The Huron News-Record, 1896-01-15, Page 2If
AYI3RS_ Sarsail la
"I was afflicted for eight years with Salt
Rheum. During that time, 1 tried a great
many medicines which vele hit;lily tec-
omwcndud, but untie gave Inc iellef. 1
was at last advised to fry Ayer's Sarsa-
parilla, and before 1 hiul ilutshed the
bottle, my hands were as
Free from Eruptions
as ever they were. lily business, which
is that of a Cab -driver, regnhcs me to
be out iu cold and wet weather often
without gloves but the trouble has
never returned.t'—TROMAB A. JouNs,
Stratford, Ont.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
" Admitted at the World's Fair.
Ayer's Pills Cleanse the Bowels.
The Huron News-Recora
1 26 a Year—$1.00 in Advance.
A Little Attention on
Your Part will Save
You Annoyance
and Trouble
The ladies should remember that
Diamond Dyes are always twice the
strength of all inferior and imitation
dyes. Diamond Dyes will always give
you your money's worth of pure and
never fading dyestuff that is simple to
use, and that will do just as represent-
ed. Do not be deceived by big pack-
ages that imitators put np. Their dyes
are mixed with salt, alum, and other
worthless adulterations. In a word,
beware of the dealer who tries to sell
you something that he represents to be
jut as good as Diamond Dyes. Experts
say, Diamond Dyes are the best in the
For Over Fancy Yearn
MRS. \VINSLOw'S SOOTerxa SYRUP has been used by
millions of mothers for their children while teething.
If disturbed at night and broken of your rest bya sick
child suffering and orying wish pain of Cutting Teeth
sem: at once and get a bottle of "Ails. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup" forlhildren Teething. It will relieve
the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it,
mothere. there is no mistake about it. It cures Dear•
rhea, regulates the Stomach and Vowel.• cur •e Wlud
Collo, softens the Gums, redneee Intl.mination, and
givee tune and energy to the whole Nye •m, 'Mrs,
Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for childrtn 1, et ing is
pleasant to the taste and is the preeeripn ti of Due of
the nldeat and best female phyelr'ane and nurses In
the United States. Pride twooty five cents a hottle.
Sold by all druggists througeot.t the world. be ewe
and ask for "Mae. WIr. LOW SOOTHINO Srrtue."
Great, Britain is evidently determin-
ed not to he caught unprepared for
war if Emperor William should pro-
ceed on his recent arrogant course.
Both the naval and military authorit-
ies have been instructed to make all
necessary preparations to put the navy
and army on a war footing at the
shortest posslhla notice should such a
step be deemed necessary.
So says Dr. C'uilett, an old and hon-
ored practitioner, in Bellevile, Ontario,
who writes : "For Wasting Diseases
and Scrofula I have used Scott's Emul-
sion with the most satisfactory results."
The und,retgned having been restored to health
by simple means, otter suffering for Several leers
with a ye , lung
aff.otlnn'and that dread dioeasa
Cnnaunplii, auxa.ue to make
known to hie fellow
th f To those who desire it
sufferer. seaes oit . r mire. ,
he will ehe••rfnlly Send (free of charge) a copy of the
prescription used, wi i^h they will Enda cure ecus for
Conxurapfton, Anton, Catarrh, Brotvachrtis and
all throat and Lung Jfaladies. He hopes
all sufferers will try his remedy, as 11 is invaln.
able. 'f hose desiring the prescription, which will coat
them nothing, end may prove a 7leasing, will please
Rev. EDWARD A, WILSON, Brooklyn, New
Senator I{aulhach, of Lunenburgg N.
S. dropped dead at three o'clock Wed-
ne sd ey afternoon, in the passage lead-
ing fr•otn the Senate to the Senators'
gallery of the House of Commons.
The 'cause of death was valvular dis-
ease of the heart. Ile was 65 years of
age, and WAS called to the Senate in
Mauch, 1872.
