HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-01-01, Page 3•e I 7 i f y fa'' r.�� � ',rl �••' , I _ j p.'I11 iR14�/ 3 i , r` .l lr1 fr90byAP,Qiff PRrIlainent 1866, $1.375,000 fq QfM� MONTREAL. �, NOas(irt .F.roRlllsAp. 1�1lI!l W14".LoneralMAUS as. t'66,.t1i+1FQ1 ted, .;d tions made, Drafts 16Niipll/ tQ}llllg alld Ainerican ex- Qllo k$;-'bbightr'and sold at 1ttWest current rates. Itrra1110r, AGtOweD ON Darosrre. Inoy advanood to farmers on their own notes one or Adorn endorsers. No mortgage re- ed a$aemtxity.' R 0. BREWER, Manaagger, uebbr, 1886. QLINTUA. .r. 'Taggart .1c�_ ,AIV1'CE Fin BERT TREET, CLINTON. E1 pmL BANKINO BUSI:V1i;Ss Id. - Drafts Isms, Allowed on Deposits. l DR. W. GUNN, L. R_'C. P. and L. R.0, S.,;Edlnbnrggh. Offioe— 'I'',, OaWlo street Clinton. Night calla at trout door of reeidepoe on Rattenbury street, opposite Presbyter- ian church. DR. TURNBULL. 1 J. L. Turnbull. M. B. Toronto Univ. ; M. D T 3. L. Victoria Univ. M. O. P. a S. Ont, ; Follow of the obstetrical soclety of Edinburgh. Late of London, Enj., and Edinburgh hospitals Office:— Dr. Oice: Dr. Dowsloy a stand, Ratteubury St. Night calls answered at office. DR. SHAM. Offloe In Hod;en's Block, Rtttenbury St., Clinton, ;int. Night calls at Sams plata. Jae. S. Freeborn, X- D , L. it. & Q 0. P., I., M• 7 P. & S. 0., &o., &o. (Qradnate of Kiug's & Queen's college of Physicians, Dublin, Ireland. Licentiate of the General Medical Council, Great Rritain. Mernbor of College of rhystoWia and Surgeons, Oatano. Formerly rest- demo he Rotunda Hospital (Lying-in and Gynm• ray'' ,olog[cal), Dnbttn. Bpeoisl attention to diseases of women and children. Office and residence, Rattenbury ) St., aeRt door to Ontario St. Methodist paraonege. ,; r 829-1y :. �a>xttltlrl�. , '-.�.• BRUCE, L. D. Sa, goito !MY'. hlember of R. C^ D.5., of Ont. I< the use of a harm - ti; Na unconscious- buab=eRttctti::boai»tebtihv Ghe- use of s a, 1 A7 I Be " liA�ItJ ►f, �aG II o'�•,.- �ir Jl• s DENTIST. Graduate of Royal Collage of Dental Snr- g_eons of Ontario. Honor Graduate of Trinity i1._ University, Toronto. Best Local Anaesthetic rid for painless extraction. Office,oppositeTown Ralf, over $wallow's Store. Night Bell answered. Will visit Hensall every hlonday, a Zurich the 2nd Thursday of each month P O CAMRRON, BARRISTER, SOLICConv` Office ---coiner Hamilton I drewo stn., pposite Colborne Hotel, Gods h �� l< ), r� •tf 7xr si . HAYS, Barriller, Soltoitor, a e. Oleco, corn t crib Street alt Square, ;near Registry OM rich, out C 67. 4 :rRt` Money towest rates of Interest. J. A TT, Barrulk, #C., E.'LLIOTT's BLOCK, "* {, GLINT Money to E. 01 C ER, bICIT , ,1�OTARY, dre:'1 yyit p r)bavls' Drugstore. MA,; o los .0. JOHNSTON'y '-TBR, - SOLI R, 2VMISSIONER, ETC., ole►, - - - 1, Hamilton and St. Andrrw'a Ste W. BRYDONE., i ' E'ER - - SOLICITION. R TI ARY PUBLIC, rte , AVOR BLOCK - - CLI 401sItO to ' lend. load in jarge.oit email sums bs tlr ppe est eeldrity at the t 1?t. HALM., Huai. Vt. Otfntob • Ifiney. lad on t eeooirity at 61 r,nd o p, B1 Do,. , Albert St., 114 it iriWel�MrY gylti7RON S'rltEltl 4r r w t bibs pfap d m snpp r �iliiLfi'l1)r9tCllhll ., '- - (, . cassis r••,.�`q.:'_ :•' C-•.•=.�.rm'n'7`*'•Ip. .Ibis Ar,�r(.��r"•t�, i�l1 btaasa a,uP � Monday • of 1Yer r+ y ,t ,. n mrtr CCall ,. g d ea0, DioBr); bl .L.. ViAting brethren a wa y DH J. S. V(ilt MORN, W. M. P. UAB 1 r[,p , Jit. sw_ d Y. SHEPPARD, D. Ill '�ilt3gllltC, t1,1W )iI. ,dila, M \'e bd A. , &A M. nee uterr g' I',yy, un ',r ' it,,r the moon. Visit I ing nrcth,ep ,rdlall, Iw:!:d A. 1. ot,I, YAi, W ti 1. B. RUMBALL, Sao. ('Ituto,,U 8, 18i)i, K. 0. T. M. K v,rm 1' t N". 