HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-01-01, Page 6�.,RT'Rirr- — *Ap;�J iI IPMMW. I .. , :1� I I I. . I � , N f , I . � � , I , , — I I I . ;, ,.� I � , - - �'111 - 1, - . I J � . I I ,z� , "I . � 1. , , : -) , — "'' , '%7,i 41, 1 , , I — OWNP � �, , I I . , � � , , �, , , , , �, � 1. . � I . :I , .: � " ''.. . , � - , �. �;., 111� I � , , . , L , !.: - ""Ni I I -_ - " ; �67 ,i�� � . .1 . ,(,�� ,Ll " . L , I , ­ , ­ 7 , 11�1.1�,,��,:,�',, � 11-1-11.111-1- , 1160 " ­ I �1 '014 01�'r; 'N , ro'r,�" , '' 'e'r, - � , Z, I , , M, , r , 'ji, , , P, . - � , �, __ .4", _ 6 I I . , I . I I % , ,,, 1 "fl, , , � 11 "., �', . .i, . ;, . � 11 , �­,.'111 1 ,- 1, ;-t ., i" A I �;, ,., � � . ,�� X . -1 . 1W ,"Q 41, I" . - I , ,11 � I I - �,T.i. . .. .r , �, � �.; ". , �,.,J A U Mi �JQV. ':1 . , 11 11, 1-00 , . , -, �.,'.. 1 " il:•It Atl%141 0 0 0 "I ""! ,. � �;,�i ; i ''�, ", __',.� - 1, , , , ,,, " � �_ - I r 11 1 t �-: , , I , I , " . - . ". T � , � 11 �A ��-�)" 1`�� . - I'll , � . � I .�.,. � z- .- _".�'.. _"',__.!, ...,...,.,i � , ­,�,:�, -, ""'.. . � % - -* , -W -1 , , ; : , 4J 10 1: ,,� , , " I � "I ��'� , " �­04 — �, . ­,,�,i��,,',�,:,, _,:," �_,� I I , ,..!.� ,i� - '' A ""'�'",;,��"flz,w-+ 4 Ww, , ­ W V W4 , I I , X ON : -`,�'�' :i 1, �, : 40 � rA . , e, �9 � ,` I ,3 . I . � �,. )',O,X I 1I I - , �Ojit�,, 9 ' v "p, , it 11 �1� "I, ", r I � 0. .1 , I two..'141ISS, kefg''Fi464 , yll�li� 'Al.top—A.t,;,VF,�i,,§�'•g-4p�4,4� I � , ik' " D , � ;��,:-"FA" � � ., , , I *.s I . I . i "" , "s. 11 4 .10 , I., 11 ,�?�� , ).$AiW VV �, , If � 1 64 - - I 1-11-1.1- — , , "t ; 19q, M � � I � , gF,#P,q � 9 ;��-j.�� �V', 11 V , X" , �� � 0 . 0 � *tN. I , I . . I . I '­ , � ;', I ! I , ,� I 1 1 'Jol, a �, rr U1111%W4.�.'..'i.,-, I 4 - I � 166, ,� , . " Clint , W. I :, 1) , t". , �.,4.." . �� il P�Mjlqgw �",%,or,#,rop6r7.".:,.,",:"***I I I, � , $* 60% , ", tayq ,3 . i"wym A'S. , I "' '' 1� , �. , ­­ - or ,1V , I " , I I �� I 40 .,k..,. 1,41. � ...... - 400 44 # � �­ , �, 'ARI%;W496, � - ;�; '- -.�li` " I .... 1, '' � � I I �,�',,� ", 11, " Amso XQr Qnevygdr, - I ... ? a, VN.7i� ,9*,*,Av,0J .... �A X, '" , _q, , , "Ill, AR , 4 , , , . 4!1),rt: - a� - .�f . . , � 41 F ", ,, I _4 il 611 11' � i pal , 4ge 0,4 .i, .', :, .� I , fs . . 110 xPr"401yeU."..... "...... T."Q1100 11 q , t�,, W::, * * I _ � , f - .1 f� - 4104'. V ..... 1.0 ,, I vo I " '�, I '�!�'L , , " , k -41 I. j0h , AM , "I 00, .. ii .4vir,iWs ... 150 , 141 I i� I i bra 0;4 .4 , . .. P g RX . , � ,�" - 1. I I .... "I It #A , ... , dho , ��%009,i�4,� I.....". ... 4� . JA pal 111K Pit vort lot con ......... 150 66 -1-14 ......... e� � 1� � ­Nt' �. A rtu 14 l! , � ,,, V" co, — .1.111.11. ... , "" I 11 §1� 1 , I,i it I a" - ,01 , noner And r, 46 I I . # repAIrJof,r*Xv;t , � " I : . -- , W4- �� _,E . 94 aid 1_4 . I — I A, aln aut; 2 Rugh puni I veiii,al; ravel� ­'­­­­ . I .,"go, �k ,VW�44,w trip ............ W . $00 441pbo 0 It L ,Q I 11, / I �. . . prt 0 01 ISO roil. 2.50 ItIpapoo , . 1 IS411149 y"t.0up t a` StAigifery ......... :,* ................ 2 50 .4 I' , ". I =44,00 "P an D�vld e I, 'trig colploug. "rop4trin , � I � , Fell. J I . L"", ...... I I I - — �Qn I 44 M. - W404". : , � I � Or idge tin 4th con ............ 125 � g calverk p q , 9 .... I .......... -" 13 ]ding breakwater and repairing 64 I .1 ........... a..,­ � "I — ............. 8 Rreh, .D , CPU .. I - — � " ;;, ., I., Mar. Adam pantelon Stationery And postage ........ ....... - - - I ............. I ........ I 800 Oc a. Calton'. Co. ,;', .10. , � I ma Clerk, tgpolel 4a AS 1; . ( i�4" I[* " * I I ,,, i ral world ......... ::, ' � Aug. Ali, I lip, . rQa � _' M I x, it, it 1-111 - h'crapier... ormell; � .� . E W Ile rep ,." 1,11. �Y` Star, forgin Ing .................................. 1 7r 11 spikes... I ............ I 00 44' It @I e " , W. fol�',�, ..................... i Ir culvert WOW", -0 � �` I V. IS'. Ca dbeck, for stationery. 70 John lling gravel am P. M 75 40411ir pairl 0 I d46 Jo A. N. Todd, for printing ........... ............... ...... 200 1 ,',�,, � �l�� 64 44%,%, ,veiling t1, al 7 M Dec. John L live, I th con........,.... I I I ! D . ,,, I Clerk, f9A Searches (late and present treasurer) .... 44 diggi'Jg dltch across road, 1st con. I 00 It ."...... .1 vellin gravel as ' -�','��111� ��:: ,, . I " 2 Wrn. I its Tb . Jenkins, sho - , -1 �. Z�,, I Interest lop money advanced by At uantelon to .1 )Aorkou hillandside road, 4th con 4 00 Dec. Le Procter outlet for ralu ....... .� il - 11 " Ot ', � David John , cedal.. ... a �'� .1, daW .......................................... 14 40 I, Atli x Oantetion,repairing !, .. i� , � * ' " ' ' "' ­ ' CURE 11 F. MCC& 1907 Thos. . n , t(-I)�tii.iti'g'clllve�'t-'t'on'S*. R'.,*4th*con culvert O ,� , Z�,�q��' JultPOY, postage and stationery ............. job" I Shovelling gravel as P. A%..... ,i*" , . ' ulY Chas. Fu ve, burying a dead horse, � "" `1`"ll­­ * ..... ** .... ...... 