HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-01-08, Page 4•re
an Veopie
Al 01,0OW ,AS‘n Di a won, OltaaN
QC Maar thaws/ itetrumeatta Fraser 4,
eme leire %than,
th ay kaow they will get
Hosea Viatica. Rather than bay trots!
trhveitift agezta rad take olutueee ot
beteg atilt.
to!fany People
Whose awhitiJu is to have
the u eweat and nioatit thing
i u Muele run in here ''to see"
"to try" aud to buy,
Many People
Who have out yet tried ua
would find it to their ad vaut•
age to iuu in and nee us.
Geo. F. EMOTSOfl.
Schools are nove re -opened p
and we are glad to see the was
Boy's and Girl's going merrily Bri
along the streets feeling joyous obe
Up to last night Sir Afackennic Bowen
had not resigned and the despatches
about the Governor-General calling on
Mr. Laurier to form a Government
were deliberate fablehands. Our tfoody-
goody town coterie. followed the Iles
and yesterday deliberately printed and
circulated falsehoods about the Con-
servative party. Electora, beware of
the liar and deceiver. No honest cause
can succeed by circulating falsehoods.
Beware 1 Hewer e 1 1
- • -
CM tKaoN ?
THE NEWS -RECORD has received
many eorrintetelations front subscribers
for its broad views in the present 'West
Huron campaign and fur our fairness
in presenting facts to the electors.
The Globe and Grits, however, object,
to THE NEwtellecoun railing Mr.
Laurier a Frenchman, contending that
race passions may be aroused ; objec-
tion is also taken to the advice given
Conservatives that to vote for any
candidate outside of Weismiller (et
not to vote at all) means support for
M. C. Cameron and the French Laurier
party. Much reasoning is not required
to demonstrate the truth of our con-
tention. The Riding is close. Every
former Conservative vote not cast or
given to a third party must increase
the Grit vote by lessening that of the
Conservative. The miserable school
uestion is a bone of contention among
mire Protestants. The Grits in On-
arM are inciting the Protestants
gaiust Past Grand Master Howell for
rotaiising reasonable relief, while in
uebecsthe Roman Catholics are being
icited against the Premier because
e will not go far enough and because
e is an Orangeman. Mr. Cameron ex-
ects to win West Huron on this ques-
on, but we will be sadly mistaken if
oservatiye Protestants allow him to
•ag them into the mire of pplitical de-
avity. On March 12, 1886, Mr. Carri-
on in the House at Ottawa spoke on
e hanging of the red-handed murder -
and rebel Louis Riel. For the bene -
of our readers we take the exact
ads from the pages of the official
insard, and would advise Protest-
ts to study the matter well ere they
tide to give such a candidate either
ect or indirect supt.ort :—
. 116. I believed all along, and to
bt I believe more thoroughly than
r, that Louis Riel was hanged, not
much for the part he took in the
rthwest insurrection, as to avenge
blood of Brother Thomas Scott.
. 118. I propose to prove that Riel
executed contrary to law, con-
ry to the plainest principles of
tish law and British justice, and in
dience to a power (Orange) that is
responsible to Parliament.
126. Whatever ho (Riel) may
e been, it is quite manifest he was
a traitor to the Queen.
128. I say it (the evidence) is not
a dog,
after the festive season. P.
We hardly need remind the hay
scholars of our Stock of School P.
ugh to justify the hanging
Books as they already know of
that it ie to their advantage to
, P.
buy from us and that they are ' the
sure of getting the best values sure
and latest text books from our pOW
shelves. they
A. M
• L
let alone the hanging of a man.
129. I say. Mr. Speaker, that
Government never intended to
g Riel until t he power and pres-
of an unseen and irresponsible
er (Orange) became so strong that
cotnpelled the Right Hon. John
acdonald to hang Louis Riel.
130. Not onlydo 1 charge this Gov.,
ent with being influenced by the
Orange body, BUT TO THE EVER-
-1AT nonv, scarcely hacl the soul
ouis Riel appeared before his
AGE Which had taken place on the
la, scaffold.
Jew (Ititytiottu
Notice—Geo. Watt.
Cheese—Joshua W. Hill.
Money Sent—A. T. Cooper.
