque for
was assisted by. his cousin, Mr- Edwin °S7I
Sillick. The groorn's gift to the bride. Mr, Hestry Mathers who has beets seri-
was aemencdearnet. soent yh
lsAlctieurdlnlige . ously ill witlepnennionia, is Slowly im.
aPgnawitiii.q... We hope be Will soon be well
only the immediate relatives of 'the eon-
tractiug parties sat down to a dainty weds diag dinner after which the happy couple
left on a boneynsoon to London, Windsor,
Detroit and other points. The bride tray:
elling in a nivy • serge suit with bat ' to
match and fax furs. 0
The guests frons it distance were Mr.
Robert Mitchell of Winnipeg, Mr. and
Mrs. G D. Mitchell of Timmins and Misa
Aleatha McIntosh of Toronto. The bride
received many pretty as welt: aa useful
WO including checoue from Mr. and
Mrs..7 G. Erb. Mr. and Mrs. Erb willhe
home to their friends at their home Con.
12 Cuirass after August: 25, 'Fir Many
friend e join in wishing there a happy \Toys
age oVenthe matrimonial sea. • „ .
Thursday Aug 2 int # yi V
•tCOVreet titi till Wednesday 1100/1)
Wheat Ni, 2 Snring 2 90 to
Wheat No 2 Fall 2 11 to
Mar, per es vt, standard. 5 55 to Ef 00
Bran, per fog, ...... .....40 00 to 42 00
Shorts, per toll 42 00 to 44 00
Oate. . ss to 100
Barley. . 1 00 to 1.70
Hay, .... 15 00 to 17 00
Butters per lb.- -rksiry 37 to 45
Eggs, sier dozen—. 45 to 4$
Lard. s ......... , 40 to 40
Cattle, med., butcbers10 00 to 12 00
Catttes butchers chssIce13 00 to 14 00
Hogg, 21 50 to 21 75
Butest fat. s 52
home of W. 5, Wasters,.
Mrs. Saudersout and Mrs. Griffiths and
sons returned Iscone-to Toronto on ; Tues. -
day after spending the past couple of
, ,
Results of the LOiserSchool
nations were very satiefactisiis The fol. -
lowing canclidetes were, qUeCessful:-Jas.
Allen, Melville- , Beeeroft,', Lyle James,
Mabel R. Johnson, Mabel. ALJohnston,
fidith Kew, Jarvis Lefton,- Vldetie Me -
',man, Um:court Muudys.Fslisit MUegrove,
David 'Perrie, Mentie-Reid (Arith);
'nes W,illiameon, •
Those who failed were 'advised pot 'to
write but notwithstanding: this fact, aps
proximately 8o% 'ef all eaktlidatess were
sticceepfel. • The average Nita sr/ for the
vvhole province, s
Middle and IIpper School results should
be aunounced in eiew days about Aug.
Wines= High School will resopets
Tuesday, Sept. and at 9 a. sn. It is ads
visable for all stndents te be present On
the opening day.
All supplementalse4aminations will he
held on Tuesday, Sept, end.
Two stew teachers have hen engaged,
Mr, Nei Teuton, B. A.,' (Spec: Se,)
will teach Seience and. Agriculture, lie is
a retnrned soldier. Miss Alice 4, me -
Nair, 11. A„ will teach Art and -Gersegal
Lower Schoolwork.
Fifteen years ago the Spotten Iinsiness
College Winghann Ontario, was fotinded
by Mr. George Spotson, who has contin-
uously presided over its destiny. At that
time city colleges and antopg them a pre.
sent competitor, ridiculed the idea of ee-
tablishing a Commercial School in a 'hills
lege" like Wirigham, liowever Mr. Spots
ton has lived to cohtrol twelve different
colleges eptahlished during the last forty
years in the cities and town e of Ontarfo.
This is the largest ehairr of eoileges ever
controlle4 in anode,
There are many reasons for thie phen-
omenal growth that .cannot be given iri
this space, but which will be sent to
young people ehoosing a sehool.
Three years age there wete fourteen
business colleges in Toronto, when Mr
Spotton founded his, Canada Business
College in that city, and in less than nne
year bis school stood second inpoiot of
attendance. The only reason that can
be given for this record was the efficiency
of thousands of graduates who were hold-
ing The 'best pa'sitions in the city, and de-
mand of the bixsinese 'man for "Spotton
Graduates." Toronto people. cannot be
foaled by "false advertising and "slip -
Petty" ravIing agetits who '.'sign up"
• !slIslregui parents. ,
Alp* qlr of yiie pelysol teachers in
thew neighboring thnnties, whti. ie
Thercial courses demand the s'Spott'on
treining." Ibey hnow how to examine
the real merits of a erhool,
Mr. Arthur H. Spotton, who. has Net
returned from four years service hi Frence,
will be closely associated with this school.
He has had ten yeave teaching expert -
men and before %dieting was in charge oi
a large industrial ofilee in Winnipeg, hence
students will have advantage of Me ripe
spholarship, wide experience, extensive
travel and business organization.
Many young people who cennot attend
now are taking advantage of the Home
Study Department and at any time have
the privilege of attending Colleges ill
winghem, Hanover, Orangeville, Strat-
ford, Guelph. Toronto, Hamilton, Wel-
land, Oshawa, ete
"Investigate" by sending a post Cie
b0fOre 4'inveMing" and nese "regretting"
•ai pome here.
