HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-01-01, Page 2a
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i T i s . Ir 11 - e t;c'y ,rr. 1 ' i 11 ea: . X-.7ty for", -A tt'`la,notkter, sit ,t y , f ,
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t11t utiiy b.. afixr,t; for the e'u.�b►1uB1 ( v THERINU n.
', " _` �.,:_f ; „ 3 , :, , pl (if a'ryitst nt)iu agltiletmtlPh•� M 4 -.!ljlf �� "1� �' ,."I . 1
, ,�"",i.,�:,',I!� ? I k4 !> ,,uhf, 'r t;I'txst. , ) Jt ls.'tutitd that, titeae wolKW tief9lr ,� � I- _'-.:
- t•he just ou ertrth, ttind xtat to those..
. iiiQY eW,N-Record in heaven, or the saints. Wo might ,
I)l•'llt Slit, to i„y ,,; t c:,duurunica- acknowledge that to Chia passage only of useful durable as well as beauklful presents for the holidays, we men- ^ 1
ti n,t ol'th,•,erI •t,t,••,,iu.ri,'tisbnuld the just on earth aie referred Nine Year 014 Maggie MCRitchie, a Victim of 4 i
, i",
1 ;�, � rt;c,l. 'l tie t,.% art a :xu,yet, hill, ecru to this case we maty draw these) tion a few :—
tilt p.frl,.se • 1' , nl , + ei,fbly Uutt iufereneps from the Apostles words : Fainting Spells and Nervous Weakness, Complette�.
,l'y.$, �,� yvttitl+ ib rt• vel. tl• .ii+�' J art•jInn:, l,t. 'Phot. it is no injury to Goa tc, b South American Nervine After all Other if#'o,
r r'+y,jk•�� 5 .1 +, ail l ia' . , ' t, fItIS. JL is hellt','e that His saints help us by their Setts Carvers, Carvers in Cases, Plated Knives and Spoons, Pen and Pocket y 1 4,
> '^ Y tl�, 1};��y�yxt. trntu ++t+rl "' ,'•', „ , ri,l it ,u, i,u+yery, nod this being the case, there Knives, Tea Trays, Silver Trays, Gold Medal Carpet Sweepers, Braes failed. 'The Mother, a Sufferer From iQerttAt iw Fra
` ;. �a l&o el -4,1; .1l't•I "I'll k , , : I th,a tllt,,,• 1, no reason fur believing that the re. Lamps, Banquet Lamps, Hall Lau> ps, Childrep s Plated Setts, Nickle , f
'>�d Indigestion Likewise Cured. Hear13t the
kt, `+r 'tel+o ,i ,pl. the Ilk 1•l,•n •oI ! n,' quest we may make, to the saints in Plated Tea Kettles, Setts Mre, Potttl' Prone, 3ta., &c.
,t', >lr i.'i,': 't, „ 1. t 1� . •,' '' +,11I r L,: I.ed heaven to pray Por ys is injurious to Jul Father Has to Say. '�;A
Fy,�,•a,' ul r,. , e,t' o.t" i,..-„r,i ur•;,I- gull, any more than if we Make the
Cit,: n,o••' ,, ,t1h lit id„l I'l tin rrl, "title request to His saints on earth. We have a car of the Diamond Water White Coal Oil; it is elegant, try it, ti -
t., pt ,•+ 1111"',•, 11i a; „' it " : , v , •Lathy, That not only are the prayers
�, r '
y., u , • ; ('L 'lt at u.-, ,+ l .,ri,•• f , rl., of the saints useful to us, but that it is �' ^
N, Ilii tt:,�licaivi- ,.0 „! 110 t„1,, the will of God that we ask their 0 +,
Ci 1. m •,, , t :, ih d „r t ll,'I* ['I',,l.. I sayers. It is to be remarked, in the
,, ta' Lrr. ,_,l , 1 Ii,r .1, t::-lI third pint•e, that the words of the
l jF' 11 i , r It,.a the :,I. 1 , I Y .,t,.i apostle are general, so that they really ��� �� ® r•�o ��a 9
h, it.; 1,> :,r. �.+.: t•t:;:, refer to Ute saints in heaven equally
iti - d. ; , heat ,..r l•;,,,u ! tit oi,v with the saints ori earth. it is true
,w ' C, , 01,t tt ,. 1, tN .,f ,'x- that. the first part of this injunction, ��--��11-�•- -�-7- m 't•
,i, is •�i ,t, int, 111,'.,c I, uo prayfor one another, seems to he <J_.Z__11.•h r,01NT.
