HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-12-18, Page 8U ti r� COU . TY j c1! XO1 p , :...r 0.0 aFMM. j� ''T•� ,..y,ry�,�R47�iK4�WlikN' 'p1}�M1S�•R!R ^'• � �I. A 'ori ..:. .A.ItT. ./.. .. i\. n�F!�S'-,R ., ��'�?', L .,'•..O r s ct - i` :-. 71f..A^, ane l i'SP >� i �o&� selection n u �� >�'ctr a � r t o o e i Coxts,.t+>l ..tor, irb- ,v a teed listen 1aor date for the >lt Ap . tz11 0 to , ,, ., tliue a �o and. ins ,aced t rarlllre�t o� for this a�tkai�,l l.�t� ,. .N. ,:;� • ,. '� r t y.•, 1 :. .. pp , the to t#, 1�,.. enc t. a 00�i nail & de- etv us n In b iteld. � # ' 1& ►" , Ik7QR4fB B 18 1888 tailed etwtelpelnt .'o t lr - = . 1 � 1�;l f a clefeat� and^ era.. e. ouolo} al:nat ln�►l� a kip kir .41 the blest methods to be adopted ko �vit.:'' , ry the #as thi4ki+ ltalfil`d> 141 1 +; remedy them, lit a letter coveri�ig' •)Lk taro all xpat$r ? y 1 a * • Q A� (# I Q ' age & l etaot ii#:, ., rot , :, $: .1Ki [�, • � s. It cQntaius much v luable ltd• tkl� t atisep o9 0 lrtonn-o. oLsoNormatlon. a uat#di too �llbt y 0.! r` .. I.O.GI.T • -The .members of the 1. O &t�� 44e t�R1� �►r b}Rt,re� �� ; � � 6 1woy4 4;o ea std wAnted. Highest prion G. T. held a Geographical A t, Home .on at doto• t_ ''' Tw ` ' x, . '' ' wF?'F ,� ±� llrti4 t7'rrQiI7 nh0$. Friday evening. The evening's enter.; tainment was arras ed is the fo110 ' ;M, �'tb't►et" ort$•a$ tinct \'Paste Dish for 26o g r `"� �tMIT t17!�i i�>1►+ton ing manner: -lets a sbtort progr in 10' �lA+}i.•T and foil butter. Highest price 'Oda which members of the lod a an Bev@+;; in M1�frAv}Z. t,r', owed b Claiming to have the . 1ii�� �1;> TCl T ;u ral others took art fol 1* a . N Naos., O►intoit. p :, • at prices lower than ai$� hours social`conversation and retreshr A > 4,19GAIIN - A First-Olass ments, and the singing of God save tile:; !tit ilp '11}Ro fox euleat a Bargain-NuWERA Queen. A large number were resent' Suitable for holiday gifts are to be found here, but for >iaueh unless it 11s kf�, * Q ; ' �1 lar Roses, Carnations smilax and all seemed to have enjoyed them+ , are saying s0 and -ac 8gelro r , Ztit 1 �or.Plante. Allkindeof Flower selves fully. dont want you to forget our regular everyday fig, r<ihtl® ,ap Op short •notice, Prices reason- DIED IN THE WEST. -This week vacj stocks, the goods you're in need of every day. news was received by Mrs Batbs,ra' > iSTa :lws.loAlVn�s, seat Mixed�Candice Smith o! town to the effect that her , Fts:¢1i�$ i,k '1Fotit ChrleGm se diner wi 1 not be + + We want all the trade we can. OWN Crackers, 26 to sister, Mrs Eliza Pennman, had died and We will strive t0 merit it, ` acs a��trlstmas Fruit Caine 160 to syn in California. She was also a sister of 7+>fF.N ucCLAC$EatTY, Clinton. Mrs Humeston, and Mrs Moore, of Wonderful buying where it is to the best�dva>txtt ';f k Her. all, and was an old resident of {" S>t 0 11C$ this Count A California >r g y. pa r, sent Underwear to us and see if 'vve can't reverse it aQi' sr .rsr'I speak in of her death, says: ­Mrs r 3 Neabitt, of Blytb, was a vis= Eliza Pennman died recently at Campy F; OffOriIlgOu strong inducements )rQrtk ' . . q.. the other da ton villa, Yuba Co., of heart disease. of the o cera ante .Bir crura taf ,]die $u- ,. y ton a o.. we can o as well for you and 1%1 7 a1i r The remains were taken to Forest Cit y axid'I'et St0'k rQl.asgCSatibn elsewhere. There is dOmething veT $ r „�1a8 $nnie Miller, of Bayfield, is at where they were interred under the was held in spaforth, in the ooµaol fit n G l+isiting friends in town. auspices of the K.O.P. and A.O. W. W. chamber, on Monday eveving, all parts Has been a record breaker' and is still without any goops—sure.—maybe Its the price. 