HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-01-01, Page 7a #t1ld, xii nye a '>r X11 �f„.J Q�itlutli• lie ttww"".` W) )Jil��tes to owl !y. '0 . . w tl jil s E� o gtfbe the most lm- �Irug 0 r 61A89W1 � a 1 i'aapl(slueptsS and by 1:;best agrietlltural literature TEAS. 11i,w](, Eir,•,•u w,� Jal,uns ale Ilue. uAlled {n ualit,y hitt] pxlces; yok, will a till, and 10,+. it ht, frulu me ivateat� irf Tea Pa al$raS earupae8 quality i}tt� p ees. t>h 1G• ,l . touCt with the spirit o!1 pound y. „ y at pervades; our farming SUGAti9. W0 Al I, .01k[A tI ter,, wa buy dirgcy from Montreal Refjnerles, keep ltElet itality « s. I)e Is �jarticular. also, the (rind oil seed he plants i4li °'tbe manner of planting it. The Aoki 4011 at t ,,, • 1 i ',•., , NEW FRIJITS nu l PELLS. Wo have' tl]retldy dispiised during, Holiday se6on f over, brands a friend than 1 seeds wu3t be of the highest fertility "I'dgrown frclu► rile highest cultivated foul. t u+ to l ill; II ,\. • Lugs ,to k uu han,l, different selling cheap as to q ality. CWCKERY, CHIN 4, (il,Atis1VAK1b- ANI) LAMPS.—WO' Have Kot to ma* >”#t$1? .' > i►tth' �. and most profitable varlt)ties or stock. °i & jmpurt,••I i, 1 .±•1 I a I,.n,• i,•.lu ;II our prices on Dinner Sets, Tea 80( �A i l IJdt t it Plates, Cups :ud Saucers and Lapq lt, l >rill � ZthEj 'rear seed fail 141. Ferry gjnd•ui, fir 0y Herr S•ra, 1V it 1 �, 1-, It. a,i "'d tit;, a ) Co., .; appreciate h 4t a reel their roKres- Cull and wvn :o 11, I u I t, ..t u, ..>h ),v goods. ; l t is act as le` A pGive business 1Eit o 4 d the quality l nayn}San k# arc vgnfyn.•vsr.ir.RX M rSi the seed ich y I fquality �� 7 �1`rns Cash or Trade." ` \�� sgans aanhesafiad ssla.Rlldspeedxgtkt pp y � '`vl? ChI► g9A iR,'gS ble oapecia 1 ,,and garavilel s f ug dealrs all -- ' reqs,, CURF3E3ile�Rl1NTI�I ., over the coltutr lid 1'eliability and - A �` Theroaramapytronbjg yY +, x y Middle -Age fertility of theirs Eads dre pro and with too irequenR enact Fit- . Wim' the largest seed disin.ess in the world cl r a e Facto t done of the bltfdder. often n am� nr the by a aught cannot qg or for. {r powerisaRloq, and �► Lesl l L U 1 wakenla of the aystem is a manner the patient cannot acaognt for. There arc maby� bas been':reated by %heir SELIe. Iu eYl-'T * men whoeoftbiadl6iculty i¢¢0000ragtoithecsu;e. Thadoctorwlll RgarantaeaPCt�e< „ u,l ding¢ of this f em's knowledge of the fact caro in ail such caaea, and healthy rostgratlgn o! the genial -urinary organs, Copy a saltation free. Those unable to call, can write full particulars of their case and hgVe a{n '1C T6HI1`IB q�q} and ruiren7tents Y planters, gUGtTIE�, l' i i A h: l f ' �, t' 11t 1'� A N 1) tVAGUNS— all of the best 14or11Y madtetnesant by ozpreas, with full iaatructiona !or use. •Meatioa this paper when d4 tj ^��. � flip el ',it stneZLl. 1S gFry's 'Qed Annu- l wrltin Officehoura: From p A. m, to 8 p. m, SnndAva, 8, to 11 s. m. C Sr ', I This booVr1i oil etre great- mauahi r And Ental tal, V& -All II the latest styles End most moderplipprove• S• pQ p, lie to farmers and gardeners a menta A l l work w,u'ranted. Repairing and repainting promptly aktt)nded DRs SPINNB I (X �j� p80 WOODWA$D AVENIIE. pECTR+r s (Side Entrance No. Ie E LrlislRbeth Bt.) ,� ir. enc yclopeedia of planting and to, prices to suit the times, i 7T' jtkr,a j r knowledge. It contains more y&-FAi;l'ORY-coruar Huron