HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-01-01, Page 8e1; 'e vf*ti 'give at 000 Year for ~tll\Mr. Skey. a 'wtli Owed to have your : ubscrip. , oo r iesevl'tl for any of the 'weekly, or montlly pa- 410teesend direct to the office Iiljaltlon. Now, why not)let us it far you. We can save you 'tecitible and expense of writing and .cverq Inst nee, you will find our terms the some as the publishers. a yol1, read "Munsey's Magazine 2" ltKardieg it we want to call your at- . 'tentiotl to afoot, a great big fact, it has 1.16 pars'and sells for 10 cents, it is b -I2/7 per cent Urger than the gasine of 112 readingpages and 3.3i] Cent larger than te one with 96 ling pages to sell at the same ratio 4"t/hooey's" the 112 page magazine tad sell for 8f cents and the 96 page tent'r3. We give you this "tip" and heave the rest to you. THE D. Pair Co. , sttbseription Agents. The Huron News -Record I 20 a Yesr-81.00 in Advance. 'WF.DNEBDAY, JANIIARY 1st, 1896. LOCAL NEWS. In and Around the Hub, Sawn garb. icer apples for sale—CANTELaN BROS. :bs XOBANORD nos WHEAT, Bolted oats for SOTS Clinton. k, andschicken feathers @ihange for furniture at J. °neon's. ill t QOf,Y}. . t h' olds_ 1t .8flk' sly :Mingo: r ,I ., • , ILotl• Oil �.. dd atneh o ea w. coax etl 1Ytei# i+ed• nig ci Cho e' 'a og`w Alexi ehien.- with"ty hosaer and peccumed Saturday, The 'funeral took place yesterday to Clinton ceme- tery., steeibas MAJOR sold Messrs. Bennett Broth- ers, of Walton, at a good figure, his fine young shorthtrn bull, Major Booth—'20201--sired by Imported. Gen- eral Booth, out of Mihnie Bruce. Ma- jor Booth is a very superior animal and they will likely be very successful with him as a stock getter and also in the show ring. January them10th, the Local Union will hold its regular quarterly meeting in the Ontario Street Methodist church, to which all the young people of the ,town are invited. The addresses are to he given byMr. Albeit Allan, of Colborne, andMissNettie O,rich, of Tucbersmith, on "A Christian's rela- tion to the Sabbath," and "Christ's methods in personal work." 1 SERIES OF DEBATES.—A series of interesting debates have been ar- ranged for in the Royal Tempters Council on the trouble existing between England and the United States. The council has been divided so as to represent the two nations and we have no doubt lhas important question will be decided soon. Thursday eve ning next being the first meeting of the year, the officers for the next term will he installed. All members are request- ed to be present. PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT.—The result, of the examination in division 5 of the Public School is as follows :—Senior class, marks obtainable 290: Howard Porter, 260; O. Rodgers, 259; J. Men- zies, 232; M. Livermore, 225; E. Aitkin, 219; E. Leppington, 215; J. Carling, 103; E. Broder, 185; F. Robinson, 178; W. Johnston, 170; N. Boles, 166; G. Finch, 165; J. Mcjonnel, 181; L. Jack- son, 158; L. Fowler, 149; E. Copp, 148; J. McKenzie, 140; L. Sage, 137; A. For- rester, 134; J. Keane, 105; L. Reynolds, 103; B. Pearen, 102; R. Paisley, 90. Junior class, marks obtainable 230:—A. Worthington, 188; H. Patterson, 185; E. Shepherd, 182; B. Sage, 167; L. Chidley,• 149; L.Jackson, 149; M. Young, 147; F. Chant, 147; H. Walker, 143; G. Cook, 142; G. D. Cook, 136; M. Clnfi, 123; M. Mitchell, 119; L. Lock- wood, 103; C. Forden, 98; L. I4eywood, 97; C. Tisdale, 89; H. LaYis, 77; W. Streets, 71; C. Twitchell, 58; H. Robin- inson, 37. MASONIQ INSTALLATIONt The ofli- ars of Clinton Lodwe No. 84, A. F. and . M., were installed on St. John's ight, Dec. 27th. There was a good urnout and the installation'• was con- eted most efiiicient'ly bjr.Past Mas- rs J. W. Shaw, R. Heywood and hos. Smal arcombe : ' J. • P., M., J. W. haw; W. V M., A, J, Hct)ioWa r; l9.. W,, Johns J. W., W.M. Fair; Secre- T., Hoover. I. G., J. W. ChidleyTyler., . y+�, J. Rider; S. S., D. R. Kennedq; J.S., J. E. Blackall. The ceremonies over, all sat down to an excellent supper at the Commercial Hotel. After justice had heels done to the gond things provided by mine host, Bro. Bell, the fllowing