Ip4;•' d •'' • I • i ; t . Lurtt , ', •,u„ if,•• applied especially to those on earth; .
.�; : li i'1,.priety t i u ,t f, f u .nre6 but file reason which is given for this ----.----- —-.----------
y1.V. , 11,,ttr ' r -.P all,, prof L:1.'. 11ai1• ,t is injunction is general; "for the con- 1 •
htI!. ` .t)1-•: 1 !•ulg tlualern till :".:i'i,', dI nut titlufll Brayer of the just man availeth �Io11da3T �' ®Cid •
b, i,..', ill ha, ing ti,eut i:1 •'L: ur,'i .,s. much, Itis, therefore, its true when .
" TtI, 't:ntge of John Knox 1, to u, , .,• 'tit referred to the. just ip heaven as to
Ii,,V�" Gi w. Loa +estil' itithe, e,•iect- those on earth. 'there is no valid l+ant HoehPrsand'Chairs, Cobler Seat, in Oak, polish-
,�, i Y
l�A?"'. ell , I.lfblic i,lacea oil the t't�nl1,,,•111 of reason why one who has Ween on earth � ed. Parlor Suites G pieces in Oak carved beautiful goods, `�11
jr„ , L' e. uutl ane wit.lt it, (n ir.;tal :t powerful mediator with God should y r t , .
i, .'q" el tr,•,1 ill \v+tshlugtt,n, 1). C 1, w •ighs cease to he such as soon as be is re- Bedroom Suites, latest designs. Extension Tables in Oak, and
,"" ar,•,fil taus. \1'e,tuuntiLei _1h6ev is warded by God in heaven. On the �.E
- n,r ed f<,i the utacte.� with athlett it co it, it is reasonable to relieve hardwood. The Peerless Fatent Ftxtenaion. Lots of Fide
":,� abounds. In a niche an,ty„ t be new thalt he becomes more powerful than Pictures Framed, best value I ever hall to offer ; come and
if W„v ailru in St. Paula' Uathedtal, London, ever. Thus all the objections which
fila Etigland, also a Pi'cttestarlt t'tlitil•e, is ,t Protestants make against the C tholic see them. Bamboo (roods in Easels, Tables, 25c„ 35c., 40c. _
” bilge statue of the Blessed Virgin. rttctice are cont Patel refuted. There, ,
;,,' g • p p y Music Stands, �4�c. Gale's IVicltle�l Plate rine Beds. Din- LTi
, . Many Protestant churches ill Euglftud fres however, direct proofs front Holy P r,
"I', I can boast of having images. Rev. Scripture that, the saints }}Pray for us Ming Chairs, Sideboards, from $6.50 to X25. Lt! line of Mir
�;": t . ' Francis E. Clark, a Protestant c•lei'gy- before the throne of God. We read in tors atm lowest pi for cash.
.. man, writing in the Golden Rule, Jan. the Apocailypse (or Revelation) v, 6, Y P
;:• ' 10, 1896, gives the following description that the four living creatures, and the Clinton Furniture Emporium.
tkr'z of the statuary of a Protestant Church: four Hud twent - ancients seen by St.
,',� "This wonderful Protestant church of John in his vision of heavers, are oc- i
krF, �'- J. C. STEVENSON.