3 75 " Tho Parsons, gradin '111:._�, .54rsa- 50 44' ,rid , , , .1 " bridge. .............. iO�� ....... I ....... 1 25 Robt. T )n,,spike., for bi and gravel %, � I — Thos, unfiretrill, tape line ...... Fading S. L, 9th Con.... ".. "', � . ­. III . __ 50 1 ...... �: I &, , *,,, * * ­ * ....... 40 " Isaac Sa repilivilig culvert oil 1st con.. ...... 9 .... � I A� �,.,;,t AYF41ZS 14 " D- W, -Butns, errorin Statute Labor....... .............. i W 11 -t -avelliul; Side road 3rd 50 '. Geo. olland, repairing - - I " ,� 4, 0 I., . , I M. Peter CAntelon, over charge in John Por muting 91 .1 culvert 12t "I was afflicted for e! lit Years with Salt '91, '02 and `03 .............. S. . taxes . , in . . years con. . ...... ......... ................... 11 40 John luff, repairing culvert on B: - - - -, ", . . . . . I ,, � .. ..... . ...... 1. 1:�', ­­ Rheum. During me,itrieditgent Aug. A. M. 01 John Port spiking bridge and tilling road, 4th I: JoPt Holland, cleaning ditch on I ,... 11 I 1,�,!; did, printing .............................. 15(lig Robe Acheson, outlet to drain 0 e ... 15 -. ­.�t�'�­ . many medicines which Nvore highl ,�'cc_ 1. , . omineudeldl r(o I. N. Stuln, lumbor .................... � ............ con. . ......................... I ....... ­ 1 25 John last but none gave me ,,of 1 14 eir, reparing culvert, loth .... 4o I �1­4,',' was at 235 :11 0,4.,,,� advised to try Ager,lr Sa rs Henry Sweet, burying a deail pig.. DS A N 1) B R I DO ES—NO. 2. Jose zzard, repairill 4o g bridge 14 ' .... 60 , i:� , , fourth betties my hands were as . ' Andre Courtice re 00 �;A / scilla, and before I;bad idped a- ................ I 50 11 ," Clerk, express on by-laws ..... 'tiring bridge, - - - .. ii � I,` '' ser of ditch from B. line,,,,, it St , sho"'Ifing gravel as P. M., 7th con.' 8 25 ADS AND BRIDGE ,., ' James CAmpbell, •(Clerk of Hu let) award of Engin 1� $ 5095 I I ' . . I Oct. Clerk, registry search for Collector's bonds ........ I 00 .1 Gear e tier, work on 7th n . .. 12 40 velM g on 14th ­ — F, June Bernard ()Ili WOL-k oil aide road wid 0th con.., 11, 11 25 I, 9 Wul- iott, grit I PIKI,,)" Free from Er t- ' I' ...... ­ * , , '' * * * , ­ Nixo 4" as ever they were. 25 25 1 1 Will. Rol e, sho%elling gl.avel as P. M., Huron 600 - �;; ,�� . L " 12! � � Is that of a cab, r ve,, reoln r wcr' to , . , d I f btli I whlQ4, Nov, New Erq, A*nting .......... � ...................... May W. H b, culvert and ditch,' t Oil- 4, 1 1 1%T 11, t 0 , 1 ro .. .......... .... ... ... ...... � ...... 1 12 00 It Richa . ,. � often .1 9try Search, 25 " Bernard Ison, lurnpike oil side line Ing dr 00 " weath Cl 50 , 1,r be out In cold and , It' 21 It 1( Grigg, reproving ar � ��Vi , ' b .... .: " W !,. returned. I- THOMAS A. JOHNS, .1 It •con .................................. e bridge ..... dig? R neverord, Ont. ', - 3 20 June John -th b .1''L 1*11 � lo without gloves but the trouble has Richard Uft,ker, contract on culvert at Mai r,. bridge go 00 1. John 81111; Y, Shovelling gravel P. M., 7th con.. I 9 � I News-RO.'c , t I'll Stratford, _Ord. printing ............... ............ 28 50 fibs tit cl break � ''.. . 14 Theis. Ed.�p, tile ................ 1. 4 00 , , � I " I ' , , di on 16th c ; Dec. , ................... 945 John e, shovelling groove M .... ....... 5 50 11 Jag. Mitt new plankif ­ .... * 150 "I Municipal World, election supplies ...... � ......... .1 as P. SOO ,Sr \ I .4 I John 8 Y, 91-aVelling.and repair Ing culvert, 7th on . . � I Weeve, services on tewnship drain 3 27 " br id �,,b :. Ayers sJ_-n'_2,x-SarsaPari11a 11 3 W 11 C( . I ....... ....................... I., ..... I 460 ,, Ma and con. ario Base 11 ... - 6we I'' � 11 Clerk, services an township drain. '' ' ­.'.*.'.'.'.*.'.'.' . ' . ' . 2 50 WED. derson. shovelling gravel as P. M., 8th 10 John Sm ,rep irin ulvert., ....... I 00 , .. I 1. .V. nucuar OY .... - - ., � . Ad=ttted at th World's Fair. John Joslyn, tile ........... r �. i:�­. , . - - 11 3 07 I, c • ­­ ­ * ..... ** ...... ­­­­ ....... 16 50 11 grading n 9th c 00 ait I � 'Amer"s .Pills czeanose the John ewartha, building bridge on side road 20 00 F. Mcuar y plan o idge I V 1 ,� Wm. Grigg, cutting and filli * ' * '' * ......... * hill... , , , , 1. F. McCar y: gra in M - 11 I .60wela. 11 filling M... 47 50 . - ... 1, . " Win. Grigg, drain on 9th con....... ............... 7 00 " Chits' vis, culvert oil 7th and culvert on Outline 070 1 11 . , . r3 00 � .... � '= - — 11 T. C. Pickard, rent of Ha I] ......................... 3000 " Win. hborne, al)ove(ling gt-avel as P. M., Oth " pro es ........... I .... ....... Clerk, postage for 1 year... F. McCort .1 I "�,��, ....... I... ...... 11 00 . ... Y, grading or� mut I e....