toasts were proposed by W: M. Hollo- way and responded to asunder :—"The Queen and Craft," God save the Queen; "St. John's Day, the da we celebrate," Dr. Shaw, song by W. P. Spalding; "Past Masters,"R. Heywood, T. Smal- lacombe; "Officers," O. Johnston, W. D. Fair, J. W. Chidley, D. B. Kennedy and O. S. Doan; "the Ladies," R. J. Macdonald, Dr. Shaw and J. D. Kitty; "the host and hostess," Thos. Bell. Among the visitors, who also spoke, were Bros. Weismiller, Rev. Stout, Stevens and Stewart. Mr. R. Downs gave several of his inimitable songs to the delight of all. At a seasonable hour all returned to their homes after singing "Auld Lang Syne." NGs,--Our readers should bear A the statutory meetings of the N tural _ Society and Hullett t urai Socleetry, this week an- du in another catn"mn, to CL°al si4 ,.,,The ;new regula- 'istheS in Ito'rcli*so n $ turday even - Lies esn that -4 I m.?.twith a great/extent on the pur- tat c. Ditizens should see to *lot coats men'sh of ail. hie bell y evenings at nine >y, '.r,,—The introduc- +of the Clinton Drill the --town hall on About thirty-five t. The music was ndon Harpers and d at the Wolper was a success in all naneially. 't Wednesday even- idt transpired at the ',,Alex. Morris, when chip and Miss Jessie ,tiltSited in marriage by f i 1.• Miss Lucy Shep- the bride, acted as Ale the groom was sup - 'other. After the cere- tacps supper was served DIA evening spent by ends in games, song, es. Kemp have taken non Rattenbury street 1 EOORD wishes them dant prosperity. la tot Th • rn a'cal peiiple ebo* ti class .Was Members and 41 were appointed': erty; Hein. Vice, Press H. 0, Bre . fees; Sec., Ern. 13.lmes; Treas.,Miss M. McMurray; - Executive Com., Messrs. Hbover, Spalding and Poster; acconl ppan ists, Misses Jaciison, Boles, Gi bbi ngs. ]iScHardy, Fair and Mrs. Wall; Musi- sal Director, Mr. T. Jackson, Jr. It is the intention of the class to give strict- ly high class choruses and to bring to- gether all our best musical people for ..nlujuaa} improvement and profit and at ame time to give at each concert t e best recognized talent that )red. The first concert will Thursday, Jan. 30th, Has - and Mr. Depew will be the fid this should make the finest r ever given f: our hall. UN1 AY' AT ST. PAUL'S CHURCH.— here Was a very large congreation at t. Paul's church last Sunday evening. e chitgcel was apropriately decora- , the draping, Star and word Eman- bping artistically arranged. In ace of the sermon there Were a nein- of ,Messianic readings, .tyfnng .and Christmas barols, the splendid. Choir perfdrming excellent service. The equartettes were of buppeerior merit and dere rendered by Mrs, R.. Ransford, Mias IIferinarl, Messrs. Jackson and Poster, aad•by: the Minims Mcliardy, llerman, and Messrs4 deckson and Foster. P'olioWing Was the b der:- -At a meeting evening last of the wn a successful Pmed of over 50 fallowing officers on. Pres., W. Doh - Mrs. R. Ransford; er; Vice, N. Yellow - ie No. 580 Russell rn„q. tii,�..........�.fr-, Hawes inisDleafi;..,,-8leriburn >lifira9)lt be joyful id the.,'lwo d' Schiller No. 77 Itryoka 1.• Were rite. Maass $esdluq Qia tette • bh le6,Yo i�� Ln atirot--lowly tilos* IaOi�i lake'. ,t�.. ior ores lit ee�iii 3ies4IDg y�4w.,is+r (rr4 Nor Iia ¥ieeIa tt Ile llug Latteiit�..X!Zieril!weie pberfls:abiding tn Reading theaey71ua•0.1.41.-SIdpp,toybabe Dtg M51514o'nesdirtg. ..,a— fdidins 27'-rn...---- Dan; S D., J. Emerton; WEDDING. —One of the prettiest wed- dings witnessed in Clinton for some time, took place on Christmas day, at 2 o'clock, at the Hotel Clarendon, the residence of the bride's parents, when Mr. E. M. McLean. the popular Science Master in the Collegiate, and Mise Lida Miller, were united in marriage, Che Rev. I. F. Parke officiating. The commodious parlors were beautifully draped with yellow silk, and decorated with the choicest pearl and white roses and carnations, entwined in smilax. The most pleasing and beautiful fea- ture of the decorations was a cr .opy of yellow silk on pillars of flowers, front- ed by a floral altar. Precisely at 2 o'clock, the first strains of Mendelson's wedding march