Copenhagen is called the Voi• 'Prue coppied in praising God, and presenting v ---
,p, . Kirke, or• Church of Our Lady, ft relic lref<,te Iiia throne "vials full of odors, a�
Yr "'
` : - of the old Catholic days, I suppose, which are the prayers of saints.". In \ \ `a "
:�1, " though now it is as staunch a Prates- the eighth chapter of the same book ( r
taut church its any in the land. it is we find that an angel stands before
t,'). the Metropolitan Lutheran church tit the throne having a golden causer with
:a':�,. Denmark. That which makes this touch incense "that he should offer the 11
%' church memorable beyond others is prayers of all saints upon the golden
` Vit'' the exquisite group of statues by Thor- altar, and the smoke of the incense of Two MRS. JAMES MoRITCA y AND DAU(l1iTE$
I'll, � waldeen with which it is adorned. At the prayers of the Saints ascended up JEWELERY Cut In A leading local physician, whose ase
I, the sides of the entrance are two heroic before God from the hand of the � g p y ' , q � decided on try,n
. A bronze statues of Moses and David. angel." Again we are told by our profession takes him among the ehil- and Imust say that I not,
11{1,, But the glory of the church is within, Blessed Lord that the saints in heaven o- dren of the various public institutions char) in m dao
4LL,4 for there are marble statues of the are "as the angels of God," find "equal p s y ghter fo
• � apostles, six on each side. Each statue to theist," (St. Matt. xxii, 30; St. Luke, The public generally doesn't know when they get remarked to the writer, that one afterV 4ad taken only
�; if worthy of a days stud iu itself. xx, 36.) Now we know from many ,
;,;. w ,�/ would handl believe that so man Aa a exult of a
F', But all these statues only lead up to passages of Holy Scripture that the A STP I N J E �'4 E LE RY y y stag this lri
""' and prepare the mind fortheoneperfect angels pray for us and it follows that children were affected b nervous is no 'entirel fi''
statue, that of our Lord and Saviour, the saints do the same. Thus in Zach. y � yrom thea
But to show you plainly what a bargain is I will give you the
which stands in the gracefully arched 1, 12 we find an angel offering a troubles, which sap the system and iug ap41s and poaseslieaiof that 't
end of the chuich.g Lovingly Jesus' fervent prayer to God o show neer- following prices. Everything in my store at ¢ '
11 y prevent proper development. In and brghtnesa that is the}4,t�,py 1
I; - stretches out his hands to every passer- cy to Jerusalem and the cities of Judy Wholesale Cost Y p u ., '11
*' . by as if he were saying, 'Colne unto which had been suffering for seventy man eases the doctors are powerless of chilhood. I am satis6ed'it -
� me ye weary and heavy laden ones. years, their inhabitants having been to cure these troubles. They can. excellet medicine for any nervi
;., Come unto me, and I wi11 give you for that time in captivity in Babylon. Until December 31st, 1895. This is a positive fact. relieve the suffering little ones but in weaknes. My experience has bee �
N': rest and peace, and health, and hope, God heard the angel's prayer with fav- g t
• and joy and eternal life.' I au) glad, or, and answered "good words, com- 100 Brooches at be each ..................... 100 10c Collar Buttons at be. South American Nervine we have a furthertupplemented in the fact the
continues the Rev. gentleman, that fortable words." Another passage
�, thepe great statues are u, a Protestant showing the power of angels to assist 50, 25 and 35 cent Stick Pine at .......................... 10 and 15 cents. medicine that does more than simply my wifhas also been using Sout
`' church, and that the Catbolics have us is to he found in the prayer for 50 pairs of 50 and 75 cent Cuff Buttons..........................25 cents. give relief. Its peculiar 'strength is Americ ,i Nervine for indigeatio
i,w, not the monopoly of all that is bettuti- grace and peace offered by St John
'"`c fol in'sacreaart, as one, is too apt L1 the beginning of the Apetcftlypse, 50 Nickel AlermAraoniaClockeat.................................65centa, that it completelycnreawhere phyai- dyspeps;"and nervous proatratio'
,`. a, first k
I ,£,
�1: to think when visiting the churches of where these blessings are ret as ed 12 dozen Nickel Teaspoons at .................................50c per dozen. Diana relieve, A ossa in point Dame to and has ,fund very est relief." ,
'i'; con tipental Europe. Noris there asu from Almighty God, and in the second
p g g y 200 Black Br000hes at.......,...................................5 cents each. as the 24th ult., in 9 letter from Mr. +
-.. estion. of in)age orshilf 1•ts those lace "froth the seven spit- w ichare - { ,t. sass••
g v� p , ..
_ beautiful adornment,§ any '-more than before Hi, throne." A Mayer veru to pairs of $1.50 Broeetete at......................................25 cents. dame¢ �. 1 oltitghle o ot�welh W t e
in a fine stained glass window." Those similar to this is offered ti b Jacob ,
, p y 24 Ladies 25 and 35 cent Hair Pines at ......................... 10 cense. Ont. He says..:—"Illy daughter woman, or old,Sonth Ameriean�,
1. who rail against images tit churches when he Imparts his blessing tot e
LL should ponder well these words of t.wo sena of Joseph (Gen. xi. viii). He 50 Tie Pins at......6e. 50 Pepper and Salts at.........15c a pair. Maggie, aged 9 years, was af$icted Nervine des a complete medium
this Protestant minister. No one can asks first that. God, ftud secondly that 14K Gold Filled 21 year Huntiti Watch Ladies' 6 size case with with nervous fainting spells for over for rest ion to health. It is a ;
;" over estimate the value of sacred ilii- "the angels who delivereth me from ' y g
ages as a means of religium instruc- all exits, bless these hays. We are, Elgin or WalthamMovement ..............................$18 for $lG. a year, which left her in such a con- medicine differing absolutely from
. tion. This aid in christian work has moreover, told by the prophet Osce IOK Gold Filled 15 year case, was $13.50, for.......
