HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-12-25, Page 11 'x .11 ' ^ y I ......�,trL'q �j... Kf•rr rA { I A� NTON -+ , A�R4t4A7�� FIiiR .mak? ', r ti �w.', i,11 K TLlilt#g Ot the g.tLl�lC 11 ,: Before m+t1, of uu ae f laky illi �4 �+ '4i 155; y Y q' X f M1to those } a w co b baler a tha �sa a avPn�tdZ �, , more say come and welts 4ctr)i, rf t r , :`,S ^ 1 you canvt axes tethecholc� �, ' *,1"'' ,� _i _ — __�__ would have had a week a jLj G #„ ROBERT HOLMES, Editor and Proprietor, OLIN 1 O)N, ON 1., DEC EMBER, 25, 1896 t$1 a, year in advance $1,50 when not so pard not at this late date a•ttem�S�- i w'. , : • - ,i tell you here what we have '1, Your oil way now is to (O �.r.�.�.�....... y r and see. Most likely we can H11. ,gin �- _ _..__ —__.____i7"�.� _ ,_ _ "�� - - -- - R�yLV Londeaboro Porter's Hill. you, but it not there fano haif� ' •-�,4 { AROUND 1 IFIR � LJ 13. MUNICIPAL. — It is expected that Londesboro Subscribers may pay their re- LODGE. -The lecture in the I.O,G,T. done. ti. What wide-awake and reliable oorreapandouta Clad worthy of recording for publication. Reeve Wilford and the entive council newals to W, L. Outmette, if desired, and Port. k,gXl :1411C11 will be re-elected without o n ition raltswillbeforwardedthem the name ae if drttdgev ilii by Mr Stubbs, on Satur- From llUW ` Goderieh Township Hullett PP t eubaoriptione are paid at the Nitre Sita office. Y K last, was intereatin roc- ,gg,,, .Coat is DlvistoN CouliT.-The court was g, p I , v NOTES.—Christmas is here. MrWal- Mr T. Fear, Hullett, was awarded let held here on Monday, several cases be- THEY WILL SING. -Mr G. F. Oakes tiCal and profitable and certainly had Until N "W Vears A�C8sQ1t�• ter Trewin, of Cedar Springs, Kent and Sud prizes for geese at the South Iia- ing disposed of. interest centred, succeeded in forming a very good cLtsa a good effect on the audience, as at the ERA � county, is visiting his grandparents, roll show, and also 1st and '3rd for ducks, however, in a suit between Thomas in Londesboro last Fridaynight in close of the meeting Bevel) gave in their �{r >If�h�1i1P@Stffi@IIt Mr and Mrs Walter Hick of the Hu- which wars not annou❑eed t:efore, Cole and John Barr. The former l0 t spite of the atorm weher. The names as candidates For membership We offer s special price on Jal !�tlaN' y 1 y in the led e. dinieres. We bought too ,use li~8 that will ion road. School weetings will be ILL, --We regret to learn that 1VIr 1;. some sheep, which it was claimed had c ass will meet once a wee ,and any Se)HGUL xAnt.-Our school examina- for the Christntas trade, and 1,q! ",;1;, held on Dec. 30• dont forget to go. I Sl one in with those of the latter, and who purpose attending should begin to clear theta before New Ye, 9Ir@11 IaOt21 tri Y, Huron truss, is confined to tris g P P gion wits held on Wednesday, s MEETING. -The public meeting or he house throe h illness. On Wednesda suit was fur their recovery, Consider- at once so as to get the full course. Y, when �k Saturday, to elect a candidate for the ; able evidence was taken for both aides, there was a good attendance, showing we make the inducement sago-_ a a COI17f0 I y, a number, a the neighbors gathers but cid SCHOOL NOTES.—The schools will re- the interest taken in the [natter of that they should go in a day - ii ;'p County Council, was well attended, and cut a su Y YI of wood. judgment was given in favor of o en on Jan. 4th. 18ta7. Miss Jennie education in the section. Several 11 Y stead of at week. and was presided over, by Mr E. Ache- Barr. Kirke has been engaged fornix months teachers from, neighboring schools MAII. MATTERS. -We are informed 1 a3frn. The candidates before the meet- that ¢ clition is beiu . To INViESTIOATE.-The creditors of to take Miss Johnston's lace, who were r g g 11, 11r Cv � 1pa were -Messrs G. Elliott, J. Cox and P g circulated ask- the estate of Jessop & Cu., general P present and took part in the ex- 20 per cent off regular rates J. Beacom the ballot resulting fu fav ing that Constance have a daily mail storekeepers, of !31p Blyth, have decided gives up for a short time, owing to amination of the classes, the scholars • • P r 111 -health. Mr Phair, we understand, acing the work with remarkable s eed until New Years only, is the,ik '- or of Mr Cox, who was declare the no- instead of three lianas ¢week, and al- to investigate the affairs of the estate. ?1�4ts, tllOs�$ at so too en a rust office at Alma. K has been re -en aged for the coming atnd correctness, rovin r P ducement we offer. Re ole i; '" ntinee of the meeting P 1 At the meeting of creditors held is P h to all that b '`" S'atisfa to COUNCIL.—Council met on Dec. 15. LNOAOLD.-Mis Ida Murch, dao h- go, a statement year at a liberal advance of salary; he good work has been done in the school ['ales are marked in plain fi Toronto a Yew dayys ahas I . 6r• �s ', . t Y p ( ) K h K oil swish geed work for 18518 and we during the year and reflects great on each jar. Thus you get%";x!,, �;� to Wa was refunded $ s f school 1 ter of Mr W. Murch, base line has was 0. acid as4 s ° vin liabilities of y him the same success for1897 credit on our teatcher. - ""+ ti ; taxes, being over three miles from th©, ,been engaged its Brat assistant in the $4•• and assets of 161,200. The buai- $2.(N) Jardiniere for $1. ,, I ' '. ever , W@ school; the stun of $4.83, error in as- ,Dresden nrblic school fur next nese was owned b Mrs M. Jesdu ,and NOTES. -Mr J. J. Walker returned WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY, -That a r E F year, Y P 1. pU Jardiniere for 1„ `' yWill sessrrient in 1893, was refunded T. C. ' which employs a staff of five teachers. managed by her husband. Mr essop home last week from Toronto Univet•- pies and Potatoes are rutting badly, 1.25 Jardiniere for 1: r ,9tOCli Pickard. The collector's time for re sit Mr Thos. Hill arrived the same That teachers get lucked at midsurn- p, PaRSONAL,-M. J. Best, of Roseland was in business with a Mr 14IcI1roF Y• mer, but ducks and 1.tJ0 Jardiniere for 8Q i, r1« ate ceivin taxes was extended to the first some ears ago and failed, the credi- time from Dakota. Mr Herbert Bell geese at Xmas �" p meeting S of council in 1807. The fol- Man., formerly of Hullett, is spending y g came on Wednesday of this week from time• That our blacksmith will have ?5 Jardiniere for f10 n g d tare receiving only a few cents oil the y , r) Jardiniere for .40 17t �" Ori lowinggravel accounts were aid :- the Christmas holidays among o] dollar, after the stock was disposed of. Detroit School of Medicine. Mr R. J. to get ¢helper, as the horses must he ' J.Well,, $4.92; H. Dyke, $4,50; E.Wise, friends; it is seven yeasts since he left Several of the firths interested consult- Bell. arrived from Owen Sound High shod and this is the only place we can Inspection invited $16.81; E. Elliott, 82.10; W. Bell, $5.22; here, and he is well pleaded WLh his School last Friday. Mr John Bell is get it done right. That Oox is the ed Mr Heffernan, and naked him to Y• A. Drysdale, $31,20; C. Beacom, $IA2; new bonte; this year he had 7,(X)O bush- look into the business of the firm. It busy moving this week from the hotel. strongest man in this township. That ALLEN ani WILSON? " els of No. 1 Manitoba hard wheat, 4 OOU T P our general merchant's new Xmas Druggists and Opticliaua T. McCartney, 54c; W. Johnston, $1.U8; was decided, however, to call another he Temperance lecture, on Tuesday -- T. Cronyn, $10.20; W. Elliott, 3,S)0; of which he sold at 70c per bushel, and evenin was not ver well stroll}zed; stock looks first claeI, That Mr D. $: meeting, when the detective will ro P t he balance he is holding for a rise; he Prouse drives a reit fine beast. That StunmerhUl , 1. f T. Lacey, outlet for drain, $9; Muuici K ceiye instructions. Mr Stu bs conclude his engagement y I pal World, 83.76. By-law No. 7, now also had between four and five thou- with the district lodge and left for his the departure urea certain young man '. 4 Bi^OS read, was passed. N. STURDY, Clerk. sand bushels of Data, with other grain, '1'uekeranrith, home in Peterborough on Wednesday from our midst will greatly affect a NoTiae.-McBrien Bros. gave the Y60A ', OYSTER SurPEn.-Mrs J. Mair, who ONLY ONE CANDIDATE. -It was sup -morning. Mr B. Lawrison, of Wing- certain house in thio neighborhood in people a dancing party on Wedpes4a ' had a sale of her farrtt stuck and itnple- posed that Mr Brittain would he at ca- NOTES. - Remember the annual ham, made a visit here on Tuesday to more ways than one; could he not be night. Mr John Watkins, of this pla� ;; TON menta on Wednesday of last week, didate for the county council, but he school meetingnext Wednesday morn- attend the lecture of Mr Stubbs, coxed to stay, was united in marriage to Miss Sar4 Ira ,;` moved into Godericb with her, family decided riot to be and was therefore ing. Mr E. Walters sold a heavy horse NOTES. -Mr and Mrs Wm, Lobb Brown, of Londeaboro; we wish the youV jr Y ' ' ' to Mr P. McGregor, of Brucefield, at a EXAMINATION. -The F iday, the l th spent a couple of days last week visit• couple a happy married life. Mr Rob o On Friday. The gale proved to be a not nominated on Monday, Aa lir g tion held here -on Friday, the 18th Y successful one, financially, And in the James Snell is the only Hullett repre. good figure, H. Crich also sold one to fist., was an undoubted success 41, ev_ ing old friends on the Maitland con. Miller is on the sick list, as is al ,� r evening their many friends crowded sentative in the field, he should poll a I the same buver' cry way. About ten o'clock a goodly Miss Edith Cox returned home last Wallace. Mr W. S. McBrien r"jq ccs their house, and all sat down to an strong vote. fie has had municipal PER80NAL.