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills are the
only kidney pills known with sufficient
merit to guarantee the proprietors in
giving away hundr-ds of thousands of
sample packages free. Ask your drug-
gist for a sample if yonr kidneys or liv-
er is deranged.
1'he folly of prejudice is frequently
shown by people who prefer to suffer
for years rather than try an advertised
remedy. The millions who have no
such notions, take Ayer's Sarsaparilla
for blood -diseases, and are cured. so
much for common sense.
As Abraham Lincoln called them, do
not care to argue about their ailments.
What they want is a melicine that
will cure them. The simple, honest
statetnent, "I know that Hood's Sarsa-
parilla cured me," is the hest argument
in favor of ahie medicine ,and this is
what many thousands voluntarily
IIOOD's PiLLJ are the hest after-
dinner pills, assist digestion, cure head-
ache. 25c
The sugar coating, which crakes
Ayer's Pills so easy to take, dissolves
immediately on reaching the stomach,
and so permits the full stieugth and
benefit of t Ito uttdieiue to he promptly
communicated. Ask your druggist for
Ayer's Almanac, just out.
Mrs. Vautderbilt, the divorced wife of
Mr. W. K. Vanderbilt, is to be married
to Mr. Belmont, on the 28th inst.
Hood's Sarsaparilla, taken at this
season, will make yo,a feel strong and
vigorous and keep you from sickness
later on.
An Electrical Heating Plant.
No little interest will be taken in a
heating plant which is being installed
in the Carmelite Monastery at Niagara
Falls, Ont., Inasmuch as electricity
will be used for the purpose. It is not
intended that the entire institution
shall be heated by electricity; but as a
fixed amount of electric power has
been arranged for by the institution,
the surplus will be used for heating a
portion of the building. baectriclty
will be used entirely for cooking and
for all power purposes, and also for
laundry work. The cost of heating
buildings by electricity has not as yet
reached figures which will make it an
every -day competitor in the heating
world, consequently the operation of
the heating sys2etn In this monastery
will be closely watched by all who are
interested in the electrical field. While
electricity has been used for heating
street cars, it Is because It presents
so many advantages over any of the
systems which have been in use in the
past, and not because it is economical.
Diana ,nil-,
A fashionable weekly publishr0,'d 111
London says: "Anything which treats
of diamonds appeals to many interest-
ed in them—not only females, but,
nowadays, men, as the edict exists ,'to
more which formerly said men of good
taste must not wear gems on their
fingers. The males of to -day may now
consequently be seen with monster dia-
monds In their rings, making them
utilitarian as knuckle clusters. The
point of mutual interest is that the
diamond trade, which is a most impor-
tant one in Amsterdam, has received
a check by the strike of 12,000 men em-
ployed in cutting and polishing. The
strike may not last long, but Dutch-
men are proverbially obstinate. This
must seriously affect the markets,
wholesale and retail. But if the lat-
ter was not unprepared for this event,
and can meet It without disturbing
The Spieler'• Appetite.
Sir John Lubbock has been experi-
menting with the appetite of a spider,
and comparing its eating capacity with
that of a healthy man. He finds that
not even the ogres of fairyland were
credited with such eatingcapacity as
e. man must have If he absorbed the
same proportion to his weight in food
that a spider does. If a man ate In
the spider's proportion he would con-
sume the equivalent of four barrels
of fish, a dozen hogs, three sheep and
two oxen in a single day.
The Glacer4 of F9lnsber€.
In one little town of 1,700 popula-
tion, Fltnsberg, Silesia—there are 152
families aggregating 653 persons, all
having the one family name of Glaser,
To distinguish them, each of the 152
families has besides its real name, a
nickname, and the oddest one of these
is the "Abgeharkte Nussbaum -Glaser,"
which is owing to the stump of a wal-
nut tree in front of their home.—Chi-
cago Record's Berlin Letter.
Judged by Their "hang -Ont."
"Do you know anything about your
new neighbors yet?"
"Lots. They had their washing on
the Mike yesterday."
Wood's Phosphodlna.—The GreatEnglish Remedy.