1 at Whiteley, (son of Customs orders. The funeral procession was of the county being well represented; t 1' gar Whiteley) is home on a visit. one of the largest ever seen in that Walter Coats .and Albert Origg, of equal for value in the trade. Commercial travellers i a 1s1f Ottawa.18-the guest town, and was headed by the Forest town; were there. - It•was decided to g -hold a show on- the 26th ands aft a81i 115 why We. Sell It s0 cheap, f,,r It is as good as �, nt City Brass Band. Deceased teaves;a g !�,,.�^Mrs.,.Walsb, of Huron St. C •. husband, three sons and one daughter, of next month, when a'large prize list they sell at the same price. Buying a quantity got � '�!e ilphools, Public and Collegiate, three grandchildren and many friends will be given, about 0300 in prizes being us the price right and we have made the price right e n t e 22nd and open again on to mourn her loss. offered. The birds will all be judged �'. ' V 1 CONCERT. -That the Oddfellows' en- singly. It is hoped that all who take for you. "ieE�4arrie Leavenworth, of Toron- an interest in poultry win endeavor to y tlpg ri •si terof Mrs R. Holmen, tertainment on -Tuesday, Dec. 29, will pen50c, r ` make it a success. The show is o be a big success is well insured, already Shirts or Drawers 50e a garment � on a visit. only to exhibitors in the county Mr ,J -4 ti�• .. over $90 worth of tickets having been Jarvis of the Ontario Model F arm. ai X0 1Jtimeston of Mrs Smith, 1, was the sold and yet over ten days before the Fall and Winto wil l be the udge, and he ie Considered i bf er sister, Mrs Smith, on Sun- .time; this is the biggest advance saleto be one o� the best in America. All onday. of seats for any entertainment yet held •in this town and shows that an artist birds will be judged by the for fi st Ladies Underwear1 �J611n lZansford attended a meet- t Standard and scored and for first like Mc Jarvis, of Detroit, is worth o _A T— on $y�nod of Huron Executive g rize must score 90, for 2nd, 85; for 3rd, iast week. ing to hear. The Oddfellows, who pp " ll 80. The prize list and others will be knew how to do thins are looking p p W&Porth, wear and comfort are combined in our linea r i�rausman will open a things, g out in a few days. Taylo r t p practice for thebiggest audience the hall has Boit, having rented the office of vet held. Miss Fisher elocutionist. of TOWN COUNCIL. - The statutory of Ladies' Underwear at Zoe, 35c and 50c. Theyare Vi'A.James Campbell. Goderich is a very talented and po' u- meeting of the council was held Mon- �``�'�-�vv popu- ma v 1 f 1 d 'th ! t h A. Butt, of Centralia was i'this week; he had been lar young lady, and we are sure that ay ovenin , Reeve Hennedy in the all lovers of elocution will be delight- chair, the Mayor not being ow - r e s O va 118 an are Wl OuL egUa s a t e prices at a opening opening near Harriston. present ed with her selection, "The Grand ing to sickness in his family. James made Mantles at cut prices. There are bargains far p g YOUR FEET WARM A ens Bros. have fitted out the Bumper Degree," in which she does so Ferguson applied for rebate of taxes • ' he Mantles mistake when you come to us. We i of Boots and Shoes. Our idents of Reeve Burne, of Bay- so well. Mrs Wall is a soprano sic er $4 overcharge, which was ranted b p the Court of Revision. The followioy known to is • • motto -the grand stock for finding just what yo y 101 carpets from top to bottom. well all our readers, as a so g Mies Combe who is one of the b st accounts were passed • T Hillock 50c• he Millinery none will beat our stir Cott, who has been living in THE COUNTY COUNCIL NOMINATIONS. there was on hand cedar and the to the -The nominations for the County valae of $111; during; the year lumber To please our customers t �g The success Of our line Of $2.25 read Trimmed y ONE PRICE The lowest, quality con - .Lester Scott. that the nominations will be held in parties for the use of the road machine; Hats has been phenomenal. They are new shapes sidered. 