Private Sale—(Jharles E. Shaw.
Progress—The \V. I). Fair Co,
Many People—Geo. F. Emerson.
Cold Weather Goods—Hreigens Bros.
Dot iTake Chances—Allen & Wil-
P. P. 130-1. Not only did the Orange
lodges and Orangemen clamor /'or thA
blood of Rid and gloat or his eragic fate,
but they threatened those who believ-
ed that a lunatic was executed by this
P. 1111. Was there ever anything in
any country, in any party, zn any or-
ganization more Hrandatorm, more disgracena
and outrageous than this? hirsting with
unugencha,hle thirst for the rictim's blood,
over thr rirtim 104 his life on the Regina
nrajold r
For the past two weeks politics in
rhe HuroNews-Record
Weet Huron have been rather an un•
certain quantity, but now the political
eituation 18 in more definite shape.
Mr. D. A Forrester, the Patron nom-
inee, has declined to toe the line. Two
weeks ago Tire News iterolto intim-
ated that a strong effoit on the part, of
$1,25 a Year—$'j, Advance
Vote for Weismiller and itritisl
Affairs at Ottawa seem badly mixed
tip, so badly mixed that the Grits of
Clinton yesterday appointed Lanr-
ier Premier and endorsed Separate
Schools. At the time of wing to press
the Conservative party held the reins
of power. A telegram to THE Thews-
REcour. from Ottawa last night says
McKenzie Bowell has not resigned.
Onr town cotem. was pleased to issue a
lying special stating that he had.
Two Candidates only. Electors,
swing into line and buckle on for the
the Grits was being wade to side-track
Mr. Porresi er, His withdrawal menns
the death -knell of the Order in this
section. The P. P. A's nominated
Mr. Robert Newman, of Toronte, who
WAS to wagee
war on the ns twee -
tion, Manitoba Schools. It would
have been unfortunate if he had re-
mained in the fight, for it would
have been impossihle to secure an
intelligent expression ef opinion in a
triangular contest. The trade and
other important questions would
not he pronounced on and the vote
would, it was genernally coneeeed,
count more for Cameron than Wein-
miller. There is good ground for this
view, from the fact that, there was an
alliance between the P. P. A. candi-
date and Grit party. 1 he Charge haw
been made and substantiated that
was retch an alliance., and the
utterances of Mr. Newman made good
the contention. We are at a lofts to
understand or conceive how any oppon-
ent of M. C. Cameron coold coneistently
support him either by voting for New-
man or not voting at all. Either
Cameron or Weisrniller will be elected,
and Weismiller will he if he receives
the votes of those who profess to sup-
port the Conservative party.
In a riding like Montreal Centre it
seems to make little difference what a
candidate's character may he; but with
the country it matters much. The
average grit supporta his man no mat-
ter what may be his eharrcter. The
tory does not. Fitting examples of
these are Montreal Centre and Card-
well. •
tt,4 :et(
Every peeettge eitort helag,made
by 1$1,O.Vaalerna and the .Cirit party
even at the cost of truth and righteous-
ness to secure a party triumph, The
handwriting on the wall imbeates they
will not succeed. We believe in honest
principles and honest statements, even
though to our disad-vanta ▪ en
dealing with tut opponent who refuses
to stand by truth, our motto always
has been to call a spade a spade. John
McMillan spoke at Benmiller on Thers-
day evening on behalf of Mr. Cameron.
Some statements which he made are
not true. ' He may not have had the
facts and did not know he was lying.
But when a public man has in his
poses- n the facts on any subject and
misstates them he deliberately lies and
endeavors to bolster. a bad cause by
base deception, and is unworthy the
confidence of any elector. Mr. Mc-
Millan stated that Canadian binders
were sold in Australia for $75, less
money than they could be purchased
for by the Canadian farmer. The
charge was made alao by the Patrons
in 1895. To give proof positive that
Mr. McMillan and the Grit party in
West Huron are deceiving the public
in this matter THE NEWS -RECORD
gives the letter of the Massey Harris
Company of Toronto on the matter
DEAR SIR, —you ask the price of our
Binder in Australia? Our binders are
usually sold there for £60, nearly equal
to $300. We would like you to give us
the name of the parties who stated on
the Patron platforms that our binders
were sold in Australia for $75 each.