Is the result of over 88 years treating thousands of oases with all known
druntil at last we have discovered the true remedy and treatment—a
tion that will effect a prompt and permanent oure in all stages of
Sesya Debility, Abase or Exc Nervous Weakness, Emission, Mental
Worry, ccssive Use of Opium, Tobacco, or Akodwllc Stimulants, all of
which on load to Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Wood's
Phoaph a has been used successfully by hundreds of cases that seemed
almost hopeless—cases that had been treated by the most talented physi-
cians—cases that were on the verge of despair and inaanity—.caaes that were
tottering over the grave—but with the continued and persevering use of
Wood's Pboaphodlne, these cases that had been given up to die, were
restored W manly vigor and health—Reader you need not despair—no mat-
ter who has given you up as incurable—the remedy Is now within your
roach, by Its use you can be restored to a lire of usefulness and happiness.
Prise, one package, Si; six packages, $5; by mail free of postage.
One will please, six guar.:1 d to tyre, Pamphlet free t0 any address.
The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada.
After Taking.
Wood's Phosphodlne Is sold by responsible wholesale and retail druggists in the Dominion.
Scorned in Labor \1'111. 11 is Han/le LVhon
ISHII \Vert: \'f mild Coo 111.
The man in the country hes not the
push of the man 1:1 the city, but he
knows more about neceveity as u labor-
saving machine than the city 111:11, .\tr
ordinary Chicagoan fell into this line
of thought the other clay es he \vrt.e rc-
turning to the city on a railroad train.
An aceidcnt detl,ln: d the tra:n °tit hl
the woods. The ('hicnro r.:an
time to stay and he roamed about in
the leaves, In doing n.) 111+ attention
was attracted to a man and a horse.
The horse was hutnos:•rd to ace cud of
a long rope. 'l'Oe and:r::1 we.' led out
the length of the 1:'!m. The Man
walked lack to a Use. ':1,e usher l
of the rope '1 rs tied 1roar d his
He climbed the tree until he rt•al•` e,1
the topmost branch. Then he untied
the end of the rope horn his waist ano
made it secure on a limb, Then he de-
scended, toot off his coat, spat upon
his hands, laid hold of an ax handle
in the usual way, and ben an chopping
at the tree.
After he had made quite a gash he
chucked to the horse at the far end of
the rope. The man resumed cropping,
and, succeeding every half dozen chips,
he started up the horse. At rich start
of the horse the top of the tree, and
the trunk as well, inclined by 8egrees
to the horse. Ily the time the man had
cut half info the tree, with the horse
still pulling on the rope, the tree broke
where the cutting had been made, and
fell. The man had saved himself half
the usual labor, The Chicago man
grunted. "Well, I'll be darned," he sett%
"Now if a city man had undertaken to
fell a tree, he would have chopped all
the way through. The hayseed can
give us points on a good many things."
—Chicago Chronicle,
A Reliable 'watch.
Gazmog—There's a watch that I can
always rely upon.
Gazzle—You can? Why, I thought
you said It kept poor time.
Gazmog—You don't understand me.
I mean that I can always rely upon
getting at least $10 on tt.—Roxbury Ga -
Wednesday Mrs. Harry P. Hyams
refused to give evidence against her
husband, at the preliminary enquiry
before the Toronto Police Magistrate
relative to the charges of conspiracy
against the Hyams twins.
Nominations for the ninth Legisla-
ture of Manitoba were trlade Wednes-
day, and in eight out of forty consti-
tuencies resulted in the election of the
members by acclamation. All of the
eight are supporters of tha Govern-
ment, two of whom, Messrs. McMillan
and Cameron, Winnipeg Centre and
Winnipeg South, respectively, are
members of the Government.
The Oldest i%torohallt of Niagara-
Lake, Ont., Speaks of
Paillo's Co!ory Compound.
An Astonishing Victory Over Disease.
