The Huron News-Record, 1896-01-08, Page 3.r.v,s avvv 8 Iav^.••+r CG) O8 Qi/?EC7ThY. u1lbtug. ------ fill MUUON IINI. ipeQrpergted by Aotot Parliament 1806. * UIR. • L. Oa L. No. 10f C7LINT0 NEE Meets mom, Monday of ivory month. Hall Rud Bat, McKay bleak. Visiting brethren always made welcome. DR. J. 8. FREEBORN, W. Id. P. 0ANTELON, JR. Sec. J. P. SHEPPARD, D. M CAPITAL - $2,000,000 REST, - $1,875,000 Head OMoe. - MONTREAL. J. R. R. MOLSON, President, F. WOLFERBTAN THOAU % General Mane er. Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts issued, Sterling and American ex- change bought and sold at lowest current rates. Inmost ALLOwaD ON DeIOe1T8. A'A RrtCMRS. Money advanced to farmers on their own notes with one or more endoraere. No mortgage re. Cubed to security. H. 0. BREWER, Manager, Deoewber, 1896, Chimes. G. D. McTaggart BANKER, ALBERT TREET, CLINTON. d GENEAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, Solea Oi tnted. - - Drafts Issued. ntereatsAllowed on Deposita. , June 8th, 1891 868y Incident. DR. W. GUNN, L. R.'C. P. and L. R. 0. S., LEdlnbargh. Office - Ontario street Clinton. Night cane at front door of reside/toe on Rottenbary street, opposite Presbyter- ian church. DR. TURNBULL. J. L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; 7. M., Victoria Univ. M. C. P. de 8. Ont, ; Fellow of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late of London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals Office: - Dr. Dowsley s stand, Rattonbury St. Night calls answered at Office. DR. SHAW. 0tfloe In Hod;en's Block, Rattonbury 8t„ Clinton, Jet. Night calls at same place. Jas. S. Freeborn' L. H. & Q. C. P., I., M. 0 P. & 8. 0., &a., &o. Graduate of King's & Queen's College of Physicians, Dublin, Ireland. Licentiate of the General Medical Connell, Great Rdtaiu. Meutber of College of ✓ byeieis'sl and Surgeons, Ontario. Formerly resi- dento L'ne Rotunda Hospital (Lylug•in and Gynie- : ological), Dublin. Special attention to diseases of women and children. Office and residence, Rattonbury St., next door to Ontario St. Methodist parsonage. 829-ly !euttstV'g. T. C. BRUCE L. D. S., i,njoutc. TO 1""HE LFAR�M RSa Study Your riga iiiteYZ% fd geMhere , You can get .. Reliable 10010t Harness, I manulaotpre none but the Ulla OF 81o0g, Betcare of shops that sect cheap, a8 they have got to dive sir 0811 and get prices. Orders by mall promply attended to tiIrnir' BELL. HARNESS EMPORIUM. DILATIi, ON'V ('4LINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A M. mea EU every Friday, on or after the moon. Visit Ing brethren cordially tnvltad A. J. HOLLOWAY, W. M. J. B. RUMB&LL, Bao. Clinton, Dec. 8, 1896. K. 0. T. M. Hearne Tent No, 66, Hnightirof the Maccabees of the World. 51,000, 52,000 and 58,000 Pulioles, Odem- bershlp over 100,000. Assessment principle -has never exceeded 12 assessments hu a year. Cheapest and safest to existence. Meets in Orange Hall, Clin- ton, first and third Friday of every month. A. O.1. W. The Clinton Lodge, No.144,meetsln Blddlecomhe'e Hall, oppoelte the market, the let and 3rd Frldaye In each month. Vteitord cordially invited. B. Bross - Reg, M. W.; J. Bash, Recorder. 699y glad Xutghts l )Le Surgeon Dentist. Member of R. C. D. S., of Ont. !A t-xiracted without pain by the use of a harm- s aa: pleasant local anaesthetic. No unconscious- neee, sickness nor 111 -effects accompany the use of this remedy, and many in and around Clinton can testify to lie genuineness. Special attention given _to the preservation of the natural teeth. Office, .^.oaten' Block, over Taylors shoe store. R. Agnew, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur- geons of Ontario. Honor Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto. Best Local Anaesthetic for painless extraction. Office opposite Town Hall, over Swallow's Store. Night Bell answered. Will visit Hansell every Monday, and Zurich the 2nd Thursday of each month Xegul, G. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, IL, Conveyancer, &o. Offioe-corner Hamilton and . Andrews -etc., opposite Colborne Hotel, Goderich. 888.88 RO. BAYS, Barrister, 8ollcltor, &c. Office, corner • North Street and Square, ;near Regiet �OHoe, Goderich, Ont.' SOr Money to lend at lowest rates of Interest. J. SCOTT, Barrister, 4'c.. ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - - CLINTON. Money to Loan. • E. CAMPION, Q • C BARRISTER, - - • SOLICITOR., NOTARY, ¢c., 4odcrich, - Ont. Office -Over Davis' Drug Store. Money to loan. M. 0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, - - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, ETC., Q-odcrich, - - - Ont. Office -Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew's Sta, W. BRYDONR., BARRISTER - - SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, 4-c , OFFICE BEAVER BLOCK - - CLINTON 817-tf litoneg to gaud. ONEY to tend tolarge or email sums or good mortgagee or personal security at the lowest tarreot rates. 11. HALE, Huron et. Clinton. Money. *0114y 80 lend on good eeourity at Si and a per eefit. Apply to C. RIDOUT, Albert 8t., Clinton. 862•tf. Wm.Moore HasRemoved -----TO oORE'S BLOCK, HURON STREET, CLINTON. I am better than ever prepared to amply the pnb- 1le with the stest Improved Singer Sewing Machines. Needles ih stook and parte supplied for all mikes of d Loader Churn end'8het..the reliablainee. Agente Wasbereandr the sbeWringers. The most critical lnepeatton invited. WM. MOORE, East of Commercial Hotel, Hnronl Street, Clinton 88544 s'›ie Jubilee Preceptory Not 161, (Black Knights of Ireland) Meats in the Clinton Orange Hall, the second Wednes day of every month, at 7.30 o'clock in the evening. Visiting Sir Knights will always receive a hearty welcome. A. M. TODD, Worshipful Preceptor OaORaa'C OLav, Deputy Preceptor ParrR CANTahoN, Registrar Royal Black Preceptory 391, Black Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange Ilal , lyth, the Wednesday after fuii moon of every mon Royal Black Preceptory 315, Black Knights of Ireland, Meets in the (irsngc hall, Goderlob, the Third lion• day of every month. Visiting Knights always made welcome. W lI MKRNEY, Prceptor, Ooderich P 0 JAMES RUSK, Registrar, Goderich 1' G COOK'S FLOUR & FEED STORE, Clinton, BRAN and SHORTS in Large or Small Quantities, OIL CAKE, LINSEED MEALS 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal for ono Bushel Oats D. COOK. CLINTON. HILL'S FEED STORE, HURON STREET, CLINTON. The Best Early Seed Potatoes, and all kinds of first-class Clover, Timothy, Field and Garden Seeds, Flour and Feed of all kinds. Closest living prices for cash. SALT in stock and for sale, TEAS of the choicest varieties and blends. Excellent value. J. W. HILL, Huron St., Clinton Central Butcher Shop. COUCH & WILSNN Subscribers desire to notify the public that they have bought out the butchering business lately con• ducted by Mr. Jae. A. Ford, and will continue the same ander their personal euporvision. Order' will have prompt and careful attention. Fresh meats of all kind' will be kept in season, sold at reasonable rates and delivered anywhere in town. ARTFIUR COUCH, CHAS N. WILSON. CLINTON. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP FORD & MURPHY (Successors to J. W. Langford.) Having bought nut the above business, we intend to comfort It on the crib principle, and will eopply our customers with the beat meats at the lowest pay. ng prices. FORD& MURPHY. New Butcher Shop. The undersigucd desires to intimate to the people of Clinton and vicinity that he has opened a butcher shop in the store of W. Care, Huron Street. Hellas had many years exp'rienre, and feels thatlin ran give the best satisfaction. Ile will 'ell strictly for Cash, and at the lowest. possible prices. ORI>Eriv RByrr.rTFULLv SOLICITED. M. W. WRIGHT, - Clinton. LIVE HOGS WANTED. Highest Market Price, Paid. D. CANTEL(IN, Clinton. "93-tf. B. THOMLINSON VETERINERY SERGEON, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col• ego, Toronto. Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on th most modern and Scientific Principles. Day and Night Calle Promptly Answered. Residence-Rattonbury Street, Weet, Cliton Ont NOTICE. i There being some mieunderetaading with re- gard to wreckage, let It be distinctly understood that if any porton takes poeseseion of any kind of wreckage and fails to report to me I obeli at 0000 take proceedings. Remember thin le the last warning 1 shall give. CAPT. WM. BABB. Receiver of Wrecks, Ooderioh, Goderich, Sept. 7th 1891. FOR SALE. Tho property at 'resent 000upied by the un- deretgued as a residence on the Huron Road, in the Town of Goderich, oonaleting of one half of an sora of land, good frame house -story and a half -seven rooms, including kltoheo, hard and soft water, good stone cellar, stable, vi p0 and carriage houses, There are also some good fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated and very suitable for any 'person wishing to live roti rod' For further particulars apply to ll. CAMPLON, 542 -tf Barrister, 0 odertob . J. E BLACK ALL, Veterinary Burgeon honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, treats diseases of all domestic animals on tarn most moderrnr1 and eofentifle principles. la'Calle attended to Toronto Conservatory of Music, oer tificates in Piano, Harmony and Intro- :dtictory Theory. J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELRY and SILVERWARE at J. BIDDLECOIIIII'S, - Chilton. GO TO THE Union. Shaving • Parlor For first-class Hair -Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton EMERTON, Proprietor. Horseshoer and Genera/ Black- smith, Albert Street, North, - Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed end first class material and work guaranteed ; farm implements and machines rebuilt and repaired. WATTS & CO CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS Great Northwestern Telegraph office, Albert Street, - Clinton. • -PROPERTY. FOR SALE OP RENT. -Advertisers will find "The Newe•Record" one of the best mediums In the County of Huron. Ad vettise in 'The News -Record" -The Double Circulation Talk' to Thousands. Rates a low as any. If you want a first.olase, well -made pump, one that will give you Batiefaction, BODd your order to the undersigned. He will dig and clean wells and do it at the closest videos. He also handles a 111'00:flees FORCE PUMP. Opposit Queen'a Hotel • High Street Clinton. Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, Orrice --At G. Ttewart's Grocery Store, Clin• ton. 761.1y 6m0" Cantelon Bros, iIENERAL GROCERS & PROVIS- ION MERCHANTS. Grockery, Glass & Chinaware ALBERT ST. CLINTON, ONT. Highest Cash Price for 1.1utter and Eggs BILL IIEADS, NOTE Heeds, Letter Heads, Tags, Statements, Circulars, Business Cards, En velopee, Programmes, etc., etc., printei In a workman- like manner and at low rates, at TRE NEWh-RECORD office. Mrs. Whitt, Teacher of Music, Pupil of M.'. Charles W. Landon, of Philadelphia. Tho MRROD Method 11904 excluaively. It is orinsidered by the leading Mnalcal Artiatee that nn method develope the technic so rapidly as Dr. Maeon's"Tueh and Technic." Plano, Organ and Teohnicon for use of pupilat Apartmente in Beaver Block, over W. Beealey'a, Albert street, Clinton. NOTICE TO NF.VVEI RECORD READERS. The publisher would esteem It a favor if rem' , would, when making their piirehases .iention at they saw the mernhant's vertistc.ent In 'Die VIGOR OF MEN Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. amine , Debility, and the train of W4aistisess Nerv- evils from early errors Or latex excesses, the *lilts of overwork, 411 Strength, develop - &nit and tone given to eVny axon and portion of the body. Simple, natural methods. Im- mediate improvement., seen. Failure impossi- ble. 2,000 references. Book,etplanation and proofs mallet (sealed) ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.t. The ltlasitetpaSeliWeis, A i3TRQNO Til TTH FROM %WE O1tf1.ND _BASTER OF ONTARIO WEST. A QUIET RI,NIJki%R TO ALL ORANGE. URN THAT THEY H.AVIA AN jBUPORT- ANT DUTY TO PERFORM -211t. HUGHES GIVES HIS REASONS FOR POLITICAL OPPOSITION TO D'ALTON M'CARTHY. 