014.M.and a rue of the Flec-. ng fit blant are being thorou hl the respective division: For the Tuck- if these items, together with cost of I ersmith; Seaforth and McKillop divis- road machine, are deducted from the trimmed up with the balance of our goad trimmings, g' , U ti r� COU . TY j c1! XO1 p , :...r 0.0 aFMM. j� ''T•� ,..y,ry�,�R47�iK4�WlikN' 'p1}�M1S�•R!R ^'• � �I. A 'ori ..:. .A.ItT. ./.. .. i\. n�F!�S'-,R ., ��'�?', L .,'•..O r s ct - i` :-. 71f..A^, ane l i'SP >� i �o&� selection n u �� >�'ctr a � r t o o e i Coxts,.t+>l ..tor, irb- ,v a teed listen 1aor date for the >lt Ap . tz11 0 to , ,, ., tliue a �o and. ins ,aced t rarlllre�t o� for this a�tkai�,l l.�t� ,. .N. ,:;� • ,. '� r t y.•, 1 :. .. pp , the to t#, 1�,.. enc t. a 00�i nail & de- etv us n In b iteld. � # ' 1& ►" , Ik7QR4fB B 18 1888 tailed etwtelpelnt .'o t lr - = . 1 � 1�;l f a clefeat� and^ era.. e. ouolo} al:nat ln�►l� a kip kir .41 the blest methods to be adopted ko �vit.:'' , ry the #as thi4ki+ ltalfil`d> 141 1 +; remedy them, lit a letter coveri�ig' •)Lk taro all xpat$r ? y 1 a * • Q A� (# I Q ' age & l etaot ii#:, ., rot , :, $: .1Ki [�, • � s. It cQntaius much v luable ltd• tkl� t atisep o9 0 lrtonn-o. oLsoNormatlon. a uat#di too �llbt y 0.! r` .. I.O.GI.T • -The .members of the 1. O &t�� 44e t�R1� �►r b}Rt,re� �� ; � � 6 1woy4 4;o ea std wAnted. Highest prion G. T. held a Geographical A t, Home .on at doto• t_ ''' Tw ` ' x, . '' ' wF?'F ,� ±� llrti4 t7'rrQiI7 nh0$. Friday evening. The evening's enter.; tainment was arras ed is the fo110 ' ;M, �'tb't►et" ort$•a$ tinct \'Paste Dish for 26o g r `"� �tMIT t17!�i i�>1►+ton ing manner: -lets a sbtort progr in 10' �lA+}i.•T and foil butter. Highest price 'Oda which members of the lod a an Bev@+;; in M1�frAv}Z. t,r', owed b Claiming to have the . 1ii�� �1;> TCl T ;u ral others took art fol 1* a . N Naos., O►intoit. p :, • at prices lower than ai$� hours social`conversation and retreshr A > 4,19GAIIN - A First-Olass ments, and the singing of God save tile:; !tit ilp '11}Ro fox euleat a Bargain-NuWERA Queen. A large number were resent' Suitable for holiday gifts are to be found here, but for >iaueh unless it 11s kf�, * Q ; ' �1 lar Roses, Carnations smilax and all seemed to have enjoyed them+ , are saying s0 and -ac 8gelro r , Ztit 1 �or.Plante. Allkindeof Flower selves fully. dont want you to forget our regular everyday fig, r<ihtl® ,ap Op short •notice, Prices reason- DIED IN THE WEST. -This week vacj stocks, the goods you're in need of every day. news was received by Mrs Batbs,ra' > iSTa :lws.loAlVn�s, seat Mixed�Candice Smith o! town to the effect that her , Fts:¢1i�$ i,k '1Fotit ChrleGm se diner wi 1 not be + + We want all the trade we can. OWN Crackers, 26 to sister, Mrs Eliza Pennman, had died and We will strive t0 merit it, ` acs a��trlstmas Fruit Caine 160 to syn in California. She was also a sister of 7+>fF.N ucCLAC$EatTY, Clinton. Mrs Humeston, and Mrs Moore, of Wonderful buying where it is to the best�dva>txtt ';f k Her. all, and was an old resident of {" S>t 0 11C$ this Count A California >r g y. pa r, sent Underwear to us and see if 'vve can't reverse it aQi' sr .rsr'I speak in of her death, says: ­Mrs r 3 Neabitt, of Blytb, was a vis= Eliza Pennman died recently at Campy F; OffOriIlgOu strong inducements )rQrtk ' . . q.. the other da ton villa, Yuba Co., of heart disease. of the o cera ante .Bir crura taf ,]die $u- ,. y ton a o.. we can o as well for you and 1%1 7 a1i r The remains were taken to Forest Cit y axid'I'et St0'k rQl.asgCSatibn elsewhere. There is dOmething veT $ r „�1a8 $nnie Miller, of Bayfield, is at where they were interred under the was held in spaforth, in the ooµaol fit n G l+isiting friends in town. auspices of the K.O.P. and A.O. W. W. chamber, on Monday eveving, all parts Has been a record breaker' and is still without any goops—sure.