-Mr Jos, Cudmore, of number congregated at the school- week after visiting f Dungannon, the addition of another Wr'c� Cbo lectin was oyster supper prepared for the occa- experience, wherein he has taken an Parkriveq Duk., is visiting his mother house and the exercises were tom- The crest nteeting of the Cho: en on Friday evening by'IVfr i3tnbbe was filler sion. The evening was spent in games, active part, and will make it good re- here; Mr Cudmore has spent a number menced. Lessons were taught In the Friends will be on Wednesday, the tions o and there aro two or three lodge. . i lob em Bra. social amusements, etc., and at a pea- presentatcive. if the township stands of years in the Northwest, and like senior room by Messrs Lowery and b 30th; it is important that the members tions for membership in the lodge, cr bQto o your last issue it sonable hour all departed for their by him as it ought to, there should be many others has made farming a Buz- Fowler and Hisses McLaughlan and be all present as the otilcere for the Wallace, of Fingal, is visiting in ' - I homes h next six ,nonths will be elected that vicinity. e has taken offence , accompanied by the echoing no doubt about is election, cess. Miss A. Dieh, of Morris, is spend- Johnston. In the junior room lessons a.P i I.n your columns on strains of "Auld Lang Syne." The FINAN('IAL,-The finagcial statement ing Xmas holidays with her sister were taught by the teachers already night. Mr David Cox has put in a new C. E.-Tbe interest and members '.. . , . family have gained the esteem of the r here. Miss H. Carter is now recover- mentioned and also b Miss Murd set of plates in his grinder, hence Ss in growing 1 and we hoe it will con.inne. f o some reason or,Oth- neighborhood, and will be much mins- of tEie township, up t° 1)eZ•.q,zlh, shows y y a pcsition to do tirst class work at low- meeting last Friday evening was take i idual appears to Have g , the receipts to have been $16,283. k2, u1K. Mrs Hoover and Miss Goodwin, and Misses Annie and Lilian Gray. est prices. MrThoa. McDonald of the the actor, Re g tl at to correct ac�ord- ed, as they cook active and prominent while the expenditures have been Clinton, assisted at the Xmas tree en- All the lessons were well taught and p y Mr Stoat, who epo y arts in all our church affairs. P tertainnient at Turner's appointment ointment the work done h the scholars was 7th can., is at present very sick, O. the sub eat '•Faith." The meeting ants) a few , in t ka P $reasurer' leaving a 27.33.ce in the Y g, l P good. Mr Phair by es eciall tom- W. Potter sold a nice fat steer to the held onlWednesdav evening this w, g 11, Mr Editor, in that EXAM. -A public examination wits Treasurer's hinds lit' 127.:33. The As• °n' Wednesday evenin p y ; lit one statement that held in S.S. No. 9, on Fridayaftetnoon sets are as follows:- In Y IVlolsons Rank SCHOOL. -The following is the report plimented, both by teachers and pr- Holmesville butcher the other day, at acoou❑t of Fri uy being Xmas, the an her. true, and. thaf was last, under the supervision of the Special deposit to redeem deb, No. 3 of the )ti its of S, S. No. 4, for Decent- encs, on the work done by the class a good figure; Torn is a hustler, on fat was "The A nement," taken j5y J,.• 0 ,had been severs con- $922.57; Iii Molsons Bank on dP )°sit, her, bare • on attendance, demeanor, which he is preparing for the 1807 en- cattle. Rfiss B. Cook, who has been Lowery. The eetmg next weelia will (i teacher, Mr T. R. Courtue. The scup ,p r �' p p K 1C(3 that such is nqqt the cal classes were examined by the visit- 88(X); In Treasurer's hands, $127.8:3; Un- atnd eneral roticienc Sr. 4th--El1A trance examination. A very interest- hired for some time with Mrs Wm, be on Wednes evening. Rev, Mr.t3ti that does not sffedt the ing teachers, Mrs Mr uis, Misses Mid- K P Y• in lesson was tau ht b Mr H. Fow- Lobb, left on Monday. will hold divan ivies Ott Xmas at 11 e 11 1 q collected taxes, $:35ki.10. Liabilities- Johns, Mary O'Brien, Harold Fowler. g t&ragraph. 'r. he retrain- dleton and Richardson and Messrs Uutet:tndir>I{ drainage dohs„ interest Jr. 4th --Norman llfurch, Ii. Wiltae, ler; the subject =a "The skeleton" Holmesville, ExAu,-The lie exami tion in o" og1•eet In q._. iiry pat-ticu- Fisher, Elliott, Blair and Campbell, included, $111103 ,56; Unpaid accounts, Anna Valely, Frank Layton, Mary tauen with a senior foiirth class. This nection with t bool her a bel ' Aiding otitr torr 3 on- who found the classes to be very thor- lesson showed ea )eciall how very in- WILT, Ia1, API'IYECIATEI).-The pros- Tuesday, \. �.q g y p $1Cr0. Layton. Sr.3rd-Walter Layton, Hit- j Y p y, '22nd, was Q�iced i k t>ns�-tA 9 Cq �rary. utigh in their, work, which reflects REI-It'r.-`standing of pupils of 5. S. sic Bennett, Minnie Crich, Mary Crich, ter eating the aublect c an be tnadP, both pPct of haviu;; at ainKiug school ho°1 in cess. At nuou d was ee v , an ';a ` Irr}i, hose r gparks seemed great credtton both teacher and pupils• No, 4, for Dec•eu,hev;-.4th class --Brace Simeon CSchwartz. Jr. 3rd -Martha to young And old, when taught from HrArliesville this winter is evidently ,t the examining o soho�ar �¢p cult• tho�g91 � stn, xents. Following this was a literary program INI-1d, Hose Wvyruuuth, Alice Mt -Vit- Fowler, Essie Videly. Sr. 2nd -Chats. the Caxton chart. A very noticeable move that will be generally apprpciat- and they had she . o � r `to'{the 4 ,tli.,.,tliettvhole given entirely by the 'pupils, and also tae, Sr, 3rd —Christens Liveruioro, 1''f- Fol -den, Christie O'Brien, Fred Wiltse, part of the program wits the absence ed, As a great many have atlteady ex- and training in. t i'.. lu 'g b ::, ,�hO truth his a lnneheon, given by the ladies of the fie Hunter, Jaynes Dredd. ,Jr lard --Bell Rola. Cochrane. Sr. Pt. II -1,1111, of all matter foreign to the public pressed their intention of attending. meeting was calle old a Ie „sub" ti- section, which deserves special nien- Fau'nhani, Wilson Su❑dercuck, John Wiltse, Frank Plewes, Maud Plewes, school work. Great praise is due, we The meeting in Pickard's flail this Sit- Stout in the chair I .i all ht,alte'. tion. Then carne the speeches from Ferguson, •2nd—Ruse Lyon, George Henry O'Brien. Jr. Pt. II—Norman bink, to the teachers for the able nrday evening will be free to all irate[- recitations slid d, , ou ' . •the facts the visitors, And all spoke In the high- L,•itch, Maggie Heici. 1't. 11—\lay Sly, Ernest Brown. Pt. I— Milton manner• in which the eftaminattion was sated in the formation of x cissa. Mr mirablo manner by th ►lir is a 4th inst. est terms of Mr Courriceand his pupils, Stewart, Rose Livermore, Alport. Liv- Wilt,se, Willie O'Brien, Carmen Sly. conducted and for the splendid roan- Oakes fs a well known rnusicia.n and the teacher, was assist I) blank the Mait- and we think that the trustees have Prini,re. 1st-llouglas }{ugeasuu, Wrs. hY�nxc ra.—The tinauciat dhitentent ner and discipline of the pupils. Ad- one of the most successful teachers of teachers: W S. Lawr ny assistanccY from oth- shown their good judgment and Rppie' IPy Fauvinha,, Willie BPnhridge,-H.,1. fur the yeah• ending Dec. 15 shows the dresses were made by visiting clergy- vocal music• and J. Lowery and Re Ve do riot wish t��p judge ciation of their teacher's efforts by en- Ti,n,m m., Teacher. receipts, including a balance on hand men, trustees, teachers and others, HYHENIAL-A most pleasing event took close the pupils receive it we feel that your cor- gaging him for the next year, at a (,O1s 10'ro 13, -The Ruction sale of of over $50K), to have been $18887.60, and after the usual compliments of place ,on Wedneada7 evening at the re- several expressed their Xld not have been thor• good increase in salary. Mr' John Wells, last week, wits well And theexpeYidittires its follows: -roads the season had found expression the sidenceof Mr A. J.Courbice,when his eldest of the teacher's work. ,bt of all the. facts of the EXAM.