1;& IC�r,,ia, 'd the Vaombeee of th. \VI.lti 1,0w), $:i ,,1:• „".r d3.000 Policies. Mem• Gnr.hil' ove 1001NO. t• ,grunt prinol le—has never "Noun ••.I I:; n „ in a year. Cheapest and safam 'VA0,13 N!. .,,n orangeHall,Clin- tou, first* I,"ird I'`'.4t y ,•1 "very month. A"O.U.W. The (llh,t'•u I,,,d e, No 144, inceteln Btddleoombe's flail, ol)posve thu utarker. the tat and 3rd Friday@ in each mouth. Vtdith," cot lixlly Invited. R. STON,• HAM, bl. %V ; J. }>sem, 9.,• -order. 699y r. fl rlb4 � ldilee Trace � for No. 1611 rri, '. QV40k'KnigAie of Ireland) isle$ 1DAW011oton Orange flail, thasecond Wednes• liyH t ettrory month, at 7.30 o'clock to the evening, Ili; Knight,y will always receive a hearty s A, M. TODD, Worshipful Preceptor 'Gscaos HANBar, Deputy Preceptor ' Parma CANTaioN, Registrar �al fia- Preceptory 3911 Black Knights of Ireland, Meets n the Urauge rias , Blyth, the Wednesday lftetf II moon of every wonth. NQy I Mad Preceptory 3151 Blacle Knights of Ireland, Slee to the Orange ❑ail, Godorich, the Third Mon. day' I every months Visiting Knights Rlwaye made w•dc ne. W I MURNEY, Preceptor, Goderich P O JAI$ RUSK. RWiatrar. and—u-h P n Cf UK'S FLOUR & FEED STORE, Clin>cou, $ AN and SHORTS in Large or Small Quantities. 0 L CAKE, LINSEED MEALS I lbs, Choice Oatmeal for one Bushel Oats . COOK, CLINTON. 762-tf ILL'S F,1 STORA' HURON STREET, CLINTON. The Best Early Seed Potatoes, and all nds of first-class Clover, Timothy, Field d Garden Seeds, Flour and Feed of all 1'.-in ds. Closest living prices for cash. SALT tock and for sale. TEA'S of the choicest ieties and blends. Excellent value. J W. HILL, Huron St.. Clinton Central Butcher Shop. COUCH & WILISNN subscribers desire to notify the public that they have bought on the butchering business lately con- ducted by Mr. Jae. A. Ford, and will continue the same under their personal supervision. Orders will have prompt and careful attention. Fresh meats of all kinds will be kept in season, sold at reasonable rates and delivered anywhere In town. ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS N. WILSON. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP FORD & MURPHY, (8ucceaaors to J. W. Langford.) Havingbought out the above business, we Intend to conduct it on the cash principle, and will supply our customers ivich the best meats at the lowest pay - ng prices, FORD & MURPHY. New Butcher Shop. The undersigued desires to intimate to the people of Clinton and vicinity that he has opened a butcher shop in the store of W. Core, Huron Street. He has had many years experience, and feels that he can (rive the best satisfaction. He will sell strictly for Cash, and at the lowest possible priced. ORnRIL9 RF8I1EC1TP1'I,LY SOr,IrIT'ED. WRIGHT, - Clinton, I D HOGS WANTED. ghest Market Price Paid. . CANTELON, Clinton. THOMLINSON, TERINERY SERGEON, Honora eluate of the Ontario Veterinary Col. :age, Toro Treats s Iseaees of Domestic Animals on th +noel Moder d Scientific Principles. Day and Ni t Calls Promptly Answered. ltealdenee— ftsnbury street, West. Cliton.Out J..Z. BLACRALL. Veterinsry .mo i' of platio lamez 00168 ai`lttb 27onIeiYvatciip df Music, cer 0# in Plwtlo, fiarthorlq and Intro- wfltictory Thhory. dT,,XNTOm'i•, 01'TW. r ' i I mR et ' n4 8 - e#la a p a ,8stttFrrvf`gll�d6: , o to EE t i• 1�1a � a IN" 17A r Y 9 1.. 