—maybe Its the price. 1 at Whiteley, (son of Customs orders. The funeral procession was of the county being well represented; t 1' gar Whiteley) is home on a visit. one of the largest ever seen in that Walter Coats .and Albert Origg, of equal for value in the trade. Commercial travellers i a 1s1f Ottawa.18-the guest town, and was headed by the Forest town; were there. - It•was decided to g -hold a show on- the 26th ands aft a81i 115 why We. Sell It s0 cheap, f,,r It is as good as �, nt City Brass Band. Deceased teaves;a g !�,,.�^Mrs.,.Walsb, of Huron St. C •. husband, three sons and one daughter, of next month, when a'large prize list they sell at the same price. Buying a quantity got � '�!e ilphools, Public and Collegiate, three grandchildren and many friends will be given, about 0300 in prizes being us the price right and we have made the price right e n t e 22nd and open again on to mourn her loss. offered. The birds will all be judged �'. ' V 1 CONCERT. -That the Oddfellows' en- singly. It is hoped that all who take for you. "ieE�4arrie Leavenworth, of Toron- an interest in poultry win endeavor to y tlpg ri •si terof Mrs R. Holmen, tertainment on -Tuesday, Dec. 29, will pen50c, r ` make it a success. The show is o be a big success is well insured, already Shirts or Drawers 50e a garment � on a visit. only to exhibitors in the county Mr ,J -4 ti�• .. over $90 worth of tickets having been Jarvis of the Ontario Model F arm. ai X0 1Jtimeston of Mrs Smith, 1, was the sold and yet over ten days before the Fall and Winto wil l be the udge, and he ie Considered i bf er sister, Mrs Smith, on Sun- .time; this is the biggest advance saleto be one o� the best in America. All onday. of seats for any entertainment yet held •in this town and shows that an artist birds will be judged by the for fi st Ladies Underwear1 �J611n lZansford attended a meet- t Standard and scored and for first like Mc Jarvis, of Detroit, is worth o _A T— on $y�nod of Huron Executive g rize must score 90, for 2nd, 85; for 3rd, iast week. ing to hear. The Oddfellows, who pp " ll 80. The prize list and others will be knew how to do thins are looking p p W&Porth, wear and comfort are combined in our linea r i�rausman will open a things, g out in a few days. Taylo r t p practice for thebiggest audience the hall has Boit, having rented the office of vet held. Miss Fisher elocutionist. of TOWN COUNCIL. - The statutory of Ladies' Underwear at Zoe, 35c and 50c. Theyare Vi'A.James Campbell. Goderich is a very talented and po' u- meeting of the council was held Mon- �``�'�-�vv popu- ma v 1 f 1 d 'th ! t h A. Butt, of Centralia was i'this week; he had been lar young lady, and we are sure that ay ovenin , Reeve Hennedy in the all lovers of elocution will be delight- chair, the Mayor not being ow - r e s O va 118 an are Wl OuL egUa s a t e prices at a opening opening near Harriston. present ed with her selection, "The Grand ing to sickness in his family. James made Mantles at cut prices. There are bargains far p g YOUR FEET WARM A ens Bros. have fitted out the Bumper Degree," in which she does so Ferguson applied for rebate of taxes • ' he Mantles mistake when you come to us. We i of Boots and Shoes. Our idents of Reeve Burne, of Bay- so well. Mrs Wall is a soprano sic er $4 overcharge, which was ranted b p the Court of Revision. The followioy known to is • • motto -the grand stock for finding just what yo y 101 carpets