—A very interesting and site- attended, and stuck sold at unusually and bridges, 81656.76; chArity, 1x16.50; examination was brought to a close at daughter, Ellen R., wad united in the bonds uld never have written cessful examination was held on the I Doti rices, Hatzzlewood Bros, shi )- sidari s, VS(S0; postage, stationer and four o'clock b singing "God save the of holy matrimony to Mr F. C. Elford of ,.also thatit can be ro- afternoon of Deet 16th, in S,S. No 2, � 1 } J 1K 2 t, g Y assn," Y g g this village. The ceremony took place at County Council p )pd into BI •th ten of tht• finest, s )ria g pprintin •, 881.1)8• schools, $6700.72; Q g was no asaie �nce. We of which Mr P. Campbell is the popn Pigs that seer left HulluU; rhoyy gut boarrl of health, $30; miscellatneoua, 5 o'clock, in the presence of a large number The town hall was m to wet well that lar andell}cientteacher. Shortlyafter $4A) per owl for, thorn, Air ;J,t,y $41.2`2;investmenta, 02700;countyyrate, West WawaLuosl►, of invited questa, and was performed by full of electors of Divis id 8e if ere ie not one o'clock the visitors begandropping I Moon has been ronin and in) )rnv_ 180,1.06, $6)12.4.81; total, $18020.83. As- WEDDF,D.—On Wednesday, Dec. 16, Rev A. K. Birke, of TeeswatAr, brother -in- h° pruning Y. Monday, when nominating t fast~ 3'a! variance b ween it and in, and apparently they took great in- inK his orchard, cutting out quite a sets-Schoul fund invested in mortgage in Lucknow, Miss V. Smith, of Ripley, law of the groom, aeaisted by Rev G. VV. Campbell, announce that the w�t--,Mr Editor, I wish to terest in the exercYSPe of the afternoon. Y,otYaS,Pr of trees; it begins to look as if etc., t117(i83.1x); cash in treatsurer'a hind, was married by Rev Mr W'alvvin to Vii Andrews, of Ilolmosvillo, after which the ing nominations hm, a Mlq.. 1714 • .those two para- The pupils wPr a examined thnnrttghly hp we re KoinK to take in a partner. $4(17•(17; in Batik of Commerce, 8.43(1.88; Jas. Smith, of t•hP 5th con. The yawn{� guests eat down to a n,oet surnptuose re• the Uounty Council:- � d�8 fist. respect- by visiting leach ra, 111iss Bell, of No. Miss DI Fatirsa•Y vice, who hats been vis- in collector's hand and uncollected tatx- couple will take up their abode in J.IVi. peat. The bride was becomingly attired in John Cox, Goderich township, nt � 7 `is IehallbeOb 1, and Messrs Fisher, of HulntPsvillt'; itingalt. Esipwo i�K, has rr>turoNd to es, $533.64; arrears of interest, $200,26. Smith's house, near Dungannon. iv, white muslin trimmed with ]ace and ribbon. roinated by David Cantelon and E' ;• - 'itis paragraph. Elliott, of No. 8, And (uurticp, of Nu.S)• the borne lit' her uncle, lir John E. Liabilities -Accounts unpaid, $LW. wish them future prosperityy. The presents, which were numerous sad Acheson. .: ,elft that some of and the manner in which the work Taylor. .Messrs Bob Young and Billy NOTRs.-Alex. Thom, Of Goderich, is neatly, betoken the high esteem in which D. A, Forrester, of Clinton, nom 1 i."' etldacommand as wasperfarrned indicates that hir-Cainp- Hughes have hpen cuttin cordwood, Kf under the parental roof, on the 8th the young oonple are held, and that long ed by W. C, Searle and Jas. Scot - K g peen d} "tc! adie of the tails in bell is a teacher of more t barn average rind finished 1,F) About 20 cords in three con, at present. Miss Minnie Rutledge life and prosperity may attend them in Jaa. Snell, of Hullett, nominate s'- "' 'Par from it for ability. Although he hag had charge week; they're hu5tlera, surf; some e0- DRATH.-On Saturday of last week left for Clinton oo Monday last, where their new home is the wish of their many Andrew McD^nald and John Br) •-'. P Mr Duncan McDonald learned of the she is eng a Pd t° work for Thos. Jack- friends, to which the Nsw Esta cordial! tt `rtainoraninetant of the school for oily a few tnunths• pie think tbatt Bob would sooner he W K Y The candidates and their moV' [1f. you see that he he has made many friends, and t},r' ,idin with his driver. Mr Fitzallen death of his grand neice, Mrs Moonie, son win. Plunkett has signified his joins. rr;' i f Sprung had a sale on the 2:ird: he ex- intention of running for q uncillcr, p seconder were then allowed tlsn y:",;,` 'tsttek., of course that trustees have shown their a ,pietist fun neo Miss Minnie Sullivan,) of London ExAm.—Our public school examination tunic of addressing t f ofrpmand 'respect. of his services, by giving hon) A large pecis to move t0 Manitoba; we're � ast, who died on Friday morning, of came off on Thursday Y K be elector that fatal disease, cgnaum tion, after and we feel surf if he is elected he will Y last, and was a grand Cox, as an old member of t �x�""" to have a thor- increase in salary. sorry to lose hire, ash ani good neigh- P give good satisfaction, being!x clever success, judging from the number of vigi- .)ou❑cil, dealt mainly with an illness of over two yeArs. The de- progressive young Y torn resent and the interest taken in the al standing of the county, 7! i+t let them tryher. and )ro ressive Dun man in ever present, et, &c." After Aul)urn. ceased was well known in these parts, sense of the term. Sarnuel Johnston scholars, who acquitted themselves ver Auburn Snbacribers may pay their renewals Cot•Ncm. -The Hallett council met as she lived for a time at the home of creditably, Y haw its indebtedness trd been t �s @,•odea with assn- r had the misfortune to get his font had- y, to both teacher and themselves. and asking for support ialy acknowledges that to D. E. Munro, ii desired and portraits wiil in Bo,l's hill oil the 15th instaccording; Mr McDonald and his sister. 1 Kon the After the examination was over the eohol- y g be forwarded them just the same as it Hub. y cut with an axe, while chopping said his part experience. Mr F k-- i,"thoro h ood genu- seript(ons are paid at the Nrw ERA office, to itatutP. The annual meetin of the wood one da last week. There was R are served a sumptuous lunch of sandwich• p g electors for the nomination u Candi- Y said be had plenty of municip e�Z'pl 2lid con. a esirous of f Bayfield• wood bee and es, cake, and coffee, and then a first class IMPROVING. -Mr David Wilson, who quilting at Wm. Robert fence, but none i❑ the Count O ,t 'ick the• +the target or I dates for the u(1lcc+s Of reeve, deputy , program was rendered b Y otlnrsil g has been ailing for a short time, un • reeve tins councillors will he held in Ooraca*nT.—The entertainment given in on s, on Friday last, which were ter- disgla ed both care b Y the pipits, which he was in the field at the request ilwingvt�jta' be the only derwent a successful operation last the e %1,d Temperance brill, L ill 6or l on the town hall, by the public school, on Fri- minated by a hoedown atnight. Geo. tit displayed both ca. The he teacher teachers, the people—not as theresu., hi o . a5 , . >le sure that Saturday. We hope in a few days to Monda I)pc. 28th, at. 12 o'clock• Polls day evening, was well attended and was Hamilton gave the younq•people of q choice—and if elected would loop aft lid: ,a sbooting see him round a ain. y' certainly much enjoyed by those who were his vicinity a house warming on Fri- Messrs 3. M. Kilty, Summerhill, P. Camp. the interests of the count as a !;a. 6 ,�hooti❑ gg will be opened in the usual polling resent. The children surprised man of da night. Thos. Wallacewill locate bell, Taylor's Corner, D. Smith, Porter's K (STILL ILL.—W". Archie Robinson, titch -Divisions, of the township on Mon- p p Y Y Hill, and T, Courtioe, No. 9 all ex ressed Mr Snell admitted his inexperiebf� ;i)ft, one day— who has been suffering from a disease the older people by the clever way in which his roller mill at Whitechurch instead P county matters, tbough he ha G,.,, , in the hi Dint, underwent another (lay, Jan, 4th, 1807, with the following the assumed the different roles of actor, of Donnybrook. Mrs NEavea and Miss themselves as highly pleased with the j AN D. It. offt:era:- J. Fowler; Thomas y Y years of municipal expe'iehee ittt and $ e operation sat SAturday; his hopes of Neilans, C. 1Virfntoah. A. Woodman, elocutionist or singer. The Bayfield o ram Symington spent last Wednesday t the t listandine eeeof tsnd ratehe payers era on hars, and ving ted credit; be wag the chafe o t,'�" � ,y}{1_Vj'b, W recovery are not very favorable at Win. Mr('ool, ripe, �lnell and John hand liberallyy interspersed he program Dr Medd's, of .Dungannon. Morgan p Y g such of Hullett, and would en savor 4190. ' "8ot4-�pro Ttlint was present. with their IivHly selections. Rev. Nr Jones will not learn the baking buai- a good teacher as Mr Fisher. All enjoyed the county to the beet of hid rib I Ry#.• Knox. A number of accounts were themselves heartily. 'iitiYa er of.y%e tore W8a A.O. U. W.—Ata special meeting of passed amounting to $:3 i5, which will Smith, of Trinity church, occupied the Hees at present, as reported. Wm. Y• Messrs Acheson, Can on,.meHori". �f iii;-:`tlitamildation qd Paterson Lodge No. 352, A.O.U.W appear in dpt.ail in the annual state chair. Eckhardt, of Blyth, is en aged as bear} din OTES. There'6 nothing but wed- g r 1 qq h B Brigham And Searle eo made 8lt lt;;�,1"Oldat S. S. No, tori the following officers were elected for mPnt. ThPTownshi r CoIlPctorrP arta PnasoxAr..