1 am in r•ecei t of letters daily front lug a»ch a.'. oidtiou as would probabl ultitntttelyi once Mild rte gu. 1 thing too, that he chose the went possible time to resign. I esteem Mr. Wwllwa very highly, and I wish co speak kind- ly of him, but whoever his advisers may be they appear to have obbed hint of lis usual discretion. I cannot refrain from saying, too, that it was ungenerous to sneer at Sir Frank Smith in order to gain a little p appulse_from an excited audience. Sir Orangemen in different parts of Ontario, Frank Smith spoke of Mr, Wallace in a urging we to state my views concern- much more courteous and considerate ing the duty of Orangemen in regard way. I do not believe that Mr. Wal - to the Manitoba school question. I lace himself really thinks Sir Frank request permission to answer these letters through your columns. I re- spectfully advise my Orange brethren as follows 1. Beware of unscrupulous agitators, who have never concealed their con- tempt for Orangeisut and Orangemen, and yet are ever ready to mislead you by dishonest appeals to your most sacred feelings and principles. Pay no attention to the impudent suggestions of men who are never interested iu you unless they wish to use you. 2. Remember the broad foundation principles of Orangeism. The "general declaration of the Orange Association states that the Order "is formed by persons desirous of supporting, to the utmost of their power, the principles and practices of the Christian religion and to maintain thz laws and constitu- tion of their country." 3. Remember that the central prin- ciple of Orangeism is justice, and that au Orangeman who refuses to treat Rohan Catholics exactly its he would wish Protestants to be treated is co- wardly as well its untrue to Orangeism. 4. Remember that the demagogue's cry, "Hands off Manitoba!" or "Let Manitoba manage her own affairs," or "The people of Manitoba understand' their own business," would be just as logical and as constitutional if applied to Quebec as to Manitoba. If the Leg- islature of Quebec should pass a law taking away any of the educational rights of the Protestant minority, how would Orangemen receive the cry "Hands off Quebec?" Every honest Orangeman in Canada would then re- joice that the British North America Act provides for an appeal from a Provincial Educational Act, and would insist, that a remedy should be found for the grievance of the Protestant minority. If you would not shout "Hands off Quebec !" do not be base enough to shout "Hands off Mani- toba." Smith suggested that Sir Mackenzie Rowell should be made Prime Minister with any improper motive. There never has been a public man in Canada whose reputation for absolute integrity isawore deservedly high than the char- acter of Sir Frank Smith. The fact that he is able to rise superior to creed prejudices and co-operate with a Past Grand Master of the Orange Order in the direction of the affairs of his coun- try reflects infinite credit,on hire, and proves his liberality and patriotism. I am yet _hopeful that Manitoba may settle her own educational affairs ; but if she refuses to do so, 1 hope the Dominion Parliament may perform the duty laid upon it in a spirit of wis- dom and justice and establish apreced- ent that may be followed safely in future appeals from minorities, whether they are Roman Catholics or Protest- ants. In conclusion, 1 give the advice with which I began. Beware of demagogues) who try to excite you in order to use I your enthusiasm in turning their political grindstone. They try to get their grindstone turned by a very different power in Quehec. They will laugh at you if you turn the grindstone. Do your own thinking. Yours sincere) JAMES L. HUGHES, Grand Master Ontario Wes'. 