- .... � . , I W. B. Forster, elm plank. 1. Robt. illock,­b`ui'1d'in'g­' * * ... * '" ­ * " ' ­ ........ 11 00 July Samuel L r -­ ........... i ............ 2 09 ,, . , _x:A , 1, The Hliron News-flecora :: Alva Way, school culvert on Out line........ 13 50 pen Piton side r d � ;;�, I I taxes refunded, ded .................. Wm. chhorne, culverts on side line between 6th Wm.,LOow Y, Shovelling •,g �l � - "It 01.25 a Year--SI,0oln Advance John Butler, stationery ... showelling 4a� . ....... *­" N i,,,�, 3 00 .1 � , ',, �, : : d 7th con ........ . . .... t", A.. — " H. Elford, error in statute ia�o*r­ 1*i*8`t'.'.' , ' '' * ' " * * *, 2 8U ,, War. aacke, shovelling gravel as P, M. . , . . H , uron 4 00 At line., ' I.. v ... for 1. j I job I on . I 00 Henry Mar 'y .... * * * '' ' ' ' " . . . I . , repairing cult' It Oil l6th. C' ­ . - - WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1St, IM. R. Emerson, Trustee of S. SrSNo. 9, ref'un'ooe­d­fr*o'ni ad ........ ................................. 11 oI1.,.*.,... � � S. S. No. 5 .................... I I 1 7 00 Wm. Pi shovellin grit I as P.M ... Angu McLeod, culverts on Hut on road.... 11 . . '---- 11 47 I, 23 40 Geo. Yo shovelling avel as P M'' * * ... * - ­­ .... * " * '" illock, Culvert and filling on side line and Geo. YOIII!g t, repairingr ad on Ma6dan'(4, pons. a, � — SALARIES. RobL . " tit, ITI orkon6th con. ... : .... .................. 690 I I I _iu.. Steady, Jonfiffe. fClet-k, election expenses, 6 polling divisions,. 14 I Kepple Is , shovelliu -avel AS P. M,,Av(1,, - - .,,,, 141�1 , Jail. and Clerk's expenses .... ............................ $ 48 00 41 t Hillock, turnpike on side line, 4th con...... �. Rm ....... � . .., ...... 1-1 " ", li.;,`� , I 0 - � ord. gravelling and work on side in 6 28 1 John rewarthil, 91 . , 2 08 . Editor 'News -Record, 900 it,lb, I .1 ...... I..., S., " I 10 I I I and blank k fornis ............ I 11 John 're ar li, shovellin gl,avel as P. Mi 9th .. 1, .I . .. I DEAR SM -With your permissi Jerk, School Census, 10 schools........... ........ 3 00 Allr Jikrvis, shuvellin15 gravel oil side. line....... 2 50 1 ... I I ... I.,. . .... *** ; . , ­ * , , ­ * , 1*�,.,.,.,.*.,.7 5 00 G,or Laruphrey, 11 .... I., ..... , on I Nov, 11 con .... ...... ... I . I will through the P, Clerk, registering N. B. and D ... repah-ing2 culverts side line, F. Me 4 Columns of your 11 ...... I .......... urun Road...... .............. Cltrtrle� lr�avellmq Cut line .............. 15 wo"17 �4 - newsy and excellent journal address a Clerk, election ex eases, '2' 0"(0) I Dec. 3 00 I I Win. Cole, c� ring b T I 51, v .1 J. R. Holmes a uses ............................ Johl crewarlthal, work on side line 9th con........ 50 41 F. McCarta livell rid oil . l6b , � . .,� �1, few lives of the holidaK species to In y Ma,. nd-T. W. Ginn, auditing ........... 100001 WrY.Tichborne, work on 6th and 7th con......... eY r; I side e �1 •.'o� , i �;� - k -&.I � 11 00, � I 1. I I 0 Jo 11 50 t �1. 1� landeon' 1� .... 1) 00,-,�X.' cOuSin Jonathan. Yuri , of U. S. A. 11 Reeve, report Bureau of Industry .................. � 11 h Sturdy, -Ing culvert-, on 7th con ........ 2 50 Aug, J. R. Hol es, *�ifiii' 'Jii v"e'I'a's, *P' P. , -* , 'O'U' , A ur. � 14 Treasurer's. report to printer and re repair to .. I "T . My beloved cousin, lalways knew you May ort to Bureau 2 00, OADS AND BRIDGES, NO. 3 AND B. L. C ad. .......... . . 01 Clerk ' serving appeals at Court of Revision ........ .... I ... ........... 110 _M,i� " AFI I I _1. � 11 , / �, .. I �i il YIPVTO just the cheese for Saying a word 11 IF, McCartney, assessing Township Z .............. 0 00 " Will L Iry ft, Sam ling gravell , ,,I • 111, time, and You never needed to ask 11 6" 00 � J�ar, Bert, Holmes, work Huorn road ................ $ 30 in uel y1e, sho ,,i T. W. Ginn and J. R. 'In ' . � . ( I Wm. " cin e 11 Maitlan con..... ............. ... I � . should be, 11 Olives, auditing....... ... ) 4 Q) Curry, shovellin gravel its P. M., 7th con. Henry in h S? 5," , I � I, nn, , I : X4*1 of the time in which you should July Road Commissioners services., _... , %�,j 3:1 es. S ovelling avel as M Mait. , eOUUSeI as to what the word The late Treasurer's salary for 4 monilia. 11 5 50 " �' I � Willis Befl, digging, Itch and shovelling gravel 11 con 4 �O - , , . 0,1�ili- Who .. - , ................ 130,()o 6th can .......... ................ � ........ R. Murp ,repairing Cal rt and e *load, loth 1 I � I ever did think You could Nov. Reeve, Clerk and Assessor, splect!i'14 Jurors....... Io (l6 11 Win. Sterlinz, shovel 10 00 ............. * .... I ........ . �, L. 46 gilt. Who to �p' " I!ing gravel as P. M., 4th con. 4 50 I 'U1 is ............ �i� ' "`ii ' _ ice the present Dec. Board of Health services,. �,: .: .................... 