-Miss M. Falconer, of Gode- swamperfor Collis & Goldt orpe. Miss (� going on in this vicinity this addresses. The meeting Was v�FI I i the Pneuin Par: -Amos ChallAn er, 1 P rich, is visiting friends here. Mr Will Ilia- Mills is at present assisting her sister, wee but as they acre not yet all over, derl in fact sever 'alluded to flan i,`;ak rge attendA�' ob`g14,, g y • K having paid on acco1,nt, of roll $11447, rP Orta concernin r y' (lsd ughead, St. .W•; Wm. Robinson, Foreman; A.T. ]Paving a smaller balance than last (%1°ekeq, formerly prinoapal of tho'f'ablio Mrs J. H. Medd, of Dungannon. Miss P g them all cannot he mighty time n° illation." :os �i?<j rlt3ntle here on S eDonald, Overseer; John Fingland, year by $210 at same da1P. For par- School, was in town on Friday bidding Ilia Elizabeth Smith was a guest of her made until next week. Rev. A. K, For Division N , 6, which emb A;' } Birks and wife are visiting at Mr,J. H. Grey, Morris d Brussels, �..e was held in Ben Financier; Mathew Lockhart, Receiver; tu•ular•s Re to t.htr rerei )ts and ex Pndi- many friends good-bye before leaving for sister, Mrs Oliver, }apt week, g Q y g, tures of the past yPair ratepayers are - F.Iford's. Mr And Mrs Will F.Iford, of Mooney and �[1slop have been a; flil'.Hureda evening, John Wilson, Recorder, John Mole, California and Honolulu; he started on his 0 raYri was rendered, Guide; Jas, Armstrong, J. W.; Duncan referred to the detailed statement, journey on Tuesday. Mr Geo. Emerson, Colborne Godericb, are Mr ending a few days in by acclamation. "I'll ;; ,:+,d am MoMillan, O.W.; John Wilson, Repre- of Clinton, was in town on Tuesday, Mr the village. Mr J. Watkins, Summer- No. 7 Division .... ^ P which will hP ready for distribution On will be held in the hill, will ere long take u his residence nosh, F,tabt And yt<regmbraeftl sentative to Grand Lodge. Thomson, our popular teacher, laid away S ,;�. 6 K this week, Council adjourned until Evangelical church on Sunda after- p t, Blyth td the birch and book on Tuesday and left to � Y in the village. chaol closed c1, (3Atur- }Yam-luonald Patterson *^ �r iii, • . rl'yr Marten, of FORESTERS. -At (he last meating of Monday, the 28th. JAH, CAMPTIELL, spend hie holidays at home in Goderieh. noon, instead of in the morning, to be day for the Xmas vacation, and will rie, Thos. li. Ta lor, Ali , `�.;' �. d fortner resident of Court Dufferin • Canadian Order of UIPr Capt. Secord, of Seaforth, and formerly in conducted by Mr Hetherington, of Nile, re -open on Monday, Jan 4th. (A i r)- Jars. Johnston and John "`"' `atting oldfriends Foresters, the Allowing were electedk. Qoderioh. charge of the S. A. here, woo renewing cid Rev Mr Becker and family spending port of the presentation to Miss Elsie No. 4 Division Ste j ,", , officers:-A.C. Jackson, C.R.: Joseph aoquaintanaea this week. Mico Katie the holidays tit New Hamburg, with Pickard was received at the NEw ERA and Exeter -Dr. 'Rollie 7I a= Wilson, Vice C.R.; R,T. Erratt, Finan- CHURCH. -- Victoria St. Methodist Mrs Becker's father. i ►file ► Oon "oil met in Campbell, who has been attending Chat- office yesterdary (Tbureday) morning McInnes b acclamat ap ,pr " tier; Jae. Young, Ret. Sec.; Thomas Sunday School will hold their annual NOTES. -,Mies Leah Flick, who ( 3' s" it t�- $C. 16th at ham Collegiate Institute, is home for her , . too late for this issue; it will appear 8� , �`1;.:` Strauahan Treasurer; Geo. Asquith, tree in the church; there is'no doubt been visiting in Cli iron Por a we t ,v t;,— ti ll present. Cha lain-, eo.Stu rd ,9en.Woodward; but that the will maintain their re u- holidays. Mies Lottie Martin, of Toronto, has returned home. Rev E. Becker neat. week.] A blue plush satche left a p +;, q. g a M Y P p q at the NEw ERA office is awaiting an CARD OI' extend+ , r �aY �, t>ri . Q IY , rb08tin g is s endi❑ her Bross with friends here. shill, Sen. Beadle; S. Sail Jr. Be die; Services for ° h held in the church a raid nEanrr ueadA cevenhliYgalSth Bl tie owner. aetiott Sn,�l ',11e ii 1¢f+atfiecounte Mie Fisher, of Kincardine, a000mpanied g On behaf 0Y my r11 ; g; &. Wire on M Lockavt, Auditor; Dr. Rosa, Physi- next Sunday, special music being pre- by her daughter and two sone, is the guest his subject being to walk;" it Pnl. Elford a ss Thee S. cissa taught by ids fail tt# 1; Ait"C , - a, bal. of her si,iter, Mrs F. Edwards. j Mr H. Elford assembled at Lia home on to express our ap ,),,+, .fir`;. clan, pared• was indeed very interesting and in- Tuesdayevidences ofsi for thecbtfl* 1c,, ipfiri d11k1*1 i' lllday FIRE. -For the second time in the NOTPA.-A Merry Xmas to the readers of etructive, and those who were absent evening and presented him with ed us b one a feel tlieBi eke > lt�,;lry ' trtS etch Bros., TRMPLARs•-Tbe Good Templars are the Bayfield oolumno. The poles and wires a Bible and the tollowin address:- and bereave uch wore th6tti a.V 1 + No � set two weeks fire has broken out in miseed a treat. M. Flick and M. Jewel ,, ftiadson, progressing very favorably at present, are 1,p for the eleotrialighte. Reeve Burne D$As Ma ELFOELD,-- e, as members o! : U W_;', 1 $66 initations every week. Last Monday W T. Fellow's grocery store. On is, we understand, in the field again for the are making things hum in the nelgh • your class, desire to express to you the properly co OLMES+ "v fico, Oi J�; A, evening they had a debate, "Are wo• Sunday night, about one o'clock the eition of Chid Magistrate with George borbood, crushing grain• they are bust- pleasure it has given as to be members of sideration a• r3, r men entitled to the Franchise." The alarm was rung, 1,d the firemen were° lers from the word go. Sohn Sehwanz, evidences W A Mrs out "• little IMA as usual. The fire resin, a probable opponent. Mr James who has been on the sick list far some ogat Disse, and our al em qh alp efor our I 1 1" tickle, sisters, under the leadership of Mise Thomson, tt to said, will try once more for of the Christian zeal stud desire for our we can ez r i•y 8.80; A. B. Wilson, well sustained the nee- was very small, a , if, is said, was car- a seat at the council. Hon. J. I. Tarte time, is now able to work again. W. welfare that hae characterized our labors &4tXGh Ql'+ q ricd out by severs gentlemen it beiu Schwaoz, who hae been out of em to Y � , i L, a exander, tion In favor of the ballot, but they g Minister at Public Works, is expected this P y- with 1,e. We are bat too cognizant of the rave} were overpowered b the opposite some boxes, lap r, etc. Mr Fellow ment for some time, secured a situs- fKi Lire on our WH tee "' a. 111ryi 641,; gravel, p y P meek to inspect the harbor. Remember part to always to have given ���� t raper sex, under the leadership of Mr Gen. was at Port Alli rt, leaving him son tiou in Brussels, and left for that lace b kindly �i� li, iio p p the two Xmas Tree entertainments next P yon the assistance we might, 1,t our Dare. , 'll Will in charge. on the 12th fiat. p p p year ndl for- , ,t ¢t11 ' tea• Sturdy. week-tbe English church on Monday and fu.t re ated learlone y ` 1 `: its- NoTEs,- r Ch stal was in Clinton the Presbyterian on. Wednesday Messrs MARRIAGE,—Anotherof those events bearance with our sometimes wandering � O � - 8 1N 13g 1(0 NOMINATION. -The nomination for On business last w k. E. Armstrong, y y' g "' a ifi� A'rt$i'a •1 county councillors has caused a boom R. Mellen 1'. m, A. Dickson anti W. Whaddon, John Fergneon and John which makes two hearts glad occurred thbaghte, and your welt directed goestiope 1. A fr "• <gfSd titi§diaa -' }Ie election line -candidates from Mies Falconer are the col trneteea whose on Wednesday, Dec. 18t1i, when Mise have slwage been a soiree of pleasare to c +," Ca.Y1ltntori ) eigt heppatrd are home from Tor- term expires this ; the ere to be Mar Hab 1 and Mr Frank Bicho as, and caused minds prone to stra to dstoclk o god `;� ortb, south, East and we are Ontne P Y Y y q p' P y' cull Ott .4' iq is :"• sed, •h canvasin PAfore the nomin- sesta of 1 mina. D.p Hgelop, re•eleoted. Reev ax, of Gloderioh town- both of Colborne had the nuptial lcnoir to to a deeper interest in oar work, W ave a splens) g salt t e 11 11, tetlitg i�ttg ie d utlt egouncillorsacandidatear r o•1, °bet t�EEor�El3uron am ship, is likely to 1 the majority of tris tied by the Rev )�a $�aketry attllelahai• deeirE, then, to take thio opportunity Wllltnae jr dog+,.a' !, 11, 'unt e , e a ca infer- is plying e o tri 1 . d vote[ in this n 'borhood north of the dense of Mfrs OAUA 061; aleteN til'. the ]gr ratingg to yon .bhia Blblc , as a well, t fit iYX,,, >� ' . ;Sgo, is hem a t Un Satur• river end ex•lt E rl'axrailae formerip of brfde� :.ifi G1Derie ' o bvtsh the tld 'pot the 111 h ester iii w oh . a lasers trftVlhb �' stall., fit 61 Il fe. llactwbb. .. pp . _�. -._ __..__ • �_._ �� p ° .-.. -.LL� , � �` " -.t... ,y fSilo'�.. :.rl L-_. _.,.r1,tii Y4 el1,V ft n1%hnrrJN1 A:i: thA �. r .. _�.7,. .. y�.�Y:r.-:tf]_4.:a-.� !'>e.rr,t,.,: ,,.-�.t.:i'm.._:,,rL,w: !'.., aL..er:.. 'k'A ka,.,.wi�a.. ;s :,.,: �w .,1 ay. .....,.. m.. ..... ..,: .v v, s l ���a 7 t - 1, � , � I i"111 ­ ��.' ,`.'