9R by mail Rroqupl}•gp ed-�,•'r;,,,, $ARNIC68.8UPORIUM, UL Ttts ON r NOT CB. There being some m nderat Ing with re- gard to wreckage, let It be distln ly understood that It any person take$ possessio of any kind of wrockage and falls to report to e 1 ,hall a1 once take proceedings.Remember thta is the last warning Isbell give. CAPT. WM. BABB. Receiver of Wrecks, Go rich, Qoderlch, Bei • 7th 1891. FOR SA L Ee The- property atppresent 000upled 6j the an- doreigned as a roeidenoa on the Huron Road, in the Town of Goderioh, consisting of one half of an ,pre of land, good frame house --atom and a half—seven rooms, including kitchen, h rd and Soft water, good ,tone cellar, ,table, weed and carriage Rouses. There aro also some good fruit tree,. Thispproperty is beautifully situated and very suitable fora,ny'per,on wishing toll verellred- For further particulars apply to E. CAMPION, 642-tf Rarrieter,Goderioh. J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Oat A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY and SILK ERWARE at J. BIDDLECOMB'g, - Clinton. GO TO THE Union Shaving Parlor For first-class Hair -Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton J. EMERTON, Proprietor, Goo. Trowhill, i Horseshoer and General Black- i Smith, Albert Street, North, - Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and firat clean material and work guaranteed ; farm implements and machines rebuilt and repaired. t WATTS & CO., CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS r Great Northwestern Telegraph office, Albert Street, - Clinton. e PROPERTY FOR SALE OF t it RENT.—Advertisers will end "The 1e News -Record" one of the beet mediums i In the County of Huron. Advertise in 'The News-Record•'—The Double Circulation Talks fl :o Thousands. Rates a low as aoy, t PUMPS! PUMPS! If you want a firat-olasr, well. made pump, one that will give you Satisfaction, Rend your order to the e undersigned, He will dig and clean wells and do it at t he oloseat prices. He also handles a first-class rORCE PUMP. C JAMES PERGUS0N i )PPosit Queou'd Hotel - High Street Ulinton, g 809-tf 11 d F. W. F B R N C O IU B (MEMBER OF A8S'N OF P. L. S.) Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, LONDON, ONT, OFFICE—At G. J, Ttewart's Grocery Store, Clin- ton. 781.1y 6mo' 8ft Cantelon Bros, OENERAL GROCERS & PROVIS ION MERCHANTS. Grockery, Glass & Cliinau ar ALBERT ST. CLINTON, ONT. Highest Cash Price for Butter and Egg 162.1y BILI HEADS, NO He.,ds, better Heade, Tags Statements, Circulars, Business Cards, Envelopes, Programmes etc., etc.,printel In a workman like manner and at lou rates, a 19 Tar. Nows-RscoRD office. Mrs. Whitt, Teacher of Music, Pupil of M.'. Charles W. Landon, of Philadelphia The Mason Method used exclusively. It In considered bythelesding 6ineical Artistes the no method develops the technic so rapidly as Dr. Mason'R "Tooh and Taebule." piano, Organ and Tochnicon for nee of pnplla Apartments In Beaver Block, over W, BeeRley's, Albert street, Clinton. NOTICE TO NEWS -RECORD READERS. The publisher would e.9teem it a favor If roar' , would, when makink their purchases mntion at they saw the merobant's dvertleax.ent in 'rNw NRWa-RReuRD. 1 OF VIGOR kyr Qaia)<ly, Permanently Restored. Weakness Nerv- ousness, Wbulty, and till 'the"train Of lov&from egrly errors ..... or late" Elle •Ito of or rls. i >6' strstcxinreearh evelopt ifi ttt and to 0 renter eved� a onion ia>i't1r1r 7, Siidl��sslet, ICbtt)11d1 thRtlr(klfi. 1in- ' "' "• ffyediate . llliipror+artcnt •.'' ` 'tleeil..:y'riil»reinipttaai- - bleu ' 2i&* refereneek, irltlsxpltiaatiou and nuttl6k QW -fid) aft. ERIE MEDIUL 00b, 1110111, N.Y. R ftlr.r�Ytt'�',4�f'13.�1�- � �. � � 4rR�� rr'r'M.fiT•e'�,'.� f •^r��4.1•,RkRn+tP'^�. 1 � .,iY,kt'1Ri, -,w. 'G �... ,..ray ",q N � y ureii onof + ti 1 ILaAI)-1d�k Ie'l Ii'aI1 JR. tractor traded bed. this on the or side and trial• *ounce About. f Tial wits n iof b Wst '1110 ire, „Tile NNW "�vRrnt4 fat th.0 xwwsW *#Ora azo; � • �" ":: Rl3'r.LATIf8 SOME EXPRUXISNO"S IN i;t'.10 4n4 09' 11ftp; ra. ' �, .. t l .fit Mahn l: 1x Stllid.. tc' e ' : Z" , . ,.. �± Eat � �,,_.. oWNPRAQTI(IA). n , ax►ykk►ilttl, ldeclkixij4i llrm molrll� '��tt,, new its ,P +��t�;i+;3i', � e y use for it period of Only two mouths, she was the of 1M1!trmsn )nallll >m1lna Tkt IFIItd womall is O.ne that atal)�il N, the slue, 1 •-; d �, il•Q�1�0sS tf B1tLI6 vES IN REQpMliil~ NIa11NGt A1NY 74IEtJ' IQINU TUAT HE KNOWS 'WMIe OQR» c?1 a dttaxt. 