10 00 Oct., f,, rep��lring eu 1 466 -, n 5 00 ,, r ......... I 00 �, , 1, - . - * Clerk, schoo4-q��ijskiq Richey Burk, repairing two culverts arid shovelling I ...... 100 W_"� . , , 102-eti, P nith shrapnel, 11 Geo. St -i -ling, shovel Ing gravel as P. M., Bay. co' Job. �, t , 8 b ,' dynamite, 11 . .10 pAloois .... ............... Chas 0 ) , repairing Cub 1�`t)&11 COZA.. . I .1 �. ? -1 C), ,,bQM,JtS and galoot, so Slick 11 Councillor,' -.!��ry .... I .................. I ......... 5 oo , " I . gravel Cut line ................... � .......... . 0 00 S� ery, repairin ci-ifvq be 16th 11 ON "40W. done I Hitherto Clerk's s4i'iry .............................. ....... I I I I " #W',W0*L,b &.11, 12000 ,I , and ase line ...... .... 17een 16 I ' have done hist: rate,4: 105 00 Albert Hearn, putting in 3 new Culverts oil 1st arid 14 .. .... .......... 250 : yet this last oil - rea-surer's salary for eight months ................ 6 4th con.... Fred Tebl tt, repairing r t I I �* � Throughout I I . . I 14t?, ,,­ , ul, . _��_I:��_�.. & 00 ..� , I ceeds all Your antecedent shrewdness. I;Faos. Churchill, inspecting work on hill at M,tit. 46 7 11 Wx��'�ey Hearn, putting Ili 3 pipes on sido lill 16 00 Nov. John Cole ugh repairinj , , .I ." the vast English speaking .�.Jl bridge ............. I . , e 4th t e 16th d Bast , t a turkey comes from market , .1 .......... 5 W 44 . con .......................................... an . . ,�re�, .�.. I Thos , 2 W J .r .; Samuel Johnston, collec��'V*.'.­.­ * '' * , " 5 00 " Win. V rep, 84� *�&"� e- �il; ­ '. not regarded thilk. . .1 ...... I ........... 7000 ,. H. iW IV4 I.I.,a%,rvelling oil 1st con. B. L. M .......... 366o LO .L airing c I . . 1. with gl pl&t6n of EXPENDITURE -GRAVEL. c wain, woi,& ,:,, tw . th and Bast .in 240 . I . . *&Iing somewhere I 1,4, uoxL, B. L..'kyl ............. 500 Dec, til , gradin 3i ' �� between ',,Wsi,�. - . �111'� ab I ............... I � �­ flung cracker t a n t "Stuff'n" Jan. Mrs. J. H Elliott .................... ............. $ 14 James Wallis, digging ditch any I . , ....... I .... . July Peter- Cantelon, opening ' Wm. W a TZ ,;� , T is not general] 6 30 Vavel it 3 25 con. rV line,.... .. P.... I ., I re Vith o rs. W 11, welt', Feb. Thos. Potts ......................... � ............. 8 94 Istcon ..... .. repairing bridge 11 Peter Coo *sho�elling 4 40'A ,� -, J04][116, you arebrick,-f ........ 200 I, � I ...... gii, I . you re. Dec. James Mair ........... . ..................... _.. ... 8 or, " Albert Townsend, shovelling g- ­a'v'e*1` *a' ... 7 t line.... I,: 11 David Cox .............. .......................... gr John Ye n 1, � . The Pv,3 1 6 00 con..... s P. M. 6th 11 Elliottng culvert I If, e ............... . I ';­ - , ever before Saw such 11 ­ ................................... Win. lliott 2 culverts On .. . . , 11 I 1, 1. A Chris James McDonald .................................. 8 50 .. L. Alswor�,b shovelling gravel as P. 4 00 11 Wm. Elliott, plankillor qulve;t,, -- I - 4 . t . h . c ... 12. 1 , . as times. Every son of 44 F. McCartney ...................................... 41 I Ist n on � I - I I , shovelling gravel P. ,�,jd 500 ,I tt, Clive II)COn. I � ." and Ynnk.burg may now rest 1350 G11. Lindsay, .11"') Wm. Elliott new t . . ­ �,i, _ H. Baker .......................................... a.11 J - il�jh`sty e ............ I - . M rifidence knowing he has a bully .1 4 50 I, con.... ........ ......... ....... ......... 5 12 1,000 ON TO - John Trewartha ................................... John . ... SCHOOL TAX 8, IN(7,,UD I od chance to .be killed almost, Any- 11 6 54 McClure, graveiiing on 1st con...100 I WNSHIVO , �. Alpf.o " Thomas Cron yn .... � ............................... 27 72 11 Joseph Curry, work on 7th con. .. ............ I W S. S. No. 1, $ 1 41 ri .92; No. 3, $3g5 '. �, , _1 _1�11�,,W7 . � I.•ff,,taugh ?'��ZbW, that Is too 11 Win. Elliott.. .... ......... .. .. . I 1 00 ' " - 73;��, , "'� lwl �� 64 " Donald McKenzie, repairing culvert * . No., , . I I - . 1. Win. Murch ....................................... 23 40.t :! CC t ll�t' ��k '. ". *.'.'. .. 50 No. 8, $1 .21 -, D . . 31 � small. H6ch member- of the G. A. R. , . . . 17 Z 4 $ 24'70 -. IT, , - ; No. 0, $370* feels good e on aneake and roll - MgGregor-gravelli% on side road ; NO- 10, $295*40;. j , "tt� ' . ... ,� Wm. Gri 9 ........................... I ........... I O., ,,h con. 10 00 . ,$5.88 ... .... , �� .11�,� -a,.;ffIT,;ITg­t, !ralol',-Ta TV ri�_-r.-.-..:--- 8 &D Co��Itsw,=��-i , � _ . 41 (" Weston, gt . r No. 11 $369 10; . . over in it, i soya are dancing David Johnston ........................ 10 89 . " Chm. Lovett, grading arid •gravelling base _ line, B. 1._*1ai,,' ..... . . . . . . lit, . *�, the Highla d Fling. .1 William Elliott ........................ '. *1 '1,.,.,.,.,. *. *.,.,.* L. M ....... I ............... I ....... ........ County rate ......................................... . , 11 E. Campion .................. � . 8 18 11 1800 1r' �. Of Con Ile your Boss does not really .. 18 42 Chris. Beacom, repairing bridge and gravelling Legislative school eq alent .................. .. .. I t I I . �. mean et up a fight. 0, no, he is 1. Win. Colclough ....................... ­ ' ' ' * * .... * 108 " base line B. L. M ............................. 18 50 CEIPTS. i . 4 , " a � uto, bigf9ttarget, besides he has sore Jas. Connoliv ........................... : ........... 1038 John McCartney, repairing culvert and shovelling Jan. County wards, Coll' s aiTd Graham ............. � . pkvI r / Same you know and is liable to roll up i :: Samuel Rathwell ......... ............. *.,,*.'.* * ..... , 4 00 ,, gravel 7th con . ............................. 2 50 Mai-, Collection fruit) Co ty Treasurer............-$ 18 11 in ash pt of (1plexy, or flat out with George Tebbutt ..... ................ ' ........ ­­ Rich. 11 .. . ap 11 John Johnston ........ : ... . . .... ... 3 24 Weston, grading, gravelling and repairing M Count ward ...... .go! . bridge Bayfleld coil .......................... 20 00 May Reeve s corporatior, o-' ' ' ..... * * * ....­, 309 .1 �, heart, isease. No, no Grover does not I I W. H. Lobb ................. *.'.'.'.*.'.'.*.* ',*.'."*.'.'. ' . ' 3 50 11 W. Hearn, grading on side road 1st con........... ry te in favor of Mis,9D. Holm s 1()00 00 1, M want set the world tears, " Mrs. J. H. Elliott .................... , , 14 4 W " .1 t " , '. i n , , 3 00 I . 4 1 .4 11 thong for getting lip it sensation 11 468 Walter Weston, re airing 2 culverts on Bayfleld July Bou Mrs. A. CantelO , '14 1 .. Lams say he is'a bully boy w 'Ili Andrew Drysdale .................... * ''' * * ' " * * * '' , Boundary line grar. 81977 with a gi. con. and side line 1st cop.... . ........ ... 1. roll] CountyMrs. .... 180 I ,,,1Jr' " John Porter ........................ .. ­ .......... 19 56 11 32 50 11 Reeve's corporation ate Ili favor of Sturd ... 11. elye- 11 Samuel Walters .................... * ' ... I .......... 16 26 11 War. Steep, gravelling on Huron road B. L. M. - - - 35 20 County ward, Bala �e from Reeve.. Y M . I � What do you say? 11 8 05 John Weston, repairing hill 6th con ........ .. ... 2 50 Dec. Colin Andrews, ave , -d for drRin ..... . t', I Jonrie. You Andrew Conirtice .............. .... ' ... ' ....... * '' Geo. Weston, gravelling on 7th con................ - -, , , ) 900.5., 5y 11 300 " � - think there is soon to be a war be- Thomas Battles.. ......... ................ * ­ * "' * '' 11 1 70 " James Stevenson, il mrol for drain... . , , . � .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . , . .' , V 00 "I i, .114 00 Geo. Wecton, repairing hill and bridge Cut line., - 24 00 Nov. 12 Taxes from Collect r........ ..................... 10 I, I" tween I�ngland and the United States? .1 John Weir .................... 240 " Jag. Harrison, repairing culvert arid shovelling 1. 15 " 11 11 . . , " � Nonsense, you know better, you say Mrs. J. H. Elliott ...................... .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.*.'.­ 6 72 ,I e ......... I ... I ................ � .�_Ilf ,, John Beacom ............................. ... .... 2 00 11 11 11 11 ....... I ..... ... I ........... 0000'' the, States is not afraid of gravel 4th con ............................... 8 00 4' 20 I, 14 11 90. 'i,�, England? John McCartney, 2 culverts on side road 8th con. 2 50 30 1 � Certainly not, neither fears the.other, .1 Willis Bell ......................................... 11 ..".. I .......... ............ t';... 11 10 00 Geo. Hudie, shovelling grayel and work on 7th con. 10 10 Dec. 2 1. 1. 11 ... . I ....................... 00 " J I , �,V , , . but each has had sufficient experience 11 Edward Wise ............... .................... ': 7 86 Aug. Joseph Izzard, repairing road on 14th con......... I 00 11 6 , .,�, I in lapping their brothers' blood. The William J. Elliott........... .................... . .1 001 11, , I Rosea satisfied Britain with 41 Edward) Elliott_ ............................ .... 2 16 11 .....I ...................... 00 f; � warn the P John McClure, work on lot con .................... 50 11 7 11 11 .1 Qi� ....., .......... I '. , - 4 08 Silueon Mittiholty, repairing culvert and work 11 9 11 11 11 ............. I 00 � ti 1. * �l�� I'll, � I thatsort9f fighting and the carmine :: Henry Hibbs .................... . ... ........... * . 12 25 on side road 1st con ..................... .... 3 00 11 13 " 11 11 ..... 1 ............... ..... I 00 . � Stain of the late rebellion still shades Thos. Tichbourne .............................. _' I Oct. Peter ......... *::::: IA� . .1 . . 