� " , �`­,' - ,, I Y ^ , "O., � Y ' IV 6 y- �'� ' a �_ r , I I i, . . � e: jF,4. iro"l 'r ,, a1. - r �� I' I .i , , i. pF l '� . 41, - i i •r» 1 '4 „`. 0� �� y., ;.,. �i 11 I�, }� , u,"� t, a , �11:�, ��� a` . �� �� i it ,Il + �° .� :I �' 1 'x .11 ' ^ y I ......�,trL'q �j... Kf•rr rA { I A� NTON -+ , A�R4t4A7�� FIiiR .mak? ', r ti �w.', i,11 K TLlilt#g Ot the g.tLl�lC 11 ,: Before m+t1, of uu ae f laky illi �4 �+ '4i 155; y Y q' X f M1to those } a w co b baler a tha �sa a avPn�tdZ �, , more say come and welts 4ctr)i, rf t r , :`,S ^ 1 you canvt axes tethecholc� �, ' *,1"'' ,� _i _ — __�__ would have had a week a jLj G #„ ROBERT HOLMES, Editor and Proprietor, OLIN 1 O)N, ON 1., DEC EMBER, 25, 1896 t$1 a, year in advance $1,50 when not so pard not at this late date a•ttem�S�- i w'. , : • - ,i tell you here what we have '1, Your oil way now is to (O �.r.�.�.�....... y r and see. Most likely we can H11. ,gin �- _ _..__ —__.____i7"�.� _ ,_ _ "�� - - -- - R�yLV Londeaboro Porter's Hill. you, but it not there fano haif� ' •-�,4 { AROUND 1 IFIR � LJ 13. MUNICIPAL. — It is expected that Londesboro Subscribers may pay their re- LODGE. -The lecture in the I.O,G,T. done. ti. What wide-awake and reliable oorreapandouta Clad worthy of recording for publication. Reeve Wilford and the entive council newals to W, L. Outmette, if desired, and Port. k,gXl :1411C11 will be re-elected without o n ition raltswillbeforwardedthem the name ae if drttdgev ilii by Mr Stubbs, on Satur- From llUW ` Goderieh Township Hullett PP t eubaoriptione are paid at the Nitre Sita office. Y K last, was intereatin roc- ,gg,,, .Coat is DlvistoN CouliT.-The court was g, p I , v NOTES.—Christmas is here. MrWal- Mr T. Fear, Hullett, was awarded let held here on Monday, several cases be- THEY WILL SING. -Mr G. F. Oakes tiCal and profitable and certainly had Until N "W Vears A�C8sQ1t�• ter Trewin, of Cedar Springs, Kent and Sud prizes for geese at the South Iia- ing disposed of. interest centred, succeeded in forming a very good cLtsa a good effect on the audience, as at the ERA � county, is visiting his grandparents, roll show, and also 1st and '3rd for ducks, however, in a suit between Thomas in Londesboro last Fridaynight in close of the meeting Bevel) gave in their �{r >If�h�1i1P@Stffi@IIt Mr and Mrs Walter Hick of the Hu- which wars not annou❑eed t:efore, Cole and John Barr. The former l0 t spite of the atorm weher. The names as candidates For membership We offer s special price on Jal !�tlaN' y 1 y in the led e. dinieres. We bought too ,use li~8 that will ion road. School weetings will be ILL, --We regret to learn that 1VIr 1;. some sheep, which it was claimed had c ass will meet once a wee ,and any Se)HGUL xAnt.-Our school examina- for the Christntas trade, and 1,q! ",;1;, held on Dec. 30• dont forget to go. I Sl one in with those of the latter, and who purpose attending should begin to clear theta before New Ye, 9Ir@11 IaOt21 tri Y, Huron truss, is confined to tris g P P gion wits held on Wednesday, s MEETING. -The public meeting or he house throe h illness. On Wednesda suit was fur their recovery, Consider- at once so as to get the full course. Y, when �k Saturday, to elect a candidate for the ; able evidence was taken for both aides, there was a good attendance, showing we make the inducement sago-_ a a COI17f0 I y, a number, a the neighbors gathers but cid SCHOOL NOTES.—The schools will re- the interest taken in the [natter of that they should go in a day - ii ;'p County Council, was well attended, and cut a su Y YI of wood. judgment was given in favor of o en on Jan. 4th. 18ta7. Miss Jennie education in the section. Several 11 Y stead of at week. and was presided over, by Mr E. Ache- Barr. Kirke has been engaged fornix months teachers from, neighboring schools MAII. MATTERS. -We are informed 1 a3frn. The candidates before the meet- that ¢ clition is beiu . To INViESTIOATE.-The creditors of to take Miss Johnston's lace, who were r g g 11, 11r Cv � 1pa were -Messrs G. Elliott, J. Cox and P g circulated ask- the estate of Jessop & Cu., general P present and took part in the ex- 20 per cent off regular rates J. Beacom the ballot resulting fu fav ing that Constance have a daily mail storekeepers, of !31p Blyth, have decided gives up for a short time, owing to amination of the classes, the scholars • • P r 111 -health. Mr Phair, we understand, acing the work with remarkable s eed until New Years only, is the,ik '- or of Mr Cox, who was declare the no- instead of three lianas ¢week, and al- to investigate the affairs of the estate. ?1�4ts, tllOs�$ at so too en a rust office at Alma. K has been re -en aged for the coming atnd correctness, rovin r P ducement we offer. Re ole i; '" ntinee of the meeting P 1 At the meeting of creditors held is P h to all that b '`" S'atisfa to COUNCIL.—Council met on Dec. 15. LNOAOLD.-Mis Ida Murch, dao h- go, a statement year at a liberal advance of salary; he good work has been done in the school ['ales are marked in plain fi Toronto a Yew dayys ahas I . 6r• �s ', . t Y p ( ) K h K oil swish geed work for 18518 and we during the year and reflects great on each jar. Thus you get%";x!,, �;� to Wa was refunded $ s f school 1 ter of Mr W. Murch, base line has was 0. acid as4 s ° vin liabilities of y him the same success for1897 credit on our teatcher. - ""+ ti ; taxes, being over three miles from th©, ,been engaged its Brat assistant in the $4•• and assets of 161,200. The buai- $2.(N) Jardiniere for $1. ,, I ' '. ever , W@ school; the stun of $4.83, error in as- ,Dresden nrblic school fur next nese was owned b Mrs M. Jesdu ,and NOTES. -Mr J. J. Walker returned WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY, -That a r E F year, Y P 1. pU Jardiniere for 1„ `' yWill sessrrient in 1893, was refunded T. C. ' which employs a staff of five teachers. managed by her husband. Mr essop home last week from Toronto Univet•- pies and Potatoes are rutting badly, 1.25 Jardiniere for 1: r ,9tOCli Pickard. The collector's time for re sit Mr Thos. Hill arrived the same That teachers get lucked at midsurn- p, PaRSONAL,-M. J. Best, of Roseland was in business with a Mr 14IcI1roF Y• mer, but ducks and 1.tJ0 Jardiniere for 8Q i, r1« ate ceivin taxes was extended to the first some ears ago and failed, the credi- time from Dakota. Mr Herbert Bell geese at Xmas �" p meeting S of council in 1807. The fol- Man., formerly of Hullett, is spending y g came on Wednesday of this week from time• That our blacksmith will have ?5 Jardiniere for f10 n g d tare receiving only a few cents oil the y , r) Jardiniere for .40 17t �" Ori lowinggravel accounts were aid :- the Christmas holidays among o] dollar, after the stock was disposed of. Detroit School of Medicine. Mr R. J. to get ¢helper, as the horses must he ' J.Well,, $4.92; H. Dyke, $4,50; E.Wise, friends; it is seven yeasts since he left Several of the firths interested consult- Bell. arrived from Owen Sound High shod and this is the only place we can Inspection invited $16.81; E. Elliott, 82.10; W. Bell, $5.22; here, and he is well pleaded WLh his School last Friday. Mr John Bell is get it done right. That Oox is the ed Mr Heffernan, and naked him to Y• A. Drysdale, $31,20; C. Beacom, $IA2; new bonte; this year he had 7,(X)O bush- look into the business of the firm. It busy moving this week from the hotel. strongest man in this township. That ALLEN ani WILSON? " els of No. 1 Manitoba hard wheat, 4 OOU T P our general merchant's new Xmas Druggists and Opticliaua T. McCartney, 54c; W. Johnston, $1.U8; was decided, however, to call another he Temperance lecture, on Tuesday -- T. Cronyn, $10.20; W. Elliott, 3,S)0; of which he sold at 70c per bushel, and evenin was not ver well stroll}zed; stock looks first claeI, That Mr D. $: meeting, when the detective will ro P t he balance he is holding for a rise; he Prouse drives a reit fine beast. That StunmerhUl , 1. f T. Lacey, outlet for drain, $9; Muuici K ceiye instructions. Mr Stu bs conclude his engagement y I pal World, 83.76. By-law No. 7, now also had between four and five thou- with the district lodge and left for his the departure urea certain young man '. 4 Bi^OS read, was passed. N. STURDY, Clerk. sand bushels of Data, with other grain, '1'uekeranrith, home in Peterborough on Wednesday from our midst will greatly affect a NoTiae.-McBrien Bros. gave the Y60A ', OYSTER SurPEn.