HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-12-25, Page 6NIT sfriVvevti%%44% Special Excursion Faros to points in Canada 1lltaiie. Yon will jl,iQad�ire Rings iit)er kind of ij It'd: 0 toting, need 1E1;fl expensive. * 0 0 4p g a nifioent line ,?,iter ce, we have a geof we L LNGB, BINGB, eto., in finable Iltyles at a• ,opg; done in our 1897—NEW YEAR -1897 Siegle First -Class Fare Going Dec. 31, 1898 and Jan. 1, 1807 Returning not later than Jan 2, 117 Single First -Class Fare and One -Third Going Returning out ec, 30, 31, lkand later Jan. 4, 4, 18117 School 'Vacations Single First -Class Fare and one-third to Teachers and Students on surren- dering standard form of school certifl- eat e. Tickets to be issued Dec. 11 to 24 1896, inclusive, valid to return not lat- er than Jan. 11, 181)7. Tickets can be had at stmt ion day before date of going and avoid the rush. Trains equipped with finest day coaches, Pullman and Wagner sleepers. For full particulars apply to G.T.R. agents. M. C. DICKSON, Dist. Pass, Agt 0. OLSON has got the premises h• reeeutly purchased refitted, and opened out this week for L usinees, with a full stock of BALL 11Y, CLINTON • The stock has teen selected with great care, and the public may rest assured that the very beet value in all lines will be given. Any one purchasing this week 25 lbs Flour or dc. worth of Rolled Oatmeal, will receive 6 lhs.of Redpath's boat Granulated Sugar for 25e, 11 lbs of Oatmeal for 1 bushel of oats. Agent for Clinton Flour, VICTORIA STREET, CLINTON. CIAL •.• SALE twice too many Dress Goods, the season is well advanced, Y.. .Qr41er to clear them out we will offer all Dress Goods this coat and 'gimustve themewill `ell thorn. Don't failto theyour attntion, New Prices Goods now 10c lSc 22c 26c 32c 36c 4(lc 4,5c 47c 50c 55c Oc 70c 75c 1 " '70c " 75c This is the happiest time in all the year,this time more than any other, when friend remembers friend and shows those little kindnesses not . generally expressed. Among children, it ]means without doubt the most joyous, most happy and gladsome of all the seasons. When Santa Claus leaves his hiding place and spreads with such generous hand, gifts among the little people. It comes all back iu memory through bygone centuries to the time when the first Xmas ushered into the world a New Era. "Christmas comes but once a year," let the glad bells ring out again A MERRY, MERRY XMAS ckinoon Go,.x1 lyth Mgrsd�. Ip Otani Ott OW 17th Met, the wife Mr llohu 4o p of a son. B cls. -:,-IP Seat th, on November 29, the wife of Mr J. :siey Beattie, of a daughter. Au8TIN.—In Blyth, o Mr A. Auetin (nee bile Alioe Seeley) of a eon. Deo. 19, the wife HIRBe.—In Goderiob >wnahip, on Deo. 20, the wife of H. Hibbs, of a daughter. WAYMoUTR.—in Hullett on the 21st inst., the wife of Mr Albert Weymouth of a daughter. CoNNs,,—In Clinton on Deo 20, the wife of Mr. D. Connell, of a daughter. MARRIED IYIoKEE—DOUERTY.—At the residenoe of the bride's father, Clinton, Deo. 24th, by Rev. R. Millyard, Geo. A. McKee, Classi- cal Master of Ridgetown Collegiate Insti- tute, to Madge, eldest daughter of W. Doh• erty, Esq. ELN011D--COnRTICe.—At the residenoe of the bride's father, on Deo. 23, by Rev. A. K. Durkee, assisted by Rev, G. W. And- rews, Fred J. Elford to Nellie, eldest daugh- ter of Mr Andrew Oourtioe, all of Goderich Township. HODOBNG—Stevens.—In Killarney, Man., on Dec. 2., at the residenoe of the groom's parents, by the Rev. H. Beaohman, Mr James Bodgene to Miss Jane M., eldest daughter of Mr W. Stevens of Hallett. ELLIOTT—GRASAM.