We would like to put him straight on
this before he goes any further. We
cannot hnagine that farmers in Canada
are so ignorant as to believe any such
nonsense, as they must know that the
freight on machines from here to .Aus-
tralia is very expensive indeed, and,
besides, the heavy expense of deliver-
ing the machines to, them after they
arrive in Melbourne. We might say,
in connection with this, that the rail-
way companies do not take machines
knocked down in piece', as they do
here, but every Machine has to be set
up in Melbourne and loaded on a flat-
car already set up, and you are suffici-
ently acquainted with freight matters
to know that the expense of delivering
machines to far inland points, set up in
this way, is also very great. If the
person would only take pains to go
into the matter thoroughly, he might
speak more truthfully, and would gain
greater favor amongst the Patrons of
this province than he can do by mak-
ing such false statements, as it will,
sooner or later, reflect back on hinaself.
15 -ours truly,
— --
Prom the Canadian Grocer
Commercial travellers who have been
up in Huron County say there is every
probability that D. Weismiller, the
Conservative candidate, will he return-
ed to the House of Commons in the
election to be held there shortly.
It is to be hoped he will be successful.
He will take his place in a Par/lament
that is decidedly weak in business rep-
From what we all saw of him at the
conference of merchants and manufac-
turers held in Hamilton a few years
ago, he will undoubtedly be a valuable
acquisition to the House.
It is to he hoped that the business
men of West Huron will cast aside pol-
itics and use their best efforts to elect
Mr. Weismiller.
He has been an occasional eontribu-
tor to these columns, and his views on
questions affecting the trade—the re-
tail trade especially—have always bee
sound, and eonsequently have beer
well received by business men in ever
part of Canada, who will be delighte
to know of his probable success.
ry vote will be needed in the con
t x Tuesday. Conservatives,
take warning. Your votes cannot he
wasted in three -cornered fights.
— — —
At Bentnifier John McMillan, on be-
half of M. C. Cameron, was charged
with being secretly closeted with the
P. P. A. candidate in the British
Hotel at Goderich on Thursday last;
and that the Spit party in West Huron
was in league with the P. P. A, candi-
date working for the defeat of Mr.
Weismiller. We regret, to say Mr.
McMillan had to ark no wledge the
charge. We are certain the rank and
file of the P. P. A. would not be a party
to any such un holy all ie nee. The
members of that. Order should consider
well the disastrous results they may
unknowingly bring about.
In Advanced Years
Tbe strength and pure blood neces-
sary to resist the effects of cold eeasous
aro given by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
"I have for the last 26 years ot ray life
been complaining of a weakness of the
lungs and colds in the bead, especially in
the winter. Last fall I was again attacked.
Reading of Rood'a Sarsaparilla I was led
to try it. I am now taking the fifth bot-
tle with good results. I can positively say
that I have not spent a winter as free from
coughs or pains and difficult breathing
spells for the last 26 years as was last win-
ter. Iran lie down and sleep all night
without any annoyance from cough or
pain in the lungs or asthmatic difficulty."
E. M. CHAMBERS, J. P., Cori:111in, N. B.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the Only
True Blood Purifier
Prominently in the public eye today.
KIRA'S PAIla tion. Price 260. per hot.
/11, cure habitual constipa-
Now for a straight up -and -up fight
between Weismiller and Cameron.
M. C. Cameron has failed to purchase
the P. P. A. or any other vote.
A vote for Weisrniller means sup.
port for British supremacy.
A vote for Weismiller means a vote
for our future national prosperity. '
The independent party ruled their
candidate and consequently have de-
clared against a French leader.
The P. P. A.'s have acted consistent-
ly in not placing Mr. Newman in the
The rank and file of the independen
party refuse to be a stepping stool for
M. C. Cameron, the purchaser of R. C.
church bells.
The Globe says it is an unpatriotic
policy for THE NEWS -RECORD to call
Mr. Laurier French 1 If not French,
what is the leader of the Opposition ?
The Globe gives THE NEWS -RECORD
credit for being the most prominent
Conservative paper in Huron. And it
wasn't asked for an opieion, either.