-Mrs J. Mair, who ONLY ONE CANDIDATE. -It was sup -morning. Mr B. Lawrison, of Wing- certain house in thio neighborhood in people a dancing party on Wedpes4a ' had a sale of her farrtt stuck and itnple- posed that Mr Brittain would he at ca- NOTES. - Remember the annual ham, made a visit here on Tuesday to more ways than one; could he not be night. Mr John Watkins, of this pla� ;; TON menta on Wednesday of last week, didate for the county council, but he school meetingnext Wednesday morn- attend the lecture of Mr Stubbs, coxed to stay, was united in marriage to Miss Sar4 Ira ,;` moved into Godericb with her, family decided riot to be and was therefore ing. Mr E. Walters sold a heavy horse NOTES. -Mr and Mrs Wm, Lobb Brown, of Londeaboro; we wish the youV jr Y ' ' ' to Mr P. McGregor, of Brucefield, at a EXAMINATION. -The F iday, the l th spent a couple of days last week visit• couple a happy married life. Mr Rob o On Friday. The gale proved to be a not nominated on Monday, Aa lir g tion held here -on Friday, the 18th Y successful one, financially, And in the James Snell is the only Hullett repre. good figure, H. Crich also sold one to fist., was an undoubted success 41, ev_ ing old friends on the Maitland con. Miller is on the sick list, as is al ,� r evening their many friends crowded sentative in the field, he should poll a I the same buver' cry way. About ten o'clock a goodly Miss Edith Cox returned home last Wallace. Mr W. S. McBrien r"jq ccs their house, and all sat down to an strong vote. fie has had municipal PER80NAL.-Mr Jos, Cudmore, of number congregated at the school- week after visiting f Dungannon, the addition of another Wr'c� Cbo lectin was oyster supper prepared for the occa- experience, wherein he has taken an Parkriveq Duk., is visiting his mother house and the exercises were tom- The crest nteeting of the Cho: en on Friday evening by'IVfr i3tnbbe was filler sion. The evening was spent in games, active part, and will make it good re- here; Mr Cudmore has spent a number menced. Lessons were taught In the Friends will be on Wednesday, the tions o and there aro two or three lodge. . i lob em Bra. social amusements, etc., and at a pea- presentatcive. if the township stands of years in the Northwest, and like senior room by Messrs Lowery and b 30th; it is important that the members tions for membership in the lodge, cr bQto o your last issue it sonable hour all departed for their by him as it ought to, there should be many others has made farming a Buz- Fowler and Hisses McLaughlan and be all present as the otilcere for the Wallace, of Fingal, is visiting in ' - I homes h next six ,nonths will be elected that vicinity. e has taken offence , accompanied by the echoing no doubt about is election, cess. Miss A. Dieh, of Morris, is spend- Johnston. In the junior room lessons a.P i I.n your columns on strains of "Auld Lang Syne." The FINAN('IAL,-The finagcial statement ing Xmas holidays with her sister were taught by the teachers already night. Mr David Cox has put in a new C. E.-Tbe interest and members '.. . , . family have gained the esteem of the r here. Miss H. Carter is now recover- mentioned and also b Miss Murd set of plates in his grinder, hence Ss in growing 1 and we hoe it will con.inne. f o some reason or,Oth- neighborhood, and will be much mins- of tEie township, up t° 1)eZ•.q,zlh, shows y y a pcsition to do tirst class work at low- meeting last Friday evening was take i idual appears to Have g , the receipts to have been $16,283. k2, u1K. Mrs Hoover and Miss Goodwin, and Misses Annie and Lilian Gray. est prices. MrThoa. McDonald of the the actor, Re g tl at to correct ac�ord- ed, as they cook active and prominent while the expenditures have been Clinton, assisted at the Xmas tree en- All the lessons were well taught and p y Mr Stoat, who epo y arts in all our church affairs. P tertainnient at Turner's appointment ointment the work done h the scholars was 7th can., is at present very sick, O. the sub eat '•Faith." The meeting ants) a few , in t ka P $reasurer' leaving a 27.33.ce in the Y g, l P good. Mr Phair by es eciall tom- W. Potter sold a nice fat steer to the held onlWednesdav evening this w, g 11, Mr Editor, in that EXAM. -A public examination wits Treasurer's hinds lit' 127.:33. The As• °n' Wednesday evenin p y ; lit one statement that held in S.S. No. 9, on Fridayaftetnoon sets are as follows:- In Y IVlolsons Rank SCHOOL. -The following is the report plimented, both by teachers and pr- Holmesville butcher the other day, at acoou❑t of Fri uy being Xmas, the an her. true, and. thaf was last, under the supervision of the Special deposit to redeem deb, No. 3 of the )ti its of S, S. No. 4, for Decent- encs, on the work done by the class a good figure; Torn is a hustler, on fat was "The A nement," taken j5y J,.• 0 ,had been severs con- $922.57; Iii Molsons Bank on dP )°sit, her, bare • on attendance, demeanor, which he is preparing for the 1807 en- cattle. Rfiss B. Cook, who has been Lowery. The eetmg next weelia will (i teacher, Mr T. R. Courtue. The scup ,p r �' p p K 1C(3 that such is nqqt the cal classes were examined by the visit- 88(X); In Treasurer's hands, $127.8:3; Un- atnd eneral roticienc Sr. 4th--El1A trance examination. A very interest- hired for some time with Mrs Wm, be on Wednes evening. Rev, Mr.t3ti that does not sffedt the ing teachers, Mrs Mr uis, Misses Mid- K P Y• in lesson was tau ht b Mr H. Fow- Lobb, left on Monday. will hold divan ivies Ott Xmas at 11 e 11 1 q collected taxes, $:35ki.10. Liabilities- Johns, Mary O'Brien, Harold Fowler. g t&ragraph. 'r. he retrain- dleton and Richardson and Messrs Uutet:tndir>I{ drainage dohs„ interest Jr. 4th --Norman llfurch, Ii. Wiltae, ler; the subject =a "The skeleton" Holmesville, ExAu,-The lie exami tion in o" og1•eet In q._. iiry pat-ticu- Fisher, Elliott, Blair and Campbell, included, $111103 ,56; Unpaid accounts, Anna Valely, Frank Layton, Mary tauen with a senior foiirth class. This nection with t bool her a bel ' Aiding otitr torr 3 on- who found the classes to be very thor- lesson showed ea )eciall how very in- WILT, Ia1, API'IYECIATEI).-The pros- Tuesday, \. �.q g y p $1Cr0. Layton. Sr.3rd-Walter Layton, Hit- j Y p y, '22nd, was Q�iced i k t>ns�-tA 9 Cq �rary. utigh in their, work, which reflects REI-It'r.-`standing of pupils of 5. S. sic Bennett, Minnie Crich, Mary Crich, ter eating the aublect c an be tnadP, both pPct of haviu;; at ainKiug school ho°1 in cess. At nuou d was ee v , an ';a ` Irr}i, hose r gparks seemed great credtton both teacher and pupils• No, 4, for Dec•eu,hev;-.4th class --Brace Simeon CSchwartz. Jr. 3rd -Martha to young And old, when taught from HrArliesville this winter is evidently ,t the examining o soho�ar �¢p cult• tho�g91 � stn, xents. Following this was a literary program INI-1d, Hose Wvyruuuth, Alice Mt -Vit- Fowler, Essie Videly. Sr. 2nd -Chats. the Caxton chart. A very noticeable move that will be generally apprpciat- and they had she . o � r `to'{the 4 ,tli.,.,tliettvhole given entirely by the 'pupils, and also tae, Sr, 3rd —Christens Liveruioro, 1''f- Fol -den, Christie O'Brien, Fred Wiltse, part of the program wits the absence ed, As a great many have atlteady ex- and training in. t i'.. lu 'g b ::, ,�hO truth his a lnneheon, given by the ladies of the fie Hunter, Jaynes Dredd. ,Jr lard --Bell Rola. Cochrane. Sr. Pt. II -1,1111, of all matter foreign to the public pressed their intention of attending. meeting was calle old a Ie „sub" ti- section, which deserves special nien- Fau'nhani, Wilson Su❑dercuck, John Wiltse, Frank Plewes, Maud Plewes, school work. Great praise is due, we The meeting in Pickard's flail this Sit- Stout in the chair I .i all ht,alte'. tion. Then carne the speeches from Ferguson, •2nd—Ruse Lyon, George Henry O'Brien. Jr. Pt. II—Norman bink, to the teachers for the able nrday evening will be free to all irate[- recitations slid d, , ou ' . •the facts the visitors, And all spoke In the high- L,•itch, Maggie Heici. 1't. 11—\lay Sly, Ernest Brown. Pt. I— Milton manner• in which the eftaminattion was sated in the formation of x cissa. Mr mirablo manner by th ►lir is a 4th inst. est terms of Mr Courriceand his pupils, Stewart, Rose Livermore, Alport. Liv- Wilt,se, Willie O'Brien, Carmen Sly. conducted and for the splendid roan- Oakes fs a well known rnusicia.n and the teacher, was assist I) blank the Mait- and we think that the trustees have Prini,re. 1st-llouglas }{ugeasuu, Wrs. hY�nxc ra.—The tinauciat dhitentent ner and discipline of the pupils. Ad- one of the most successful teachers of teachers: W S. Lawr ny assistanccY from oth- shown their good judgment and Rppie' IPy Fauvinha,, Willie BPnhridge,-H.,1. fur the yeah• ending Dec. 15 shows the dresses were made by visiting clergy- vocal music• and J. Lowery and Re Ve do riot wish t��p judge ciation of their teacher's efforts by en- Ti,n,m m., Teacher. receipts, including a balance on hand men, trustees, teachers and others, HYHENIAL-A most pleasing event took close the pupils receive it we feel that your cor- gaging him for the next year, at a (,O1s 10'ro 13, -The Ruction sale of of over $50K), to have been $18887.60, and after the usual compliments of place ,on Wedneada7 evening at the re- several expressed their Xld not have been thor• good increase in salary. Mr' John Wells, last week, wits well And theexpeYidittires its follows: -roads the season had found expression the sidenceof Mr A. J.Courbice,when his eldest of the teacher's work. ,bt of all the. facts of the EXAM.