and Orange Streets, Cliaton, 857-- �ETROITsMI(1�1. Lr1 it,' i rY ears ago Ieaugbtaaeveretl¢Idud practical iufortuation than b a terrl le cough That a114 y 7 i” ^•.. �. r"^�^"" '°"`e } J b 1q t, ; itq"t next• bunks that are sold for a -•-- _- —� - - either day 90- bf�l tie �l or ultue, yet it will be mailed __ ON -- my trouble, sent me a butt, ` n, anyone sending his address oil Buy Where o �� C an Always Get The Bes 'Values�� ------- thettmex ustal cnrA to the flrnl. �� g j, } ry at ell') BY BICC pi3n UR hole bottle, 1 was oomph Small Xnvestmen.:. {` [. believe it saved mYlite.'' - �t The Lowest Price, i Quimby Ave., Lowell, Mas 1 , U +p s . � �� r Mr. F. E. Brown and family of Mon t- Returning pros erity will mato man rich, but nowhere can they make so much withlaa ehgrttfgjq." • ,, r4 °�z7it Pe °1 '`gal were found insensible Sunday 1 h I have oat recon r i a ,Il r,'t uul,ur,atiul of New Seasons Uncolored .lag n Teas. May by successful tlpaoulatlonin Grain, Provielone and Stock. q: �rrY `t' pilorning, and only recovered with FUR EACH DOLLAR INVESTED can be madebyanr ichinga from 20r. to 50r. poi Ib., ,tali lar Samples --will offer ap©cial cuts Ert 10 or 20 lb.t World's Fa ` 'tijfRculty. It is Supposed to be a cast° �addies-Finest BlaA and omen Teab, also agent for the DeliciousMazawakee Tea, put.up in ,f poisoning. J lb. and 1 Ib. lead p,u Magas. $1000 .- Systematic Plan of Speculatim �A r. Nltw ltai,ius, hie.4t,ele,'t. raw Currants, Now E11ne Figs, New Figs lit mats, 4 lbs. or ., - 1�,,. %lint/f[.1-Kf�/fOr'. Fjpol•t Disease Relieved in 30 Dlluutoe orlgtnuted by na. All eaoaeasfat ap6auletore operate ori u rtgnlar eystesl. F • r } +5 ', Al GWR7 !ll ll,�iV 250., New Engli,li Puck, L -woil, Grange, Citr •P, i pwho,by ,,•y., t� Dr, A.gnew's Oure for the heart Ives perfect relief li la r ding through fact that Lbrok are make of man se all arta of the gfrod States �SM�- R P tem,,tio trading through Chicago brokers, make Targe emaantsevery year, ranging from s few thousand ` 9r• r Ott n Advance-- - -.0 all 0004 of Orgarile or sympathetic Heart Disease In Crockery, China and Gla isware, I offer Special Bargains in Haudlonlely decorated tare for the man who invests a hundred or two hundred dollars up to $50,001: to $100,000 or more by tiara # _ in e0 minutes, and speedily effects a cure. It Is a Dinner, Tea and Tuilet Sets. Buautirul Crystal Table Sets cheap,thousand. -------+-- aeerleas remedy fair Palpitation, Shortness of Breath, 1 who invest u few r�a l`:\IZY 1St, 1898. smothtring Spells, Paia in Left Side and all symtoms /1 p �9 p i , y q p� It Is also a fact that those who make the largest profits from comparatively Finall 113 ments ear lbla 6 irk D of a lllsouesA Heart. One dura convinces. Sold by CASH FOIL BUTTER 1 ��R MR !f10 ��Gi• pian aro persons who live away from Chicago and invest through brokers who thoroughly understand Ap► e' Watts A Oo. Gratefully al,preciatin ;past favor, I respectfully solicit a continuance of the same• tamatu trading. I TENCES, + y� the market rises lan sor falls It brings as not risk the osteady profit that plies up enormously n a short time. le amount invrmted on any trade, lint covers both dee, 90 that MLeLh It The tone of the American press is N. RObSOnI - Albert St. Coln t on. WRITE FOR CONVINCING PROOFS, also our Manual on successful speculation sad•Opt �� yt'Owjng