—At the residence of the bride's mother, Parkhill, by the Rev. R. Aylward, M. A„ on the 16th inst., H. R. Elliott, M. D. to Eleanor M., daughter of Mrs E. Graham. SMITH•—SMITH.—In Lucknow on Dec 16, by Rev. I. B. Wallwin, James Smith, of the 6th con., to Miss V. Smith of Ripley. WATEIN8—BROWN.—At the residence of the bride's mother, Londesboro, on Dec. 23, by Rev J. W Andrews, Mr John W. Watkins, of Hullett, to Miss Sarah Jane Brown, of Londesboro. Brener—$ABEL.—In Goderioh, on Deo. 16, by Rev. E. Becker, Frank Bishop to Mise Mary Babel, both of Colborne. PucasRING—BnowNLRE.—At the residence of the bride, Clinton, on Deo. 23, by Rev. W. 3. Ford, Richard Puckering, of Picker- ing, to Mrs Joe. Brownlee. — New Furniture and Undertaking Store Brick Block, Near . Fair's . Mill Clinton We are now prepared to show you a nice line of Furniture of every description, Bedroom Suites from $8 up, Dininti Tables %4 and up Rockers 90c and up, all lines of Furniture in the same proportion. Our Suite, spring and Mattress at $12.50 Our Undertaking department is managed by Mr John Powell, Unefertaker & Embalmer BROADFOOT, 130X & CO. . HEADQUARTERS . 7011 Candies andNuts A . , ST WEEK BEFORE `,ISTMAS FOR THE ST SOY WOOLENS ;member we have Reduced r Prices 20 per cent o all Woollen Coods Callrid our stock before itch' ng elsewhere • U ( Opp. Mason house 0 1 V Clinton_ We have a new and complete stock of Xmas goods Cutter for Sale. Cutter, ae good as new, having only boon in ase a short time, will be 00 d on ° I100VER. NOTICE. Notice le hereby given that I have disposed of willmy bet transferred onlill, toor about ten license let of Janu- ary. JOHN BELL, Loudesboro. BOAR FOR SERVICE tidies from 5e• per Ib. up Subscriber will keep for service at hie farII Huron ;toad, Ooderiel> t�nwnshlp, a well-bred Chester White Roar, of good tie>figree. Terme 8' at time of service; or $1.2, if 3bo�pk POTTER. Goderich township Nov. 4, 1896 NUTS of all kinds. NEW FRU yrs (y,I'atues, 1.5c. to 50c a doz. ( Dates, Grapes lia(nanuan, Lemons, Figs, [ ers and ine Dishes Are buying their ISTMAS CHINA at CASH GROCERY re windows to show or goods in. things in the Chin#t line. 1. Dinner Sete do the talking; a look at Ou that we have the prettiest and cheap• d Chamber Sets the:forare shown in town. mas Presents while our stock is corn - aside for you. r'Clock Sets, Salad Bowls, Bread and re, dee. we offer exceptional values. it signs 5c per pound, Currants 5c Nuts for 25c, 2 pounds extra good per doz. 4 lbs Ginger Nuts for 25c The Cash Grocery :. ope. 23 and Table Raisins. Xmas Cakes, 15 to 25e. a lb.• SALESMEN WANTED. We wont te. h loot etrr>w relishes stock uien sell nue choice,hardy, 1•v Huron County and vicinity. Out St free. Lib- eral terWe to good rutin. Apply at (moo 10 t. W. URAHAM, Elgin Nurseries, St. Thomas, Out, GEDDES.— In Vancouver, B. C. on Dec. 8th, D. W. Geddee aged 41 years. NELOON.—In Wingham on Deo. 3, Marl beloved wife of J. Nelson, aged 67 years, . months and 18 days. MOONIE.