were heard, and the groom, supported by Mr. P. W. Crews, took his position near the right of the alter, under the canopy, followed by Miss Lola Miller, sister of the bride, as maid, anti Miss Erie Clarke, of Wood- stock, Ont, bridesmaid, next the bride supported by her father. When all had taken their positions the solemn marriage ceremony of the Church of England was performed mid the soft- ened melody of the wedding march. The ceremony finished, a short and joyous period of congratulations but led the way to the enjoyment of a sumptuous wedding dinner, with dain- ty souve, it bills of fare presenting not only all th luxuries dinner speeches m parted on thes Sarnia, to points,f slippe . • �'� Q . O Tooke 4 A04• 4 0$ delicacies of the season but 'eh are even rare. After e�served, and toasts and ' the happy couple de- train for London, 'cit, and othc r of rice and The bride handsome trimmed .*reaath oil tieb anti. tskfilittri dendrite ttride8s if Rrimeo nd• MOO. t, bier on. e .ltdritrh,,:Fr,_ we in ' ora fillthe 1 beat*, maid, trimtit: roses, a esteems their neva` AO lotions of -'H. wishes. and cost plop o i andM;e1fe k sii,..':.No. 7s I reside ce In btbtrjag blearing Wert e n [garde Mr. r ,. No. 8e evenr.—f7pl t.: • 61004 1)444tINIBeit fiettoo to tetvil 0. O. P. tiiirlelltrita ►,dills *irate better preparadytirl toRsltf l,Q 10014 t tteyntner8. Our assortment. of S, t TOWS AND'uTUER t the wants Of our tor Sr XMAS NOVELTIES Ta aive Ahead of anything we have ever had, and bettor still (which means con- siders e, for we have 1lways bad the name of selling Cheap) our prices are lower thhn ever. ago not delay in making your selection for the first purohaa- era always eeoures the Snaps, That Polished Oak Rode, (Leather Seat) at 00.25 Ie a anal). `The former prioe was $4 60 but we purohased what we have now at a big reduction, WeirCome and see our Stook, you are welcome whether you buy or not, J. W. CHIDLEy, F rniture Dealer and Undertaker. t 1 Suitable Holiday Gifts. i We carry the largest Stock of Men's Boy's —AND— Chilgren's CLOT And you can get a class of Goods that is not equalled in the West, s 17' and $10.00SUITS, made by our- ! s beat anything ever offered. 0 Kid Gloves, Cashmere Gloves, Wool Mitts. Japanese Silk Embroidered and Hernstiched Handkerchiefs, 10c. to 75c, suitanle for pocket or neckwear. Siss Embroidered Hand Worked Handkerchiefs, Choice Goods, 121ic. to 75c., Plain Hernstiched 5c. to I5c., Fancy 5c. each, 3 for 5c. Ladies' and Misses Hats. . If you're looking for a nice stylish wearable HAT or BONNET, for a present of superior quality you're likely to suit yourself here; our assort- ment is choice. DRESS CAPS, Grandma need's one; you had better get it, you'll find one to suit, you here. WOOL TOQUES for the Girls. Presents for Baby. ..• • Bibs, Bootees, Mittens, Hose, Over Hose, Vests, Baby Wool Veils. Eiderd whaf will p ease you.. — — J. t Fancy Goods. • Silk Embroidered Picture Throws, Chenille Table Cloths, Table Linens, Linen Napkins, Tray Cloths, Towels, Pin Holders, Pin Trays, Fancy Photo Holders in Silver and Celluloid, Novelty Purses, Purses for the little Folks. Gents' and Boy's . Scarfs. Kid Gloves. Silk Handkerchiefs 25c. to $1,25, Silk Ties, Knots, Four -in - Hand 15c. to 50c. Cashmer e Hose. We have lots of other Goods suitable for presents; come and try us; if you have never been a customer, come and learn the result of the welfare, satisfac- tion and good feeling of our regular patrons. If you have been dealing elsewhere, give this store a call, just to be enabled to contrast goods, styel of dealing; our prices tell the result. 0 BEESLEY & CO. The Ladies Favorite Establishment, Beaver Blook, Clinton. id $3.00 PANTS, eds; we make ther g can afford to tion. Cf Tacks° 84 kb. Clothiers, Furnishers and Furri What the Old Year Whisperedp 474 41 to the That 4/1 iiThat we will serve I ter, during the preparations season of 1896 The fact that we tereate of our the volume Du the popularit place grows da there are goo re small price Thal those who h ;oing to start t lave no long d That wise p wa A il_opy and Prosperous itsTEW YEAR. New, That •