HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-08-21, Page 54.71: 7-1.rir 7
Thursday, Aug. 2 I St, .1.9 10
C 011111Midat
WINGRAM D ;kir s
ga rive
"e.4YM AgoCAM c)li QUM
.Men's and Boys'
Fall Suits
An early shipment of new 'fall models now on display
in the season's newest. •
Young Men's Suits
Corned Beef and
The latest styles of cloths are to be found in our large assortment of
Men's and Boye' Suits the new waist line effects for the particular young man
who desires perfect fitting clothes, In greye, Browns,. Blues, ctc. A pleasure •
to show them.
Men's and Boys' Suits
A full stock to choose from in Men's and Boys' Suits In Worsteds,
Tweeds, etc., in new and selected atylee at priees that are right and to those
who intend purchasing we suggest to buy now while our stock is complete.
We carry a large stock of Men's Raincoats in Tweeds and Worsted Topa
in great variety of color and styles for UR to $24.
OUR VEEN'S DEPARTMENT -Can supply your wants of Ties, Col.
lars, Hats; Cape, Shirts, Underwear, Sox, Shoes, etc.
• *3k. IA:as
Mr' Joseph Stalker of Ingersoll, a forrn.
er prinoipal of Elyth Public school, visited
old friends during the past week,
and Mrs. Wm. Mills visited Me,
and Mrs, Harry Bosman at Wingham, on
Taylor who has been an in,
Inate of Wingharn General Hospaal for
several weeks was removed to her home
rnent and kindness shown her by the
Hospital Staff,
R. S. Gidley and William Copp arrived
home from 'Overseas on FHday evening
Rev, and Mrs. Telford are holidaying
af Port Albert.
Rev, Mr, Small of Hespeler, will have
charge a the services in St, Andrews'
Church Sunday.
Most a the farmers in this vicinity are
on IVIOpclay, Her many friends here hope busy with the harvest, a few have finished
to see 'her lirOund again. Miss Taylor Mr, and Mrs. John Cockaline of North
speaks in the highest terms of the treat- Bay, renewed old acquaintances in town
last week.
Mrs. R. McKay and Mrs. Frank
Eainton gave a tea on Friday evening at
the Farmers' home. Proceeds which
were $30 will go to the Memorial Hall
Miss Gladys Laundy, left Monday
morning to visit friends at Niagra, before
leaving for the West,
Mr. Norman Garrett, has been engaged
to teach at school section No, 8 of Huller
Born -In Clinton Hospital; Aug. 12th
to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Scrimegeour of
Blyth, a son,
(CoPYrIVIUT-t9ta ;Iv 'The 114-4s-.
paper t•;;Iialeate.)
Corned beef awl ediamge, that homely
New England iOnr. permeated 1110 l411'.
'tidors of a downtyiwn apartment house
one springlike morning In november
On a run up the fourth flight of stairs.
out of breath from the long ellath.
came Judy Waite with arms full of
-packages from the corner grocery. Sil4.
followed the permeating fragrance
straight to its lair, a tiny kitchenette,
• dumped her load on the table, and thee
fairly tied to the kettle sinnnering on
the gas plate. Ali was well.
Net the ',swinges on the table
'claimed attention. A can of salmon,
head of lettuee, salad dressing, choco-
late eclair, everything that her liob
roost liked was to be ready tor him
that day. •, Fervently Judy %Wed the
narrow gold „band .on the second finger
a her hand, Her big seldier husband
was to be mustered out of the serv-
ice that morning at . a nearby camp;
and . he wduld be home foe 'dinner.
Over a yeer he Passed since the heart-
rending ,sepnration which took place
two days after there marriage. Such
brave; uncomplaining letters as he had
written, telling only of the bright side
a things 1 • Now r she listened; at any
minute his knock might sound on the
:door. • -
; Would he .iise the little apartment
she had chosen'? Would the meals she
had planned suit hlin? Of course they
would. But new there was work to
be done, -."Let's see," she soliloquized,
corned beef- and cabbage for dinner,
with apple pieand cheese for dessert;
for supper, 'salulon salad, hot
preserved peacbes and lairs."
