The Huron News-Record, 1896-01-15, Page 7t t iprtMiele • It .•!tadHow Ib May be A70,00p8111, fie Inflammation of the di- ,4t:ative organ@, la oharenterieed, by the efeellele.43Yllietteelegi Whether found in Am- ' terle .,Qt'r ielpgvyl r ;b t tt to deubttess A 4:tre`;- Q0etlmoXl 'fie. els 1hlted Stated_ ha `ii hlie 'apl a',ID C014tries- ' "mats in the epigastric region, head - e. .. c heplt-};urn," tlistress after eat - `g, with regterg'ttattgn 9{ either bitter ,acid or K'alteee or both, make the lives of many persons miserable. A foreigner whp recently visited the '[muted State was impressed with the '1t;prry and mule; characteristic of our V op1e, and nowhere so much as in the etaurants and other public eating re- c•rts. Being a physician, his habits of neind led him to note the time spent at eneals by hist table fellows. At the largest restaurants in the bus - tress portion of the city he found the average length of timeoccupied at breakfast to be 13 minutes 2 seconds. Eleven minutes and 45 seconds were devoted •to dinner, while 11 minutes Here spent in eating supper. By nearly half of those whose habits he observed coffee was taken with every meal, but no water was used. According to these observations, more than half the diners in city restaurants sacrifice health for the sake or devoting a few more minutes to business. Even a single meal a day eaten at such a place is detrf u. n al to the health of such__ digestive organ Food must be masti- cated in ordat it may not prove 0- actually 1 . • lous. ' Between meals one should drink suffi- cient water partially to liquefy the . food. The drinking of moderate quan- tities of water during meals also does not appear to be other than beneficial. Our friendly critic recommended as especially applicable to American dys- peptics the following prescription, which may safely be commended ;o Americans in general: Half an hour for breakfast. One hour for dinner. ' ,Half an hour for supper.—Youth's pper.—Youth's Companion'. rl 1�. PETER THE GREAT. He Found That It Was tire Husband's There is a story told of Peter the Great in• the character of a dentist, which strikes one as very cle aracter- istie of his impulsive and high-handed ways. Peter had studied dentistry, In common with most other useful arts, and plumed himself on his dexterity in dritwing a tooth, though one finds no record of his giving' himself the trouble to stop one. Obaer .ng one of his valets de chambre 'to be in bad spirits, he asked what was the matter (an un- expected trait in Peter), and was told that it was the spectacle of his wife suffering from toothache that so dis- tressed him. "Why doesn'tsiie have it out?" inuired the Czar, beginning to feel the professional instinct "I can't persuade her, site; she always pretends not to tier when we wish to give er ea renews her lamentations (which stress me to hear) when the dentist I dismissed." "Let me see !ler," said the Czar, "I'll cure her." He was introduced to her apartment, and, In spite of her protestations of there being nothing the matter, exam- ined her mouth. Having satisfied him- self as to which was the peccant molar, the Czar said to her husband: "Hold her head and arms, and she shall be cured in an instant." Then, in spite bf her cries, he -extracted the tooth with great address, and without the aid of an anaesthetic. Hearing a few lays afterward that the whole affair was a trick of tfie valet to torture his wife, with whom he had quarreled, the Czar beat him within an inch of his life— of so much, it was shrewdly sus- pecte on account of the deception practiced upon him, as because it had caused him to make an incorrect diag- nosis —London News. To Make 150 Hiles an Hour. It is generally conceded that 60 miles en hour is the practical limit of speed on steam railways, as at present con- structed. It is rather startling, there- fore, to be told that a company has been formed and that capital has been obtained for the purpose of erecting a railway which will bear trains at dou- • ble this speed. A hundred and twenty mile n hour is a speed, that, if main- tain would carry one around the wort a trifle over eight days. It , Is fast r than the hurricane, the car- rier pigeon, ,or anything else that moves upon this mundane sphere. Yet the company is asking the United States Senate for privileges looking to the establishment of a line between New York and Washington, and specifying !n the proposed bit ]that the schedule lime shall not be less than 100 miles an hour, which necessitates a speed of 120 miles per hour to cover loss from stops. —Lippincott's Magazine. Soldiers and Heavy Lands. Some Interesting experiments have L ecently been carried out by the Ger- an War Office to determine the in- urious effect on soldiers carrying eavy loads for long distances. It. was mind that for an ordinary man a eight not exceeding 48 pounds could e• carried for 25 miles if the tempera- tre did not exceed 60 degrees without ny injurious effects, even