Every roan, Wnm,tn and child it) and
around the pretty mica of Niagara -on -
the Lake, Ont., knows Mr. H. W. ('rys-
ler, the desel vi ug and successful
merchant. Hundreds of families in
the district are already aware of the
fact. that, by the us() of Paine's Celery
Compound, Mr. Crysler was raised np
from a condition of utter helplessness,
misery and weakness to anew life, and
and is now in such a healthful con-
dition, that, he is perfectly able to look
after the details of his flourishing busi-
Mr. (•rysler's story of his long fight
with the worst forst of rheumatism,
his failures with useless medicines, and
his grand triumph with Paine's Celery
Compound, are given to the public as
follows :
"About four years since, I hail a
severe attack of grippe, followed by
rheumatism, for which the local physi-
cian prescribed the usual remedies,
which helped Rate at the time, but did
not eliminate the disease. Becoming
gradually worse, 1 finally became dis-
couraged and began using 'proprietary'
medicines without any heneflt. Then
1 went to "Clifton Springs," took the
ta'satntent•, and felt somewhat Netter ;
but after coining back 1 became very
much worse, and was confined to hid
for a time. i then went to 'Preston
Springs,' and really improved ; hut
after returning home 1 got worse, and
was a perfect martyr for more t,hnn
two years, often confined to bed, and
gradually becoming worse.
"I was then induced to try Paine's
Celery (lomponnd, and have gained in
health and strength np to the present
writing. i now walk from my house
to the store, a distance of one quarter
of a mile, daily, and to church Sundays,
Paine's Celery Compound has done all
this for me, My friends are surprised
and astonished to see are able to attend
to business again, l .night add that,
I have been in business in Niagara for
41 years, and was 70 years old on 7th
January last.
"Believing that it is my duty to let
other sufferers know of the great
benefit I have received fest Paine's
Celery Compound, i cheerfully send
this let ter."
Corn for Sale.
To F•rorl Fsenaae.—Large amount beat No. 1
Yellow Corn. Presort price, scourding to kind and
q•tanlity, 41 W 40 conte a bushel. Will sell fur rash
or exchange for oats or any kind of grain; some cases
give (ruin 1 to 6 !eoliths 'time if desired. Don't teed
oats without mixing corn meal. Experience has
proved that pound for pound god Yellow Corn Meal
will put 01/ more and butter lit than any oilier meal ;
for mixing to give body to oats, cannot be beat. \'llll
have lots of Euallage or Fodder Corn at proper time
Drive right to the Warehouse onmaitu Grand Trunk
Passenger Station, Clinton, Ont.
890tt W. 0. P ERRIN.
Don't Build Without a Plan
Architects and Civil Engineers,
Aro opening a permanent orflce to Clinton and are
prepared to supply Plans, Specifications and details
for any class of work at most reasonable rates.
Patent Drawings prepared and patents obtained.
Valuations and inspections carefully mudo.
25 Years Experiencein Ontario.
111 1) address—P. O. Box 210, Clinton•
Carpet Weawng
W. A. Ross, Goderich,
who has justly gained a celebrated name as a
Weaver of artistic designs in Rag Carpet, has
moved into the house formerly occupied b)
H. Clncae on St. David's street, three doors
from Victoria, where he has every facility for
turning out work of the• very latest designs
and patterns on the shortest possible notice.
People who desire rag carpet or other weaving
may make a mistake if they do not write or
call on as.
The Mcgillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Company
Farm and Isolated Town Proper-
ty only Insured.
D. Haas, President, Minton P. 0. ; Geo. Watt
vioo-president, Ilariock P. 0. ; W. J. Shannon,
SecyTreae., Seatorth P. 0. ; M. Wardle, In•
pactor ololalms Seaforth P. 0,
Jae, Broadfoot, lealorth ; Alex Gardiner, Lea
bury; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton ; John Ran
nah, Seatorth; Joseph Evans, Beechwood ; Thos.