—A very interesting and site- attended, and stuck sold at unusually and bridges, 81656.76; chArity, 1x16.50; examination was brought to a close at daughter, Ellen R., wad united in the bonds uld never have written cessful examination was held on the I Doti rices, Hatzzlewood Bros, shi )- sidari s, VS(S0; postage, stationer and four o'clock b singing "God save the of holy matrimony to Mr F. C. Elford of ,.also thatit can be ro- afternoon of Deet 16th, in S,S. No 2, � 1 } J 1K 2 t, g Y assn," Y g g this village. The ceremony took place at County Council p )pd into BI •th ten of tht• finest, s )ria g pprintin •, 881.1)8• schools, $6700.72; Q g was no asaie �nce. We of which Mr P. Campbell is the popn Pigs that seer left HulluU; rhoyy gut boarrl of health, $30; miscellatneoua, 5 o'clock, in the presence of a large number The town hall was m to wet well that lar andell}cientteacher. Shortlyafter $4A) per owl for, thorn, Air ;J,t,y $41.2`2;investmenta, 02700;countyyrate, West WawaLuosl►, of invited questa, and was performed by full of electors of Divis id 8e if ere ie not one o'clock the visitors begandropping I Moon has been ronin and in) )rnv_ 180,1.06, $6)12.4.81; total, $18020.83. As- WEDDF,D.—On Wednesday, Dec. 16, Rev A. K. Birke, of TeeswatAr, brother -in- h° pruning Y. Monday, when nominating t fast~ 3'a! variance b ween it and in, and apparently they took great in- inK his orchard, cutting out quite a sets-Schoul fund invested in mortgage in Lucknow, Miss V. Smith, of Ripley, law of the groom, aeaisted by Rev G. VV. Campbell, announce that the w�t--,Mr Editor, I wish to terest in the exercYSPe of the afternoon. Y,otYaS,Pr of trees; it begins to look as if etc., t117(i83.1x); cash in treatsurer'a hind, was married by Rev Mr W'alvvin to Vii Andrews, of Ilolmosvillo, after which the ing nominations hm, a Mlq.. 1714 • .those two para- The pupils wPr a examined thnnrttghly hp we re KoinK to take in a partner. $4(17•(17; in Batik of Commerce, 8.43(1.88; Jas. Smith, of t•hP 5th con. The yawn{� guests eat down to a n,oet surnptuose re• the Uounty Council:- � d�8 fist. respect- by visiting leach ra, 111iss Bell, of No. Miss DI Fatirsa•Y vice, who hats been vis- in collector's hand and uncollected tatx- couple will take up their abode in J.IVi. peat. The bride was becomingly attired in John Cox, Goderich township, nt � 7 `is IehallbeOb 1, and Messrs Fisher, of HulntPsvillt'; itingalt. Esipwo i�K, has rr>turoNd to es, $533.64; arrears of interest, $200,26. Smith's house, near Dungannon. iv, white muslin trimmed with ]ace and ribbon. roinated by David Cantelon and E' ;• - 'itis paragraph. Elliott, of No. 8, And (uurticp, of Nu.S)• the borne lit' her uncle, lir John E. Liabilities -Accounts unpaid, $LW. wish them future prosperityy. The presents, which were numerous sad Acheson. .: ,elft that some of and the manner in which the work Taylor. .Messrs Bob Young and Billy NOTRs.-Alex. Thom, Of Goderich, is neatly, betoken the high esteem in which D. A, Forrester, of Clinton, nom 1 i."' etldacommand as wasperfarrned indicates that hir-Cainp- Hughes have hpen cuttin cordwood, Kf under the parental roof, on the 8th the young oonple are held, and that long ed by W. C, Searle and Jas. Scot - K g peen d} "tc! adie of the tails in bell is a teacher of more t barn average rind finished 1,F) About 20 cords in three con, at present. Miss Minnie Rutledge life and prosperity may attend them in Jaa. Snell, of Hullett, nominate s'- "' 'Par from it for ability. Although he hag had charge week; they're hu5tlera, surf; some e0- DRATH.-On Saturday of last week left for Clinton oo Monday last, where their new home is the wish of their many Andrew McD^nald and John Br) •-'. P Mr Duncan McDonald learned of the she is eng a Pd t° work for Thos. Jack- friends, to which the Nsw Esta cordial! tt `rtainoraninetant of the school for oily a few tnunths• pie think tbatt Bob would sooner he W K Y The candidates and their moV' [1f. you see that he he has made many friends, and t},r' ,idin with his driver. Mr Fitzallen death of his grand neice, Mrs Moonie, son win. Plunkett has signified his joins. rr;' i f Sprung had a sale on the 2:ird: he ex- intention of running for q uncillcr, p seconder were then allowed tlsn y:",;,` 'tsttek., of course that trustees have shown their a ,pietist fun neo Miss Minnie Sullivan,) of London ExAm.—Our public school examination tunic of addressing t f ofrpmand 'respect. of his services, by giving hon) A large pecis to move t0 Manitoba; we're � ast, who died on Friday morning, of came off on Thursday Y K be elector that fatal disease, cgnaum tion, after and we feel surf if he is elected he will Y last, and was a grand Cox, as an old member of t �x�""" to have a thor- increase in salary. sorry to lose hire, ash ani good neigh- P give good satisfaction, being!x clever success, judging from the number of vigi- .)ou❑cil, dealt mainly with an illness of over two yeArs. The de- progressive young Y torn resent and the interest taken in the al standing of the county, 7! i+t let them tryher. and )ro ressive Dun man in ever present, et, &c." After Aul)urn. ceased was well known in these parts, sense of the term. Sarnuel Johnston scholars, who acquitted themselves ver Auburn Snbacribers may pay their renewals Cot•Ncm. -The Hallett council met as she lived for a time at the home of creditably, Y haw its indebtedness trd been t �s @,•odea with assn- r had the misfortune to get his font had- y, to both teacher and themselves. and asking for support ialy acknowledges that to D. E. Munro, ii desired and portraits wiil in Bo,l's hill oil the 15th instaccording; Mr McDonald and his sister. 1 Kon the After the examination was over the eohol- y g be forwarded them just the same as it Hub. y cut with an axe, while chopping said his part experience. Mr F k-- i,"thoro h ood genu- seript(ons are paid at the Nrw ERA office, to itatutP. The annual meetin of the wood one da last week. There was R are served a sumptuous lunch of sandwich• p g electors for the nomination u Candi- Y said be had plenty of municip e�Z'pl 2lid con. a esirous of f Bayfield• wood bee and es, cake, and coffee, and then a first class IMPROVING. -Mr David Wilson, who quilting at Wm. Robert fence, but none i❑ the Count O ,t 'ick the• +the target or I dates for the u(1lcc+s Of reeve, deputy , program was rendered b Y otlnrsil g has been ailing for a short time, un • reeve tins councillors will he held in Ooraca*nT.—The entertainment given in on s, on Friday last, which were ter- disgla ed both care b Y the pipits, which he was in the field at the request ilwingvt�jta' be the only derwent a successful operation last the e %1,d Temperance brill, L ill 6or l on the town hall, by the public school, on Fri- minated by a hoedown atnight. Geo. tit displayed both ca. The he teacher teachers, the people—not as theresu., hi o . a5 , . >le sure that Saturday. We hope in a few days to Monda I)pc. 28th, at. 12 o'clock• Polls day evening, was well attended and was Hamilton gave the younq•people of q choice—and if elected would loop aft lid: ,a sbooting see him round a ain. y' certainly much enjoyed by those who were his vicinity a house warming on Fri- Messrs 3. M. Kilty, Summerhill, P. Camp. the interests of the count as a !;a. 6 ,�hooti❑ gg will be opened in the usual polling resent. The children surprised man of da night. Thos. Wallacewill locate bell, Taylor's Corner, D. Smith, Porter's K (STILL ILL.—W". Archie Robinson, titch -Divisions, of the township on Mon- p p Y Y Hill, and T, Courtioe, No. 9 all ex ressed Mr Snell admitted his inexperiebf� ;i)ft, one day— who has been suffering from a disease the older people by the clever way in which his roller mill at Whitechurch instead P county matters, tbough he ha G,.,, , in the hi Dint, underwent another (lay, Jan, 4th, 1807, with the following the assumed the different roles of actor, of Donnybrook. Mrs NEavea and Miss themselves as highly pleased with the j AN D. It. offt:era:- J. Fowler; Thomas y Y years of municipal expe'iehee ittt and $ e operation sat SAturday; his hopes of Neilans, C. 1Virfntoah. A. Woodman, elocutionist or singer. The Bayfield o ram Symington spent last Wednesday t the t listandine eeeof tsnd ratehe payers era on hars, and ving ted credit; be wag the chafe o t,'�" � ,y}{1_Vj'b, W recovery are not very favorable at Win. Mr('ool, ripe, �lnell and John hand liberallyy interspersed he program Dr Medd's, of .Dungannon. Morgan p Y g such of Hullett, and would en savor 4190. ' "8ot4-�pro Ttlint was present. with their IivHly selections. Rev. Nr Jones will not learn the baking buai- a good teacher as Mr Fisher. All enjoyed the county to the beet of hid rib I Ry#.• Knox. A number of accounts were themselves heartily. 'iitiYa er of.y%e tore W8a A.O. U. W.—Ata special meeting of passed amounting to $:3 i5, which will Smith, of Trinity church, occupied the Hees at present, as reported. Wm. Y• Messrs Acheson, Can on,.meHori". �f iii;-:`tlitamildation qd Paterson Lodge No. 352, A.O.U.W appear in dpt.ail in the annual state chair. Eckhardt, of Blyth, is en aged as bear} din OTES. There'6 nothing but wed- g r 1 qq h B Brigham And Searle eo made 8lt lt;;�,1"Oldat S. S. No, tori the following officers were elected for mPnt. ThPTownshi r CoIlPctorrP arta PnasoxAr..