when con- inued for a number of days. If, how - ver, the temperature Is 10 degrees tee higher, the same load has a temporary .e,e, effect on the organisms. A load of 68 "f' hounds, It was found, could not be et.' Carried 25 miles without danger of seri- ous injury. A Weight of 60 pour)ds, It Ir'' was decided, was the maximum weight 1., which an ordinary man could carry 23 { ]miles a day on' several consecutive ' tiara. A Opening an Umbrella. "Not Infrequentry," said a stroller, 'you see people with their arms full of : undles, making hard work of opening tin •umbrell klere is a very simple end.eaeeeettreiof opening an umbrella :With one hand, ,�kliown to many, but `),,. •pei'ha��fd 6600,41.1 Viet grasp the little :1ylinder aroundd, tate handle, to Which the' lower ends pf'the+rribs are attached, cplant✓thetnoInt ofitile Umbrella against 'i.'laintp post. and push until the little • to lirfder :•eatehes..on the upper catch, :ln'd'there.yeti °are, without the least 'trouble tri ;the world."—Philadelphla .Recoltd. EDEN WITHOUT AN ADAM. Dr. diary Walker Proposes to Fouad w Colony for Worsen Only. Dr. Mary Walker has bought a farm of 126 acres near Oswego, N. Y., turd proposes to form a colony Yet• women only. Females between, the ages of 15 and 35, whp bind the'rieselves to a lite of celtbrcy and to wear bloomers, will be eligible, Dr. Walker's plan calls for a big house, furntshed In modern fashion, which wl:l give accommodation to about 60 persons, There wil be a governing board, who will try offenders against the rules, and carry on the business of the farm. In explaining her sc.henie Dr. Walker said: - "Each member wit have hare in the profits alter the expense Mee board and clothing has been deducted. The remainder will go into a general tuad 1'ur betterments and the purchase JY adjoining lands, if It is deemed iu. i- aary and the community grows as rap- idly as 1 believe it will. Any mem- ber will, after three years in the com- munity, be eligbile to retire, taking with her the amount of the initiation fee, if one has been charged, and suuvett- eights of her share of the earnings, the other eighth to go. into the gen- eral 'fund, 'My great object is to educate' and to turn out new women, as the neww- paper men term them. They will be women who have governed tlemselvas. I expeot loth of politics in the com- munity, and the members will soon be able to hold their own, I warrant, with some of the so-called statesmen of the present day. It will not all be farm work. Thelig will be many hours in each day for •tyludy, and the curri- colum will be as broad and exenteded as that in any of our universities. There will be frequent lectures in. a large assembly room that I propose to have, and current literature, politics and questions of the day will be discussed. The members can ride bicycles, and a number will •be kept for their use. 'There will be hoses, but no side saddles. My girls will ride astride, as do the men, and I predict that three years of life in our institution will make the members the peer of any man physically or mentally. I will not make rules the defy all the laws et nature and exact pledges binding for life. That of c1-ess will be the only life pledge that will be asked. "I expect that many of those who come to us will go forth from our tutelage to enter the homes of men to become wives and mothens. When such time comes they will know how to be both, and bow to raise and edu- cate families that will reflect credit upon the nations of new women; "The site selected for the colony is a delightful one, in the very heart of the finest fruit country in New York State. Several acres of the land have been used in raising the famous Os- wego strawberries. There is a tine ap- ple orchard, several hundred pear trees and four acres devoted to a vineyard. It is a beautiful place, and unless all my plans ,fail It will be a perfect gar- den of Eden, but without an Adam." The doctor is enjoying good health, and her plans are being carefully made. Many, prominent women of this city Interested in the advancement of women have been consulted and ap- prove of the scheme.—New York Her- ald. An Agent or Death. Fulminate of mercury, which is used by European anarchists in the manu- facture of their bombe, Is one of the most treacherous and powerful explo- sives known to science. Heretofore it has been employed in percussion caps and as a detonator nitro-glycerine pre- parations. It explodes when subject- ed to a slight shock or to heat, and no: a few expert chemists since its Engli. h' inventor, Howard, .have been seriously injured or killed while preparing or ex- perimenting with it. In France some years ago ,the cele brated chemist, Barruel, was manipu- lating this dangerous product in a heavy agate mortar when his atten- tion was suddenly distracted and he let the pestle down with a little less care than ordinary. The explosion which followed almost literally blew the mortar to dust, and It tore Bar• ruel's