5. Remember that if Canada is ever to become truly great Protestants and Roina,n Catholics must be subject to t he same laws, and that the same treat- ment accorded to Protestant minorities must be given to Roman Catholic min- orities. 6. Remember that education is one of the subjects not wholly under the control of any province in the Domin- ion. The British North America, Act makes definite provision for the su- preme control of educational matters by the Dominion Parliament when a minority in any province, either a Ro- man Catholic or a Protesnant minori- ty, has a grievance. The Dominion is a legislative and not a federal union in adjusting educational appeals from 7. Remember that the Privy Coun- cil is the highest court of appeztl in the British Empire, and that the Privy Council decided that the Roman Cath- olics of Manitoba have a grievance, since the school law of 1890 Was ps.ssed by the Manitoba Legislature. 8. Remember that the Hon. Joseph Martin who introduced the Manitoba. School Act of 1890, says "he believed the law to be tyrannical." 9. Remember that Protestant tyran- ny is as odious as Roman Catholic tyr- anny. 10. Remember ,that the man who says : "I know the Rotnan Catholics of Manitoba have a grievance, but what of it? We are nut bound to remedy the grievance," is Advocating a dishon- orable and dishonest course. The very men who now insult your honor and your sense of fairness by making such base proposals to you would be the first to see the gross injustice and immoral- ity of these proposals if a Protestant minority had the grievance. Be brave and true and honest and patriotic enough to take the square, manly course of treating others as you would like to be treated, if you were in their circumstances. 11. Remember that the granting of remedial legislation does not necessari- ly mean the restoration of power to Roman Catholics to establish and con- duct Separate schools as before 1890. The Privy Council took special care in delivering jtidgenuent to show that the Manitoba Legislature had full con- stitutional authority to pass the school law of 1890. Ther e are ways in which the grievance of the Itonia,n Catholic minority may be remedied without setting aside the decision of the Pro- testant inapwity. 1 am confident that the Dominion Parliament will try to find the most efficient and most just of them plans. 12. Remember that there would be no agitation in regard to the Manitoba school qiiestion, if it were not for the fact that Mr. Laurier's party wishes to make political capital out, of the agita- tion. 13. Remember that, to place Mr. Laurier in the place of Sir Mackenzie Bowell would not be a triumph for your Protestant principles, and ask yourselves Ole question : Is it, wise to sacrifice the commercial prosperity of Canada, when by so doing we have not the ghost, of a chance of advancing Protestant nrinciples? 14. Remember that, in attacking Sir Mackenzie Howell you are fighting the battle of the Milt/ whose own party papers reported him tee saying with great fervency, "Thank God. there are no Orangemen in my party." have been asked why I do not. urge all Orangemen to support Mr. D'Alton McCarthy ? For several reasons : 1. He treated Orangemen with sup- ercilious scorn until he decided to try to make them subservient tools in carrying out his selfish ambition. 2. He insults Orengemen now in hie public appeals, even when arrogantly assuming that they should follow hitn. 3. His trade policy, adopted, at4 was his ultra -Protestantism, suddenly for the purpose of weakening the party that dared to assume that it could exist without him, is in my opinion opposed to the best interests of Canada. 