from top to bottom. well all our readers, as a so g Mies Combe who is one of the b st accounts were passed • T Hillock 50c• he Millinery none will beat our stir Nstrict Deputy will attend the Lodge this (Friday) anists in the county: Those who have Davis & Rowland, $5.75; •Davis &'Me- bought tickets have Cool, livery for Road Commissioner We are now clearing Out the balance of our ready evening, :lection of officers will take and not yet had their seats marked, should do so at Campbell, $2.50; T. Cottle, work in made Mantles at cut prices. There are bargains far p g ONE AIM To keep the best. Jackson Bros., where the plan of the park, $1.50; Harland Bros, $3.45• A.M. hall is; the committee those Todd, $14; W. Cooper & Co., 40c; W. mantle buyers, for every garment must be sold. 160allum, who has been lookin ie practice of Dr. Rutherfor wish who have bought so early to have the COats,tO pay returning officers, &c,$18; Munici t W • • ONE PRINCIPLE Fair dealing. il, for a couple of months, has a to town. ��. choice seats. p a orld, election blanks $7.22 The Street Committee reported that he Millinery ONE AMBITION Cott, who has been living in THE COUNTY COUNCIL NOMINATIONS. there was on hand cedar and the to the -The nominations for the County valae of $111; during; the year lumber To please our customers io,oince the death of her hus- ..Spending the winter with her Council will be held on Monday, Dec. and tile to thevalue of $35A4 had been 21st, and the following are the places sold, and $27.50 realized from private The success Of our line Of $2.25 read Trimmed y ONE PRICE The lowest, quality con - .Lester Scott. that the nominations will be held in parties for the use of the road machine; Hats has been phenomenal. They are new shapes sidered. 014.M.and a rue of the Flec-. ng fit blant are being thorou hl the respective division: For the Tuck- if these items, together with cost of I ersmith; Seaforth and McKillop divis- road machine, are deducted from the trimmed up with the balance of our goad trimmings, g' , OUR LOW 1 will prevail as wo have goods VIC Full stock of DRAT and CANADIAN B BERS & OVERSH Also big stock of 01 GAITERS . ion, at the town hall, Seaforth; for the amount of street expenditure, the bal- In order ileci, Mr A. S. Crystal, -of theto clear up the stock before the season is Examination will show that our stock iseapecia 4.boiler shops, doing the work. Osborne, Exeter and Stephen division, ante is 81540.16. Mr W. Wheatley of- thoroughly reliable in style, and always true' at the town hall, Exeter; for the Hay, fered to open up the gravel pit to the over. ebeosa, late general manager of Stanley and Bayfield division, at the satisfaction of the Council, for $75, and Sole agents in Clinton for the POPULAR SLA Tonal Hank, Montreal, accom- township hall, Zurich; for the Goderich guaranteed the work to be good for HODGENS•� by hie wife, is the truest of Mr township, Clinton and Hullett divis- five years. A motion to accept this of- BROS ;: MMrs r awer and Mrs Crebessa ion, erne, town hall, Clinton; for the far was rvotedecon down. b Councillor Gilroy Tavio'r lei• Culborne, Goderich and Ashfield divis- moved, seconder} by Couu. Searle., that everal days W. R, Lough, prin- ion, at Goderich• for the Wawanosh, a resolution of condolence and sympa- The IDry Goods Palace, Clinton the Public School, found it Blyth and Wingham. at Wingbam;for thy be conveyed to Mayor Holmes, in ry to use a cane -not in the the Turn bey ry, Wroxeter and Howick the affliction through which his fam- We buy and sell for cash Butter and Eggs t .—W he is able LO WMX without or at Wroxeter, and Yur the ily iaPass ing. Council then adjourned. I tjlnce. Morris, Brussels and Grey divisicn, at the town hall, Brussels. Each of the H.