the sanction of scripture and venera- (XII, 14) that Jacob, when he over- $9, clition of weakness afterwards that every other. A ante is etiPacted by
{{•dy''' tion of ages. Teaching by moans of came the angel with whom he wrest- G,ent's 7 jeweled, 3 oz. Nickel Case, Waltham or Elgin,......... $4.65. the child was practically an invalid. application to the nerve centres of the ,
+,.6 ., i
:;,r,," ♦,c.lz�fett lessons, that is by pictures find led, '�luade supplication to ]riot." Gent's 7 jeweled, 2 oz. Nickel, Stem Wind for........................$4. We tried several remedies and doctor- human system, and science has proved
"I images is not now contined solely to There is, therefore, ample auUtority in
K',r` churches, but is adopted in all our Holy Writ for invocat ion hothof angels One day Walnut or Oak American Clock, for.......................$2 25. ed with her in one way and another, that when these nerve centres are
;.} public schools. In the school room and saints. In Daniel xii, we are 8 day Walnut or Oak, warranted tw) years, for........... $.,.f5, but nothing gave relief, Seeing South kept healthy the whole body is healthy.
-- almost every subject taught is now told that 1<lichael, the great prince, ,
',,` illustrated. To teach geography, for staudeth for the children of thy peo- American PVervine advertised, as par- For these reasons failure is impow
instance, there is a globe or image of ple." This can have no other rne:aning Rempmber these are first-class, class, nen goods, and we warrant ticulariy eiticaciona in nervone die- ible. _ y ,
"'. the earth. The reason for making use than that the Archangel Michael then) in every way of your looney bark. Whitt we tell you is
of ahjects in teaching in sc huols and pleads,hec: use of the people of Israel be- true, and you will be convinced if yort iii i,Pct our fitock. hose SOLD 13Y WATT(i & CO.
A, churches is identical. The object in oreAlntighty God, and from the tenth prices are foi Cash only. We are here to stay find will give you
both cases is instruction. The one is chapter t,f the s:unp b,xyk wp learn great value. -
. secular, the other religious in.,tt•uct.ion. that Dlichael was assisted in this work ___,•
'' to beholding the pictures or images of by another angel who nppef+red to Dan- +^ • ' is
;; the apostlHa we are 1n3uced to verier•ate iel in the form of ft roan. Other pp usages , -.,A =" UR ��� r.�(� ��
. the apostles as the disciples of our which prove the interest which anffels J
Lord unci the. baffler act tic of (rod's and saints take in earthly's which
) � ��� "ABITS 1`001
1'. word. With a picture or image. of our tie added tAf the passages which the lb h�JJJ ��++
% Lord before us we are fit once led to have cited. We will, however, content -a S
` think of our dear Lord and of fill t hat ourselves with quoting the words of ' I. ,RUMBALL I� LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD
he has said find done fur it,;, and also the Angel Raphael addressed to Tohia; �/
' ,+r " of what we should ill return do for xii, 1'L, "When thou didst pray with q�� A IQ1 tK'it MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN
Sr) Him. The reader can rerH►1 to mind tears, find didst, bang the dtfid * yi► etch) a31Cr, Jeweler, (7Ge. Leleph� i Egehange, i
p2; the Protestant clergyman, the Rev. F, I offered thy prayers Lo the Lord." q of ignor'anee and folly in youth, overexertion of mind and body iodne r(
E. Ular•k, standing in a Protestant Th is hook of Tobias is not received by - 1, fHE RES,gLT ed bylusyand exposure are constantlywrnckinathe livmand faturenp
.. 1,. •1 f �, ad
"r, church Before all image of out' Lord, Protestants In this conntry as part of "�',nppinetieoft oaaandso Dromieingiyonngmen. fiomef eandwitheary an eery age
�'',t the blossom of manhood, while othere are forced to drag out a weary, frvitlese an(
and in spirit listening to our Lord's the canon of gc•ripture ; it is, howeyer r 1 r nelnnaholy existence. Others reach matrimony bnifi$nd no eohho woror om[ p there. The r
strung appeal to corns unto Hinl. acknoavledgoct b- Lhose ou tlto c•outin- Wood'S P11OeSf111Ofll le.—The Great Eng•lishRemedy. 7,4;.aetlmsare foundinallstationsoflife:—The farm,thootlice, Wo workehoD,11
The salutary effetis (If sacred images entof Hurope. it can he proved cls^ Is thermultofoverS5years treating thousands of cases with all known ; t1atradesaixltheprofeoeione.