-Miss M. Falconer, of Gode- swamperfor Collis & Goldt orpe. Miss (� going on in this vicinity this addresses. The meeting Was v�FI I i the Pneuin Par: -Amos ChallAn er, 1 P rich, is visiting friends here. Mr Will Ilia- Mills is at present assisting her sister, wee but as they acre not yet all over, derl in fact sever 'alluded to flan i,`;ak rge attendA�' ob`g14,, g y • K having paid on acco1,nt, of roll $11447, rP Orta concernin r y' (lsd ughead, St. .W•; Wm. Robinson, Foreman; A.T. ]Paving a smaller balance than last (%1°ekeq, formerly prinoapal of tho'f'ablio Mrs J. H. Medd, of Dungannon. Miss P g them all cannot he mighty time n° illation." :os �i?<j rlt3ntle here on S eDonald, Overseer; John Fingland, year by $210 at same da1P. For par- School, was in town on Friday bidding Ilia Elizabeth Smith was a guest of her made until next week. Rev. A. K, For Division N , 6, which emb A;' } Birks and wife are visiting at Mr,J. H. Grey, Morris d Brussels, �..e was held in Ben Financier; Mathew Lockhart, Receiver; tu•ular•s Re to t.htr rerei )ts and ex Pndi- many friends good-bye before leaving for sister, Mrs Oliver, }apt week, g Q y g, tures of the past yPair ratepayers are - F.Iford's. Mr And Mrs Will F.Iford, of Mooney and �[1slop have been a; flil'.Hureda evening, John Wilson, Recorder, John Mole, California and Honolulu; he started on his 0 raYri was rendered, Guide; Jas, Armstrong, J. W.; Duncan referred to the detailed statement, journey on Tuesday. Mr Geo. Emerson, Colborne Godericb, are Mr ending a few days in by acclamation. "I'll ;; ,:+,d am MoMillan, O.W.; John Wilson, Repre- of Clinton, was in town on Tuesday, Mr the village. Mr J. Watkins, Summer- No. 7 Division .... ^ P which will hP ready for distribution On will be held in the hill, will ere long take u his residence nosh, F,tabt And yt<regmbraeftl sentative to Grand Lodge. Thomson, our popular teacher, laid away S ,;�. 6 K this week, Council adjourned until Evangelical church on Sunda after- p t, Blyth td the birch and book on Tuesday and left to � Y in the village. chaol closed c1, (3Atur- }Yam-luonald Patterson *^ �r iii, • . rl'yr Marten, of FORESTERS. -At (he last meating of Monday, the 28th. JAH, CAMPTIELL, spend hie holidays at home in Goderieh. noon, instead of in the morning, to be day for the Xmas vacation, and will rie, Thos. li. Ta lor, Ali , `�.;' �. d fortner resident of Court Dufferin • Canadian Order of UIPr Capt. Secord, of Seaforth, and formerly in conducted by Mr Hetherington, of Nile, re -open on Monday, Jan 4th. (A i r)- Jars. Johnston and John "`"' `atting oldfriends Foresters, the Allowing were electedk. Qoderioh. charge of the S. A. here, woo renewing cid Rev Mr Becker and family spending port of the presentation to Miss Elsie No. 4 Division Ste j ,", , officers:-A.C. Jackson, C.R.: Joseph aoquaintanaea this week. Mico Katie the holidays tit New Hamburg, with Pickard was received at the NEw ERA and Exeter -Dr. 'Rollie 7I a= Wilson, Vice C.R.; R,T. Erratt, Finan- CHURCH. -- Victoria St. Methodist Mrs Becker's father. i ►file ► Oon "oil met in Campbell, who has been attending Chat- office yesterdary (Tbureday) morning McInnes b acclamat ap ,pr " tier; Jae. Young, Ret. Sec.; Thomas Sunday School will hold their annual NOTES. -,Mies Leah Flick, who ( 3' s" it t�- $C. 16th at ham Collegiate Institute, is home for her , . too late for this issue; it will appear 8� , �`1;.:` Strauahan Treasurer; Geo. Asquith, tree in the church; there is'no doubt been visiting in Cli iron Por a we t ,v t;,— ti ll present. Cha lain-, eo.Stu rd ,9en.Woodward; but that the will maintain their re u- holidays. Mies Lottie Martin, of Toronto, has returned home. Rev E. Becker neat. week.] A blue plush satche left a p +;, q. g a M Y P p q at the NEw ERA office is awaiting an CARD OI' extend+ , r �aY �, t>ri . Q IY , rb08tin g is s endi❑ her Bross with friends here. shill, Sen. Beadle; S. Sail Jr. Be die; Services for ° h held in the church a raid nEanrr ueadA cevenhliYgalSth Bl tie owner. aetiott Sn,�l ',11e ii 1¢f+atfiecounte Mie Fisher, of Kincardine, a000mpanied g On behaf 0Y my r11 ; g; &. Wire on M Lockavt, Auditor; Dr. Rosa, Physi- next Sunday, special music being pre- by her daughter and two sone, is the guest his subject being to walk;" it Pnl. Elford a ss Thee S. cissa taught by ids fail tt# 1; Ait"C , - a, bal. of her si,iter, Mrs F. Edwards. j Mr H. Elford assembled at Lia home on to express our ap ,),,+, .fir`;. clan, pared• was indeed very interesting and in- Tuesdayevidences ofsi for thecbtfl* 1c,, ipfiri d11k1*1 i' lllday FIRE. -For the second time in the NOTPA.-A Merry Xmas to the readers of etructive, and those who were absent evening and presented him with ed us b one a feel tlieBi eke > lt�,;lry ' trtS etch Bros., TRMPLARs•-Tbe Good Templars are the Bayfield oolumno. The poles and wires a Bible and the tollowin address:- and bereave uch wore th6tti a.V 1 + No � set two weeks fire has broken out in miseed a treat. M. Flick and M. Jewel ,, ftiadson, progressing very favorably at present, are 1,p for the eleotrialighte. Reeve Burne D$As Ma ELFOELD,-- e, as members o! : U W_;', 1 $66 initations every week. Last Monday W T. Fellow's grocery store. On is, we understand, in the field again for the are making things hum in the nelgh • your class, desire to express to you the properly co OLMES+ "v fico, Oi J�; A, evening they had a debate, "Are wo• Sunday night, about one o'clock the eition of Chid Magistrate with George borbood, crushing grain• they are bust- pleasure it has given as to be members of sideration a• r3, r men entitled to the Franchise." The alarm was rung, 1,d the firemen were° lers from the word go. Sohn Sehwanz, evidences W A Mrs out "• little IMA as usual. The fire resin, a probable opponent. Mr James who has been on the sick list far some ogat Disse, and our al em qh alp efor our I 1 1" tickle, sisters, under the leadership of Mise Thomson, tt to said, will try once more for of the Christian zeal stud desire for our we can ez r i•y 8.80; A. B. Wilson, well sustained the nee- was very small, a , if, is said, was car- a seat at the council. Hon. J. I. Tarte time, is now able to work again. W. welfare that hae characterized our labors &4tXGh Ql'+ q ricd out by severs gentlemen it beiu Schwaoz, who hae been out of em to Y � , i L, a exander, tion In favor of the ballot, but they g Minister at Public Works, is expected this P y- with 1,e. We are bat too cognizant of the rave} were overpowered b the opposite some boxes, lap r, etc. Mr Fellow ment for some time, secured a situs- fKi Lire on our WH tee "' a. 111ryi 641,; gravel, p y P meek to inspect the harbor. Remember part to always to have given ���� t raper sex, under the leadership of Mr Gen. was at Port Alli rt, leaving him son tiou in Brussels, and left for that lace b kindly �i� li, iio p p the two Xmas Tree entertainments next P yon the assistance we might, 1,t our Dare. , 'll Will in charge. on the 12th fiat. p p p year ndl for- , ,t ¢t11 ' tea• Sturdy. week-tbe English church on Monday and fu.t re ated learlone y ` 1 `: its- NoTEs,- r Ch stal was in Clinton the Presbyterian on. Wednesday Messrs MARRIAGE,—Anotherof those events bearance with our sometimes wandering � O � - 8 1N 13g 1(0 NOMINATION. -The nomination for On business last w k. E. Armstrong, y y' g "' a ifi� A'rt$i'a •1 county councillors has caused a boom R. Mellen 1'. m, A. Dickson anti W. Whaddon, John Fergneon and John which makes two hearts glad occurred thbaghte, and your welt directed goestiope 1. A fr "• <gfSd titi§diaa -' }Ie election line -candidates from Mies Falconer are the col trneteea whose on Wednesday, Dec. 18t1i, when Mise have slwage been a soiree of pleasare to c +," Ca.Y1ltntori ) eigt heppatrd are home from Tor- term expires this ; the ere to be Mar Hab 1 and Mr Frank Bicho as, and caused minds prone to stra to dstoclk o god `;� ortb, south, East and we are Ontne P Y Y y q p' P y' cull Ott .4' iq is :"• sed, •h canvasin PAfore the nomin- sesta of 1 mina. D.p Hgelop, re•eleoted. Reev ax, of Gloderioh town- both of Colborne had the nuptial lcnoir to to a deeper interest in oar work, W ave a splens) g salt t e 11 11, tetlitg i�ttg ie d utlt egouncillorsacandidatear r o•1, °bet t�EEor�El3uron am ship, is likely to 1 the majority of tris tied by the Rev )�a $�aketry attllelahai• deeirE, then, to take thio opportunity Wllltnae jr dog+,.a' !, 11, 'unt e , e a ca infer- is plying e o tri 1 . d vote[ in this n 'borhood north of the dense of Mfrs OAUA 061; aleteN til'. the ]gr ratingg to yon .bhia Blblc , as a well, t fit iYX,,, >� ' . ;Sgo, is hem a t Un Satur• river end ex•lt E rl'axrailae formerip of brfde� :.ifi G1Derie ' o bvtsh the tld 'pot the 111 h ester iii w oh . a lasers trftVlhb �' stall., fit 61 Il fe. llactwbb. .. pp . _�. -._ __..__ • �_._ �� p ° .-.. -.LL� , � �` " -.t... ,y fSilo'�.. :.rl L-_. _.,.r1,tii Y4 el1,V ft n1%hnrrJN1 A:i: thA �. r .. _�.7,. .. y�.�Y:r.-:tf]_4.:a-.� !'>e.rr,t,.,: ,,.-�.t.:i'm.._:,,rL,w: !'.., aL..er:.. 'k'A ka,.,.wi�a.. ;s :,.,: �w .,1 ay. .....,.. m.. ..... ..,: .v v, s