hand from his wrist. Another distinguished chemist, Bellot, was blinded and had both hands torn off while experimenting with fulminate of mercury. Justin Leroy, a French ex- pert in the manufacture of explosives, was one day engaged in experiments Ing with this compound in a damp' state, In which condition It was sun - posed to be harmless. It exploder] with such force, however, that nothing of M. Leroy, that was recognizable, could afterwards be found. An English chemist mimed Hennell, while manufacturing a shell for mili- tary use, into the composition of which fulminate of mercury entered, was alio blown literally to atoms, and the frag- ments of the building where he was conducting his experiments were scat- tered for hundreds of feet in every di- rection. UNDER OATH. The following testi- mony of fire. flargeret Patterson, given under oath before W. F. Wal- ker, Notary Public, Marks the most won- derful cure In the his- tory 01 any medicine: "For six or seven years I was badly afflicted with rheuma- tism and severe neural - get in the bead. At Imes I suffered very much pain from violenb headaches, and in order to stop same, and upon the advice of a physician, I had a number of my teeth extracted, without deriving any advantage. "In May. 1894, I had a paralytic stroke in the left side of my body;this was followed by the total loss of sight of he left eye, beating of both ears, violent headaches, severe fits, and great weakness. I became totally unable to do any work about the house, and was not safe td be left alone on account of my dizziness and general weakness. "I consulted four different pbyefolans, who attended mo, and they told me that they would do what they could, but thee I would never become well again. "About twoemonths' ago 1 began using the medicine being put up by Mr. S. S. Ryckman, M.P., of this airy, and now known as Kootenay Cure. and am now taking the fourth bottle of such medicine. " Before I finished the fret 1b6tt4bo t taloa a great improvement in My 'condition; I lnbvo now received the nee of m „eyest h the title of y, hearing.headachehascompletelyodi ap limbs r dd, nd body, theh and my strength hua cornback. Gluiest completely, and, in fact, though 62 years old, 1 feel almost a new woman. Mrs. Margaret Patterson, 91 Vine Street, Hamilton, Ont, li th Jargesta;, sbrtnient, tbo z e Goo squality fine h price. ow in Groceries, Crg dry anal Glassware. TEAS.—Black, Green and Japans are tunegt;glued in quality p!Id priori; yon will save 5o. and lec. pound if you buy from me instead of Tea Peddlers; compare quality and prices, y SUGARS.—We are headquarters, we buy direet,itopy Montreal .iiletheet es, keepbest and sell at close prices. ) �bti NEW rams and PEEL$,—We, have alreadyy, di8posed dtktiug Holiday season of over four tags cad Mill Mage late stock on, hagid;; di(iereut breeds selling cheap as to quality. CROCKERY, CHINA, GLASSWARE AND LAMPS.—We have got to make room for our Imparted Goode and we have ]'educed our prices on Dinner Sets, Tea Sete, 'Toilet Sets, Berry Sets, Water Sets, Bread and Butter Plates, Cups und Saucers and Lamps, all kinds Call and see Goods and Prices; no trouble to ahow,goods. -.4.m--Terms Cash or Trade.— We have just Received OUR CHRISTMAS STOCK of Raisins. Currants, Figs, Peels, &a. The quality is very fine and the prices cut to the closest living profit. We handle no trashy goods, Slaughter prices in Glassware and Crockery. You can save tnoney by buying at the reliable Cash Grocery. G, J., STEWART. Cr Agent for the superior Monson and Emma 'ress.'1 1 Buy Where You Can Always Get The Best Values -teon = At The Lowest Pricer ..� 1 have, just received a direct importation of New Seasons Uncolored Japan Teas. May pickioge from 20e. to 50e. per lb., ask for Samples—will oiler special cuts in 10 or 20 lb. Caddies—Finest Black znd Green Teas, also agent for the Delicious Mazawakee Tea, put up in lb. and 1 lb. lead p'aokages. New Raisins, finest select. New Currants, New Elme Figs, New Figs in mats, 4 lbs. or 25c., New English Peels, Lemon, Orange, Citron. In Crockery, China and Glassware, I offer Special Bargains in Handsomely decorated Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets. Beautiful Crystal Table Sets cheap. CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. Gratefully appreciating past favors, I respectfully solicit a continuance of tha same. N. Robson, - Albert St., Clinton. FINE GATHERING of useful, durable, as well as beautiful presents for the holidays, we men- tion a few :— Setts Carvers, Carvers in Cases, Plated Knivea and Spoons, Pen and Pocket Knives, Tea Trays, Silver Trays, Gold Medal Carpet Sweepers, Braes Lamps, Banquet Lamps, Hall Lamps, Children's Plated Setts, Niokle Plated Tea Kettles, Setts Mrs. Potts' Irons, &c., &c. We have a car of the Diamond Water White Coal Oil; it is elegant, try it. 0 HARLAND :-: BROS., CLINTON. Holiday Goods. -1.