5 00 McDougall, shoyelling gravel as P. M. cut 11 It) " 11 1. , * , , 1 * * , , , , * ­ 00 I �, the national banner of Jonathan. William Currie ...... ................ line ............................ .. . . ....... . I ......... 3 00 i;� I 1, " Chi -is. Beacom... ................. 4 00 " l6John Torrance, orri(ir iW.40'1­t;t� , , ... U-1 How? Crush Canada with numbers? ... I ......... 0 66 I Thus. Biggar t, repairing culvert, side line, 5th con. I 00 1. es .... ......... I , � I .1 INDIGENCE. Nov.iHall Rutledge, repairing 2 culvert.4, 4th con...... I 00 11 18 11 11 ......... I.... . � ....... �ePl Von get out, who wants to be crushed c 17 Taxes from Collecliar.... i '. in the holiday o��(,_---.e,� ............ � .. ........ 165 , 111,"---` �. season? Please stop Jan. Henry Porter keep of indigents for three weeKs 11 Robt. Stirling, outlet, for drain .................... 2 00 le . . I ...................... B931 �i,��',� Dec. John Aarrison, repairing culvert oil 4th con ... � ... 2 50 " Taxes to be col " ::: ... 1.� ": your waggery and listen to it question and attendance at death .................. .. $ 1 1 00 Thos. Harrison, repairing culvert 4th eon ......... 3 W Total ................... !��.'i Z k " . 11'� , or 90. I I Henry Porter, cleaning and dressing two corpses j 4 00 P. Pottel spreadin vol and overseeing work, ........--141. I.-- �­. I 11 1, B. gra I , Mrs. McRae, allowance for last qua, ter, 1894...... 15 00 Huron road, B. L. M..' ..................... . EXPENUVRE. First the allow me to say you are - Feb. M rs.McRae........I I6 25 �, a real d,= r, when you seriously go ..... ........ 15 00 William Turner, balanci! of account for repairs atbeginning : mar. M r8. ticks, keep of Thus. Johnston.'.*.* ­,*.'.'.'.'.' ". 24 00 Turner's bridg( ........... � .......... I..... ('01,1-9. ..... ... . . .............. 381 in for makingfuri, but younotthink ' ' 0 By Liabilities ties at tiyLar ................. .. that you ut in too big laugh -ball May Mrs. MCEL,te .......................... 15 00 Township of Hallett,, balance on Base line, B.L.M. I I f)5 Salaries . ... I ..... I . ............... ... $ 482" 1 11 ... 4 25 Miscellan - I sometimes P " Thos. Johnston ......... ..... ....... 24 00 . I i ... ...... . M 11 Aug. Mrs. McRae......... .... ..... ' ......... ­­­ ROADS AND BRIDGES. NOS. 4 AND (3. Indigence ........ I ....... j .................. -A �� What do I mean ?you know you can 1. .... 15 W * , -, .,.,: ET Roads and Bridges, No. I ............. i ,; Thus. Johnston ......... ­.'' *'* '' ' ' ' " ' ' * *'* *'*'. g (g) May 27 Andrew Courtice, work on road ................. . $ 1 50 11 11 11 No. 11 ... .. - - - - - - -'-'-'-*-,-'-'-'- . I . JL gobble up Canada before breakfast, Dec. Mrs. McRae ..... ... July 2 Jag. Connell, shovelling gravel as P. lil ............ 4 M " 11 11 1 Any morning you choose to come over ? 11 Dr. J. B, Whitely''I"or* attendance * ... * ...... * '' ­ * '' * . No. Ill iind B. L ....... � ". " . . 15 (y) . ,�� ,r.*, " I � ndance ......... � ........ 8 ()o : I (,'has. Calton, shovelling gravel on B. L ............ 5 00 11 No. IN'And V1,,g .��,_ ' ' ­ il I 11" 11 '. i 1.1 That depends. 'In our little scrim- ROADS AND BRIDGES --NO 1. .1 F McCartnpy, drawing ravel on S. L. 11th (.on.. 10 80 11 11 .1 ,_w ....... ..... 1 , , � mage of 1912, Canadians and Yanks Tilos. McCartney, shovelling gravel on S. L., lith No. V. _.. - " . 189 , i$f 4 met fourteen times on the battle field, School ti -es to school trustees ' ' " May Richard Porter, putting braces across bridge 4th Coll ..................................... 9 50 ''.., ... 39M . ;�v con.. 11 Corporation notes with interest. '' ' * .... �:� � in which the Canadians were ten times ............................................ $ 3 50 Geo. Cantelon, grading and gravelling oil �-*L­.'. - Count rate ............... . *:..*. S 8712 �" -, tbevictors; but then Canada bad not 'Tune Win. Johnston, repairing hill and cleaning culvert 9th eon ................................. r ............ 98 t. 00 (y) Grave .................... .. I .... ...... 111"T� John Churchill, Shovelling gravel as P. M. on 14011 .. James Johnston, repairing hill and culvert on S. R, con ......... � ... ........................ I .q t as yet be@n organized into a regular 4th con. .............................. .... 400 11 I r constitutional government, and our 41 h con.. ........... ............. 0 Q) 11 Total expendituro •... — � I e "I a were raw recruits gathered " E. J. Elliott, new culvert and gravelling lot con... Wm. Elliott, racing on 16th con... . ........... * `1 90 I .... ....... $1307329 *i� I I r17of the farms. You never 11 ?A 20 " Robt. Marshal, drawing gravel on 13. f .......... *.­ . �'. Wm. Johnstori, digging ditch on side road lot coil... .1 it) 5( ASSETS. ). " head this before? NO it .1 11 75 John Henry, shovelling gravel its P. M. fill 13tH , I . I Is Wm. McAllister, ravelling on lot. con... th )� Non -Req. balance in County Tr(-a,;urvr',; hooks ........