Hurrying stePs ebining down the cor-
ridor brought it ltc1 ight to Judy's
eyes, and when .a. kn.ock sounded on
' the door she was there, ready, to open
"Indy 1" '•
"Bobby 1"
She was lost tpSight in a genuine
bear hug. „
"Gee, Judy, but this is great!" and
the stalwart soldier boy looked around
the cozy living room. "What in blazes
do I smell?" he. scowled. Judy looked
"Why," she exclaimed, "that's our
dinner cooking-eorned beef and' cab-
bage, dear. Don't you remember tell-
ing me bow fond of . it you were, be-
- ---------
e Dollar You Spend In. Wingham Will "Come Home To Boost"
The Advance "BUYILATaHOME" CamodiQn
ti)C0 4A1 A% tqll tt Way ?"
Over his MVO's Ounibilt,r Bob made a
wry face, but he said reassuringly into
her ear; "You heti I'm just crazy
about it." And be prayed to be for-
given the lie.
Poe the first eourse of their first
Meal be kissed her. "That will always
be our first course," he said. Thea
bravely he tackled the bull beef. Oh, .
low he had learned to bate it! But
Bobbie's training In enduring disagree-
able things uncomplainingly now stood
bim in good stead.. He praised the
thoughtedness and the cookery of bie
young wife,
After they had washed and dried the
dishes together and Judy had listened
to the story of his experienees Over
there, the girl -wife put on her new
coat and hat. Bobby admired them
and her ID them -ane they started out
for A Walk. "VOX," Said Judy, "we
roust get as good appetite for suPPees
because I neve planned eometbing else
that you like."
"Lordy I" thought Bob, "what else
did I tell her I liked?" Bat he'd eat
It, he swore to himself -yes, even if
It were muted salmon 1 -
Supper tittle came; and with it----
salmost. •
The words of his bunkle, Sim, the
wag of the company, ran .innis mind:
"I loathe, hate, abominete, execrate,
detest and abjure canned salmon:"
"Amen, forever and ever I" the. cent -
patty had announced th thorus. . How
Mtn would chortle at the joke
Why bad he ever told Judy he liked
the stuff?
Bobby hadn't been cited for bravery
for nothing; so he gulped down the
detestable stuff, aid thought be was
getting away with it. Ent Judy, with
a womates intuition, felt that sonie-
thing was wrong, "He eats 'like a
Child taking castoroil," she thougbt
to herself, watehing her husband .stue
reptItion'sly. "Won't you have some
more?" the asked sweetly.
"No, dear; I don't seem to be as
hungry as I thought," Bobby replied;
However, it did not escape :Tudy .that
the eclair vanished with a relish. Al-
ready a cloud floated across het' bort-
zon. Bob was not going to like her'
cooking. A big tear came to tb or-
ner of one eye and rolled slowly 'down
Read these articles with care. They may present something you hadn't thought of before. Patronize the
people whose ads. are here. They are your neighbors and will treat you right. The money you spend with
them stays in circulation in Wingham. •
SEE XIS FIRST when yo u require
Boots, Shoes, 4SliPpers, etc. We special- 60--
f•J P../..47.1q5] OF
ie in, foot apparel and • offer a 'splendid 11 v
assortment for your approval. A full n
stock' of Trunks and Valises. --W. J.
THE REOCALL STORE is criterion for
purity and wholesomeness in ready-made
formulas, Besides you have the benefit
of an international service. Full supply
of Drug Sundries as well. See me when
your eyes are causing trouble. -J.