= -H; Reynolds, who only meetings will commence at 1 o'clock. i the House of Refuge a few Judging from present appearances Igo, dropped dead of apoplexy there will be several candidates in CHRISTMAS inis sectary night; he was about 65 each division, anall of them, so far t4ge• as they have yet been named, are ie overturning of alighted lam good men. It would be well if the el- er,evening, in the house of Mgr ectors would turn out in large numbers ekett, a fire was threatened, as they will, no doubt, obtain much 4.iixrembonly eraverted he am a prompt -information, not alone as reewor the �0 �1 G >Ure2nfier of the family. candidates, but also as to the working of the new Act, as it will be incumbent attrelh of Kincardine, has Bola on each candidate to give all necessary :airy to Mr Mallough, of Dun- explanations. ;`&rid Will take to his farm in - Mr Luttrell of one time was in PUBLIC MEETING.—The meeting on e business here. Fridaynight last to consider the new ' g There will be hundreds of people who wa to buy something xrpbttlh a farmer Modelite of County Council Act and take action new for Christmas wear, and to, this of people we want 'a d who taught for some concerning the selection of a represent- "lud's•school, Goderich town- Ative was fairly well attended, and be- t0 say a few words. In the first place, we want to say that y f"ust been engaged for the foreit was over developed into quite our stock is the largest and most complete lII the count w0 br' oosevain, Man., at a salary an animated and interesting meetin g h y ea1�r�• The Mayor was in the chair, and Clem carry No 1 goods and sell thecal at lower figures than what is �4''K 1�OTES.-Persons who ur- Coats acted as secretary. The first p asked for trash goods. Our big business is good evidence V81Xing by rail on Christmas speaker was Mr Searle, who stated y g g that the new act was a farce, as it dis- ��1^ocure their tickets the day that what we say is carried out to the letter. Ta e for instance ',fine station; thiswill save franchised the towns, and should ne- ver have been passed; he also claimed our great range of 0sible trouble on the day of de- that the farmrs were all against the ' and facilitate the work of towns, and it was incumbent for us to Toon; who has all he can at• look after our own interests. Mr Jae. %� Unsuch occasions. Scott followed with nt interesting re A 1 V D / SUITS C liUl OPERTIME.-The demand snore of the act, pointing out that.it ��7 1 V ��JJ :+Fl+bRd-renouned Doherty Or- was in the right direction, as it aimed t1%great that for a couple of at the reduction of the number of coun- �Btr.'d}"t has been necessary for cillors, and being experimental, should We are honest when we say that goods "usually sold for $10 Is tDt to work overtime in or- receive the support and sanction of all. _ ' % _ and $15 are no better, and we can refer'to thousands of oiar ill;: This is dertainly a Messrs S.S. Cooper and D.A. Forrester -'" I I - r ' -� gg, at a time when many were then nominated, and made shot t - ( customers` who are wearing these goods. Then take our won - '.it necessary to close addresses, the former stating that he , derful range of of work. would not have been in the-flesired d had i- Ladies WoolVests + he known Mr Forrester desired to run. A p A Isit.r- their Th ghtertving ` Overcoats at $4 Gov $5 5O, $8 W $10 s Jeptna' lolls id went Mr Forrester stated that it was only l t o visit their ghter, Mrs at the urgent Bequest of friends thvt J cb he allowed bis name to o before the J �1>f Viou CFO Mra H lead eon- g Our Ladies all wool Under - of egld, whiC brought meeting• if they saw fit to select him, ! , 'of the lun ?,and has he would accept the nomination. A } g ballot being taken resin ed in favor of . .