Cocks are useful things you know,
But lonesome if they do not go.
So if 'you want to know the time both
night and day,
Jest purchase front KNOX when you
come this way. '
His skill is good and knowledge great,
Until you see hint pass had better wait.
Across the street from the post cffice sleet
Both clocks and watches your eyes will
His silverware is very rare,
power. A public meeting of- the rates
You. are sure to purchase by ealling there,
payers will be held during the early .part
For eye strain that worries the brain,
With, spectacles he can fit you, all the
same. , _ glace's, will tell us decidedly what it will
of September, when Mr. James, chiefs ens
cost to. prodace power at Wingharin *-
At KNOX'S store as in days 6f yeses.
You can buy so cheap, he can't be beat. ' " . 0.1#81.1601""WWWWW804 .
„ ...-----
• •
The onlY olssappobiting Fe Woo le di
business is the "
Credit Business
It always bas fbeeaeruaredissappoluting-
Conditions are such that we cannot possibly con-
inue giving credit as in tile past.
Some months ago we advertised that "one month"
would be out "time limit" of goods charged, but we
regret that outside Of a few of our customers this an-
nouncement has little,or no effect. -
Therefor,* we are compelled to make
a new rule as tollows.:.
"All goods charged will be considered due in one
month's time—or the first of the folldwing month: -
for instance this is the 20th of August and". a pair of
shoes bat& today and charged will be payable NOT
LATER than Oct; 1st,
All our customers who make it .0. point 'to 'pay
promptly we shall be glad to extend further credit .
but we regret that we shall be compelled to di*Scontin-
ue givina credit to those who cannot pay as per the
ss conditions are so different than has been
in the past that we are compelled to take this. method
and we trust that our matircredit customers einake
kindly to this imperative:requirement,
. ,
Hydro At Reasonable Cost
• Miss Melinda Clegg has taken up her
residence in Wingham, with Miss McKins
Winghant citizens will be pleased to
on Shiner street,
learn that it will be possible to secure 0" --
. , • .
hydro a a very reasonableprice per horse 'Doings among the teacherss-s.Norman
Geddes has been engaged to teach in the
village echisol. 'The trustees are to be
congratulated on securing a, teaches. svitu
hI expestenee". Mise Rimout has been re-
engaged in, No 6, school at an increase of
erk.. -Elizabeth Ferguson has also. been
:re,eniseged- at Grimsby High School .rtt an
inerbase of $150 per annum. .
' Oti 1Vionda.ii. evening next, theremill be
entert4inteent givers in the Presbyter-
ian chercii,mider the as;spiCies.of the Lad.
ies Aid Society. They have been fortun-
ale to sectire Major J. C, Mimic of Wind-
sor, who. spent three years as chaplain
(,)Vt.rSt4. kajon:olytto is a, very intires-
Municipality Of The Township Of Tur.n-
harry, in The County of. Huron.
Notice hi horety given that 1 have transmit-
ted or delivered to the persons mentiotud 01
eeettens $ and 9 of the Ontario Voterg.1/ist
Act, 1887, and the amendments thereto, the
copies required to base transmitted or deliver-
ed of the list, madepurimant to said act, otall
persons appearing by the ia5t rey1:,ed asseqkuo.
opt roll or the said municipality to le entitled
te vote in the said municipality ab elections
for memb,ers of the Legislative Asserebly' and
at Municipal elections, and that said ilst was
first posted up In my °Mee at Let '13, Con. '7,
on the Twelfth day of August, 1910, and rem
MOS therefor inspeetion. Electors aro called
upon to examine said list,.and if any omissions
or other'errers are perceived therein to take
immediate proceeding to have the said errors
corrected according to law.
Clerk of the 1VItteicipality of Turnberry.
Turnberry, August12th.1919.
Mr. )'ohn Clegg has sold his farm of 60
alc'reS,' recently purchased one • mile sottsh
of the village to James Vancanip of Jam."
Calvin aud Hugh Campbell and' their
vgs:froM Indian Bead, Michigan, were
• . •
VislfOrS With W.s .11: and Mrs Ferguson.
ape day 14st week, The gentlemen were ting spe4er and will"talk on The war and
me of its results. - There will also be a rinersreside.nts ot the 5th line of Morris. r
in'the absence of Rev: `A- • • short program given,,coesisting of Read
14.'-'11441° 'IngsbyMiss lela:het McDonald, Wingham,
there was a union serVice Sunday eve, '
. in
-Musical Numbers, by the choir, a Ladies
the Methodist church, Rev. Mr, Davidson
Was the *ocher.
quartette and Miss Margaret Garniss nf
Bluevale, Mr. and Mrs Davidson and Jas.
' The Indians have -the Ilaxpulling well Taylor, pelgrave, Admission 25 and
underway on the farms of G. W, Nichol. Mots,. frog. to commence at ', o'cloCk.
son to Alex 13ryans. It is a good crop. Reitember the date Aug. 25111,
MC'S Clothing and
Furnishings ===
-.• .,..• X
Our stock is complete in the latest styles and materials
Suits, Fall Coats Raincoats ,Shirts
Collars Ties Hats and Caps Overalls'
Underwear Odd Pants Work Shirts Socks
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