luore peaceful. Preachers in > > Daily Market Report, full of money -making pointers. ALL PRIZE. Our Manual explains aramaiu ;1 1'71 have ` o rafH England and the States spoke Strongly trading fully. Highest raferepoes in regard to our standing And success. P n _ ., in of peace and moderation on 1 For further information address CLINTON SASH DOOR A ND BL I D FACTORY t? y THOMAS Fi CO., Bankers and Brokers, 've cha.11gvd t nail �y o 870 -gun 241-242 Rialto Building, CHICAGO. ILL +' . it is now an vent) DID YOU EVER Tl INKunless S. S. COOPER _ ' PROPRIETOR as i,,.• That you cannot he well unless you � the fearful p wer. have pure, rich blood? If you are weak, General Builder and Contractor, 7 • gen rifle?" tired, languid and all � i'uu down, it is u<11 t +fit? because your blood is impoverished '.Chia factory has been tinder the, personal supervision and one owner for eight sE'','I" ,c of the pis I and lacks vitality. These troubles may yearn. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plans and give 11��� B I G SA'LE do,.ant know It Is lea a be over by Hood's SarSaparilllY estimates for and build all classes of buildings on Short notice and on thee losest Exord. because Hood'sSar•sapariIla makes pure, rich blood. It is, in truth the great prices. All work is suprirvised in a in way and satisfaction the. details Yor the v g blood purif3el. guaranteed, We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material. } 10,., aid the mother e -- —OF— ed woman to her da r• Vtttion,D' biliILLS ousness, jaliver undice, ja dice, cosick Lumber, Loth Shingles, Lime Soso Doops, Blinds, Etc . noon t de a brhie• headache, inigestion. not y t decided who t t to"b ,,, was the reply fe. Agent for the CELEBRATED GPtAYI3ILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured at Waterloo. CAII and Get prices and estimates bcicre placing your orders,Up�.�� ur h band good to . h= FERRYS ;lam illness'' lnqu wh was making a lty SEEDS +h Ld, ma'am!" m • q 4 ai s ga'� ay.eOul the he Perfect seeds grow psyingcwps Perfeotneeds e ���YBODY �Y5 • a friend than us- see of wnbychance. Notb- fug is ever left to chaneq In grow• THAT 0 U P. Ing Ferlry0s Seeds. Dealelssell bit, Harduppe - them everywhere. Write for FERRY'S 41111.1 SE 1m S`Jlf -I . SEED ANNUAL --DINNER kind :kind oP a lover 1 Who is always 1 or tor%see. Iirlmful of valuable intdrmatlonaboutl,eatandnew• Are tt�o l� t Pwn in town. No doubt vs,��-�–'--•x-L---- r'>'Y.� +^° "Y)7,.I7Z$'>?iY'.ti�i�'..tT lug So tvTt"e o.,,.,_ is the meet neem lrea by wa4. FEhBY 8 Co., useful present you can make and one that will he appreciated by your In .,a:. Windsor,OnL wife Call and see our Stock and you will be convinced that we are r" -t you y a ' Y° 'ire day and Saturday sed t.;a Sema eekly )ler ire peetator ,ly Is Ethel," IS PCBLI SIZED. so? me he To most PoA Offices this is nearly as tl-tg of good as $, Daily Paper, while the price is only.W peryear. If you subscribe NOW f 1898 we will send the balance CkNM- of thisar FREE mer.' OF CHARGE. tions The e slier you subscribe the more ` got you ge for your $1.00. :uad Ham e Copies free on application, allow - --- Ut On Address s S ectatop Printing Co., r en- HAMILTON, CAN 9 e en- — jJ 'mat ?date The , McKillop Mutual FiPe Insurance Company ud Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. OFFICE". .nse,President, Clint,,"P. 0. ; Gen, Watt esident, lfarlock P. n. ; W. J. Shannon, In -oae., 9eaforth 11. 