The by-election in Victoria on Mon-
day, rendered necessary by Col. Prior
accepting th a office of Controller of In-
land Revenue, came off Monday and re-
sulted in the re-election of Col. Prior
by 85 majority.
It will now he in order for M. C.
Cameron to declare, as he (lid in Par-
liament, that the Orangemen (Protes-
tants) thirsted for Riel's blood and
gloated over his tragic fate,
Mr. Newman at his opening meeting
in Goderich had a great deal to say (IN-
- paragingly of Mr. Weismiller, but
nothing against Mr. Cameron. The
reason is obvious and our renders may
draw their own conclusions.
We have not heard of Laurier
shouldering his musket on the banks
of Lake Huron, .fie would rather de-
fend the rebel half-breeds and 8aI y
'anadian defenders mi the bar) kSu-1'
the Saskatchewan.
Mr. Newman, the P. P. A. candid-
ate, informs, the Mont real Wit mss t hat,
he worked against Sam Hughes and
in favor of .J. A. Barron in Victoria.
darn Hughes is and always has been
one of the strongest and most uneom-
promising Protestants in t he Domin-
ion, in fact in many instances too
How To Vote.
Electors should hear k 11 mind that, the new Dominion hnllot will for the flrAt
time be used in West Huron next Tuesday. It is a great improvemenf. on the
original form. The following shows the vote in fever of David IVeismiller, the
Conservative candidate
Ballot Paper.
Election of the Electoral District of West Huron, 189G.
Malcolm Colin,Cameron,
of the Town of Goderieh.
David Weismiller, of the
Village of Irensall.
Wheri in search of some-
thing really Choice and
Stylish in
Ask to be shown Corsets
with the New Perfect
Wire Fastening and take
no other.
A Bottle of Perfume
• • •
Makes an appropriate Holiday Gift for your Lady Friends. We
carry nothing but the hest
And our Prices are very reasonable.
A Box of Cigars,
(If the right, kind) makes it most acceptable Gift for your Gentlemen
Friends, We have the right kind put up in $2.00 Boxes.
The Toronto Globe has for the past
two years strongly opposed the P. P.
A., but does not object to Mr. New-
man, the P. P. A. candidate, being in
league with the Grit party in West
M. C. Cameron is about as consistent
in his stand on the Manitoba school
question as he was before and after
Riel was hanged. To bang rebel Riel
was legalised murder! But before he
was hanged the Government dare not
allow the law to take a free course in
vindicating justice(
In marking your ballot remember
that the policy of the Conservative
party is the mainstay of Canada's
national greatness and prosperity, and
you can only sustain our untarnished
integrity by voting for Weismiller.
In the last Dominion election a Grit
personator voted in Clinton on the-,
came of Wm. Webb, who was in New
York. He narrowly escaped from
town through the assistance of recog-
nised pious men, residents of Clinton.
We do not know that there is any
more principle in that party now than
then. Every effort will be made to
win West Huron for M. 0. Cameron,
and it devolves upon Conservatives to
see to it that Grit personators are not
eFlowed to repeat such damnable work.
Respectable Reformers will agree with
Conservatives should be on their
guard. During the next few days
West Huron will be infested with Grit
hoodlers. The courts are the proof of
the corruption and hoodling that, has
been praticed by the Grits in this Rid-
ing and an effort should he made to
have these boodling aliens lacked up.
They will tramp the side roads and con-
eession lines in pursuit of their unholy
work and the dirty of every elector is
to report every such character and
have them promptly arrested.
Chemist and
-Repairs Satisfactory or Your
Money Back. : :
The plan we pursue is
"not cheap watches
but watches che"
We make a specialty
of reliable watches
— those that are a delight
to the wearer and a cred-
it to us,
Coopers' Block.
Electors of West Huron w
Greenway, and many of them
not much confidence in the to
years ago. And he has not i
as far as politica/ morals or p
purpose are concerned.
"Nothing Like Leather
How Styles Do Ohansret .
ft hasn't been very long since footwear like this was "all the go.4
grandparents will perhaps remember it.
And how prices change, too 1 Labor-saving devices have made it pose
for us to sell ladies' fine Lyons Kid Button Boots for $3.150. They are shap
soft and pliable. Not very long ago th same quality of shoe would have cost
The New Shoe Firm.