'be Iix aeD neiv w,iaman f,0 too In-anntsh, >Ctlitatli t.S f aYel �1 1111 y )( s HIS BATI8NT8--'TfIj$XS AR. i�V=TJAX15' Tez).40aosg * un-unoRVn tO her. she tlp,Ltowt love chlldrelz. an4 1� 1� q ��V�� lyOdytL1.'�L( *i C04,1ivgr PINI PILLS A OU94T DISCOVEIt°lt'. she does not go out to ble•8'e arltd help C1Il llnlaIces "Aisne r<#�'.1�jtj� St �,1 "Amiox, PA., April 24th, V5. others. she gpeak'a slightingfy of mar- mage and home; she speaks slightingly : t Irl. Scotts Emulsion of Dr, wUlfame•ffiedlolne Company GIENTLE"N.—While it is entirely of rellgloni and goes forth to find a re- Bgfon *� �"^ cod-im-eV Oil t e tasty 1f3I contras to the custom of the medical profession to endorse or recommend of her own. "Let me be understood. I am UQ; i hidden, the Oil is di ested, I g any of the so-called proprietary prepar- th'rowlriig pbones ad -the ataarem of bloomers. This rrDak man >e tncol}slst- it is'ready to make fat, ations, I shall, nevertheless, give you an account of some my wonderful ent. she only takes part of a man'. When you as for Scott's Bmatelo ,pt ex essences with your preparation, Dr. dress. She should out oft the high heels + that cr}ppte her toes. I would take he I year draq�lot W00 you aYOackage to a e*f°r°°`co ° R`p,ppe• the plet. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People. The The fact is well known that medical clothes and m",e them ever for tho DV are o) ilio manapN Bsr D it -you can trust that rerarl practitioners do notes a rule recognise, much less ase preparations of this kind, women of the slums. Her sleeves would Mo3ce dresses for poor children, so cents and $1.00 consequently the body of them have We will take the chewing gum and the novels of the $GMT & Bowes, Chemists, Belleville, ont. • no definite knowledge of their virtue or lack of it. but soundly condemn them new woman and burst them sad the Salvation Army would her all without a trial. Such a centres is show the ruined homes of the wealthy gpH'�7�"S' +� manifestly absurd and unjust, and I, for one, propose to give my patients and the poor. "If women are allowed to stand on ri1. Nothing has ever been produced to 8 t e beat treatment known to me, for the stage in the new woman costuny> ° have Rowers s equal or compare�7wtith $73IlZjlbzey8 tile particular disease with which they are suffering, no matter what it is, thrown at them, why_ should not the' advanced woman stand 'glitch $tlZ6I yllya3aCURATIVEand Where Or how Obtained. I Wae first on the Platform and preach, and not HEALING APPLICATION. It has been be vers( cuted? There are many who used 40 years and always affords relief try to hinder tlie advance of the ad- vaned Woman. she should be a lawyer and always gives satisfaction. If she likes, but a watnanly lawyer. She should dress It Cures PILES or HEMORRHOIDS, External or Internal, Bend or Bleeding—Itching in the same dress that her mother wore. The new Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. and Fistulas. lMlt, _ 'i r�isil•�, pro- malt's mJWiun is to make heaven in her ReliBuref U; Relief immediate, curt certain. ItCures BURNS, Scalds and Ulceration dtome and all arr and her." and: Contraction from Burns. Relie( instant. A e)n. rn nt T ,,. It Cures TORN, Cut and lacerated Wounds and Bruises. One of, Queer% Vlctoria's favorites is It Cures Botts, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old h / r Mme: Albini, and once a year FIer Ala- testy honors the prima donna by tak- Soles, Itchin Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. Ing a cup Of tea with her. It