--, Fancy Rockers and Chairs, Cobler Seat, in Oak, polish- ed. Parlor Suites, 6 pieces, in Oak, carved, beautiful goods. Bedroom Suites, Latest designs. Extension Tables in Oak, and hardwood. The Peerless Patent Extension. Lots of fine Pictures Framed, best value I ever had to offer ; come and see them. Bamboo Goods in Easels, Tables, 25c., 35c., 40c. Music Stands, &c. Gale's Nickled Plate Spring Beds. Din- ning Chairs, Sideboards, from $6.50 to $25. A line of Mir- rors at my lowest prices for cash. Clinton Furniture Emporium. C. STEVENSON. Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of the beat work., manship and material. * All the latest styles arfd most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. se-FACTORY—corner Huron and Orange Streets, Cliaton. 657— o� sting of all ��' �: es/ Absolutely SF�� "a� .+4 ° ;r,llt We ;lit and every ha- s c°' ^r':uliywa:-t-a11tCI Bicycles. ;. the Best. +7 .tr' nix. ;,,,,.•,a i' 'o'O'o. +� d St1 erior Material p and Scientific Work- t+, manship. DR. SPINNEY 8c CO • The Old Reliable Specialiste. 83 Year® Expariaraoe in the treatment of the 'Mart and .Lung Troubles, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Nervous, Chronic and Special Dis- eases of men and women. Lost Manhood restored—Kidney and Blad- der troubles permanently cured—Gleet, Gonorrhoea, Varicoocicand stricture cured without pain. No cutting. Syphilis and an Blood Diseases ,cured with�out mercury. Young lute;{ Suf ering from the effects of youthful follica or indiscrrtions, or any troubled with Woakness, Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory, Despondency, Aversion to Society, Kidney Troubles. or A' any disease of the Genital.Urinary Or- gans, can here rind safe and speedy cure. Charges reasonable, esuecw,ly to the poor. CURES GVARA N'f1t fl. Middle -Aged Men— Ttwhhertenurc rmaqunyttrnvuubciedu tions of the bladder. often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation, and weakening of the system in a manner the patient cannot account fur. There arc many men who due of this difficulty, ignorant of the cause. The doctor will guarantee aper- fect cure in all such eases, and healthy restoration of the gcnito-urinary organs. Con- sultation free. Those unable to call, can write full particulars of their case and have medicine sent by express, with full instructions for use. Mention this paper when writing.' Office hours: From 9 n. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 9 to 11 a. m. DR.SPINNEY & CA 200 WOODWARD AVENUE. r (Side Entrance No. 12 E. Elizabeth St,) DETROIT, MICR. MINIINDIMIDumniumml BIG SALE OF— cavy Overcoats —AND— sEauE SUITS Going on this week at T. Jacks on's, - Huron Street 0 -- Watch this space next week. --HUB GROCERY.--� 0 We don't Blow, but we do say that we can show you good values in NEW TEAS, (direct importations.) NEW FIGS. 46 Select Valencia Raisins. Fine off Stalk. Filliatra Currants. Arnbrisia Currants. Prunes. H 41 N Orange Peel. Lemon Peel. Citron Peel. Walnuts, Filberts. Almonds. Our Fruit is the finest we can purchase in the market. We have a nice n of Christmas Goods for presents. Will be pleased to show goods. GEORGE SWALLOW, Clinton. CLINTON SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY S. S. COOPER, 0 - PROPRIETOR General Builder and Contractor. This factory bas been under the personal supervision and one owner for eight years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plans and give estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on the closest prices. All work is suprivised in a mechanical way and satisfaction guarantee. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material. Lumber, Lath Shingles, Lime Sash Doors, Blinds, Ere Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOCL DESK, manufactured at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates bcicro placing your orders, kV 5 Styles Highest rollers al the World's Colombian Exposition, Send two-cr - stamp for our 54-pagn Catalogue—A work of Art. Monarch Cycle Company, Retail Salesroom, e8o NV ;bash Ave. Lake and Halsted Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. Desirable Pro 'erty For Bale. 1 FOR TW A CEANOS FOR GARD11NER8. In consequence of my age and lack of help, I have decided to offer for Bale my spiendid gardening pro- perty coneleting of eve and a -oelf aeries in olinton, some of the beat land In tbs eonnty of Boron; includ- ing hot beds and other-noceeaary requirements. There le op the premises a frame house with cellars, soft and bat& water, barn and other outbuilding's The negebld river adjoins the property. Will Bell at a reasonable price for half each and balance seamed by mortgage. As I desire to eoll. thle is a chance seldom met with, Apply personalty or by letter to tbeprdprletor, JOSEPH ALLANSON, 8844.1. LJitnton iA TTY -Sp( YEARS DUNN!S KING _ OW -DER THSE°1SBES TFRIEND \S4'tf, mia 4—`�414f 1896 Motto. Turn over a New PAY CASH For your GROCERIES. It will pay you to buy them at the Cash Grocery. Ogle Cooper & Co. — Z7 Telephone 23.' - —.�- Ii • s.,4‘ ,•44d-'P 44 f