$ $ 12 in , the practice of Yankees to stud- 11 Johnston . . 15 60 " con ................................. I , . '' ' ' ­ � iously practice Wm. Job t figging ditch 4th con, and .... 2 00 Amount title froal John COIC161,911,-vard for drain,.. 50g .i ,; from their books all S. Emmerson. repairing culvert on side line, 9�h In S. R. Ard con ............................. 27 M _( �1� , ,�'L �, history that Froes not Show them to be - ,, con.............. ... I .................. Estimated Balance .. .. . ............ $89579 ;, �.. I ico'and first prize bearers when .1 Albert Hineks, shovelling gravel ................ . 2 50 11 Hetlyr Cook. gravelling on side line, 10th con .... 2 00 Dated this 10th day of Dec., 1895. . ,� � I , ever vertheybave Joined competition or John Johnston, repairing road 4th con. and gravel- 11 F. cCartney, grading and gravelling S. L. 4 W " Ing on S. R ................................... 18 00 ,. 9th JOSBI'll E. kVilITELY. Treasur , What P You think me rude? - _.... , .... 50 50 JOHN COX, Reeve. ,Ill. strife. con.................. I ...... ..... I... Phrdon I rudenessi was not intended - - -- —_ _ - ____ _____ - - � ____ - ,. -_ __ - - -_ � you so frequently interrupted me with be forced to love their conquerors, the may conquer in the strife the Yankee � - - -_ I __ - - - . tharacteristic brag that I made a slight volcano only sleeps. is certain to be R BLIGHTED NATION. TO OONSUMPTIVES. l Mr. Frank L Webb, B. A. LLA �, dlivi-rsion to tell you a few truths I I'd better quit this insolence? Why, You know this Jonnie as well as I do. The undersigned having been restored to health I Colborne was hanqueted there in ; V i 4 � " 011 ll,0� I . fashion_ by simple means. after suffering for several years of his approAching in It. �"?, ,,4*,ed you had neper heard.' A war set agoing by intermeddling And dye garments to the new with a Revere lung afteotion, and that dread 418a"a Kennedy, daughterof Ma or e , sure, my belov6d, cousin, I hope you A I iage to; 7.!, . I was simply spite can never be popular in any coun- able colors that sometimes make the Consumption, tit anxio to make known tohiefollow (111,11i , !'Wed,upou a times Mexico owed the are not getting mad. I We Renovate �.',,� . � I . ,°*anokepa a certain silm Of 1116116Y. Be- making myself merry with some of try. Still yours Is it rather risky way owners feel we've given them a sufferers thenuore. To those , I , " 1. , new means of desire it, of Toronto. �1, , t*een the tWo coultitribs was A 61, f YOUV holiday fun, never saw anythin of getting lip a Xmafi breeze. suit instead of . he will cheerfully send (free of charge) .who �-,,i 4,�': .r , .. ' dyeing their old one. OPY Of the , Prescription used, which they will find a eurecure for . ----- ,.. L`�1-1_1V111: . - , d*iiad- tdrrtor:y, Jonathan sennas so Pat to the times, bully you,, E. G. B. Try Parkers' Dye Works, Toronto Contumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Brow .. "`-K f *,� . ". , army Of P0 91611 I ClintonDr. Shields, all eminent It "' ", I , . , Onto tits disputed Say. , , , , _0 nchitill and 1, , , _'_ .-, . pattell, and 04i a I I t;Pn, Dec. 1895. when you want elm"lln all throat and Lung Maladies. He ho _ Ysi n of —_ :11 sufferers will try his remedy, not it it Inv&Jn? I Tennebvei.- says: "Ire . 11 - 1� . t Point Of musket You bell ' thv will be done We Leave orders his. Those destring the preseription, whiab saparilIA4 the best, bloo -m Icine on I %, im*rOd Mexico to liquidate the debt. eve [mean to be offensive P PAINS OF. RHEUMATISM I! or dyeing ana 9 Sar - 1 �11�1 I � requested 0 Be I on do not want me to Chink THE at air's Book store. thorn nothing, and may prove a Wesaing. w earth tinj, know of In li'v, " Thb , Ilk r tied .the bully to at to the best authorities, orig- I ,q�,�,­ - &ae,ua �he Said territory, and she that I . hitki A Idt,er,date. What in,te address, _ _ aO,,Y _}wonderful - q ce C �N is your ho At 11111on of the ultimate I in a morbid condition of the At Brid Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Broldlilyn, New cures eff , 'd by if,s use. hysicians ; �, lit negotiate. Jonathan refused. . Igeburg two ten -year-old boys I 11 ovgr & land have made similar'.; ", ess negotiate. to fored him Se socalled Mason and 0 blood Lactic acid, caused by the de- Z031tdico to armanen of t named y and Dennahower got York. 8 Mtn , 1, - ,r : Con Line P On Of the gelatinous and al- a In a boat. They jumg,d out, ., evaCuate lb4t many of her bell 0, that is all gone up the float -1 ,'-,-/' I . Sons 'Not at = il's Y was The balance in the Dominion savin a _ I �­, id %J,�areftillds,,of her taoitoly. - that the princip that first made that atUcks the fibrous tissues, drowned and youngerinahower was banks on November 80 was $27,711,9 l3arly 'i'ay mornin fito and r ore than seven ht thou snout. tissues, circulates with the - and an neither could swim �q -r- 1 tell YOU blood and e`%1I . 