Garbutt, Clinton,
Thee, Nellans, Harlock; Robt McMillan, Sea.
forth; J. Cummings, Egmondville; Geo. Murdle,
Auditor ,
Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans
act other business will be promptly attend-
ed to on application to any of the above officers ad•
dressed to their reepertivc poet offices,
Staley of T'n•.1n 1teel.1 , 1n tt:o 1'11 stern Part
,.( t1,,. l•rovloa•.
An old mit': rained Fr :nils Bisson-
ette was in (;ort. 0.•.11 the .r1h-r day. lie
Is 1b6 years of aeo, havurg been born
in Coteau da 1-a, in 1"b'i and at the
;e of 7 ye;,rs wyo bound out to John
McMartin, of 111 rtlntoen, Glengarre
County. ilia tune expired In 1810, but
he ierl sinei in r',arge c,f the home-
etc:td, what his employ. -r, •,t no was a
, al,tuin In the oP1 (;icng •, ry regiment,
tools an active part 1n the war with
the roiled Palet•. Thr old man has
full poree;;eion of all his faculties, and
although ht• I.t ra', er 1,o has never
been a day slck. ills wife. who Is only
a few years younger, resin', s -,v:th him.
'I hey live near Mille Roches.
At Chrysler's farm the other day
were several nonneenarians, ono were
Loys in tt,c neighborhood at the time
of the batt'.,'. Mr. George Weaver,who
's now 71 years of age, was the son of
a farrier upon whose property the
tnvarler s landed. Fie remembers the
events distinctly, and says that the
night before the battle he slept under
a pile of furniture In a swamp a couple
of miles Inland.
Mr. ,limon ('h ysler, aged 21, was a
boy on the ('hrya„rr farm at the time,
and if Ion; with other m,•mbrrs of the
faintly u,;ht safety In a cellar dor-
ng the battle. Only the chimney of
this house, which was Col. Morrison's
hindquarters, now remains.
Mrs. George l'oaps tuns 11 years of
age at the tithe of the batty, and Is
therefore ren in her 96th year. Her• lived on the farm wevt of the
('hryslt rs' and their hili was used
mq n Fl,spitel by the 11: itleh. She is
now twine with relatives neer King-
ston, and remembers seeing the
wounded me n lying on the
William Johnston of Matilda, aged
90, and Jacob Merkley, aged 22, were
also boys at the time of the battle.—
Belleville Intelligencer. _ —
Heart palpitation, breathless-
ness, impaired nutrition, and
imperfect ofrcalation ; languor,
lletlessnese, and general debility;
menstrual disorders and uterine
displacements; nervousness. eon-
stitration, and urinary troubles,
all find speedy relief and permanent cure by
the use of Indian Woman's Salm; it makes
obild-birth painless.
Sold by all dealers at $1.00 per bottle or six
far 115.00; or by addressing THa BALM MEDI-
UM Oa, Toronto, Ont.
Sold in Clinton by J. H. Combe.
-' Mysteries of the
The latest discovery in the scienti-
fic world is that nerve oentres located
in or near the base of the brain con-
trol all the organs of the body, and
when these nerve centres are
deranged the organs whish they
supply with nerve fluid, or nerve
force, are also deranged: When it
is remembered that a serious injury
to the spinal cord will oaase paralysis
of the body below the injured point,
because the nerve force is prevented
by the injury from reaching the para-
lysed portion, it will be understood
how the derangement of the nerve
centres will oause the derangement
of the varione organs which they
supply with nerve force; that is, when
a nerve centre is deranged or in any
way "el'iseased it is impossible for it
to supply the same quantity of nerve
force as when in a healthful oondi-
tion ; hence the organs whish depend
upon it for nerve force suffer, and are
unable to properly perform their
work, and as a result disease makes
its appearance.
At least two-thirds of our chronic
diseases and ailments are due to the
imperfect action of the nerve centres
at the base of the brain, and not from
a derangement primarily originating
in the organ itself. The great mis-
take of physicians in treating these
discases is that they treat the organs
and not the nerve oentres, which are
the oause of the trouble.