WHEN YbU BUY Boots and Shoes.
etc., from us you are sure of securiag sat-
isfaction as to the quality and price. We
stand back of all our goods. Full line of
Trunks, Valises as well, -W. H. WILLIS
price, Let us estimate for. you on all
kinds of Plumbing, Heating, 'Ventilating,
Tinsmithing, etc. Our prices are right.
We.guarantee our work. Patronize home
business men. -W. j, BOYCE.
YouE EYES are your greatest asset.
• When they require attention the beat ad-
vise is none too good. By consulting me
Every Citizen Owes Moral and
Legal "Obligation to His
People Have Duty to Their Home
Town Which is No Less Bind- '
hie Because It Is Not
Fixed by Law.
(Copyright, 1917, Western Newspaper Union.)
Loyalty is the foundation upon
Which the whole structure of civiliza-
tion rests. Loyalty to one's country,
loyalty to one's state, loyalty to One's
city, loyalty t� one's business asso-
you assure yourself of proper treattnent
Let me prescribe for - your eyes -R. /VI . dates, loyalty to one's &lends! Lor
IVItICAY. alty is esSeatial to the ordiary prog-
teas of the world. Without it the werld
• must be thaos. .
There would be no stable govern-
ment in the world were it not for the
loyalty of the people to their gov-
•ernment. There woUld' be ntr suecees-
• ful business enterprise _on the face of
the globe were it libt for the loyalty
of the min and wOmen wile are con -
fleeted with it. No ehurcla could et-
ist for a month were it not for the
loyalty Of its members, The sacred-
ness Of the home Would be a Myth
Were it not for the loyalty ot the
inenibers of the family group.
The loyalty of a people to its gov-
ernment is based partly Upon senti-
ment and partly upon sthe recognition
NEVER BUY HARNESS from a cata-
logue. You see the picture but cannot
tell the quality. We guarantee service
and satisfaction on all goods bought here.
We offer quality of the highest at Inwest
prices. -THOS. KEW.
WE OFFER YOU A spiendid. stock of
shelf and heavy hardware -for your- re-
quirements. It will pay you to inspect
our stoek and one 'Weft will relieve the,
-necessity of going elsewhere. .,Order
your coal frorn tut. -RAS & TEGIVIP-
PRINT/tar:14:4T HOME ieoften thought
of, by ignorant people, to be of poorer
quality thafrthat which you can get frotn o ti ohngattoll that a Peolge owea
the teaveller. We know of ladies who 4to its government 4. people that has
have compared wedding stationery print. the benefit of good government owes a
ed at Toroth° with that printed at THE I duty to that government. Those wile
ADVANCE and found the lattet• to be do not reeognize this duty And per -
far eutierior in quality nod workmanship tomj oltnatetilY are tOrnPelledbi
— lust te do eo. 'the man or Womnia who
GRANITEWARE SALE get your preser-1 protetted by the goVerrottent it the
ving needs at A big saving. 14 qt preser. , trareult of life and happinees, Mutt eon-
virtg kettle 8Sc value, for 58c. 10 qt pre- tribute iet money and service toward
serving kettle 756 value .for 49c. Jar the support of the governraent. the
rIngs 5 and lde. per doz. WINGHAIV1 an Or woman who, under the protee-
13AZAAR. tion Of Ms government which I:Ire-
' nerves law and order le able to Ise*
WHEN YOUR WATCH or Clock re-- , Cumulate PrePeetY: Met PaY taxes cel
quires attention bring it to Wingflatn'stheta:rept:xi/ bebelp mahattein the gave
Greeted Watch Doctor. We guarantee eremert which. late Me:stetted tani or
tier work.' Our optical parlors: are tom- I her. 1st tier* of Wax the soyernthertt
pktelet us relieve that eye drain for you, siva taw right to eel upon its COM*
--It, G. PATTERSON. to take up same in Its detente.