'I- NeVie 4�.,�"* I M=_, ,., ,� _ I _ part,10tilatly In the oints, and thus, rescued by as against $27.240% a month previous' 4 large i of a cat- o��,S;..:- live historic, and a qf, are still alive. Masthr 11111p 0olcleugh. . I (.`Ylk- , I I 1whAt firb you lauglitag pvbilit, Son- �, t �41 k , F1 94 b io� 4 E, .1-11" 71", ll 4 0 I , 4 - I 11 0 g " 1,1 y �� , R 9 Z F 3 f I I ""'.... 0, The South to -day, bitterit bate and 't1freh the :local man fOgtatione of the Oatfilirl X The da " I i! . - ;�� rift �104r. - - tin ord? Thinitift h disVeso. The bftCk,,*,,d shoulders are Aor Ov 1 at $1 e , j Ow Old ' Z " jerk. despise the sneer] e -p 0�'Vlftjt Irears REMM"VZOM Collision IN A DAY.-SolgitbAmexican � 11, � , t) " -,. -, that WAS fore- the' liarte'u6utill kits. WINALovs by � d , I I !,; III hile'teethin I I ! kin ed upon them b OCK 't aff4thd by rhodma- 9001�irwa gvnvi�hw bebtl used atliom an Nisattlgla, , , ect ib III , % I Ithenoustle Core, for inland, maebin , 'd I & -of •- 19' . , U1.1 tilt � TICIM15 Otte .r I . ab 2 millions of ihotlikire for heft chiblebtf v roodip . I .111f cures In JJ to 3 days. Its action upon the I " "i , , by tism, and the Jo trt& at the knees, snit- 114 6toxhad, at MiRlitaliwinroltaft of yoult rent 470 4 lysto a remarkable , ­.- I �1'i _-,, &01 d by Ore -to and myntetious. It rem -oven lot I 1. 'i, � , reentistrAititidti lung ,'all . their les hipS and, Wrists "TO AlSb* softietitnes abift sufforing sold a Ing wich Rain of cuttin alien the cadoe and the disease humidlately 41s. CU . �-,?�Z Mw �iwurself Oo viluell. to ,,. ffices with " an I I I i1i* . 11* AT I$ - h blood.. still rr I Fig t bagg7e',; Itrid. ".1by"llesoum"OPOU111OWUS alt 7 as a* a 04111-41. The first done estlybduallts. 75,30tita. I � ��kl t. tacked. Thousands' peopi si 411 Once a - .- .. 11 1, �: e have "ba , V i 100 -and go a botois of ,,Mrs. , - f found in Hood's SarsapariUm a 86011111][09 7VILP"for0hildrom, Teething. r6*111releve Id by Whttli ScCo. Fire itIlitill. N4�gl 'w" 'W 'gep. MCI?, -46, ' The wi) y e rt the bOfA to nog I) _ bm positive le. I Ift In the 7' " ' ta Is I '04l, 641 pd -or little stifferer founwinateii. De end Pon it, I ,,; ,,', -, ��_� �­ * or 0bliftdots CI?, fewleltrilaffo say rn h it ins Irit prli"Ok and permanent cure for rheumatism. rail a stir I a' irrh, " It 'to 0 ce , I i,i fliallio, there Is no mis , ( , I 0buro a kession 0 I- The of Van ; mud"he It hAk had remarkable success I ,:ke about it. 9 ouroo war, tar il wit I I � I 11 . tie . ri AS When the Ing the mOst, sPvPrj4 .,,,,, ,,,.'�_�Ur- 0.1Jafl1k',A1y,tft!08 the Std soh and Howel cure I I � teal �, id significal , �'Rlk­p r6visi Al. ; 0) , A - � - — 0­11­__.­.�.. - - , n.4. " �, . : oven IT I ot, t I J��TV&dt.q,t��Vl�.�d. has,papo*_*ffid, -nni-A I' , � I 1 � '— . I : da buppsaiiiii , t6,id'4'"q4dkQ h6ddea � -, 'ag, , , , , e loyal , dr I Wt W440W t ArAt Ili of Vvi I F I 10 free oil,, � 8,00'.,01'an - I the 8 tea will.,b ., . dk on aV b I flilito but they ean't) � . P the eat ' pit lil : ',4:% I ; t_. 11, , I � I e_N I'* 1� I ,I , -: 1 , I I 11 itis � ,li i" I I , I I . `41'', 10". , , I , il iiz " , � , I � I .... , , " . 'f.. ,� ""I I , . I . - .1 i, - ANEW--L.:J:,�*�-A sive]61- if, , L �## "I'll, ,',� S , �, I �� , , , , �, � , ,_,b I'll, i*tl' - 41' ="I W, ' , 4011,�- ,,Q; 1710511ru S I 4 * 0, I M.'Xif , i'. - '' � . 00T, , " , , ,.,. , - 1_1V_1A1J.�R"48 A, good. tonic , Z\� 0�1'_'_, , � "O r" arill I A ". I *m , .— �P"* 4" M , 1 � ' I uh, oe!d,l I ''a , � q, rer.,, i ,,Q,�,,�:�,,.,,. .- r, I .., ,. " . ''.. ", ", ... I I"', 14-11* i�,,­_" �,,. ,­111�`,,,­;,:" , " � , " , i, , � � , ,��,.�Iil I I" ,.i, "f'' �� I ,�, - lil,­�:­',�, � , " . . . , . . - �,­ �106T-puriai purifier. I ..... -, Wh 61� ,�, �. t.4-�;�­­,�, ­4,� I �".J,�� , , � ­Li'i� I W. I 1. , I I !, � I , , � ,�. -, � . ", 1) , .%, , . 1, I � � I ,,�­ !.,3,,` ;" 1111k ''. � I . I %�, -� � . I � ., , 11 , ,!i, .. ,, I � 11 " , ,,�i,, ,; 1, I7, . , I 11 ,.-, i , v ; � ��"",,I,,,�, , �� ,! , � , , "I 1. 1 '" '!, �l , � - A'� "' I , �;,"l , 11 - I " ­ , , , , �� .\ � ";', ­ - - , Z, ,A 7.�., �,"" , " �* * I I I .1 L �A .­,�,� ''. 1.:-?�,';,-� , 1 , .� ,.,�; , 4 7. , � I I . . , , ., I � �', I ,:.. I.,: I ��, ; ;; ,, ". ': . , ";:. " - 1, I . I � � - - I L ­­�,.� �� "' I ,.'��, ,� _. , '' � . , "� ,11 11 ,,,"­, , � f . r � ­!, '0 0� , � _ .', , I , ,�.­__,;i; '.� , ��' � , t ,� ,,�, �� . . . , -� ,.",�, . 74.1 1 I I ,,.. Ili, ,� I ,�, � I , I 'I; 4,r'!,.I�� . � 1�-- . � ;, Z, — - -,;L .. — , IL� , ,rl .01 ,,�: �,, �, . i'., . � , , . ",�,t -4,- KS ,