in churches as incentives to devotion that it war; received by the primitive drugs, until at last we have discovered the true remedy and treatment -a RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K. K.
„:, are undeniable. Teaching by means church, and that. it was recognized as oombinattontbatvrnle8ectaprompt land permanent cure in all stages ��
' of object lessons is not restricted to equal in authority with the other scrip- 4 * �i'ra. A. WALSJIB. Wn A. wAL)cRR M118.C1IA8. FESRY, CRAB. F1;?;RRY.�
l q Y h Stsraal Debility, Above or E:crrrrr, Ncrz•our Weaknest, Emissions, Afrnta! +l' '
Catholic, chbrell", or the school room, tures. Yet, independently of its aut • Worry, Excessive Ust o' opium, Tobacco, or Alcoholic Stimulants, all of �A
It is made lisp of in many of the lead- ority as Scripture, it is a t.ehtinfony to which soon lead to Insanity, Consumption and an earl ave. wood's f>
:;. til y. P y gr n�
°tics; iug Protestant r.lturches, the doctrine prerilpntrnmong Lhe.Tetvs BetoreTakln
1 he object a for which Catholics and rind i t may he r i+otpd asit, historical g' >'t+oaPh a has been used iaxesa[ully by hundreds of cases that seemed 1' '411 4�
• ] ' y i , almost hopelesa—cases that had been treated by the most talented phyai- I X • e'1 �a --
Protestants hive pictures and images monument of their faith in the power /
'1'F, 1r) their churches is similar in all re- of angels and saints to assiWt iia by ciane-casesthntweroonthevergeo[despatrnndtnsantty Insanity—cases �®
(epecta. To make a distinction would their, prayers, "The whole of the Npw tottering overthe'gnvd-but with the continued and persoveringuseof )) f y
a. Wood's Phosphodine, these cases that had been given up to die, were ��i' ` f� 0 l 'JI
e u 1cp one witbtnit a difference. Testament." says Addis and Arnold,
VVhen you i tgter• an imposing church page 740, "enforces I he pr•iuciple that we restored to manly vigor and health -Reader you need not despair -no mat ,. 4l
ttltd see about you the pictures and are members of Christ, and so bound to ter who haa given you upas fncumble—the remedy to now within your „ f„i
tench, b iia use you can be restored to a pre of usefulness and happintiea. �jsEsoE>y TttItATMT1rT GFlEn TnEATMENT Divorced batt salted again
images of Christ And His Apostles and each other its ineirlbers of the same y y
l Price, one package, $I; six packages, $5; by mall free of poatage. r -Z -NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. r
those whelru he loved, yon feel, its it bud v. (}od might, had it, pleased him, ,,g
:'were, translated from the world into' have made us solrly and directly dH- Onewlllplease,slxguaranteediomre. Pamphlet free to anyaddresa til wm.A.WalkeroflathStmptsaye:-"i have sabered
AtterTakin SYPHILIS untold agonies for my"ga lifo." lwnsit,dlacrpptwhpn�
r' the company of holy persons who seem pendent, on himself, hilt ho has chosen The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. ono and i orant. As foneof the Moya" lctmtracted
to say to you, ,"My dear child, leave to display his own power by giving yphWr.a gnother Privatedieeaeae- lbadnleers in the
%,. the vg�orld a d its maxims, follow the greatetric'acy to the iutercessinn of the wood'sPhosphodlnetaeoldbyresponetbtewholesaleandretalldrugglstelntheDomlNon. EMISSIONS d im lee on
' pure`wachin a of the (iuspel, prepare .Inst James v, M. Ho taught. u4 to gu STRICTURE lbrrcn p 1r) n
moethand throat bone Bina, hair
l' I_� face, 9 er nails came off, emissions me Al nd
and come wifh iia to oar kingdom to him with the wantsa,f others as well -' CURED despondent. seven doctors treated me with Nlercnry,®
_ _ ___._—___ - - . _. _ _ -_ -_-_ _____�_ ._.. -- Potash, etc. They hot ad me but could not euro me.