WHEN YOU uncycian Dry Goods, I
Cerpsta said Rugs, Hats, Caps, Furs,
Groceries, Boots end Shoes, etc., one
velit to our estahllehment will cc:evince ,
the most skepticsa our priree end quality ,
ars right. -J. A. MILLS.
tOlesIte MOO Ontitsittlote
let geattlalatienteteldfsdre thetee thinge
art regatieeted bre We, ared the Zan
Who rettitto Owl 9ftinlYt0± ordeetla
streefteMent its requirdeete fabill the ob-
ligation whiten thet atittles, but in, the
Warta* Intake of Me, loyatz IN
.ti " /fit 4111,
moral rather than a legal obligation.
There are laws which prevent a man
from stealing from his employer or
his business associates, but there is
no law that requires him to be loyal
to them. The success of a trustiness
institution, however, depends3 more
upon the loyalty of its emploYeetthan
upon the laws which prevent them
from stealing its money. Liketviseethe
stability of a government depertds
more upon the loyalty of its Peel,*
than -upon the laws which compel them
to fulfill their obligation to thee„goV-
It is equally true that the prosperity
and 'growth. of every individual com-
munity is dependent upon the loyalty
of the people who live In ft. .Every
citizen owes an obligation to his Com-
munity, and The obligation les a moral
as well as a lekal one. The good citi-
zen pays his taxes cheerfully and
willingly. He serves upon the juries
which adatinistier the laws of the come
triunity. He fulfills every teed obli-
gation that is imposed %An. hire by
Lis governnieut, but there is a moral
obligation wifich is of -still -greater im-
portanee to the eommtadty. This
moral obligation: consists in doing
everything that Wein 'hit, power to
protntste the prosperity and happiness
•V his genie:amity. The man wive is
enabled to make his livlug in anrcom.
munity isamder a moral obligation to
spend_hie money in such a way as to
help his -community.
Prosperity Worth PrOteotIng.
Anything worth baying is worthpro-
tecting, and if the prosperity of a
community is worth anything to the
people living in it it is Worth protect-
ing, If the than& for a man to earn
a' good living, to live well, to give his
childret a good edueation, is worth
anything, it is Worth protectieg.
There is just one Way to protect
the prosperity of ommunity, and
that is to keep the community from
being drained of its cash -working,
capital. The tally way todo that is
for the people of the community to
keep their money at home. Every
time the citizen of a community sends
money away from home to a mail or-
der house instead V spending itin
his home stores he is disloyal to his
tommunity. It is disloyalty to the mer-
chants only indirectly. It is disloyalty
to the community of which the mete
chants are only a Small but a very
important part.
This is tbe moral obligation that
every citizen owes to his community,
just as the payment of taxes and the
140• support of his government are
his legal obligations. DislOyalty of
it large body of the citizens ispelle din -
aster to any government and disloy-
alty of any large part of the people
• to their conaraunity ie followed into.
itsdely by the alcatrafall of the convoy -
nay. Reif -interest, If nothing
should convince *VOW �s.n ot the
otavirmanity or falfilifbg Ste Moral ab-,
Option tO eonuenat%
good health. We carry a complete stock
of Nyal Remedies, as well as Drug Sun-
dries, Toilet and sick room articles and
Stationery. Let us fin your next re-
seription -E. 3. elITCHELL.
lowest possible prices is our motto.. Let
us supply your home with choice Grocer-
ies and Provisions. Our stock is fresh
and clear'. We offer you satisfaction. -
EVERY DOLLAR you spend out of
town helps the town you spend it in.
Boost your own town. Boost Winghatn.
Let Hanna's supply you with Dry Goods,
Goods, Groceries, etc You tvill be pleas.
ed with our service and'prices.-HANNA
les. .Ering It to us and we w,lo. save you
money. • We carry a complete line ot
Staple and Fancy .,Groceries,. Penns, 'and
Confectionery Let us supply your home.