—In London East on Dec. 11, tire Moonie (nee Mise Minnie Sullivan) for - merely of Tuckersmith, aged 22 years. CARRIER,— In Grand Bend, on Dec. 9th, Colin, second son of Rev. Mr Carrier. A. in.w lot of PIPES, with or Wath wt Aides x111' Sheepskins cast 0. Toon Smith's Bon Bon Crackers. WANTED. The highest cash price going will be paid for (fides and Skins at the WEDDING CAKES are still our specialty James 1cClachcrty, Clinton CLINTON Skating and Curling. Rink FOR SAL(: ON EASY TERMS R. IRWIN 0 Special AN\OUCEME\T We wish to thank you all for the very liberal patronage which you ave to the late J. 3id- lecornbe, during the last 41 years, and kindly ro- iliest that you will ex - end the same patronage ex- '. end UB. The principles of 3onesty and integrity on >Vhieh this store has Well ,',he confidence of the ul)- iic in the past, willp be strictly adhered to in he future. The business will be conducted t Inder the able management of A. . Grigg, a practical man who has ,ad 20 years 4xperience in the 3welery bnsine96. Onr stock of Watches, locks, Ilewelery, 'Silverware , $ 4nd Novelties l ve r e, in. it may be found n oat anifthi1(g yon may desire goods. 0pfor gmes�nis which at `are as low fts possible to se ars .1.BI r LEC01111MBE CLINTON TANNERY, 0• S. DOAN az, SON Clinton Attu Ague tioctueuts. ROOM TO LET Good large room over Baslett's Furniture store suitable for anything. Apply to J. 0. ELLIOTT or H. C. BARLETT. WOOD end COAL YARD ()LINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon Thursday, Deo. 24th, 1896. 078 a0R0 078 a0>40 0 17 a 0 18 o 25 a035 036 a 039 per cwt 2 40 a 2 50 4 0 a 475 012 a 013 012 a 0 If 700 a 7 11) O 25 a 0 '25 01>4a020 4 00 a 4 25 025 a 025 O 30 a 0 35 O 05 a 006 O 06 a 008 O 25 a 0 40 Wheat spring Wheat, fall Oats, Barley Peas Flour P )rk Butter gggaper doz (lay new, $6; old Sheeepekine Wool No. 1 Trimmed Hides Potatoes i )ticks Get>>e, per Ib Turkeys, per Ib Chickens — MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS Cables report the English market lower than last week, Canadian cattle bringing 4i to 4/d, sheep Fid and American cattle 5}d to 51d. There were 760 head of butchers' cattle, 40 calves and 600 sheep and lambs offered for vale at the East End Abattoir to day. Tho butchers were out in large numbers and trade wan brisk, with the prices higher all round. Some butchers maintain that the prioee of good beeves were nearly Jiro per Ib higher than similar cattle could be bought for two weeks ago. Extra Christmas beeves sold at from 4 0 to 47jo per Ib and prime animals at from 210 to 30o, and the common animals at from 3,}o to 4o per Ib, with pretty good stock at from 2o to 2io per lb. There were several extra oalvea on the market, and Mr Boar- seea paid $16 and 922 for two of the t est. Common calves Gold at $3 to 87 each. Sheep sold et fromi 24o to 84o per Ib and Lambe at from 3io Mr Bonraeee bough ing at the rate of 84 WM. WHEATLEY is prepared to 011 all or- ders tor either Coal or Wood on shot t notice.— Orders lett at Hili & Joyner's Feed Store will be promptly attended to. NOTES LOST Loot or mislaid, a couple of notes drawn in favor of the undersigned. The public are cau- tioned against negotiating the Ramo, as payment thereof has been stopped. The tinter will be rewarded on returning to EEPPLE DISNEY, Goderiob Township House to Let and two Houses and 'table for Sale. These bougies have every convenience„ one has a furnace. They are situated on ltattenbury tit. nearly opposite the Methodist church, Clinton, end wilill besold ldche p. pply10NEW'ERA cr o J MAIL CONTRACT r' r< We desire to thank our manycustomers for their patronage in the past, and wish you all a MERRY : XMAS Happy AND A ew GILROY & WISE�I Seven days to X What shall I•give for Christmas is the ttuestion Whi the present.tnoment. ('0000 ;tad oeF' ;111e s sota; er hhably be able to settle the question very ti unalloyed