4. Mr. McCarthy is a purely selfish I am pressed for my views in regard to the resignation of Hon. N. Clarke Wallace. Frankly, think Mr. Wal- lace made a mistake last spring in tak- HAMILTON'S W ELL -KNOWN CONTRAC- TOR, CI.TRED OF A SEVERE ATTCAK OF SCIATICA IN FIVE DANS. "I had so severe an attack of sciatica in May, 1894 that tcould hardly walk. I was recommended by G. W. Spack- man, druggist, to use South American Rheumatic Cure. I followed his ad- vice, and Ivithin five days was com- pletely cured. Three years before, when troubled with the Sallie com- plaint, it took doctors three months to cure nie. The first dose of South American Rheumatic Cure gives relief and ab- solutely convinces that a cure is cer- tain. Sold by Watts & Co. Goderich Public School Exams - THE ruomoTroN oF PUPILS IN THE VAR- IOUS DEPARTMENTS. The following are the results of the Christmas examinations in the public schools of the town of Goderich. The names are published in order of mer - baby The, baby's mission is. growth. To that little bun. die of love, half trick,half dream, every added ounce of flesh means added hap- piness and comfort! Fax is the signal of perfect health, comfort, good nature, baby beauty. Scott's Emulsion, with hypophosphites, is the eas- iest fat -food baby can have, in the easiest form. It sup- plies just what he cannot get in his ordinary food, and helps him over the weak places to perfect growth. Scorr & Bowes, Belleville, Ont. eoc. and ;hoe WARD SCHOOLS From St Patrick's Senior to Central II. -Fisher Herman, Knox Willie and Taylor Harold (equal), Brown Vida, Polley Hugh, Rothwell Maybird, Smit.h Herbert, Garrovv Allan and McIvor Maggie (equal I, McEwan Maggie, Knee- shaw Lizzie, Evans Pearl. From St. Andrew's Senior to Central IL-Gnest Spencer, McDougall Dave, Hont Harry, Coutts Peter and ACID - strong Francis (equal), Belcher Sidney and Brimacombe Bessie (equa,I,) Law- rence Jack, McDonald Tina, McDon- ald May Bell, McKay Nellie and Suth- erland Margaret (equal), Nicholson Mary, alackstone Reggie, Manger Arthur, Wiggins Thomas. From St. David's Senior to Central II -Dyke Grace, Kirkbride Willie, Allan Norman, Dunn Lottie, Andrews Annie, Tichbourne Victor. From Senior IL to Junior Ill. -And- erson Wilbur and Jordan Ernest (equal) Acheson Emma, Robinson Graham, Craig Eddie, Craig Joseph, Maynes Eva„ Roberts Alfred, 13tichanan Annie and MeClymont R. (equal), Smith Es- sie, McIvor Mal y and Black Harry (equal), Logan .Tosie, Tait Grace and McDonald Walter (equal), Craigie Ro- bert, McIvor John, Melkettld For- est. Junior III. to Middle II I. -Strang Mabel, Whi`_ely Emma, Johnston Clara and A itk i ns Scott (equal), Wells Jennie, Anderson Christable, Black Harry, Cztntelon Jennie. tkliddle III. to Senior III. Turner Olive, McLean Flo., Johnston Willie, Bates Olive, Milliall Bertha, Mel vor Norman, Dickson Irene, AllilrPWS Hugh, Henderson George, Black Cline. Senior III. to Junior 1\7.-11;111 Clara, Knox Lin ., Cornell Bert, Craig Laura, Dowding May, Bell Vida, And- rews Annie. Junior IV to Senior I V. McDonald John, Sutherland Lexie, Babb Mary, Bates Ida, Grahaill Ed Mt, Newcombe John, Edward Lincoln, Knight Jethro, Martin Bert„ McDonald May, Wells Minnie, Smith Bert. Wiggins Harry, Wright Alex., Chrystal Chas., 13tirli- anan Herbert„ Stowe Carrie. Senior IV.- Johnston Myrtle, New- ton Munroe Fred, Elliott Willie, Ache- son Stella, Tye Elise, Acheson Edith, 13ridgette Chas., Fisher Eddie, Vivian Coral, McClyrrinnt, Bert, Blackstone Harold, Craigie Evelyn, Milhan Edith, Faegrtn Everett, Elliott Alma, Polley Annie, Blackstone Chas.. Carrie Ar- thirr,Horton Helen and Johnston Lily (equal), „Knox Sybil, Dickson Albert, Johnston Frances, Grierson Lottie, Far- row Ethel, Reta, Price Mary, McLean Lizzie, Torn Mabel, Potts Wil- heir/11nm, Algie Agnes, Wigging John, Algie Florence. In the interests of their children par- ents are earnestly requested to attend to the following : 1. To see that their children do not miss school tit any time, except on ac- count of sickness. 