-R. S. McGEE,
OUR AXM IS TO SELL you a line of
Groceries the quality of which will keep
your money in Winghana.. Our. stock is
fresh and ven.desome, Our butter and
eggs are fresh, -IRS, j. A. CUM-
ONE VISIT tonur establishment will
convince the inost skeptical that our
prices and quality of Wall Paper, Fancy
China, Books and Stationery are right.
Let us estimate on your clecorations.-
WE SPECIALIZE in Halters of our
own nuke and email goods of all
kinds for horses, A full suck of Harness,
Trunks, Traveling Bags as well always in
stock. Our repair department will attend
to your breakages -3, JOHNSTON.
• '
LET US, SUPPLY your home with
Oroceri s, Provisions, etc, One trial will
convince you our prTce a,nd quality are
such as toperit your patronage Watch
thia silace for future special announce
nitrite -4Z. A. GRAHAM,
tea. Ow tea% are of our welt blending
and give you a richness hi taste obtairts
• able in no other. We' stock Groceries
and Provisiene, Fruits and Confectionery
as well. --3. HENRY CHRIST/E.
deavoured to anticipate the requirements
of the men and women of Winghato re-
garding the wearing apparel. We carry
a tamplete stock of Groceries as web.
Let us supply your home. --II. E. 15.
ARI) & CO.
her cbeek.
"Come on, girl, let's get the dishes
out of the tvey tuld go to a show. Gee!
It's some time since this boy has.been
111 an honest to goodness theater." -Mob
hadn't noticed the tear. Judy was 'glee
of that and determined to throve oV
the momentary depression, for noth-
ing must mar the happiness of her
soldier's first day at home.
The show was fine. Admiring eyes
followed Bob and she felt so proud of
him. 'Worry was forgotten when Bob
asked her if she would like a bite t
eat, Judy suggested that they go
home; it would be so teuen cozier
tban a restaurant. Bobby liked tile
Iden, too.
At the ape-time:It Bobby sat down to
rend Oa evening paper, while Judy pre-
pared a little spread. "It's ready,"
came the sweet voice ,of his wife from
the next room. Though deep in the
account of a large public meeting to
OUR STOCK Or Dry Goods, Gents'
Furnishings, House Furnishings, Betties'
Wear. etc , has peen bought at prices
ettablieg us to tell at prices Wench will
keep your money In Wingham. You will
be pie:teed t4th our relection,-RING
Tablets without "Bayer Cross?
aro not Aspirin at ail
(let genuine otayer Tablets of Aspirin"
in a. "Beyer" package,: plainly marked,
'with the safety "Bayer Cross,"
Genuine "Bayer Tablets. of Aspirin" are
now macitt in Canada by A Canadian Cm.
Ratty.- Na German interest whatever, all
.rtglattt Wog purchased from the United
States Government.
Oaring the war, acid imitations were
sold as. Asti() in pill boxes and various
'00* gontalners. The "Bayer Cross" is
your ,only way of knowing :that you are
getting genuine Arpirini nroved sato by
millions for Headache,, Neuralgia, Colds,
itheeniatisiniLumbago, Neuritie, and for
Pain generality.
Handy en boxes -of 12 tablets-alSo
largor sized "Bayer" packages ran be
had at drug stores-. -
',Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in
Canada), of Bayer Manufacture of Mono-
aeeticacideater 0± Salicylicacid,
40. .
• Wroxeter •
Word was received of the sudden
death in North Dakota of Mrs, John
Brethauer, where she had recently gone
on a visit. She was in her 68th year and
an old resident of this village, having
moved here with her husband from Wat-
erloo 44 years ago. Sb,e is survived by
an adopted son, James Brethauer of
North Dakota, with whom sne was visiting
Mr. Erethauer who was a well known bus-
inessman here, predeceased her sixteen
years ago. Interment will take place in
Wroxetee Cemetery upon the arriyal....of.
the body from the West.
Lieut. Peter Mc13wen, son of Peter Mc-
Ewen of Turnberry, arrived' 'this week
from overseas, where he served over
three -years with the Imperial army.