0 ; M. Mnrdie, aims Seaforth P. 0, DIRRCTORa, Broadfoot, 4caforth; Aler, 0ardlner, Lea 7ubrlel Ellhtt, Clinton; John Han forth ; Joseph Evans, rteerhwood ; Thins. liaxon. A01INTa. oflars, Aarlonk; Robt. Mclifillan, Sea- CummingF, Egmondvllie; Goo, Murdle, desirous to effect Insurance or trans t business will be promptly attend - Application to any or the above officers ad - their respective post oi8aes, Build WIL ithout a Plan r• y'YIIYk4ii Ofr'Yv�i aVtStli���lfej+pet'ed:.rit'tTp'aBdnx� a5tdilti�., nhttd` iap�¢b`tlafle ddiACnifyrNi$gr'� ;� , �' Zber2ega4iz 6 hta4o. Mbit addreaa-P. O. Hoz 210,ollnton- 00 LOAF 0"t, r -d- pctlr '..•wftett aectlgfi01 Wait lit 0e Ihe`e. e;�;31u °1a1rlN�lllil ttftp=-�y�3r1,�§�i�t Headquarters for IDINNER 0' 0 E TEA SETQ1J.frzM==:_:::�, _—fIAVE YOU SEEN OUR - -FANCY CH1Na1A?-*t*- -WE HAVE A FINE LINE OF_ Berry Sets, Water Sets, Salad Bowls, Bread and Butter Plates, Cups and Saucers And in fact everything you can mention. You will want your SMAS FRUIT right away. We are still selling Glb. Raisins for 25c. G lb. Currants for 25c. G ]b. Figs for 25c. A SNAP -4 lb. Gin;er Snaps for 25c. THE CASH GROCERY. Telephon %e �23. � Farm Produce token as Cash. OGLE COOKER & CO. CLII-T TON_ We have just Received o t: R CHRISTMAS STOCK of Raisins, Curtants, Figs, Peels, &c. The quality is very ne and the priors rut to the closest. living ptofit. We handle no trashy goods, Slaughter -0i ices in Glassware and Crockery. 1'ou can save money by buying at the reliable Cash Groce,,fy. G. J. STEWART. tffAgcn&tfpr the superior Monson and Klima Teas."ss ' �Iay�vTQ{ (� 'jly{�1(1]j�t /�•"�,j{'� jj to " Th'± New f +tVllhtollE � Arc t.1VAYts,. ++++ •+++++ _41 King of all �� Absolutely Bicycles. the Best. .p,p A' Light Weight and Ir Miliarial Rigidity. E'veryMa- A E . Ili a Work- chlnefullywarrltrlteA , p: . t 51'. {x 5 , R highest i6b" ' .at the World's Colam6hn Ellposlfi , sand t*069W WMV tlor our 4-pa9e Catdogm—A work at Act, Monarch Cycle Company, 69 SIMegr0ont, use *atwsh Ave. L-Akvand.nofildt>f.4d Sto.l EHmC',ACtki —AND— Going on this eek t A T. Jackson's, - Huron— 0-- Watch this space next,week. -CHUB GROCERY 0 We don't Blow, but we do say that we can show you goo4 v' NEW TEAS, (direct importations.) NEW FiGS. Select Valencia Raisins. " Orange Peel. " Fine off Stalk. " Lemon Peel. Filliatra Currants. Citron Peel. Arnbrisia Currants. Walnuts, Filbe Prunes. Almonds. Our Fruit is the finest we can purchase in the market. W have a of Christmas Goods for presents. Will be pleased to show goo GEORGE SWALLOW, Clin Atjofl 6BOt`tf/es. �O°ExPPo ONE HONEST MAN AND BUT iON E RELIABLIt HAIR FOOD. NO DYE. til We feed the Hair that which It lacks and nature restores the color. i j THI~ORV. 1 L SCALP FOOD destroys th diseased germ* ilia Elopip and a healthy actionisSo u . >I,4Wat81ne the pprtnoipal pprTopeertles Mho beir that tl to lta ufe wlthon which It will not grow h>+ he BOW the same as yon do a field ofJ Q1)1 isriri groAth Is � 11n.. It Invlcorates the siva-Y I Mr ... ---• ---- nsralgpnat'rtl- MAILORDSMPaOMMYprLLal "I 2QFi AND ALITv. $t ft `OR 7'11910 PAMPnLETA. CTLY 14AAMLESS. 64rX AND LocAL Aotme WARTkn. `WARRANTED. &CAR AS WATER. ROYAL .SCALY- FOODtot ldCDlMtNT. oto LEAD, tiw%.Nuil do QHrmICALS. BOX 305, WlNb MOI 6N r • tat ra