Cures INFLAMED Or CAKED BREASTS ` This Is when the Queen 13 at I3a1- moral Castle, and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures SALT l usually during septeTn- ber or October, and Mme, Albini Is at RHEUM, Tetters, Scurfy EntpOons. Chapped Hands ever Blisters, • •� "fleury place, old Afar Lodge, an Sore Lips or Nostrils, Com and Bunions, t'c : ' • which she rents from the Duke Sere and Chafed Feet, Stin s of Insects. IIP, and which is In Mar sorest, Three Sizes, 25C., 5oc. and $r.00. J. D. Albright, M. D. nea.r Balmoral Castle. The tea drinking occasion is wholly Bold byDraggieta,orsoot post-paid onrecelptofpHoe uerlFltnsrs• ase. co , rr1 a f rs wutr.w st , lrew cork. brought to prescribe Dr. Williams Pink Pills about two ye*S ago, after devoid of pomp and circumstan::",'TCw The �pZ��„ OIL Navin, seen sortie retnarkable results Quten dt•Inks her Reuss gen which, by the way, is EnglL%h breakfast, from their use. Reuben Hoover, now of Reading, Pa,, was a prominent Gots- quite ltice an ordinary mortal, but, un - and builder. While superin- like the ordinary English woman, she does not take a second cup, tending the Work of erectinga large stat cold weather he con- The honor of serving tea to Her Ma- OCAVEATURADEMA ract d w What was thought t0 be scut jesty Is one seldom acocrded to other2 subjects. he havingtimt,noticed it one *Torn- ng in not being able til arise froth his Nor Albini theca, always hada Queen hasPYRIG PTt ticular aPPectton, and After t�1e usual treatment for she delights to honor her in various CAN I OBTAIlii A ATENT f For a disease he failed to improve but the contrary grew rapidly worse, wayg, Upon these occasions of the alter- pr��ampt ansr►°r sed sn h opinion write b CelUNNdcCU•*wl,ol,sv adnearI fityyeere• °Z>'�enoeinthe patent bnslagqs,, Oommmttm_ tionestrictlyoonfidentt case developing into hemiphlegia, no n turn: tions t' a Queen sends word A hand ookofls_ formation Om1wrul Patents and how to oy. partial paralysis of the entire right a day or two previously o y f her inten- talnthem sent free.Alsoacatglogueofynoohul~ i9@landeofentifrobookssentfree, of the body. Electricity, tonics tion to visit her neighbor•. She is ac- Patents taken through Mona fit Co. receive massage, etc., fuer" all givi?n a companled by one of the Princesses lie re Scientific tificoEl a pfean, and t�ias are omnin but nothing gave an beuetit and nd a lady or two in waiting, and she 6d. cut Bost to the inventor. This splendid p�aper. he. paralysis continued, n despair he drives the distance of about ten miles. Wge o3,�r Y.elegantlylllustrnted hmbyfartJre tranlstion of an was compelled to hear his physician an- In a.n, of en narriage, . itoientlfia wary is the world. 83 s year Samvie (wption work: in But]'hngEtlttton,monthly,>62b0ayear. that his Ca68 was hopeless. After the briedceretrnon Y of tea drink- 8tn- tin le%I Cents. Every numbbeer contains beau• that (irne his wife noticed one Ing Is over the Queen takes a stroll b Pl@Lea• in colors, and photograpphs of her nouses. If your advertisements and concluded through her hostess' beautiful garden, with plans,enabaft nilderstoshow UW latest deet sandSecurecontracts. Address o try your Pink Pills. Although not particularly fond or MUNN tt 00^ Nqw• YOUK, 381 BnoAbwAi. "He had given'up hope and it, requir- flowers, she `pp'reciatee Mme Albini', d a great deal of beg ggin on the part f his wife to persurtde hint to take fondness for thein, and frequently sends her superb bouquets fpm BaI- A PERFECT TEA hent regularly. -• "He, however, did as she desired. and Themom,4 Queen's dress is usually very appearances indicate bealth in this mpl devoid of black cashmere or soft silts, devoid ornament trimming; is M0,N808N Ian, one would think