FA,40L TZ'Rfil FROM $41...)7=4.254.*R JV
'The school with competent instructora The school that givps thorough
courses and assists graduates to positions.
Write for free catalogue.
D. A. McLachlan, Pres.
Murray MeLeish; Prim
Five candidates from this school were
successful at the recent lower achool ex-
amination, Rhoda Henning, Jennie Earl,
Hone Rasmussen, Bertha Smith and B.
Pte.' Roy Sanderson who has been
overseas for the past. year returned home
last week, ,
Miss Clemie of Listowel, called on
friends in town last Week.
Wm, and Mrs. T. A Pardon and son,
Fredrick of Detroit, also IVIiss Oral Kitch-
en of Toronto, are visiting with the let-
ters parents, F. and Mrs. Kitchen of town.
Miss Mae Perrin of Kincardine, WaS a;
welcome visitor in town recently.. • •
/Wise Effie Goodfellow of TorcUito,
. .
holidaying with 'friends itt. and aratted-j,
town, e •
. .
"A lucky man" -The lightning streak, ,
Mr. Wes. Batmers' new residence lass
Monday morning, doing slight damage.
/Vitas Jean Howe deo Kiss Irene '
Stocks who underwent eperatione aboat
a week ago are getting along nicely, "
The remains of thelate In°, Breth.
auer arrived here from the West Monday •
afternoon, for bukal Tuesday afternoon
tIthe Wroxeter,cemetery.:
, i•a*,:;.•VAs`ot
Let the eferendum Battle -Cry e
eicothe the :soldiers borne to be beld
tbe next day, Bob sprang up with
alacrity, for the fact that • he was
hungry was suddenly borne in upon
hint. .
"Golly!" he exclaimed for the third
time that day, "e wholetablecloth and
good, things to eat sure do lOok good to
They sat clown, •
Thin slices of tender corned beef
reposed on a platter, flanked on the
right by -salmi -le, nestling ID a bell of
pale green lettuce! •
Judy etrught the involuntary expres-
sion of repugnance that flashed aceose
her hathand's face -.before a hastily
sunnnoned smile could dispel it. • "I.
know it's the same thing over again,"
she said ID' a pleading Voice, "but,. •
Bob, you knew I' reulle haven't bad .
time to stock up -yet; and anyway,
we have to be ecationeed ter a while
till you get youteole job back." '
• But tee lime- Alb so1dict tralning
was again brought itito play, andthe
corn ed beef end sal mott N6.rioa °ilea
me' re bravely'-tackled.''j, Wit; ,peritapa
because .TliclY , loved 'fiei:-=--buSband
the power • was giveh to, her .to 'reatl
him like a bOAk, -She. was sure he was
choking the .fOod down :Itt,st to. please
her, and egainpit tear appeared. This
time Bobby stfi;tr it.
"What's wrong; dear?". he asked
contritely, Suspecting the cause.
"You don't like tiiy,. cooking!" sob-
bed the girl, openly crying now.
Of course there was nothing for-
Ilob to do but to hurry around the
atarbnleand take the little wife an his
"You knew I cOuldn't cool: when you
married me," she choked, "and
haven't had the chane to learn yet -
but I will,"
The walls of the little room echoed
with lloh's laughter, Inaignant, Judy
tried to pull away, but his strong
arms held her close. Then be told
hie' .of that awful ten days in the Ar-
gonne forest when canned salmon and
canned salmon only had been the regi-
ment's steady diet, three meals a day
--did described the men's feeling to,
.,ward it. Then how, for more than tete
weeks, they had subsisted entirely on
tinned corned beef, and how their
TbenksgIvittg dinner heti Coneisted of
cabbage as tne piece de resistance.
"Don't think for ft minute that We
complained," he added hastily; ' "we
were away ahead of our supplies and
It was unavoidable; nobody's Milt.