which is not of this world." t3acred as with our- nwn, Hnd ho has deepened Finallyafrien ndn=mototr llre.Kennedy&Kprgan.�A
works of art fend W rai a the soul to charity and hnrnility by making its de_ `In heaven I will confidently pray for ii awMethod Treatment cared merna few weeks, Their trpatment is wonderfal.QQ�{
. the heavenly and spiritual life. These pendent to some extent on the prayers you to God,' ib. p. 381. The. fact that Corn for Silo. YoafpAyourselfgainingeveryday. Ihaveneverheardoftheirfailin¢tooureinsainglo
religious ltdornments give an air of of others. F,ver hod knows the store the saints heat' onr prayers was hold by See•„
sacredness and solemnity to our that St. Paul set on the res ers of his the Fathers as cantata ;the way in To FCorn FSftnent p annus amount hoot No. 1 • K
y p y ' Which the do an rs a matter of hiloso- yellow Corn. Present price, eroording t , kind end (;appt, Chae. Berry ae�yyee -"I owe my life to Drs. K, dt K.
ClitlCChea. Tho CathO11C Record gives fellow Christians, Eph. vi. 18, 19; 1 Y P q•,ontdtry,41to48centa a bnxhel. will sell for rash At 1L1learnedabadhnbit. At 21 Thad all the s��yymptoms IMPOTENCY
this explanation of the doctrine of the Tim. 11, 1. Prayer even for enAmies phical 'or theological speculation. In ueex rom I for nate or env tell of grain; Don' caxea „f Beminnl Weaktetse and spermatorrhoea, Emissions
`-, int+ocation of the Saints: "Among the was a duty enjoined by Christ Himself some way unknown to us, God reveals givefrom i to s moothe eine It de.trod. Don't trod were draining and weakening my vifalit7. i married at VARIQOGELE
`t�' doctrines the church whim are most Matt. v. 44. Now, itis hard to imagine to thpm the needs and prayers of their oats wit.hont mixtnp corn meal. Experlence has 24 under advice of my family doctor, but it wen a EMISSIONS
g proved tbvt pnnnd for pound gncd Yellow Ooth Meal Kslid experience, 114 h n' oaths we were divorced• I
r''•^ `" misrepresented by non-Catholics, that a rHa.ti+y)1 why Ff1nI� \t'lii('il tiflve gl,nP LO clients. Augitstine, Jerome and others, will pat on more and better fat than any other meal .•then eonanited Ihs. dcT who restored me tb manhood
"1"' of the 1nvAcation of saints takesa most God ahnuld cease to exercise this kind suggest thnt some departed saints may for mixing to givebod) to onto. oannotbe beat. will '"abytheirNewAfe"7'reRrmetu. Ifoltariewlifethrillthrougli QURED D
rGtninent iaet>. �Ve are told fre- of cbarit and to intHrcede fur their actually be near those who are calling hove lots of EnallageorFodderCorn at propt•,r time rr.ynerve& Wewerdifinitodagain andgr�happ . This was-- ,
1' p y on them. Modern theolU tans have Prive right to the Wnrahnnse o•,poslte Grand Trunk iia years ago. Drs. K.6t H, are ti90 sp8oiPta and 1 heartily recommen them.'
t uentl what has been recently stated brethren. Our Saviour tolls us that g Passenger station, off eon, ont. R
by a Protestant reverend leetardr that the an pis re mice over r•e ,+tram sin- eneria, .thought that, the blessed be- We Jf'dal and Vafkoeele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, .SeminaiQ
Angels l i 890 -ti W. G. PERRIN. �� 4%
11 s:. he had witnessed h, Catholic churches hers, Lake xv. 7, and the w pros of the tcrldina God see in Him, as in a Weakness, ls'lrct, Stffeture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self flbuse e
`-'' , acts of adoration offered to saints b A ocul fie shows that, the martyrs in mirror, all which it concerns them to
ig"noXatlt Catholics who transfer to the heavennyrlpre aware of what happens on know of earthly things. Whatever a Kidneyltftrl Bladder .rJ1sCaSEs.