he was better han before his paralysis. it et the toilet of a inspectable lady of the ct `Why,' says he, 'I began to improve middle class, and is even more bare r L ornament than the plainest and most Ittw.o day's, and in four or five weeks strn.ple people of that class would acv- THE TEA -%vas entirely well and at work. "Having seen these results 1 conciud erage. Dress is a matteT in which, IN FINE•T TEA TNt Woft 4.0 d that such a remedy is surly worth a even In her young days, the Queen ap_ peared to be d -void of Interest. FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP J at the hands of any physician, and Unsequently when a short time later I Albini has 8 c'holce collection or photographs of Vlcto: la, IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. L" called upon to treat a fluty suffer- with palpitation of the heart and each adorne.l with her autograph. She was also the rectptent „ g Monsoon 'Tea is put cs by the [ndf f egreatest rest tazrvous prostration, after the sual remedies failed to relieve, I Or- of one cf the jubilee rnedal3, and was the only artirit decorated by selection Gena. Thercf�urmepthcyle use the care in the of the Tea and its blend, that is why they Bred Dr Willi ' P' k 13.11 Th the Queen herself with the order, put it up themselves and sell it only in the original h am9 1 n 1 S. P, result was sir 1 astonishing. Herat, Simply ig• pace gm, t ere y seeurtng its purity and excellence. Put up in % lb., r Ib. and S Ib, packages, and never flicks became less frequent and also cure Sign of Waning Youth. told in bulk. less in severity, until by their An un.miatakable evidence of passin g ALL QQ0D GROCERS KEEP IT. use for it period of Only two mouths, she was the of Youth to a woman is atte)tlon to those a trifle older than herself. It matters" .. , If yourgrc does not keepitrtgll Ion to write tte picture health, rosy-cheeked and bright eyed, not how inflniteelmalsthe trifle mvy be; $ EL, HAYTER as well as ever, and she has continued indeed• the less it 1s the mor? evident M sled 13 Front Streqt East. Toronto, -- so until to day, snore than one year o•re the attentions, The passing youth — - since she took any medicine. I have found these pills a specific for cbo4'ea, is, also, that much more evident. `Vh•'r- ever saw a y'aung woman of 18 pre- 1 Did Dr. Gordons He ed fork or as *lore commonly known St tending she w•'a_sn't tired when she we_ - Vitus' dance, its beneficial results have and tra stlrig upon a woman of 20 be- 127 lY 947 in all cases marked their use. As a Ing made c mfortable at her exp -n Fe? 1 1b5 ` spring tunic any one who, from over- As L, -he gets "on" in years, however, It's �' work or nervous strain during a long astonishdng how titer courtesy and alae - winter has become pale and languid, rity in such mra.tters are developpd. the Pink Pills will do wonders in She can't do too much for the woman brightening the countenance and in a bit older than herself, and with what Bt61NNING FtR8TM0NTM�SEGONOtIOk'N f buoying the spirits, bringing roses to a gladsome, virtuous air does she do the pallid lips and renewing the fou*- It, too. So universal is the trait among �t� � 16S titin of youth. women that It has become an un.mis- s Yours respectfully, takable evidence of p3swing youth, POSITIVELY � c J. D. ALBRIGHT, M. D." Lostrower,NervonaDct,l;i,•,. � ,I,� frnw Qnaen Victoria Dlnrr. Failing Manho'd, Fecr(t t)i- .. ceases, caused by the t.:"rs {P hon One's wire 1a Awny. QuA'en VlCtorll uses a iittI. more andcxccasesof •oath. ceremony, but practices moderation, YounI�� n:idd e-ar•r.I rr nbl Mrs. Dorcas—When you returne'9 K� T1tlPoweaTx Prom the country I suppose you found According to London Truth: "The mcn,suff'ering fromt1le,:'r.. .. 