Ihtt, oh 1 Corned beef and salmottl"
Judy was laegbing through her teat*
now, and their first day ended hate
pily. But there has been neither
eorned beef nor salmon in. their little
aparttnent since.
Types of Big Gun*.
There 12 nO known 75-centitneter gun.
1± there were QS bore would be more
than 20 Indies, The famous Vrench
itionillimeter gun ha e bore t MttI
less in size than the ittherk,an 13-late,h
field gua, being approtithetteee 2.962"15
inehee; the German tt-terillieneter le a
little larger than the American, being
approximately 3.010 Inches. trercel
and American shells eookt WW1 hi
the GerMatt 77-milliteeter g b.
ably with little or no ChM" wIAllteo,
Gentian and Amerleal 5iieThs cutlid nee
PrehablY, he used la the Ilfroth 7141i
*Mont MO* ,
9 9
SINCE the announcement in the Legislature lastspring that a Refer-
enduin on the Ontario Temperance Act would'ibe taken this fall, the
different temperance organizations of the province of Ontario have,
met together to consider what attitude they should take. . The result
has heel% the formation of the 'Ontario Referendum Committee, which
comprises representatives from the organized temperance forces of the
province and the temperance sentiment of the province outside of these
organizations. The new Committee yill conduct the Campaign. We
are asking the voters of Ontario to vote "NO" to all questions 'sub-
mitted on the ballot:•
• •
The Referendum Ballot
_„. ... ..,_
• i . ,
.. .., . .
. , .. .
1.: Are yoy 41, favor of the repeal of THE ONTAIO TEMPERANCE
.A.m...„. ioioi.46..b.•a", .”4.6. • 6, • -4.,
a. Are you In favor of the sale of light beer containirtg noVenore than
• .' twa And fifty-one ope hundredths per cent. alcohol weight measure
. . -through •Government agencies and amendments to'lliF, ONTARIO
. TEMPERANCE ACT to permit such sale?
• 3. Are you in favor of the sale of light beer containing not more than
two and fifty-one one hundredths per cent. alcohol weight measure
in standard hotels in local municipalities that by a majority vote
favor such sale, and amendments to THE ONTARIO TEMPERANCE
ACT to permit such sale? ...........
• 4. Are.you in favor of the sale of spirituous 'and malt liquors through
Government agencies and amendinents to THE ONTARIO TEM-
PERANCE ACT to permit Such sale? .
defeated if there is a majority for "Yes"
By the Ontario Temperance Act, sale
and distribution of alcoholic liquors for • on any of the questions. You must
beverage purposes within the province mark an X after each of the four ques-
were prohibited. For practically three tions, or your ballot is counted as spoiled.
years the -province has experienced the
good effects of this lawlts repeal would A century of temperance progress in
this province is at stake in the coming
be a calamity, Any of the amendments
Referendum. The Ontario Referendum
wOuld spoil it. Committee earnestly and respectfulry
For the Temperance forces to win they '? ask you to mark your X in the "No'
column after each and every question,
must secure four "No" majorities, That
as indicated in the sample ballot re-
s, a majority for "No' on EVERY
questilTn. The Temperance forces will be produced herewith.
Ontario Referendunk Co\mmitte're
Chairman Treasurer Vice -Chairman and Secretary
mei Iixectslor Lire illdg, Toronto) SO
I 11■111NtlIIIIMMIN1MMilil
WS Sunshine
AFURNACE easy to manage; a furnace that is
•economical of fuel; a furnace that will beat
your home comfortably."
This is the proposition we offer in the Sunshine.
IVIcCiary's heating experts will plan, a heating sys-
tem for you without charge- a heating system that
they guarantee will heat your home comfortably.
Xf you want to be sure of COAVORT;
if you want a durable, honestly built
furnace, well instated, put the problem,
up tO 13s.
Askibout the LITTLE DRAFT.
MAN duet turns on the drafte•
end-top/ate* theta automatic:0y.
Sold by R. R. MOON