The wonderful cares wrought by
the Great South American Nervine
Tonin are due alone to the fast that
this remedy is based upon the fore-
going principle. It cures by rebuild-
ing and strengthening the nerve
centres, and thereby increasing the
supply of nerve force or nervous
This remedy has been found of
infinite value for the sure of Nervous-
ness, Nervous Prostration, Nervous
Paroxysms, Sleeplessness, Forgetful-
ness, Mental Despondenoy, Nervous-
ness of Females, Hot Flashes, Siok
Headache, Heart Disease. The firet
bottle will convince anyone that a
care is certain.
South American Nervine is with.
out doubt the greatest remedy ever
discovered for the cure of Indigestion,
Dyspepsia, and all Chronic Stomach
Troubles, because it eats through the
nerves. It gives relief in one day,
and absolutely effects a permanent
ours in every instance. Do not
allow your prejudices, or the preju-
dices of others, to keep you from
using this health -giving remedy. It
is based on the result of years of
scientific research and study. A
single bottle will oonvinoe the most
�,,,A. wt- i ---a-g--.. =®res •..
i of ignorance and folly in youth, overexertion of mind and body fondue-IfI' 11 E R E LT ed by last and exposure aro constantly wrecking the lives and tutu ren
p.••••�uppines0 o t °wands ofrogg
,4miain young mon. Some fade and wither at an early age,114
.1. the bioses
m of manhood while others are forced to drag out n weary, fruitless and
o solace or
comfort there.
w at find n
matrimony b
t h mntri
nirtimA ro existence. st atone ac Y
70„wirt.imte are found in all stations of life:—The farm, the office, the workshop, the palpit,w
tin trade and the professions.
7K. . W &LIEU.
SnElr'OnE TBEAT]KBNT err= TIlE.t'1' tarrr Divorced but nnited agta.'
Wm, A.. Walker of 18th Street sayer—"I have soffe
untold asealee for my "gal' life.' I was ina:sereet w
young and ignorant. As "Ono of the Boys" I euntrac
Syphilis and Other Private diseases I had ulcers in th
month and throat, bone pains, hair loose, purples on
face, finger nails came off, emissions, became thin and
despondent Seven doctors treated me with Mercury,
Potash, etc. They helped me but could not cure me.®
Finally a friend indncod me to try Drs. Kennedy ,k Kergan•
heir New Method Treatment cared mein a few weeks. Their treatment is wonderful.
sYon feel yourself gaining every day. I have never hoard of their failing to onre in a al ng1eS
• Cnrt. Chan. Ferry says,—"I owe my life to Drs. II. & K.
At 14 1 leprned a bed habit. M21 I had all the symptoms Hominid Weakness ' and Spermatorrhoea, Emisaione
were draining and weakening my vitality. I married at
24 tinder advice of my family doctor, but it was a
sad experience In e1g1 tee n months wo were divorced. I
'.then consulted Dre. I,I. & IL, who restored me to manhood
"by their New Method Treatment. Ifelta new life th rill through
Dm y nerves. we were anit9d ago n and are happy Thle wee CURE D
six genre ago. Dre. R. dt K. are semantic specialists and I heartily recommend them." R
far We treat and cure Varicocele, Emirs:ans, Nervaf'.r Debility, .Semi,rale
Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse •
• Kidney and Bladder Diseases.
�1. r Are you a v1othn? Have yon lost haps? Are yon eontempiating mar
REAI�I��t I rings? Ban your Blood been diseased? Have yon any weakness? on
ltNc'w Method Treatment will cure von. What it has Bono for others it will do for on an
CONSULTATION FREE. No matter wilo has treated yon write foe'an honest opinjon F' •. D
of Charge: Charges reaasonable. BOOKS FREE—"The Solder Monitor(lllnstrated), on"
Dloeasee o1 Men. Inclose postae, a contd. Nantes
VA.1 E. No mec�l. lofne sent C.O No harries on boxes or envel
open. gvoryth ngeonfldehlaueetlor .set and cost of Treat -•s
a•gment. PREF•