satisfaction to a gent It -twit> than a 11ee,rsch Smoking Set, 1)reooing ('ase or sonlotlting sitttilar. P Toilet Set, a good Hair Brush, u,nke:. a gift which an appreciate. fancyOoir assort consists of all t bottles and Perfumes andbulk. Come and examine Sea>od Tenders addressed to the Postmaster (teneral, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, January 22nd, 1897, for the convey- ance of tier Majesty's Mails, on proposed con- tracts for four years from the let of April next. 1—Between ( lioton and Railway Station 40 times per week each way. 2 -Between Londesboro and Railway Station 12 times per week each way. Printed notices containing further Informati,m aeto conditions of proposed cootraets may be obtained at the Poet Miceli at Clinton and Lon deeboro, and at this Milne, H, (L HOPK1I 1< Poet Office lnepector Poet Office 'inspector's Office, Stratford, Dec, 11, 1896, nearly 4,}o per Ib. 38 choice Iambs, pay - 0 per 100lbe for them. Arrived t Canada. When in newepap nal success le ecor world, the wbole qui vive to learn success of the F St of Montrea nets have 11A.Alptut J. E. HO VEY. Dispensing Chemist, - ('linto • COMBE'S DRUG S NOTICE T() CItl:1)1'FOits In the es(atr of John ('nlrintr..lh, late of the Tovtxhi)> nt (Jndrrirh, in 1h• Coun'y rf Iluron, (I(,'(r.e,l. Nntlee IR I. r,•hy given, purouant to Section 36, 11.18 O., (;baiter I lu, ihat all creditors andl"thers having claims against the estate of tin Raid de ceased, who died on or about the 30th day or August, 1896. at the Township of Morris, ('.runty of Heron, are hereby required to deliver or sorrel by poet prepaid, to John Colclnugh, Clinton 1'. 0., Ontario, on or before the 2.4th da) of Jan. next, the names, adrireaoee and dr, erlpt.,one and tall part:edare ottheir altime duly verified. and the nature of the seourlt oe Of any> held by there and the executors will, on and atter the 25th day of January next. proceed to distribute the emote of the eaid state among the parties, entitled thereto, having regardonlyto the claims of which they have then notice, and the said executors tate orid en- anythe l!part thereof so dlstrlbiable for the (Insets of ntede pto any portion of whose claims they have not notice at the time of such distribution. MARY M. COLt'LOU1011, Blyth pyxeen'e JOS.() )LCL,O(JOH, (base line) Clinton Dated at Clinton, the 25th day of Dec., 1896. oirolea any phenome- in any part of the paper prase ie •n he w it wee de. ly Herald and so enormous thi ived 111 eh the Fek comp is Our highest price; it hays I he ht"t. Mottle of Xmas perfu store, 2.5c buys our cheapest Xnuts perfume. Sachet Powder in hulk at. 20c at; ounce. We are centrally located. "' W (We are accurate. m' - = I V'i'e are prompt— no long delttys. 5. - \Ve are cautious. — We are old and tried—reliable. kl = "";:f; We are neat and scrupulously clean in prescript inn department,,;, We can interest you in prices for drugs. OuHut Water Bottle and Fount r s,, Syringe, $1.14). 11 ASSUREDLY IT PAYS TO The Canada Business College CHATHAM, ONT. Ie still tenable to meet the demands made upon it for Stenographers, Bookkeepers and Teacher» for other colleges. Lon Brownlee, of Luo ,has secured the poste tion of Stenographer h Royal Manufacturing Co., Detroit Micb, Alice M. 14ft1rdook, oaition of Stenograph with a large publish , owe, same city, The Berne p.sition. rationed last week still eat, in unfit d. ave no students to fill We wish our friends and patrons MERRY ANI) A Happy & Prosp NEW YE