Safnts t110 hundr Which is due only to earth. Tradition Weare witness to the the we adopt, the knowledge of the Ddairti, Pro , For Earle. c 17 YP-ARS iN DUTA0 T} , , 2pc,d00 CUi;!ED• NO RISK
�Alttlight God. The doctrine of the doctrine so universally and so eon- saints depends entirely on the gift of Atte onaviotlm? lyavbYtinloet hops? Ars yon contempintintt m
1i I-iJatl#oliech;ltch regardin the invoca- stantty fie t:o remove all count of its God. We should be irlolfttora indeed HANCEIto. alABol�z7, IGADE.1gp 1Ial1 dactyl biehdteennnerrt _Haveyoa ely�;eaarne? 0
l .t g r were we to think of them as omni- i' D �jg � .hall
tion of saints aft that the saints in Apostolic ori en. The gennine 'Acts a en a gcenve of my age ad lack�of hel , lbave N hid t tenerlt �t
lilelivel�rassiet us by their prayers offer- of the early martyrs abound in testi- present or omniscient." dncided ii-,trer for saloinv a edidgWenln pro• w St1N 171 �.;pf1EE NohiAtt ifith6 t'
;to A1Boighty pod in our behalf, monies. Thus the contemporaries of — - crocy oenaiecll.g oiBaeetida elf sordsitr ont6n, f utttdleesongbl�r o00K$ FNi
,� J Rome of the bast land Ih the Ctrs tk df 8arehr Iticlad• �itt�'0 `Innlo , r astasb.1Qetltil. ,'1
1 �`ttfld"thlwiY' °is• useful fair us to ask tat. Ignatius, St. John's disciple, tell RRLIEr rn Six Iltiuse,--Diatreelrg shindy and sag bbl beds and other fisc' defy 'regslteme4o. i'' �+ �I' 1%IitN11f�"`U ��1" .kyyr�s.ty�1
tliCelh kai�1)rffijl for us. It ie readily seen us that some saw the martyr In a via- Bladder diaoases relieved in six hoar. hay the "Num There le nn t e pretalsae s fretne �iufisb •wait 0 Rarer VA, 15-, [+1D• . 'e+ 10111ie 01 �„k%+K4J.” L
tib this do trilae in no xray detracts ion after death 'praying for us.' Act. remedy is GRZAT nye 6 anruri KITIVItv
vdili ht to yyaiieip p The6ft anti keld vorawilite, bpm bbd oteYt , Willlilf 111lgat p r���/t►t ►j,00,�l alt"._
�1 �fi• p g p) The B»v9etd rlvgt adlatnb the pro ��� � ,
rJtYt t1Y0 fel. peme and divine honor Mar. 7. The 'Act' of the Martgrs of ea ac000nt of Itp s:ceodirtg pt.0nign s to raltovinr{ a reasonable pride' for Italf 6aeh and Naldttoe edattred t, r� r •<' Bli�404',�Oi*d�L'*�-I#,
A t)ff�Qod. Giod is recogniz- Scilla, in the year 202 speak of them pale In the bladder, kidneys, bank and evory part o} by mortgage, Ai t deeiro to Belli thfi Is a obanco ` ypythe urinary pesaeges 1q mala or temato. It retievex t,etddin mein trlth, Apply pereofially or by letter to 83ill S1t�';dfkT'11 °i 1, :Platt iiource of every as interceding ftfter• death before Dur retention of Witter an,i pain In pn.sing it elmoet im. the prop6itor, - , ■■■t� ,0Y.4 ttllsr
odrand it Is from Lord, Ruinart, Act Mart'ed, Ratlsb. p. mediately. It you want nick rollet sad cure this if $0SEM ALLAB90N *%CXQfi4 f, (t ' et tate gifts and 1112. Thoodotus, bel'ure his death, says : our remedy, sold by wags RCo. Drugirlats. 8e4 -t. t. A ton Nt r t
r :,> ;' i; N, .
:Ir11 •
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;,t " } y
ip , 1, ! ( }
1.rr itrf,, ��" .. i n a t, i 1
,f y._ C�t�S q 14 T r Iii+ ✓ • Np
jdtlbcretet and cost oT T116* -
148 SHELRV'a# I