2. To see that they are not late at sc 8h.oTolo. see that the evening studiee are attended to. 4. To question their children each ev- ening on the work of the day. 5. In no case to tolerate truancy. Druggists say that ' their sales of Hood's So rsaparilla evcc40,ed, Mom of n 11 others. There is no substitute: for Hood's. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphreys' Specifies are scientifically and carefully prepared Remedies, used for years in private practice and for over thirty years by the people with entire success. Every single Specific a special cure for the disease named No. HPBCIFIO FOA ratosa 1 -Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations.. .25 2 -Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Collo..,. .25 3 -Teething, Collo, Crying, Wakefulness .25 4 -Diarrhea, of Children or Adults .25 7-Cougbe, Colds, Bronchitis .25 8 -Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceuche. .25 9 -Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo.25 10-Dyapepala. Biliousness. Constipation.25 11-Suppre see d or Painful Periods.25 12 -Whites, Too Profuse Periods .25 13 -Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness .25 14 -Balt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.25 15 -Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains .25 10 -Malaria, ChRls, Fever and Ague .25 19 -Catarrh, Influenza, Cold hi the Head.25 20 -Whooping Cough 25 27 -Kidney Diseases .25 28 -Nervone Debility 1.00 30 -Urinary Weakness .25 364 -Sore Throat, HQuincy, Ulcerated Throatt.25 4f �1 11DR. Hr USPECIF C FOR DRIP, GSC. Pinup In small bottles of pleasant pellets, just lit your vest pocket. Sold by Druggist°, or sent prep.Id on receipt of price. Dn, HUYrURET°' aaNasL(Eillsrgod& Revised,) 0A 1.80 FREE. HU5IPHRRYH' .ED.00.,111 a 112 William 81., NEW YOWL. SPECIFICS. cAVEATS,TRADE MARKS px_empt answer and an honest opinion, write to MU NN olz CO.. who have had nearly fifty years experienee ln the patent business. Communica- tions strictly confidential. A. Handbook of In- formation concerning Patents and bow etghat tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of m leal and scientific' books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice intim Scientific American, and thus are brought widely before the public with- out cost to the Inventor. This splendid Paper. issued weekly, elegantly ill ustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. 103.1, year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, $2.50 a year. Single «Ties, 25 cents. Every number contains beau- tiful platee, in colors, and photographs of new b0116431‘ with plans, enabling buticlera to show tbe Ltest designs and secure contracts. Addrees MUNN & CO., 'Vim YORE. 361 BROADWAY. i-T•ERFECT TEA Tut FINEST TEA I N THE WORLD FROM THT TEA PLANT TO THE TEA cur IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. "Monsoon" Tea is put up by the Indian Tea growers as a sample of the best qualities of Indian T.... Therefore they use the greatest care in the selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they put it up themselves and sell it only in the original p wkages, thereby securing its purity and excellence. Pot up in lb., lb. and s lb. packages, and never ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. If your gsemer does not keep it, tell him to write to u and 13 Front Street East. Toronto. Old Or.Gordon's Remedy forMen 141 BEGINNING FIRST MONTH wCer,UN,11„.7,:n.. Failing Manhood, 5, cr.. Di. hood and snit stay 165 Address, QUZIE71 7 7. KOOTENAY CURED WHERE 50 DOCTORS FAILED. For a number of years I was greatly troubled with a skin disease. I went 80 Hot Springs, Ark., and I actually believe I consulted over fifty doctors at different times without getting any relief. I took one bottle of your Kootenay Cure and it has cured me. Previous to using it I was unable ‘ci shave. It is no doubt a wonderful niedicine. I recommend it most highly. Yours truly, A. TRUMAN, icse King St. E., Hamilton, Ont.