� We have sold them by the hundreds, and we have been told wear 12t 40, bU, 70 and 95C, is dcl•kt1 .bed ever since. She 8 b til, but it will be some Mr Forrester, and on motion of Mr that they cannot be equalled anywhere. extra value ei>�# U,h• come home. Mr Cooper, the nomination was made unanimous. Mr Forrester thanked .c Our Ladies all wool Vest at 0 ljlielt do Saturday. .' �--.. '�- Suits n ry the electors, and hoped that as they�`� aL�d oVe1 coa�8••-According; to ac- had put him in the field they would .,. � 50C i8 a good one; Wl'len w0 uICEted tri the Count Coun• see to his election. .1.he S Boy,tell you we have sold over 10 t se�eiptl: three insane per- DEATH OI+' MR PLUMBTEEL.-After a CIIOOI • l Iii+ tit were cominitted to lingering illness, of months' duration, boxes of this Vest, it Show ''be were from the vi a Fibre Chamois Lined n . Mr Wm. Flumeteel passed aw�y`on r that buyers think as we d tla lrUt,; and the amounts gatdrday evening, at the home of his mit of clothes, is happy. He We have a very large trade in Boys Clothing, and at this par- , wed 0-1 tied expenses and son, aged 70 years and nine months. doesn't have to drag around a titular time we show a stock that is not equalled by any house that It 8 a good One. fiiatY1{itia ion `fees, etc. -Ste- Borh in what is now Morrisburg, he overcoat. He enjoys the a$Q, wilt awanosh, $23; reeided there for some time, subse- heavy )°y in this section. ra gtgng 06. quently engaging in business in the ltixury of arms that• are not •�a /� ,� t L'S44&10i-A short time village of Athens. Over 20 years, ago shackled and legs that are not Our BOYS' SUITS at $3 $4 and �� are marvels. OoRSE 1 f3ni1.it1114on left town, a9 was he came to this county, buying a 4arm hindered, by ail overcoat.. Fibre Cftl* to dhilione of•his step- on the London road, bot after working amois gives �vartiith without At SOC We Can give you eta ln'ito>iie of the �acent this for some time, he connluded to Our 110VS' OVERCOATS at $4 and $5 lead the ads. hook ion Waist Corse' ire s hp to ${�vie takbti a no- move to town, .where his son has been Freight. It is an inside over- � g a d T t 0,1Wp to, visit the old en�gsaged in business ever since. He coat. It is absolutelywaterptoof. WC sell hunAirods dt pairs Of Bb s' HneO Pant at TUC, or Cr m. f 1f0 1 timJtih gththat. t such tef 64 Direr A. D Wilrse of the London It kc� out wind and wet. , 'tP tt It is just as gooks for men as "i�rf�` and $10 all Orillir Owil nits C. At 5c 0160" 91000; rlilc'h titad toitd she atirvi•ving him; the family it is frit bo ll l > r ft`�nl ri> vt aonalstea•tif and gob and three Baugh- ye. It strengthens a, - brad ;• , a ter . tih� bh aurvivfn�g members of suit of clothes anti' Irtt serves its OVer and 4 trb Rlxt W�, have been tOi(� _h1tC c `.• ds' e; `QOt1.f ni?¢cieratT�tt' 4?. , . , upl►cii ore lr henry Plnmsteel, and „ •. F ' Ii A. neat. It makes it iv!e t tenger t>tit`0 I� tibfltet, 0T -40 th�t'tiltr ricea'. "e;.. a1 , �' 8, i (llXfl, . bblt� b, of town.Fe anff ,:46at-11 �li gand 160k better. It 44& hitt idr ', i0 Ifli311°►0`CS:ed,'yj "'' •lt+ti t tee i•gthors ane fn Ba t 1. , fc Cbtit� t rile`t, r3�ttharilxea and one it>aP- a . ra€, d tliaff. 19 Y:�1 �ltttttlbu:.far t>d : Igo. o.5 Ciel~ descent ho ors edY t , �ti>$;13� 11061, e; W e �. •, ,. .... ;�"� p 1oa � .P kGa. cI: ;, . 111 4.,tit't-' iz;iiZt�.'. ,`�;':: ,. •.�s y. 7..::.:-;:5..:... •..�....r,..•a.,.+.,. ..C4.,..y.:.. .:...... .. ..._..,.......,. �.. ..v .. .....w 3.r:,�;b,.r. ..�'t''+.,, s,...,._,..f`t;:,,.. .K+i:u. +1C',,l'��'E:c: inS>uarriauvr,. !n'b all see tib i n.ttri s Boys'n our greaks., s tµ M *0 Offer l►`e'tt a Y � `Pits • ' { E1dkYi�l`1ht5l1eC� . '� �f,' t+ ' • F ( � • bfie >�4o k'