6 Queen takes a light breakrP'agt, a hearty of follies end ex-c�c., ic'stut_ 1 t, I_. ..,, ,. -,- the place all upset. It's always that poodcodviror, way when a man It left to keep hour t luncheon, a substantial tea; but at a Price $1,00, 6 b�ics f -r quarter to 9, when dinner is served, securely seale,l. v rirc 6 r (air 1 Mi s. Cobwig^er—Ye3, my dear; :he Her Ma1eRt' eats ver sparingly and Frrs," fur hien our tin_. litter RDAs terrible, The only plan e that Y Y t Y and stay crus(• y' was cleaned up was the wine -cellar— only of the lightest and mot nutrl- Judge, tions focxl. Atdut midway between Add reac,QUCEN [ICJ1C1LZ CC,, Cc: c t breakfast and luncheon when the Queen Ii transacting business (ail the 1.70rr1' CURED WEAK BACK FOR 25 heavy work of the day being over and FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS CENTS. done with at half -past 1), Her Majesty For two years I was dosed, pilled, takes a refresher In the shape of either �� 7 and plastered for weak back, scalding a cup of beef tea, as strong as It cnnD U urine and constipation, without bene- be made, or an egg beaten up with a ,� s fit. One box of C bRae's Kidney -Liver little milk or sherry. The Quwen never gills relieved, three boxes cured. R. J. drinks any spirit undiluted, Her Mc- � mith, Toronto. One Pill a dose, price jesty (>c-aslonally takes a small glass `25c of flyle old whisky, mixed with a Yum- �� _ N* bl r of mineral water. Pere f must have a queer Idea about easeful dlet- The Dutton fire inquest was conchtd- Ing who Include raw spirits In the OW, DER ed byy the magistrate4,cutnmittirig A. regimen,"-14ew York Press. THE COOKS BEST FRIEND D. Urlin and his son George for having set Hie to their store in Dutton. •Lady" or ••ufaamm�• LARGEB'r SALE IN CANADA. CATARRAa RMLrET,D is 19 To 00 MINUTIA. - A corespondent writes to the Bos- 1 Weavina One short puffof the breath through the Srowte ton Transcript: The street car con-�ar�et supplied withenabbottleofDr.Agnew'sCatarrhalPow- doctor sayle: "Lady, here Is a Beat for ����,,,JJJJ(� pe der, dlffusev thin Powder over the surface of the you." The clerk to the store says: ✓✓✓ nasal passages. Painless and dellgghttnl to use, it re- "Lady, here is your package," levee instantly and ppeormanently oures Catarrh P Be." Or "You levee instantly. 06](18 H"adscho, Sore ThrosETonsilitl have forgotten your racketbook, lady." R��� Y a�� sold Dlafnesa, oenta. At watts fir REM—OVAL. The ticket agent at the railway stetlott v - an .ye: "Lady, you have not taken your A number of huMness *len of New change." How would It sound to hear W. A. ROSS, Golder' h» York have signed it petition calling for these persons, under like etr•eu:n- wlw has 'nail wined a celebrated anme as g,. a special weeting othe Chamber of stances, Nosy: "Gentlernan, here Is a justly g florritrtplrte, to "ensiles the situation seat for you," or "Gentleman, allow me Weaver of aitfatic design, III Rag Carpet, hes' arisin out of President Clleveland'a to mmlet you in putt! moved into the .Dave formerly oth lii rn@sBit�e � on your over- II tl.: eoaa,7" li.+Cinetas on $t. David's street, thrc0tlb"' from Victoria, where he has every IIAo`ili"° The courteous person says "Sir, here turning out work of the very latent,dti A January thaw is always more Pe- is your umbr.I1a," or "Here is a %,eat .and ppatterps on the all rteat le ductive of colds and copghs than a jaa- for you, Alpp." People who desire 1• ea he vary freeze, Then is the time AgeP's WOU14 ft not also be courteous a make a s, do pn Cherry,Pectoral i needed itod proves ward to address an adult ladr, nl so Pxtreely eiAcious, your name Is not kn&Wn'as Madame? druggist for t,• fin also for Ayer's Al- A. jl, manae, which is free to all. ' tis VIA r r ,